The city of Louisville's Covid vaccine coordinator - and a vocal proponent of mRNA shots - "died unexpectedly" last week. She was 36. The city doesn't seem to think it needs to say more. It's wrong.
This happened to a mom at our school and a young fireman in our city. It has happened all over the country. We know the shots are killing people - insurance data doesn’t lie.
Same. Friend of friend in her 30s died like this after the 2nd shot. Another similar story was in local news. The insurance data will tell the truth. Probably will want a bailout.
The experts going over and talking about the Pfizer trial data say that if it is found that Pfizer got its EUA through fraud i.e. lying and withholding data), their protection is gone.
But only if one can successfully get them in to court and then with an impartial jury AND judge. Probably just get thrown out due to “lack of standing”.
You momentarily blew my mind Jubee......but insurance companies ALWAYS settle. The end result will be a backroom closed-door sealed settlement. And the People will pay a higher premium. You reminded me of the system I walked away from. Thank you, but it is not going to make a difference for The Common Man. Unless we are represented by really good attorneys.
Tort cases will ride upon the constitutional cases. And those who did not sign waivers have a good tort case anyway. I lost my Dad to hospital covid protocols. I will never be able to prove that, but millions were duped into trusting people in white coats.
Not car insurance, the life insurance and disability insurance companies. They have tables for everything on how much risk someone is. They are paying out a lot for all of these excess deaths and disabilities. Even young people may have life insurance if work at a white collar or union type job.
There was a family that proved the husband/father died from the shot, I think in the UK. They were denied his life insurance policy because the vaccine was "voluntary" and viewed as suicide which they don't pay out for. I wish I'd bookmarked that.
I saw that too. How about that: voluntary. I think that's what we're going to be told here in the US. You knew the shots were eua and took them anyway. How sad, too bad.
These big Pharma experimental shots were not voluntary in many cases! Often jobs, education, etc were at risk If an individual refused the shot. Voluntary scarcely a term I would use😠
Good luck with that. We are up against The System. I wish it could happen, but I have been around too long to see Evil triumph over Good consistently Sad days. Everyone with power has been compromised. It is up to the Good People now. And so many are brainwashed. But I still have Hope!
There are many "white hats" working on exposing what's happening. If we all just convince two people in our sphere of influence and get them to do the same, we can make a change.
All it will take is a lead plaintiff, a hungry group of lawyers who want to make millions, and a few honest employees. They won’t have a problem creating a “class.” This would be Huge.
This BlackRock Advisor has a differing opinion. Watch this video on fraud regarding Pfizer, FDA Hid Data Showing Clinical Trials Failed, Says Former BlackRock Advisor
Not really because risks are measured only historically. But what they can do is charge more premium to new clients that have been vaccinated. Do not worry about insurance companies. They will get their money anyway.
Edward Dowd seems to differ. He is a former managing director with BlackRock from 2002 to 2012, grew BlackRock’s growth strategy from $2 billion-$14 billion over 10 years. Maybe he has insight, I hope so. It is worth a listen for sure.
Interesting comment. I had not thought about bailing out all these companies once the legal backlash begins. Can you imaging Congress declaring Pfizer, Moderna and Insurance companies "Too Big to Fail" and needing taxpayer bailout funds? That might finally get people off their ass and into the streets. Maybe ... RESIST.
But most people think (if they think at all!) that excess deaths are due to pent-up demand for care because of the lockdown. Is there any chance we'll get a study separating the vaxxed from the unvaxxed to prove without a doubt that it is the shot?
Don't hold your breath. They will blame it on Long Covid anyway. And there must be a new definition of "Unvaxxed" bc Dr Vivek Murthy was on CNN this morning stating the predominantly hospitalized are the unvaccinated which is so untrue! DOD data and certain states, and countries refute this. Meanwhile - every vaxxed person I know has caught the bug. Yet They want to double down - a Fall Booster!
There's a critical election this Fall so of course the COVID Monster will be brought out of mothballs for another round of panic porn and mass mail-in ballots.
