Here are a few ways that the powers that shouldn't be used the love of money to facilitate the orchestration of the fake pandemic:
Shut down all of the hospitals except for their COVID wing disallowing most surgeries and other general care.
Result: hospitals are starved for the revenue needed just to keep their doors open.
Hospitals were getting paid $12,000 for every COVID patient that died, but $39,000 if they put them on a ventilator first.
Result: hospitals were deliberately killing patients by venting them which caused a cytokine storm in their lungs, drowning them in mucus.
Hospitals also got bonuses of $160,000 if they reached a certain number of COVID deaths.
Result: everyone was labeled as a COVID patient whether they tested positive or not. This caused COVID case numbers to skyrocket, purposefully helping to drive the fake pandemic.
Hospitals are paid 20% extra when they prescribe Remdesivir to COVID patients which shuts down their internal organs. This was known from the study phase where it killed 50% of patients who took it.
Result: hospitals are knowingly killing patients with Remdesivir.
All of this is the reason hospitals are preventing families from visiting their loved ones. Hospitals are now killing fields because they are being paid to be that.
Add in banning any treatments that would actually help a patient. Giving Remdesivir during the first few days of infection might have helped keep high risk people OUT of the hospital. Giving it to people once in the hospital is absurd and criminal.
To get the historical view of the mess we're in read Breggin's book "Your Drug May Be Your Problem", 2007. This drug company tyranny and deception is nothing new.
You mean they created the AIDS epidemic, by labeling and linking a myriad of illnesses under the catch all name AIDS, enabled by using the PCR test, a test never meant for diagnosis, to diagnose a virus HIV that never existed.
"the HIV virus that causes AIDS" just let that sink in. What other disease do we phrase like that?? Nothing else except Faucxi's manufactured death sentence on innocent ppl. They think ppl are so stupid to fall for the terror again?! Apparently they did, and they did.
I fell for the AIDS terror at the innocent "coming of age" era at 18 and for good reason, my uncle was in the first wave of deaths! The calculated news secrecy, shame and manipulation was similar to what we see now.
Just finishing the book. So Pelosi and others in Congress in 1988 blasted Fauci for his nonsense re: AIDS treatments or vax and they don't remember now.
Pelosi and other in the swamp have that genetic trait. The ability to have no conscience when it fits a narrative and gives them power. It's their reason to be!
I don't deny that. The fact that hospitals and doctors do not question using an antiviral when most patients being admitted are more than a week past infection is the issue. They are are in the inflammatory, pulmonary stages of progression. It is just absurd.
"Absurd" pretty much sums up this Era. Stay home until you are dying, then call an ambulance. Zero talk about boosting the immune system, offering at home oxygen, not to mention slapping down the horse paste (I have in my refrigerator!), just get in line like a Good Soylent Green :(
I was in the hospital Jan 11-18. I had covid pneumonia and my doctor is certain I had delta. I was out of town on vacation with my 3yo granddaughter. Couldn’t get antibodies because I was in WV and they apparently didn’t have them.
Anyway , I rejected RunDeathIsNear when the hospitalist mentioned it. They gave me Olumiant. If you read the insert on the pill, it’s all contradictory to what I had. It’s so confusing. When I tested for covid, the walk-in clinic never told me to start aspirin, I missed that important information from FLCCC, but it’s there. When discharged I was told to take aspirin 81mg for 30days. 8 days after discharge I developed a blood clot in my arm.
When I returned home I went to Oklahoma heart hospital and they did an ultrasound and put me on a blood thinner.
Following day I went to my primary and I now have to take this blood thinner for 6 months.
Fauci should have to pay for my medications and hospital bills. Haven’t received any, maybe they sent them straight to the federal government. Who knows.
Smart Lady Andrea to dodge the RunDeathIsNear! Sounds like you are on the mend. I am glad you are on home and survived the Protocol! As for comment!!! Stay well and in charge of You xxx
All true. U.K. has its own incentives and methods for “helping” people pass.
Trouble is, they used a protocol potentially appropriate for a patient with a terminal cancer diagnosis if people who weren’t imminently dying. Intravenous midazolam + morphine using a syringe driver at up to 10x usual doses.
