Yes, vote for Trump. Your freedom depends on it.

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I voted for the libertarian candidate, and was pissed that the best that republicans and democrats could come up with was Trump and Hilary. Two things happened after that: Trump turned out to be a better president than I expected, and democrats under the rule of Nancy Pelosi pulled out all the stops in an effort to destroy Trump.

I've been around for every election since JFK. Some are worse than others, few are good. But I've never seen the Gestapo tactics like I've seen since Trump ran for office. We are now a banana republic. Rule of law has never meant as much as people would like to imagine, in this country, but now all pretense is gone. They make it up as they go along.

I voted for Trump in 2020. I'll vote for him in November, even if he's in prison, because I know who put him there. THEY are the ones who should be in prison.

Vote for Trump. Hold your nose if you have to, but vote for Trump.

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Same. Don’t care much for him but if we don’t stand up to this persecution, then we may as well never vote again & apologize to our grandchildren that, on our watch, we gave up entirely the grand experiment of a democratic republic

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Just to be clear, it's not so much that they're persecuting Trump. It's that they're using the government to persecute a political opponent AND colluding with big tech to violate the first amendment, etc.

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Me too! I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 and Trump in 2020. It was the democrats & the media that caused all the chaos. I can't believe what is happening today. They are destroying this country & putting the rest of the world in danger. Vote Trump 2024!

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yeah never a fan but the reaction was telling.

1. Either its a petulant pool of elite b*st*rds who believe the are entitled to be in charge and his election was a personal affront to them causing them to believe every rumor and take on his ejection as a moral duty that surpassed any need to maintain legal standards, or

2. corrupt malignant members of the Intel state and their minions who saw him as a direct threat to their fiefdoms.

You can say both and probably be right as it is a mix.

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I say number 2. Trump threatened their power.

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fair point. as the guy who threw this out there, i think there were some very bad actors in the intel community that definitely felt that way and were calling a lot of the shots. but i think most of the bedwetters on the cable stations are group 1.

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The legacy media say they're trying to "save democracy" and anything goes. The thing is I don't think it's a moral problem for them as much as an entitlement problem, They think they are the smartest and know what's best for us peasants. They feel they have a right to be in charge instead of us redneck, Walmart deplorables.

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Yeah, the same way they're trying to "save the planet" by gas lighting about geoengineering. Global climate change = global climate manipulation via spraying the skies.

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right - i put the legacy media into group 1. They reek of moral, and every other superficial kind of, superiority. this is personal with them more than political.

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While I agree with both principles in concept, I'll propose a simpler, all-encompassing rationale. Trump's election was a rejection of the ruling elite's power and their egos simply couldn't accept that. There is no moral duty. These people's fundamental identities depend on Trump being the next Hitler. If he's not Hitler, they are Stalin without Hitler as a counterpoint. Vot Mor Trump!

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Yes - i think you can go with your rationale to start and then use my categories to segment from there.

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Like Alex, I realized much to my surprise that I was considering voting for Trump simply because the crooked Biden admin is literally destroying our republic (or what's left of it) and certainly the rule of law. I have been trying to come to grips with actually pulling that proverbial lever for Trump (like green eggs and ham, I don't like him one bit). If Alex goes through the same vacillations I have since deciding I probably gotta vote for DJT, he won't really know until he gets in that voting booth. ( I'd much rather throw my vote to RFK, but this election is too important to waste to make a statement. Biden has got to go!!)

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Stuck record here. Voted libertarian in 2016, changed my mind the day after the election--1960s all over again. My evaluation of Trump is that he is a typical New York business person. I worked 6+ years in midtown in the '70s with many NYC clients. They are doers, problem solvers who get things done. They tend to be un- or anti-intellectual, or lean left. Trump is the former two, but he definitely gets things done. Yes, he screwed up on covid, but he was also duped. Hopefully, he will have better advisors this time and bring back Schedule F to get more control of the Deep Staters.

