You don’t need to apologize for calling America fat... this country is filled with incredibly unhealthy people

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But they just spent the last decade saying "healthy at any weight"..........

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Fat acceptance movement

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Remember BBW? I was never convinced.

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Glandular issues are sometimes real

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Then that’s a medical disability. Not the same as a lazy, inactive fast food lover.

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I identify as being "slim" even though I'm technically obese.

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I identify as fully vaccinated (and boosted)

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Yeah.... about that 😬

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Years ago I remember reading an article that said our obesity problem was a ticking time bomb. No truer words were ever written.

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The next variant will be the midterm variant.

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…are we talkin’ “mass casualty event” here?

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Lets go with North America, Canadistan is chock full of chubsters.

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Just walk thru any supermarket on any given day and watch what people put in their baskets. A very un-healthy society in general, and its just what the medical- pharma and food industrial complex wants. Of course, they could never do it without totally paid off media-marketing to indoctrinate the susceptible minds

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Just walk through the supermarket on any given day and watch the people RIDING the motorized shopping carts...full of Coca-Cola, Cheetos, Oreos...

I've never been able to figure out if they can't walk because they're fat or if they're fat because they don't walk.



I guess that's "fat shaming."

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Or go to Disney and see how terminally fat people in scooters clog up the whole travel system.

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Yeah cuz fat is social construct. It is not real

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And the UK, too.

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We have to have an enormous crisis by the fall in order to arrange the proper election outcome. Or better yet martial law. I have no idea where this ends but it will be very ugly. These wankers will not peacefully surrender power, elections be damned.

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They just need the mail-in ballot scheme to be in effect.

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I am so tired of her bullshit.

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Lying sack of Democrat.

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I try to keep my exposure to her to a minimum, she’s such a condescending b…. There is just no other way to capture it.

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"MS. PSAKI: We do know the tools the United States has — including the mRNA vaccines, therapeutics, and tests — all are effective tools against this variant."

Which therapeutics? The ones that have essentially been banned by her team so that people die, choking in a hospital room, alone?

She and the criminal class of genocidal grifters in the White House, in Congress, at the FDA, NIH, CDC, the State Medical Boards, at Kaiser Health, etc., all deserve the punishment that will be meted out to them for their Crimes Against Humanity.

Never forget, both political parties have declared war against you, your family and your friends.

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I think you might be suggesting that there is really one political party with an infinite number of faces.

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The Uniparty!!!

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Therapeutics? She is probably talking about remdesivir.

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Only the rare ones “approved” by Fauci and the Alphabet Agencies for their Big Pharma “sponsors”.

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Why is anyone surprised by this?

We're supposed to be paying attention to that shiny object--where people are blowing up other people, and millions are trying to protect themselves and their families.

And we're not supposed to notice that gas prices are ridiculous--and likely to become more so.

Then there's drugs coming across the border with millions of people who will establish a new serf class.

So that feckless, freckle-faced twit pretends to not know the severity of covid to a geriatric dementia patient?

This should not be a surprise.

After all, there's a huge stockpile of covid masks & home covid tests they're itching to send everyone.

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She’s not stupid . Peppermint patty is a liar . And if the jab works for omicron, which variant did she get bc I’m pretty sure she’s triple jabbed and was out with covid a few months ago.

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She speaks poorly. Plenty of "ums" and uptalk.

You'd think they could find someone who speaks better.

Do they think she's physically appealing?

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Ums, ahs & uptalk are all indicators of lying. Clearly she does not believe what she is saying.

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Improv. Without the comedy.

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Yes, just like Justy Turdeau: as soon as he goes off script, he trips over himself with uh ah uh...

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Justin the Little Fairy Boy has never done anything in his entire life. These people could nit run Lemonade stands if they had to.

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That was Obama, too. You get that clown show off his teleprompter and he sounds like Biden.

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She gets paid for lying. Willingness to lie. They don’t even care about speaking ability

She knows she’s lying, we know she’s lying, the “media” (extension of the government) knows shes lying, she just has to lie and she gets paid top dollar

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I think she got her cues from Blinken

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She's more like Lucy. She keeps swiping the football away while the majority (poor Charlie Browns) keep falling for the same old trick.