Worse, they’d PLANNED to do this, stockpiling midazolam for a year BEFORE the pandemic (2018-19 they continued to procure it, but stopped prescribing, burned through is all in spring 2020, buying another years supply in April 2020).
That’s a series of criminal acts right there.
As they say in business, “Show me the incentives & I’ll show you the results”.
The only incentive I can see in this plan is to kill off the elderly and chronically ill in order to reduce the amount of strain on the healthcare and social security systems. With birth rates plummeting, a large aging population and an overall population getting fatter and sicker each year- there was no way to support that. This is the only theory I have for why governments in Western nations would get on board with this, other than individual politicians lining their pockets with Pharma kickbacks, of course.
I’ve thought about this as well, the math you outlined doesn’t move the needle even if 2m people died. Now take 5-10 years off lifespan because of some unforeseen weakening of immune systems that 65 pct of genpop has….then you’re talking real money that the SS and HC actuaries would like to see.
The virus and hospital use of sedatives, Remdesivir and ventilators (and lack of use of appropriate protocols like the FLCCC's) was for that portion of the culling in this theory. The 'vaccines' cover the real money portion. Bastards!
Alex moves closer to conspiratorial Mike Yeadon! I remember him pooh-poohing your prognostications on tw. How many jabbed will be gone or disabled in 5 years? I have so many friends ...
A pulmonary nurse with 31 years of experience gave public testimony before the South Carolina State Legislature in September 2021, saying he "unknowingly killed patients following COVID protocols"
It’s a matter of record. I didn’t write the FOI request but I recall reading it.
I have not kept records of the non scientific aspects to these global crimes. I’m but one person. I’m not attempting in any way to “build a brand” & I long ago decided I was interested mostly in providing scientific evidence & reasoning to help others make sense that of what’s happening.
Accordingly, I don’t mind one way or the other if anything I say or write is rejected by the sceptical.
I'm a lawyer. I engage with professionals on an app called fishbowldigest. Mainly lawyers, accountants, consultants - all highly educated and successful.
It's shocking how brainwashed they are - swallow the narratives unquestioningly, so you have to hit them with undeniable proof to have a chance to break through their mental delusions. So I hit them with source documents, or nothing at all. That's why I ask.
I haven’t watched it yet, but this doc on the topic was referenced on another Substack: It’s called "A Good Death". Description: "... we hear the heartbreaking stories from people who lost loved ones to fatal doses of morphine and Midazolam. Each year, tens of thousands of elderly and terminally ill patients are quietly euthanised in NHS facilities. In hospitals, care homes and hospices,..."
I watched a YouTube video exposing this in UK including emails from health authorities to French manufacturers etc about getting stockpiles and the. To government officials etc..sorry can't remember the title but a search might bring it up. Shocking when I found out....
Same with the US. Denial of early treatments, bad hospital protocols that led to more deaths, large elderly and chronically ill populations, high vaxx rates, etc.
Perverse incentives, and hospital administrators are all for it. Of course. they don’t interact with the patients who are dying from their “treatment.”
and unable to have an advocate to help the sick to make decisions in their best interest...NOT in THE HOSPITALS BEST INTEREST. Wam Bam thank you for the $100k, so sorry... you died from covid,, but our hospital board will be so happy and proud of your contribution.
Impossible to get to talk to any - they are too busy reeling in the joy of their new wealth. No time to talk to patient's family - I need to talk to my broker!
The big question is WHY and WHO. WHO designed this medical fiduciary bonus plan, and WHY was it globally implemented? The World Health Organization has Remdisivir as a no-go on their website for over a year, but it is still being used and paid for. I would like to know what nameless bureaucrats made this decision. My Dad got it. "only the best for me! The same they gave to Trump!" That was the lastl he wrote. I have a vested interest in getting to the bottom of this.
You sure will. That charming gentleman thinks (wants) I should be dead because I've outlived my usefulness. Doesn't he know that '57 Chevys are running well in Cuba?
I saw a clip of him discussing it where I thought he arbitrarily chose 75. I wonder what Clint Eastwood would say. Reminds me of Logan's Run and Soylent Green.
Thank you Karin. He was double vaxxed and the booster was not yet available. He had a great Summer and Fall with family (finally). These numbers they throw at us are unnecessary human losses. Still angry I guess.
