We left a pediatrician who demanded that we get the mRNA injections for our daughter. I feel a little better about that choice every single day. Weirdly, our daughter is still extremely healthy without the injections she desperately needed to save her life from terrible disease.

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wow..."demanded". How is it he-she still has a license. I know the answer, but just sayin

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We have three unvax children. None of them have had a problem.

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We left ours for the same reason. She asked if my daughter had the vaccine, and I said that we didn't need it because we'd all had Covid. She told me that the vaccine "worked better" and "lasted longer" than natural immunity. I knew better, and I knew the reasons why. I am so disillusioned and disappointed in doctors, the CDC, and the FDA. Mostly sheep, with evil leaders.

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I have had SO LITTLE impact on my relatives with young children despite being armed with tons of evidence. COVIDIOCY and the childhood vaccination schedule are all elements of a religious cult. It is wonderful that you made a choice that may have saved your child's life.

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Good for you Chris. No one should be afraid to stand up to any doctor, period. We know our children and, for the most part, our own bodies. Don't let them try to shame you into anything your not comfortable with, even when they play the " You'll be sorry " card or "I'm the doctor here". Many professionals with doctor degrees and PhD's fall into a group that can be sized up with a simple phrase: " If you can't dazzel 'em with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit."

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Shakespeare sent this message from the grave:

Shall I compare thee to a vaccine victim?

Thou art more vigorous and more vibrant

Sharp spikes do swarm the guileless veins of prey

While all the health professionals look the other way

Because hell hath no fury like a physician unpaid

Would an mRNA vaccine by any other name be as deadly?

Or is this injection, uncured by ivermectin

Full of poison and venom

Signifying nihilism?

To inject or to hang the injectors. That. Is the question.

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Me thinks Fauci doth protest too loudly.

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No and definitely YES!

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This is the VERY thing that parents of vaccine injured children have been screaming from the rooftop for decades, and the sad reality that this adverse reaction is NOT isolated to mRNA has been challenging us to acknowledge it for a very long time!

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We have to administer the shot to millions of kids to find out how safe it is!

The conversation should have been over when they said "Well, kids don't really get sick enough from covid to get good vaccine data, so we're just going to measure antibody counts and call that good."

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Right after we install worthless lucite cages in every classroom for the teachers who are putting their lives at risk......

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Wouldn’t you love to know if members of the media with children dismiss this info without reading it or do read it and still dismiss it OR read it, don’t vaccinate their kids but keep preaching the need to vaccinate kids...... on a personal note, thank you Alex for persevering this specific topic, I already forwarded to my daughter who for now has not vaccinated her kids for COVID. And the longer she refrains, the more she sees how dishonest the CDC and FDA are.

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And her very valid point is that the CDC and FDA to be not transparent has resulted in greater vaccine hesitancy in parents for all childhood inoculations .... “ they’ve caused it.”

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"Why don't people trust us? Could it be the non-stop lying? No, obviously it's those MISINFORMATION trolls out there!"

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Here’s the good news… the youngsters are not as easily conned as us seniors. My “ kids” have both observed that their friends who are vaxxed/boosted to the max are the ones who have had COVID multiple times.

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Members of the media with large viewership and/or long tenure are paid propagandists. Period.

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And given the opportunity, I would spit in their faces.

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I love that you're never gonna back down, never gonna go away! A question for you, who are these insane parents doing this to their children?

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My guess is the parents are the same lunatics to BELIEVED and TRUSTED the government. They're likely the same parents who believe in "gender-affirming care."

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I did trust the government on the safe and effective narrative. Well, I’m paying dearly for that trust now. That narrative was used worldwide. If I could only turn back time. But, even people I know who have seen what I’m going through and with all the medical journals about vaccine injuries and Pfizer’s very own adverse side effects document, their still going ahead with their 6th dose. Because it’s not on main stream media and the silence from governments they disbelieve the injuries.

