Australia should have been the world’s ultimate public health and Covid vaccine success story - the nail in the coffin for Team Reality and the Great Barrington Declaration.
Australia did just what the Bill Gates-funded gurus wanted.
It locked down early and hard and stayed that way for almost two years. It closed its borders and responded to local outbreaks with even tougher restrictions. Australian police used drones and automated license plate readers to check if people were more than a few miles from their homes.
The restrictions largely “worked.” (Putting aside their cost to civil liberties, education, and mental health, of course, since those don’t matter to Covid fanatics.) Through the fall of 2021, Australia had few Sars-Cov-2 infections and almost no Covid deaths.
(Faith in science! It’s a thing:)
When Covid vaccines became available, Australia took an equally aggressive stance. The country’s six states segregated unvaccinated people, barring them from shopping, going to restaurants, and even entering libraries. States also forced Covid shots on many workers as a condition of employment, making up to 75 percent of workers get jabs.
Australians did not universally support the rules. Thousands of anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown protestors jammed Melbourne and other major Australian cities last fall.
Still, despite Australia’s reputation as an outpost of rugged individualism, it is actually more like Canada than the United States. Polls routinely showed that a majority of Australians supported the restrictions and were pleased with their government’s overall response to the coronavirus.
In fact, during the spring and summer of 2021, most Australians were primarily concerned that they did not have enough access to vaccines. More than 95 percent of Australians 16 and over ultimately took the shots - mostly Pfizer’s mRNA jabs. The acceptance extended to boosters, which nearly 70 percent of Australian adults have received.
And for almost two years, the elite media have held Australia up rapturously as an example of how the United States should have behaved and how many lives lockdowns and vaccines could have saved (never mind that Western European countries, which had lockdowns and Covid vaccination rates similar to Australia’s, have death counts similar to America’s.)
In May, the New York Times asked:
What went right in Australia and wrong in the United States?
For the standard slide-show presentation, it looks obvious: Australia restricted travel and personal interaction until vaccinations were widely available, then maximized vaccine uptake, prioritizing people who were most vulnerable before gradually opening up the country again.
(Cultures of trust, even better than anti-virals!)
But now Australia’s Covid success story has a new ending - and it may hold very hard lessons for vaccine advocates.
Since December, when the Omicron variant arrived, Australia has had an unending Covid wave. And after falling in April and May, infections, hospitalizations, and deaths are soaring again as Australia, which is in the Southern Hemisphere, enters its winter.
Of course, Australia’s overall Covid death toll relative to the size of its population is still far lower than the United States or Western European countries.
But for the last several months it has had more deaths per-capita, and nearly all those people are vaccinated. In the last six weeks, 656 people have died of Covid in New South Wales, Australia’s largest state. More than 85 percent were vaccinated, and most of them had been boosted.
Even more concerning, Australia has also had a large increase in non-Covid deaths. During the first three months of 2022, Australia had almost 20 percent more deaths than normal. Even excluding Covid deaths, deaths were almost 10 percent above normal. Figures for April and May from Victoria, its second-largest state, suggest excess deaths have risen even further since then and may be running 30 percent above normal - a stunningly high level.
It is hard to overstate what the unspooling crisis in Australia may mean for vaccine and lockdown advocates. Because it so successfully contained Covid in 2020 and 2021 and then used mRNA and DNA/AAV vaccines so aggressively, Australia is a near-perfect test case for what Omicron and future variants will do to a population that was mass vaccinated before being exposed to Covid.
Clearly, the vaccines have failed. The question now is how long the Omicron wave will last, and how many deaths Australia may have by year-end. The rise in overall mortality is also telling, because the excuses that public health advocates have offered in other countries - health-care delays or “long Covid” - do not apply in Australia.
For now, Australian national and state governments continue to push boosters - and to publish honest data showing just how poorly the shots are working.
No points for guessing whether the honesty or the booster campaigns are likely to end first.
In my 64 years of life, I’ve never had an anger problem, BUT the Covid, Covid lockdowns, mask mandates, mandatory vaccinations, etc., have caused a rage to come out of me like I’ve never experienced. The destruction to our world from this insanity is possibly irreparable.
What really angers me now is this media push to frighten us into another Covid scare just in time for November’s election.
I’m in Washington State, and we are already hearing about a coming mask mandate!
Here’s the truth though, masks do NOT work, and vaccinations don’t either.
I’ve completely lost my trust in government and “the science.”
I am a 65 year old pharmacist and I have always maintained a healthy skepticism for our illustrious "Healthcare" system. I too am having rage issues. At first I saw Covid-19 was being used as a political issue to take down Trump - which it one hundred percent was. I always refused to wear a mask and took a lot of abuse for that - even after showing people concrete evidence that they DON'T work. I attended "Open the States" rallies to stop the lockdowns. Then the "vaccines" came along and since I was retired, I was not forced to roll up my sleeve to take a jab. But many other poor souls either took it willingly, or were forced to maintain their employment. I predicted all of this carnage from the vaxseens, even before they were rolled out. I think what enrages me most, is being right about everything, but the sheople still don't know it, because of the complicity of the media. Why is Alex one of the only sources publishing this? It should be front page news on every outlet. How long will it be before everyone knows 8 or 10 people who have developed AIDS, cancer, heart attacks, strokes or suddenly die from Covid-19? Will people see it then, or will they still listen to Healthcare's narrative that 2 + 2 = 5?
God Bless your rage! You can reach a few hundred if you choose to take the risk. These criminals will come again and again until they are flattened by the awakened standing in their way. Sadly, all these paid thugs understand is someone laying waste to their aggression. I'm an engineer and statistical analyst. Alex is targeted now too. These criminal globalists want any large gatherings stopped.
I have actually found the "cure" for almost everything. It's called chlorine dioxide or MMS (miracle mineral solution). As an antioxidant, it reduces toxins, inflammation, pathogens and even cancer. I started using it several weeks ago and it has reduced my knee and back pain and my peripheral neuropathy by 90%. I literally feel 20 years younger than I did a month ago. I want to share it with everyone I know, but people have become so suspicious and untrusting, because of all of this hoopla. I am not sure why they think I want to scam them, but they do. Here's the link to the book about it, if you're interested:
Having worked in medical for a handful of years- and getting out based on what I saw- I share your skepticism.
[I predicted all of this carnage from the vaxseens]
I've had a number of instances like this over the years, the lazy one approximating this was foreseeing the mortgage crisis nine years before it happened.
It sure would be great to connect with people who've had similar experiences for longer conversations.
I interrupt people who say "Covid did so much damage to our (fill in the blank)," and tell them "Our REACTION to covid did the damage, far worse damage than the virus would have done." Evaluating ideas and not people, Trump was right about not making the cure worse than the disease. So many opportunistic people and companies made countless millions or billions. The world's leading veterinarian is a scourge.
Find someone, anyone who thinks away from the induced labor of mind control courtesy of the WEF/WEC think tanks and dead media. I have digital copies of They Live and Idiocracy to keep my mind stayed on the things of God, The Almighty. My treasures are no longer keeping me tied down. We meet with people to encourage them to realize we must learn the art of communications, the risks for not taking righteous risks to stand against criminal sedition and treason at every aspect of government. Basically, to those who can politely access these people are actually demons and spirits of darkness in high places coming out against humanity and The Creator.. Not that complicated with a bit of homework and heart analysis.
Not only have I lost trust in government, and “the science”….I’ve lost my trust in my own doctor and in my fellow friends and neighbors as well. They bought the deception lock, stock & barrel. They willingly participated and allowed it to thrive. Vaccinated family members and friends who sanctimoniously banned the unvaccinated from family gatherings are now silent as they’ve recently contracted “the big C” go about their business as if all of it never even happened. Employers who fired unvaccinated employees “to keep the vaccinated employees safe” keep these discriminatory rules in place as their vaccinated workforce is plagued with cases and repeat cases. Not one apology or acknowledgment that they’ve done wrong….