Of course you are! It's hard enough to lose someone you love, let alone when you know there was more to the story. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy some time with him during the Summer and Fall, but it wasn't enough, that's for sure. Hugs to you!
Thanks again Karin. We were in different countries but I enjoyed his Whatsapps and then I was banned from the funeral - I was Unclean. A danger to the Elderly. This is the true madness of today's world. We need to forgive the brainwashed because it was a full-on assault of fear. But we cannot forget what they did to assault our societies, economies, and psyches.
Wow. I'm so sorry. You are 100% right, we can't forget and we must pursue truth, close loop holes and hold those responsible accountable. It is on us to make sure that this never happens again.
it's really confusing....remdesivir is the kidney killer murder drug and regeneron(monoclonal antibody Trump got). I think the hospitals knew the confusion and remained silent when ppl were confused.
The regulators chose to forward Remdesivir over Regenron. They knew that the monoclonal antibodies were the better choice. Regeneron should have been prioritized in the summer of 2020, but it was not. Remdesivir was. The people who did that (Fauci, Gates, Bright, Collins, Rockefeller etc..) should be banned from making *any* "public health" decisions for life.
I remember Trump announcing that he did get regeneron, but it obviously wasn't yet available to the population..... at least it wasn't made widely known by the medical community. :(
the remdesivir is shutting down their kidneys...ergo...filling body and lungs with fluid and literally DROWNING the patient (originally called covid pneumonia in early 2020 [not] ). Pin this on Obamacare...which has completely ruined healthcare and insurance! You see the crimes commited from a setup designed to monetize death. Ppl are now literally a number and a dollar $$ figure to woke corporations and pharma and corrupt govt.
What is theory about this? It is all fact. Maybe a little hyperbole in "knowingly killed" but I think all of the monetary incentives have certainly been documented very well.
Proof is everywhere. Research via Qwant or Duckduckgo not Google. The world economic forum Agenda 21 planned this scamdemic years ago. Listen to Dr David Martin and read his 205 page PDF called Fauci/COVID19 Dossier. Hundreds if not more sources. Or watch Sergeant Robert Horton's War Castles on Youtube & listen to the 1967 recording of Myron Fagan on Youtube.
All OECD countries I have noticed. Just another ABC bureaucracy but literally a list of the "highly vaxxed" countries.
I good friend of mine is an hr executive at a Silicon Valley tech company…he believes it’s full of corruption but he doesn’t want himself or his company to be a target so he just simply makes his employees do what everyone else is doing.
That is the Model. Thank you for sharing Jeremy. Confirmed my suspicions. I'll have what they are having......until it is unacceptable. Been watching the corporate backlash - they are watching each other. Mimicry is the most sincere form of flattery. Especially if you are Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo....
The ventilators don't cause a cytokine storm. They simply kill people. That's why you don't put anyone on one who can breathe at all. But they were venting them because they were scared of COVID. That came out a long time ago. So our "brave" doctors and nurses were so scared of something with less than a 1% death rate that they were killing people. Also pneumonia is typically treated with getting a person up and walking. If you leave them in a bed, you kill them. That's what happened with the hospitals.
Do I think it was all deliberate? No. I would never go near a hospital again. Do I think there is a lot of unrecognized incompetence and greed? Oh, hell yes. And it's time we were honest about the flaws of the medical system because I honestly think in this case they've killed as many or more people than the COVID did.
But am I going to accuse people of being conspiracy theorists if they suggest that this was intentional? No, for the simple reason that intentional or not, it all ends in the same place, people dying unnecessarily.
This is probably correct. Extremely low chance anyone in any level of the hospital system had murderous intent - as its not needed for murder to happen. Under conspiracy outlined by fortiori, all it takes is corruption higher up to manipulate the entire medical establishment to become the tool for someone else's intent. And we've seen how it's relatively easy to manipulate a system once the power has been attained. Have various dictates issued from on high by CDC / NIH, which the hospitals have been conditioned to follow reflexively, and tie nice financial incentives for following them. It looks like government is stepping up to help the people in a crisis, so nothing to see here. And then put medical system in a financial squeeze by shutting down other forms of income, which incentivizes them to not see anything amiss with the treatments and/or rationalize it away if they begin to question anything. Of course, all of this happens against the backdrop of fear and panic sown by the 24/7 fear porn - which health care workers were not immune to.
