Btw, President of Russia is still on Twitter, but you still aren't. Clearly, you are much more dangerous.

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President of Russia has an army of hackers, Alex does not (or at least his is much smaller).

Former President of the United States sent out many mean tweets unbecoming of his office. Guess he should have started a war instead. Lil Bird obviously would have approved.

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Twitter seems to like Ukrainian Nazis as well. Alex is < Satan in Twitter’s eyes apparently.

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You, just as Twitter, definitely prefer Russian PUTZIS.

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Chaos is Wall Street’s best friend. Calm doesn’t make money. What’s after Ukraine?

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Hey KATSAP ... YOU MEAN LIKE THESE https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/ru%7Dnaz.html

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Ya, that Alex guy. Ya gotta watch out for him.

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If I was in charge of state run propaganda, I’d make Twitter go away and start a new one. It’s gotten too messy.

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I’m sure it’s because of tracking. He uses a different device to take screenshots. Not an issue. Are you suggesting he’s doing this from Kiev, Virginia, or Moscow? Just search for it in your browser.

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deletedMar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022
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I suspect that it leads people to click away. Easy enough to find with some good keywords as FV noted. This was AP, so ubiquitous.


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deletedMar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022
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Took me 10 seconds to find it – far less time than it took you to complain about it, by a long shot.

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Because perhaps the article contains info that is inconvenient to his narrative?

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Possibly. We’re already living in the metaverse. Reality is whatever the majority believes in. Truth is irrelevant.

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Germany's parliament will probably vote for a population-wide adult vaccine mandate on March 24th. To be implemented by October 1st. Masks, testing social distancing still in effect everywhere with no end in sight. Lots of unvaccinated health care workers get fired next week.

Every surrounding country, except Austria, is dropping or has dropped almost all the measures.

It's unbelievable.

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Mar 8, 2022·edited Mar 8, 2022

Currently in Austria, my kids have to do 3 PCR tests per week to attend school on a normal week. If one child in the class tests positive, the following five days the class must ALSO do an antigen test in class each morning. That means as many as 8 total tests for a 5 day school week. And don’t get me started on the vaccine and other Covid measures in Austria. I will never forgive these people for what they have done, am actively working to move, and I will never live in a German-speaking country again.

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Sorry to hear, hopefully there will be a shift globally to either throw these leaders out of office or move to countries who understand personal liberty.

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Don't get your hopes up for sanity in an English speaking world

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Germany is the home of too many of the jabber companies.

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Bingo! Follow the money.

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They also reversed course on 25 years of destructive Merkel-Green Utopic idiocy and upped their NATO contribution. They’ve got this newfound gimlet eye turned toward supporting Ukraine.

You don’t think…..

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Mar 8, 2022·edited Mar 8, 2022

I am in Germany for now, but will leave this summer if they get it through. BTW, France is dropping the vaxx pass only because of the upcoming elections. If elected, in autumn Macron will spring the trap again. I deeply hope people in France will not elect this crook.

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Macron and Trudeau are both WEF Klaus Schwab apprentices.

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The great NEW distraction narrative in the Ukraine is working to perfection for the orchestrators of agenda 2030. Only in the 1st quarter of 2022 too as elections approach. Anyone who believes elections go off well or even at all are not paying attention...

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Well, Germany likely will have its NATO air bases nuked by then, so this no longer will matter.

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What I'm dying to know is how our planet react to nukes hitting at the same time half way around the world?

We may finally make a snowball in hell. Thanx squad!

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It won't be just the other side of the world. When nukes start flying, everyone will have front row seats.

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That will not be 'green' energy either.

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Germany has a history of following the lemmings over the cliff.

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Stubborn denial you know they're frustrated but of course historically we've seen them be stubborn many times.

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Well Germany has proven to be quite stupid on many fronts. Renewables instead of nuclear? Russian dependency on gas? Covid stupidity.

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Do not worry. We will all be there sooner or later.

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Nazi's gonna Nazi. (Germany and Austria)

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When only being hit by a freight train will do......🤯🤷‍♀️

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So much for the myth of German invincibility 🤣

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I believe Austria backed off significantly on their Covid position.

