First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. ~ Martin Niemöller

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First they came for the healthcare workers and I did not speak out - because I was not a healthcare worker.

Then, they came for the federal employees and I did not speak out - because I was not a federal employee.

Then, they came for the workers of companies larger than 100 people and I did not speak out - because I was not a worker of a company larger than 100 people.

Then, they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me.

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First they came for the small business owners and I did not speak out -- because I was not a small business owner.

Then they came for the school teachers and I did not speak out -- because I was not a teacher.

Then they came for the the folks who needed an organ transplant and I did not speak out -- because I was not in need of an organ.

Then they came for me (and my children) -- and there was no one left to speak for us.

(But then things changed. And THEY rose up and roared and said ENOUGH.)

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Lisa H, from your lips to God’s ears.

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once they come from the kids, there is no going back.

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FDA officials said I quote, we must give. The vaccination to children to see what happens end quote. Epock times has the article

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I was honored to help Dr. Yeadon translate the rabbinic court proceedings from Hebrew into English and German… the court ultimately ruled that vaccinating children shall be forbidden. Where is the news coverage for that? And what too of the Pope and other religious leadership? We must put pressure there

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There's no pope right now. There's a communist pretender trying to look like a pope, but it isn't working.

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Yes the Pope really ruined it for Catholics. How can a Catholic use religious exemption when the leader of the Church believes differently? Pressure is best felt through the donation basket, not saying dialogue isn't of value just sayin''....$$$ talks loudly.

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not that woke Pope. Ugh!

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Where did you find those Rabbis? What sects do they come from?

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Thank you Dagny!

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Thank you! I'd appreciate a link or pic to document that ruling if there's been any coverage that you know of

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Well they have already come for the kids. And I can tell you first hand, parents in West Los Angeles are excited to jab their kids.

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KellyMoses1, I understand, I’m in Seattle… my kids have given up sports to avoid ankle tracking bracelets. UW was the first college in the nation to mandate. Our friends have openly gloated at driving for hours to find open vaccine appointments in order to ‘save their kids lives.’ For us it’s a serious burden but a choice to abstain still exists, we can choose online schooling or home schooling etc. Though I don’t trust that these options will stick around much longer

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People have lost their minds.

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Save your children from a life of misery and move to where freedom of thought and individualism are respected. Or, buckle up and fight like hell for what is naturally yours.

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I know. It’s straight up insanity. And yes, in L.A., they are trying to invalidate home school. Scary.

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In San Diego there will be a ‘Vaccination Bus’ traveling around all the high schools, because the SD Unified School District has ‘mandated’ that all students over 16 must get The Jab, to stay in “in-person” learning, or to participate in school sponsored extracurricular activities… if not vaxxed students will have to do online learning/independent study. So might as well take your kid out now and homeschool, because what the School District’s ‘education option’ will be worse than any homeschool program could ever be!

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I wish the smart, unvaxxed teachers would get together and start their own school-homeschool. So that unvaxxed kids can still learn together and not be sequestered in their bedrooms all day. If the school district loses too much financially by the lack of students, they would think twice in this ridiculous mandate.

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My daughter, a mother of two grammar school kids in LA, withdrew them from the district school and is now home-schooling them. This is the now the trend there.

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Pam Popper (naturopath who has a daily video/email) said I think 4 million kids have left the schools & are now being home-schooled. Awesome start but we need numbers to be much higher. But I think this is just not a priority for most parents, sadly.

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That’s great. I can assure you it’s not a trend in West Los Angeles. I live here.

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My husband and I are both retired teachers, and all of our school-aged grandchildren have been and are being homeschooled. We couldn't be more grateful! While we certainly know many teachers who share our beliefs and values, the system, in general, is dominated by the teachers' unions. Unions never advocate for the true good of those whom they 'allegedly' represent. Those unions wield a large club (as in weapon) and are a mouthpiece and financial contributor to all things leftists... contrary voices be damned.

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Of course they are they are 100% invested in all of this nonsense Pacific Palisades Brentwood Westwood they’re all bad shit crazy that’s the home of shifty Adam Schiff

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Most of coastal CA is like that, except maybe Orange County! I traveled the CA coast in September from the south to the north. These coastal communities were way too paranoid, woke (like asleep) and bat crap nuts!

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Not 100%. But probably most of them are. Let's hope they're given the "Darwin Award" for their gullibility: early death, or at least severe lifelong disability.

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They were vaccinating kids down to age 12 without parental consent in 3 Alabama counties....

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When California made a whole host of vaccines mandatory fro schooling, I commented to my wife that adults were next, as B follows A.

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and you were right. However, in San Diego, we remain slightly more sensible than LA or SF. Can't go there anymore.

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They don't give up....The Most Vaccinated Country...near 100% adult compliance......Totally Brain Dead at this Point!!


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Click on link US and China. Created this nightmare NIH Justifies Giving Green Light To Researchers To Boost Viruses Before Flagging Experiments For Gain-Of-Function Review

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If the "Law Enforcement" who come for you do not get home safely at the end of their shift, this shit would stop REAL fast.

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"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrest, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood that they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you’d be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. What about the Black Maria sitting out there on the street with one lonely chauffeur – what if it had been driven off or its tires spiked. The Organs [Soviet state institutions] would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!

If…if… We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation. We spent ourselves in one unrestrained outburst in 1917, and then we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure! … We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward."

