Also, don’t take the clot shot

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I'm just a random Canadian that subscribed to that sub but we refused to use Dominion voting system in here (https://www.westernjournal.com/canada-elections-department-announces-refuses-use-dominion-voting-systems/).

Not sure what's worse. The idea of election frauds or the fact roughly a third of the country really voted for Justin Trudeau :) . On the other side, I'm kinda new to US politics to be honest but always found kinda weird in November 2020 when they stopped counting votes in swing US states for like 10 hours and then all those states started turning blue. This is possible for sure but still bizarre. It's just an observation.

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You and millions upon millions of Americans find it ‘weird’ that the swing states of Arizona,Wisconsin,Michigan,Pennsylvania,and Georgia all stopped counting,at about the same time,threw out Republican poll watchers,and in each of these states,all of which employed Dominion’s voting machines,and all with substantial Trump majorities when counting stopped,all began counting again with sudden,improbable leaps in Biden totals,giving him a narrow ‘victory’.We find it ‘weird’ and,in fact,improbable.

All I can say is ‘Let’s go Brandon!’

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Ron DeSantis is now referring to the Brandon Administration.

Good for him!

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LMAO!!! See Ben Shapiro’s Tweet from yesterday: Virginia, welcome to the LGB community 😂😂😂

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We all found it weird...trust me.

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I think it's wrong to find it weird.

If a woman walked into her bedroom and sees her husband naked with another woman would she find it weird? Or would she kick the scumbag out.

If a fact check article came out the next day claiming her husband didnt cheat?

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I was being facetious...bullshit was more accurate but less subtle

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Haha… exactly

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"weird", "coup d'etat", po-tay-to, po-tah-to

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I find it remarkable that Eric Coomer, the top technology executive at Dominion, was quoted before the election as saying "Trump won't win. I f**king made sure of that." and this has gone completely into the memory hole. Crickets.

Take a look: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/exclusive-coomer-deposition-released-verifies-antifa-facebook-posts-extreme-left-bias/

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It’s massive electoral fraud. That’s all.

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We live in a time of unprecedented prosperity and advanced technology. How is it we've gone backwards in so many areas?

Alex mentions the time when, except in rare cases, we knew who the election winners were before everyone went to bed. Not these days.

In those days, if you took a vaccine, you could be confident it would keep you from getting the disease. Most vaccines didn't need boosters, and those that did might need them after 5-10 years. Not these days.

You could take your family to the park and enjoy it, without the park being full of beggars living in tents. Not these days.

Our parents left us outside to play until dark. Not these days.

The schools would not have ever considered putting on Drag Queen Story Hour. Or trying to convince pre-teens they really weren't the gender every one, including their parents, were telling them they were. Not these days.

With all the science and medical miracles available to us, life really should be better for everyone than it was 50-60 years ago, But it's not. Repeating, we've gone backward. Not b/c it can't be helped. B/c we've allowed it. We don't HAVE to allow it.

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I had chicken pox and mumps as a child and when all my kids got chicken pox I slept with them and took care of them and I’ll be damned! My immune system worked right on cue from 20 years earlier!

I was even around the neighbor kids who came down with it first and I will be damned! Somehow I dodged that bullet!

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As has been mentioned other times, cold-like viruses tend to mutate and they don't kill everyone, hitting the sweet spot of facilitating jumps to many new hosts. I would expect an annual booster, just like with the "regular booster." I would expect natural immunity to last longer than "vaccine" immunity because the immune system recognizes more pieces of the virus and remembers all the pieces better.

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Read up about "original antigenic sin". Wikipedia is cursory, but give you the idea.


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Winning at all costs and profit at all costs....Now the American Way.

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That’s what happens when morality is lost.

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TexBat. One word about both: "Yup!"

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Oh HELL NO! No clot shot for me either.

Alex, love the content. Only God knows everything that happened in 2020. The truth will come out, cause it always does.

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Alex Berenson: loser

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I would not say so. I can truly understand how some Americans prefer not to go on with the rhetoric of stolen elections.... and I can understand why some are trying to prove their point. Unfortunately they seem to censor and mock everything related to that topic which makes the case even more suspicious. It's like a self proven conspiracy theory at that point.

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Some things in life are too uncomfortable to acknowledge, even to themselves.

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Why are you here?

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1. not nice (we are a nice group around here.) and

2. not true.

