Trivial matters compared to the truth in this article: as one who has struggled w command of the English language for. the entirety of my life, please clarify for me if the words "...magazine published an long article about Biden’s.." shouldn't have been a long article? Also, did you leave not out of the following remark?: "...she could get these high-ranking Democrats on the record...". Your sub is my favorite of all those that I subscribe to & I'm constantly amazed at how well you would've fared in my freshman English comp class (the only C I ever got & well-deserved). Thanks for the clarifications & keep up the great reporting!!

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Yes, I fixed "not" in there already, I will correct "an" to "a" - I am writing really fast and I am my own copy-editor...

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Everyone loves Alex Berenson because he tells it the way it is and that's what people need. Stop gaslighting everyone and think we are all stupid. All you politicians and legacy media.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

Thing is they will NEVER stop as long as people support them and there are a LOT of deeply TDS psychotics out there

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We all need to not watch CNN, MSDNBC, ABC, NBC and stop reading WAPO and NYT. Try NEWSMAX and NY Post and Washington Examiner. WAPO is already losing Bezos money while he reportedly buys up single family homes that drives up prices for the middle class. People, companies and political parties only learn after they experience great pain. The Conservative Party in Britain is the latest example.

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Why stop watching the Left's outlets now, when they are all struggling to discover what their political betters want the story to be? It has never been so entertaining. One day it's backpedaling, the next revisionionism, the next an indictment of White House staff, then questioning the cognition of the privileged few in the Brady Press Room. It's a laugh riot.

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Quite true. But not watching affects their ratings which decreases their revenue. For the media owners, money talks and is the only thing that gets their attention in most cases. Losing money causes them great pain. Additionally one can save a lot of time because outlets like NEWSMAX play their mess ups so you can be entertained without watching all the garbage.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Exactly this! I’ve been flipping between CNN and MSNBC and it’s been highly entertaining. Been laughing a lot!

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Time to stop buying from Amazon

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It’s well past that time. They’ve now advanced to the point where some things can only be found on Amazon as some sellers no longer have other outlets for their products. Eight years ago it was easy to find everything elsewhere. And soon we may not be able to find anything elsewhere.

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Is there a reason CBS and NPR were list omitted ?

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Very good add. I was tempted to add them but my fingers kept putting a D in front of the three letters.

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Totally understand. Even though I write slower and double-triple check I still miss a word or punctuation sometimes. Would rather you write fast and expose the truth than miss a few spellings and punctuations.

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You got too much shit to do...and I don't think the work is going away...to say the least.

Leverage yourself and hire someone imo.

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And maybe get someone to do some research for you. Then you can spend more time with family!

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That’s your takeaway? God help us. No wonder we got Biden 🤦🏻

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I was thinking the same thing.

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Geez. You're absolutely right. You definitely struggle with the English language. It seems that you didn't understand a word.

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Nice work Billy D.

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Journalists have prostituted themselves for the Democrat party and now they want their virginity back.

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Alex is earning my paid paid subscription to his site; he is framing THE real scandal of our times: The press is completely captured . If 100 percent of the corporate or legacy press refuses to report the truth to the public, society has no "watchdog" press.

Question: Are MediaMatters and NewsGuard "fact-checking" the press's "coverage" of such a hugely-important story/scandal? They clearly are NOT doing this. This means the dozens of members of the "Trusted News Initiative" should NOT be "trusted" ... about anything.

The "Trusted News Initiative" is, in fact, a scam and a "conspiracy" designed to cover-up vitally important truths.

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What the Establishment is doing is steering all "trusted" news reports to captured "club members." If a story or "fact" doesn't come from these organizations, it can't be trusted, they say.

Well, who can't be trusted?

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Glen Greenwald is my #1 trusted news source. His nightly Rumble show that aired right after the news reporter’s Emmy night, ie. WH correspondence dinner was fantastic, he scathed them all as nothing but “members” of what they now think of themselves as the elite class. If any have the chance go back and watch, well worth it. Thank goodness many of us ordinary folks do Not trust anything they tell us anymore. Do any of you really trust his supposed interview w/ George tonight? Come on man.

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One of my favorite memories is the look on George Stephanopoulos’s face the morning after the 2016 election. If I could taste other people’s emotions, that would have been a fine Belgian chocolate, coupled with a top notch bourbon. I replay that in my mind every time I hear his voice.

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Bourbon and Belgian chocolate wow!!! My favorites.

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But what an impressively Orwellian moniker. And for those who don’t know the backstory the TNI was devised by the BBC who feared alt outlets like Rogan.

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The first significant truth bomb has exploded. Now the ball is in the public's court. Let's see if they put two and two together and decide this is not the only scandal our trusted watchdog press has worked so hard to conceal.