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, Vol. 1

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Then they came for me. So I pied the corner and smoked their asses

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"But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea." [Matthew 18:6]

"And whosoever shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me; it were better for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck, and he were cast into the sea." [Mark 9:41]

"It were better for him, that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should scandalize one of these little ones." [Luke 17:2]

"See that you despise not one of these little ones: for I say to you, that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven." [Matthew 18:10]

"For we know him that hath said: Vengeance belongeth to me, and I will repay. And again: The Lord shall judge his people." [Hebrews 10:30]

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Josh...your post makes my heart ache!! I am the healthcare worker and all of my young colleagues felt they had no choice, but to buckle to the tyranny to keep their jobs. I will find out this week if my exemption is granted, but it doesn't really matter...they have already taken the shots. Very powerful update to Niemoller's original. Thanks.

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But you don’t have to accept passports. We have to keep liberty and freedom.

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Pure mafia like coercion at play by the heavy hand of the Fed

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How true

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Healthcare workers almost killed me so I did not speak out. [I was too busy running...]

What is Life Like For the Vaccine-Injured?


Federal employees and healthcare workers took out my babies in the 1970s and crippled me so I did not speak out. [I was too busy running and Congressional Representative Seth Moulton's email screenshots are in here:

What is Life Like For the Vaccine-Injured?


I've been crippled for years and had to take care of my brain-damaged babies before that, so I've been a freelance investigative journalist working on my own without no company for decades...

What is that like?

What is an Investigative Journalist?


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You are not alone I know of many who fighting to stop this evil that was unleashed and used by so called officials that only offer no solutions except do what your told and shut up. Their answer the only answer take the evil poison. Government Reaction what you see is only in your mind. Truth will prevail

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There are so many "Controlled Opposition" forces leading people down the wrong path. This serves to slow things down so the bad guys can get things done. And it's working...

People need to know the truth--all the shots were meant to harm from the beginning:

The Vaccination Programs that were Never about Vaccination. [Guess what they were for?] I do mean ALL of them


The Vaccination Programs that were Never about Vaccination. [Guess what they were for?] I do mean ALL of them


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I won't follow that man. My babies were taken out in the 1970s. There are many of us who know the truth and have had our children killed and maimed:

The Vaccination Programs that were Never about Vaccination. [Guess what they were for?] I do mean ALL of them


The Vaccination Programs that were Never about Vaccination. [Guess what they were for?] I do mean ALL of them


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I don't know who to give credit for the following statements, but short and sweet and to the point: We are living through a TIDE OF MADNESS. TOTALITARIANISM GONE MAINSTREAM. Its very scary.

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The biggest perpetrator in all of this is the regime media.

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The media is not just derelict in its duties. It now exists to actively mislead the public.

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Or another way to put it, they have more fully embraced their role.

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And they all think if they go along nothing will happen to them but they’re wrong because they are nothing in the eyes of those who play them.

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There should be a class action lawsuit of the media companies for deliberately misleading the public

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They are just script reading puppets. Most have no idea what they are saying. Didn’t you see Anchorman for God sake?? 😜It’s exactly like that.

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This is true even for what used to be considered truly independent media. I'm thinking particularly of KPFA, the founding radio station of the Pacifica Radio network. KPFA used to be genuinely independent, and its intrepid journalists and commentators were not afraid to speak the brutal truth, no matter how scathingly critical it was of the regime of the time.

Today, KPFA and its affiliates are barely distinguishable from any of the NPR stations, which play the very same role that Pravda played in the Soviet Union: the official mouthpiece of the regime.

NPR = National Propaganda Radio. PBS = Public Brainwashing Service.

NPR disgusts me, but the metamorphosis of KPFA and its sister stations into official government mouthpieces is nauseating beyond description.

I supported KPFA financially in the past, but I vehemently refuse to do so now, given their total, abject, craven acceptance and endorsement of the government orthodoxy regarding everything having to do with covid and the "vaccines."

KPFA and its sister stations recently held their fall fund drive. It seemed to me that they're having more difficulty raising funds than they have in the past. I imagine this is in part because of the severe economic devastation the covid "pandemic" has wrought, but also because there are many people like me who are absolutely disgusted with KPFA's transmogrification into a government bullhorn, and who refuse to support them any longer because of this.

Good riddance! Better to have them dead and gone than a sickening, putrid travesty of what they originally were, and were intended to be for as long as they existed.

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Not just the media which is and has been owned by the globalists and did a good job of programming via idiot box and stupidafona. BUT ALL the politicians are also controlled by the globalists.

IF the ants dont unite and stand up against the grasshopper , it will be the end of life and ENTER SATAN and AMAGEDON

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Nomad - I agree the media is behaving hideously, but I think they are just following orders. It's SO creepy how they are given instructions on what to say that apparently are delivered to all the different stations. From somewhere. The WH maybe?

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I’m not sure we will ever know exactly whom is giving the orders. Am not convinced that it’s any of the known hyper billionaire trillionaires. Truly from the shadows.

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So many useful idiots at so many levels…it’s staggering.

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Follow the money, we are being led to serfdom.

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But we know who "their" stooges are. We know where "their" stooges work. We know where "their" stooges live. I think it's time we en masse paid "their" stooges a little visit.

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Soreass is standing in front of the cabal in order to protect the identity of those behind him.

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He must be close to 6 feet under isn't he by now?

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Maybe it's the Fallen Angels? The Deep State has always been on earth.

