"so I get all the news to myself."

I'm simultaneously thankful for Alex & disgusted and saddened by the behavior of everyone else - including my fellow Americans who aren't interested in coverage of the absurd lies we were told.

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A friend of mine the other day said that the mandates are over. I told her she was wrong. That people are still suffering from side effects, losing jobs, educational opportunities, etc. It is heartbreaking to me. I don't understand how so many people can move on and not care for their fellow humans.

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And now cancer rates have become 8-siigma to 20-sigma increase, which means it is a once in the history of earth event.

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And the puppet is rolling out the CANCER initiative...what perfect timing. To be funded by guess who? Create the problem and simply dip back into the "we the people" well. The cancer rates sky rocketing now as are immunological and neurodegenerative issues. No way the EUA gene therapy medication injections have a say in this right? Just sayin

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And now there’s Adult Sudden Death Syndrome & you can carry a heart monitor in your pocket. My cancer institute & breast cancer blog have added SO MANY more “side-effects” from chemo that are just now being discovered…hmmmm.

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Its all so obviously intentional isn't it. I mean a sick society is good for business. All they have to do is spew new names like "long covid or other acronyms and sheep line up for meds and never question why they are so sick. Rinse and repeat and "we the people" pay for it in every way

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Someone mentioned to me the other day that their mother in law died from “a reaction to chemo even though they had been doing well up to that point”. My mind immediately went there

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Such a travesty.

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It's not that these idiots planned this. If they were intelligent, given how evil they are, I think they WOULD have planned to cause cancer and then profit off the cure. But they don't have that much brainpower. They are collectively dumber than a pile of rocks.

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Pharma learned long a go a sick society is a good biz model. Decades ago. Rinse and repeat with some savvy marketing indoctrination and well "we the people" funded psa's

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it's as if? It's obvious and well planned

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I really don't think so. Why kill off your cash cows? They might be smart enough to see that wouldn't make any sense.

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Please don't insult the rocks.

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when i listened to alex on joe rogan's podcast, he mentioned that the white house believed in the vaccines & that they would stop covid

i thought to myself. "pshaw, they knew the clot shot was only effective for about 14 weeks. so did pfizer because they ended the trial at 13 weeks."

but then i thought - WHAT IF THEY ARE TRULY THAT STUPID??

and it does explain a lot!

pfizer totally tricked them, and now they kind of have to pretend they weren't tricked to save face. of course they would do all the other power grabs like the geo tracking & phone passports because why wouldn't they.

but they basically stumbled into the initial position, made all the wrong calls, and now it's cool to be anti-vaxx.

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I tend to think that they knew all along the vaccines were dangerous and ineffective. Sadly I think most of the elected officials the part of the entire evil scam. Maybe people a little bit lower level or tricked but I think those in authority and power were in on it. That’s just my two cents

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That's the least far-fetched explanation for this mess. They're stupid, they raced to look like heroes with technology that killed a lot of the test animals, thinking they might even profit off the lab leak that Fauci, that egotistical moron, funded in Wuhan. Someday this will make a great tragicomedy, a movie I hope I live to see.

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Big Pharma has been complicit in causing cancer and benefitting from the treatment for decades. I watched a documentary about oral contraception and abortion years ago....sorry I can't recall the name, but it was done by a pro-choice woman who wanted to investigate. She was horrified that her own risk of aggressive breast cancer was like 90% due to her years of taking oral contraception and her unfortunate 2nd term miscarriages. She was absolutely furious that she was never once given information regarding oral contraception and breast cancer. Not once. After extensive investigation she discovered it was all due to this massive financial collusion between Big Pharma, the Susan G. Cohman Breast Cancer fund and the Cancer Treatment industry. Really, really sick stuff.

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You don't want to get me started on the damage caused by SSRIs and ADHD meds. SSRIs perform no better than placebo but with horrendous side effects. ADHD meds cause brain damage. All massively peddled.

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Such a GOOD point. This nothing new! The one great silver-lining this time around is far MORE people are now in fact aware of just how corrupt the Pharma-Government-Medical-Media cartel is in the collusion and more and more are becoming aware every day.

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sadly, the true idiots are the people going along with it, the people who complied (and continue to comply) like a bunch of sheep.

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It's the same as pushing abortion rights and transitioning for teenagers. They're all for-profit industries. My wife's former boss has a kid that transitioned. At a bare minimum, the kid is a patient for life.

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If he doesn't commit suicide.

