The FDA is corrupt beyond repair.

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The agency epitomizes epistemic corruption.

"When a knowledge system importantly loses integrity, ceasing to provide the kinds of trusted knowledge expected of it, we can label this epistemic corruption. Epistemic corruption often occurs because the system has been co-opted for interests at odds with some of the central goals thought to lie behind it. There is now abundant evidence that the involvement of pharmaceutical companies corrupts medical science." - Sergio Sismondo

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The term is 'regulatory capture' -- when the regulated manufacturers begin to exert undue influence on the regulators. To me the appropriate solution would be, upon a showing of undue influence, to expose the guilty manufacturers to product liability lawsuits.

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Epistemic corruption is the product of regulatory capture.

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It's far more than just the FDA Fauci and Collins both sold out the CDC NIH to the pharmaceutical companies back in the 80:s

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Agree. Bulldozers and dynamite...and start over.

The fundamentals and management are broken.

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Exactly. There is no trusting them ever again. They have proven over and over again they are thugs.

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Phlebotomist Fauci & Gottlieb & Slavitt & Bourla you would think between one of these 4 would know that. The Legacy media so called doctors didn't know that either and they all Proffitted big time financially off of the American people. Some with Ron Johnson was Pushing Ivermectin pills for a 2,000 LBS animal Laura Ingram Papa Smurf and had deeply flawed study as well.

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which to me, in addition to what the seemingly goal of the shots has been, is also the goal of losing faith in public institutions. the ones pulling the strings know and WANT this. if you don't have core values or beliefs these puppet masters will give them to you.

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Beat me to it. My thoughts exactly

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The FDA and the CDC are as tainted by corruption as the drug companies. I mean no offense, but you are still being naive in thinking government agencies are going to fix any of this mess.

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Agreed, the revolving door between these three is shameful.

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Yes. Sounds like my friend who's constantly saying stuff like "We need to make it illegal for the rich people to do XYZ", not realizing that the rich people are the ones who are making the laws allowing them to do XYZ in the first place.

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"The FDA shall be terminated as of November 1, 2022."

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It is the golden rule. Them with the gold, rule.

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The US Constitution crafted a way to break such cycles. The dynamic tension created by the separation of powers into three "separate but equal" branches of government was supposed to keep power from accumulating, such that sociopolitical minorities would not be bullied by the majority. See what happens as we collectively allowed the abuse of proscribed powers (e.g. executive overreach via orders and congressional overreach via absurd committees assuming judicial powers), the ballooning of the bureaucracy and the outsourcing of collective responsibilities to profit motive entities: no more checks and balances. We need more active application of the Constitution.

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There has been a simple solution to start with Term Limits Term Limits Term Limits. It would start by reducing the money, power and bureaucracy. Of course, that is why it has not been done! But it would change everything. That should include Term Limits within the heads of the regulatory agencies as well.

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Yep. The more we stray from the Constitution, the worse things get.

Repeal the 17th. Repeal Wickard v. Wilburn. Allow ALL citizens to have standing against unconstitutional laws.

It's a good start.

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"We desperately need clean long-term safety data on the mRNA shots"


Which is precisely why I never got one and decided to stay away early on.

It wasn't "political".

It wasn't that I thought I was "smarter than everyone else".

It wasn't that I was "stubborn".

It was common sense based on the fact that Covid - as far as we were told - had only been around for about 12-14 months and it was brand new technology. They LITERALLY (literally literally) hadn't had enough time to to test them for long term safety.


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The moment I heard about Operation Warp Speed on the development of a vaxx, I said NFW.

NFW am I gonna get jabbed with a brand-new drug totally untested for safety, not until a billion people on the planet have been jabbed (obviously I had no idea how stupid so many people could be) AND not until we have at least five years' safety data on the jabs.

IOW, I was dead-set against it from the get-go. And like you, it wasn't about being smarter than everyone else and it wasn't political (I voted for Trump) and I wasn't being stubborn. It was, to my mind, blindingly-obvious common sense, as you said. Not in a high-risk group (59 at the time), no multiple comorbidities, not a smoker, etc.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

Seriously- that seemed the ONLY sensible response if you weren't high risk.

This COVID soap opera makes the Bay of Pigs and Challenger incidents look like case studies in good decision making.

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Exactly what I FELT when I heard Trump announce it on the day in May 2020

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Its called critical thought

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I had actually volunteered for the trial. I had two friends that did it. The night before I was supposed to get it, I was cancelled. I was surprised, because I am over 50 and overweight. But whatever. Then 6 weeks later (beginning of 2021) my two friends told me that they had been contacted, and since they were in the placebo group, they were offered the real vax. Which of course they took. So much for scientific curiosity. So the minute I knew the control group was gone, I knew there was no way in hell I was getting it. It was crooked from the start.

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Right. Offering the dog to the placebo group doesn't happen until they reach Stage III trials.

Which take years to reach. Not weeks.