I'd dare say that doctors, nurses, hospital staff in general were subject to the worst abuses of manipulation and fear mongering. Governments that couldn't provide enough PPE, national health agencies that to this day did not provide them with any medicinal protocols to try to help save patients, recommendations given that left them feeling helpless and having to watch their patients die, guidelines that left them having to deny family access to ill or dying loved ones, threatening/firing/labeling as crazy or reckless any doctor who tried to use alternative protocols to save their patients, ETC. Then, we fire a bunch of them for refusing to get the jab- despite natural immunity, despite reasonable religious objections, despite their own eye witness accounts of 'vaccine' harm. I do not know how any of them will get through this without having lost all confidence in the system.
You're right and I'm too hard on some of them (others totally deserve it). But I would love doctors and nurses with a little less "confidence" in the system. Some of them have been honest and questioning things all along, making life easier on those of us who prefer to do our own thinking, and others just sort of go with the flow. I had one doctor not mention the vaccine to me at all because he knows me, and another, a PA, who also knows me but still asked me if I was "afraid" of it. I'm thinking, "Yes, but only in the way I'm afraid of say burning down my house for the insurance money. I've done a risk-benefit analysis and decided I'd rather not take the chance. In one case, I could end up with no house and no money, and in the other I could both end up with COVID and a heart condition."
It would seem that we have to include the information that has been buried. John Hopkins Study about the effectiveness of lockdowns/masks and the insurance report that was recently released, 40% increase in deaths that are not Covid related. They are curious, wouldn't it be great if our leaders were too. Let's Go Brandon and I love truckers!!
All this info will be buried and the vax diehards who went all in on this will dig in harder. They are already setting up vax health issues as actually being long covid and they are normalizing heart attacks
How is this for a conspiracy theory:
Here are a few ways that the powers that shouldn't be used the love of money to facilitate the orchestration of the fake pandemic:
Shut down all of the hospitals except for their COVID wing disallowing most surgeries and other general care.
Result: hospitals are starved for the revenue needed just to keep their doors open.
Hospitals were getting paid $12,000 for every COVID patient that died, but $39,000 if they put them on a ventilator first.
Result: hospitals were deliberately killing patients by venting them which caused a cytokine storm in their lungs, drowning them in mucus.
Hospitals also got bonuses of $160,000 if they reached a certain number of COVID deaths.
Result: everyone was labeled as a COVID patient whether they tested positive or not. This caused COVID case numbers to skyrocket, purposefully helping to drive the fake pandemic.
Hospitals are paid 20% extra when they prescribe Remdesivir to COVID patients which shuts down their internal organs. This was known from the study phase where it killed 50% of patients who took it.
Result: hospitals are knowingly killing patients with Remdesivir.
All of this is the reason hospitals are preventing families from visiting their loved ones. Hospitals are now killing fields because they are being paid to be that.
Add in banning any treatments that would actually help a patient. Giving Remdesivir during the first few days of infection might have helped keep high risk people OUT of the hospital. Giving it to people once in the hospital is absurd and criminal.
I read Robert F Kennedy's Jnr's book The Real Anthony Fauci.
Fauci's Rona strategy is identical to his AIDS strategy.
next up "Covid 19 and the Global Predators" By Peter and Ginger Breggins.
Reading this now
To get the historical view of the mess we're in read Breggin's book "Your Drug May Be Your Problem", 2007. This drug company tyranny and deception is nothing new.
Been following Breggin for years. Benzos. How that stuff is still marketed for first time prescription is, yet again, criminal.
I can remember the topic from the 1980s probably from left wing British rags.
Yep! Got a few weeks ago. Reading Alex' book, Pandemia at the moment.
(Okay, I'm not actually reading it, I got lazy and bought the audiobook. Alex is like easy listening for the Armageddon).
Next is Breggins'.
the Breggins are God sent.
That's what I've been saying all along- he AND Birks screwed up the AIDS epidemic and now this one
You mean they created the AIDS epidemic, by labeling and linking a myriad of illnesses under the catch all name AIDS, enabled by using the PCR test, a test never meant for diagnosis, to diagnose a virus HIV that never existed.