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Are you a 23 year old boy LARPing as a woman online?

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I get a kick out of Alex bending over backwards to say he doesn’t believe there was election fraud in 2020 (please my lefty former friends, don’t disown me forever. After I get back on Twitter can I come to your dinner party? ) 30 yrs in Manhattan, Alex, trust me I understand. That said, Trump won, the Democrats cheated and will continue to cheat as long as they get away with it. I’m an independent voter and once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

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There's an abundance of data, anecdotal and substantial to "fortified" and fraudulent results in Election Theft 2020. Alex doesn't want to go there, be labeled a Trump caveman and a deplorable. His choice. Others among us can't and won't look away from the election fraud evidenced and growing in PA, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Michigan. The light will continue illuminating the truth.

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Alex has great Trump energy. Reminds me of the guy. Sad that he doesn't recognize it. Or maybe he does and that's why he doesn't like him. I mean, you else would call other people losers? That's right, Trump

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Why would you subscribe to this? If you're truly reading everything he has been reporting on and think he is a loser, God help you.

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Because up until today, he hadn’t called Trump supporters losers. What about that do ‘t you understand.

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Ok I was wrong. Trump calls his cheating opponents losers, not his supporters. They are not the same

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Why are you here?

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Childless males pretend to be women to troll online

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It's funny. I ask your mother the same thing every morning

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"I get a kick out of Alex bending over backwards to say he doesn’t believe there was election fraud in 2020"

. . .it's probably because he doesn't believe there was fraud in 2020. It's not that complicated.

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That would be enough to get him uninvited from lib parties alone/.

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"No widespread fraud in the 2020 elections" a DEM talking point. There was targeted specific fraud in certain counties in certain states it is not a conspiracy theory the truth is out there if you want to look. Has any other Presidential Election stopped counting in 6 states at 11pm? 2020 was stolen Alex someday you will do the research and find out exactly what happened. Start here: The water main breakage in Fulton County, GA *Spoiler Alert* was widely reported, never happened.

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You didn't have to have "widespread fraud"....only select, targeted counties in select, targeted states.

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Like Bergen Co in NJ for instance ?

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Like Detroit in Wayne county

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"only select, targeted counties in select, targeted states."

This argument never makes any sense, because its justification is absurdly ex post facto.

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The only thing that commends it are the facts…

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“No widespread” can be used freely but it is technically accurate while it lets people off the hook about the targeted fraud and worse the lack of controls and transparency in many localities that would prevent fraud

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Absolutely right! Thank you.

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I wondered why no reporters mentioned how insane that was.

Now I know they were in on it. The fraud required reporters not to call the elections spot they could cheat.

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Exactly, the media are all in for the Dems even Fox called AZ too early.

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I’m going to get that. Thank you for the recommendation.

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I really like Mollie. She’s brave.

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Except she sort of excused the fraud in her book, so not really supportive of the fraud position.

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That’s disappointing. I don’t buy any more political books. I used to buy every one until I realized I’m just liking the pockets of swamp creatures. I guess I will get this at the library.

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You are 100% correct.She blames everything on Fakebook,Goggle and the MSM,but says absolutely nothing about vote fraud.It’s pretty clear that you will not appear on Fox if you even mention that subject

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Good point. You can literally hear/ see where this topic has been chilled by the powers that be when it comes to tv and radio. I have heard radio hosts who shut down callers who mention it. No balls whatsoever. Beholden to their paychecks and afraid to anger the boss. Very few truth tellers left. Swamp creatures.

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Btw if you want to hear someone who is completely fearless about this stuff listen to Shaun Thompson on the Shaun Thompson Show podcast or on YouTube. He talks a lot about Chicago but the issues in Chi are just the epicenter of Dem corruption so it applies to that virus which has taken over the country. He is completely without fear and without censorship. I love him and do not miss his show.

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I'm listening to it on audible right now. It is very educational about our voting process throughout history and also very enlightening.

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Virginia 11/3/2020 difference? 300k inexplicable votes injected in the middle of the night, most for Biden. This happened in many states. It still amazes me that no one is curious and the algorithms used by Dominion have been kept under the radar. There was widespread fraud in the 2020 election. All eyes were on VA last night so they couldn't do it again without major scrutiny.

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What can't be denied in 2020 was that ballot watchers were kept from watching in Philly & Detroit as tens of thousands of votes were counted, and that vote counting took place in Fulton County, Ga. after ballot observers were told to leave.