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He is battling the entire establishment, including the RNC. His call to drain the swamp made him Enemy #1. He is a threat to their way of life, and refused to buy into the socialist propaganda being perpetuated in DC. Plus, in typical liberal fashion, they hate him for his level of wealth.

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Sounds like my story!

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Same here. Voted for the Libertarian candidate (the party has become a clown show the last few election cycles and won’t vote for them again). Trump was certainly better than I thought he’d be although Covid was a disaster but I can’t entirely blame him alone (see Fauci, Birx and others).

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<I’m considering voting for TRUMP>…You’ve certainly come a long way, @ALEX….now just pull the trigger (there really isn’t any alternative). ‼️

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I thought the same thing. I bet Alex would never have guessed prior to covid that he would take such a stance.

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Everyone knows this trial is a farce, designed to embarrass Trump and peel away his support. It’s having the opposite effect though. The more the insane democrats push it, more like a victim Trump looks and the more petty and vindictive Team Biden looks.

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Embarrass Trump, Petty, vindictive? What continues to surprise is the number of intelligent, constitutionally savvy voters who use this language when describing the prosecution of Trump.

Maybe it would change the wordplay if the word “Trump” was deleted and inserted “the leading Presidential candidate?”

Maybe open the global history books and look under “F” for political events that preceded a Fascist regime. “C” for how confused were the formerly free citizens as their Economy, Education and cultural values disintegrated before their unbelieving eyes? Did they consider it “petty” when former strong allies were attacked and the government backed a terrorist group? Did they set up a foreign war so the Dictatorship could funnel the assets into the pockets of criminals.

The fact that intelligent men and women have to consider whether to cast a vote for the opposition of a party of tyranny is appalling. All it means is that Hillary Clinton et al is WAY better at this than we are. What behavior, political or cultural, will force smug heads to look up at reality and say “Oh Shit! I think they are serious”!

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Have you always been a moron. It wasn’t Trump that censored Americans on social media. It wasn’t Trump that allowed 10 million illegal’s into the country. It wasn’t Trump that lead the shambolic exit from Afghanistan. It wasn’t Trump that created the highest inflation in 40 years. It wasn’t Trump that wrote of almost a trillion dollars of student loans despite the Supreme Court ruling against it and without Congress’s approval.

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It's confusing, but I think that Lisa is saying that she recognizes that Trump is being persecuted.

"The fact that intelligent men and women have to consider whether to cast a vote for the opposition of a party of tyranny is appalling. All it means is that Hillary Clinton et al is WAY better at this than we are."

She's right. Clinton is way better at fighting dirty than we are.

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Well I read it three times. My initial comment was going to be to advise her to simplify her sentence structure in order to better make her point. However, what I came to believe she was saying is why are other wise smart people saying that Trump was being persecuted and HC would have been a better choice.

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Lisa is saying that we have to vote for Trump or we will live under the tyrannical rule of Democrats forever.

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I believe the wordsmithing made it difficult to follow, but my take is that she's saying "after all the bad crap the Biden admin and historical fascist regimes have done, how in the hell can otherwise intelligent people still support them?".

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That was my initial take as well. I re-read it three times and came to believe that she was saying otherwise intelligent people believe Trump is being persecuted and HC would have been a better choice. But I could and most likely be wrong

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I was going to say.. did he just call me a long-time moron? I thought we were agreeing.

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Thomas, you misread what Lisa wrote, and you should not have called her a moron. I despise Biden as much as you, and the only reason I don't scream on the streets is because I saw so many mentally ill morons screaming about Trump, and friends who screamed without knowing a single thing they were yelling about and I will try really hard to not look as brain dead as they did... but having said that, I wish you wouldn't have called her a moron. Now Im going to apologize to you, if she had meant what you thought she meant Im not sure I coulda kept my cool either. My bad bro.

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I now realize that. She should write short declarative sentences

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They might not be smarter or better but they control the media. Most people aren't that hooked into the nuance and get their opinions from legacy media.

