Doesn’t matter. Agree or disagree with Eugyppius OR Alex OR anyone else, that is NOT the question or the issue. “By whose rights and whose standards?” I think for myself and cannot form an informed opinion without robust discourse. Especially if only allowed to see one “preferred” point of view. Freedom of speech isn’t complicated. Thank you and hope Alex the Eagle takes down lil’ bird.

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I'm sure everyone realizes how this works. Example; Politicians that stand for racism, woke, bs, etc., get funded by Corps, dark money etc, so they pass laws that give corps or foreign interests the upper hand. You don't matter. You're just a slave that gets sold for power, money and a tax break.

Party afiliation is meaningless.

The end.

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Hopefully, our vote will regain its value by no longer competing with dead people, tarántulas with a ballot in each leg, Sucker-bird coalition and 'Do Evil' monopoly. The Covidian Cult are drinking their kool-Aid.

WE can vote out woke/corrupt politicians. I know I will try.

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I think you're missing the point. It's really not the politicians, it's the buying part that is the problem. If Moderna and friends buy, fund, politicians both DEM and GOP, they can ask for things like mandated 4th jabs or no re-election $$$. Social media bots, ads, office furniture, stock options, rigging don't come cheap.

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Take the example of Rep. Ro Khanna which Jimmy Dore highlighted a few days ago.

Khanna was elected to Congress as a “Progressive”. Jimmy Dore used to have him on his show and he was anti-war, anti-imperialism, for Medicare for All etc.

Time marched on and Khanna got all slicked out in sharp suits, his wife started making big investments in Raytheon and Boeing then a few days ago Max Blumenthal tried to interview Khanna on the street and Khanna just kept fast-walking to avoid the interview.

Now Khanna is totally supporting Ukraine Nazis against Russia. (Not hard to ID the Azov Battalion and Right Sector Nazi members of the Ukraine military and government. They are ALL tatted up.)

A rep gets elected thinking they will represent their district.

Then the cash starts flowing and the dirty “lobbyist deals” plus the DNC/Pelosi strong-arming.

And another Ro Khanna is born.

Please watch Jimmy Dore on this.

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Lets not forget Google has a lot of power. They censor the internet and work on precision military drone strikes for the pentagon. All paid by your tax dollars.

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He lied and probably still is. People like that have no morals, no commitment with the truth and with their country, they have no religion to keep them on the line of rightness. Mercenary is a word that comes to mind.

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I do consider all the hurdles mentioned, as well as the notion that its only a partial list of challenges (Fake Media, Technocrats, unions, et cetera).

Provided that the mega-fraud recently experienced is not repeated, it comes down to the vote; one-per-citizen vote. 2016 showed that the crocked candidate had all those thing on her side, yet the tally showed who received more single votes from real-living-honest-verifiable citizen. Despite all of the above, WE THE PEOPLE elected the president with the most testicular fortitude in the history of the Republic

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In the meantime, the CDC just got word from a turd in a sewer... buy Moderna stock. Or if you're a Trump supporter, Pfizer.

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I would vote for Desantis and Noem without holding my nose. They stood up for the people.

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As our public education system fails the number of idiots voting makes it less and less likely that we can fix our system through voting.

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I saw Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell trending today? Did he sell $5 million in stocks again just like pre pandemic?

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As my father used to say... they got you by the short and curlies.

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YES!!! This is what I hope for. WE can vote them out. That every single one of us become the biggest loud mouths SCREAMING for our FREEDOM. We do this by showing up to the polls. Every time PEOPLE. EVERYTIME.

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The end for complacent slaves. But not for those who fight. We outnumber them, and can beat them if we choose to. You might lose if you fight, guaranteed to lose if you don't.

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I didn't give up my freedoms as you started with in your article. My freedoms were forcibly taken away from me. I will never forget what and how it happened and who did it.

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Concur Val. There was no choice given. The jaw dropping moment for me was when all entities quickly and unquestioningly complied. Small businesses, schools, churches among others.

I was angry from day one and angry now. Because if they do it once, you know they will try it again 😡

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Yes. The template has been created and absolutely will be used again. Fear porn is a very effective tool to intimidate and round up the herd.

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There is also a template for resistance.

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I agree. We need more courageous people to take a stand. Never again.

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Millions have been red pilled and will never trust again.

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I hope!

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Today’s kids (and many adults) just cannot seem to fathom the power of saying NO.

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Exactly and we know how to effectively activate that template. Next time, needs to be activated at the start. Or once we learn of them thinking of locking us down. I’m starting by making pamphlets with a few knowledge talking points about masks and lockdowns and giving them to small businesses in my area to get them ready to resist.

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Complacency was/is the devil. Fool me once. . .

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This is courage at its best. I applaud you.

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It will be worse next time. The petty tyrants are rewriting history as we speak, it was all very necessary you see. Due to there precautions and steady leadership, you are now allowed some of your freedoms back. Or something like that. I just hope there is real resistance to this lunacy. No one should comply.

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The only reason they have allowed us some of our freedoms back is because they’ve realized they pushed their envelope a little too close to the edge and Patriots are ready to push back!

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It's now war porn.