Really, no matter how partisan you are, these can't be denied.

Also what should raise questions by a competent journalist is the claim that corporate IP takes precedence over election transparency. It doesn't take much of an imagination to conclude that if Maricopa County just turned over the routers and other things sought when initially asked and said "Here, knock yourself out" a whole whole lot of suspicions would have vanished. Now, what didn't they? I'm sure there is a logical explanation, although I can think of just one.

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It happened in Michigan. There's video proof somewhere. Vans rolling up in the middle of the night with Biden ballots in Detroit.

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Zuckerberg and his wife donating $400,000,000 to the Dems for targeted GOTV in specific counties.

And all we have learned is just the tip of the iceberg. THAT should chill us all to the bone.

And had McCullife won VA after trotting out Biden, Obama, Harris, Abrams and Weingarten the Dems would be claiming to have a mandate for CRT, wokeness, identity politics, open borders, defunding the police and Build Back Better World globalist strategies!

Thank God for Youngkin and his movement. (He said it stopped being a campaign in August in Loudoun County and became a movement).

I hope this movement sweeps the entire country.

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As a NJ Deputy Attorney General, I had to monitor elections on each Election Day. Interacting with election officials did not inspire confidence in the system; these officials were unabashedly partisan. We occasionally detected some chicanery, though it always felt like there were many more opportunities for cheating that would fly under our radar.

Yesterday, I went to a polling place to vote. Though I have voted in every election for decades, I was told that my name was no longer in the system and I was required to submit a provisional ballot. When I asked why the change, they said, "We don't know. It's happening a lot today."

I wonder if my vote was counted.

If you're not disabled and can't be bothered to vote in person, you shouldn't vote. If they were giving away $50 bills, people would find a way to get there. They'd even wait in line.

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Thanks for the update Mark. Completely unsurprising. In fact, I expect most states are just like NJ.

Pols both D and R are the beneficiaries of these opaque and slippery election systems. Not to mention all the grift for all those involved when a state spends millions “upgrading” their election systems.

Low tech solutions are needed. Hand counted paper ballets in local precincts.

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What's remarkable is the inability of Open System Voting to arrive. We clearly are able to build election system software and tabulation systems that are open source, hardened by hacker exposure with license terms to bring joy to every taxpayer. Combine that with multi-state maintenance contracts to multiple firms along with standardized scanners and certified paper. Why after trying for > 10 years we can't do that? Graft can be the only reason for these proprietary voting systems from just a few vendors. There still will be issues of adjudication but standardized processes allow citizen observation. Sorry hand counting is not reasonable, nor needed.

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If you’re wondering if your ballot was counted, check online, NJ DoE Track My Ballot.

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Modern block chain would ensure that your vote was counted and not tampered with.

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This. It’s amazing that we aren’t embracing blockchain yet for elections.

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It would be part of an open source voting system. With your personal key you could be certain of your vote; that it had not be tampered. Quite fit for purpose in a modern system. System graft seems in the way of a mandate for open source voting.

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So what do you think Mark? Was the activity caught on camera in Fulton county a year ago sketchy enough to warrant an investigation? If so, why do you think nothing has happened?

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Thank you for sharing! Agreed!

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It's hard to believe that any person, who is honest with themselves, can still say that the 2020 election wasn't stolen. Is there enough evidence to overturn the election? No. But there is enough circumstantial evidence to say it's more likely than not that it happened. Too many "glitches", all the key cities in the key swing states stopped counting at the same exact time, but after everyone went home resumed counting and Biden's votes jumped by miraculously the exact number he needed. I can go on and on.

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Once upon October 21, 2020 a USPS driver from Lancaster PA (Jesse Morgan who didn’t vote in the election but did testify under oath to this tale) was instructed by his boss to pick up a truckload of ballots (thousands) and drive them from Bethpage Long Island at a non-residential postal hub to Harrisburg PA. Once there he was treated like kryptonite, made to wait for hours while eveyone avoided him, and finally told to return to his home office in Lancaster without offloading, which he did. He left his trailer with the ballots inside at the USPS depot overnight and drove his cab home and when he returned in the morning his trailer was gone. Never to be seen again.

I love that story....

Book club questions:

Why would a postal truck take ballots from a New York location to PA?

Why wasn’t he allowed to offload his boxes in Harrisburg as he was charged with doing?