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Mar 8, 2022·edited Mar 8, 2022

Austria has not backed off much. Mandatory vaccination law remains in place for 18+. They are apparently reevaluating whether to actually enforce it or not and may announce something very soon on that front. Recent positive developments are: Lockdown of the unvaccinated ended, and 3G rules for entry into most places were removed on March 5th for much of the country. Negative developments: Austria’s demented mayor Ludwig said “nein!” to the end of 3G, so 2G remains in place indefinitely in the whole of Vienna for hotels/gastronomy/cinema/gyms etc. This means, for example, that anyone 12+ who is NOT fully vaccinated (meaning vaccination within 270 days and boostered if over 270 days passed since initial vaccination) or recently Covid-recovered within 6 months cannot even sit outside at a cafe or go to the outdoor ice skating rink in Vienna. Also, 2 weeks ago the federal government “relaxed” the rules at school by saying masks were no longer required but then imposed a new segregation of children scheme by ordering that any child 5+ who is not fully vaccinated or recently recovered within 3 months must stay home from school for 5 days if 2 or more kids in their class test positive within a 3 day time span. Considering these kids must constantly test to go to school, it is not unusual for this to happen. The government regulation specifically states that those kids who must stay home have NO RIGHT TO AN EDUCATION during that time, meaning the school has no obligation to give you assignments or catch you up on learning. So we literally have a situation in my daughter’s class this week where 6 vaccinated children have tested positive for Omicron, and only the vaccinated or recently recovered can now attend school. Absolute insanity.

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We are literally at war with our governments who have all the powers of State including media. Ukraine has the same problem with their woke arsehole of a President who is also in bed with his own insane Oligarch(s).

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That is what I thought, but Lena above lives there and apparently things are quite different...

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Same as here in NZ. Alex writes the above & gives impression that things are falling over here when they're not and Ardern is threatening to put covid restrictions in place for winter flu season while forcing remdesiver on the sick.

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Nothing has changed here in NZ, Alex. A few health workers do not make an overturning of shit legislation, a shit Prime Minister (worst ever), 120/120 shit MPs, shit vaccine mandates, shit masking 'rules' and a shit compliant upper middle class.

And I had to pay $6 to say this to you.

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Thanks for the report. But you should probably spend your $6 convincing your neighbors instead of the outside world. It would be interesting if Alex could tell us the percentages of his subscribers by country.

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I do that too, but take your point.

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I think you may have missed Alex’s point VGV.

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Is that your sign off, VGV? Vertraglich Gebundene Vermittler?

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Virus Gonna Virus

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There's no virus. Only vax gonna vax. And Remdesivir which NZ govt has just expanded program of.

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Today it was announced that NZ healthcare workers who have Covid-19 can now return to work at hospitals even if they are still returning positive tests. Meanwhile perfectly healthy unjabbed healthcare workers remain unemployed.

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Political science

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Far too generous.

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Okay. That's fucked up man.

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Just rule followers. That's all we have.

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We've seen a lot of stupid over the last two years but this one deserves a spot in the top 10.

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I know the Atlantic will have an article on their success very soon .....

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Yep. MSM persisting with the "Kiwi's got it right!" narrative:

"Experts say New Zealand's sometimes counterintuitive actions have likely saved thousands of lives by allowing the nation to mostly avoid earlier, more deadly variants and buying time to get people vaccinated. "


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Isn't it infuriating that our tax dollars support this propaganda arm of the globalists?

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WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- Back in August, New Zealand's government put the entire nation on lockdown after a single community case of the coronavirus was detected.

On Tuesday, when new daily cases hit a record of nearly 24,000, officials told hospital workers they could help out on understaffed COVID-19 wards even if they were mildly sick themselves.

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And nobody will ever go back and take the blame for all the prior stupid decisions and policies. Do NOT forget who these people are.

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Every ward in every hospital in NZ is understaffed. And they're not overloaded with patients either, Dunedin Hospital a few weeks ago was a ghost town. One patient per 4 bed room.

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I’m not sure what kind of democracy they have there, but the problem seems to be the citizens are compliant with this grotesque authoritarianism much like the Canadians.

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And most Americans.

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We have the 'few upper middle class shits in Auckland do the bidding of world's oligarchs' variety.