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I try to not wish ill on the COVID fanatics. But I must admit that I had some schadenfreude today. We have a woman in my office who is in the "everyone must be vaccinated and wear masks anyway" camp. She is one of the more hysterical people I have seen these past two years. She shuns the un-vaccinated. I know, because that includes me.

Well, I found out today that she has been out of the office for two weeks because she has COVID. I had it too, but not for two weeks. That's because I took Ivermectin, which she insists doesn't work. I offered her some of my stash. We'll see if she accepts the offer. Smirk.

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MW, I know what you mean. I don't like being the person I'm becoming, rooting for the vax fanatics to get Covid. Just when I think I've got it under control I hear some jackass say "But it would've been worse if I wasn't vaxxed" and I start seeing red like one of those 'your table is ready' restaurant pagers is going off in my head.

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Lol. I feel same way. It’s getting harder to bite my tongue with these people. I just want to scream at them! Errrgh!

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Mar 18, 2022
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Love it! 🤣

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My prediction: this won't be the stupidest thing she says about Covid.

And my prediction for the solution to the next wave? It's as plain as the nose on your face. Another booster! And more jab mandates. You can take that to the bank - or at least Pfizer and Moderna can.

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Isn't she replacing Rachel Maddow? Both are consummate liars who never acknowledge falsehoods they've spewed. Zero reason to watch if Psaki does fill Maddow's MSNBC spot - except in the beginning to see if she pulls the 'let me circle back' thing, or to see if she keeps the red dye job going (those ugly black roots are troublesome to look at...)

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I saw somewhere she was going to CNN. Either way - just like FDA deputy commissioners resign to join Pharma boards, one hand washes the other, yet again.

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There will be endless covid deaths unless we change the stupid way we count them. Biden should have done this last winter and dodged the bulk of the winter wave (reporting), but he's incompetent at everything -- even the stuff that would save his political ass.

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I watched, Dr. Kulldorf, Dr. Scott Atlas, and Dr. Jay Bacharach on National Thought leaders tonight. They strongly believe in early treatment, natural immunity and prevention.

This virus is 98% survivable and always has been. Look no further than hospital protocols that have killed more people than covid. Look no further than a poorly managed virus. Look no further than a corrupt government, corrupt CDC, FDA AND the NIH. Sorry Alex, from the beginning this has been a coordinated effort for the Great Reset.

Based on everything we know to date this has never been about our health and saving any lives. You don't kill your country a thousand different ways to save citizens from one. I don't listen to these people any longer, they are more concerned in securing Ukraine's borders than our own. They are more concerned in sending a corrupt president millions of dollars than doing what's right for this country. I will take the advice of the doctors, experts and scientists that I trust. My record speaks for itself. I've never been tested, never took the first jab. When I did get sick I took Ivermectin , zinc, vitamin D, vitamin c. I've had flu's that were far worst than covid. I lost 4 family members from 2020-2022. None of them died from covid. My sister did die a week after her second jab. Brain aneurism. So they can all pound sand.

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It bothers me more that an entire room full of "reporters " let's Psaki get away with it day after day after day. I expect self serving lies from our political class (sadly), but the lack of an objective (if partisan) press has really been depressing these last 10 years.

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The “reporters” are fed what to ask and say by the political class. It’s theatre. Didn’t you know press conferences are theatre? There is a revolving door among them and the government itself. Their career ascension is tied to their willingness to maintain the narrative

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Excellent point. Psaki is just doing her acting thing. It's a job. She acts well and is suitably compensated, but now knows she is worth more. But the bumps sitting there taking it don't need to just parrot; it's actually beneath them and a reflection on their self worth. They clearly have no pride whatsoever. They aren't even decent actors on their stage.

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Yeah, that’s what really irks me!

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To paraphrase -- When she lies, she speaks her native language.

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I have developed a strong immunity to bullshit thank goodness. A bullshit immunity is a powerful weapon.

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"Just remember Jerry... It's not a lie... if you believe it." (George Costanza/Seinfeld)

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OMGosh !! How warped can this whole thing get. The new 'pandemic' is idiocracy.

PRAY peeps.

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