I found Alex watching Tucker, I will always be grateful for both of you getting us through Covid un-jabbed. I hope Tucker lands somewhere soon, he's a gift.

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Yes, same here. If not for Tucker, I wouldn't be here or have purchased Alex's book. Plus met all these open minded subscribers here. Thanks Tucker!

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Yes! I started watching Tucker a couple of months into Covid. I'm pretty sure it was seeing Berenson on Tucker that made me stay. My wife and I discuss about once a week how grateful we are not to have jabbed ourselves and our kids, and it's in no small part thanks to these two guys.

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I definitely agree with that. Alex was a staple for me all through the covid and vax thing.

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I think Alex in large part was discovered for being on Tucker. I know that is where I found him. Thanks to these two men (among men), who would not compromise who they were like the rest of the cowards, I, nor my family ever got the poison. Where ever Tucker goes, the network will get instant credibility. As for Fox, good luck competing against CNN and MSNBC without Tucker. Dumb asses.

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Fox May still beat CNN and MSNBC, but without Tucker the combined viewership is less than 1% of the population. That’s an irrelevant group. Legacy media is in its last leg. This only shortened the length of it. Now it’s all lies all the time on cable news.

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Although a Fox news and business viewer, I found Tucker reading Alex. I knew who Tucker was, but did not watch Fox news at night. Alex notified he would be on the show, so I watched and was hooked. Tucker is a unique voice that will fall on his feet to new heights. Thanks, Alex!

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Alex... Tucker to CNN would be a gain of function move. CNN is nothing more than a moderately pathogenic media virus, but even so, it should not be allowed to become stronger, like it would if Tucker onboarded. It is interesting though to ponder a future where Tucker is delivering pro-Trump news on CNN during 2024 elections.

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I just want Tucker somewhere where he calls the shots and has complete untethered editorial freedom. And a platform that can handle the traffic!

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Tucker isn't going anywhere. He is still under contract at Fox News. They didn't fire him. They just told him he can't do any shows. They are paying for his silence. They won't let him leave and go to a different platform until his contract is up - which is likely post 2024 election. And that is the point. They don't want him giving a voice to Trump or to RFK Jr. going into the election.

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They aren’t just paying for his silence, they are continuing to pay him and threatening him with financial ruin for breach of contract if he speaks. Tucker can’t quit under his contract terms.

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"Gain of function move." I love it!

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I found Alex a few years back via his Tell Your Children book warning about the real dangers of high THC cannabis (causes psychosis, everyone!). And then not long afterwards, his wonderful outspoken and true takes on covid. Forever grateful to you, Alex! We need many more like you!

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same for me

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And that’s why I bought his book and subscribe to his Substack.

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Same here -- I would never have known about Alex without Tucker!

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Same! I had never heard of Substack until I caught Alex on Tucker.

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…the same, Debby!

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Same for me.

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I've got some bad news for anyone looking for Tucker to land somewhere else. It isn't likely to happen. It turns out that Fox News didn't fire Tucker. He is still under contract. They just told him he can't go on air. They will continue to pay him for the additional years of his contract. They are paying for his silence.

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Hi KLG, that is really sad news for sure, can you tell me where you heard that information about Tucker?

That is truly a scary situation if they can contractually shut someone up. I fear for our Republic.

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I hope Fox stock keeps dropping.

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I now have zero reason to ever watch Fox again.

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Amen. I’m done.

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I do like Bret Baier. Couldn't watch the nightly news on any other channel.

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I watched baier every night from his first one until the last election when his obvious trump hatred became overwhelming. At that point we cut the cord on cable and never looked back. I watched tucker whenever I’d see him imbedded in some post here or there. Looking forward to his new home

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Agree…he’s pretty straight forward news…the real stuff without the Hannity/Ingraham fluff part.

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I really don’t like Fox. Alex agrees more with Fox as a network on Ukraine while I agree with Tucker (and did from before the invasion happened). I am excited because I get to save some money - just cancelled Fox Nation and it reminded us to eliminate spectrum cable. I did watch Tucker’s Fox Nation content, but only the show once a week, and it’s as close to the legacy media as I get. No need for cable anymore.

Tucker - if you are reading this will you please go on Megyn Kelly or something and tell us where your headed? Can I put in a vote for Rumble?

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I loved his interviews. He usually just asked a question and let the guest talk.

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Unlike hannity.

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Yes. Hannity has his pluses but he's repetitive and he talks over his guests, doesn't let them talk.

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(EXACTLY my thought while reading Steenroid comment)

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Did you watch his interviews of Kanye West and Roseanne Barr? He was excessively deferential and adoring in each interview.