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There is already a rumor of a new variant, a combination of delta in Omicron - Just in time for the Midterms?

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So what? Everyone has had it or they’ve been jabbed. I’m not locking down. Any calls for lockdowns mean they have to admit the jabs failed. It’s over.

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They will never admit that the jabs have failed – they are already preparing to demand more boosters for this new variant! You’re right, just say no, do not be cowed, threatened or intimidated

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The jabs didn't fail, according to them. The only reason you are alive is because of the Jab. Even those that died keep in mind, without the Jab, they would have died a horrific death. But since they were jabbed it was a heroic death.

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Churches maybe the most shocking.

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absolutely. Fortunately for me, my pastor never caved to the pressure and told our members that they could make up their own minds. He lost a number of them. Not me.

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Good pastor. I'd keep him.

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I was shocked when my church closed just when we needed it the most. Their fear was bigger than their faith. I quit. I’m searching for a new church now but am pretty skeptical and jaded.

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God will be faithful to you. He knows where he wants you to go.

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My former denomination was so in love with all the pronouncements from on Secular High, it's as if this was their sick reading of the Gospel:

When Jesus came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

Jesus reached out his hand and said: "Diseased one, lest you kill someone's grandmother, mask up and stay the hell away from everyone." And then he looked up and addressed the crowd: " Verily, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Politicians, Glitterati and The Scientists you will have no part in me."

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Churches were threatened with having their tax free status taken away.

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I think Jesus, Peter, Paul and countless others were threatened with a lot worse than loss of tax status.

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Yup. Which is why churches should refuse to operate as tax free entity. Now the government has leverage over them because it can dictate the rules to qualify. When it can do that, then it can control your theology and God centered message. Churches...believers, have to decide in whom they shall trust. God or the government?

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I completely agree. Most have wilted away. Thankfully the real ones have survived. I believe God has done a great "shaking."

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I think many were prepped for this and didn't even know it. 1 odd observation of mine, may be nothing but it seems the quick to comply folks watch an inordinate amount of tv. Leaning left doesn't help. It's been a systematic takedown.

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It doesn't even matter if they do it again. They should be imprisoned--and worse--for what they did over the past two years.


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I’m very lucky. I have never worn a Mask I’ve refused to be injected and mostly went about my business and did what I wanted to. Been “shamed” many many times with much backlash from me. But I’m able to say fuck it. Im upset for those who can’t. Who’ve been abused and controlled and bullied into compliance cause they had no choice !!!!!!!! That upsets me immensely. I wish we all could have said fuck it and refused. It’s a shame the majority of us are good people as opposed to the EVIL portion of the ruling class.

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I did the same. I forced business owners to confront me and make me wear a mask, I ignored the idiot city workers that told me I needed a mask to walk my dog through the city park. I have zero fucks what the people around me thought. I knew it was lunacy from the beginning.

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I feel the same as you, RJ. I refused to comply with their edicts, mandates and executive orders. I never wore a mask and I remain unjabbed. I quickly learned which local businesses supported freedom of choice and bodily autonomy and they became my primary sources of goods. When I was berated and screamed at by the fearful followers I simply smiled and carried on with my business. My head, and my heart, hurt for my family and friends who succumbed to the pressure, threats, fear and constant propaganda. They see the last two years as a major catastrophe in their lives. For me it was a minor inconvenience.

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Agree with Cindy, 100% – but am sad for all the friendships, personal and professional that have been damaged beyond repair because of Covid fanaticism!

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Absolutely!! I know so many COVID fanatics that freaked out on their friends and family who never bought into the addiction of COVID porn and all consuming panic. My son, who I thought was a reasonable and level-headed man, has told me that he won't visit me here in AZ because we did not get jabbed. And I can't visit him for the same reason. My husband and I have both had COVID and have a wonderful, naturally acquired immunity. But even though he works in the medical field he refuses to accept that we are no threat to him. It's very disappointing.

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I’m so sorry that he has been induced into the mass psychosis that has swept thru the country. Trump derangement syndrome is a far worse disease than Covid for the masses. No cure 🤬🤬🤬🤬

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Yes - TDS is still raging

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Sadly, I don’t believe we will ever be completely rid of the Covid Cult - they are lethally indoctrinated

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The Covid Cult is, sadly, terminally indoctrinated🥲

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You seem like a wonderful person and yes it was just an inconvenience except that I don’t fly until the masks come off. I know I’ll get on the no fly list if I do. I have a lot of trips I want to take. I’m glad I’m not alone being strong. But remember they need to be mocked and ridiculed with the respect that they deserve. Don’t ever let them live this down. Until they apologize for being so scared and brainwashed

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I totally agree. I won't fly until the mask mandate is ended. Even though the senate passed a bill yesterday to immediately end the mask mandate, with bipartisan support, I don't believe the old hag with the gavel will even bring it to the house! So we wait...

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Not a chance I agree. Too much control. Can’t be parted with until the real science “ political science “ tells them they are going to be inundated in the next election

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And this ties into Alex’s article from yesterday: one side wants freedom, the other control. The center wants neither.