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They will stop at nothing to silence Trump. Trump is too smart to defy them outright. He knows what they are capable of doing to him and our country. I don't need any further proof that they are hellbent on destroying us.

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It is the mug shot all over again.

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The real headline from this story is Alex is considering voting for Trump. I almost fell out of my chair when I read that!!

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Well, I'm sure Alex can see how fascist this all is and it was done to him. He didn't see it early but good he sees it now.

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Perhaps, but the real headline should be that some who has reported on this, has said what he has said in this post, understands what the consequences of this fiasco means

and can only say "I’m CONSIDERING…"

OK, say Mr B does come around and vote Trump 2024, what’s he gonna do in 2028 when the stakes are just as high, or 2032, 2036…

President Trump is just the current Republican candidate to be vilified, every candidate with an ‘R’ near his name has been vilified and all that’s changed has been the tactics. Remember, until Trump threw his hat into his first election, he was the toast of the town. Whoever succeeds Trump will face the same tactics because democrats know only one thing — and it ain’t issues or the constitution.

So, Mr B, consider all you want, but remember it isn’t Trump you’re voting for, it’s the future of America, and what that future will entail - for you, your family, and for me&mine as well.

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Exactly! When Democrats thought DeSantis was going to be the nominee instead of Trump, they started attacking him.

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Me too!! 😳🥳

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The whole situation makes me sick to my stomach, truly a physical reaction. I am a woman in my early sixties and to think about what an extortionist Daniels is, is beyond the pale. Daniels is an opportunist who is the very worst example for women out there, she is disgraceful, and probably a sociopathic narcissist.

The only upside is those idiots are increasing Trump's chances of winning the election 10 fold with this disgusting travesty.

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I admit to having checked out some of her porn. She shoulda stuck with that. She was pretty good at it.

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That's so bad....I laughed out loud.

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It's quite clear that during Daniels 'testimony', Robe Juan Merchump, listened so intently, his hands often disappeared from view and into a secret cutout in his robe.

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...and apparently the judge has "gag order" fetish. Curious.

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Juan should give her a try. Doesn't cost much and I'm sure she's still available.

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The wild thing is that there are people that believe the whole exercise is legitimate.

I was talking with an older woman just this morning. Her observation being how could someone charged with so many crimes still be eligible to run for President?

It’s unbelievable the era in which we are living. I thought about it and decided there really is no point to say something about the trials specifically, and instead offered an observation, being that if the establishment decided they wanted everyone to love Donald Trump, the people would.

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These are the people who trust the government. Americans were NEVER supposed to trust the government. We always were supposed to be religious and moral and decide for ourselves and keep the government on a short leash. It is certainly easier to go along and assume "experts" know what to do and what is best for us. Self government was also never supposed to be easy.

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Boom. And it's as simple as that

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I think it’s because they don’t comprehend anything beyond the headlines. Ask them what crimes? It’s like asking what does “from the river to the sea”? Mean. What river? What sea? They don’t know.

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It's astounding sometimes. I have a FB "friend" that I had a personal exchange with regarding voting for Trump. She "has always votes GOP" but says she cannot vote for DJT because she thinks he should be ineligible due to filing bankruptcy. She says military officers have to keep good credit so presidential candidates should as well. When I pointed out that these were business bankruptcies and not personal, she is unswayed. When I point out that business bankruptcies are pretty common and not always reflective of someone's personal finances, she was unmoved and continued to dig her heals in. People are stupid and stubborn, especially when that stupidity is pointed out.

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…by your friend’s lights, almost no real estate developers could run for president, me thinks

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Many successful businesspeople have filed for bankruptcy. When you take risks, they don't always pan out and not necessarily a sign of poor skills, nor is it a sign of bad character. Bad things happen to very good people at times. My FIL nearly lost everything in the late 80's when some investors backed out of a deal and left him holding the bag. He had to close his business and did his best to fulfill his commitments but in the end had to file bankruptcy for the business. He is one of the nicest and most honest people I know. Too good for politics. lol.