@Cynthia- that's a wee bit far-fetched, don'tcha think?
Read Robert F Kennedy's Jnr's book, The Real Anthony Fauci. All will become clear.
Not at all.
even the name phrase they gave it!
"the CCP virus that causes Covid-19"
"the HIV virus that causes AIDS" just let that sink in. What other disease do we phrase like that?? Nothing else except Faucxi's manufactured death sentence on innocent ppl. They think ppl are so stupid to fall for the terror again?! Apparently they did, and they did.
AZT = Remdesivir
High amplification cycle PCR = High amplification cycle PCR
Suppression of off patent, off label treatment...
Control of media...
And so on and so forth.
I fell for the AIDS terror at the innocent "coming of age" era at 18 and for good reason, my uncle was in the first wave of deaths! The calculated news secrecy, shame and manipulation was similar to what we see now.
Will we know a more sinister corrupt human than Fauci in our lifetime?
We will never know them, but the truly corrupt pull the strings of Fauci and the rest who have sold their souls.
Alphabet letters dehumanize the experience, and render the predatory owners oblique.
Yup go watch Dallas Buyers Club… same playbook
I want to read that as well. Have also seen FAUCI FOR GITMO tshirts
It's a shocker. I knew these were bent, but this is way beyond that. It's been a crime against humanity in perpetuity.
Just finishing the book. So Pelosi and others in Congress in 1988 blasted Fauci for his nonsense re: AIDS treatments or vax and they don't remember now.
Pelosi and other in the swamp have that genetic trait. The ability to have no conscience when it fits a narrative and gives them power. It's their reason to be!
Exactly like!
I don't deny that. The fact that hospitals and doctors do not question using an antiviral when most patients being admitted are more than a week past infection is the issue. They are are in the inflammatory, pulmonary stages of progression. It is just absurd.
"Absurd" pretty much sums up this Era. Stay home until you are dying, then call an ambulance. Zero talk about boosting the immune system, offering at home oxygen, not to mention slapping down the horse paste (I have in my refrigerator!), just get in line like a Good Soylent Green :(
None of it has ever been about health
Fact, you know what your talking about. Oxygen at home would’ve helped me.
TY Andrea. Why didn't they ever offer this.
I was in the hospital Jan 11-18. I had covid pneumonia and my doctor is certain I had delta. I was out of town on vacation with my 3yo granddaughter. Couldn’t get antibodies because I was in WV and they apparently didn’t have them.
Anyway , I rejected RunDeathIsNear when the hospitalist mentioned it. They gave me Olumiant. If you read the insert on the pill, it’s all contradictory to what I had. It’s so confusing. When I tested for covid, the walk-in clinic never told me to start aspirin, I missed that important information from FLCCC, but it’s there. When discharged I was told to take aspirin 81mg for 30days. 8 days after discharge I developed a blood clot in my arm.
When I returned home I went to Oklahoma heart hospital and they did an ultrasound and put me on a blood thinner.
Following day I went to my primary and I now have to take this blood thinner for 6 months.
Fauci should have to pay for my medications and hospital bills. Haven’t received any, maybe they sent them straight to the federal government. Who knows.
Smart Lady Andrea to dodge the RunDeathIsNear! Sounds like you are on the mend. I am glad you are on home and survived the Protocol! As for comment!!! Stay well and in charge of You xxx
REM death is near
All I could think while reading this was "shit, I think he's correct."
I'd take that bet.
How about HOLY SHIT?
Shit will do. Only God is Holy.
And cows. ::-)
Batman never scolded Robin so I'm good.
I kept saying this over and over. My husband finally asked, “What the hell are you reading?”
Those were their last words. Sad.
I saw it fortiori
All true. U.K. has its own incentives and methods for “helping” people pass.
Trouble is, they used a protocol potentially appropriate for a patient with a terminal cancer diagnosis if people who weren’t imminently dying. Intravenous midazolam + morphine using a syringe driver at up to 10x usual doses.
Worse, they’d PLANNED to do this, stockpiling midazolam for a year BEFORE the pandemic (2018-19 they continued to procure it, but stopped prescribing, burned through is all in spring 2020, buying another years supply in April 2020).