That "doctor" is completely owned by the PharmaBros. His financial conflict of interests should preclude him from offering any opinion on vaccination, but since the Feds are full of grifters, I guess that doesn't matter anymore.
Agree Cali. If you are on CNN - red flag! I am obliged to watch all sides for perspective. He has been consistently flogging the "dark side" version. Do you have links to his conflicts of interest? Folks here should be educated about these fear-prostitutes.
Yesterday, I learned about Murthy's conflict of interest related to the cruise industry & vaxxs -- it was a cited in a great you tube video by Dr V Prasad on the litany of actions by "Public Heath Officialdom" that have caused the public to lose all trust. I loved that he basically said: "quit trying to blame this loss of faith on Joe Rogan interviews!"
Prasad might have a personal crisis if he continues this honest pursuit, because -- even within the limits of what he is willing to consider -- the situation is worse than he has come to terms with.
Speaking of new definition of “unvaxed” are any of us truly unvaxed at this point? The shedding concept worries me greatly. I wish there was more information about that.
They may shed the protein, but mRNA would not survive. There are enzymes that break down RNA everywhere. That is why is is given in lipid nanoparticles.
That might fly for most so-called "sudden unexpected deaths", but when it is a medical professional like this woman, or a pro soccer athlete, then lack of medical testing and interventions is just not going to convince anyone.
In an interview with Naomi Wolf (the Daily Clout) former BlackRock investment advisor Edward Dowd explained why Wall Street lost faith in Pfizer and Moderna stocks when Pfizer and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration tried to hide clinical trial data.
Yes, they are required. it is a legal requirement. Families can request but not deny when it is required by law. But the problem is who in law enforcement really cares now days? She was in Florida so maybe someone there cares.
They are but morticians and drs of death are really overwhelmed, For 2 years now, last blast was 911. They are still working on those (a Brooklyn location). But in 2020 single folks dying in bed in their single apartments (there were many) before the vax. It was not a good year for cops. They had to deal with mysterious deaths (covid) and seal off apartments and open up, supervised, as needed. My old best buddy was one of those. I inherited 5 cats, as per her wishes. But cops are not there to help you to catch cats. She passed away at home in the Bronx. Automatically it became a crime scene. My friend passed away 3 days after visiting her Dr for a covid test (negative), while interacting (fondly - that was her personality) . Her cats are all well. But I see the slather of money over her passing. he had underlying issues. What burns me most was her ongoing WC lawsuit with the NY School System. To anyone out there - they will outlive you. DO NOT DEPEND UPON THE SYSTEM. Peace out in the honor of my friend and her many cats
Thank you KRRW. We honor our beloved friends as per their wishes. Because it was a promise. It was truly horrific to go through her apartment , hours after the "body" (my long time friend) was removed, to find her scared cat kids. Found most of them (shout out to NYC Animal Control!) who got the last one out 2 weeks later. One passed, 3 were placed via RFR who I have supported for decades, one Impossible still lives with me. And I took in a one-eyed bad cat out of gratitude to RFR. Adopt, Adapt, Improve!
Perhaps doctors were advised to discourage autopsies, for the same reason they were commanded to refuse to prescribe hydroxycloroquin at the beginning of the pandemic - all big Pharma directed!
Yes, most of the time families have to agree to it. I'm a critical care nurse in MO so I've been around the block with this. In my state a physician must offer the choice of an autopsy. If the family agrees they incur the cost. Most opt out as the cause of death is known. If the death is suspicious or foul play is suspected then the authorities will require one. All infant deaths require autopsy. I believe there is a rule that states autopsy is required if a patient dies in less than 24 hours after being in the hospital but don't quote me on that. I've never actually seen it as many that die that quickly have had a major cardiac event and cause of death is known. I'm no lawyer but this is what I've experienced.
Edward Dowd pointed out that the spikes of excess deaths followed specific vaccine-related dates (esp. shot 2, mandates, and boosters). Other causes of death wouldn’t occur in spikes like this, he said.