Abortion can't have "rights", can it? Is there ever a right to murder? The baby is not your body. But his body parts will be sold if you kill him. And I don't think anyone can say she doesn't know that anymore.

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"To prevent cancer — Today, we know cancer as a disease we have few good ways to prevent. But now, scientists are asking if mRNA technology, used in the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines to teach your body to fight off the virus, could be used to stop cancer cells when they first appear"


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But if it "Taught your body to fight the virus"....Why did so many get infected post injection??? Rhetorical Question.

I'd call it a FAILURE.

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i think they mean that when they hijacked your immune system to mass-produce and then desperately fight off spike proteins, your body wasn't able to do its normal cancer clean up because it was overtaxed

so if they inject you with mrna cancer then that will cure covid

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our president couldn't be more of a puppet if he had visible strings attached to his mouth and arms

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Dear heavens...and people will flock to take those gene therapies.

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Regarding cancer, I've reached this conclusion: There's probably no way in Hades any "scientist" working in the government-funded science complex is going to cure cancer. They are almost all clones, no doubt pursuing the WRONG areas of research. In real science, you need mavericks thinking outside the box and that's not allowed with our current system (or it's not possible because the funding doesn't go to those people).

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I’d be interested in seeing the article that talks about that. Good friend developed a rare brain cancer recently. He’s getting a complete bone marrow/stem cell whatever, transplant. Has to get EVERY vax he ever took. Asked him if he’s getting the poison death shot and he said yes. Absolutely kills me.

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We have a friend whose blood work was fine last September prior to surgery. After surgery at some point, she got a booster. By December she was in full-blown leukemia.

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Ugh So sad.

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Good luck to him - my second cousin just passed from brain cancer - 4 weeks after dx.

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Hate to say it- but that’s a blessing. My BIL lasted 14 months & I wouldn’t have put a dog that killed a child through his last 6 months. Gliosarcoma- even more rare than glioblastoma. A dear friend 38yrs radiology MD in Ft Worth said he had seen 5- maybe 6 blastoma in his career and only 1 sarcoma.

Prayers for all.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

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So sorry. This whole vax thing is a crime against humanity.

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Very sorry. I tried to convince him. Wouldn’t listen.

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Ethical Skeptic- substack

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Yes, more on the 20 sigma increase on his posts and also Mathew Crawford's

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Thank You

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My brother's best friend (in his 40's) was suddenly hit by a very rare and super aggressive lung cancer. He's been sent home with hospice. So, so sad. But they are in denial, blaming vaping....He's been vaping for years, but soon after the shot he developed cancer. You can't even mention the sacred shot to these poor folks, plus it kind of feels like kicking them when they are down. Had a blue pilled acquaintance recently give birth to a child that died of a brain bleed hours after her birth. Didn't have the heart to tell them they are not the only ones.

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Christi, I also have a good friend who's niece gave birth to a baby that had brain bleed and massive bruising from the birth ICU but the baby lived. Not sure what the future holds. very sad. Unbelievable the shots were recommended for pregnant women.

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So true. Fine line between someone trying to legitimately help and inform someone vs an “I told you so” But we have to try and awaken people to the evils of what is really going on.

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I imagine that eventually it will all come out.

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Starting too finally. But the Damage has been done.

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Same for friend with multiple myeloma. 😢

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I know. A stunning level of harms, all for power and money. Despicable.

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Not doubting you -- but can you provide a source on this? Just interested in reading more about it.

Edit: just saw you reply to someone else asking the same question. Nevermind!

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Worse things are coming ... just pay attention to the LEFT rhetoric.

IF they are unable to cheat in November (in the scale they did in 2020) they will proclaim Putin (or Trump, or whoever) rigged the election and "The 17 intelligence organizations", including the military will take over (why do you think they've cleaned the ranks from people that can think for themselves?)

If the are able to mount the planned cheating, well, the same as above will happen, just will look more legitimate.

So god help USA (and the world, because we're the last hope here)

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And I don't think the large cadre of IRS agents are actually meant to perform as IRS agents. I suspect they are meant to support homeland security against the American people. And I don't even own a gun, but I see the benefit of owning one. I think the 2nd Amendment is the only reason we weren't under even more tyranny like Australia. And of course, now the credit card coding for purchases of weapons. I think they are ramping up for Digital IDs, CBDC, etc. to be implemented before the 2023 elections. What a nightmare of a world these people want. I wouldn't wish this state of affairs on my worst enemy.