Such an easy No decision in this case.

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Absolutely -- the main ingredient for long term safety testing is the actual PASSAGE OF TIME, at least eight years.

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Wait- I thought you got shot YEARS ago

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There is a TON of long term safety data about bullets. Just FYI.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

Not to mention what the data clearly showed at who was at risk and was known very early on. Not that I would have ever taken it regardless...just sayin

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But there is still an opportunity to understand the safety of the mrna covid jabs, because there are millions of people who did not take them. Even though these people weren't in the initial study doesn't mean they can't be studied. They should look at health outcomes - diseases, disabilities, death, etc. - by vaccine status. This should not be so difficult to do, but our regulatory agencies don't really want to know. They know the results they would find, so they'll ignore it. They should be doing this with ALL vaccines, and combinations of vaccines, but they don't. Small scale trials by doctors like Dr. Paul Thomas have already shown that unvaccinated children are healthier in the long-run. But instead of seizing this information for further study, the OR Medical Board suspended him & is trying to ruin his career. With children's chronic health conditions at all-time highs you'd think our agencies would care, but they are about profits, not people. Thanks for all you do to highlight these issues.

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I was thinking the same thing. Finding people who didn't get jabbed is getting easier every day. We're the ones that aren't sick or dead.

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I thought the same thing while reading Alex's article, but I also thought would I even consider being part of that study and having the government have a list of the unvaccinated at their fingertips. If you live in NY, you will understand. Thankfully my husband's company ended the vaccine mandate just before he lost his job. But my asthmatic daughters could not breathe in the masks, but one was told not to come back to school because even several doctors notes didn't matter. When my parents fell ill in FL, we literally risked our livelihoods to see them. It got so bad we were chased by the National Guard while leaving that airport after returning from FL. Please forgive me if I am not running to be a part of a "study" although I think it's a good idea. But then again while we sit here and discuss this there was a LINE for Covid boosters in CVS. It is truly mind boggling! Sad! And scary! After all, MARK MY WORDS, if that LUNATIC Hochul gets elected despite EVERYTHING, SHE WILL, BY NEXT SEPTEMBER MANDATE THE SHOT FOR KIDS TO GO TO SCHOOL!!! I think we NEED to FOCUS on stopping the shot for kids!!! PLEASE it is quietly being done!

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Exactly mrsfrenz! If a long term longitudinal study were done between a large group of children following the immunization schedule versus a large group of children not getting any vaccines and these cohorts were tracked over the years and disease rates were compared I guarantee that the unvaccinated group would suffer significantly fewer diseases than the vaccinated group. Why hasn’t a study like this been done? Because the poison pushers don’t want anyone to see the hard dark truth about vaccines. We all face risks but focusing on nurturing our natural immune systems is a far better road to health than pumping everyone including babies on Day 1 with vaccines. We immunize more than any other nation. While there are multiple factors involved in disease/health, is it any wonder that America is the most unhealthy and chronically ill nation on the planet?

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Before Covid, I was a 2/3 cup full kind of positive person. Maybe because I just didn't go too far down the rabbit hole on current events. Now, I have been so red-pilled, I see corruption everywhere. I have read and listened to so-called experts and often I know more about the jabs & clinical trials than they do. It does not give me confidence in our system. The Republicans are as dependent on pharma donations as the Democrats. Alex, I am not optimistic in your appeal, but perhaps people in overly mRNA-vaxxed countries with concerning excess mortality protesting those numbers would make a difference. Otherwise, I feel that most of those in positions of power (politicians, health officials, media, social media, etc.) have nothing but contempt for me and my family and our well-being. Like everyone else, I would like to move on, but if we don't make a stink nothing will change for the better.

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NFL coach Mike Zimmer's 38 year old son just died "suddenly". The "suddenly" deaths are piling up.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

They're piling up so fast, they're starting to avoid using the words "suddenly" and "unexpectedly."

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Yet insane lunatics like Hochul are considering making it mandatory for kids to go to school. There is an evil about it because it is being done quietly due to the midterms but as she said, "not at this time!" Sort of reminds you of "I will not mandate the shot promised Brandon!" until he did!

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

Any mention at all of his injection status?

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His dad, an NFL coach, was very unhappy with the unclean players who resisted at first.

I'll take that as evidence.

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Wonder what his dad is thinking...

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I was just going to ask you that.

They'll call it:

Sports Addicted Death Syndrome (SADS)

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They never mention vax status and normally do not list a cause of death. Sometimes they say there will be an autopsy, but there is rarely then any follow-up. Lots of these stories.

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As a few have mentioned here, his Father was very critical of Viking players when refusing injections so Adam more likely than not did receive at minimum the 2 dose original series of injections although not confirmed. Did he also take boosters...that remains to be discovered or not.

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Jabbed. 100 pct certain.

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boosters too?

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cannot be certain of that. I'm only certain of the jab because the NFL was hard core on the coaches.