Where did his trailer go?

Do you think a simple truck driver who doesn’t care about politics enough to even vote would lie under oath?

Why did he come forward?

Where do you think the ballots went?

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If journalists and law enforcement were curious enough, they would have tracked down the highway video footage, tolls, parking lot cameras, etc., and pick at all of the other loose threads that would corroborate and reveal the truth to this.

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Where’s the FBI when we need them?

Monitoring irate parents (who should just shut-up) as “domestic terrorists”!

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The newer voting systems have far too many opportunities for fraud. The old pull-the-lever voting machines had multiple cross-checks in place: cross-checks of the machine totals matching the number of who showed up at the polls, cross-checks of those who showed at the polls versus registration lists, observers from both parties watching each step of the way. Fewer opportunities for fraud, fewer conspiracy theorists - pure and simple.

Go back to the old way of doing things. If you want respect for the voting process, make the voting process respectable. No electronics, no mail in votes except under extraordinary circumstances, and magically - just like the old days - we'll know the truth by midnight.

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Exactly. I was a polling place supervisor and we simply checked a person's name off of our list when then came in. Matched their ID to their face, sent them to the booth. They vote in private. Then at the end of the night, we counted how many people signed in, and counted the total votes. If the numbers matched we were good. Then a representative from both parties rode together to the courthouse to turn in our sealed packet to the people who compiled the tallies. Everything was complete before 9pm.

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Chain of custody, every step of the way with your approach. Beautiful!

No changes via errant computer keystrokes, no internet connection, no problems.

You were done by 9pm? Well done, JasonPenn!

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No Hanging Chads !

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Don't forget voter ID!

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How many times are we going to say today that the 2020 presidential election wasn’t stolen, no evidence of widespread fraud, etc etc etc??? It’s absurd and getting so old.

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Alex, I encourage you and others to imagine the possibility that the 2020 election might have been rigged with the goal of getting Biden *in* rather than to get Trump *out*. Can you explain why the FBI prevented the public from knowing about Hunter’s laptop? (They had no trouble trotting out the alleged kidnappers in Michigan- about half of whom were working with the FBI as informants.) Instead, Twitter banned the New York Post for reporting the truth on it.

You clearly see that those in the NIH we expect to trust have betrayed us. Is it so far-fetched to think that individuals from other “agencies” also took steps to ensure Biden (and his NIH) would be ensured a clear path to dictate to the public what we put into our bodies?

There are a fair number of Democrats who oppose vaccine mandates (you and RFK, Jr. are among the most prominent). But with Biden as president, those who wish to impose the mandates- and eventually an authoritarian social credit system- have in power a person they can influence/control through payments to Hunter (for starters).

I’m not saying you have to love Trump or his policies. But try to take a step back and view the 2020 election with a focus on the motives and extraordinary power of those who wanted a specific outcome. View it through the same lens you’ve used so effectively for understanding Covid-19 and the pro-vaccine narrative.


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Purple ink on your thumb. Show your ID… vote , get a purple thumb. Works for third world countries

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Been saying this for at least 10 years. Yessss!

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So, is Murphy's margin of victory less than the number of people who died in NJ nursing homes due to his policies?

Just asking.

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Byron - yes. I think 8000 dead in the nursing homes in NJ

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And a few weeks before the election an email from Murphy detailed how there was to be no mention of jab mandates until AFTER the election.

This is right up there with burying the Hunter Biden laptop scandal directly involving candidate Joe Biden.

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The fact that Democrats want to do away with any kind of ballot security is evidence enough that they have and will cheat. I don't need anymore evidence.

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And they want to federalize elections and take away states rights!

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Any person who seriously looks into the 2020 knows that there was WIDESPREAD FRAUD. There is absolutely no doubt about it!!!

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Elections need transparency period. Low tech solutions are the best. Hand counted paper ballets cast in local precincts on a national voting holiday. Video recorded and live-streamed counts (the only”high tech” component). Voter IDs required and only verified absentee ballots allowed.

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I agree completely! Complete transparency in every step of the process is the only way to restore public trust in elections. No reasonable person should have a problem with this - unless they want to keep the door open to cheating.

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The hypocrisy is that the sheep will go to crowded restaurants unmasked (after they sit down, of course), but can't stand in line—most likely six feet apart, wearing a mask—to perform a three minute process of casting a ballot.

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We would have herd immunity by now if in person voting was required!