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"I think the 2nd Amendment is the only reason we weren't under even more tyranny like Australia"

That's why I'm saying USA is the last hope ... we're the only ones (in the civilized world) that have guns

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I agree you’re our last hope

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I agree. Here in the uk the liars and conspires are up to this https://dailysceptic.org/2022/09/12/demanding-answers-on-vaccine-passports/

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"“Deliver the NHS Covid Pass App live service"

It has NOTHING to do with COVID. It'll be used to track and control population (like in China)

I am really disappointed by you Brits for your choices of PMs (since after MT)

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Me too, I feel I’m very in the matrix now. It’s too horrific to contemplate where this is heading but I’m never complying no matter how hard it gets. Live on knees or die standing

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I know. Tony Blair has been advocating for them. He is such an ass. I like Laurence Fox. He on the other hand, is a bad ass.

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I would say 99.99999% of the people of the uk detest this man with a vengeance

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That guy is the worst of your PMs probably EVER

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Yeah nobody is paying attention to the "language". It's all there. Terms have been redefined, labels have used by the commander in chief. Everyone who votes republican is a domestic terrorist, their votes will be null and void.

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Take my word for it, I genuinely doubt they’ll be an election, because they can’t rig elections in 50 states, and they expect to have everybody in Congress and Senate to be Democrats November ninth.

So, Covid-pox-QAnon-Russian pandemic shrieking suspends voting and only Democrats can protect Amerrika…

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Just curious, how come the Woke crowd isn’t tackling that term, “mandate”…

It should be, “humandate”, true?

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You mentioned “woke” I see people daily still wearing mask. Cotton and the cheap light blue ones that anyone with an IQ above 90 and is literate should know (they do not work) apparently the CDC, NHO, Fauci, our current administration scared the shit out of so many people they cannot venture beyond their homes without wearing a mask. I see people driving alone with a mask. DOES THIS BEHAVIOR Drive any one crazy but me? This is insane.

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People live by popular easy and convenient …

But also, fearful misled and manipulated…

But, Demoncraps until proven otherwise…

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Have a relative whose grandson just got Covid. Goes to the market with a mask but last night had dinner with 10 friends in a small fully packed restaurant! Makes no sense! And I’m sure she’ll get the new booster. Us? After research we didn’t get the MRNA shot. Got the J&J instead (reluctantly) and so far no Covid and in our 70’s!

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As Castro would say "peopledate", but then so did peoplekind, sound stupid, but junior used it.

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And we are still under Jao Bai Den’s Emergency.

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It's NOT funny, there was a movie "The Manchurian candidate" we have it in real life, don't know if he's Manchurian, or Cantonean, or Hookienian, or Goetsunian, but for sure he IS CHINESE candidate, though probably handpicked in Davos

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And Jus tin un

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Our brother-in-law firefighter (a captain) for 30+ years in WA, was told if the mandates were ever lifted, he’d get whatever job was open. Of course, they filled his position weeks after he was fired. Disgusting.

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I am so sorry for your brother-in-law. Please tell him that people do care. People have families to support, but it would be hard to return to work for a municipality or organization that did such a thing. I would be more inclined to tell them where they could shove it. I've been listening to the CovidLawCast.com private podcast. As I understand it, many municipalities and businesses were paid off by the federal government to achieve a certain level of vaccination. So some court cases may be won on these organizations acting as agents of the federal government. They wouldn't resist the free money. The Left certainly used Trump and his warp speed. I wonder if Trump even realizes it yet, since last I heard he is still taking credit for these so-called vaccines.

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Thank you for understanding. He's still lost…having been a firefighter from age 16. We’ll check out the website!

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Come to Florida! he'll have no trouble finding a job. Just stay out of the major cities.

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He’s a SD kinda guy…but I may look at FL!

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What healthy responsible grounded caring independent person lives on the Left Coast as of 2022?

I am genuinely serious, All three states bordering the Pacific Ocean are beyond hope and concern.

If they burn to the ground or fall into the ocean from a Richer 9 quake, sorry, it is not a loss to those who are disgusted and sickened how the politicians who F up lives endlessly stay in power control and influence to this day!!!

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I just read that Florida has such a shortage of Corrections Officers that they are activating the National Guard to free up direct contact COs.

Florida is also hiring Veterans to be teachers and giving them 5 years to get their degrees. Maybe your BIL should look at Florida. If they don't need a firefighter, maybe he could be a CO or something. being unemployed for too long plays with your mind.