Yesterday a “friend” ( well educated in his 50’s) enthusiastically pronounced he will take as many boosters as he is able! After lamenting that all cause mortality is up this last year ( he still blames those statistics on COVID and “ long COVID”), I calmly suggested that those statistics might be related to vaccines. He looked at me as if I said Martians are landing right now. I tried to bring up a few points but could quickly tell he “ believes” in the CDC, FDA, and all MSM
I couldn’t resist sending him the info on Pfizer’s 2.3 Billion dollar felony payment several years ago for fraud
I have a prayer life, a prayer room and knee pads, too. I've watched God move against these criminals in powerful ways and means. I love righteous indignation. It's ok to ask pointed (with fingers) questions. But be prepared to take a licking and keep on ticking?
Couldn't agree more. I am in NY. (Once proud of that fact, now embarrassed!) Just heard mask Outside coming!!!! Outside? NO, NO, NO! At a recent doctor visit, there was a sign in the exam room that read: You must wear a mask even ALONE in the room! There is science for you! Insane! I cannot believe how many people are still driving around alone in their vehicles with masks on. It also infuriates me how stupid we are. All these kids involved in mass shootings. I can't imagine why locking them up in their rooms alone, taking away all their social activities and telling them to sit on computers all day might make them angry and crazy?! Oh wait, add pot. That really helps the situation. It is stunning and sad and infuriating how stupid we have become!
There is no way ANYone who lives in a BLUE CCP like cities such as NYC, LA, CHICAGO, Philly etc can be surprised the very same mongers who orchestrated all of what happened since the whu-flu lab release in China are doing it again. Seriously, why would they not attempt again and again and again when there is ZERO accountability ANYwhere. I mean REAL accountability...these are legit crimes against humanity pushed under a total fraud narrative and we all KNOW it yet to date in the 2.7 years since scamdemic commenced not ONE person or entity has remotely been held to account. Not ONE!
Sure let people murder people and stay on streets and allow these criminals "we pay" with unbridled freedom to do to humanity what they will. I agree on not complying sure, but WTF expecting society to be better without tough love and accountability? Yes it's gone on for far longer than just these past 2.7 years of the scamdemic, but this time around it's far more amplified in ovet tyranny
The mind was once a terrible thing to waste in the days when the waist was a terrible thing to mind. I stand further away from the maddening crowd by saying we MUST have a national and world revival of Biblical proportion. Man following man without worthy role models increase the viewing time to the cult of entertainment domination.
Another Washingtonian here. I've also noticed the daily little references to mask mandate "possibilities'' in local media, softening us up for the coming announcement. How thoroughly they do Inslee's bidding.
Funny how they wasted money on lockdowns yet could have spent the billions wasted there on building new hospitals.
But we can't do that so every winter we will hear about how we have to lockdown to save the health system.
I'm sure they could easily build 10 hospitals in major cities around the UK and use them 4-6 months as influenza season hospitals and that would make all the difference.
Not that we were anywhere near collapse but we do have long waits in the NHS in winter.
I've argued about this with Covidians and the number of excuses they come up with is mindblowing. Some are even pretty creative but the main one is "it is impossible because it takes YEARS to train doctors and nurses. So we can't do it"
You hear that? A country the size of the UK is just helpless. No way can we train new nurses, get staff out of retirement to help... there's no way to deal with this issue except lockdowns
build more hospitals?? why?? Talk about a waste of money. Hospitals have become administrative gulags. The only reason to go to one is if death is imminent via a heart attack or car accident or something of that nature. This cold is no reason to go to a hospital, they will follow the worst protocols available. My guess is that most people that go to hospitals because of covid its based mostly on fear they have manifested from ingesting corporate news about the cold.
I lost 8 friends from the hospital isolation and abuse. All were jabbed first. Spirit of Death and Murder funded by big business and elimination of the non-productive to steal their things and break their families hearts.
I admire you from across the waters. We only hear about the total submission the UK has entertained, never the real men and women who risk it all to alert and challenge the mindless. There is a remnant that will turn the tide against the demoniac forces in high places. Hand it to King James in this fine passage through the ages: Ephesians 6:12 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
The subtlety of this control mechanism is much likened unto the frogs in the pot of water as the heat is slowly turned up until they are overtaken and begin to boil. With a globalist-controlled media, Chinese-owned entertainment orientation program and a system of re-education, busily indoctrinating people from birth.
But we send $40 billion to Ukraine w no oversight! Political money laundering for sure!
how much inner city repair/infrastructure that would accomplish! Well, then again, they are mostly run by Dems who allow their cities to be destroyed in the name of social justice!
The USA nursing schools are turning out nurses every semester only to see them go to work and then resign because the work conditions (patient overload). Older nurses have retired in droves because of mandates for vaccines and huge lay offs at the beginning of Covid because hospitals concentrated on Covid (where the money was). The hospital does have beds - they don’t have nurses to tend to the patient they could put in that bed.
Haha! That's a great point. Honestly I think hospitals should be for accidents/emergencies and certain other issues like surgery but they suck at dealing with chronic and autoimmune diseases.
These conditions can be cured with a better diet, sleep, exercise and vitamins.
We spend billions removing necrotic limbs from diabetics so obviously the drugs they are on aren't helping. If those diabetics switched to eating steak and lots of saturated fat they wouldn't be in the situation where they need a foot removed.
So I actually think we need to shrink healthcare spending. We have the power to bring that system to its knees. By opting out. By saying we have our health in our own hands and do not need their drugs (Not saying I may not need help if I'm in a car crash!)
But I was just pointing out how the people pushing the narrative don't even really believe it themself.
Fuel prices in Savannah are 30 cents to 70 cents cheaper than Florida. Maybe Red China is rewarding the two secretaries of Georgia State for their efforts. Truly sad that Georgia is that owned by racists and race baiters.
Once critical race theory invades schools and the milieu, we are classed as oppressor or oppressed. And the idiots in the entertainment (propaganda echo) industry aren’t helping. Georgia is tenuous, that’s for sure.
That's because Georgia suspended gas taxes until after the election. That's all folks. It's something, but nothing like the freedom to choose your elected leaders and have confidence in the outcome. No. We just aren't ready for that.
Every state lowered the gas tax or federal tax a bit. Georgia had a huge drop in fuel costs around the port city. Could have been the reduced sale of fuel as we hit the bumps on shortages. The regional fuel prices could have benefitted from short delivery costs. But there ARE favors owned to key Georgia officials who permitted the dust to settle on their massive election shenanigans in 2020. They never explained any of it. And their contributed random mechanical voting contributions NEVER came to fruition. And the Federal Judge asked the current Secretary of State if he was still satisfied, before shutting down a very good and honest evaluation of mechanical voter entry data. Recall that Georgia had at least one full truck load of mechanicals destroyed illegally. That one statement from DJT about just needing 12,000 votes and Governor Kemp and company recording the call and releasing it are RINO to the core. Brian is another secret society buddy who is running scared. Very likable guy and very smart. But follows orders to the depths of his political soul.
Just think Dave, Not ONE person or entity has been held remotely accountable for what has transpired since the whu-flu lab release in China 2.7 years ago. Not ONE! All the same perps are all in the same positions continuing the great crimes against humanity. In fact many of them have received a raise on our expense because they are doing such a wonderful job. Justice at it finest...
They need to hold the line and make it impregnable. If even one were to be held accountable, a massive gasp would follow, sucking all the air out of the “system” and a tsunami of charges would follow. That’s why all we need is one big fish to be caught.
This may sound counterintuitive but I don't have as much rage towards the pharmaceutical companies as I do towards the politicians and the media. It is the job of pharmaceutical companies to try to sell their wares. It is not the job of a democratic government to oppress and do what is bad for us, and it is not the job of journalists to promote lies and bully the population into compliance with the government and the pharmaceutical industry. If those two institutions had not complied, the pharmaceutical efforts would have meant nothing. They would have been just another group of (dishonest) businessmen promoting their product.
We as citizens under a Constitutional Republic depend on government to hear our grievances and avoid kickbacks and payola at the Medical Business level. CDC earns at least 4.2 Billion (with a B) for their 18 or so jab adjuvant formulas . They bill big Pharma about 10 million for their review and examination of research testing on each new or refined drug subject to the FDA approval. I could send a photo (GPS line code blocked) of a house of a friend who sold legal drugs for 25 years and you'd think it was an auditorium. The contraindications lists are longer than the stick used to shake them off.