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Val - I agree with you 100 percent. I was angered watching local and state governments jailing people who wanted to keep their businesses open during the scandemic. Seeing Shelley Luther in Dallas tossed in jail for failing to bend the knee to a local dictator finally put the spurs to Greg Abbott to revise his dictatorial decrees.

The question becomes, what to do with our anger? As long as Democrats and their tech buddies (hello Dominion voting system) count the votes I don't believe our votes will count.

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A cafe in Ottawa just had their business license revoked for having the audacity to stay open during the trucker "occupation".

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Gotta love our free Democratic neighbors 🤬🤬🤬🤬

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I didn't either, Val, but most of my friends and relatives were frightened, or fooled, or even cheerfully went along with the herd simply to stay on the "right" side of the fence.

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Or to stay “safe” whatever that means. We have encouraged a generation of Lewis’s Men without Chests.

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People would end conversations with “stay safe” if wouldn’t respond…stay safe from what??

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When anyone said that shit I wanted to vomit.

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Your people were properly indoctrinated by the system that was developed to get and maintain control.

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I could not agree more with your entire comment my friend!! My rights just like you was yanked! Stripped away from me and my family!

Granted, not to the extent, not nearly as bad as the folks out in California, or over in New York State. The rights we lost, here was not done on or by, a local level. But by the federal level only. Here in Wyoming.

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I did all my refraining from the ruling class in NYC. wasn’t easy. But I got thru luckily

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The question is, how do we ensure they pay for their crimes.

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Just a heads up: a doctor working in a large hospital said "90% of our Covid patients (and deaths) are fully vaccinated. But we aren't allowed to report that" Hug those you love, who fell for the hype, because the next flu season could be game over for them.

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They aren't even reporting the vaxxed/unvaxxed hospital stats here in Ontario anymore, can't imagine why? I worry for those who took it, and fear we will lose them too soon.

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Calling Fauci Science is like calling Joey Biden a legitimate President.

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I always knew that would be the case. This is all about old dying people vaccinated or not dying and getting tagged as COVID-19 because the PCR test said so.

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The PCR test was never the proper way from day one on to test for covid-19. The PCR test is not FDA approved to detect contagious dieases. And all these test was caused medical confussion for the past 2 years.

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Google Wolfgang Wodarg. Your comment doesn't even begin to scratch the surface about the problems with PCR tests.

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I did. I did Google Dr Wodarg. The reason why I did this and I went to Wikipedia is I wanted to see just how much lying they’re doing against him. Or making stuff up.

Or verbally trying to shame him. Which is a new tactic according to Ben Shapiro, and now they’ve gone way too far and he’s calling for a class action suit. Ben is.

And, part of the suit is, “What do we do with Wikipedia in the manner of correcting them. I see no other way of holding them fully, fully responsible but by, having them shut down. By a federal court order.

Awarding millions of dollars in damages will only goes so far but it will not get them to take public responsibility. Saying I’m sorry is meaningless to anybody unless they actually change their behavior that got them in the situation they’re in to begin with.” Emphasis by Ben Shapiro.

(I may have crossed over into being very loquacious but please bear with me because I’m showing everybody the evidence of what this sorry ass Wikipedia has done to Dr Wolfgang Wodarg. So please forgive me for being so, Long-winded.)

And, this is why Ben Shapiro along with many others like, Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, Judge Jeanine, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, James Howard Kunstler. Yes that one Who was a lifelong diehard Democrat and voted the first time for a Republican when he voted for Donald Trump both times. But I got ahead of myself. But, Wikipedia has went out of their way to attack, make up, and then try to shame, Wolfgang Widarg. I present the evidence down below from their own website pertaining to him.

Ben Shapiro is calling on everybody that Wikipedia has either A. flat out lied about, or B. had stuff made up about them. C. Verbally attacked in the way, in the manner of trying to shame that person the way that they have done recently to Candace Owens, to Jordan Peterson, President Trump, and the list goes on.

He owns the outstanding hard hitting blog, Cluster Fuck Nation. I recommend everybody please google his name. Every Monday and Friday if you sign up, like I did sometime ago, you will get an email with his blog entries for the week and they are truly outstanding.

He pulls no punches. Along with Jordan Peterson, he says that Joe Biden is senile and the most dangerous man he’s ever seen in American politics.

“Joe Biden is not only the most dangerous president our nation has ever seen he makes Barack Obama look like, a center-left. Republican Lite.” Emphasis by, Jim Kunstler. But, I digressed. Severely. All of these people in many more are now calling for Wikipedia and the owner to be sued out of existence.

“Before they were just merely being an annoyance like an incorrigibly belligerent eight year old little boy. A brat. But since Joe Biden was elected they have crossed over into downright dangerous territory.

And by this I mean they are flat out lying about people and lying about events. Furthermore they have chosen to shame various republicans and well-known conservative businessman. Let me slam on my brakes back up a little before I go any further.

They try, try to shame certain Republican politicians and certain well-known conservative businessman or businessman and entertainers that we conservative ourselves have always suspected that certain people like Denzel Washington and Elon Musk are either conservative and vote Republican.