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Hospital employees in California are still required to get boosted with the original Wuhan strain mRNA vax. No religious or medical exemptions are being approved. Makes no sense.

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I know. I am in California. It pains me to visit a health care provider, knowing that I have a choice about the shot and he/she doesn't.

I did find a local doctor that has her own practice that freely offered that she didn't take the shot. A new criteria for me. I would prefer to sell my house, give up my career and dig ditches rather than take that clot shot.

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This must surely be the moment when you realise that you have been a slave to the system for whole of your professional career. And there is nothing that you can do about it unless you give up your current existence and lifestyle that you and your family have enjoyed. Not many.can do this so they just accept their servitude.

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Yes, some people choose servitude, but I choose a different path with less stuff, but much more meaning. And no, I've never been a slave to a system. I've always been free and always will be free, no matter what any government says.

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Stay strong in the faith

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Same here in Ontario, Canada.

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Ontario here as well. Where is that pig, Ford, I have not heard of seen him lately. Another traitor. Rob is spinning in his grave. May he rest in Peace!

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I always said that Doug was the dangerous one. For all his faults, Rob always seemed sincere.

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Yes indeed. Rob had his issues, faults, as humans we all do, but sincere he was, it showed to all that cared. He did good things for the people, that is what Rob cared about, unlike Doug, he cares only to line his pockets. Just a look at Doug's worth when he came into government, fast forward a few years later, he benefited Bigly. I wish him well and pray he turns things around for all the people in Ontario that voted for him, and those that did not.

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And those peeps have family & friends that will fall in line because if they’re getting it…everyone should. Somewhere there’s a Cliff 🙁

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Once this story gets too big to contain, the vaccines will vanish, and everything will be suddenly swept under the rug and forgotten about. No matter how many die or are hospitalized with mysterious vaccine-related symptoms, any research as to the cause will be banned and public discussion of such matters will be discouraged, or even investigated, by federal authorities as a potential threat to 'democracy'.

My hope lies with courageous reporters like Alex and with the legions of greedy personal injury attorneys who already see this as the goldmine of the century.

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60 Minutes covered the H1N1 debacle 3 years after the fact, so maybe in another 2 years a news outlet will give a damn. There have been so many heroes, like Alex, that are trying to inform and help people, regardless of the costs. I have tried to warn my family and friends. But eventually it all comes down to informing oneself and personal choice. Many lawyers are left-leaning, but yes, let's hope their greed wins over their politics.

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The politics that guide the plaintiff lawyer profession are this: We have a good and lucrative thing going (filing the lawsuits we can file), but if we started suing every company and organization that was liable for causing economic or health harm due to Covid policies, we would instantly get the Julian Assange treatment. We wouldn't be "politically protected." That is, they know what defendants they can't sue and the type cases they can't bring. Probably 40 percent of the world's population has a legitimate damage case, but the trial lawyer bar isn't going to run ONE commercial soliciting such clients.

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That isn't promising, but it does make sense. Separately, it has occurred to me that it is important to know the political leanings of the people who represent you. In a perfect world it shouldn't be, but knowing that my lawyer is more committed to me as a client, rather than a large association or political party would be crucial to me. I wonder about arguments that advocated for the HCWs against the vaccine mandate. Were they adequately presented? I haven't read the court documents, but I don't understand how they lost. I could easily make a great case against the mandates. I have been keeping track of everything that doesn't add up since the very beginning.

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There won't be any commercials until the path to the money is clear, but political protection will only get big pharma so far. I can't predict how it will end, but a giant "Superfund" settlement, or bankruptcy protection seem like plausible outcomes at this point.

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That would be the only "solution" that MIGHT work. I wonder if they will allow at least a few people to be sent to prison - if nothing else than for symbolic reasons? This said, it would be a slippery slope once they allowed any verdicts punishing the accomplices, and this would set an awful precedent for their side. Once you had a few trials - and all the real facts came out - the public would belatedly understand the grotesque scale of said crimes and how rotten our "leaders" really are.

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"legions of greedy personal injury attorneys"

Great point, I hadn't thought of that. Indeed, that greed will help bring the truth to light...

Of course :( the v makers are zero liability, so that has to be circumvented. I've read that if they were fraudulent in their initial claims, the immunity is null, so I suppose it's possible.

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Exactly. I think fraud is unavoidable based on the manufacturers' test data that the FDA has already released.