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Good for you!

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A favorite strategy of the Left is called "Projection" in the psychology world...scream that the Right is doing exactly what the Left is actually doing. The Left cheats in the 2020 election (in a well planned, well financed massive way) and covers it up by blaming the Right of cheating. When I hear them trying to blame the Right for something, I assume that the Left is already doing it, or are planning to.

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And they also are huge fans of inverting reality

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Alex—Did you not hear/watch Faux news call AZ for “Brandon” with 1% of the vote in 2020??? This is the game: the media pushes The Narrative about the vid, elections, climate change, etc.

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Maryann was it really only 1%? I was thinking it was early but not that early.

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It was early— but I may have overstated how early it actually was.

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The rest of the world can't understand how the US manages to have a system so fragile to run their elections. How can someone vote by mail? How is it acceptable to vote without an ID? how you don't have a system to prevent people being registered in two states?

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I would guarantee most of the US voters, like myself, do not understand either. The most puzzling aspect to me is how many democrats in US government argue that a requirement for showing an ID in order to vote is (bizarrely) racist. My state legislature of North Carolina has been trying for years to pass a Voter ID law, but our governor has vetoed every Voter ID bill presented to him. Many states have the same problem.

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Corruption -Winning at all costs and profit at all costs....The American Way. Sadly.

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Most if not every state has its own law(s) against people being registered in more than one state, and some states even have laws requiring their state's voter registry be kept up-to-date. However, laws are only effective if they are enforced, and many of these laws are not. Many states have been breaking their own laws for years, with regard to voting.

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Look just use common sense. You really think a guy who got the most votes in history, just 9 months in is now "The Brandon Administration"? 2+2 ≠ 4

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We're at 2 + 2 = 19 about now. If that's true, Brandon got 81 million votes.

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Alex, you are indeed basically talking about the same issue in that they are intrinsically linked. If fraud is allowed to perpetrate our elections and allow our voices to be muffled, well then shut up an take the jab, your voice doesn’t matter.

This is not some dumb conspiracy, our unelected officials are literally rigging the vote, it starts with the census, trickles in through phantom voters and unclean voter rolls, mainly in big city dem machine precincts. These same Dems/RINOs lavishing in bribes, kick backs, and becoming multi millionaires while in “public service”. All seems legit right?

Enter in billions of vaccine money at stake now tell me the drug companies did not want Biden in place for this debacle. I mean he already showers with his granddaughter, sniffs waaay to many people, is overall just really creepy, and you think he’s gonna protect 5-11 yr olds from the shot?

These people are sick, I don’t need a fact checker to see that. People are dying by the dozens from these vaccines so let’s make young kids who have their whole lives ahead of them take the shot which on the brightest side will give them 6 months of waning efficacy. Follow the money, billions in voting machine contracts, billions in vaccines, billions in stay at home delivery services, and billions on masks and PPE.

I wonder where all that money went? It sure isn’t funding foundations to end poverty in America, nope but at least Biden gets a wall around one of his private residences.

Frankly I’m tired of the federal government squandering all of our hard earned money we pay them as slaves working a solid 3 months every year for free.

It all starts with elections, we protect those and we can avert crisis of child injections and other outlandish and manufactured problems under this administration.

And Let’s Go Brandon

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I think the voting “Process” that has “evolved” has done so purposely and insidiously to significantly muddy election results and allow for widespread various frauds to take place. Over time, these fraudulent operations within this “Process” have become the “norm.” The grand result of years of this nibbling-at-honesty here and there, all over our country, has culminated in the biggest fraud in US history: the stealing of the 2020 Presidential election. Alex, it happened— perpetuated, I’m sad to say, by a trusting population (like me) who mistakenly “trusted” those people who should have been trustworthy. This is a sickness among all of us, we Americans, and THAT is the sickness that needs to be cured.

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Voting should be only on Election Day & should be MORE difficult, not less.

Approving a “vaccine” should also be more difficult, not less.

I fixed it for you.

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Mandating everyone to get "vaccinated" sounds a lot like everyone must accept the election results.

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I was waiting for you to comment on the BMJ article…and, in my opinion at least, these accusations are a symptom of a larger disease at Pfizer and our FDA/bureaucracy. The data was tainted and that is a huge issue (a multibillion dollar issue)

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And let us not forget the issues with patients reporting serious adverse events, also reported in the BMJ article

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Winning at all costs and profit at all costs....Now the American Way.