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You're right about the mainstrean media and I've been saying the same for a while now. It is so easy to see what's going on once you realize that virtually every source of information you encounter on a daily basis is part of the propaganda pushing machine, but it's very hard to see what's going on before something wakes you up. Most people are simply too busy trying to manage every day life so they scroll the "news" channels on TV, read the headlines on the MSN home page of their browser, watch CNN in the airport, or glance at whatever default news service is on their phone. To those people, it seems very unlikely that every one of those many different sources is pushing the same lies, suppressing the same truths and serving the audience non-stop propaganda. Once you get it and you start limiting or altogether avoiding those sources and you instead find a wide range of independent sources, you can see what's happening with little effort. In fact, you can predict what mainstream media will say, what they will cover, how they will spin something with about 95% accuracy. But before you get it, you will be lucky to be aware of 5% of what's been happening.

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You've nailed it with this: "To those people, it seems very unlikely that every one of those many different sources is pushing the same lies, suppressing the same truths and serving the audience non-stop propaganda." Unfortunately, this describes my husband, who ran out and got the RSV shot a mere week after it went on the market.

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These parents must have thought the seizure was the vaccine gods talking to them. Oh praise science! My child has felt the power of the almighty science!! I wonder if some of them started speaking in tongues also?? You know in the squirrelly upper east side tenor of a certain troll man that is The Science TM....

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A lot.... I have a friend whose daughter in law went behind her husband’s back ( my friend’s son) and had their two toddlers vaxxed and boosted.... now that’s nuts!

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That would be THE ultimate betrayal in my eyes.

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I agree. Their children and she sneaks them off to CVS to get vaxxed! The little one was not two at the time!

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That’s abuse!

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Bastards. This is why I support Alexs substack. He does the hard work and gets us the truth. Our society is at a cross roads people. The entier governemnt apparatus must be wiped clean and new rules put in place.

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OF COURSE researchers/scientists are finding side effects and adverse reactions because they didn't do these studies and trials BEFORE they unleashed this garbage on the general public.

Furthermore, researchers had to recommend and urge the shots for kids because they wanted to find out after the fact what this garbage shot does to kids!

This makes perfect sense.

These people are vile.

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They needed to be put on the CDC’s childhood vaccine recommendation list to received unlimited legal immunity... I NEVER thought I’d see this happen, but when it did last year, it became even more obvious there was no concern at all, with the affects to the recipients, just sell them!

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Funny, I had no doubt it would happen but was surprised that it took them so long.

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I want so badly to send this Unreported Truths to a lifelong friend with whom I have a highly strained relationship over all things covid, especially 'vaccinations'. Her entire family including 3 adult children, their spouses and children (8 grandchildren total ages ranging from 2 to 18) are all vaccinated and boosted up the yang yang. Her youngest grandchild ended up in pediatric ICU in February for about 5 days with a serious breathing problem and it turns out at 2 and a half years old she is still being nursed so this child was aflame with spike proteins from every direction. My friend has made it clear she does NOT agree with me at all about the vaccines being neither effective nor safe and she does NOT want to hear anything I have to say on the subject. It could save a life to share it but it could also end a lifelong relationship....

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I feel you but you may as well be trying to talk her out of a cult. Members would rather sacrifice their children then turn their back on their revered leaders. It’s incomprehensible but tragically true.

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She will not be receptive to anything you send her, unfortunately. And I find myself in very similar circumstances with my family so I get it. It seems they trust their doctors, the medical establishment, and any so-called expert above actual scientific data and evidence.

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I know you are right - and even worse, my brother in law is probably going to die of turbo pancreatic cancer and won't listen to anyone except his doctors and the medical establishment, just as you say. My sister is struggling with this (she is unvaccinated) as she is caring for him the best she can - but he is in his late 70's so I figure it's on him. My friend's grandchild at 2 and a half years old deserves better from the adults making decisions for her. Ugh.

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Well, if she dies, that too will end the lifelong relationship, so it sounds like you don't have any good options. I offer you my sympathy.

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yikes. That puts reality squarely on the table. Thank you for the sympathy. Its causing me distress although I keep trying not to think about it.

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If she is a reader I would buy her a book of past events to try to open her eyes. Carte Blanche by Harriet Washington or Medical Apartheid by the same author. Both those books detail many horrific cases deliberately done on the name of science.