Journalists and the corporate ownership of MSM take cash ($6.5 Billion in 2021) for ad content on their programs , including news formats. Who spends more than Big Pharma? - They no longer have investigative reporting, aside from AP and Reuters (two known elements of globalist cabal mass media marketing). The compliance was 100%. Any MD or group of MD's who spoke against RT-PCR testing methods, the original developer, Dr. Kary Mullis saying before he died his test was never designed to test virulence intensity, or the mRNA danger to humanity jab were castrated at the mic stand. The money machinery is not just the 100 plus Billion announced revenues, it was government protected under emergency delivery and other name calling. The Care Act gave $39K to place Covid peeps in that mode. Hospitals earned $12k for any one admitted with Covid symptoms. Game raised the death from from 120K to over 640K peeps in the first year. That does not include those who died from other morbidities put on hold as many hospitals shut down.
Now they spin the same physics and as early as 6 month alive babies get the jabs. We are basically walking dead from moment of conception to moment of indulgence in the poisoning of our hearts and minds with fear virtually so far from real pandemic status, scientists have to control their snickering to a roar. How dumb are we? Dumb and Dumber sales have gone so low you can't hear them.
I hear ya. I’ve continually found myself these past two years actually shaking my head, but never so much as now - what with all the data, the essays, and the BOOKS (including and especially, Alex’s) now available. I’m presently working my way through a stack of 22 books. Stunned doesn’t begin to describe how I’ve felt and feel. The 20th century proved that mass insanity and spiritual disease are a reality, but I never suspected it would manifest in our time in this way.
Have you read "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F Kennedy Jr? It's 700 footnoted pages of Fauci and Gates' crimes against humanity. They put Adolf Hitler and Joseph Mengela to shame.
There was also a reason that George Orwell wrote "1984". Don't say we weren't warned.
Yes! That was the second that I read (after Jeffrey Tucker’s 2020 book, Liberty or Lockdown?). RFK’s is stunning and devastating. And in keeping with the thread, enraging.
Our LOSS OF CONTROL is fueling the collective rage we feel—that feeling of helplessness. But we, worldwide, are no longer that “sleeping giant.” We’ve awakened, getting up … and we all must be ready to roll…
What is truly HARD to accept in an ongoing way, is not only do these mongers who have orchestrated the totality of devastation upon humanity with the whu flu lab release in China get away with it..."we the people" FUND much of it. The thought of my hard earned money supporting people we all know to be complicit in all of this is beyond words!
Your "rage" comes from multiple misunderstandings and I share these faults with you.
You/we assumed that local and elite doctors were dedicated to helping people - that is our error. Sometimes a doctor will help, but they're in it for the cash. Doctors see even better than what the average guys sees but they're too far invested in the false narratives of jabs, masks, lockdowns, etc.
Most doctors KNEW in early 2020 that sufficient serum levels of vitamin D was essential to defeat covid yet stayed largely silent.
Most doctors KNEW in early 2020 that HCQ somehow mysteriously fought off infection, yet most denied efficacy. Same story for the partial efficacy of ivermectin.
You/we assumed that the FDA, CDC and all public health folks operated with integrity - another error.
Loss of integrity has infiltrated and compromised MOST important institutions. This has long been true of all levels of government but now affects Academia, Legacy Media (formerly known as Journalism), Church Clerics, parts of the U.S. Military, large Corporations and so on. We are living in a post Judeo-Christian world and it is ugly.
We've come a long way since the fig leaf, Saul blessing the troops and Judas thinking he could help "the message" with some advertising pieces of silver. The sin of presumption is a powerful road to hell paved with those good intentions gone wild.
I've become a very angry person too since March 2020. The masks really trigger me. The vaccines, which I refuse to take, trigger me. The PCR tests, which largely don't work, trigger me. Our election, which was rigged and had ballot stuffing in key states, triggers me. Our president and his stupid press secretaries trigger me. What an awful world we've created for ourselves and the world just goes along with it. Oh, and the mainstream media and social media/Big Tech, they fan the flames and foment the outrage. I've lost trust in the CDC and government bureaucracy. One thing is for sure, this has made me go from conservative to super conservative.
I know how you feel. I’m so angry I donated my weapons to charity, gave my ammo to random friends, added my new culturally acceptable identity before signing up for anger management, tolerance and virtue training. It’s the only safe way to remain angry, stoked and ready to use my newer weapons training if necessary. Professional knife throwing these days comes with a laser distance market system and running shoes. If you miss, the ax throwing comes later.
Don’t let these demons get you down. We’ve always had rigging and cheating on a smaller scale. And these commie code pleaders with the helium voices get black robes for wedding gifts.
Someone I know of is helping his daughter apply for college and here's some of the drop-down menu items, which previously would have been a choice between male and female but now is (and this is verbatim I am NOT making this up):
Same. I’ve always been an optimist and never held anger for long. The depth of my frustration will not end. I’m living with seemingly permanent anger caused by two years of mask and vaccine wars. I cannot use social media anymore. My list of friends has decreased and the ones I have are not as close as before. I read articles like this knowing public vindication is unlikely to ever happen. Despite being right, I will always be the guy that would not comply.
I feel the same here. I don't believe I'll ever be vindicated. I don't believe anyone that was pushign masks and vaccines and the PCR tests will ever apologize for being wrong and heavy handed. I have no problem with someone else using a mask, getting vaccinated, or getting PCR tested. The problem I had was when others were threatening me that I had to comply. I just want to be left alone. That's all. And yet, people still watch fake news CNN and listen to Fauci and the CDC as if its gospel. I cannot say I have not lost friends but its definitely caused me to recalibrate my relationships.
Same thing here. Loss of some friends and i got shouted down on social media. Can't even look at it anymore. And here's the kicker for ya - as it becomes more obvious that we were right, we are more likely to be more resented, not appreciated. Our relatively better health and lower risks will likely be resented as people do not want to feel like someone else has it better than they do, when they "did everything they were supposed to" and we will be walking reminders of their bad decision. And it's possible our kids may be healthier than their kids. We may become a new "1%" that they resent.
and you know what comes with "walking reminders of their bad decisions" EQUITY. after all we are all in this together and no one should be more healthy than the next. They (commiecRATS) will believe this and try and make the wise critical thinkers the ones who need to acclimate. Let them try and they will
It will be interesting to see what happens with their position wherein they thought that the unvaccinated should not get the same treatment in hospitals because we had made a bad decision. The shoe may be on the other foot now
That nuanced "feeling" of what has happened to humanity intentionally is echoed by so many Michael. What was done to the very fabric of social connection within families and friendships is a legit crime against humanity in my opinion and NO one will ever be held accountable for perpetrating it all more likely than not in an agenda like fashion thru mafia like coercion, threat and fear porn. Just yday a friend of mine was able to see her granddaughter for the 1st time in the 9 months because she was not injected and her daughter (a pharmacist of all people) would not allow her in the infants presence. The real tragedy though is the daughter had the infant injected with the "great experiment" so grandma could be around her now. Unbelievable!, but these sorts of things happened and still happen because of what these perps have done with humanity and yet none of them have remotely been held to account. This was her 1st grandchild. Fortunately, the data is saying only 2% of parents have made the choice to have their infants 0-5 injected with the "great experiment" so that is a positive sign...I guess. How NO one has been held to account in the 2.7 years now post whu-flu lab release is astonishing.
Justified anger tempered is a very powerful thing. Anger can be harnessed in a consistent healthy direction is possible. It's how you simply CHOOSE to view's perspective. How anyone is not 100% pissed off at what has been done and continues to be allowed since the whu-flu lab release to humanity is what concerns me considering the utter devastation in many ways intentional
I know more about politicians in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, France, and Austria than I ever wanted to know. Michael Gunner is a particular example of people I wish I had never heard of.
I'm a benefits manager at a large company in the US and the reporting bears this out. The medical claims, life claims, disability claims were all much higher August - October 2021 (about 5+ months AFTER the vaccines were widely available) than the prior year. The increases moved in lockstep, across vendors and across state lines. Particularly heartbreaking were the increased life insurance claims for suicides. Yes, there were medical and disability and life claims for COVID.... but the increases in other areas are a clear indicator that lockdowns caused people to miss cancer screenings, postpone surgeries, and deal with significant mental health issues. As soon as I heard the word "breakthrough" applied to these leaky vaccines, I knew we had trouble. That word happened a lot when the opioid crisis was first becoming obvious. Breakthrough pain meant more prescriptions sold. Same with these vaccines. For months, friends did not believe me in 2021 when I said that the vaccinated can get and spread COVID just the same as the unvaccinated. Some still do not.