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Thank you! I was scrolling for a long time hoping to see a comment about what the point of the post was actually about. The article is pretty eye opening.

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Alex, i think you are getting closer to seeing the widespread fraud in the 2020 election. As you state, it makes sense to vote in person in a central location with poll watchers to deter election fraud. Covid 2020 was a tsunami of paper ballots mailed all over. Then the counters claimed to stop counting....

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If I were dishonest, I could of voted several time because of the Paper Ballot onslaught, I got at least half dozen applications from different sources. There's no way this was monitored properly to prevent possible duplication in Votes. This was planned Chaos!

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All part of the Plan.

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I see a lot of people commenting on the 2020 elections being fraudulent. I will go back to what Pelosi said before the elections in 2020, “we will win by any means necessary” what? You didn’t believe her?

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Jeez, Alex, surely you understand that it didn't NEED to be "widespread" in order for it to happen and work. Surely you understand this...right? I mean, it doesn't need to happen in any of the reliably blue or reliably red states, in fact, there'd be no point in that.

And most states are either reliably red or reliably blue.

That leaves us with battleground states. Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia in particular (I'm even ignoring likely candidates AZ and NV). TARGETED fraud, NOT widespread fraud, is all it took last year, in those 4 states, for the election to be stolen.

I'll say it 'til I'm blue in the face: this sh*t ONLY happened in a few battleground states, and ONLY in states where and when Trump had comfortable leads well after the polls closed, and ONLY in Democrat big cities - Philly, Detroit, Atlanta - in those few battleground states.

How many electoral votes are in those four states? 62. How many EVs did Trump get credit for? 232. What's 232+62? 294. What do you need to win the presidency? 270 EVs. QED

Do you see NOW why your invoking "widespread" fraud is either ignorant or intellectually dishonest?

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Founding Fathers missed the mark by not making elections by County, the Dems would never win ! Too many uneducated voters packed into urban areas.

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Also list Phoenix. Actually it is not only widespread and but also targeted to large cities. Phoenix is a long ways from Detroit that is quite a distance from Philadelphia that is quite a distance from Atlanta.

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AND, Trump only needed THREE of those four to win.

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Trump won by 80000 votes total across three battleground states. They made sure it was reversed the next time.

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Yeah, reversed the next time...when he received 11 million MORE votes nationwide than he did the first time. Manifestly implausible, as is the fact that he won 18 of 19 bellwether counties...but didn't win the election?

NFW, Alex. NFW.

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Strange choice not to link to The BMJ report (if anyone even makes it that far down past the election stuff). It's here https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635

I recommend reading the whole thing. Otherwise, I did a list of highlights for the pressed-for-time. https://unglossed.substack.com/p/perfunctory

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I don't need someone like Alex to tell me what I have to think. As a critical thinker, I can see for myself that there was fraud in the 2020 election and that these shots are not good for humanity, especially the USA as a whole. He is not going to change my mind on either because the data I see is clear and the corruption and lies I see bare that out. That is both sides by the way, Dem and Repub, two sides of the same coin. What I do value Alex for is the research he does the and info he puts forth. It is part of what I look at when gathering info for my own benefit and he does a concise job of putting stuff together and I thank him for that. If he did that about the election, I would read it as well, but in the end it is not just what he says that makes up my mind. I appreciate his efforts.

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There is more than enough fraud disclosed in that BMJ paper, to completely invalidate the trial. The report centered on the named whistleblower, but also mentioned several anonymous ones, and an FDA document. The blinding failures alone are scandalous. There were hundreds of missed PCR tests for possible covid-19 cases, as well as failure to follow up or report adverse events.

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Interesting take. I live in Colorado now which has been mailin for a very long time and it runs pretty smoothly. I've had my ballot rejected b/c I forgot to sign it. I have also voted in person. As long as people can't cheat and there is some effort required - whether it be putting your own stamp on the envelope or dropping it off at one of the few secure drop boxes around the city, I'm ok with it. The states that did unsecured ad-hoc mailin in 2020 - that was a complete farce. And Trump has a legit argument, and Alan you need to can the whining about election BS b/c you are dead wrong on that. We will never know who really won in 2020, and that's the point Trump makes and he's DEAD ON RIGHT. That can never happen again.

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It’s so funny that Alex is so focused on “whining” but that’s exactly what he does re: twitter.