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Glenn Beck has been reporting on most of this for years. It was Agenda 21 at one point, different name, same psychos. Only a small percentage of the people believe it. There are those of us who pray for Revival, and at the same time stock up on TP and TVP. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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HOly heck. I'm numb after watching this. Well, first I was painfully, fearfully, and angrily sobbing, then I was numb, trying to find my words to reply.

ThAnk you, for sharing this!! Omgosh...this needs to be shared EVERYwhere and noW!! Most I knew, suspected, but seeing it aLL in one presentation, and with such honesty, such verifiable truth and power...WoW. Incredible work.

If thIS doesn't open the eyes of my blinded family, well...it better!!

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Thank you for posting this link.

It's staggering and frightening!

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Watched it…illuminating and depressing at the same time. Thanks

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Great video, thanks for posting. I watched something similar made by a group of Dutch mothers I think. I will share it.

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Oh my gosh, I just watched the video. Thank you for sharing. I will share it with others. We, united as one people, can win

Don't let them divide us with fear and hate.

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Just because the media reports/repeats a story…

must we believe it?

Just because others believe a report is true…must we believe it?

Wisdom and experience…

our weapons against propaganda.

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It matters not that those being locked up in Austria don't believe. If most do, we're screwed

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YES! Thats why the rest of us have to act now. It's time to stop being "nice" - we have to MAKE them listen, we have to MAKE THEM STOP.

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We need to be inherently skeptical of everything that the mainstream, corporate media says. Wisdom and experience are great, but continual skepticism is essential, too.

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I remember listening to The Daily podcast about five years ago regarding the Sinclair corporation. Shortly after President Trump came to office, by executive order, the restrictions were lifted on how many broadcast stations one corporation could on. I’m not quite sure I remember the numbers correctly, but it was some thing like from five or six Broadcast stations 235!

And now all of those broadcast stations around the country get their news, Word for Word, that every broadcaster must read and make sound like it’s their own. One centralized distribution center for all news run by the corporate office. When will we wake up? We no longer can believe what are news sources are telling us. They’re being manipulated.

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It’s the cathedral leading out of the universities. Decentralized. Look for tucker Carlson interview with Curtis yarvin. Incredibly insightful.

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Yes the media is owned by powerful entities...certainly being told what they must say and do. Not all media, but we know who they are and have now for quite some time!

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From their corporate owners, all owned by same companies

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The liberal media is made up of Democrats masquerading as reporters. They have only one purpose -- to keep the Democrats in control by any means possible.

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"Just following orders", to me, is a damning admission of guilt, not an excuse.

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They're not just following orders. For 'the media' includes, of course, thousands and thousands of employees - journalist, 'anchor men/women', editors, and all kinds I don't even know about.

they can't claim the front page and they perhaps would be too fearful of their jobs to not be anonymous.

But on social media, by emails, by posters, by graffiti, they could speak out.

But just like the doctors, they don't.

Just like the legal profession, they don't.

Just like the politicians supposedly on our side, they don't.

They must be convinced they are right.

Could it be we are all wrong?

But I'm/we're (?) not trying to hurt anyone or tell anyone what to do.

I just want you to leave me and mine alone.

You've got your protection against your 'fearsome enemy' - how can I be the one in the wrong, in error?

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Hannity is the most redundant news entertainer there is. The man is a true patriot though!

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I don't agree. Hannity is no better now than his old foil Alan Colmes was in the early 2000s. I despise Sean Hannity.

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Yup, Bill Gates is now on video this past week doing a little "CYA" for himself, saying mRNA shots have not worked as hoped , don't prevent infection or spread on Covid. Then he said we need to find something better. The damage is done,but don't blame us is what I think he is saying.

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Also, it pays to know as much as we can about the enemy 😉

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I couldn’t agree more and hopefully one day there will be trials. They should be the first ones tried

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You are so right. I’ll watch the media talking heads and I just can’t believe their lack of empathy. They are gleeful if one of the ‘anti-vaxxers gets CoVid. Very, very cruel.

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The corporate / mainstream media are all owned by the same evil powers that own the three branches of our government, and the governments of almost all the developed countries around the world. Stop thinking of them as having any independence. They're government mouthpieces, nothing more. The same is true for the theoretically more independent NPR (National Propaganda Radio) and PBS (Public Brainwashing Service.)

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Spot on

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Were repeating history, even though everyone swore that it would not happen after ww2, but it is happening and the masses are blinded with fear. Just because the unvaccinated arent jews noone can see that the situations are identical.

We cant see the endgoal clearly yet, bit this is all kinds of fucked.

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Tstuv - isn't it kind of interesting how people can't see the parallel? I am a teacher, and a goal is always for students to apply the logic and understanding they develop from studying one scenario to another scenario. And that is DIFFICULT for students. So I guess this, which seems SO OBVIOUS to us, is not easy for people in general.

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Yeah….this is nothing like the previous genocides…when division was promoted between opposing groups…nothing like it AT ALL. /sarc on

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Yup, Bill Gates is now on video this past week doing a little "CYA" for himself, saying mRNA shots have not worked as hoped , don't prevent infection or spread on Covid. Then he said we need to find something better. The damage is done,but don't blame us is what I think he is saying.

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And no one- I mean the fully injected around me - knows about the BG video nor do they care. They've got their boosters and all is well except that I am un-injected and thus pose a grave threat to them.

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That logic just floors me. I mean...really? Why did you get a vaccine, if not to protect from people who may be infected? (Of course, we all know by now that THEY are just as likely to infect the unvaxxed...but even that they will not try to comprehend.)