I have a master's in healthcare administration and have worked in this area for a long time. When two weeks to slow the curve turned into months, I was genuinely baffled. No public health leaders were talking about the things I had expected in a world-wide health crisis... why aren't we planting Victory Gardens if the supply chains are broken? What about opening the playgrounds and state parks? Why are we abandoning the elderly in nursing homes? It seemed like every decision was the wrong one. Every. Single. One. For the first few months, I gave public health leaders a pass. And then the cognitive dissonance was too much. Where are the studies on masking? Where's the unvaccinated control group? Why do employers have to pay the $2,000 bill (for a $60 test) for employees to get tested for COVID at an emergency room? (Because it's the law and we're all throwing good money after bad, that's why.) The consulting company Mercer was busy sending out rah-rah missives about the vaccines, contrary to the agnostic advice one expects from consultants. Unsurprisingly, it appears that Mercer does significant benefits consulting work for Pfizer. It pains me that some employers tacked a surcharge onto the benefit premiums of those who did not vaccinate.
It took until President Biden's infamous "our patience is wearing thin" for me to completely lose faith. What a kick in the stomach. I lost faith in the country's health leadership, and in friends who no longer welcomed me into their homes because I did not take a COVID vaccine. Even when presented with the risk stratification by age, showing it was crystal clear that healthy individuals under the age of 50 really didn't need to line up for any of the vaccines on offer, it didn't matter. I went from being an expert to being a nut case in no time flat. I tried to explain that in the US, every layer of healthcare is, in some way or another, for profit. ICUs tend to run at 90% capacity on a good day, so there's no flex if we have a public health emergency. You don't see more grocery store lanes open than necessary, and it's the same with the number of ICU beds. No matter - I was the reason Grandpa couldn't get into the emergency room. Everyone's a Monday morning quarterback and the newsbox squawks very loudly. COVID is now an industry and we're not getting out of this any time soon.
Thank you, Alex, for your reporting. It's been a little lonely out here in the hinterlands and I have appreciated your willingness to speak the truth.
God Bless you for resisting the lies. Go public. Lay claim to the ownership of your corporate companies. It takes the Supernatural to defeat Moloch or Molech.
Well said. The signs that this was all a house of cards were there if you were looking for them. The more they said I was nuts for applying the same type of logic I try to use every day in life, the more convinced I was that this was a manufactured crisis. It simply didn't add up. Unfortunately tremendous damage has been done.
Thanks for that comment. Even as a layman, the evidence has become too obvious, yet is being suppressed still. The Event 201 playbook is still operating including their "Trusted News Imitative" that controls what the masses see. The Fauci/Brix team took HIV measures and applied them for a unsuited respiratory infection ( And still few will acknowledge any error! But the departures from NIH of researchers means rats are leaving the ship given they were unable to get their bosses onboard to make changes. It will take a new Congress to affect things and I just hope it's an honest election. A bunch of people need to be held to account for the errors.
This is incredibly powerful! It's absolutely undeniable evidence that the poison injections are catastrophic in every possible way. I wish everyone who believes the propaganda about the "vaccines" would read this, then reread it. And then try to refute it.
All of this is very important, but the Non-Covid deaths are also the one to watch. These are a result of people not receiving adequate care for on-going Chronic health problems and new onset problems. Lost two friends, both Jabbed and Boosted, to Cancer that was in remission and then became Aggressive and unresponsive to treatment........That's a whole other data set!!!!
Sooooo many different variables for the mortality data.
I’ve heard of several cases like these…where cancer patients that were in remission were vaxxed and then their cancer returns in a very aggressive way and terminal.
It makes sense. One of the most exciting things being worked on in cancer treatment is immunotherapy, where a patients own T-cells are engineered to fight their specific cancer.
Since vaxxed people have engineered their immune systems to focus on fighting Delta variant Covid over everything else, haven’t they gone through “reverse immunotherapy”?
This is, in my mind, the most important question of all! There doesn't seem to be enough pressure being placed on any of the people who should be giving us the answers! Where is that disgusting, China loving, wrinkled-up, nasty old POS, Sen. McConnell? He should be "leading" the charge to get good, trustworthy, clean, data to the public.....but nooooo, that old fool is too busy stuffing his bank account. He needs to be removed along with the entire Bidenettes!
Yes... and the damages government has done to America's Frontline Doctors is as bad as the crimes against the 1/6 victims still jailed while the world does nothing.
Nobody in media mentions the 2.7 Comorbidities associated with the cumulative death stats from China Beer Virus or the typical annual flu/pneumonia death chant collected from CDC stats from as far back as the over-dosing of antibiotics warned in the late 1970's. The genius of this globalist induced coma from the bat virus was the socialist distancing. The great historical rewrite is the real subliminal enemy by dragging out slavery, lie after lie about the abuses of slaves in high places and a list that could make "conspiracy theory" a conspiracy reality far too quickly.
You know the comorbidity study 9/4/20 from CDC was so obvious media and even CDC had to quickly bury it: 94% of the first 188K people with "covid" had 2.7 comorbidity events. That left less than 12,000 actually dying from flu/pneumonia greatly enhanced by the horror treatments of cytokine storms when they forced them to the machines where the largest majority died immediately. So. many computer-picked people from Obama Care data retrieval (largely those awake, or capable of causing the crime syndicate. trouble were placed in death march mode). I've seen the capacity to view patient records if you are an approved clinician or agency.
You can have empathy for the tiny minority of us that fought and fought and resisted. Our premier in the state of Victoria, is the most disgusting, corrupt, narcissistic, abusive, liar I have ever had the displeasure of seeing, let alone governing me and my family. I don’t know if Victorians are stupid or too trusting, but the manipulation of society has been very real.
Dan Andrews is the only person worse than our Premier in Western Australia, Mark McGowan. What snakes. They lie, lie, lie. I never felt pure hatred towards a political figure until I witnessed the depths that Andrews and McGowan sank to in coercing and gaslighting their own constituents. Disgust and hatred. I really, really hope they get dragged through a court and that we get to wipe the floor with them.
This is part of the Great Reset by the WEF/DAVOs crowd! They want to institute vaccine passports for purpose of control. Fortunately, it just went down in flames in France! Boris Johnson is now out in UK, and Draghi in Italy! Germany and Netherlands not far behind in their disgust of their leaders. They are all WEF/Klaus Schwab accolites!
And let's now leave out Bill Gates. I don't know who the hell appointed our vaccine chief and overlord! All these people need to be put in prison or worse!
LOL indeed... It did confirm a few things eg, being a rude and caustic prick, not being a very nice person (read that before), putting people down for "humour", etc... A tragically skilled political operator no doubt, and sadly one that may be returned next election - how dumb is our state???
HEAPS of Australians didn't want it but took the jab so they could earn a living. Based off my own network, I would say half of the people I know got vaccinated against job loss, not Covid. I'm in Western Australia. There are a lot of very, very angry jabbed people.
its the same story from all the cowards in the world. If massive non compliance occured it would not have worked. Put people knew that it could mean suffering on there part so they went along. My job here in the US forced the jab, guess what, I refused it and was willing to lose my career. I didnt, I'm still there. More than 1 person offered me a fake vax card, I refused it. I wanted no part of this madness. I told coworkers, even if you take the jabs, dont let the job know as it will only allow more mandates. They ignored me. My point is nobody was "forced" the jabs anywhere on earth. It was a choice they made for whatever reason. To not comply was the hard choice. They took the easy choice. Now you will reap what youve sown. If you continue to comply for whatever reason you give yourself it will never end.
I take your point. I was willing to sell my house and even live in a shelter if that’s what it came to. Or be shipped to that creepy Resilience Centre that they built just out of Perth. But like you, it didn’t come to that after all. I don’t have children though. I feel like the ‘losing everything’ equation is different for someone who has dependents and maybe a partner who is reliant on them and doesn’t understand what’s at stake. In those cases I withhold judgement. The rabid mandate supporters tho, they’re another category. certainly plenty of those here.
I feel for you in Australia, from what ive seen it wouldve have been hell on earth to resist. I also do not judge people that went with the mandates, everyone should do what they think is best for themselves. But these choices always have consequences, which is my main point. I just wish more woud have made the difficult choice and resisted, it wouldve made it that much harder for these power hungry pigs to bring them back, which I feel is coming in many places. Hopefully more people wont comply this go around.