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There was enough election fraud in 2020 to overturn the election and overturn it by a lot. Already proven by direct evidence and statistical analysis. I'm disappointed you haven't looked into the evidence. I'm tired of hearing that X number of judges looked at it and ruled there was no fraud. There was not a single judge that looked at it, including gutless SCOTUS.

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And here's another mystifyingly obtuse statement:

"So here we are. The process of elections is getting measurably worse - at a real cost to public trust - and no one seems to care."

NO, Alex - no one ON THE LEFT seems to care. WE on the Right care a g/d great deal. It should be obvious to you WHY no one on the Left seems to care that election integrity is in the crapper, and why seemingly only folks on the Right care a great deal.

The magic word is...fraud.

Look into it one of these days maybe.

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Alex is thisclose to getting it.

"Walk into the light."

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It’s like Alex is trying to piss us off today.

“ no doubt in part because editors there knew that the longer it went without a declared winner, the more conspiracy theories would flourish.”

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If you parrot CIA created phrases enough times Twitter lets you back on the platform. Beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!

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Oh yes this quote was quite infuriating as well.

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He doesn't know what he doesn't know.

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He could be curious.

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Curiosity is a dangerous trait in today’s America.

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Yes... But I tend to cut him some slack because he'd have to stop doing what he does to become an election specialist. I do wish he'd say that though.

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Please stop calling people who voted for President Trump, Trumpers. We are all different. Why are there no obamaers or bushers? Just more rhetoric to divide. My CV according to liberal media would have pegged me a Democrat. Wrong.

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Media corporations such as the NYT buy real-time data feeds of election results from Edison Research. How does Edison get real-time data feeds? From the election machines.

US elections are a rigged gameshow. The Price is Right.

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No fraud. Look at the Supreme Court in Pennsylvania mostly appointed by a Democrat Governor overriding the laws passed by the Legislators. Under the U. S. Constitution state legislatures determine how elections are to take place in each state. Not the Governor or the State Supreme Court. Alex, this apparently doesn't sound fraudulent to you?

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There was literally a 3 am vote dump in NJ that annihilated Ciattarelli's lead. Why does this stuff only happen to benefit Democrats ?? Why is there NEVER a 3 am massive dump that puts a Republican over the edge? Why always in the early morning hours when everyone is asleep? Why is this always happening in a deep blue voting district

I wish we could get some reporters s to start digging in hard on this crap

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It's been 21 months since the counting began - can anyone tell us who won the Dem Iowa caucus of early 2020? What was it 24 candidates or so who spent two years working to win that thing - not one complained when they just threw it in the trash without finishing the count.

The Media (democrats) want chaos so they can cheat and this didn't start in 2020. I remember elections going back decades where EVERY election day precincts in KC, St. Louis, Memphis found a judge to keep their voting open for several hours past the deadline.

Precincts in Madison and Milwaukee along with Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach would never announce their votes until they were certain no one one else had votes outstanding. Why not? If the votes are all real - just show them. Same places always had problems with the ballot layout that they designed themselves, lawsuits against themselves if they didn't win...

Michigan and Illinois were often noncompetitive elections - the news used to show caravans of buses with Michigan and Illinois people pulling into Wisconsin, Indiana, and Ohio to register and vote on Election Day. They all showed the same newly signed electric and phone bill to prove residency.

Look at 2016, Jill Stein of the Green Party with < 1% of the vote sues four states for a recount/examination. She is granted it in all four with obviously no way to actually win. In 2020, Trump with 49.9%+ of the vote sues in same states for recount/exam - denied - he doesn't have a path to win. The goal for Stein and other recounts (see Georgia 2020, see Florida 2000) is to quickly co-mingle all the ballots set aside into the rest of the ballots. The set-asides happen when someone says they made an error and want a new ballot and when someone isn't registered to vote in the precinct and gets a provisional ballot to vote that is also set aside.

Sidebar on Stein in Michigan - Detroit publicly said before the recount that there is no way their reported vote totals would match the ballots they had. The recount started anyway. Several sealed bags of ballots that said basically, Clinton 804, Trump 452, Stein 4 on the outside were opened. Inside, there were only 130 ballots in total. As they started to count - Clinton's vote totals were falling faster than Trump's - building his lead. Stein immediately requested the recount stop. The courts did not order it to continue to further look into the election night fraud.

