Never been happier to have refused to comply

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ditto. and to have never qualified as "hesitant" as they like to say. there's zero hesitation in a hard "NO".

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My wife saw her cardiologist yesterday.

“Are your vaccinated?”


“Do you want to get vaccinated?”



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My last check up....

Doc: "Did you get your COVID-19 vaccine?"

Me: "No way"

Doc: "okay"

And that was it

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My last check-up in early October:

Nurse: "Did you get your flu shot?"

Me: "Oh, yes, sure did!" (lie)

Doc comes in after nurse: "I see you got your flu shot, that's good"...proceeds to mail in the perfunctory exam...then basically, "Make sure you wear sunscreen, and maybe you're drinking a little too much. Have a nice day."

No mention of covid or the covid vaccine. I walk out absolutely stunned. I'd been mentally rehearsing my no vax speech for several days, so I was kind of both relieved and disappointed.

But pretty sure this guy and probably the entire 400 doctor org he is a part of were not interested in vax pushing even nearly 6 months ago. Now the same company is not giving vaccines to 12-17 year olds (no explanation given, just a link to vaccines.gov if that's what you want).

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I’m 50. Have not and will not see any doctor until they drop the mask theatre.

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I'm older and will not see any doctor, period. Best way to stay healthy is to avoid the medical industrial complex.

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Agree! My doctor HAD been seeing me withOUT a mask, but they changed that a few months ago. There's absolutely NO 'science' supporting masks so if any health practitioner insists on me wearing a mask, why would I trust them on anything else?

I don't think it's my doctor, so much as it is the company he works for. It's their 'corporate' policy. So, I found another doctor who doesn't insist on a mask. They're out there...you just have to look for 'em.

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Actually, they should be asking, in order to take into account the possible damage done. But of course they don't. Par for the course with modern medicine.

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I'm kind of a glass half empty guy. But I want to take the other side here.

This medical organization is very well known in my region. They may be the largest employer in my county, or close. There progression on this is as follows:

Mar-April, 2021 - emails from the CEO, hot and heavy, get yer vax, safe & effective, etc.

From my old marketing emails from them, I see they didn't send anything until August & September, with a bit of 'get yer vax' worked into the standard list of healthcare related stuff.

The October email (when I had my appointment) leads with breast cancer awareness month, then 'get your flu shot', allergy triggers, etc. But no mention of covid or covid vaccines. And remember this is really at the height of the Let's go Brandon / vax mandate tension.

Fast forward to about 10 days ago, the Feb version has the vaccine info far down the email. One item is for a 'fact sheet' on the covid vaccine and kids 5-11 (I just noticed this, it's actually pretty dastardly, so I guess my thesis here is suspect), another, near the bottom, is the vax appointment button.

It says "XX Healthcare is offering COVID-19 vaccinations to individuals age 18+ and Children ages 5-11." As noted above, nothing for 12-17. Click the link, it offers vaccines.gov for the 12-17 year old in your life.

Except for the kid fact sheet (which is bad - I almost trashed this post when I saw it), it seems to me like they are maybe engaging in a little bit of civil disobedience overall, certainly not fully onboard with the program. Or maybe it's just CYA.

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Just curious, why did you lie about the flu shot? I personally think the more data points they run across that are contrary, the better.

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I’ve taken the flu shot every single year for as long as I can remember (at least 25 years) and last year was the first time I said no. I even took the pneumonia shot 2 years ago. Everything that has happened has opened my eyes. I may have been red pilled about politics back in 2008, but this whole experience has red pilled me against vaccines. I will never let anyone jab me again.

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That's an interesting question. I have gotten the flu shot probably something like 18 of the past 20 years (I am 52, I never worried about it too much until they started to offer it at my office about 20 years ago).

In my covid research, I figured out as a side benefit that it doesn't work (OAS and such)., and besides, I've missed 1 day of work sick since 2014 (I guess a critic might say because I got the flu shots). But I'm not anti-flu vaccine, or anti-vaccine generally (though, I'm considering it more and more). But in short, I came to the appointment ready for battle, and arguing about the flu shot wasn't part of the battle plan. Will add that I consider myself painfully honest and I don't like to lie, but sometimes...

As for 'contrary data points', not sure what you mean. But I was plenty ready to be contrary.

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Almost wouldn't believe it if I didn't have the same experience. Primary doctor questioned me about the flu shot but COVID shot not even mentioned. And I came armed with some great counter-arguments.