We sold our property and moved to a portable area so we could distance our family from this communist-socialist attempt to kill off the opposition in the US. Great time to find people you respect and trust, then keep one eye open.
In my 64 years of life, I’ve never had an anger problem, BUT the Covid, Covid lockdowns, mask mandates, mandatory vaccinations, etc., have caused a rage to come out of me like I’ve never experienced. The destruction to our world from this insanity is possibly irreparable.
What really angers me now is this media push to frighten us into another Covid scare just in time for November’s election.
I’m in Washington State, and we are already hearing about a coming mask mandate!
Here’s the truth though, masks do NOT work, and vaccinations don’t either.
I’ve completely lost my trust in government and “the science.”
I am a 65 year old pharmacist and I have always maintained a healthy skepticism for our illustrious "Healthcare" system. I too am having rage issues. At first I saw Covid-19 was being used as a political issue to take down Trump - which it one hundred percent was. I always refused to wear a mask and took a lot of abuse for that - even after showing people concrete evidence that they DON'T work. I attended "Open the States" rallies to stop the lockdowns. Then the "vaccines" came along and since I was retired, I was not forced to roll up my sleeve to take a jab. But many other poor souls either took it willingly, or were forced to maintain their employment. I predicted all of this carnage from the vaxseens, even before they were rolled out. I think what enrages me most, is being right about everything, but the sheople still don't know it, because of the complicity of the media. Why is Alex one of the only sources publishing this? It should be front page news on every outlet. How long will it be before everyone knows 8 or 10 people who have developed AIDS, cancer, heart attacks, strokes or suddenly die from Covid-19? Will people see it then, or will they still listen to Healthcare's narrative that 2 + 2 = 5?
God Bless your rage! You can reach a few hundred if you choose to take the risk. These criminals will come again and again until they are flattened by the awakened standing in their way. Sadly, all these paid thugs understand is someone laying waste to their aggression. I'm an engineer and statistical analyst. Alex is targeted now too. These criminal globalists want any large gatherings stopped.
One more thing: I think the challenge is to channel the rage into something productive, creative, innovative.
From here, maybe the best use is to invest it into figuring out how best to manage through the fallout.
I have actually found the "cure" for almost everything. It's called chlorine dioxide or MMS (miracle mineral solution). As an antioxidant, it reduces toxins, inflammation, pathogens and even cancer. I started using it several weeks ago and it has reduced my knee and back pain and my peripheral neuropathy by 90%. I literally feel 20 years younger than I did a month ago. I want to share it with everyone I know, but people have become so suspicious and untrusting, because of all of this hoopla. I am not sure why they think I want to scam them, but they do. Here's the link to the book about it, if you're interested:
There is never one thing to cure all things (or even most things.)
Having worked in medical for a handful of years- and getting out based on what I saw- I share your skepticism.
[I predicted all of this carnage from the vaxseens]
I've had a number of instances like this over the years, the lazy one approximating this was foreseeing the mortgage crisis nine years before it happened.
It sure would be great to connect with people who've had similar experiences for longer conversations.
Yes yes yes, in Washington State!
I feel your rage. I’ve never been this angry in my life.
I interrupt people who say "Covid did so much damage to our (fill in the blank)," and tell them "Our REACTION to covid did the damage, far worse damage than the virus would have done." Evaluating ideas and not people, Trump was right about not making the cure worse than the disease. So many opportunistic people and companies made countless millions or billions. The world's leading veterinarian is a scourge.
Find someone, anyone who thinks away from the induced labor of mind control courtesy of the WEF/WEC think tanks and dead media. I have digital copies of They Live and Idiocracy to keep my mind stayed on the things of God, The Almighty. My treasures are no longer keeping me tied down. We meet with people to encourage them to realize we must learn the art of communications, the risks for not taking righteous risks to stand against criminal sedition and treason at every aspect of government. Basically, to those who can politely access these people are actually demons and spirits of darkness in high places coming out against humanity and The Creator.. Not that complicated with a bit of homework and heart analysis.
Not only have I lost trust in government, and “the science”….I’ve lost my trust in my own doctor and in my fellow friends and neighbors as well. They bought the deception lock, stock & barrel. They willingly participated and allowed it to thrive. Vaccinated family members and friends who sanctimoniously banned the unvaccinated from family gatherings are now silent as they’ve recently contracted “the big C” go about their business as if all of it never even happened. Employers who fired unvaccinated employees “to keep the vaccinated employees safe” keep these discriminatory rules in place as their vaccinated workforce is plagued with cases and repeat cases. Not one apology or acknowledgment that they’ve done wrong….
Yesterday a “friend” ( well educated in his 50’s) enthusiastically pronounced he will take as many boosters as he is able! After lamenting that all cause mortality is up this last year ( he still blames those statistics on COVID and “ long COVID”), I calmly suggested that those statistics might be related to vaccines. He looked at me as if I said Martians are landing right now. I tried to bring up a few points but could quickly tell he “ believes” in the CDC, FDA, and all MSM
I couldn’t resist sending him the info on Pfizer’s 2.3 Billion dollar felony payment several years ago for fraud
It seems the biggest obstacle is the captured MSM media. Don’t know if it will all collapse but thankful Alex hasn’t folded.
I have a prayer life, a prayer room and knee pads, too. I've watched God move against these criminals in powerful ways and means. I love righteous indignation. It's ok to ask pointed (with fingers) questions. But be prepared to take a licking and keep on ticking?
I agree - the masks are/were the worst.
And I'm sorry you live in WA, a beautiful state run by off the charts sicko liberals.
Couldn't agree more. I am in NY. (Once proud of that fact, now embarrassed!) Just heard mask Outside coming!!!! Outside? NO, NO, NO! At a recent doctor visit, there was a sign in the exam room that read: You must wear a mask even ALONE in the room! There is science for you! Insane! I cannot believe how many people are still driving around alone in their vehicles with masks on. It also infuriates me how stupid we are. All these kids involved in mass shootings. I can't imagine why locking them up in their rooms alone, taking away all their social activities and telling them to sit on computers all day might make them angry and crazy?! Oh wait, add pot. That really helps the situation. It is stunning and sad and infuriating how stupid we have become!
There is no way ANYone who lives in a BLUE CCP like cities such as NYC, LA, CHICAGO, Philly etc can be surprised the very same mongers who orchestrated all of what happened since the whu-flu lab release in China are doing it again. Seriously, why would they not attempt again and again and again when there is ZERO accountability ANYwhere. I mean REAL accountability...these are legit crimes against humanity pushed under a total fraud narrative and we all KNOW it yet to date in the 2.7 years since scamdemic commenced not ONE person or entity has remotely been held to account. Not ONE!
Forget accountability. That is long gone! The problem is compliance out of fear! People need to wake up and DISOBEY!
Sure let people murder people and stay on streets and allow these criminals "we pay" with unbridled freedom to do to humanity what they will. I agree on not complying sure, but WTF expecting society to be better without tough love and accountability? Yes it's gone on for far longer than just these past 2.7 years of the scamdemic, but this time around it's far more amplified in ovet tyranny
The mind was once a terrible thing to waste in the days when the waist was a terrible thing to mind. I stand further away from the maddening crowd by saying we MUST have a national and world revival of Biblical proportion. Man following man without worthy role models increase the viewing time to the cult of entertainment domination.
Another Washingtonian here. I've also noticed the daily little references to mask mandate "possibilities'' in local media, softening us up for the coming announcement. How thoroughly they do Inslee's bidding.
Yet hospital capacity remains flat, as it has always been during the pandemic.
Funny how they wasted money on lockdowns yet could have spent the billions wasted there on building new hospitals.
But we can't do that so every winter we will hear about how we have to lockdown to save the health system.
I'm sure they could easily build 10 hospitals in major cities around the UK and use them 4-6 months as influenza season hospitals and that would make all the difference.
Not that we were anywhere near collapse but we do have long waits in the NHS in winter.