That’s a series of criminal acts right there.
As they say in business, “Show me the incentives & I’ll show you the results”.
The only incentive I can see in this plan is to kill off the elderly and chronically ill in order to reduce the amount of strain on the healthcare and social security systems. With birth rates plummeting, a large aging population and an overall population getting fatter and sicker each year- there was no way to support that. This is the only theory I have for why governments in Western nations would get on board with this, other than individual politicians lining their pockets with Pharma kickbacks, of course.
I’ve thought about this as well, the math you outlined doesn’t move the needle even if 2m people died. Now take 5-10 years off lifespan because of some unforeseen weakening of immune systems that 65 pct of genpop has….then you’re talking real money that the SS and HC actuaries would like to see.
The virus and hospital use of sedatives, Remdesivir and ventilators (and lack of use of appropriate protocols like the FLCCC's) was for that portion of the culling in this theory. The 'vaccines' cover the real money portion. Bastards!
Alex moves closer to conspiratorial Mike Yeadon! I remember him pooh-poohing your prognostications on tw. How many jabbed will be gone or disabled in 5 years? I have so many friends ...
A pulmonary nurse with 31 years of experience gave public testimony before the South Carolina State Legislature in September 2021, saying he "unknowingly killed patients following COVID protocols"
Can you prove the stockpiling claim? How? I have no problem believing this, but would like to prove it.
It’s a matter of record. I didn’t write the FOI request but I recall reading it.
I have not kept records of the non scientific aspects to these global crimes. I’m but one person. I’m not attempting in any way to “build a brand” & I long ago decided I was interested mostly in providing scientific evidence & reasoning to help others make sense that of what’s happening.
Accordingly, I don’t mind one way or the other if anything I say or write is rejected by the sceptical.
I'm a lawyer. I engage with professionals on an app called fishbowldigest. Mainly lawyers, accountants, consultants - all highly educated and successful.
It's shocking how brainwashed they are - swallow the narratives unquestioningly, so you have to hit them with undeniable proof to have a chance to break through their mental delusions. So I hit them with source documents, or nothing at all. That's why I ask.
I haven’t watched it yet, but this doc on the topic was referenced on another Substack: It’s called "A Good Death". Description: "... we hear the heartbreaking stories from people who lost loved ones to fatal doses of morphine and Midazolam. Each year, tens of thousands of elderly and terminally ill patients are quietly euthanised in NHS facilities. In hospitals, care homes and hospices,..."
I watched a YouTube video exposing this in UK including emails from health authorities to French manufacturers etc about getting stockpiles and the. To government officials etc..sorry can't remember the title but a search might bring it up. Shocking when I found out.... scroll down to podcast "Mass murder by gov't policy"
Same with the US. Denial of early treatments, bad hospital protocols that led to more deaths, large elderly and chronically ill populations, high vaxx rates, etc.
Perverse incentives, and hospital administrators are all for it. Of course. they don’t interact with the patients who are dying from their “treatment.”
And preventing any contact with loved ones so people die alone and untouched. Ghouls.
and unable to have an advocate to help the sick to make decisions in their best interest...NOT in THE HOSPITALS BEST INTEREST. Wam Bam thank you for the $100k, so sorry... you died from covid,, but our hospital board will be so happy and proud of your contribution.
Impossible to get to talk to any - they are too busy reeling in the joy of their new wealth. No time to talk to patient's family - I need to talk to my broker!
This is true. Many nurses quit over this.
Don't tell me show me a copy of the payment guarantees. Thanks.
The 20% premium for prescribing remdesivir is on the cms site:
Thanks for providing yet more proof of the incentives we know hospitals are getting… hence the forbidding of IVM & HCQ!!
"designed to mitigate potential financial disincentives for hospitals to provide new COVID-19 treatments"
Financial disincentives.... you mean like helping the patient and sending them home? Can't make any money doing that.
Thanks, that is what I needed.
The big question is WHY and WHO. WHO designed this medical fiduciary bonus plan, and WHY was it globally implemented? The World Health Organization has Remdisivir as a no-go on their website for over a year, but it is still being used and paid for. I would like to know what nameless bureaucrats made this decision. My Dad got it. "only the best for me! The same they gave to Trump!" That was the lastl he wrote. I have a vested interest in getting to the bottom of this.