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Indeed. Why? Fully injected folks were fine being around me until July when "breakthrough cases" became a thing. Prior to that, the fully injected feared for my safety not being "vaccinated" but did not view me as a clear and present danger as they felt safe and protected, being previously sold on this false notion of 95% efficacy.

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There is a reason for that old saying that goes something like this: Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it."

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Its so true , from historical blunders to our own personal history… Kiss a frog and don’t learn you’re going to kiss a few more !! No offense frogs 🐸!

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my dad is a WWII vet.... he's seen the fascist tactics for what they are since the pandemic began. God bless 🇺🇸

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We SO need those brave souls with us now from the past who saw-felt-knew what we face first hand!

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God bless you, William!! I'm grinning ear to ear seeing you here, reading your comments... So happy to have you with us!! : )

My Dad just turned 82. I can't waiT to share your posts with him. I've been doing my best to educate him; even made him a 'Quick Reference Guide' as an aid. He loves it! Now I just have to get him to use it more, hahaha... Big Hugs and much appreciation for your service!! ❤️

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Welcome, William! So nice to have you here! I love to learn from those wiser.

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God Bless you!

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William! Proud to have you on this substack! Nice work on using substack! I still can't quite get my Dad here (he's 80 and generally good with learning new technology, but he still isn't on substack).

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It moves me that you are here. I have great admiration for the greatest generation, and sometimes wish I could have been part of it. Thank you for serving, and after the war no doubt contributing to the haven of abundance, safety, and goodwill I grew up with.

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It was men who said that. The ego of man is weakness is temptation of money, greed and power and has been around since the beginning.

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You were born almost a decade after WW1 ended. Did your father (or other relatives) fight, or die, in the war?

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This is from the substack of boriquagato. He writes "Weird that I actually have to explain this, but taking things away from people until they agree to do what you say isn't giving them a 'choice'. It's punishing them until they concede to your demands. Normally we would call this type of behaviour as manipulation and abuse."

The New York Times published an opinion piece Sep 5, 2021 that really triggered me. The title was "Vaccine Mandates Protect Freedom." This piece was written by two officials of the A.C.L.U. They continue: "...vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties. They protect the most vulnerable among us, including people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated and communities of color hit hard by the disease."

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This line of reasoning angers me most. I have a child who has a medical exemption from continued vaccination because of an autoimmune condition - which developed post MMR vaccine. You'd think he'd be considered as one of those fragile kids to be "protected," no? but he is not welcome where NY is trying to enforce vax passports. It's all a sham to drive the mob.

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I am angered that the only way to get a medical exemption is after one has already been damaged by previous vaccination! Actually, all of the frail, fragile, citizens supposedly to be protected by vaccines would probably be the ones most likely to be harmed by them. This article makes the point about how powerful interests control the narrative: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/29/55

Controlling Definitions, Controlling Perceptions Cultural critic and communications scholar, Herbert Schiller took a dim view of theleading centers of power with their excessive, coercive, and manipulative tendencies in so-called democratic societies. He theorized that structures of social and economic inequity are maintained, in part, by elite control over definitions and unhampered access to powerful methods of information dissemination. Controlling the core narrative entails general control over its various keywords and concepts. “One of the most tested and effective means of keeping order in the ranks,” he observed, “comes from definitional control: the ability to explain, and circulate, the governors’ view of reality, local or global” (2000,p. 152).

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And part of the control is the very definition of vaccine, herd immunity, and pandemic have been recently changed by the CDC to support the fiction that vaccines are safe and effective.

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Exactly. Words matter! And it's clear that the volume of words coming at the average individual is such that one can barely keep one's head above the deluge- much less attend to the erosion of useful meaning all these words suffer.

It's a certain kind of madness that's been accelerated by the portable devices and the reliance on the abstract and necessarily fleeting contact that is cyberspace.

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An Unarmed Populous is easily led to Slaughter. Keep your Guns Close !!

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I am pro 2A but this is a bit of bravado. Our guns have not stopped tyranny from descending on us in America. We don't even have any large scale protests against any aspect of Covid 1984. Guns or not, the vast majority of Americans became sheeple long ago.

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Our country is being taken over without a shot being fired. We are being divided against ourselves from forces outside and inside our borders. This goes way beyond left vs. right. We are all being played and blaming each other. It’s part of the plan. A house divided cannot stand.

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Just don’t underestimate it’s all a Potemkin village. This all could be an Emperor has no clothes scenario.

I’m not arguing with what you are saying, I’m at a point where I don’t know what is going on anymore and I’m just admitting it. The “official” media are simply discredited to me, I don’t even listen or read. I’m open minded about what is happening and what I will need to do to take care of myself and my close family.

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I’m with you brother. It’s messed up. And I don’t trust a damn thing the media tells me …right or left.

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I gave up on the UK mainstream media, December 2020.

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Guns are a very last line of defense, if they come with the needles to our door or come to take us to the unjabbed camps

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That's unlikely to happen. There are 400,000,000 guns in the U.S., and, while so far not a shot has been fired in response to, say, the invasion at the Southern border, going door to door would be suicide. Any person, or group of people, going door to door to force vaccinations would be decimated within hours, regardless of how well armed they were.

They're going to starve us out. No food, no electricity, no medical help.

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If you wait for them to come to your door you won’t even get a shot off, they know what you have and will gas you, you’ll run out and get handcuffed then jabbed.

You must help the others they’re trying to jab before they get to you otherwise you won’t make a difference.