It seems like the CDC data is so thoroughly corrupted the truth would have to come from Israel or UK. We need more insiders to be brave, break through the cognitive dissonance and speak up!!!
That makes the death even sadder🥲. So very many people joined the Covid Cult, while knowing virtually nothing about the contagion that was causing death, destruction, confusion iand chaos. Expensive lesson learned…
I made my decision to NOT get the shots. I am very glad my husband and adult children and grandchildren followed suit. Honestly, thought, I would have felt intense guilt if I gave them advice-either way- to vax or not to vax- that ultimately caused injury/death.
I told them my decision, and why…then said, you have to make up your own mind.
I’m surprised the data on life insurance claims for the young are not being highlighted by more folks in the non-mainstream press. Company earnings are coming out this quarter and hopefully we’ll see more scrutiny.
This thread is old now, but all the outlets this morning are reporting on 40 something mom who died of a heart attack after a half marathon fundraiser in LA; she definitely has a triple shot sort of demographic. I wish every case like this would have required heart tissue autopsy.
Question for lawyers: is the liability protection for Pharma part of the EUA and/or part of vaccine use in general? If the protection applies because it’s a “vaccine”, how would the government’s hurried change to the definition of “vaccine” play into this?
This happened to a mom at our school and a young fireman in our city. It has happened all over the country. We know the shots are killing people - insurance data doesn’t lie.
Same. Friend of friend in her 30s died like this after the 2nd shot. Another similar story was in local news. The insurance data will tell the truth. Probably will want a bailout.
Can insurance companies sue Pfizer, Moderna, or JNJ if the death is caused by “the shot”?
The experts going over and talking about the Pfizer trial data say that if it is found that Pfizer got its EUA through fraud i.e. lying and withholding data), their protection is gone.
PF did lie and they did withhold data .
And the CDC surely knew it .
We just have to unequivocally prove it. ***sighs and hugs***
Watch this video on fraud regarding Pfizer, FDA Hid Data Showing Clinical Trials Failed, Says Former BlackRock Advisor
Yes, we saw it last night! Excellent interview.
The experts are correct, but they depend upon their lawyers and the civil law system. This will be a tough case, not settled in 15-25 years.
Watch this video on fraud regarding Pfizer, FDA Hid Data Showing Clinical Trials Failed, Says Former BlackRock Advisor
15-25 years... we HCW’s will be 50 mandated mRNA jabs in by then.
But only if one can successfully get them in to court and then with an impartial jury AND judge. Probably just get thrown out due to “lack of standing”.
You momentarily blew my mind Jubee......but insurance companies ALWAYS settle. The end result will be a backroom closed-door sealed settlement. And the People will pay a higher premium. You reminded me of the system I walked away from. Thank you, but it is not going to make a difference for The Common Man. Unless we are represented by really good attorneys.
A tort case, Sunshine? - Where each of the dead and damaged walk away with a couple of $$ and the lawyer(s) split Billions?
Tort cases will ride upon the constitutional cases. And those who did not sign waivers have a good tort case anyway. I lost my Dad to hospital covid protocols. I will never be able to prove that, but millions were duped into trusting people in white coats.
Hope those white coats we trusted were paid dearly by Big Pharma - they will now pay dearly in lack of credibility
Years ago these was a big tort reform package signed into law. Is this really a feasible redress?
Are You guys unaware of the tort liability exeption granted Pfizer and the other vaccine makers ?
As Steve said above: Tort Liability waived each time you got a shot. They had you sign but you never read the fine print.
Yes - do tell !
YEP Emerald Robinson just posted in her substack a job desc. for the US govt looking for tort lawyers to handle Medical/Vaccine cases against the HHS
For real?👍
Not car insurance, the life insurance and disability insurance companies. They have tables for everything on how much risk someone is. They are paying out a lot for all of these excess deaths and disabilities. Even young people may have life insurance if work at a white collar or union type job.