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NZ has approximately the same population as South Carolina and just beat by a couple of thousand their worst case number day ever.A 1% of population case number of about 50,000 would put it on par with most vaxed nations,about twice the rate of South Carolina worst day ever and it’s in the same Omicron wave.Can’t stress enough how important it was for the omicron wave to happen asap and I suspect,in a very conspiracy way ,that all lockdowns measures where a way to prolong this pandemic to get something out of it.These people can’t be this stupid,it is terrifying to believe they are this stupid.

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I'll never understand what happened in Australia and New Zealand.

Oh yes! Canada, too.

Two years of covid lies makes it damned difficult to believe half of what's coming out of Ukraine...and Russia...and Washington DC.

And now $5/gal gas.

Yep, everything is going just fine with our demented president and the Giggling Dipshit who's one heartbeat away.

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The one country with a solid history of defending freedoms was the first to submit to tyranny. That failure led to the global disaster, and must be the first problem to be corrected. Never again.

"Remember the lockdown!"

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Gee, anyone starting to think the timing of this entire Russia-Ukraine war is a little too convenient?! Wow, no one is talking about Covid. See how good it works! Don’t forget, if we go to war we must stay united and stand together no matter what you feel about the senile President and cackling inept VP! But then again, maybe I’m just a conspiracy nut. We have had so many of those lately. I wonder if the J6 committee can investigate that too?!

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Sounds dangerous to fight people who don't wear masks.

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This whole thing reminds me of the WMD ramp-up..... The story from the beginning seems off....

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All these leaders are counting on us forgetting. It will be worse next time if we do

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ALL media force feeding nothing but Ukraine while so much is happening in the back room. Distraction and most sheep falling once again into the abyss of being conned. Forest for the trees

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The rhetoric coming from New Zealand's leaders last year was sick. The blatant disgust, even hatred, for the unvaccinated was disturbing, twisted and unscientific ( and arrogant). I traveled throughout New Zealand years ago and found it to be one of the most stunningly beautiful countries in the world. By and large, the people were pleasant and friendly. But, the pervasive western euro liberalism was clear and present. It's all well and good at cocktail parties to espouse the "correct" liberal ideology when times are good. It's during the tough times, when polite opinions become tyrannical oppression, that exposes the dangerous religion of secular humanism.

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Mar 8, 2022·edited Mar 8, 2022

At the risk of sounding like Joy B from The View (lol): In two years my youngest graduates from high school, and we’d always planned to take her on a special graduation trip. NZ is one of her choices (HUGE Lord of the Rings fan…) Thinking that’s not possible as long as NZ has a WEF govt.

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Wow, what a country! I spent two weeks touring the north and south islands. There were times we drove in the middle of the south island for literally an hour without passing another vehicle... or a building or any structure. Some of the bridges we crossed were only wide enough for one car to cross at a time, but it not appear as though there were many conflicts. The Franz Josef glacier was totally amazing, Cape Kidnappers was one of the most breathtaking golf courses I have ever played, Slope Point, the most southern point in New Zealand, made you feel very special to be there (almost equidistant from the equator and the south pole - a bizarre realization). But, that is barely scratching the surface.

It is easy to see why it was the film location for Lord of the Rings. It was otherworldly at every turn. The beauty and scale are truly majestic. Other than Auckland, Christchurch, and a few other cities, I don't even know how most rural folks would even KNOW, much less care, about Covid. What a waste of human effort. Liberal knee Jerks at their finest.

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I get it. I hope you can fulfill that wish.

The kids have been so badly damaged, have sacrificed so much throughout this nonsense. The kids and the elderly--the ones we love the most.

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For years, doctors have been treating symptoms in lieu of treating underlying conditions. The modern way is for political authorities to declare public health emergencies based on shoddy test results rather than symptoms or underlying conditions. Medical professionals who disagree get cancelled. This is progress?

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Of course. It’s science!

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Just another day in paradise.

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It could be if we overthrew the government and sought political alliances with Brazil, Mexico, Florida and Texas.

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It's very strange to read all of this while living in Texas. It's like everyone else lives in a different reality. There is no sign of covid in our small town - no masks, no vax talk. The big city still masks up, but doesn't require it for anyone. Husband's job (woke company) even did away with masks for unvaxed! I sure wish all of the leaders would make their countries like texas and florida. Let people live their lives and decide for themselves!!

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