For context see Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel. You will then understand a bit better.
You sure will. That charming gentleman thinks (wants) I should be dead because I've outlived my usefulness. Doesn't he know that '57 Chevys are running well in Cuba?
True dat!! I thought he was eccentric but he's revealed himself to be a madman.
He is less than 11 years from the age, 75, he thinks people should not receive medical care. I wonder what he'll think when he gets that age.
You are assuming he thinks now. Never assume. BTW, I thought the age of death was 70. I have a couple more years.
I saw a clip of him discussing it where I thought he arbitrarily chose 75. I wonder what Clint Eastwood would say. Reminds me of Logan's Run and Soylent Green.
I am so sorry, Sunshine.
Thank you Karin. He was double vaxxed and the booster was not yet available. He had a great Summer and Fall with family (finally). These numbers they throw at us are unnecessary human losses. Still angry I guess.
Of course you are! It's hard enough to lose someone you love, let alone when you know there was more to the story. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy some time with him during the Summer and Fall, but it wasn't enough, that's for sure. Hugs to you!
Thanks again Karin. We were in different countries but I enjoyed his Whatsapps and then I was banned from the funeral - I was Unclean. A danger to the Elderly. This is the true madness of today's world. We need to forgive the brainwashed because it was a full-on assault of fear. But we cannot forget what they did to assault our societies, economies, and psyches.
Wow. I'm so sorry. You are 100% right, we can't forget and we must pursue truth, close loop holes and hold those responsible accountable. It is on us to make sure that this never happens again.
it's really confusing....remdesivir is the kidney killer murder drug and regeneron(monoclonal antibody Trump got). I think the hospitals knew the confusion and remained silent when ppl were confused.
The regulators chose to forward Remdesivir over Regenron. They knew that the monoclonal antibodies were the better choice. Regeneron should have been prioritized in the summer of 2020, but it was not. Remdesivir was. The people who did that (Fauci, Gates, Bright, Collins, Rockefeller etc..) should be banned from making *any* "public health" decisions for life.
Trump got Regeneron, not remdesivir.
Pretty sure Regeneron was not available in the early days, but it could be true.
I remember Trump announcing that he did get regeneron, but it obviously wasn't yet available to the population..... at least it wasn't made widely known by the medical community. :(
Dr Ardis has some insight
oh yea, b/c they killed his father in law with the deadly remdesivir protocol in like 7 days
the remdesivir is shutting down their kidneys...ergo...filling body and lungs with fluid and literally DROWNING the patient (originally called covid pneumonia in early 2020 [not] ). Pin this on Obamacare...which has completely ruined healthcare and insurance! You see the crimes commited from a setup designed to monetize death. Ppl are now literally a number and a dollar $$ figure to woke corporations and pharma and corrupt govt.
Yes we did see this coming.
What is theory about this? It is all fact. Maybe a little hyperbole in "knowingly killed" but I think all of the monetary incentives have certainly been documented very well.
Pretty good
It's not a conspiracy, it's just smart business.
Not mutually exclusive.
Even criminals can be smart businessmen. Where’s the distinction?
I wish you would provide sources because when I talk to skeptics about what hospitals are doing, I get asked what proof I have.
Proof is everywhere. Research via Qwant or Duckduckgo not Google. The world economic forum Agenda 21 planned this scamdemic years ago. Listen to Dr David Martin and read his 205 page PDF called Fauci/COVID19 Dossier. Hundreds if not more sources. Or watch Sergeant Robert Horton's War Castles on Youtube & listen to the 1967 recording of Myron Fagan on Youtube.
Ha! I was literally just about to post that link. You beat me by seconds. Well done.
please post it- comment has been deleted.
Thank you!!!
Also do you know if this is at an international level? Asking from Canada.
All OECD countries I have noticed. Just another ABC bureaucracy but literally a list of the "highly vaxxed" countries.
Sorry but Honestly you lost me with Masonic Lodges
I good friend of mine is an hr executive at a Silicon Valley tech company…he believes it’s full of corruption but he doesn’t want himself or his company to be a target so he just simply makes his employees do what everyone else is doing.