There was a family that proved the husband/father died from the shot, I think in the UK. They were denied his life insurance policy because the vaccine was "voluntary" and viewed as suicide which they don't pay out for. I wish I'd bookmarked that.
I saw that too. How about that: voluntary. I think that's what we're going to be told here in the US. You knew the shots were eua and took them anyway. How sad, too bad.
These big Pharma experimental shots were not voluntary in many cases! Often jobs, education, etc were at risk If an individual refused the shot. Voluntary scarcely a term I would use😠
I heard about that. I read it was in France.
I think the answer is "no". Weren't they given immunity from litigation by the government?
Not if we can prove fraud in the trials......
Good luck with that. We are up against The System. I wish it could happen, but I have been around too long to see Evil triumph over Good consistently Sad days. Everyone with power has been compromised. It is up to the Good People now. And so many are brainwashed. But I still have Hope!
There are many "white hats" working on exposing what's happening. If we all just convince two people in our sphere of influence and get them to do the same, we can make a change.
They are proving fraud as we speak. Pharma thought they had their asses covered. Nope, and nope and nope!
Yes, but the government which is protecting them from fraud is complicit in the fraud.
I am so glad to "stand corrected".
All it will take is a lead plaintiff, a hungry group of lawyers who want to make millions, and a few honest employees. They won’t have a problem creating a “class.” This would be Huge.
Just because you're not hearing about it on the "news", doesn't mean it's not happening.
Agree. Watch this video on fraud regarding Pfizer, FDA Hid Data Showing Clinical Trials Failed, Says Former BlackRock Advisor
Good point.
Or if a school or employer mandated it.
This BlackRock Advisor has a differing opinion. Watch this video on fraud regarding Pfizer, FDA Hid Data Showing Clinical Trials Failed, Says Former BlackRock Advisor
Need science to back that up, and science is currently hijacked. Maybe someday.
Watch this video on fraud regarding Pfizer, FDA Hid Data Showing Clinical Trials Failed, Says Former BlackRock Advisor
Not really because risks are measured only historically. But what they can do is charge more premium to new clients that have been vaccinated. Do not worry about insurance companies. They will get their money anyway.
Only if they can prove intentional fraud...... which won’t be allowed to happen under this administration
no. The drug companies have indemnity against lawsuits until 2024.
Edward Dowd seems to differ. He is a former managing director with BlackRock from 2002 to 2012, grew BlackRock’s growth strategy from $2 billion-$14 billion over 10 years. Maybe he has insight, I hope so. It is worth a listen for sure.
Interesting comment. I had not thought about bailing out all these companies once the legal backlash begins. Can you imaging Congress declaring Pfizer, Moderna and Insurance companies "Too Big to Fail" and needing taxpayer bailout funds? That might finally get people off their ass and into the streets. Maybe ... RESIST.
But most people think (if they think at all!) that excess deaths are due to pent-up demand for care because of the lockdown. Is there any chance we'll get a study separating the vaxxed from the unvaxxed to prove without a doubt that it is the shot?
Don't hold your breath. They will blame it on Long Covid anyway. And there must be a new definition of "Unvaxxed" bc Dr Vivek Murthy was on CNN this morning stating the predominantly hospitalized are the unvaccinated which is so untrue! DOD data and certain states, and countries refute this. Meanwhile - every vaxxed person I know has caught the bug. Yet They want to double down - a Fall Booster!
There's a critical election this Fall so of course the COVID Monster will be brought out of mothballs for another round of panic porn and mass mail-in ballots.
That "doctor" is completely owned by the PharmaBros. His financial conflict of interests should preclude him from offering any opinion on vaccination, but since the Feds are full of grifters, I guess that doesn't matter anymore.
Agree Cali. If you are on CNN - red flag! I am obliged to watch all sides for perspective. He has been consistently flogging the "dark side" version. Do you have links to his conflicts of interest? Folks here should be educated about these fear-prostitutes.