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His last interview with Elon on Fox Nation was so good. He showed all the interview not just what was on his night time show

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I think that Tucker is very bright but badly needs mentoring. His instincts are not always correct and his laughter is often inappropriate.

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Love it when he laughs about the wake morons, especially those from the Biden Administration.

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

I more or less agree with this comment. I have sometimes wished he was just a bit smarter and a bit more disciplined in his commentary (less snark, even when the sentiment of the comment is one with which I might agree.) I heard him speak live in Houston a couple of years ago & he credits his wife with a lot of insight 😉

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And did you have a problem with DJT's tweets, also?

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Two deeply intelligent, insightful, honest men! It was an amazing interview.

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When you are dealing with someone with an enormous ego, like Ye, who also has no particular reason to be talking to you, you have to be super nice just to get them to talk. Hence its difficult not to appear "deferential and adoring" when doing so. I watched parts of the Ye interview, including the parts everyone was complaining about at the time. On balance it seems that Tucker did a good job. It wasn't nearly as good as the Alex Jones version of the Ye interview, of course. LOL.

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It was comments after completing the interview that were unnecessarily fawning. Tucker has a tendency to adulate most of his interviewees, not as badly as Sebastian Gorda but still reeking of insincerity and sucking up.

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Tucker made Fox millions if not billions of dollars ... but it was all from people subscribing to Fox News from their cable companies or satellite companies. It definitely wasn't from the advertising his show brought in. Every major advertiser boycotted his show. Which is a tell right there. It was a show with the top ratings in America - with loyal nightly viewers; Educated and more affluent - just the type consumers advertisers are supposed to want to reach.

I can hear the sound of people across North America "cutting the chord" as I type.

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He may have lost the cowardly woke corporations but he still brought in major ad revenue for Fox.

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That's no doubt true - he, almost by himself, gave Fox News its positive "brand" in the minds of the "red staters" and critics of the authorized narrative. But "Tucker Carlson Tonight" usually had advertisers you would see at 2 a.m. on some obscure cable network. You never saw any ads placed by Procter & Gamble or GM or Coca Cola ... or Budweiser. This was always a giant "tell" to me - Every big company boycotts the shows of journalists who actually tell the truth.

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I just did the same. Megyn & Tucker would be fire!

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Rumble is perfect for Tucker!!!

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I hear people saying to cancel Fox Nation. However, if I do that, I will never see all those long form interviews Tucker did before he was fired. I haven't had the time to catch up on all those, and they're still available on the service if you look for them. There must be 100 hours of interviews I have yet to watch.

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If you have 100 hours left to watch, I'd say download the most interesting ones and turn off the renewal...........

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100 hours is probably an exaggeration

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I don't like Fox either. After 2020 they repeated the same lies and talking points as if they were established fact. They adopted the left's vocabulary (the insurrection, the "debunked" election conspiracy, voting "rights" legislation), ad nauseum. Brett Baier is a terrible broadcaster and has no original thoughts; anytime he reads something he screws it up & he's a "company man".

I like The Five and Gutfeld and Jesse's decent. But Fox is part of the Machine and have been clotshot pushers since the beginning.

BTW: Tucker's specials are still on TuckerCarlson.com.

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Thank you! I signed up at TuckerCarlson.com yesterday to see what’s next. I’ve already watched the Today content I wanted before cancelling Fox Nation. I stopped trusting legacy media in my early 20’s over Iraq. Here I am some dumb college kid that knows Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, Saddam was a terrible person but had an ideological approach to leadership completely at odds with the Taliban and Al Qaeda, Iraq did not have nuclear capabilities or they wouldn’t be so worried about Iran, our invasion was bound to be a cruel disaster. My thought was if I knew this as a dumb kid, so did every single lying turd at Fox, NYT, WaPo, ABC, NBC, CBS. I said until about 2015/ 2016 frequently “Fox News is NOT News.” I understood they were likely to be more accurate under Trump because the truth happened to align with their audience’s ideology, not because they’d become more factual, and my opinion was confirmed with the network’s Ukraine coverage. But I did rediscover Tucker, who I liked when I was younger and he was at CNN I grew to have a great appreciation of his willingness to speak out about the obvious insanity from the uniparty. We got cable back. We subscribed to Fox Nation for Tucker’s better content.

Without Tucker I have no need for cable or Fox Nation. Fox’s credibility has no powerful redeeming voices now. It’s just the uniparty R propaganda machine again peddling endless lies just like NYT, WaPo, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, etc.