And there’s a strong possibility that not only these two but many more voted for Donald Trump they’re just not saying. And you cannot blame them. And, the reason I say they’re trying to shame certain folks it’s because many people are no longer taking it and it’s about time. In fact, it’s long past time.

And I’m calling on as many that have either been lied about, one way or another, or had stuff! Stuff made up about them. And would like to join me and Dave on a class-action lawsuit.”

Ben Shapiro & Dave Rubin

“Wolfgang Wodarg gained notoriety during public discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic when he argued that SARS-CoV-2 was only one of many similar viruses which usually go undetected as part of an ordinary seasonal period of respiratory infections, and that the worldwide activities to stop the pandemic were "hype" caused by the selective perception of researchers.

His comments on the COVID-19 pandemic drew criticism from German scientists and some German media outlets. According to the critics, Wodarg's claims largely contradicted the verifiable facts; some of his statements were neither verifiable nor falsifiable; and because the facts Wodarg presented had nothing to do with each other, his statements had proved to be misleading.”

“In a December 2020 petition to the European Medicines Agency, Wodarg and former Pfizer scientist Michael Yeadon called for all mRNA vaccine trials to be halted. Their petition, which suggested without evidence that the vaccines could cause infertility in women by targeting the syncytin-1 protein necessary for placenta formation, soon began circulating on social media.

The misinformation caused by the petition spread from social media into doctors offices, where concerned women began asking their gynecologists if it was true. A survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation in January found that 13% of unvaccinated people in the U.S. had heard that COVID-19 vaccines caused infertility.”

“David Gorski wrote on Science-Based Medicine that Wodarg and Yeadon were "stoking real fear that the new COVID-19 vaccines will make women infertile and [...] doing it based on speculative nonsense".

“Transparency International Germany, on whose board of directors Wodarg serves, distanced itsem on 17 March 2020: "Transparency International f the p in the association "until further noticeh means that Wodarg can no longer exercise any functions on the board or as head of the health working group. For the time being.

The Board of Directors will commission an independent committee to look into Wodarg's statements about the coronavirus and to determine whether his behaviour has harmed the interests of Transparency International Germany.”

“Furthermore he has appeared on the American right wing propaganda network shows, Tucker Carlson Tonight, & The, Laura Ingraham Hour. Both with the Fox News Corporation. Founded by Rupert Murdoch.

Transparency Chairman Hartmut Bäumer said that the reason for this was that Wodarg had expressed his views on "radical media" such as KenFM, Rubikon, Geolitico, and in an interview with Eva Herman.

All of "which regularly work with conspiracy theories, with anti-democratic and sometimes anti-Semitic prejudices" and "oppose the basic democratic principles of Transparency"; while "some of them are personally close to the AfD".

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With the latest SCOTUS dodge on water boarding (“we’re sorry, that’s a state secret”), I’m not too sanguine on the outlook for justice.

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I couldn’t agree more with you my friend! I couldn’t.

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We do it by electing the right folks that make this a serious corner-stone in there election campaign. Furthermore we have to vote in men & women that will which

in-turn move the RINOS out for good.


this is obviously one of the hardest things I’ve ever seen to get done. I will give you a classic example. We all know, that Mitch McConnell needs to go!! He-does. We all know this is! Once again, we all know, Mitch McConnell needs to go!! But!

Don’t think that many! and I do mean many!! of the voting block of conservative voters in the state of Kentucky know this. i’ve lost count of the times I’ve seen people out of the state of Kentucky post comments saying those things that we have to get rid of Mitch McConnell. And yet???????

You guessed it. They wind up doing the same thing that’s so many other people do, that have a RINO. They vote the sorry-ass-piece of DINGLE—BERRY-SCUM.


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While I whole heartedly agree that Mitch needs to go, I also have to wonder about his primary opponents? Nothing like the one opposing Cheney in her re-election bid this election. Wonder why? Hmmm…

I propose the Republicans have the big ones to vote him out as the Majority leader should they take the Senate this time. Will they have the big ones?? I

Dunno?? Also McCarthy should they take the house. Shake up and out the status quo ie Swamp.

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PA has lots of candidates running for Senate. One, Dave McCormick, was asked, would you vote against Mitch McConnell if you are elected. He said he would have to see who was running against him. That was not a popular answer to the group he was in front of.

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Thanks for promoting Eugyppius! He deserves the publicity.

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Agreed. I am visiting my daughter in LA and decided to go to the La Brea Tar Pits (I love science) Museum. I had to show a vax card outside and wear a mask inside if I wanted to go in. It will never end...we live in a soft tyranny. If those in power try to harden it, there will be a pushback. I will never forget what has been done.

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I also will never forget. But, alas, I fear most just don’t really care.

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I agree. So what shall we do about it? I simply don't know. I fear that the idea of elections is over with. These people will NOT go quietly away. You know it and I know it.

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We need to get involved. We need to observe every mail in vote that was cast. Biden quoted Stalin. That it doesn’t matter who votes it’s who counts the votes. When he doesn’t read a promoter he tells the truth. That’s why they don’t let him answer questions. We need to win local elections. We need to mock and ridicule the lemmings that made our lives hell for the last 2 years. Never ever stop till they apologize

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Agree totally. Especially mocking these wankers is a great strategy

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You are completely misreading Eugyppius. He is not angry at all - he just observes and accurately describes what is happening.