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Thank you for this information. I am interested and will probably read these books. That said, when my friend and her husband were here last summer we avoided the topic like the plague until they were about to leave and I tried gently to offer information related to their youngest granddaughter and my friend almost went into apoplexy kind of yelling 'Don't go there!' 'Stop' 'We don't agree with you at all and don't want to hear anything you have to say.' 'Our family believes in vaccines!!!" It was awful. It's a huge road block to our having a normal relationship ever again. With other people - close relatives and many of even my closest friends - its the elephant in the room for me too. I am watching this one with blood clots and this one with bladder cancer and this one with auto immune diseases - all coming out of 'nowhere' and they do not recognize and do not want to recognize their sickness has anything to do with the shots. Right now two couples were planning to visit next weekend but one just got covid and in succession her spouse will get it, etc so the weekend won't happen. Again, they are devoted to being up to date on covid shots so I am all but certain they have all gotten their boosters in the last month - and now they are getting covid. They have all made it clear they disapprove of my not doing my part and getting vaccinated. It's an ongoing issue with my husband who got the first two shots back before I knew what I know now and I was adamant he not get the booster(s) so he hasn't but he wants very much to be 'in with the in crowd' and it makes him very uncomfortable that I am so entrenched in reading about all this and struggling not saying anything - and then I do and have created social problems when I do express myself. It's awful and I am grateful for the handful of people who think as I do and for this substack and people like you who are trying to help me. So thank you. Not sure where else to go with all of this.

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Not to worry, it’s only one in 2500. Imagine, if that was Salmonella in a packaged vegetable.

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Thank you for this urgent reporting. My niece, age 20 at the time, got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and experienced silent trance seizures six months later. No brain damage detected. I would like to know if any of your other readers have seen this in young adults.

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As Alex wrote in the above article: "The fact the risk was highest soonest after the shots is still more evidence that the link is real." The fact that your daughter's seizures occurred six months after the vax suggests that the events weren't related. OTOH, if similar seizures happened to many young healthy people months after injection, there could be a connection.

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Thanks, she also had some other weird symptoms right afterwards, first was in bed for five days with a fever, then exhaustion, not herself, not focused for months. I asked others because just because causality is easier to “prove” with instant reactions doesn’t mean that there are not intermediate and longer term effects. Anecdotal evidence would be helpful.

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Nobody knows nothing. I believe injuries can happen months after the vaccine if not longer. With the discovery of the DNA plasmid in the vaccines, I believe anything is possible.

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The reason that nobody knows anything is because both the original mRNA "vaccines" and subsequent boosters were never thoroughly tested through random controlled trials. As RSgva clarified, however, her daughter had symptoms immediately after getting the jab, which makes longer-term side effects more likely.

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Just because the seizure occurred 6 months after the poke was given does not mean the 2 events are unrelated. Vitamin K shot is given the moment a child is born and it is linked to leukemia which manifests years later.

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A 1993 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found: "We found no association between exposure to vitamin K and an increased risk of any childhood cancer or of all childhood cancers combined, although a slightly increased risk could not be ruled out." A British study in 1996 also came to the conclusion that there is no association between vitamin K and childhood leukemia. For cites Google "Vitamin K and Leukemia." If you have studies that show a connection, please let us know.

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STOP these shots now. All of them.

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How can something like this be considered urgent when we need to approve another 106 billion for Ukraine? 🙄 they always have distractions...

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Dr. Peter McCullough wrote an article a while ago referencing studies that showed a correlation between dTaP shots on the childhood vaccination schedule and febrile seizures with children shortly thereafter. My daughter had a febrile seizure at two so I went back and pulled up her vaccination records and sure enough she had received a hepatitis vaccination within 48 hours of the seizure. She has never had another one since. I wish I knew then what I know now.

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At least you were willing to look and learn. Admirable as most are unwilling to even listen.

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I should also add that my daughter’s seizure accompanied a fever as well.

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In spite and or in spite of the evidence, they proceed ... Sounds like something straight out of Atlas Shrugged.

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When will criminal charges be brought ????

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Oh. Wait. Were you serious?

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Lol criminal charges? Who will investigate and charge the government?? NOBODY brings down The Empire.

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