I must admit the coverage I’ve seen from the old media about Tucker us hilarious. All are selling this crazy grifter chic’s nonsense, all while all failing to point out the idiot worked for Tucker less than a month and is using public information about private conversations from the dominion lawsuit, which occurred long before she even worked for Tucker, to claim she was “scared” he “might” use the term he privately called Sydney Powell in private communications front of her and somehow conversations before her time that she wasn’t a party to created sexually harassing work environment. 😂. It’s just total baloney.

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

CANCELLED Fox Nation 2 hours ago.

He was all they had left except Harris Faulkner

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Thank you for the reminder!

Note: Remember to Cancel Fox Nation...

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I will watch The Five and Gutfeld! Until the run them off. Jeanine and Maria probably next maybe Gutfeld.

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But I will never watch Fox again. Maybe if the ratings fall enough others will follow wherever Tucker goes!

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I'd add Guttfeld! And Kennedy and Dagan on Fox Business. Don't share your enthusiasm for Ms. Faulkner.

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Absolutely Gutfeld! I wonder if they’d let him have Tucker on as a guest??!

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Gutfeld is great and so are his panelists. Yes, that show will be taken off the air at some point.

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I doubt it. Would you go on Fox if you were Tucker?

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Of course if he could speak his mind! Fox probably wouldn’t allow it though.

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Yeah I like guttfeld but he's a staunch supporter of the vaxx (he thinks it ended the plandemic) ...even though he saw through the masking bs.

Dagan is awesome, but she's a bit player.

I like Faulkner because I know her. She used to be an anchor for a town I spent 10 years in.

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Saw a different side of Harris when she appeared on Guttfeld a couple weeks ago. My mind is open to change. I love Greg inspite of his vaxx stance.

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What's the scoop on Harris? I missed that

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I just meant that I found her warm and funny during her appearance on Guttfeld, qualities I never perceived when watching her 11am show.

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To update, just now I read an Epoch Times article about Megan Kelly's reaction to Tucker's dismissal. The article ireported that Ms. Faulkner said on air that the separation was by "mutual consent". To the best of my knowledge, no other on air personality has said one word about this (excluding Kilmeade at the top of his villain gig) while on air on Fox. Hannity spKe about it on his radio show yesterday, saying he didn't know. I've lost all respect for her if the Epoch Times story is corredt.

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I like her very much.

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I tried to cancel, but it just froze... I think it’s broken

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OMG LOL - being totally inundated with cancellations.

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Everyone cancelling all at once!

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Don't forget to lose the Fox app on your phone and cancel any Fox series recordings on your DVR.

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Oh good point. Thx for the reminder!

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As a HUGE Tucker fan- as in, never miss a show- I gotta say my world is a little rocked today. Okay. A lot rocked. Can't wait for his return- wherever it is.

And, as far as Fox goes, Tucker was the only reason I watched. They can pucker up and kiss my lily white behind. Fox will no longer be aired in our home- and I certainly hope his devotees follow suit.

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Me too! My kids knew that Tucker hour was “do not talk to Mom!” 🤣🤣

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Oh yeah! It's on record every night in case we couldn't watch it live! (Admittedly, I had/have it bad!)

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On top of everything, it was a very cerebral hour of TV. Carlson didn't insult the intelligence of his audience and he went into great depth on topics no one else had ever brought up on TV. And then he did those hour-long interviews on the Streaming Service as well. I'm sure he will continue those wherever he lands.

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That's funny.

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I feel the same way Dana. I feel so discombobulated.

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RIGHT?? Like, up is down and down is up! I never missed a show!! What the hell am I going to do now?

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Where I live (Left Coast) he was on @ 5. I Can start making dinner again!!!!

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So funny, SarahB- I’d make my husband wait to watch Tucker until I served up dinner! I did not want to miss anything while cooking.

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Right there with ya! I’m heartbroken.

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I share your pain.

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Watch OReilly on The First at 8 pm until we all find where Tucker lands. I vote he heads to

Rumble with Greenwald. His take on mainstream issues was the best IMO.

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Greenwald rocks!

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Where is The First?

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On streaming devices, just add the channel app The First.

It is also a channel on Direct tv.

I still trust him but he is not in the same league as Tucker IMO.

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At least it's baseball season. I can watch the Rays most nights.

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Yeah, I would say "8pm Tucker" and watch it rdgless what the husband wanted to watch. Bye bye Fox.

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I am done with Fox too.

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I feel your pain. Here on the west coast we’d watch at 5 & the rerun at 10 nightly!