Maria Cantwell is a senator in Washington due to fraud - She lost to Gordon on election night, she lost the recount, then thousands of ballots were found in a trunk after that - she goes ahead by 500 votes "WE'RE DONE!!! She wins."

Al Franken lost election night, lost two recounts to Norm Coleman, then "sorry someone forgot they took a bunch of ballots home with them last Tuesday. So Franken won and we're done recounting and already certified before we announced this news." No review of anything.

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When it comes to mail in voting, I am not in support. My first vote for a US President was done with an absentee ballot from somewhere in the Pacific ocean on a US Navy ship. It was special and exciting to me at 19 years of age. That should be about it other than true invalids. People need to go to the polls. How do I know mail in voting is rife with fraud? Because the left is pushing for it almost as hard as Covid lockdowns. Anything they want this badly is not healthy for the Country. Period. Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist.

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If you don’t think widespread voter fraud happened in 2020 then you believe that Joe Biden actually received 81 million votes but yet you’re somehow cynical of Fauci????

That’s a lot of if when and buts. 🤦🏻‍♂️

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Back in 1976 - my first election - I was the supervising judge at a precinct polling place. We used paper ballots, marked with pencils. No machines of any kind. Voting started at 7 in the morning, and we closed the doors at 7pm - and the last person to vote did so at 9:30pm - if they showed up by 7pm they were allowed to vote. We counted with two teams of one person reading ballots aloud, one person making tally marks on a sheet of paper, observed by election watchers. The two teams had to absolutely agree two times in a row - so we ended up counting three times, first time someone screwed up and was off by a vote. The total process took until midnight, and then we sewed the ballots together with a big steel needle, put them in a bag, and I put the official seal on the bag, and took it to the county courthouse along with the results. I was done at 12:30am, and the statewide election results were known by 1:30 in the morning. All of this was on paper and hand counted. I think we should go back to that way, it was far quicker.

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I live in Oklahoma. Don't seem to have election fraud claims here. Paper ballots inserted into a machine counter. Paper can always be audited. Gotta prove identity when voting and sign a book with your name preprinted. Can early vote at central site. Have absentee ballots that have to be notarized and sent in before election day. Fairly efficient unless the ballot is mucked up with a bunch of city and state questions during a presidential election year as was the case in 2020.

This isn't complicated.

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Oklahoma! Here I come! Seriously my hubby and I have considered your state (we are hightailing it out of Washington)

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Come on down. Lot of good people here.

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Yep, hardened realist here, people in positions of power authority and influence are corrupt immoral and cruel until proven otherwise….

Physicians have become zeros, not heroes now, and frankly, the damage they have done to the healthcare system per trust and compliance by patients will NOT be repaired for years, if not a generation of time.

When truth hopefully does win out, vaccines will be exposed as the intent to take out the Left and their ilk saw as inconsequential irrelevant and disposable…

You know, me and you as a start?!…

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stop mail ballots unless proven absentee, ballot harvesting, machine voting, no ID bull, bussing people in, kicking out observers, and maybe we stop saying Democrats cheat. ALL of the preceding happened in 2020, to an incredible degree.

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Exactly. There are real problems here that erode public trust. The time to count; methods like machines that hook to the internet; mail in voting without legitimate reasons; mailing out applications to anyone without a request; ballot harvesting; voter ID; signature verification and address verification, etc. This is crucial and should benefit all Americans. Democrats think legalizing no rules will help them, but eventually it will hurt them, too. Eventually someone they don't want in there will be able to cheat better than they do and no way to monitor a thing. Confidence in government is at an all-time low and we certainly do not trust these drug companies or these health agencies.

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Over 80,000,000 votes for Brandon. The election was rigged. I will say it.

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and that's ok. You will eventually though.

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Alex, I love how you tell all of us who know that there was fraud in 2020 to now settle down just bc VA went to a Republican. Then go in to state that a county in NJ double counted votes that favored Murphy, hm. And regarding elections everything’s fine; except CA which is an outlier. I live in that outlier and I know CA is handing out state driver’s licenses to illegals which then gives them the opportunity to register to vote fraudulently. The big population centers are using CA as their example of how to “stack the deck”! Biden received a ton of votes! Can’t deny that. But can’t also deny that there was fraud, and with mail in ballots, there will always be considerable more fraud.

It’s always astounded me how 99% of all voting irregularities favor the democrats ie NJ, hm!

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