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Yeah, I'm with Eugyppius on this one.

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Agreed. Alex is emotionalizing Eugyppius.

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Alex is Jealous! (I can do it too!)

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Most people with common sense can't possibly disagree with Eugyppius. He's logical, methodical, consistent, and really a good writer.

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Both of these things can be true. He can be accurately describing what is happening and be angry at what he sees.

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Yes, this is a very good point. I do not, however, feel he is angry. I get a feeling he is disillusioned though.

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I agree, Vasko...I don't feel any anger at what's happened but I have a great sense of disillusionment and concern. So many millions and millions were so easily controlled. Their lack of questioning and challenging is disturbing.

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I worry also. ...what happened to critical thinking, scepticism? Questioning? So concerning!

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It’s now treason if you ask the left because it makes them uncomfortable to hear a counter opinion. OH WAIT THE GOD DAMN TRUTH i mean

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Thank you. This worries me very much also.

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But it's unheard of for Alex to frag someone on the same side in the vaccine debates.

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Alex doesn’t seem to recognize the possibility (I’d say probability) that this global covid disaster has been planned and intentional. Many of us believe the people behind the great reset have a hand in what’s gone on with covid. Alex doesn’t seem to consider this as a possibility. Not sure why.

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Alex has many blindspots.

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Alex also has a lot of very bright, inquisitive subscribers. He won't please everyone, but the discussions he generates are excellent.

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I think a lot of writers here on substack that started with the covid fiasco, along with the readers, feel some loyalty to our "anti-authoritarian", freedom-loving group. At the core of this community is the recognition of and immunity to propaganda, whether it is Covid propaganda or Ukraine propaganda. So it becomes a little jarring when one writer appears to jump the fence and attack this team, like he did with Malone and now Eugyppius. Alex did do and still does deep unbiased research on Covid, so having a strong opinion on the Covid fiasco can at least be backed up with data. Other substack writers have done the deep unbiased research on Ukraine before espousing their opinions, and I would hope Alex would do that as well.

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Disagreement is not an attack. I want to hear intelligent people debate issues.

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For many of us, the concept that this has been “orchestrated” is undeniable. The selection of the over-cycled PCR tests as the arbiter of infection, the ridiculous method of ascribing covid as the cause of death by hospitals, the ridiculous and unprecedented vaccine mandates, the censorship of any reporting that questions the wisdom of vaccines, the utilization of the virus to change (often illegally) state election laws in time for 2020 elections, the unprecedented lockdowns, the obscuring of sensible covid data, the removal of ivermectin from national pharmacy inventories, the ongoing vaccine mandates, the unilateral changing of definitions to accommodate the narrative (see “vaccine” and “pandemic” and “herd immunity”). How can ANYONE with intelligence not conclude that these anomalies were orchestrated? So, we know that Alex is intelligent, so why doesn’t he consider this or discuss this?

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Before all this, I always dismissed what I thought were large outlandish conspiracy theories because I thought ordinary humans couldn't pull them off. Also, I've unfortunately seen first hand how relatives/inlaws have continuously hopped from one theory to the next -- eg BIL insisted about 10 years ago that all of humanity had to get to Kansas or some such in order to be rescued off the planet; also, per him, that planet is flat, under a protective dome. He says the Bible proves this, although he dismisses the Gospel of Christ set forth in the same Bible. Everybody can probably think of someone who to them represents nutty conspiracy theories -- someone they're afraid to be like. So I've always operated from the premise that opportunism is a more likely explanation for a confluence of events (events that clearly are more than coincidence) than orchestration. Now I realize more and more how orchestration and opportunism are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

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Let’s just be happy the is the guiding light for COVID facts

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Don’t forget they used this to gain power and circumvent election Rules and get rid of Donald. Alex while being very logical in this topic. Was/is still a Democrat but believes in all

Our constitutional rights. That’s why he can’t believe what we know. That it was a crisis that didn’t get waisted for their agenda.

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Never underestimate the power of denial. He doesn't want to even consider the possibility that the covid disaster was planned and intentional. That would entail too much psyche-shattering work. But you never know. People can and do change, occasionally. I hold out hope that Alex will eventually open his mind to the awful reality which is clearly visible to many of us.

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I have a similar impression of Joe Rogan. He seems incapable of grasping the level of evil involved. I've only listened to a couple of his podcasts, most recently the one with Maajid Nawaz, so I don't have a good feel for him.

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As I think Eugyppius said recently, or maybe Mark O, Clause could not have written a book so quickly as to outline so precisely what the pandemic was looking like unless he already knew what it WAS GOING TO look like. I have said it before and I will say it again, 1) The Bible tells us so. And 2) Alex refuses to see the connection of Covid and all of this to all of this. There is indeed a conspiracy- the conspiracy of the enemy of our souls against ALL OF MAN KIND.

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It's stunning how the man who has been railing for two years against the government on their response to COVID, now stands firmly with them (without any question) on the issue of Ukraine.