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I think you're making a point I recently made in a Subtack post. One reason the guilty won't face justice is that if this did happen (on a wide scale) this in itself might constitute a "threat to democracy." I called it a "threat to national security." I maintain the whole system - or the government - could collapse if the true scale of these crimes was exposed and all the victims could seek compensation for health and economic damages. Damn near every big corporation or organization could be sued into insolvency. Armies of citizens with pitch forks in hand could roam the land. I guess such a scenario WOULD constitute a "threat to national security." Of course, if real and enlightened democracy occurred, all the bums and criminals might lose their jobs if not their freedom. Our "leaders" would consider this a threat to themselves, which they would label a threat to "national security." So they are going to preserve "national secrurity" even if they are the ones who made the nation insecure.

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That aligns with Biden referring to a domestic threat (blame it on Trump supporters when people of all political persuasions want freedom and good health). And explains the new 87K armed so-called IRS workers. So your government denies your children (who aren't at risk) an education for two years, denies you a job and the means to feed, clothe and house your family if you don't take the clot shot and you are the threat to democracy and national security. It is so insidious. We only have to look to the truckers in Canada to see how governments treat decent people who don't agree with government policies and just want to exercise their God-given freedoms.

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We think exactly alike, CR. I'm going to write a piece on this theme - i.e they are coming after, going to neutralize, the "threats" - who are now understood to be the MAGA Republicans and/or the "extremists." .... They have also targeted the "persuaders" - those with the ability/potential to effectively challenge all the bogus or dubious narratives. Alex, as he has shown, is one such person on this target list. That's why censorship and having the mainstream media and social media platforms on their side is so vital to their operation and future agendas.

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They are targeting normal, sane people, i.e. anyone that wants to be safe from crime, doesn't want their kids indoctrinated, believes that women are women and men are men, wants to make their own health decisions without interference from government, wants to say what they think and speak to whomever they like, etc., etc. They want power and don't care what kind of dystopian world they create to achieve it. I am conservative, but not MAGA. Still, I am sure people like me are on the hit list, even though with hard data I didn't persuade anyone against taking the shot. (Although, they do seem to be coming around a little now.) Early on when the administration was speaking in such revolting ways about the so-called unvaccinated, I did tell my transfected friends that I hoped they would visit me in the gulag. Now, I might not be in the gulag because I didn't take the shot, but definitely we would both qualify for wrong-think.

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We still have travel mandates in Canada, just sayin’

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I know and I'm sorry. We didn't have mandates, but we did have testing last year for the unvaccinated to fly to Hawaii. I refused to be treated differently, so I rescheduled my vacation for 6 months later. Cost me extra, but I didn't care. And Hawaii dropped the mandates because their tourism industry suffered I think a 30% loss with the mandates.

The reason that all of us are subject to any form of mandate is because enough of us complied. If everyone had just said no, we would have been back to normal in a week. Really pisses me off. Watching our freedoms being thrown away, likely never to fully return.

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The US too, no entry without the Goo.

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Unless you stroll across our imaginary Southern Border. Then you get free transportation, cell phone, health care, education, walking around money, housing, and food. All without ever having to get the jab.

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And now you can hold a government position!

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You’d think something would have give by now. Surely the Liberals will feel it at some stage

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Any idea how many of those who come across are processed? Just curious.

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, like-minded people couldn't have said it better

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Infuriatingly, true.

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Yes we can’t travel to the USA from the uk and we usually visit every year as we’ve got a property there for over 19 years.

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My best friend is British, residing in Taiwan. He was registered to attend a conference in San Diego in October and excitedly booked an onward flight to visit me. We haven’t seen each other in five years and we’re planning a road trip up to the Oregon coast. But then he got an alert saying that he cannot enter the US without proof of the clot shot.

I’m as sad as I am angry 😡

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That really sucks. Please tell your friend that many Americans are embarrassed that our government is so cruel and stupid.

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Thanks! He knows, and realises that "his" government and all governments that played along with the tyranny are the main problem.

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Just fake a CDC certificate. I did and it allowed me travel all over Europe the past winter.when.every country.was rabid about showing your papers. They are all just fools so just play their game with these bits of cardboard which are handwritten anyway.

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I was so paranoid about this. I thought they would have high tech scanners of the paper, an AI analysis of the ink and font used, immediate cross-referencing of the lot number to location, a review of electronic health records, etc.

Instead, it's idiots squinting their eyes at my cracked iPhone screen to look at a picture of a card, with the more intellectually advanced people using two fingers to enlarge the photo to look at it.

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