I've argued about this with Covidians and the number of excuses they come up with is mindblowing. Some are even pretty creative but the main one is "it is impossible because it takes YEARS to train doctors and nurses. So we can't do it"
You hear that? A country the size of the UK is just helpless. No way can we train new nurses, get staff out of retirement to help... there's no way to deal with this issue except lockdowns
build more hospitals?? why?? Talk about a waste of money. Hospitals have become administrative gulags. The only reason to go to one is if death is imminent via a heart attack or car accident or something of that nature. This cold is no reason to go to a hospital, they will follow the worst protocols available. My guess is that most people that go to hospitals because of covid its based mostly on fear they have manifested from ingesting corporate news about the cold.
I lost 8 friends from the hospital isolation and abuse. All were jabbed first. Spirit of Death and Murder funded by big business and elimination of the non-productive to steal their things and break their families hearts.
I just wrote pretty much the same thing, 😄
I admire you from across the waters. We only hear about the total submission the UK has entertained, never the real men and women who risk it all to alert and challenge the mindless. There is a remnant that will turn the tide against the demoniac forces in high places. Hand it to King James in this fine passage through the ages: Ephesians 6:12 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
It's actually not been that bad in the UK. Many places are far worse.
No mandates in Scotland (no need as everyone was stupid enough to take them! Lol)
No masks for under 12
No masks for patients in their hospital beds
There's plenty to moan about however ;)
The subtlety of this control mechanism is much likened unto the frogs in the pot of water as the heat is slowly turned up until they are overtaken and begin to boil. With a globalist-controlled media, Chinese-owned entertainment orientation program and a system of re-education, busily indoctrinating people from birth.
But we send $40 billion to Ukraine w no oversight! Political money laundering for sure!
how much inner city repair/infrastructure that would accomplish! Well, then again, they are mostly run by Dems who allow their cities to be destroyed in the name of social justice!
The USA nursing schools are turning out nurses every semester only to see them go to work and then resign because the work conditions (patient overload). Older nurses have retired in droves because of mandates for vaccines and huge lay offs at the beginning of Covid because hospitals concentrated on Covid (where the money was). The hospital does have beds - they don’t have nurses to tend to the patient they could put in that bed.
Based purely on behavior of the last 2 years, what makes you think that 10 more HOSPITALS would improve anything for anyone?
Haha! That's a great point. Honestly I think hospitals should be for accidents/emergencies and certain other issues like surgery but they suck at dealing with chronic and autoimmune diseases.
These conditions can be cured with a better diet, sleep, exercise and vitamins.
We spend billions removing necrotic limbs from diabetics so obviously the drugs they are on aren't helping. If those diabetics switched to eating steak and lots of saturated fat they wouldn't be in the situation where they need a foot removed.
So I actually think we need to shrink healthcare spending. We have the power to bring that system to its knees. By opting out. By saying we have our health in our own hands and do not need their drugs (Not saying I may not need help if I'm in a car crash!)
But I was just pointing out how the people pushing the narrative don't even really believe it themself.
Come to Georgia. We were done with that BS two years ago.
Election integrity not so much. Hope it goes better next time.
Agree! I live in GA. Let's pray that pathetic shister Stacey Abrams doesn't win the governor race.
Fuel prices in Savannah are 30 cents to 70 cents cheaper than Florida. Maybe Red China is rewarding the two secretaries of Georgia State for their efforts. Truly sad that Georgia is that owned by racists and race baiters.
Once critical race theory invades schools and the milieu, we are classed as oppressor or oppressed. And the idiots in the entertainment (propaganda echo) industry aren’t helping. Georgia is tenuous, that’s for sure.
That's because Georgia suspended gas taxes until after the election. That's all folks. It's something, but nothing like the freedom to choose your elected leaders and have confidence in the outcome. No. We just aren't ready for that.
Every state lowered the gas tax or federal tax a bit. Georgia had a huge drop in fuel costs around the port city. Could have been the reduced sale of fuel as we hit the bumps on shortages. The regional fuel prices could have benefitted from short delivery costs. But there ARE favors owned to key Georgia officials who permitted the dust to settle on their massive election shenanigans in 2020. They never explained any of it. And their contributed random mechanical voting contributions NEVER came to fruition. And the Federal Judge asked the current Secretary of State if he was still satisfied, before shutting down a very good and honest evaluation of mechanical voter entry data. Recall that Georgia had at least one full truck load of mechanicals destroyed illegally. That one statement from DJT about just needing 12,000 votes and Governor Kemp and company recording the call and releasing it are RINO to the core. Brian is another secret society buddy who is running scared. Very likable guy and very smart. But follows orders to the depths of his political soul.
Just think Dave, Not ONE person or entity has been held remotely accountable for what has transpired since the whu-flu lab release in China 2.7 years ago. Not ONE! All the same perps are all in the same positions continuing the great crimes against humanity. In fact many of them have received a raise on our expense because they are doing such a wonderful job. Justice at it finest...
And who was held accountable for the financial crisis and housing bust in 2008-2009? They lost nothing and profited greatly!
They need to hold the line and make it impregnable. If even one were to be held accountable, a massive gasp would follow, sucking all the air out of the “system” and a tsunami of charges would follow. That’s why all we need is one big fish to be caught.
This may sound counterintuitive but I don't have as much rage towards the pharmaceutical companies as I do towards the politicians and the media. It is the job of pharmaceutical companies to try to sell their wares. It is not the job of a democratic government to oppress and do what is bad for us, and it is not the job of journalists to promote lies and bully the population into compliance with the government and the pharmaceutical industry. If those two institutions had not complied, the pharmaceutical efforts would have meant nothing. They would have been just another group of (dishonest) businessmen promoting their product.
I agree with your statement about big pharma and that government and media were the
greedy, guilty culprits towards stealing from the taxpayers.
However, I think big pharma with their deep pockets greased the skids for that to happen
in a big way. They found a way to transfer wealth to themselves.
The big pharma industrial complex.
We as citizens under a Constitutional Republic depend on government to hear our grievances and avoid kickbacks and payola at the Medical Business level. CDC earns at least 4.2 Billion (with a B) for their 18 or so jab adjuvant formulas . They bill big Pharma about 10 million for their review and examination of research testing on each new or refined drug subject to the FDA approval. I could send a photo (GPS line code blocked) of a house of a friend who sold legal drugs for 25 years and you'd think it was an auditorium. The contraindications lists are longer than the stick used to shake them off.
Journalists and the corporate ownership of MSM take cash ($6.5 Billion in 2021) for ad content on their programs , including news formats. Who spends more than Big Pharma? - They no longer have investigative reporting, aside from AP and Reuters (two known elements of globalist cabal mass media marketing). The compliance was 100%. Any MD or group of MD's who spoke against RT-PCR testing methods, the original developer, Dr. Kary Mullis saying before he died his test was never designed to test virulence intensity, or the mRNA danger to humanity jab were castrated at the mic stand. The money machinery is not just the 100 plus Billion announced revenues, it was government protected under emergency delivery and other name calling. The Care Act gave $39K to place Covid peeps in that mode. Hospitals earned $12k for any one admitted with Covid symptoms. Game raised the death from from 120K to over 640K peeps in the first year. That does not include those who died from other morbidities put on hold as many hospitals shut down.
Now they spin the same physics and as early as 6 month alive babies get the jabs. We are basically walking dead from moment of conception to moment of indulgence in the poisoning of our hearts and minds with fear virtually so far from real pandemic status, scientists have to control their snickering to a roar. How dumb are we? Dumb and Dumber sales have gone so low you can't hear them.
Spot on
I hear ya. I’ve continually found myself these past two years actually shaking my head, but never so much as now - what with all the data, the essays, and the BOOKS (including and especially, Alex’s) now available. I’m presently working my way through a stack of 22 books. Stunned doesn’t begin to describe how I’ve felt and feel. The 20th century proved that mass insanity and spiritual disease are a reality, but I never suspected it would manifest in our time in this way.
Have you read "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F Kennedy Jr? It's 700 footnoted pages of Fauci and Gates' crimes against humanity. They put Adolf Hitler and Joseph Mengela to shame.
There was also a reason that George Orwell wrote "1984". Don't say we weren't warned.
Yes! That was the second that I read (after Jeffrey Tucker’s 2020 book, Liberty or Lockdown?). RFK’s is stunning and devastating. And in keeping with the thread, enraging.