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I don’t trust anything that comes from Pfizer or Moderna or the FDA or any other government or health agency. Nothing they say now will matter to me. And, I don’t think I’m alone….

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I'm exactly the same. They can do all the studies they want, for as long as they want ...but I don't want to hear it, and I won't have anything to do with it. End of.

Serial fraudsters and liars don't just spontaneously stop their bad behaviour, so they'll just carry on the lying and the fraud, and pivot a bit as needed to keep it all going. I've lost every shred of trust in the entire apparatus, and it cannot be regained.

I've tapped out as regards politics, the state institutions, and science and medical (and financial) "experts". I tapped out on finance years ago upon realising the people that run the IMF, the Fed etc are morons. I've been disgusted by politics for a long time, and then progressively lost faith in all the institutions from education to the police. And now I've finally dropped any reverence for the "smart people" in the remaining areas we considered least corruptible, like hard sciences and medicine.

A pox on all their houses. I'm done with it all.

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Um at this point its a matter of how many people are willing to line up for such a trial. I would never participate...like ever. After the lies, the mess...um no. And these agencies need to be burned to the ground figuratively before anything of use to science or medicine can ever be trusted.

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Did Big Pharma relinquish control over the 'regulators' while I was asleep?

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When something this big gets exposed, Congressmen and lawyers get involved, and Big Pharma's position suddenly becomes a little less comfortable.

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Not so much as you or I. When you own the investigator no matter the crime, funny how only the messenger will whine.

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lol, no pureblood will sign up for these flu "vaccine" trials, so a high number of the "pre" screenings will feature people with damaged hearts who are secretly afraid to play soccer

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

[Regulators have a new chance to examine long-term safety data.]

Yes, but considering how little data they had on children when they recommended these things be added to the laundry list of childhood vaccinations, why would they want clean, long- term data?

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

They should start with investigating the plethora of heart attacks and embolisms in 50 and under( today alone, the Bengal's assistant coach at 38, The Writer of Julia and Juia at 49...and a few others) I saw in headlines. Maybe the CDC could Ask reasonable questions about vaccination status and timelines of shots in correlation. It's easy enough to gather data if you're not afraid to. Walensky should get on top of it but she's busy recovering from the very virus she promised the vaccines would protect her against, and even worse needed antivirals because she had ZERO FAITH in what she pushes out to all who trust her.

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If you read Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth you would be aware that the Vaccine companies do not use placebos. What does that mean? They do not use inert saline in the control group.

If it is a replacement vaccine for an existing vaccine, the control group is given the existing vaccine.

If it is a brand new vaccine, they remove the biological component from their new vaccine and use that on the control group.

To me that means the vaccine companies know that the adverse reactions are largely caused bv the other shit they put in their vaccines, the preservatives, stabilizers and adjuvants etc.

The book is well worth reading.

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"We need a do ever"?

Who in their right fucking mind will inject anything mRNA regardless of whether it is for Covid or Influenza. Alex, come back to earth. Your kids are calling for you.

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It’s a clever, seductive idea — Robert Maline observed recently that the dreamers want a platform that can, with a few keyboard entries, be edited to deliver the payload (so/called vaccine) that is particular to many types of disease or biological weapon. To be able to do this Pharma avoids massive costs. I agree with you that a clear-thinking skepticism is needed regarding all of this biotech.

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give me the keyboard & let me type in "communism"

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dye is caste for those who follow the science

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exactly - there is no getting “clean long term safety data” at this point. that ship went over the horizon a long time ago.

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A control group exists. I'm in it. We are all the people who took no shots of any kind for covid. There are millions of us.

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Same. But are any other purebloods worried about being infected by "vaccine" shedding?

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And by infected I mean effectively got the mRNA injection by being around injected people who shed it? Hope I'm making sense.

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I'm hoping that since the 'shedding' mRNA is not injected, it won't get past the natural barriers our bodies have developed against invaders.

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And whatever shedding is it would be adjuvant free.

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I don't hang around with THEM.

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Fully expect another flu pandemic based on these a$$hole$ testing more mRNA and vax of all kinds. Not to mention GoF. I have reached the point where I believe all pandemics have been caused by humans (AMA, Rockefeller, Gates, Fauci, etc.) and likely a good portion of diseases like autism, SIDS, cancers, autoimmune (e.g., ALS, Parkinson's, MS), and maybe even Alz/dementias ...

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Did you get that from watching the Pandemic Simulation Games presentation?

...that was really an eye opener, and it's hard to come to generous conclusions after watching it.

For those that haven't seen it yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3WUv5SV5Hg

German investigative journalist Paul Schreyer gives a presentation detailing the background of this 'pandemic planning'.

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I have not watched that yet but I will. I have come to these opinions after much reading from many, many sources. I unfortunately haven't kept a running list of my excellent sources. Lots of Substack authors, pandemic related books, a few YT and other video sources, some twitter sources, lots and lots of original scientific papers.

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