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And with Tucker's departure there is now nothing at all to watch left on fox. Happy to be rid of the clowns, happy to follow Tucker wherever he goes

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we like Laura.

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Bad move Murdoch. You just screwed your own pooch. Tucker was the only reason I watched your network. Now I can add it to the garbage pile with CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, PBS and NPR... all leftist-uniparty-controlled propaganda arms of the Wall Street globalist corporatist cabal.

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Time to wipe the entire MSM off the map. We need the likes of Tucker, Mark Steyn, Neil Oliver, Alex Berenson, Joe Rogan, Peter McCullough and others willing to stand up to the presstitutes, to set up an alternative to the current criminals. Don't forget either that Fox had a jab mandate in place.

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Yeah I like Mark Steyn

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I’ve missed him too! Humor & smarts…with the cool accent!

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Never heard of him, please do tell me more. Am interested in listening to and learning from any trusted (rare these days) news sources.

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He also used to fill in for Rush Limbaugh and wrote a must read weekly article for National Review before he got sued by some Global Warming activist. NR dropped him and we dropped NR. He’s GREAT!

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He’s a Canadian who used to be on Tucker. Even guest host at times. Has his own podcast (?) now. Duck Duck Go him to find out where you can hear him. All of a sudden he wasn’t on Fox anymore. Always wondered why.

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I read last night that he had two heart attacks in 2022.

Has he recovered?

I haven't seen/heard him lately

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Now that would be a great network..Tucker, Steyn etc. Gets the conservatives, independents, and the thinking Democrats.

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I adore Neil Oliver!

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

I like Neil & Russell. And a certain amount of Joe and Megyn and Maajid. I really like long form Jordan these days. FWIW

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Well said

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Presstitutes -- and J. Severin called them " j-whore-nalists"!

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You could have left out the first sentence about not being friends with Tucker. That was a low blow considering how regularly he allowed you to appear on his show. If it wasn't for Tucker I wouldn't be paying to listen to you.

I happen to fully agree with his position on Ukraine btw. Everyone knows it's the USA that is at war with Putin and they're willing to destroy the Ukraine people to accomplish their corrupt goals. Putin is no angel but simply put, Putin doesn't want to play NewWorldOrder. He's been down that road before. Russia rejects Marxism Mao style and he's laughing at Americans for buying into it. We have a huge problem that Tucker Carlson was understanding. He went up against the commie giants who are trying to hijack the free world. And they shut him down.

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I don't think Alex meant he wouldn't be friends. He did not want to overstate his relationship.

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Yes, we need a word for this relationship between Tucker & Alex...not quite friends but more than acquaintances. Word smiths...where are you?

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I think the term is bromance 😀

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Tuckers only "position" on Ukraine is to bring thoughtful and important questions as to why we are now involved in that war, military personnel on the ground and all. This lie about the personnel that was exposed gives credence to Tucker and all serious people of intellect over all the unfortunates who have not learned a thing from the BS and destructive wars we fostered since Vietnam right up to Afghanistan. Do you Alex support no debate with this collection of miscreants and criminals who are currently in the WH and throughout the slue in DC over this war that has such important stakes? Accountability is essential particularly now. All of this proves just how far a nation can fall when the Fourth Estate is brain dead and compromised. We are in deep trouble!

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

At the risk of sounding a little nihilistic I’ve grown utterly skeptical of the truth ever coming out on events like “the war in the Ukraine” — entrenched corruption [the unholy influence of intelligence agencies throughout our institutions] leaves us with theatre masquerading as public affairs. We can’t even get unredacted information on events that occurred over 50 years ago.

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It's easy to be discouraged. I am. But I say don't be black-pilled, don't give up. The only way we're going to win is by continuing to push back. Because the cabal is going to continue to push their agenda. At some point one side is going to win. It has to be us.

I personally keep saying I need to take a break, but I can't seem to do that. I'm looking forward to the good weather so I can get in my garden and clear my head. Because this stuff is toxic.

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I actually have taken a break and it's therapeutic. Just realize you don't have to imbibe the toxin with an IV, it's too much repetitive noise. It takes a little discipline at first but wow, it's freeing!

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Good for you. I'm still waiting for the weather to warm up enough to get into the garden. That's very therapeutic for me.

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I’m sure you’ve earned your cynicism

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Wrong Potter, our misguided, corrupt leaders have earned our cynicism with the needless death and destruction they have caused. Wake up.

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So he’s supposed to lie? He did say he was more then an acquaintance but less then a friend.

On the other hand, I wouldn’t exactly say Tucker is just an acquaintance, just another news anchor who interviewed me, either.