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I am so thankful for my Doc, He asked me back in Jan 2021, "did you get the shot", ( I am an RN, so first in line) I said, "Um, no" He said, "Great, DON"T GET IT, it's experimental....." And we discussed that for 20 min! Next visit a year later, told him how I lost my job, well, retired early, with no regrets. Love being a Pure Blood!

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Our cardiologist at Hopkins doesn’t even ask that question. They don’t even want to know.

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My oncologist has never asked…good thing. I’d have to tell him about my friends whose C was in remission & suddenly have recurrences. I’m mad and sad…and maybe I’m wrong that the jab is responsible, but….

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My 60 yr. old sister in law’s cancer was in full remission. She took the poison and within months her docs were shocked to find cancer in her lymph nodes. Three months later we lost her. No one has Mentioned the vaxx!

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I’m so, so sorry. It’s going to become overwhelming & they’ll blame it on not getting care because of the lockdowns.

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Same here. My ex husband. 6 months later he passed from cancers he did NOT have prior. 60 years old. No co morbidities. Undiagnosed( never seen before). In his heart, lungs and spine. Diagnoses to death, 3 weeks. He was my childrens father. They are grown but hurts just as bad. He was in horrific pain. We believe he was also added to Covid list. So much fluid, he looked 9 months pregnant. They ( VA) threw my daughter out( nurse) on third shift, night he died alone. This was after doctors gave her prior permission to be with him until the end. Still no real answers and this was 4 hospitals( all kinds of tests) and back in late Oct 2021. These are horrifying days in everyone's lives. I know we all know ' Someone'! Everyone I know who took these ' serums' has been awful sick. All the time. They feel better, then get sick again. Now my mom has Shingles and Internal Herpes. She had the shingles shot. So much for that!

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I think it is based on a few friends. Sad

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Iet a man at CVS , he was looking for N95 masks and said he had to get them because his wife had "suddenly" developed brain cancer and he wanted one to wear as he visits her at the hospital where she was having her chemo treatment regimine.

I didn't say anything about the injections, and didn't ask, ...... but it was the vax.

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Sadly, I believe it too. How do you add chemo treatments to a body obliterated by the vax.

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Johns Hopkins is joined at the hip to Gates Foundation

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Lean, first heard for me! Can you point me to some good data?

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Good lord. All the evidence that the COVID vaccines are causing myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, arrhythmias…not to mention the concern that micro-clots in the lungs will cause pulmonary hypertension leading large numbers of people to die of right-sided heart failure in a few years…and a cardiologist doesn’t want to know patients’ vax status and details like brand, dates of injection, and lot numbers? If this was my doc, I’d fire him/her. If this doc was my employee, I’d fire him/her. What this doc is doing is malpractice.

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I think the point was the doctors are no longer pushing the jab like they were being forced to do months ago

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Insurance companies will want to know. If vexxed then you should have to pay higher life and medical insurance just like smokers.

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It will be the opposite though. Insurance companies are charging more for the un-jabbed

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Very very good point! 👍🏻

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Actually, they should be asking, in order to take into account the possible damage done. But of course they don't. Par for the course with modern medicine.

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I truly think those Drs not asking actually KNOW their patients’ vaxx status. Besides not “excitedly sharing” that they're jabbed, it’s surely in the notes they read before attending to a patient. Is it possible they aren’t asking because they agree it’s not safe but can’t voice that opinion? Just a thought.

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My husband reported the same from his cardiologist last week. I was amazed, but pleased that the fellow obviously has some sense.

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My Hopkins cardiologist has never asked or pushed the Wuhan shot. But my Hopkins oncologist did in person last year and via email this year. He thinks I have "fallen prey to misinformation." After 17 years since I became his patient, and with a visit this year and next year left, it would be sad if I had to change doctors now - but if he launches into the lecture again at this year's visit, I just might.

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Take some literature for him…maybe a current vaers report. I’m planning to for my tomorrow’s visit 😉

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Her cardiologist knows that If she gets jabbed, he or she will have a lifelong customer. These cardiologists are evil. They know exactly what’s happening. I’m sure they are ecstatic with the exponential increase in patients.

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Don't you just long for those more innocent times when a patient could visit his doctor with some stupid, self-inflicted problem and the doctor would respond with some stupid, harmless solution.