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exactly, and I say this having married into a family of real estate developers btw

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The good news is that more people are recognizing how manipulated we have been for many years and like many adoption curves they enviably turn vertical at some point if they are based in truth.

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Was she still wearing her mask?

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No mask, I most likely wouldn’t have had any exchange with her if she did. That portion of the population aren’t worth trying to bring around, they are too far gone whether they wear it as a badge of honour or are simply permanently scarred from what has gone on.

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Liberals dutifully cite 91 indictments against Trump. They don't know what they are or if they have merit but he should definitely never be President again. I have observed that it's mostly women who say this and in every age group.

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You just hit on the problem. Most of the country just isn't that tuned in. Whatever sound bite they get from legacy media is all they know.

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Still wondering IF you should vote for Trump?

Listen to the Stones' "You can't Always Get What You Want" again.

It's not about the man (either one): can you vote to keep this outrage to the Constitution in power?

This case establishes that we have already crossed the Rubicon and set the Constitution on fire. Are you enough of a patriot to fight the current and save our constitutional system?

If you don't, things will get very, very worse very, very quickly.

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Yeah, voting for Kennedy is likely throwing a vote away and his running mate was a bad idea.

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Shanahan is rich enough to get him on the ballot in all 50 states, an incredibly difficult feat for an Independent in our rigged system. Dems are spending millions to prevent this. It was a smart, strategic choice.

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I read that. But it will cost him Trump voters he might have gotten. Probably gain him some leftists. I was considering him for a bit, only if I thought he could beat Biden, but I've decided Trump is the best bet.

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On the other hand, Trump's ill-advised X post on Bobby's view of the vaccines being "fake" will cost him some wavering Kennedy voters who will "return to the fold." It was an unforced error by Trump, as some have said, and reminds voters of Trump's character flaws.

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Not sure. He shouldn't come out anti vax, because there are LOTS of moderate Republicans I know who are pro vax. Probably more than against it. SO he's walking a fine line there. OVerall, more pro vax people still. Unbelievably.

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I believe I attend church with some of those "moderate Republicans" whose pro-vax position may stem from being pro-institution by both disposition and class. Acknowledging that institutions we actually need to rely on can be almost completely corrupted is too disruptive to a status quo that has "served them well." Heaven forbid they fall in with 'conspiracy theorists' -- no matter how many times they are proven right. This was editor Claire Lehman's problem over at Quillette. Ms Free Speech turned out to be a rabid, pro-authoritarian Institutionalist.

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that’s my view -- and I actually like Bobby’s no-spoiler gauntlet, if for no other reason than it puts a spotlight on Biden’s unpopularity

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I wish Trump would blow it all up.

Stand up and defy the judge. Call him out...on the record with the court reporter getting it all down.

Force the judge to either shit or get off the pot. Getting thrown in jail by this judge and prosecutor would make him and instant folk hero.

I don't think the judge has the stones to do it....but if he did....oh glory, it would be so much fun.

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Lois, it might be fun to watch if you knew it would turn out ok but I doubt it would and there's a decent to good chance somebody would shoot him. I've been around a long time and I've never seen so much ignorant hatred for one man who hasn't killed 1,000 puppies while strangling Sponge Bob to death. TDS is a real thing, and I remember people despising Reagan, morons like Sean Penn wanting to "watch him drown in his own drool", but before social media most idiots had to wait for the Village Voice to weigh in, but these days roughly 80% of the Joy Beharian style haters are unbelievably beyond stunted; I've had fun swapping out Trump's name with the word "Obama" in any typical run of the mill Pittsburgh Press Globe Bee Times above-the-fold democracy is doomed anti-Trump story and suddenly I got 'em all whipping off Toobins. Many are mentally ill and if Trump walked they might take matters in their own hands, just to get blown a kiss from the Maddow Whoopi National Review crowd.