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People are hurting right now. Tucker gave us hope. Especially because he was doing it on a prime time spot. It's in poor taste right now.

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You do understand EVERYTHING @ucker said ended up on russian TV ... I am in Kyv for the 5th time during the invasion (have been here over 50 since 2014) .... You are TOTALLY wrong and taht was the problem with @ucker on this, he made stuff up. Ukraine is less corrupt by the day since 2014, there was no coup ANDthe Ukrainian people will fight until the last invader leaves .... almost 90% of the population thinks that way.

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Then why did the Ukraine Member of Parliament say she "would fight to the death to be in the New World Order"? What do you think the war in Ukraine is about? Why does the USA insist on parking their military in Russia's back yard? Why does the Democrat Party and lots of Republicans think they have the right to send trillions of dollars of taxpayer dollars to fund the Ukraine war? Why was Hunter Biden and Joe Biden so involved in Ukraine Barisma? There's significant corruption there. I don't support Putin but I sure as hell don't trust anything the Ukraine government says. The USA and Canada could have negotiated peace talks a long time ago. The USA blew up Nordstream pipeline. Do you really think Putin blew up his own pipeline? Trump wouldn't have brought war with Russia like Biden did. Putin is no angel. I agree. But there's so much more the public isn't being told. There's corruption there.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

Ukraine Parliament ... you mean RADA and can you give me the exact QUOTE, in Ukrainian not translated if possible. (Do you mean Kira Rudik?)

2) russian aggression as it always has been since way before 2014 going back centuries. russia has no history of its own and has attempted to steal and wipe out Ukrainian history and language (russification)

3)USA did not park military in russia's back yard. You do know that Transnistra (Moldova) is closer to NATO and russia moved and invaded there (west) years ago. USA does not insist on parking anything, countries need defense against the terrorism and imperialism of russia. Which is why Finland and Sweden have joined (not forced by anyone). Who invaded who?

4)The USA has a military budget of $850 BILLION per year, we have sent a small fraction iof that amount. Europe has actually sent more "money" than we have. You do not see them whining because the get it.

5) Burisma was a privately owned company. Had nothing to do with the government. In fact, when hunter (the crook) was involved with Burisma, Zelensky was not in politics.

6) All of your corruption info is BS. Ukraine of today has been addressing corruption since 2014. The corruption you think exists is not the issue. There is NO money laundering etc.

7) Watch russia media, take the time to read the translation. Then you will see what this is really about. Don't be lazy and spoon fed

8)It is not up to Canada and the USA to negotiate peace. The Ukrainian people will not give in until all russian invaders are gone and they have ALL of their country back. The numbers are near 90% with that stance THROUGHOUT the country.

9) Show proof of Nordtsream . There are TWO by the way.The second one was not operational and the first was no longer sending gas. The were white elephants

10) trump is a narcissistic psycho, IF he had done the same mistake as bidet with the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster, he would have had the same problem. No political backing to stop putin.

11) I am sitting in KYIV, have been here 5 times during the war assisting. I have been to Bucha, Irpin and talked with the people from Mariupol, and the Donbass. You are WAY off base.

12) What the public is not being told is the genocide and atrocities are worse than you have heard. When it comes out even you will be shocked. (The interviews are taped of survivors, I have seen them.

13 and finally) You have been had by massive russian disinfo (for real this time). It has happened for many years and caused the massive polarization in the USA. Every think why the Europeans and other countries are not throwing out terms like "corruption", "money laundering" etc? As I said they have given more "money than we have ......... As a russian leader said many years ago "we will destroy you from within"

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Well if you say so...

The one thing I disagree with is that other countries are responsible for making peace in Ukraine. Peace talks must continue and there must be concessions. You will never get Putin out of Ukraine. Cut your losses, make concessions, because like you say people are dying.