Doc: "How can I help you today?"

Patient: "Doc! Doc! I've got a strawberry stuck in my ass."

Doc: "Don't worry, I'll put some cream on it."

Or when a patient comes in with some freak medical condition, and the doctor asks the sort of stupid question, which allows the patient to immediately apprehend that there's a practical, drug-free solution.

Doc: "How can I help you today?"

Patient: Doc! Doc! I've got five penises.

Doc: "Good Grief! How do your pants fit?"

Patient: "Like a glove, doc."

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That was hilarious

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LMAO! Needed that this morning! 🤣😂

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If they got vaxxed, it will be a short lived increase, as they, the cardiologists, get sick and die from strange causes.

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At this point, they may realize that they will have more patients then they can ever handle.

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They should be thinking of their own mortality, as they probably got it too!

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"lifelong" so a few years then.

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Good. If she had, there is no telling how she would be.

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Dr. should be sued for malpractice for offering it

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I just wonder should this ever shake out to the general

Public will Drs be held liable for “suggesting” the shots.

My GP was pushing them and I said absolutely not. He said you will be sorry.

Well he ever be sorry?

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My doc totally pushing vax too in December 2021. I handed him a copy of the VAERS report. I told him that “I’ll keep my healthy immune system and you just keep getting your boosters”! I WANTED to say “and we’ll see who lives longer”! But I just smiled politely and so did he LOL!

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At least my surgeon for the removal an adrenal gland tumor and my gall bladder was very understanding. Part of her office staff are not vaxxd. The 3 other Drs I went through to be properly diagnosed weren’t supportive and required their staff to be vaxxd.

What I find horrifying is the hospitals forced the medical personnel to be vaxxd have signed their death warrants.

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Feb 26, 2022
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This just reminds me why I don’t go to doctors any more. They were arrogant even before COVID.

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It’s the drug companies and Fauci, FDA, CDC, Bill Gates, that need to be held accountable, not the GP who bought the same lies that you did. Go after the real enemy not the good hearted Doc who didn’t make a damn extra thing during the pandemic while the aforementioned perps made billions while locking the common people down and crushing the economy and killing many small businesses. Look outside the cage to see who’s pulling the lever rather than attacking your fellows in the cage.

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Stop blaming the doctors. Most of them are under authoritarian rule of huge medical conglomerates; they didn’t have a choice to take the jab and were forced to push the jab. That being said, if doctors truly believed the jab was a good thing, screw them.

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When will jabbed and injured patients begin to sue their doctors for recommending the dangerous experimental injections? Not too soon.

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Can't sue. They took it voluntarily. People will have to wait for the govt trust fund that will be set up in 2025 for vaccine injuries. Maybe they will get $10 from it in 2030 after jumping through 1000 hoops. Good times ahead for the compliant!

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Granddaughter has been on the Gardisil lawsuit since 16, she nearlydied. Still not settled.

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I'm thinking that if you took it pursuant to a college or employer mandate they should be liable.


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Which will help us how? Healthcare costs are already astronomical due to the cost of malpractice insurance and it’s why most doctors are no longer in private practice but have been bought out by huge medical conglomerates

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Exactly what my cardiologist said to me. Tried to tell her I tested positive for the rona, but she changed subject quickly.

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She needs a new Cardiologist. Because the current one is either stoopid or obtuse, or looking to increase his or her revenues by injections.

Past time to ditch Dr. Perry Carditis and find another Dr.

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Sounds like conversation with my doc

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Feb 27, 2022
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So thankful that your daughter has you as her parents! Keep up the good work!

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Feb 26, 2022
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I agree they shouldn’t ask but ever since Obamacare doctors have been asking inappropriate questions because they are required to. I’ll never forget when Obamacare first came out and the nurse at my Opthamologist’s office asked about my sexual history as part of the routine questions. Why on earth would that be relevant to the eye doctor?

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Amen! A hard NO from me also!

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we all became terrorists LOL. It set me free of the anxiety I had been struggling with to be considered a terrorist. Hows that for a change

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Indeed. Once you label people "terrorist" for disagreeing with the gov't or arguing at a school board meeting, it kind of loses its luster.

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Sorta like rasssiiissst.

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I embraced being called a racist long ago. Even though I don't ever judge people by the color of their skin.

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The word is not in my vocabulary. Nor do I judge people by color. I do, however, judge by actions. A$$holes come in all colors.