Our LOSS OF CONTROL is fueling the collective rage we feel—that feeling of helplessness. But we, worldwide, are no longer that “sleeping giant.” We’ve awakened, getting up … and we all must be ready to roll…
What is truly HARD to accept in an ongoing way, is not only do these mongers who have orchestrated the totality of devastation upon humanity with the whu flu lab release in China get away with it..."we the people" FUND much of it. The thought of my hard earned money supporting people we all know to be complicit in all of this is beyond words!
Your "rage" comes from multiple misunderstandings and I share these faults with you.
You/we assumed that local and elite doctors were dedicated to helping people - that is our error. Sometimes a doctor will help, but they're in it for the cash. Doctors see even better than what the average guys sees but they're too far invested in the false narratives of jabs, masks, lockdowns, etc.
Most doctors KNEW in early 2020 that sufficient serum levels of vitamin D was essential to defeat covid yet stayed largely silent.
Most doctors KNEW in early 2020 that HCQ somehow mysteriously fought off infection, yet most denied efficacy. Same story for the partial efficacy of ivermectin.
You/we assumed that the FDA, CDC and all public health folks operated with integrity - another error.
Loss of integrity has infiltrated and compromised MOST important institutions. This has long been true of all levels of government but now affects Academia, Legacy Media (formerly known as Journalism), Church Clerics, parts of the U.S. Military, large Corporations and so on. We are living in a post Judeo-Christian world and it is ugly.
We've come a long way since the fig leaf, Saul blessing the troops and Judas thinking he could help "the message" with some advertising pieces of silver. The sin of presumption is a powerful road to hell paved with those good intentions gone wild.
I've become a very angry person too since March 2020. The masks really trigger me. The vaccines, which I refuse to take, trigger me. The PCR tests, which largely don't work, trigger me. Our election, which was rigged and had ballot stuffing in key states, triggers me. Our president and his stupid press secretaries trigger me. What an awful world we've created for ourselves and the world just goes along with it. Oh, and the mainstream media and social media/Big Tech, they fan the flames and foment the outrage. I've lost trust in the CDC and government bureaucracy. One thing is for sure, this has made me go from conservative to super conservative.
" this has made me go from conservative to super conservative"
biden has branded us "ultra-MAGA" in the USA, and i think it's probably his finest accomplishment to date
I share the same frustrations. It no longer matters what the subject is. The irrational narrative is followed.
I know how you feel. I’m so angry I donated my weapons to charity, gave my ammo to random friends, added my new culturally acceptable identity before signing up for anger management, tolerance and virtue training. It’s the only safe way to remain angry, stoked and ready to use my newer weapons training if necessary. Professional knife throwing these days comes with a laser distance market system and running shoes. If you miss, the ax throwing comes later.
Don’t let these demons get you down. We’ve always had rigging and cheating on a smaller scale. And these commie code pleaders with the helium voices get black robes for wedding gifts.
Someone I know of is helping his daughter apply for college and here's some of the drop-down menu items, which previously would have been a choice between male and female but now is (and this is verbatim I am NOT making this up):
Gender nonconforming
Intersex Man
Intersex Woman
Trans man
Trans Woman
Same. I’ve always been an optimist and never held anger for long. The depth of my frustration will not end. I’m living with seemingly permanent anger caused by two years of mask and vaccine wars. I cannot use social media anymore. My list of friends has decreased and the ones I have are not as close as before. I read articles like this knowing public vindication is unlikely to ever happen. Despite being right, I will always be the guy that would not comply.
I feel the same here. I don't believe I'll ever be vindicated. I don't believe anyone that was pushign masks and vaccines and the PCR tests will ever apologize for being wrong and heavy handed. I have no problem with someone else using a mask, getting vaccinated, or getting PCR tested. The problem I had was when others were threatening me that I had to comply. I just want to be left alone. That's all. And yet, people still watch fake news CNN and listen to Fauci and the CDC as if its gospel. I cannot say I have not lost friends but its definitely caused me to recalibrate my relationships.
Same thing here. Loss of some friends and i got shouted down on social media. Can't even look at it anymore. And here's the kicker for ya - as it becomes more obvious that we were right, we are more likely to be more resented, not appreciated. Our relatively better health and lower risks will likely be resented as people do not want to feel like someone else has it better than they do, when they "did everything they were supposed to" and we will be walking reminders of their bad decision. And it's possible our kids may be healthier than their kids. We may become a new "1%" that they resent.
and you know what comes with "walking reminders of their bad decisions" EQUITY. after all we are all in this together and no one should be more healthy than the next. They (commiecRATS) will believe this and try and make the wise critical thinkers the ones who need to acclimate. Let them try and they will
It will be interesting to see what happens with their position wherein they thought that the unvaccinated should not get the same treatment in hospitals because we had made a bad decision. The shoe may be on the other foot now
That nuanced "feeling" of what has happened to humanity intentionally is echoed by so many Michael. What was done to the very fabric of social connection within families and friendships is a legit crime against humanity in my opinion and NO one will ever be held accountable for perpetrating it all more likely than not in an agenda like fashion thru mafia like coercion, threat and fear porn. Just yday a friend of mine was able to see her granddaughter for the 1st time in the 9 months because she was not injected and her daughter (a pharmacist of all people) would not allow her in the infants presence. The real tragedy though is the daughter had the infant injected with the "great experiment" so grandma could be around her now. Unbelievable!, but these sorts of things happened and still happen because of what these perps have done with humanity and yet none of them have remotely been held to account. This was her 1st grandchild. Fortunately, the data is saying only 2% of parents have made the choice to have their infants 0-5 injected with the "great experiment" so that is a positive sign...I guess. How NO one has been held to account in the 2.7 years now post whu-flu lab release is astonishing.
Try to get over your anger.
Try to talk some sense into the people that you can influence.
God bless!
Justified anger tempered is a very powerful thing. Anger can be harnessed in a consistent healthy direction is possible. It's how you simply CHOOSE to view's perspective. How anyone is not 100% pissed off at what has been done and continues to be allowed since the whu-flu lab release to humanity is what concerns me considering the utter devastation in many ways intentional
Bret Weinstein recently had a good little blurb on the loss of trust in our institutions and the impacts.
I know more about politicians in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, France, and Austria than I ever wanted to know. Michael Gunner is a particular example of people I wish I had never heard of.
I'm a benefits manager at a large company in the US and the reporting bears this out. The medical claims, life claims, disability claims were all much higher August - October 2021 (about 5+ months AFTER the vaccines were widely available) than the prior year. The increases moved in lockstep, across vendors and across state lines. Particularly heartbreaking were the increased life insurance claims for suicides. Yes, there were medical and disability and life claims for COVID.... but the increases in other areas are a clear indicator that lockdowns caused people to miss cancer screenings, postpone surgeries, and deal with significant mental health issues. As soon as I heard the word "breakthrough" applied to these leaky vaccines, I knew we had trouble. That word happened a lot when the opioid crisis was first becoming obvious. Breakthrough pain meant more prescriptions sold. Same with these vaccines. For months, friends did not believe me in 2021 when I said that the vaccinated can get and spread COVID just the same as the unvaccinated. Some still do not.
I have a master's in healthcare administration and have worked in this area for a long time. When two weeks to slow the curve turned into months, I was genuinely baffled. No public health leaders were talking about the things I had expected in a world-wide health crisis... why aren't we planting Victory Gardens if the supply chains are broken? What about opening the playgrounds and state parks? Why are we abandoning the elderly in nursing homes? It seemed like every decision was the wrong one. Every. Single. One. For the first few months, I gave public health leaders a pass. And then the cognitive dissonance was too much. Where are the studies on masking? Where's the unvaccinated control group? Why do employers have to pay the $2,000 bill (for a $60 test) for employees to get tested for COVID at an emergency room? (Because it's the law and we're all throwing good money after bad, that's why.) The consulting company Mercer was busy sending out rah-rah missives about the vaccines, contrary to the agnostic advice one expects from consultants. Unsurprisingly, it appears that Mercer does significant benefits consulting work for Pfizer. It pains me that some employers tacked a surcharge onto the benefit premiums of those who did not vaccinate.
