To end the "pandemic", simply STOP the fraudulent testing that gets reported by the Fear Porn MSM and Local news....without the daily drum beat of "cases" no one would no be the wiser and we would be going about our lives. Like Always!
To end the "pandemic", simply STOP the fraudulent testing that gets reported by the Fear Porn MSM and Local news....without the daily drum beat of "cases" no one would no be the wiser and we would be going about our lives. Like Always!
It's a scientific fact the mind is a powerful it gets the question: Are people "willing" the symptoms on themselves because we've been told 24\7 for 20 months "how" we will feel...not saying it's not real, just saying how much is psychology??
We've been scared into thinking everything is Covid, sniffles to a back ache...get tested !! The CDC originally had 2 symptoms for Covid, Fever & Cough , and then they started to expand the symptom list to cover just about anything. I kept asking myself ,and still do, where are these people in long lines coming from to get tested? I believe the public has been brain-washed to get inline!!
You are assuming that the corrupt government and corrupt media are willing to give up the power they have acquired ... bad assumption. Too late to stop the testing. The testing got them both houses of congress and the white house, it will never stop.
Vaccine Church High Priestess Leana Wen is chirping about "mix and match" shots and boosters, as though it's some kind of fall fashion trend, like mixing stripes and plaids:
Shocking people can read that article and not be left asking, "What??". This is an all time low for these propagandists...pure deception and manipulation of people who lack critical thinking skills, but many will believe the covid vaccine now cures cancer, auto accidents, heart attacks, must be true, the CDC said so.
To end the "pandemic", simply STOP the fraudulent testing that gets reported by the Fear Porn MSM and Local news....without the daily drum beat of "cases" no one would no be the wiser and we would be going about our lives. Like Always!
It's a scientific fact the mind is a powerful it gets the question: Are people "willing" the symptoms on themselves because we've been told 24\7 for 20 months "how" we will feel...not saying it's not real, just saying how much is psychology??
We've been scared into thinking everything is Covid, sniffles to a back ache...get tested !! The CDC originally had 2 symptoms for Covid, Fever & Cough , and then they started to expand the symptom list to cover just about anything. I kept asking myself ,and still do, where are these people in long lines coming from to get tested? I believe the public has been brain-washed to get inline!!
STOP the TESTING, Already !!
You are assuming that the corrupt government and corrupt media are willing to give up the power they have acquired ... bad assumption. Too late to stop the testing. The testing got them both houses of congress and the white house, it will never stop.
Plus the money. All that money.
Where is the flu?
It's Fluvid now.
Thank-you for saying that ЁЯе░
Here's comes the nauseating CDC propaganda.....
Vaccine Church High Priestess Leana Wen is chirping about "mix and match" shots and boosters, as though it's some kind of fall fashion trend, like mixing stripes and plaids:
Oh that's funny...these people really are just so very weird!
Shocking people can read that article and not be left asking, "What??". This is an all time low for these propagandists...pure deception and manipulation of people who lack critical thinking skills, but many will believe the covid vaccine now cures cancer, auto accidents, heart attacks, must be true, the CDC said so.
Every day I think it can't get any crazier... and then it does.