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We pivoted from Walensky to Zelensky just like that! Bizarre, ironic, or comically coincidental?

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Eugyppius is not a nihlist. And if you are truly a cynic, you need to expand your cynicism to include the 2020 election and the reasons behind the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

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Precisely. I have family outside Mariupol. They are hardly Putin apologists. But, this fascination with, and romanticization of, Zelensky, is on a par with the C19 narrative. My family have suffered from shelling since 2014. Ukraine has a HUGE neoNazi problem. Huge. The Azov Battalion and other ultra nationalist groups have been elevated by Zelensky, and the US/CIA has been complicit. The conflict is hardly unprovoked. Putin is wrong. So is Zelensky. To hear him evoke Churchill, MLK, Pearl Harbor, etc. is stomach churning. He is a punk & NWO Globlist puppet.

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It boggles my mind that the US government is labeling so many of us as white supremacists/Nazis/Fascists, yet supports the neo-Nazis in Ukraine. Facebook even changed their guidelines for them ~ 🤦‍♀️

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I agree. It’s truly insane. Suddenly Facebook is ok with hate speech & violence. I remember when the world was in moral outrage over the false narrative that DJT was a supporter of white Supremacists.... now, the elite are falling over themselves to provide moral & material aid to a man ( and country) mired in disgusting neo Nazi beliefs

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Thanks for this perspective. Today on a public radio show I was only half listening to (because to wholly listen is torture), the book reviewer was prompted by the host thusly: So, I'm wondering if we're going to have a book out soon from Volodymir Zelensky? And the reviewer is all: Oh my god, I hope so, that would be so amazing, I can't wait!

At that point I started yelling at the radio. Such facile, slavering booster-ism--it can ONLY be either a) planned propaganda or b) even the C-team media peeps have swallowed the (planned) propaganda so well, THEY are completely blind/deaf/etc.

Also have seen publishers swooning over the guy in their twit feeds and substacks, so I'm sure that book (which was clearly only mentioned b/c "Ukraine" needs to be injected into EVERY media conversation now) is coming. So sad.

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I commiserate! Have found myself shouting at the radio a lot lately. I’m either angry or despondent. I saw Zelensky LEGO’s the other day, complete with LEGO flamethrowers.

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What a heartwarming story about ordinary people chipping in to do their part!

(sarcasm font)

DId not know about this and looked it up. Yikes.

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I’m so sorry for you and your family and that they are the pawns in this awful game.

I am so annoyed and perplexed that almost all MSM, politicians, etc. are drinking from the same koolaid and wonder what in the h… is really going on.

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I just looked up the definition of nihilism. Can't see where this describes Eugyppius. But eugyppius says he plans to give his review of Pandemia soon.

So there's that.

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Ah good point. No wonder he ended up in Alex's crosshairs.

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Looking forward to it! I'm sure it will be a thoughtful/logical analysis.

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Thank you Martha. I also have cynicism towards the Jan. 6 narrative. So Covid, the 2020 election, and Jan. 6th is the hat trick I need to see before I'll trust somebody's intellectual candlepower on other subjects.

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Darn! You are so right; I stopped too soon!

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seems perfectly cynical to me to state that there are no good guys between the russian tanks on one side and the literal (literal!) neo-nazi militias fighting them

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The mandates are not entirely gone. There are still border mandates, employment mandates, and even domestic travel mandates, e.g. Canada. They must be shamed mercilessly.

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Don’t forget testing mandates for the unvaccinated. They need to go.

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The mask mandate for air travel is so dam stupid makes my head spin. The only reason it continues is because those that love them scream louder than those who do not. I will not comply. I will not fly.

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Me neither! No masks ever!

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The vax mandates are not gone in yet another way, which it seems to me few people are aware of or talk about. Despite having gotten two doses of the Pfizer poison last spring, I'm nevertheless considered "unvaxed" here in the San Francisco Bay Area, and I'm consequently completely shut out of all cultural and public events, because I couldn't / wouldn't get any of the booster shots, having been extremely sickened and injured by the first two shots, particularly the second.

I didn't realize that the adverse reactions I had to the first shot were in response to it at the time. If I had, I would not have gotten the second! In hindsight, it's clear to me that I was adversely affected by the first shot. It was after the second shot that I became extremely sick and suffered multiple, severe reactions which persisted for months, and which left me with lasting injuries.

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Indeed California is not free. San Francisco is the worst. While you can now go to eat again there, places like the academy of science denies entry to unvoostered 12+ people and unvaccinated 5+. All have to wear masks. It is utterly ridiculous. Chase admits folks with tests but no thanks to that, plus nothing they offer i would pay for to see 😂

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My new favourite pastime is to call restos and make a reservation for 10, then ask if we have to be vaxed (no longer required in Ontario). When they say yes, cancel the reservation.

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Sorry you suffered such injuries Thruthbird. SF is one of the worst! And no end in sight unfortunately! I follow Dr. Prasad (UCSF) on substack for a more balanced opinion, even though he is still very vaccine-happy, but at least he actually looks at data, including the fact that there might be vaccine injuries, which is otherwise in SF some kind of dirty truth that needs to be hidden, so it is not true.