Yesterday, I learned about Murthy's conflict of interest related to the cruise industry & vaxxs -- it was a cited in a great you tube video by Dr V Prasad on the litany of actions by "Public Heath Officialdom" that have caused the public to lose all trust. I loved that he basically said: "quit trying to blame this loss of faith on Joe Rogan interviews!"
Prasad might have a personal crisis if he continues this honest pursuit, because -- even within the limits of what he is willing to consider -- the situation is worse than he has come to terms with.
You realise you are being emotionally manipulated? This is an OECD thing. Google or DuckDuckGo OECD. See who you are "aligned" with. Think.
Speaking of new definition of “unvaxed” are any of us truly unvaxed at this point? The shedding concept worries me greatly. I wish there was more information about that.
It's one day needing a blood transfusion that worries me.
They may shed the protein, but mRNA would not survive. There are enzymes that break down RNA everywhere. That is why is is given in lipid nanoparticles.
I agree Sunshine most of the people I know who are vaccinated have got or have the bug.
And they are still wound up about it. Fearing the Next Wave. Thank you STMPLR for your astute observation of Mankind in March 2022.
That might fly for most so-called "sudden unexpected deaths", but when it is a medical professional like this woman, or a pro soccer athlete, then lack of medical testing and interventions is just not going to convince anyone.
Edward Dowd on Gettr is digging into this.
In an interview with Naomi Wolf (the Daily Clout) former BlackRock investment advisor Edward Dowd explained why Wall Street lost faith in Pfizer and Moderna stocks when Pfizer and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration tried to hide clinical trial data.
Aren’t autopsies required when there is no evident cause of death?
Yes, they are required. it is a legal requirement. Families can request but not deny when it is required by law. But the problem is who in law enforcement really cares now days? She was in Florida so maybe someone there cares.
They are but morticians and drs of death are really overwhelmed, For 2 years now, last blast was 911. They are still working on those (a Brooklyn location). But in 2020 single folks dying in bed in their single apartments (there were many) before the vax. It was not a good year for cops. They had to deal with mysterious deaths (covid) and seal off apartments and open up, supervised, as needed. My old best buddy was one of those. I inherited 5 cats, as per her wishes. But cops are not there to help you to catch cats. She passed away at home in the Bronx. Automatically it became a crime scene. My friend passed away 3 days after visiting her Dr for a covid test (negative), while interacting (fondly - that was her personality) . Her cats are all well. But I see the slather of money over her passing. he had underlying issues. What burns me most was her ongoing WC lawsuit with the NY School System. To anyone out there - they will outlive you. DO NOT DEPEND UPON THE SYSTEM. Peace out in the honor of my friend and her many cats
Omg—how awful. I am sorry!
Thank you KRRW. We honor our beloved friends as per their wishes. Because it was a promise. It was truly horrific to go through her apartment , hours after the "body" (my long time friend) was removed, to find her scared cat kids. Found most of them (shout out to NYC Animal Control!) who got the last one out 2 weeks later. One passed, 3 were placed via RFR who I have supported for decades, one Impossible still lives with me. And I took in a one-eyed bad cat out of gratitude to RFR. Adopt, Adapt, Improve!
I think families have to ask for it. Not sure if there are exceptions to this, but probably when crime is suspected.
I’d say these qualify—but lots of families won’t…
One would think that watching a young family member, with no comorbidities, die would engender a bit of curiosity…?
Perhaps doctors were advised to discourage autopsies, for the same reason they were commanded to refuse to prescribe hydroxycloroquin at the beginning of the pandemic - all big Pharma directed!
Yes, most of the time families have to agree to it. I'm a critical care nurse in MO so I've been around the block with this. In my state a physician must offer the choice of an autopsy. If the family agrees they incur the cost. Most opt out as the cause of death is known. If the death is suspicious or foul play is suspected then the authorities will require one. All infant deaths require autopsy. I believe there is a rule that states autopsy is required if a patient dies in less than 24 hours after being in the hospital but don't quote me on that. I've never actually seen it as many that die that quickly have had a major cardiac event and cause of death is known. I'm no lawyer but this is what I've experienced.