And yes, she said that. She's a blonde woman in her mid 30's, attractive enough. I watched her say it on video, unless that's more "Russian Disinformation" (a term the Democrats are famous for claiming btw), She said "I will fight to the death to be part of the New World Order". So don't tell me this war isn't about a huge geopolitical shift in governance. The Globalist Democrats appear to have a significant interest in Ukraine, especially the Biden's and the Pelosi's. Their ties to George Soros isn't a coincidence either. The money these people are taking from taxes is corruption. That "budget" belongs to the American people thru taxes. The government doesn't generate it's own income. They're using the people's money. If the USA didn't support the war financially, and focused on peace talks then maybe Putin would abide by concessions. War should never be tolerated, supported, or encouraged by other countries. They aren't trying hard enough. Biden is an utter FAILURE. Trump may be a narcissist but I have no doubt Trump would have handled the pull out from Afghanistan without losses. I have no doubt Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if Trump was still POTUS. Biden is destroying the USA (look at the border with Mexico). All he had to do was finish the wall and gaurd the border. Leaving it wide open and punishing border officers says that the Biden administration is condoning and encouraging that invasion. There is alot more going on with that administration than you or I know of. It's almost as if Biden wants the USA to fall. The US dollar is going to crash, the expansion of BRICS will see to that. The debt ceiling is also a huge threat to USA stability. They can't keep printing their way out of debt. They're printing money they don't have, creating it, indebting the public to support a war in Ukraine. What's in it for Biden and the Democrat deep State? What's in it for the other countries that continue to fight Russia? Putin would have never invaded Ukraine like that with Trump in office. I believe those people would still be alive today. I also heard that the Ukraine government has imprisoned religious leaders in Ukraine. There are alot of similarities happening throughout the free world, specifically USA and Canada that demonstrate a shift from democratic governance to communism. You may want to do some research of your own. Critical race theory, transgenderism, lockdowns, forced vaccines, 15 minute cites, CBDC Digital Currency and Digital ID are in the table for the USA and Canada, and France, and Australia and other countries who align with the New World order Cabal. When Trump very publicly said America would never be a socialist country Soros responded clearly that it will. What do you actually think is happening? Our government is corrupt. Schwab boasted about how Trudeau and half the Canadian Cabinet belong to and are working for the world economic forum and the UN. Go look that stuff up. It's all public information. Their goals are clearly stated. Ukraine wants to be part of that new world order. These government officials don't care about the people. They're considered collateral damage, a means to an end. Russia has gone with China to create BRICS and will no longer use the US dollar. Ukraine wants to align with the Globalist Neoliberal NWO. It's a huge geopolitical socioeconomic split, the biggest we've seen in our generation. Right or wrong, don't tell me that has nothing to do with Russia's invasion into Ukraine. They don't care about the people. They're all power and control psychopaths who only see wealth. These people are evil. You ought to look at the bigger picture. The corruption is off the scale. Biden said when he got back from WEF "we are back". He added that the USA "can't compete with the autocracy". I watched him say it. Trudeau said "covid is a convenient time to start the Reset". I watched him say it. What else do you think that means? For the love of God! You can go back and forth to Ukraine all you like but like Trudeau said about Canada "you won't recognize it when I'm done with Canada. Canada will become a Post Nation State". I watched Trudeau say it. That's what Ukraine wants. And they won't stop until they get it no matter how many people have to die. They have an agenda that they are carrying out and until the people of the world stop these psychopaths there's going to continue to be mass destabilization of the free world and people will suffer. I sure hope you like to eat bugs because that's another nifty little idea they have in store for the little people to save the planet because cows fart.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

1)Zelensky was a PEACE candidate and negotiated for two years, he changed when russia intensified the invasion. Give in to a bully who vows to continue to destroy your people, always a great idea /s

2)Again, please the video(I am not a democrat, have never voted for a democrat in my 66 years)

3) If you are trying the Globalist argument about Pelosi, Romney's son, etc etc, that has been many times disproven. Whose ties to Soros? BTW: What is your definition of Globalist?

4)The money these people are taking from taxes? Who are you referring to?

5) The budget process is not a checking account

6)russia has NEVER abided by ANY agreement, you are dreaming

7) Ukraine does not want war, russia pulls out, voila ... no war

8)I voted for trump over "bidet for brains" and clinton. I also know what and who he is and am not delusional about that.

9) bidet's a mess, but you are speculating that trump's idea of pullout would have worked. putin invaded in 2014, it has been ongoing ever since. It intensified in 2022.

10) trump had 4 years to "build the wall". He didnt. irrelevant in Ukraine argument

11) I agree about border security

12) You dont seem to understand the budget concept. This is NOT noney being printed "for Ukraine"

13) You heard Ukraine imprisoned religious leaders ...lol... Do you understand Moscow Patriarch and Kyiv Patriarch, obviously not.

14) So Ukraine, which has moved from communism/socialism is communist versus the country that admires Lenin, Stalin and the glory days of the USSR?

I could keep going on BUT you truly need help. What does Canada have to do with women and children getting raped in Ukraine and the country having genocide committed against it? NWO, Globalist, Soros, Trilateral commission, Bilderberger shall I keep going? Always a bogeyman that you blame.