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Not sure I take your meaning, Just me. Have you thought this through? They come to your door, you have a gun, you threaten them, they go away. Or you shoot them. And that's the end of it? Most likely you will be made an example of on live TV; all over the news for days. The clear message will be "don't be a violent idiot like Just me". Do you have a plan B?

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The clear message might be "Just Me" was brave enough to stand up to the tyranny. We should also.

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What are you saying Bob? We should just give in?

My plan B is to leave, and go to an area where there are a lot of other like-minded people. My plan is not an "in the imagination" plan, like those people who think, in the case of major turmoil, they'll set up camp in the wilderness somewhere and live off the land. It's well thought-out and rehearsed.

My family is blessed that we have the resources to do it. Not everyone does.

What's YOUR plan, Bob? Just give up?

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I like your plan better. When they come to your door you'll be long gone. Not anti-gun at all. But planning to go out in a blaze of glory? I see similar comments every day it seems. I don't think it's the best idea. Giving up is not an option.

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No one is coming with the hypodermic needle. They will just hurt you economically until you give in. But as is mentioned here, some states have strong conservative governors and legislatures who will uphold individual freedom. I couldn't stay in one of the others.

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Know thy neighbor. Persuade if possible. There's strength in numbers. Let everyone know who has their back. Don't confide in just anyone. Discretion until secure with their patriotism. Plan B is a militia.

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The Second Amendment speaks of an armed militia. The Founders knew that one man with a musket was powerless, but a well armed militia...now that's power. It's why the populace has to keep all those "assault rifles" the Left hates.

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We have large scale protests about lockdowns and vaccine mandates all over. They are blacked out by mainstream media. Get better sources.

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Peaceful protests against anti-Vaxxers, racists and climate deniers 🤡

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Without guns we'd be just like Australia and New Zealand.

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This is no longer about ideology. The medicine hurts more than the disease. Virtue Signalling is great when done in small doses but if overdone at some point it turns into dementia.

The reality is there isn’t enough medicine, doctors, nurses etc for everyone, and the stratospheric pay difference between monopolists and doctors/workers means most of us aren’t even close to being able to bid for services… now comes the reality check.

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Jim - but I think the people that have kept some weapons are generally the same people that are not sheeple. With exceptions, of course, but it'd be an interesting study to do.

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Our American way is not to take our politics to the streets, but to use the power of the ballot box. The street demonstrations are the way of the banana republics to the south. One look at Portland, Seattle, Philadelphia, San Francisco is enough to convince me that the country is taking all its dysfunction to the streets. Our faith in elections though is in peril. No voter ID, bundles of ballots mailed in all from the same address, and such. We must act now to get control of elections and fraud. It is causing people to lose heart in our heritage of rule by the majority with respect for the minority.

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There was a woman on another thread who wouldn’t stand up against masks because she wanted to keep her veterinarian. People like that who will not accept ANY level of discomfort make statements like this mandatory because people like that got us here.

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in her defense...he might be the only way she will be able to get her hands on Ivermectin!

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LOL, good point!

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Well, she’ll give up her veterinarian when she’s forced to stay home for 3 months in lockdown 7 and is only allowed to look out the window 😂

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Well, you know, a good veterinarian is… priceless… more important than life itself…right?

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As it was then (i.e., National Socialist) as it is now, it is the socialist who are coming for everybody.

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Yet this time it's global socialists, and there doesn't appear to be a single independent nation, let alone an alliance, positioned to counter them.

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So tragically true.

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Idiots who think 'group think' is so novel. Pull head out of ass and think for yourselves! God speaks to those who ask and who will slow down and desire to hear.

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History books have things to say as well.

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Unfortunately, history books are written by the victors, not necessarily by the truth tellers.

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Also....the history books are frequently re-written. As we see now.

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Disobedience! Galvanize!

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I'm a Lou Dobbs fan. He spoke his mind elegantly and courageously, refusing to parrot the talking points given him by the corporate owners. He urged us all to say no to the demands of authoritarians such as school board members and high-handed bosses. He advised us to stand tall, not to go before autocrats asking, begging, for exemptions and favors---as "supplicants." Beautiful sentiment.

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You do that 'National Socialist' and 'Socialist' are not the same thing, right?

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"You will know them by their fruit." All socialists create death and destruction. There is no difference. They are all from the same totalitarian tree. So, play your little semantic games of putative intellectualism as the socialist comes to steal and kill and destroy.

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All you had to say was, 'I don't know what I'm talking about'.

But you're right, before you answered it was just an assumption I made...

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History is doomed to repeat. It's Human Nature.

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History is not human nature. History is what has happened in the past.

Who has the authority to define "human nature?"

Is "human nature" fixed in stone?

Might it be possible for human beings to evolve, first, as individuals, and second, as a species?

To speak more directly to your post, I suspect you meant to say this:

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

I believe evil can never be vanquished. That doesn't mean “history repeats.” If anything, I'd say the forces of evil are stronger now than they’ve ever been in the history of humankind. Or if the forces themselves aren’t stronger, then the technology and the weaponry available to the forces of evil certainly are stronger, more terrifying, and more perverse than they’ve ever been. If there’s one thing our species seems to be guaranteed to do, it’s to create ever more evil weapons and technologies to use against others of our own species and against life itself: Gaia, Nature, Mother Earth.

But that's not a reason to not fight for the values we hold dear: truth, goodness, compassion, holiness, wholeness, Deus sive Natura. (God or Nature: Spinoza.) If we don't, we acquiesce to evil. And that's what evil wants us to do. To surrender.