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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Hearings on the Hill, which will happen no matter what, will have the look and feel of the Watergate hearings. Who will be John Dean? Who will be Haldermann and Erichlictman? Will we have plumbers?

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So true.

What's also happening is many of the plebs have been given a truth enima after seeing in real time the destruction caused by foolish policies and the utter contempt the ruling class has for them - and by extension the media

In other words the shit is hitting the fan.

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Do they, though?? I haven't seen any evidence that they want to stop being Dem shills! They're only telling the truth now to try to salvage some credibility... precisely so they can CONTINUE acting as Dem shills!

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

16,000,000,000 illegals to late too. ALL, of IT was just "allowed" unabated. If just .005 or one half of 1% vote in the 24 election it's 80,000 additional votes. Just .0005. HOW is this not a threat to America and the election process, and seems like no one is really talking about IT. What if just 1 or 2% vote (160,000 to 320,000)

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So true, and since 1965, Ted Kennedy's legislation, of which he said "This isn't about voting", but it very much was, and California went from Ronald Reagan as governor to the guy now, and 47 of the 54 Cali Congressional seats Democrat, Newsome won his recall, and our cities plunge into chaos with help from Soros-backed DA's.

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LOL...I sound like Biden. Meant 16,000,000.00

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Still 16 too many.

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Probably more actually and all just ALLOWED

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For decades now - at least since the Carter admin.

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Goes back to the 50s. Google operation mockingbird starfire

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Well said. Lying liars. Should be prosecuted

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Haha, their VIRGINITY⁉️ I should think they’d want something more important: their honor, their virtue, OUR trust. To be honest, I seriously doubt either of the first two can be reclaimed; as for the third…

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Hmmm....not sure about that. What we're seeing could just be a CYA knee-jerk reaction.

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Except the ones who are actually part of U.S. intelligence

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And they cannot have it!

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"Their allegiance is to him, not the truth"....It's worse than that, Alex. Their allegiance is to their party - not to the country.

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Most of these writers and "journalists" think they are world travelers, globalists as well as people who have a unique understanding of world affairs. Not one of them have given two hoots about how the rest of the world views Joey2Naps. They are either stupid or totally buy their own bullshit. There are many bad actors around the world and I think this puts the US in a very serious security situation right now. However none of these stupid reporters think hiding and not shining a light of the weakness of the president is worth mentioning because when they hear the word "Trump" they wet their pants.

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They know they are lying. They are not stupid just evil.

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ya know, not even party, just power

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

For the love of God Alex...my 12 year old was asking me what was wrong with the President in 2020 saying he reminded her of her grandmother who has dementia. How long did they know SERIOUSLY? Should read just when did they make the concerted and intentional decision to cover for him. All of it is OBVIOUS and has been to anyone who can see and hear. Trump was calling out the FAKE and lying msm media well before 2020

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I didn't see if in 2020, but I wasn't close to anyone with dementia then.

This cover up reminds me of all the covid cover ups (for our own good) that we are now supposed to forget because they were "doing the best they could at being the adults in the room". All this to go full circle back to Fauci's giving out so many grants for cronyism that had plagiarism . Maybe if we had funded real research on alzheimers for the past 20

years Biden and a lot of our elders would be in better shape.

That is where I would like the conversation to somehow turn.

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No Alex, there will be no change in MSM journalism. It's more important for them to be in the club.

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"Capturing" these non-news organizations was the most important chess move in the Deep State's diabolical game of 3-D chess. Everything they've done - and will do in the future - couldn't have happened if the world had a real "watchdog" press corps.

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It looks to me like the Deep State made the wrong move by taking it too far. Since COVID, their captured mouthpiece has lost credibility, and they've been forced to try their hand at controlling social media. Now that's not working out, and I sense they might be getting a little worried.

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I wonder... On the other hand, consider the ratchet effect, e.g.changes in the last few years that aren't being rolled back. And all the hearts and minds work in the schools.

Only fix is to comprehensively reverse globalist and communist inroads into institutions.

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What we need is a massive PURGE of all "leaders" in all the important "truth-seeking" organizations, starting with the newsrooms.

This project would require one or two "truth bombs" to detonate. This would make more every-day citizens realize our "trusted" news sources should never be trusted again.

Maybe the "Biden-has-dementia" cover-up is the first of these seismic "truth bombs?"

P.S. All our so-called "leaders" are actually group-thinking "followers."

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And there's always a "work-around." The best work-around for truth-seekers has been Substack ... but some of us think Substack has now been captured ... or moves are currently afoot to muffle the influence and reach of this platform's principled and brave "citizen journalists."

My bottom-line is that the corrupt real rulers of our world HAVE to do this ... if they want to stay in control and avoid being tarred and feathered (or worse).

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Jul 5·edited Jul 6

A lot of people aren't able to do work-arounds.