That is the Model. Thank you for sharing Jeremy. Confirmed my suspicions. I'll have what they are having......until it is unacceptable. Been watching the corporate backlash - they are watching each other. Mimicry is the most sincere form of flattery. Especially if you are Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo....
Where are the whistleblower s?
The ventilators don't cause a cytokine storm. They simply kill people. That's why you don't put anyone on one who can breathe at all. But they were venting them because they were scared of COVID. That came out a long time ago. So our "brave" doctors and nurses were so scared of something with less than a 1% death rate that they were killing people. Also pneumonia is typically treated with getting a person up and walking. If you leave them in a bed, you kill them. That's what happened with the hospitals.
Do I think it was all deliberate? No. I would never go near a hospital again. Do I think there is a lot of unrecognized incompetence and greed? Oh, hell yes. And it's time we were honest about the flaws of the medical system because I honestly think in this case they've killed as many or more people than the COVID did.
But am I going to accuse people of being conspiracy theorists if they suggest that this was intentional? No, for the simple reason that intentional or not, it all ends in the same place, people dying unnecessarily.
This is probably correct. Extremely low chance anyone in any level of the hospital system had murderous intent - as its not needed for murder to happen. Under conspiracy outlined by fortiori, all it takes is corruption higher up to manipulate the entire medical establishment to become the tool for someone else's intent. And we've seen how it's relatively easy to manipulate a system once the power has been attained. Have various dictates issued from on high by CDC / NIH, which the hospitals have been conditioned to follow reflexively, and tie nice financial incentives for following them. It looks like government is stepping up to help the people in a crisis, so nothing to see here. And then put medical system in a financial squeeze by shutting down other forms of income, which incentivizes them to not see anything amiss with the treatments and/or rationalize it away if they begin to question anything. Of course, all of this happens against the backdrop of fear and panic sown by the 24/7 fear porn - which health care workers were not immune to.
Spot on! 👍
I'd dare say that doctors, nurses, hospital staff in general were subject to the worst abuses of manipulation and fear mongering. Governments that couldn't provide enough PPE, national health agencies that to this day did not provide them with any medicinal protocols to try to help save patients, recommendations given that left them feeling helpless and having to watch their patients die, guidelines that left them having to deny family access to ill or dying loved ones, threatening/firing/labeling as crazy or reckless any doctor who tried to use alternative protocols to save their patients, ETC. Then, we fire a bunch of them for refusing to get the jab- despite natural immunity, despite reasonable religious objections, despite their own eye witness accounts of 'vaccine' harm. I do not know how any of them will get through this without having lost all confidence in the system.
You're right and I'm too hard on some of them (others totally deserve it). But I would love doctors and nurses with a little less "confidence" in the system. Some of them have been honest and questioning things all along, making life easier on those of us who prefer to do our own thinking, and others just sort of go with the flow. I had one doctor not mention the vaccine to me at all because he knows me, and another, a PA, who also knows me but still asked me if I was "afraid" of it. I'm thinking, "Yes, but only in the way I'm afraid of say burning down my house for the insurance money. I've done a risk-benefit analysis and decided I'd rather not take the chance. In one case, I could end up with no house and no money, and in the other I could both end up with COVID and a heart condition."
My doctor assumed I had been vaxxed without ever asking me. I clearly need a new doctor.
That's awful, but it doesn't surprise me.
Yes you and Lillia are totally correct!
It would seem that we have to include the information that has been buried. John Hopkins Study about the effectiveness of lockdowns/masks and the insurance report that was recently released, 40% increase in deaths that are not Covid related. They are curious, wouldn't it be great if our leaders were too. Let's Go Brandon and I love truckers!!
Crony capitalism at its worse. Follow the $$ incentives. Always. Especially when the ties between government and the healthcare sector are so huge.
The medical industrial complex surpassed the military industrial complex as the 1 lobbyist in DC. 😳
All this info will be buried and the vax diehards who went all in on this will dig in harder. They are already setting up vax health issues as actually being long covid and they are normalizing heart attacks
To the vax die-hards I have resorted to saying, "Get your boosters!" And I leave it at that. Exhausted warning people since December 2020.
Get boosters like democrats vote - early and often and even after death.
My doc characterized my vax issues as long Covid.
Please find a new doc. I did