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I would like to see the SS response if they tried to arrest him. Who thinks his SS people support him? Who thinks they would give him up? I would hope they are neutral and would do their job, but they are assigned to him and something tells me the current administration has put their fingers on the scale and made sure the people around him are loyal to them.

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The SS allowed the FBI into Mar Lago to raid it. The SS helped facilitate JFK’s assassination. I don’t think they are completely trustworthy.

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I can't wait for Michael Cohen to swear in: "I swear to tell the whole truth so help me God... what?!? the Bible just caught on fire!"

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It’s quite evident the Dems will stop at nothing to cling to their power…NOTHING.

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Imprisoning President Trump would ensure his election. Most Americans recognize this is a soviet style show trial with the outcome predetermined. Being a former President, Mr. Trump is entitled to Secret Service protection, especially if he was in prison, where no prison administrator can guarantee his safety, ala Jeffry Epstein. Most likely the SS would have to take over the administration of the facility and even though NY doesn't generally imprison real criminals, having Rikers Island or some other incarceratory vacated for Mr. Trump is unworkable. Making Trump a martyr is the last thing the democrats want.

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It is the last thing they want but something they are stupid enough to do.

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The Democrats are pushing a bill that would strip Secret Service protection from “disgraced presidents”.

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now there's an idea that could surely backfire on them, which would be pretty funny

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The problem is that dead men cannot take the oath of office.

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bingo. and TDS is so powerful amongst people who I thought would know better that they would celebrate DJTs earthly demise

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Tossing Trump into jail would turn him into a modern-day Thomas Paine. Can you just imagine the postings from a cell?

That being said, the best advice I've heard recently (sorry, I cannot remember where I heard it to give attribution), is if you are just going to the polls to vote AGAINST someone, do the rest of us a favor and just don't vote. You're screwing the rest of us over. Vote for the actions and policies of the person, not whether you want to have dinner or a drink with them, or have them babysit your kids or puppies, (sorry, couldn't help myself).

Up to now, and I've been around a long time, I never got fussed about presidential elections. Even if my candidate didn't win, I've been of the opinion that this republic has survived nearly 250 years, and could certainly survive 4 years of a [really] bad president. We've already had a few. Buchanan, comes immediately to mind. So I am astonished at the speed of the deterioration of every aspect of this country that the past 3 years has brought. The Trump prosecutions are just the cherry on the sundae, and illustrates that the administration thinks we're all idiots. Pisses me off!

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Good to hear you are keeping an open mind about your vote.

You ask if democrats would arrest him but isn't this case proof that they would pretty much do anything.

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I'm a political moderate/ center/ no nonsense. Turns out that makes me a conservative. My faith is in Jesus, my family and all the God given talent/knowledge and wisdom I have received over my life and very little else in the world. I have no problem voting for Trump even though he doesn't share all my values. He shares enough. He's a politician sort of, but a politician nonetheless. I think there is a binary option this time around. You either vote for Trump or Kennedy. Kennedy doesn't have a chance and his running mate won't keep a lid on the progressive left even if Kennedy can be moderate. I can send a message by voting for Trump, but I also expect that he will govern well over the US. He has a good track record.

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The progressive left hates Shanahan now, as they hate RFK. They are both considered traitors. If she actually became VP, she'd be powerless like all other Veeps!

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class traitors can make the best traitors, in my book

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Such a tactic cuts against his very brand as a fighter. He won't do it, nor should he. Yes, the fix is in. But by continuing on as he has, he gets to make the case that he fought to the end and respected the rule of law (except for the unconstitutional prior restraint encompassed by the gag order). If the press wants excitement, they may get it in the form of imprisonment for gag order violations. If the judge does that, he just may push Trump's campaign over the line to victory. The judge knows that, and so doesn't want to do it. But he may not be able to stop himself. Judges cannot stand being "disrespected" and have the ability to wield unchecked power, at least temporarily, pending any applicable appeal.

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