You last umpteen lines are off topic and no bearing on Ukraine situation. I was against SC-2 (unlike trump who overrreacted), I dont believe in CRT, dont care about LGBTQ-mouse, think (as Romney did) that spending has to be under control, am tired of the slide into socialism by the freebie group.The dollar is the reserve currency because of strength of being LEADERS of the free world, not cowards.

Do you know when Zelensky was elected? Do you know anything about Yanukovitch? Do you know his Campaign Advisor? Do you have ANY facts or just rambling comments of NWO ?

You make a comment on another thread that I think you are stupid too. Before I did not think you were stupid, a bit ignorant and now demented and need help because you see shadowy figures everywhere.

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Bravo! couldn’t have said it better myself.

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Well said!

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Yeah, got to get that clear right up front. NOT FRIENDS WITH TUCKER.

Well say goodbye to ever appearing on Cable News again; he boosted you here as well as book sales by mentioning your fiction (not the part about ivermectin, I mean the spy stuff).

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I am amazed how many folks misinterpreted AB’s comment—it makes me wonder if people read Alex thru a “once a lib always a lib” filter of some sort. If anything, Alex is trying not to overstate how well the two of them know each other. Good grief.

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somebody at Fox has either ordered Tucker to do something he won't or can't do or somehow made his life there intolerable. He is the only person on TV I really trust, so of course I will follow him wherever he goes. I will wait a week or so to drop my annual subscription to Fox Nation, like a vast number of others. Do they think Judge Jeanine castle tours are pulling in the subscribers, or what?

Jim PS: I am 79 years old and have more or less seen it all.

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I listened to Clay and Buck today. Their sources say Tucker's staff was preparing his show for tonight. Something happened today to cause Tucker to leave. I think maybe it had to do with the Dominion lawsuit settlement. Just my opinion.

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Yes, maybe Tucker was one of the items in the negotiations with Dominion..get rid of him and and ...more shoes (ie. employees) at Fox to be fired?

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How many more shoes can Fox afford to drop after their #1 host is gone?

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Depends on how much money the network can afford to lose. Since people watched Fox for Tucker, an "A" lister, I don't know if the others who may be fired would have that much impact on the network as they don't have the following that Tucker did/does.

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So much for Rupert Murdoch’s legendary stones

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Tucker wouldn’t be the target. He never put Sydney Powell on his show and was very clear she refused to provide proof. Megyn Kelly had a great show on this today. She knows Fox well and has been following the lawsuit. I highly recommend the podcast today.

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Yup Megyn had quite the lineup. Glenn Beck, Glenn Greenwald. She seems to have it sized up. Including being very fair to Tucker as a decent human.

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someone said Tucker was preparing to talk about the law suit tonight... to clear his name...

don't know if that's true but if it is, someone didn't want to let that happen.

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I heard that also.

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I suspect so too

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You want to unite the Republicans, TRUMP/CARLSON 2024‼️😎

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Seriously? Trump? Does anyone remember that the only lockdowns in modern history were inflicted on us by Donald j trump, who also bragged about his role in pushing operation warp speed? Anyone challenging him for the nomination should show a visual of him standing like Uriah Heep behind Anthony Fauci on the daily Covid Show.

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better go back and read your facts. Trump was looking at ALL options and relied on the "experts". (Fauci...). Biden stopped any possibility of using therapeutics that prominent doctors found to be effective. That wasn't Trump's plan. He said "We will look at EVERY possibility." Many people could have been saved, if we did.

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Remember what happened when Trump said try hydroxychloroquine as treatment for covid? The covidians went crazy, accused him of wanting to kill people and made it illegal to prescribe. Trump also wanted to open schools in the fall of 2020 but was accused of trying to kill children.

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Well said!

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Your Fox Nation subscription has been canceled, effective 11/26/2023.

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Mine said the same thing with “other” reason I was canceling: “You no longer have Tucker” See ya!

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Me too!

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Like Rush used to say... President? Why take the pay cut and the crap that goes with being a prisoner of the machine.

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Dear Alex,

I will always be grateful to you for your research on Covid. And grateful to you and Tucker for the bravery it took to expose what a lot of us suspected to be true. And you are right. Just like I follow your posts, I am waiting to follow Tucker.

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Hello everyone,

I am not sure how this works, but I want to thank everyone who has liked my post. You made my day. Thank you. Cathy DeHart

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I am stunned. A powerful voice is silenced for now. Fox will pay dearly for this move. I cancelled Fox Nation today and I will follow Tucker wherever he goes. Just sign me up. Alex, thank you for the pep talk. The earth moved under my feet a bit this morning.