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How are the forces of evil stronger? I don't think there are more evil people, or that the evil is greater. I think the strength is the "weapons" available to enforce control. Didn't Berenson quote someone saying, "You can't submit your way out of tyranny"?

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Yeah, I might say instead that the forces of freedom are weaker. The forces of critical thinking and reading comprehension are weaker.

It's not that people's evil is stronger; it's that people's weaknesses are stronger (paradoxically) and more prevalent.

That said, the evil inherent in the alphabet legacy media, and the tyrants who live there, is perhaps stronger than its ever been. They are the true cancer among us; they ought to be the first front in the inevitable second American revolution; without the alphabet legacy media's total unvarnished propagandizing for the Democrat Party, that Party would be at most a fringe element in American politics today.

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What are the alphabet legacy media? Do you mean CBS, NBC, ABC, etc.?

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ABCNBCCBSCNNMSNBCCNBCHLNWaPoNYTWSJ ad nauseam. And I'm sure I left a few out.

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Um...yeah, it is "fixed in stone." That's what the "nature" part of "human nature" means. Not literally fixed in stone, of course, but metaphorically, it's true.

PT Barnum summed it up (probably apocryphally) with "there's a sucker born every minute".

You wrote, "To speak more directly to your post, I suspect you meant to say this:

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

No, I don't think that's true. Democrats aren't necessarily stupid; they know history. They don't care, they want to repeat it, because it will be with THEM in power. Their sole animating principle is the maintenance, acquisition, and expansion of power over other people's lives by *whatever* means necessary. They are totalitarians, big-L Liberalism is a totalitarian ideology.

They damn well know history; they just want to be the ones to repeat it.

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I think both the Democrats and the Republicans (as well as the minor political parties, e.g. the Libertarians, the Greens, the Democratic Socialists) are being used by other forces to enact a totalitarian system of government around the entire world. This is happening everywhere, with all the major countries in lockstep with the agenda. As long as we continue to believe that one of our political parties is good and the other is the bad, we're doomed. The parties are just fronts, like shell companies. We need to wake up and look at what's behind them. The powers that want to control the world want us to be at each others' throats. We don't stand a chance if we let them manipulate us.

Remember the slogan: Divide and conquer?

That said, I plan to leave the Democratic party. I haven't decided which party I'll join yet. It'll probably be the Republican party, so I can have a say in the primaries. I think there are a lot of people who have until now been Democrats and never thought they'd leave the party, not necessarily because they think it's so wonderful, but because of inertia.

A year or two ago I read an insightful, important book titled If We Can Keep It: How the Republic Collapsed and How It Might Be Saved, by Michael Tomasky. (The title refers to Ben Franklin's famous phrase to someone who had asked him what form of government the founders had devised: "A republic, if you can keep it.")

Tomasky has a dim view of the possibility the American republic can be saved. After reading the book and thinking about what he wrote, I have no hope whatsoever that it can be saved.

I'm a friend of anyone, regardless of political affiliation, who shares my desire for freedom, liberty (both personal and political), for bodily autonomy, personal privacy, and for every other right enumerated in our Constitution's Bill of Rights.

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Oh, I'm no fan of the GOP. But they're the Stupid Party. The Democrat Party is the Evil Party. The Republican Party is feckless and spineless and twofaced.

But the Democrat Party is the one with jackbooted thugs who will destroy you and your livelihood if you do not comply with their diktats. The Democrat Party is the one whose members drove 60 miles out of their way, passing dozens of other caterers who would've LOVED to cater their gay wedding, they drove 60 miles out of their way SOLELY for the purpose of destroying the Colorado baker/caterer who...who WOULD have made ALL the things they wanted, he just wouldn't/couldn't CATER the wedding. Just one example. Carrie Prejean, another example. The list is long.

And so their sole animating purpose - You Will Comply, Or Else - was put into play. THAT is what Democrats and Leftists do, it's not what the GOP does.

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Beautiful, on the nose.

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Poem I recall: "A planet does not explode of itself," said drily the Martian astronomer. "That they were able to do it is proof that highly intelligent beings must have been living there."

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Funny... or not so funny... We think we're so intelligent, but are we? We're intelligent enough to make our planet unlivable and to make life hell for each other.

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I mean what better way for population control if the jab doesn’t get them.

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Thank you for posting. That is very appropriate.

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First they came for the elderly, anf i spoke out, and nobody listened.

Then they came for the workers, and i spoke out, and nobody listened.

Then they came for the children, and finally people statted to notice...

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exactly! nobody listens.

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No one is allowed to listen because it gets censored, deplatformed.

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Right on the nose! We have been speaking out for MONTHS now. I think we are going to have to make them listen. I don't see any other way anymore.

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First they came for those who were not vaccinated and I said nothing because I had been vaccinated.

Then they came for those who didn't get the booster jab and I said nothing because I had gotten the booster jab.

Then they came for those who would not vaccinate their children and I said nothing because I did not have children.

Then they came for those who had not gotten the second booster shot and I said nothing because I had gotten the second booster.

Then they came for those who had not gotten the third booster shot and I had not gotten it due to the very bad reaction I had to the second booster shot.

They used me as an example as to what would happen to those who did not take the fourth booster shot.

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Then they came for whoever survived that wasn’t genuflecting and abjectly worshiping leftist narratives and agendas…

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Then I surrendered and finally took the third booster shot. Then they came for those who had not gotten the fourth booster shot. But I wasn't there because I died from an adverse reaction to the previous booster.