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A much better distinction

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It's kind of ironic that the most quiet, conservative, rule-following citizens are now the "terrorists."

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Trudeau will buy up the surplus, I'm sure.

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He already has - being a shareholder!!

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Apparently, the major shareholder.

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Yes Canadians such as he also in on the graft

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Canada already has bought the most shots per capita of any country. It explains a LOT.

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There is a certain satisfaction.

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I am just stunned there are 75,000 people getting their first jab after all the information that has been presented showing how the vaccines are abject failures for all but the most compromised.

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Probably 75,000 kids whose parents finally betrayed them.

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That is a truly terrible thought, but possibly so. TX Children’s Hospital is still pushing parents hard and making shots available at their various affiliated group practices.

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Once again revealing what a POS faux-con collaborator Greg Abbot is. He could've easily stopped that. Instead he worked with his RINO buttbuddy Phelan to protect the mandates, while issuing cucked EOs to pretend to be doing something for the chumps.

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But it’s not like we want “Beto” in charge

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It's not a choice between MasterBeto and Cuck Abbott. All 3 primary challengers are true conservatives.

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Seven on my ballot. Do you have a preference?

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In my home town they are being bribed with $50 gift cards, lotteries, scholarships, you name it. In an impoverished area no less. Utterly criminal.

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Exactly...happened everywhere and using taxpayer money. I just don't get how easily it was all allowed

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They should really make it 60 so the unfortunate children could at least get a new game for their Nintendo switch.

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Yep. To some breeders, $50 is totally worth the risk of killing or Pfucking their kids for life!

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I was shocked at that, too. I mean, you waited a full year to get the jab, and now that even the MSM timidly admit to (supposedly) rare side effects that can be deadly, you decide to get it? Who are these people?

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What I find most astonishing here is that ANYONE who has held off so far would submit now to the vax.

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It could be those who are threatened with get the jab or lose your job. I am one of those threatened but I will not get the jab.

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It could also be parents giving it to kids, sadly.

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I lost my job for refusing the jab.I think the mandates are because the government spent so much money on the shots and fears looking stupid if they go to waste.

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It’s deeper than that. Control

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I do not know you, Carrie, but I can say this about you: You are smart and you are principled. :)

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I thought that was all over. Sorry to hear you and others are still dealing with that.

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I'm a federal employee. There is a temporary hold but Biden is expected to appeal at the Supreme Court and I don't have confidence in the SC.

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Definitely more leverage there. I don't have much confidence in the SC either but will hold out hope for you and the others.

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I'm trying to understand why they keep pushing the jab when it is widely known they don't stop you from getting covid or transmitting it. The triple jabbed are still getting covid. Mandates are being lifted all over. It makes no sense .....except for the $$$$$.

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On that.... I originally thought it was due to the financial transfer. Gov money to elite investors through purchase of a vax. Pretty interesting way to funnel a lot of money. It is likely part of that. However, now the money is spent, that whole game is over. So, what is the reason now? They are knowledgeable of the negative health conditions - why keep pushing it? Why even suggest it for children when they know they aren't impacted by any of the variants at this point? I know I'm not giving answers. I guess the reason I'm stating those things is this - at some point, you have to look past the plausible reasons (health), financial reasons (money shifts - already done), and start to look at more nefarious reasons. Sorry, I have no other conclusions that work for me. I'd love to hear some but when all rational reasons are gone, what remains?

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Today I got my termination date and a laughable settlement offer to sign a release.

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Stand strong!

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Stay strong. Your life could depend on it.

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Good for you, Carrie! Stand strong against these tyrants!

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Unless they put your job on the line, or your dear spouse's. Your income and health benefits. Or your kids' education they worked so hard for. There is a subliminal line in the sand. It is disgusting to be so compromised.

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I suspect one day there will be a reckoning.

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A lot of parents have been waiting for their kids to age in. Or their 3 mos post COVID period to end. So yes, there's lingering demand

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I feel sorry for those kids. I feel sorry for the parents when they realize what they've done to their kids by giving them the jab.

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I’d rather see them wasted and thrown away than injected into people’s arms.

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I'd rather see them injected, weekly, into all the lunatics that demanded them for everyone else.

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I support this public health measure.

Given that it is both Safe and Effective, I doubt these individuals would object.

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It'll be lovely news...

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The JAMA article headline was false. The data showed that Ivermectin worked.

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