Sometime in the last few days, I saw a polling statistic saying elderly people were more supportive of Democrats than younger people. In a way, this makes sense to me. My 96 yo mom gets her news from television- mainly Fox News. Most people here know, but I'll say it for those who may not- Fox News is only barely to the right of the rest of MSM. The Murdoch sons host fundraisers for Biden in their Manhattan apartments. Fox News has never said why T Carlson was let go, but it doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

My mom has no way of connecting to a substack, or any of the alternate media news sources. She's stuck with whatever comes through the cable. In her situation, she doesn't have much else to do but watch what they feed her.

And I can tell whenever I have a conversation with her. She's always been mostly conservative, but there's a lot she just isn't aware of.

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It is therefore your job to inform her. You can do it!

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if one is a Democrat, you would have to be thrilled that the MSM has your back...makes all the 'principled' Republicans the dying breed and what we're seeing as the Republican Party takes the long road to viability...will take at least another 20 years

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Well then, the club will eventually have to shut its doors as their faithful readers, most from an earlier era, die off.

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we've seen the percentage of people that have faith in the media plummet over the last 10 years...nothing has changed and now that the Twitter files exposed how many former State Dept, Pentagon and CIA officials now occupy seats at the MSM's tables, there is zero hope that there will be changes until as you claim, all the subscribers die off....that will take generations

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What's worse is the idea that a younger generation has absorbed the ethos of cultural Marxism and doesn't actually care about the truth in any classical or technical sense.

Instead, they will consume whatever source provides confirmation of priors, eg. Wear a mask, get riled up about the latest "genocide" (oddly never where a lot of people are actually being systematically killed), etc.

So I actually worry about older common sense people dying off and being replaced by under-educated, under-experienced relativists.

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Just ignore them.

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Theyre in mourning because they are losing their ability to disguise ideological uniformity as cultural diversity.

They're all on the same team and not one of them has an original thought.

Remember when journalists actually aspired to this:

"I like people who buck the system. Individualists. I often warn people: Somewhere along the way, someone is going to tell you, 'There is no "I" in team. What you should tell them is, 'Maybe not. But there is an "I in independence, individuality and integrity."

-George Carlin

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Very well stated in that first line. 👏🏼

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Are you kidding? The msm facilitated this deception. Now that they know WE know they're pulling a Limited Hangout maneuver, confessing to less serious "truths" in order to salvage our confidence in them. Fat chance.

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They are now in "ass-covering"/maximum-spin mode.

Who is going to investigate them?

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Alex and the other Substack journalists.

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I've written eight stories on the "real" scandal ... and I'm getting ready to write No. 9.

But we're all on Substack ... and we don't "matter." Sigh.

... Or maybe we are starting to matter more? If this is the case, one can assume that Substack has already been targeted by the Censorship Industrial Complex.

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Bingo. Operation Mockingbird

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I was raised in the 1980's and remember seeing clips of Pravda on the evening news and thinking "how could something be this ridiculous be aired as hard news" as it was pure Communist Party approved propaganda. When the Berlin Wall fell, I thought that I would never see anything like it ever again (Baghdad Bob notwithstanding). My goodness, between the NY Times, Washington Post and the Gannet papers, it is completely Soviet.

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Did you ever think anything like this could happen in our country ?

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I hoped not. At one point, “1984” was a work of fiction.

Sadly, the Marxist march through our institutions is long—and after 9/11, we weren’t paying attention.

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The media deserves every ounce of scorn that we can give.

But don’t let the media failure become the focal point here. Democrats put this man in place and propped him up using every lie they could think of. Democrats who are supposed to be the elected representatives of the people. Democrats who each took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.

The media should face a reckoning for their part in this mess. But don’t let the politicians turn the media into the fall guy, while Kamala and the rest of the Democrats carry on as if they aren’t the primary culprits.

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It’s bigger than scorn. The press abetted a fraud that was detrimental to the country

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It was a collusion between the corrupt media and the corrupt leadership...too late to do damage control.

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You’re absolutely correct. I just got censored by the WSJ for posting this on Noonan’s piece this AM.

“WSJ censors just like the rest of the dead media.

Why bother?”


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In reality, they did a disservice to their party. If they were honest, the DNC would have been forced to hold an actual true primary and Biden would have sunk then.

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Their hate for Trump and what they feel is "loyalty" to the left, is far greater than their honesty and impartiality and in doing so,have abdicated their role.

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TDS was perhaps the single most effective psyop on peoples minds in history politically speaking. The vast majority of those with TDS will never overcome the psychotic abyss they were led into.

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Apparently not effective enough. They had to cheat the 2020 election and they might not be able to pull another cheat off in November.