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California plans to make it mandatory to be up to date for children k-12 and for everyone to hold a job in this state.

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Mar 16, 2022Edited
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People are fighting it but it seems useless. The current government is ruthless and not interested in health.

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"It is time to uproot the word “misinformation” from the vocabulary of every government official in every Western country. Governments should not be allowed - on their own, or through “partnerships” with private companies - to define what facts are acceptable for their citizens to see."

If we don't do this, we're doomed.

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Good luck! Maybe after the WWIII, if there are any humans left alive, and realize that they have to find these responsible (in their bunkers) and do what's appropriate

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The government's steadfast refusal to intervene in the censorship of big tech's selective "fact checking"—and its own propaganda machine running 24/7 from the White House—is the biggest disgrace to freedom of speech in the history of this country. I guarantee millions of Americans are far angrier!

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Eugyppius is a pragmatist. You are drinking some of the propaganda on Ukraine I'm afraid - there are no good players in that equation. What about Yemen? Politicians are oligarchs get the Win and the serfs worldwide suffer. It's never a case of Good Guys v. Bad Guys.

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Healthcare worker mandate is still in place. Over a decades worth of training and thousands in debt, yet job prospects essentially 0. Taking care of triple vaxed covid patients daily and then told you're getting let go is hard to swallow...

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I’m sure my medical spouse in ca will be forced to take a fourth shot come September.

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"A country that claims to stand for freedom must itself be free." Absolutely. Now that I have the memo with my termination date for my decision to rely on God's immunity, I have been grappling with this concept of freedom. I have been gratified by the support I have received, even from colleagues that are pro-vax. One of those pro-vax colleagues said - "this shouldn't be happening, we live in a free country, not the USSR, you have the right to make this choice." In the LinkedIn post drafted but which will probably never be posted, I say: I ask for freedom to exercise my religious beliefs without discrimination, freedom to exercise medical autonomy without judgment. While that freedom was stolen from me, it made freedom more important to me, it hit home that freedom is never free, that inclusion is possible only when we don’t intentionally exclude those with other points of view. It is time to recognize freedom of religion, freedom of medical autonomy, freedom of choice. It is time to practice true inclusion.

I should add, a return to freedom of speech and a turn away from censorship, since that also represents some of the freedom we have lost.

Thank you and all the others who are a voice for freedom.

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Jennifer, my thoughts truly are with you as you bravely stand up to authoritarianism. I have followed your postings on this topic with interest. Good for those of your colleagues who know this is wrong and have shown their support for you. I don't know how far behind your company my son's is, but I hope and pray that the federal contractor mandate will be struck down and that his company will then have the courage to scrap its mandate policy. I wish it had that courage now, but realistically, I hold no such hope. For now, he is being allowed to work full time at home, though that could end at any time. I love your planned LinkedIn message and hope it is posted. Lastly, I hope that God blesses you in the future with life's work that is even better than the work that is unjustly being taken from you now.

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I'm not a nihilist, but I am disturbed Alex, that you never seem concerned about the plight of those in Donbass and Lughansk who have been bombarded by Ukraine, killing reportedly 14,000. This part of Eastern Ukraine, was told that they couldn't speak Russian, and whatever you may believe, Fascist types in Ukraine seem to have become powerful in the military disproportionate to their actual population numbers. I suggest that you look at Max Blumenthal and Alex Rubinstein's latest reportage. I guess its hard for me as it is for many others who so admire your work relating to the criminal actions of our government regarding the lockdown, the vaccine et al. Of course the invasion which could have been avoided by better advice from the US to Ukraine and support for the Minsk agreement, is regrettable, but I'm unwilling to simply say that the people of Donbass don't exist, because of your failure to even mention this issue

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I don’t agree that the nihilist doesn’t differentiate between Russian soldiers and Ukrainian civilians, I think the nihilist believes that the civilians/refugees are just as much the victims of shitty policy and goading from the west towards Ukraine (to very broadly water down events leading up to invasion) as they are of Russian army. The nihilist, certainly the newest of those to identify as such, probably feel as if they have been trapped into the position after watching our gov’ts screw up every single thing they touch, to the detriment of their populations. The nihilist can no longer stand on the sidelines and agree that the other guy is the only bad guy.

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Here's what I'd like to know. Are Ukrainian civilians free to leave the war zone, or are they effectively being held captive as human shields by their own government, and conscripted as cannon fodder, as part of the Ukrainian government's strategy to hold onto power?

Are they going to be that much worse off as a Russian proxy state than a western proxy state? If not, then they are dying for the narrow interests of the Ukrainian ruling class, not for their own interests.

This is where the similarity lies: it's clear that neither our ruling classes, nor theirs, deserve their position.