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First they came after the elderly and the unborn, because anyone of direct dependency is disgusting to have to accept as part of a species that the left has to live with…

Then they came after the Jews and Christians, because religion is verboten across the land…

Then they came after the heterosexual’s, because they don’t want people to reproduce…

Then they came after the whites, because blacks can’t be racist, because black hate matters is acceptable and should rule the land…

And finally, they came after the males, because as Adam Carolla wrote, by 2040, we’ll all be chicks anyway…

And other countries that still have men, they will crush this land with glee and relentless abandon…

Because in the end, leftists hate everybody, including themselves, it’s a sadomasochistic murder suicide that makes Jonestown look like a blip of a death experience…

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'Cowards never understand the actions of courageous men.' - Joe Mobley

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I saw Michael Flynn on Tucker Carlson the other day also warning about the leftist takeover and trespass on the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and existing laws. I forget if it was him or another interviewee who asked where are the Republicans standing up against this (obviously not the however many that voted for the so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill the House)? There seem to be only a few in Congress, and Ron DeSantis and a few other governors.

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They come for the Jewish people nearer the top of the list. History bears that out. Jews are the canary in the coal mine of hate and intolerance.

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This analogy cuts close to the bone given the high vax rate of Israelis and coming ADE

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It struck me that despite Israel's high priority for national defense, if the ideas about ADE and other vaccine issues are true, they have been very gullible to accept a possible Trojan Horse that bypasses their military defenses. Perhaps it has to do with the political influence of their own pharmaceutical industry.


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It is kind of stunning that a people who narrowly escaped a holocaust could be signing up for a new one

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ADE? Where?

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ADE--Anti Defamation Expiration--everywhere.

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Antibody dependent enhancement

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^A weekly reminder to my adult children

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Game, set, match.

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Great quote…and the truth!

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Trending on Twitter right now is a story about some people in Kansas wearing yellow stars as a protest against vac mandates.

The sanctimony and self-unawareness of those critical of them is off the charts. No reflection at all that maybe they’re the baddies and maybe it’s a legitimate analogy. Nope, just, “How disrespectful to the actual Holocaust to compare it to our wonderful vaccines!”

The people who supported the nazis all thought they were the good guys, too.

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I've also considered wearing a yellow star to work as protest against discrimination of a minority --the unvaxd, of course-- based on some difference they have. Vax zealots have scapegoated the unvaxd as unclean, impure, diseased and treated them as less than human, and not worthy of basic services of society. If people can't see the analogy, they're either not smart enough to grasp it, or their cognitive dissonance is firmly implanted.

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If the unjabbed wear yellow stars in protest - how soon will the “vaxxed” want to have their Pfizer/Moderna Lot Number tattooed on their arms as a perverse symbol of their “purity”? Sure it sounds nuts but…

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Since the vaccinated seem to be contagious, tattooed lot numbers sound great to me. I’d know who I shouldn’t hug.

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Hug all, and if you get the Sars -2, you will have natural immunity which it better than the vaccine anyway.

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The Vaxitat. Easier to lug around than a card. Can't be forgotten at home. With updates for every semi-annual booster you get until death (a seemingly more and more premature death according to statistics from highly jabbed locations).

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Also, anyone who believes in Vax mandates can have no principled objection to a Tat mandate. Needle put in you against your will. No problem. Foreign substance of dubious usefulness put in you against your will. No problem. A differentiating status of a permanent nature. No problem (note, no one is talking about temporary Vax mandates so marked in perpetuity cannot bother any principled Vaxxer).

However, the VaxTat cannot be way up the sleeve. That will be difficult to show in cold weather. The VaxTat should be applied to the face. But above mask level, of course, so showing it cannot put anyone in danger.

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Problem with a vax tat is all the boosters you have to prove you've had. They will have to tattoo up both arms to cover all the eventual booster shots. And how will the vax tat police know which tat to read as "current"?

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It's like the star bellied Sneetches!

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Coincidence that Dr Seuss stories were recently criticized ??? I think not !!!

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The VAX card is the new number tattooed on the arm.

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the mark of the covidian beast is usually well displayed on the forehead

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or the hand

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Good point.

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I have been mentioning that possibility since the covic vaccine card made an appearance.

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Don't go there with the star. It's entirely inappropriate. You will alienate other people who otherwise agree with our position. Choose another symbol!!

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With all due respect, I think you missed the point of the comment.

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Why make it easy for us to be identified as unvaccinated?

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You silly Star Bellied Sneetches

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The “Mark of the Beast”.

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7 “Teacher,” they asked, “when will this be? And what will happen in order to show that the time has come for it to take place?”

8Jesus said, “Watch out; don't be fooled. Many men, claiming to speak for me, will come and say, ‘I am he!’ and, ‘The time has come!’ But don't follow them. 9Don't be afraid when you hear of wars and revolutions; such things must happen first, but they do not mean that the end is near.”

10He went on to say, “Countries will fight each other; kingdoms will attack one another. 11There will be terrible earthquakes, famines, and plagues everywhere; there will be strange and terrifying things coming from the sky. 12Before all these things take place, however, you will be arrested and persecuted; you will be handed over to be tried in synagogues and be put in prison; you will be brought before kings and rulers for my sake. 13This will be your chance to tell the Good News. 14 Make up your minds ahead of time not to worry about how you will defend yourselves, 15because I will give you such words and wisdom that none of your enemies will be able to refute or contradict what you say. 16You will be handed over by your parents, your brothers, your relatives, and your friends; and some of you will be put to death. 17Everyone will hate you because of me. 18But not a single hair from your heads will be lost. 19Stand firm, and you will save yourselves.