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without IT imagine. Probably the most massive landslide in history

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Yep, RFK Jr would have cleaned his clock in any kind of debate!

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RFK was right when he said (especially) Biden might not even get on the ballot. Still, CNN concocted rules to keep RFK out of the debate - using the argument he might not be on the ballot in many states.

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He would have cleaned every Democrat's clock. He might have stood a chance against Trump, too.

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They find themselves in a debacle of their own making.

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RFK, Jr. would likely be the nominee. That would be way worse for the deep state than Trump.

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Sorry, but Bobby is a Democrat with a climate alarmist green agenda who would keep most of Biden's liberal policies. He's better on vax mandates and the border, but supports reparations, for example. He also once said gas should be $22 a gallon.

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Agree. Eff that guy.

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“…somehow missed Biden’s sharp cognitive decline…”

Funniest line ever written by Alex.

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Wow. Well said Alex. I am not sure the media will ever recover from this.

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Of course they will. Half the country are democrats. A small part are true believers in the evil the rest are stupid.

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Almost no one is thanking the one person who forced this charade to end.

Donald Trump accepted all of the bizarre rules thrown at him to get this debate. CNN moderators, No audience, muted microphones, no press present to witness the debate etc. Trump did what he needed to do to get Biden in front of America with no handlers, no teleprompter, no escape. He let Biden do what needed to be done.

Yet no one offers a thank you to him. If Trump accomplishes nothing else, his meer presence, Trump Derangment Symdrone has unmasked government censorship, weaponized government, corruption in the DoJ,, CIA, FBI and other three letter organizations, and the corruption of media.

No one else has done this much good, ever.

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As many have noted , those “weird rules” helped Trump even if ironically.

More importantly, I have no inclination to “thank Trump” because he colluded with Biden and CNN to exclude RFK who qualified to be on that stage.

That fact should give Trump supporters some pause. Real pause. And now he’s borrowing from RFK’s health policies.

As Bobby argues, that broadcast was one long free political ad for both of them (even if it didn’t work out too well for Biden.)

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Wrong: Trump supporters are EXTRAORDINARILY grateful to him. He did NOT need this extreme hassle through which the Deep State demons, led by FJB & Co., are putting him. He was living a perfectly lovely life of leisure; could easily have stayed retired or done something else. Enjoyed his grandchildren. However, he looked around at the global wars underway and enroute, the weakening of our military, the men in women’s sports, the criminal alien invasion, and never-ending inflation, and felt he had no choice but to run again.

And look what they’ve done to him.

Tried to bankrupt him.

Criminalized him.

Threatening his very FREEDOM!

Yet there he is, still out there, fighting to make it right—not for himself, but for us all. Talk about getting knocked down and right back up?! The man is a machine. God bless Donald Trump!

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The only legitimate headline after the debate, which should have been a plastered across the entire banner of every major newspaper was: "WHO'S IN CHARGE?"

Subhead: "Who's been our Commander in Chief for the last few years, if it wasn't Biden?"

We are basically at war with Russia, supporting massive atrocities in Gaza, spending hundreds of billions on these wars instead of dealing with domestic issues, and we have no idea who's calling the shots.

This is not a Rep-Dem issue. It is the media serving as the mouthpiece for whoever is running the show, which is never the actual elected officials. Not being deeply alarmed by the fact that the President was obviously non compos mentis for much of his presidency indicates a very deep cynicism on the part of the media as to who's in charge, because that's who they work for.

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We need many whistleblowers in newsrooms to come forward. This is another example of where a fully-functioning WikiLeaks could have served the interest of truth ... But the same people shut down WikiLeaks and threw its founder into a gulag - so they could PREVENT scandals like this from being exposed.

... The "Trusted News Initiative" is actually a massive project to block the truth.

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How long do you think it will take to find out? Kennedy information is still not published after 61 years. I'm thinking that information reflects badly on the CIA? It might shake our faith in government. Like that could be worse. Yep, I'm thinking 2nd, 3rd generation Operation Mockingbird.

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Side note: Trump just said, on the June 20 All-In podcast, that he will release ALL the remaining JFK docs.


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Hey, Debbie — just a shout out to your great work!

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Debbie is awesome. Everything she writes is a "must-read."

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They’re either stupid, or corrupt. Just like the laptop veracity, tons of us knew months or years ago that Biden has dementia.

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100% intentional...they KNOW what they do and TDS fuels it

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Great point - one that many, thankfully, are now making. These A-list, Cracker-Jack journalists are either dumb as door knobs or they are all corrupt and involved in a massive conspiracy to cover-up important truths.

To say the least, either possibility is a tad disconcerting.

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Not dumb...they knew the truth all along and tried to gaslight the American people.

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They didn’t want to be shunned by their colleagues. Cowards.

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I agree. They all can't be THAT stupid.

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