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My family in Ukraine are basically held hostage by Zelensky. First, they were told not to evacuate.... does everyone remember that? When Zelensky et al kept telling the world to pipe down? That there would be no war? Suddenly there IS war & Zelensky opened the prisons and handed out rifles to anyone who wanted them, including dangerous criminals. Within hours, gangs were engaged in armed rivalry & terrorizing ppl. Meanwhile the Azov Battalion and other neo Nazi groups were using Ukrainian citizens as human shields. Ukraine has a huge neo Nazi problem. It’s as big as it is bc Zelensky is supportive of them and a large segment of the population is as well. Ukraine is hardly the poor beleaguered innocent nation the talking heads would have us believe

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Very sorry to hear about this ongoing tragedy. And I am sorry for the role the USA's own unelected government has played in this fiasco. I sincerely hope your family stays safe somehow. The most tragic part of this is there's obviously no way Russia doesn't win this, it's only a question of how many civilians get thrown into the meat grinder in utter futility, before that happens.

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Thank You very much. I agree about the inevitability of Russia winning. It’s a very painful situation for ppl everywhere. We love this Country. My parents emigrated here for a better life. So many of my family died in Soviet Gulags. My mom was a little girl in Soviet Union. She has nightmares now, worrying the US is becoming a totalitarian State. We consider Biden an illegitimate President. He is laughed at both in Ukraine & Russia, even though he sends billions in aid. We pray for a miracle: we pray for peace and for a return of sanity in this, our adopted home, the USA.

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I'm glad your family found your way here - we need all the people we can get who have first hand experience with the direction we seem to be headed. Personally I only have vicarious experiences by reading Solzhenitsyn, plus a good imagination.

Biden is obviously a joke, but his handlers are not. Nonetheless, I try to stay hopeful that as more and more people wake up about what's going on, the ship will be righted. If nothing else, the last couple years have been a potent wakeup call. While things have been bad here in some ways, they clearly have not gained the totality of control they need, as compared with other allegedly "free" countries around the globe...

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"In the United States legal and cultural obstacles kept us from becoming quite as authoritarian. Until the last two years, I had never really understood the value for federalism and the brilliance of the Constitution." Thank you, Alex. The point you make really needs to be emphasized. We, I believe, are close to losing the protections that were so brilliantly laid out. The more people see what we have as our best guarantee to remain free, the better. China and others will exploit our chaos and substitute it for some Orwellian "solution". I think the next year is crucial. The tiger is lurking and not even in the shadows anymore.

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I never really understood, until last year, the importance of 'American obsession with guns and the 2nd amendment, and your Constitution in general'. Now HOW I wish we had them here. Your forefathers were truly brilliant.

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Yes, federalism is what is saving us. Brilliant forefathers.

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So, true. But we need so leaders that will stand up for what the constitution protections that have eroded the years. The Supreme court greenlit vax mandates for hospitals that accept Medicaid as that is a govt funded program. That is crazy as the money does not come from the government, it comes from the people. We need to get back to the everything to states like was intended but diluted over years by the expansion of "interstate commerce" in a way that undermines the very core of the constitution.

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My 21 year old daughter was healthy for the first 20 years and 6 months of her life. Then she was coerced into getting Pfizer’s experimental gene therapy, so she could continue to pursue a career in music as a live performer. As a student at a high profile university, she was put under immense pressure to conform, by the wicked idiocracy that has come to infest our institutions. After two fake vaccines, she has been sick 5 of the last 6 months and has now been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Not only will we not forget what these sociopathic idiots have done, we will devote the rest of our lives to making them pay for their crimes. You don’t mess with people’s health, or their children. We are coming for you.

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I graduated from 2 universities, one founded by Thomas Jefferson, and the other Catholic. Both became Branch Covidian over the past two years. Jefferson is rolling in his grave, and God weeps.

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The Scamdemic is building the infrastructure for the AntiChrist. Next up the third seal of Revelation…hyperinflation and economic collapse. We have been cruisin’ for a bruisin’ from God for a long time.

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True! Nice article!

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I can only pray that, as the Pfizer documents are released, it will be obvious that the clot shot makers defrauded the American public and the EUA protections will be thrown out.

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Joseph - this is awful. I know so many stories like yours. So many. May true justice prevail.

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I wouldn’t call Eugyppius a nihilist. He is correct that the US involvement in Ukraine is 100% corrupt. Under Obama Joe Biden was given the Ukraine portfolio. Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, and Romney’s children have sat on Ukrainian energy boards alongside Russian oligarchs. He teased Ukraine with false promises of NATO, EU membership and defense. George Soros and the CIA are at the heart of Ukraine’s troubles.

Biden, Obama and the rest have used Ukraine for money laundering and surely their worldwide human trafficking operations. The US is ruled by a Kakistocracy from the President, to Congress, to the Courts, and especially throughout Academia, k-12, and State and local governments….

nihilism, (from Latin nihil, “nothing”), originally a philosophy of moral and epistemological skepticism that arose in 19th-century Russia during the early years of the reign of Tsar Alexander II. The term was famously used by Friedrich Nietzsche to describe the disintegration of traditional morality in Western society. In the 20th century, nihilism encompassed a variety of philosophical and aesthetic stances that, in one sense or another, denied the existence of genuine moral truths or values, rejected the possibility of knowledge or communication, and asserted the ultimate meaninglessness or purposelessness of life or of the universe.

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Agreed. Eugyppius strikes me as a European conservative, which is a long way from nihilism.

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