It took until President Biden's infamous "our patience is wearing thin" for me to completely lose faith. What a kick in the stomach. I lost faith in the country's health leadership, and in friends who no longer welcomed me into their homes because I did not take a COVID vaccine. Even when presented with the risk stratification by age, showing it was crystal clear that healthy individuals under the age of 50 really didn't need to line up for any of the vaccines on offer, it didn't matter. I went from being an expert to being a nut case in no time flat. I tried to explain that in the US, every layer of healthcare is, in some way or another, for profit. ICUs tend to run at 90% capacity on a good day, so there's no flex if we have a public health emergency. You don't see more grocery store lanes open than necessary, and it's the same with the number of ICU beds. No matter - I was the reason Grandpa couldn't get into the emergency room. Everyone's a Monday morning quarterback and the newsbox squawks very loudly. COVID is now an industry and we're not getting out of this any time soon.
Thank you, Alex, for your reporting. It's been a little lonely out here in the hinterlands and I have appreciated your willingness to speak the truth.
There’s nothing that beats frontline reporting like this. A pin-worthy comment in my humble estimation.
[COVID is now an industry and we're not getting out of this any time soon.]
SO, so true.
Government only expands itself. It never retreats.
God Bless you for resisting the lies. Go public. Lay claim to the ownership of your corporate companies. It takes the Supernatural to defeat Moloch or Molech.
Great post and yes definitely pin-worthy!
Well said. The signs that this was all a house of cards were there if you were looking for them. The more they said I was nuts for applying the same type of logic I try to use every day in life, the more convinced I was that this was a manufactured crisis. It simply didn't add up. Unfortunately tremendous damage has been done.
Thanks for that comment. Even as a layman, the evidence has become too obvious, yet is being suppressed still. The Event 201 playbook is still operating including their "Trusted News Imitative" that controls what the masses see. The Fauci/Brix team took HIV measures and applied them for a unsuited respiratory infection ( And still few will acknowledge any error! But the departures from NIH of researchers means rats are leaving the ship given they were unable to get their bosses onboard to make changes. It will take a new Congress to affect things and I just hope it's an honest election. A bunch of people need to be held to account for the errors.
This is incredibly powerful! It's absolutely undeniable evidence that the poison injections are catastrophic in every possible way. I wish everyone who believes the propaganda about the "vaccines" would read this, then reread it. And then try to refute it.
Thank you, Alex.
Virus is gonna virus. Death shots are not vaccines. Governments are not your mama.
All of this is very important, but the Non-Covid deaths are also the one to watch. These are a result of people not receiving adequate care for on-going Chronic health problems and new onset problems. Lost two friends, both Jabbed and Boosted, to Cancer that was in remission and then became Aggressive and unresponsive to treatment........That's a whole other data set!!!!
Sooooo many different variables for the mortality data.
I’ve heard of several cases like these…where cancer patients that were in remission were vaxxed and then their cancer returns in a very aggressive way and terminal.
It makes sense. One of the most exciting things being worked on in cancer treatment is immunotherapy, where a patients own T-cells are engineered to fight their specific cancer.
Since vaxxed people have engineered their immune systems to focus on fighting Delta variant Covid over everything else, haven’t they gone through “reverse immunotherapy”?
This is, in my mind, the most important question of all! There doesn't seem to be enough pressure being placed on any of the people who should be giving us the answers! Where is that disgusting, China loving, wrinkled-up, nasty old POS, Sen. McConnell? He should be "leading" the charge to get good, trustworthy, clean, data to the public.....but nooooo, that old fool is too busy stuffing his bank account. He needs to be removed along with the entire Bidenettes!
Great question 🧐
Very interesting thought.
Some asset that the vaccines destroy parts of the immune system and that can result in cancers returning along with other auto-immune issues.
dr ryan cole has seen a surge in cancer of the vaccinated
Yes... and the damages government has done to America's Frontline Doctors is as bad as the crimes against the 1/6 victims still jailed while the world does nothing.
I know 5 people who developed chronic heart issues after booster #1, and 3 who developed sudden and aggressive cancers after initial vaccines
Nobody in media mentions the 2.7 Comorbidities associated with the cumulative death stats from China Beer Virus or the typical annual flu/pneumonia death chant collected from CDC stats from as far back as the over-dosing of antibiotics warned in the late 1970's. The genius of this globalist induced coma from the bat virus was the socialist distancing. The great historical rewrite is the real subliminal enemy by dragging out slavery, lie after lie about the abuses of slaves in high places and a list that could make "conspiracy theory" a conspiracy reality far too quickly.
You know the comorbidity study 9/4/20 from CDC was so obvious media and even CDC had to quickly bury it: 94% of the first 188K people with "covid" had 2.7 comorbidity events. That left less than 12,000 actually dying from flu/pneumonia greatly enhanced by the horror treatments of cytokine storms when they forced them to the machines where the largest majority died immediately. So. many computer-picked people from Obama Care data retrieval (largely those awake, or capable of causing the crime syndicate. trouble were placed in death march mode). I've seen the capacity to view patient records if you are an approved clinician or agency.
Australians wanted it and supported it. I hope they get what they wanted long and hard. My empathy level is zero.
You can have empathy for the tiny minority of us that fought and fought and resisted. Our premier in the state of Victoria, is the most disgusting, corrupt, narcissistic, abusive, liar I have ever had the displeasure of seeing, let alone governing me and my family. I don’t know if Victorians are stupid or too trusting, but the manipulation of society has been very real.
Dan Andrews is the only person worse than our Premier in Western Australia, Mark McGowan. What snakes. They lie, lie, lie. I never felt pure hatred towards a political figure until I witnessed the depths that Andrews and McGowan sank to in coercing and gaslighting their own constituents. Disgust and hatred. I really, really hope they get dragged through a court and that we get to wipe the floor with them.
This is part of the Great Reset by the WEF/DAVOs crowd! They want to institute vaccine passports for purpose of control. Fortunately, it just went down in flames in France! Boris Johnson is now out in UK, and Draghi in Italy! Germany and Netherlands not far behind in their disgust of their leaders. They are all WEF/Klaus Schwab accolites!
And let's now leave out Bill Gates. I don't know who the hell appointed our vaccine chief and overlord! All these people need to be put in prison or worse!
A highly cynical person might suggest that the latest round of leadership spills is just clearing the way for the next lot in the wings...
Well said from a fellow long suffering Victorian! If you can bare reading about him:
make sure you have a paper bag next to you for when you puke in your mouth from reading about him.
LOL indeed... It did confirm a few things eg, being a rude and caustic prick, not being a very nice person (read that before), putting people down for "humour", etc... A tragically skilled political operator no doubt, and sadly one that may be returned next election - how dumb is our state???
Can the majority be stupid and trusting? I mean, why choose?
HEAPS of Australians didn't want it but took the jab so they could earn a living. Based off my own network, I would say half of the people I know got vaccinated against job loss, not Covid. I'm in Western Australia. There are a lot of very, very angry jabbed people.
its the same story from all the cowards in the world. If massive non compliance occured it would not have worked. Put people knew that it could mean suffering on there part so they went along. My job here in the US forced the jab, guess what, I refused it and was willing to lose my career. I didnt, I'm still there. More than 1 person offered me a fake vax card, I refused it. I wanted no part of this madness. I told coworkers, even if you take the jabs, dont let the job know as it will only allow more mandates. They ignored me. My point is nobody was "forced" the jabs anywhere on earth. It was a choice they made for whatever reason. To not comply was the hard choice. They took the easy choice. Now you will reap what youve sown. If you continue to comply for whatever reason you give yourself it will never end.
I take your point. I was willing to sell my house and even live in a shelter if that’s what it came to. Or be shipped to that creepy Resilience Centre that they built just out of Perth. But like you, it didn’t come to that after all. I don’t have children though. I feel like the ‘losing everything’ equation is different for someone who has dependents and maybe a partner who is reliant on them and doesn’t understand what’s at stake. In those cases I withhold judgement. The rabid mandate supporters tho, they’re another category. certainly plenty of those here.
I feel for you in Australia, from what ive seen it wouldve have been hell on earth to resist. I also do not judge people that went with the mandates, everyone should do what they think is best for themselves. But these choices always have consequences, which is my main point. I just wish more woud have made the difficult choice and resisted, it wouldve made it that much harder for these power hungry pigs to bring them back, which I feel is coming in many places. Hopefully more people wont comply this go around.
We sold our property and moved to a portable area so we could distance our family from this communist-socialist attempt to kill off the opposition in the US. Great time to find people you respect and trust, then keep one eye open.