
Doesn’t matter. Agree or disagree with Eugyppius OR Alex OR anyone else, that is NOT the question or the issue. “By whose rights and whose standards?” I think for myself and cannot form an informed opinion without robust discourse. Especially if only allowed to see one “preferred” point of view. Freedom of speech isn’t complicated. Thank you and hope Alex the Eagle takes down lil’ bird.

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I didn't give up my freedoms as you started with in your article. My freedoms were forcibly taken away from me. I will never forget what and how it happened and who did it.

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You are completely misreading Eugyppius. He is not angry at all - he just observes and accurately describes what is happening.

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Alex doesn’t seem to recognize the possibility (I’d say probability) that this global covid disaster has been planned and intentional. Many of us believe the people behind the great reset have a hand in what’s gone on with covid. Alex doesn’t seem to consider this as a possibility. Not sure why.

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Eugyppius is not a nihlist. And if you are truly a cynic, you need to expand your cynicism to include the 2020 election and the reasons behind the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

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The mandates are not entirely gone. There are still border mandates, employment mandates, and even domestic travel mandates, e.g. Canada. They must be shamed mercilessly.

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022


"It is time to uproot the word “misinformation” from the vocabulary of every government official in every Western country. Governments should not be allowed - on their own, or through “partnerships” with private companies - to define what facts are acceptable for their citizens to see."

If we don't do this, we're doomed.

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The government's steadfast refusal to intervene in the censorship of big tech's selective "fact checking"—and its own propaganda machine running 24/7 from the White House—is the biggest disgrace to freedom of speech in the history of this country. I guarantee millions of Americans are far angrier!

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Eugyppius is a pragmatist. You are drinking some of the propaganda on Ukraine I'm afraid - there are no good players in that equation. What about Yemen? Politicians are oligarchs get the Win and the serfs worldwide suffer. It's never a case of Good Guys v. Bad Guys.

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Vaccine mandates are still on their way to legislative approval in California. Private and public businesses, K-12 public school children. We will need to start reporting on Red and Blue states separately, as they are almost two different countries.

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Healthcare worker mandate is still in place. Over a decades worth of training and thousands in debt, yet job prospects essentially 0. Taking care of triple vaxed covid patients daily and then told you're getting let go is hard to swallow...

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"A country that claims to stand for freedom must itself be free." Absolutely. Now that I have the memo with my termination date for my decision to rely on God's immunity, I have been grappling with this concept of freedom. I have been gratified by the support I have received, even from colleagues that are pro-vax. One of those pro-vax colleagues said - "this shouldn't be happening, we live in a free country, not the USSR, you have the right to make this choice." In the LinkedIn post drafted but which will probably never be posted, I say: I ask for freedom to exercise my religious beliefs without discrimination, freedom to exercise medical autonomy without judgment. While that freedom was stolen from me, it made freedom more important to me, it hit home that freedom is never free, that inclusion is possible only when we don’t intentionally exclude those with other points of view. It is time to recognize freedom of religion, freedom of medical autonomy, freedom of choice. It is time to practice true inclusion.

I should add, a return to freedom of speech and a turn away from censorship, since that also represents some of the freedom we have lost.

Thank you and all the others who are a voice for freedom.

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I'm not a nihilist, but I am disturbed Alex, that you never seem concerned about the plight of those in Donbass and Lughansk who have been bombarded by Ukraine, killing reportedly 14,000. This part of Eastern Ukraine, was told that they couldn't speak Russian, and whatever you may believe, Fascist types in Ukraine seem to have become powerful in the military disproportionate to their actual population numbers. I suggest that you look at Max Blumenthal and Alex Rubinstein's latest reportage. I guess its hard for me as it is for many others who so admire your work relating to the criminal actions of our government regarding the lockdown, the vaccine et al. Of course the invasion which could have been avoided by better advice from the US to Ukraine and support for the Minsk agreement, is regrettable, but I'm unwilling to simply say that the people of Donbass don't exist, because of your failure to even mention this issue

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I don’t agree that the nihilist doesn’t differentiate between Russian soldiers and Ukrainian civilians, I think the nihilist believes that the civilians/refugees are just as much the victims of shitty policy and goading from the west towards Ukraine (to very broadly water down events leading up to invasion) as they are of Russian army. The nihilist, certainly the newest of those to identify as such, probably feel as if they have been trapped into the position after watching our gov’ts screw up every single thing they touch, to the detriment of their populations. The nihilist can no longer stand on the sidelines and agree that the other guy is the only bad guy.

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"In the United States legal and cultural obstacles kept us from becoming quite as authoritarian. Until the last two years, I had never really understood the value for federalism and the brilliance of the Constitution." Thank you, Alex. The point you make really needs to be emphasized. We, I believe, are close to losing the protections that were so brilliantly laid out. The more people see what we have as our best guarantee to remain free, the better. China and others will exploit our chaos and substitute it for some Orwellian "solution". I think the next year is crucial. The tiger is lurking and not even in the shadows anymore.

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My 21 year old daughter was healthy for the first 20 years and 6 months of her life. Then she was coerced into getting Pfizer’s experimental gene therapy, so she could continue to pursue a career in music as a live performer. As a student at a high profile university, she was put under immense pressure to conform, by the wicked idiocracy that has come to infest our institutions. After two fake vaccines, she has been sick 5 of the last 6 months and has now been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Not only will we not forget what these sociopathic idiots have done, we will devote the rest of our lives to making them pay for their crimes. You don’t mess with people’s health, or their children. We are coming for you.

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