Thank you for your first-hand, professional knowledge! And for what you do. Bless the nurses.
Thanks. That's very kind of you.
Autopsy was done. That’s all I know for now.
Edward Dowd pointed out that the spikes of excess deaths followed specific vaccine-related dates (esp. shot 2, mandates, and boosters). Other causes of death wouldn’t occur in spikes like this, he said.
It seems like the CDC data is so thoroughly corrupted the truth would have to come from Israel or UK. We need more insiders to be brave, break through the cognitive dissonance and speak up!!!
Here ya go. Enjoy!
I have no doubt that that does indeed play a role in the excess deaths, but not all.
Happened to my sister in laws brother
Early 30s no previous health issues although they did do an autopsy and ruled it a heart attack.
Heart attack from the vaccine? I’m sorry for your loss but early 30 year olds as you know don’t just drop dead. So sad….
Yes .... sorry he was vaxxed and boosted. , mom fanatically pestered all her kids to get it.
I did the opposite. I mentioned disinheritance to both my kids if they got the vax! They listened!
You must be rich. And that is emotional blackmail. Just be straight with your kids. And put it in writing. Via your attorney.
Not rich and don’t worry, my kids got the joke even if you didn’t. But hey, thanks for the legal advice.
I’ve done that before – it’s very effective, with not a bit of guilt after😃
That makes the death even sadder🥲. So very many people joined the Covid Cult, while knowing virtually nothing about the contagion that was causing death, destruction, confusion iand chaos. Expensive lesson learned…
I made my decision to NOT get the shots. I am very glad my husband and adult children and grandchildren followed suit. Honestly, thought, I would have felt intense guilt if I gave them advice-either way- to vax or not to vax- that ultimately caused injury/death.
I told them my decision, and why…then said, you have to make up your own mind.
very wise move - No blame, no foul, Just personal responsibility
They put a lot of stuff on the line. Job, healthcare, education. Oh and mental health. Big props to you and your fam Annie.
IF, and that is a humongous “IF”, it is learned.
Did the young man have a history of heart issues? Were the heart issues similar to those we know have been caused by the vaccine (endocarditis?)?
No previous health issues. Family thinks it's because he drank too much soda and had a crappy diet. He was not overweight.
if too much soda and crappy diets caused fatal heart attacks Central Park would have, indeed, "turned into a cemetery"* a long time ago
(*ref to an infamous fear-mongering prediction of Covid deaths)
Where is Saint Fauci, The guy who has blamed every death for the past two years (heart attacks, cancer, appendicitis, septicemia, strokes…) on Covid?!
Under a rock somewhere. God is watching him.
Run Tony, run! You're time of relevance is coming to an end and then...
The Vaxx Pushers' Last Stand:
Amazingly well-written article.
I’m surprised the data on life insurance claims for the young are not being highlighted by more folks in the non-mainstream press. Company earnings are coming out this quarter and hopefully we’ll see more scrutiny.
This thread is old now, but all the outlets this morning are reporting on 40 something mom who died of a heart attack after a half marathon fundraiser in LA; she definitely has a triple shot sort of demographic. I wish every case like this would have required heart tissue autopsy.
The shot is guilty till proven innocent at this point.
Only Alex would take on that task - the Fauci crew don’t want you to make that connection. Long on unprovable claims, short on proven data
Question for lawyers: is the liability protection for Pharma part of the EUA and/or part of vaccine use in general? If the protection applies because it’s a “vaccine”, how would the government’s hurried change to the definition of “vaccine” play into this?
It was prolly an overdose.
Too much spike protein is deadly, you know.
So much truth in so few words. I love it!
Don't give them any ideas; they will start calling these deaths "overdoses"!
Indeed. Or they can lace mRNA vaccines with fentanyl.
Is anyone keeping track of all these unexplained deaths? I hope so.
Mark Crispin Miller has a Substack with a weekly survey of sudden deaths.