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I felt it too. The network has betrayed viewers who saw him as one of the few bold, smart, analytical journalists who wasn't afraid to ask the hard questions of everyone, no matter their party affiliation. He took a direct hit at corruption and lies no matter their source, with common sense and often humor. We're being told yet again there is no place for a voice like that in television media. Others are saying he'll go to a streaming service. Like you said, sign me up.

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I discovered you on Tucker and glad I did. I own all of your books and "Tell Your Kids" completely changed my views on marijuana. I always say I don't like Tucker yet I absolutely love his show and especially his long interviews on Fox Nation. I only started watching in March 2020 and I have learned so much and bought so many books and subscribed to so many Substacks because of the people he has had on. When I saw the news it made my head spin. I'm so upset and I've been waiting for somebody to help me make sense of it. I thought maybe Glenn Greenwald would but I'm happy to see it was you Alex. I guess I should stop saying I don't like Tucker. I miss him already.

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Agree on tell your kids. And Tucker

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Alex, are your views on the Ukraine as ill informed as your view on the election? Pro-tip. People read your substack to hear news about the vax. your general musing are not worth anyone's time.

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lol he should only have an opinion and post on one thing that you agree with, gotcha.

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No. He should know something about the topics he spouts off about. 81 million votes? Evil Putin invaded for no reason

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That’s the great thing about individuals and also the internet, you don’t have to agree with everything someone says.

There’s others out there that agree with you on other subjects.

I’d never trust one person to be correct on everything. That’s what liberals do with their sites and groups. It’s one big monolith and if you step out of line you’re banished.

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Do you really believe what you just wrote?

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This one certainly was.

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Fox lost 5%, or $700 million after the announcement that Carlson was leaving. Personally, the only time I turned to Fox was to catch the first 20 minutes of Tucker’s show - which was always well written, interesting, and a perspective not found much elsewhere. I know I’m not alone. I also watched many of Mr. Berenson’s interviews on the show.

From Bud Light to Nike to CNN - companies continue making stupid, ill-informed decisions. Time will tell if this was right for Fox, but it doesn’t look wise at the moment.

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FOX lost NOTHING ... it is surprising how little people understand about the stock market ... FOX stock value lost $700 million, FOX lost nothing (unless they had treasury stock)

You dont gain or lose until you do a closing transaction, everything else is noise ...lol

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Losing market value that fast IS significant and shareholders and org leaders are paying attention. The market price is a reflection of the net present value of future earnings. That’s the value of the company to the world. The company’s owner (for a time) lost $700 million of the perceived company value. That actually is something.

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"The market price is a reflection of the net present value of future earnings." ... wrong ... it is the perception of reality at that moment.

TSLA is down 13% the last 5 days, Fox less than 5% after Dominion and *ucker the last 5 days. The disaster you describe is a blip.9As an aside BUD went through it's Bud light nightmare it was 66.73 around april 1 and 65.75 as of yesterday. No big deal)

The company did not lose a single dime. In fact it means little to them other than keeping shareholders happy. It happens all the time.

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Daggone! Why'd I bother getting that master's in finance when I could come on substack and read the rantings of an anonymous genius like you? Clearly I stumbled into a discussion with Warren Buffet! Wow! Super impressive...stating a bunch of sentences that 100% of the people on this thread already knew. Shoot....I was going with good old financial analysis like the one below.


Well done...stay out there and keep teaching people how share price, market cap, buying and selling "stocks"....all the financial thingies.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

Daggone why did I get the Masters in Finance and real world management of institutional and individual assets for 30 years?

(sorry Buffet is a value investor, based on Graham-Dodd as you should know from your Masters courses. His screens are very easy to replicate. I got into Petro China 4 months ahead of him a few years ago using his screens ... and out within a year .. Bloomberg machines were great back then for screening ... )

I rarely "traded" individual stocks, only when aberrations happened. When reality wasnt priced in.

Academic clown ...

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I get it. You’re smarter than everyone else - and you know it. Super impressed man. I bow to your superior intellect.

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Well I guess that makes it all OK then.

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I hope Tucker may be reading the comments if he reads this stack, and if so, THANK YOU Tucker. You've been a gift throughout Covid, one of the few hosts who was brave enough to share the truth about what was happening, with the jabs, etc. Grateful for your support of medical honesty & freedom of choice. Look forward to supporting whatever you're up to next.

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And I am done with Fox. Actually I only watch Tucker on YouTube segments anyway. And I agree with you Alex. CNN should get a backbone and do it. Tucker has already said he doesn’t like the republicans either and hates McConnell, so why not.

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