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Revelation 9-11:

9A third angel followed the first two, saying in a loud voice, “Those who worship the beast and its image and receive the mark on their forehead or on their hand 10 will themselves drink God's wine, the wine of his fury, which he has poured at full strength into the cup of his anger! All who do this will be tormented in fire and sulfur before the holy angels and the Lamb. 11 The smoke of the fire that torments them goes up forever and ever. There is no relief day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, for anyone who has the mark of its name.”

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t.uk. - I do sometimes wonder.

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See quotes: “… they will receive the mark of the Beast on the forehead or hands”

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Revelations 13: 16The beast forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark placed on their right hands or on their foreheads. 17No one could buy or sell without this mark, that is, the beast's name or the number that stands for the name.

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Luke 21

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Yes they will want their barcode

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I live in LA and was thinking about an armband. I'm a Jew too...so bonus points. But you're correct. They have un-taught history to the point that no one even gets it. The other day I told a bartender that I don't 'do' any of this because I'm Jewish. Without hesitation, she offered me the outside area. I knew she didn't mean "Jews outside," so I didn't act like a tribal maniac. But I sure could have made a scene.

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Wow. Just wow.

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Unbelievable! People never seem to amaze me anymore. I wish they would.

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That or just awful

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3 of us went into the bar without masks (a no-no), sat down, ordered food and drink. But the moment we refused to show papers, we suddenly became toxic, filthy covid-spreaders. You know...science! That's when I played my card and was asked to leave the indoor space. We all got up and peaced-out. It seems trivial compared to Austria, however.

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Wow…I’m so glad I live in Florida, none of this madness about masks or vaccines here. As for the vaccine passports, even if I were vaccinated I would refuse to participate in this type of system. Too many people just go along to get along and don’t really think about what type of a tyrannical, discriminatory type of system there helping to foster.

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Im happy that you have 2 supportive friends who also are not cowards.

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Both were men. So there's that. But I'd have done it if I were alone. What are these unprincipled, ignorant cowards going to do to me? (This isn't to say I'd pick a fight with an Antifa thug...! I'll leave that to Tony Moon, @roofkorean7 on Twitter), who has the cojones of a mule train. You've surely seen him in media, etc.!

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So where did ya go eat. Cause it’s all mandated in the cesspool that is LA.

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Ironically, today, after leaving a Chinese Food Restaurant, we ended up at a German beer garden...sidewalk, in the shade. Burbank doesn't ask for hygiene papers, yet. So that's an option. Frankly, I don't even want to be around these mentally pathological cultists. So, I'm just as happy to cook at home -- that is, until they shut off natural gas and ban propane us. Basically, I'm f*cked.

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Leave a yellow star "business card" and walk out.

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I don't think anyone will understand the historical reference. I walked out of a place today at lunch. Later, at the Kosher market, I felt less like I was living in HELL: no masks and it was cramped. It was like if anyone had come in to scold them, the Gestapo bureaucrat would have been smitten on the spot. The feeling was "we don't listen to corrupt governments. We answer to a higher power."

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Indy - my husband and I have been wearing yellow wristbands since we learned back in July that the NFL was forcing unvaxxed players to do that at training camp.

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That's a great idea.

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Let’s find another symbol. Keep the yellow color but perhaps use a syringe instead.

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How about a "middle finger" patch?

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I've seen proposed a yellow wristband, largely in honor of Aaron Rogers (who has to wear one as an unvaxxed player) and who went against the mainstream with his "Ivermectin plus" treatment for his positive infection, which apparently worked quite well! I understand he is cleared to play today vs. Seattle!!

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Adretto - me too. And . um. I'm from Seattle.......

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How about a syringe/ middle finger design! I’d go for that ! I have a t-shirt that says :

Don’t worry I’ve had my shots , it’s two tequila shots with lime ! I wear it in the gym , a lot of good laughs !

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^ Ooooohhhh !!!

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I've thought about this. The bio-hazard symbol. I already have it on my white-supremist, diesel powered, quad cab, 4x4 pick-up truck. (Totally serious)

I don't want anyone mistaking me for anything other than toxically patriotic.

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I actually like that idea

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yeah there are instances where "cultural appropriation" is in bad taste. While I agree with the statement and know hearts are in the right place, this instance calls for its own symbol. IMO.

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It has nothing to do with “cultural appropriation”. Comparing what happened during the Holocaust and what is happening today trivializes 6 million lives, however well-intentioned.

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Maybe Alex has an idea. Dude is an OG of messaging.

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It’s still an effective playbook. A real gem from the past. The profit-driven are not particularly sentimental. Fascist gonna fascist…

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Fascist gonna fascist...

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Faucists gonna Faucist.

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Fauc him.

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pfuck pfizer

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^Powerful point made!

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Great comment and on the end of that from a us law firm that I work for in London. The us managing partner is a Covid zealot and these are meant to be smart people

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A surprising number of seemingly intelligent people have been revealing their underlying lemming leanings.

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"Fact Checkers" didn't come along until the TRUTH started leaking out!

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Del Bigtree made headlines for that in April 2019

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Good old Del. I love that guy.

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Went running along the beach in LA with a “Control Group” printed tshirt yesterday and got a few knowing smiles and glances.

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I love it!

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I wouldn't want to be accused of trivializing the Holocaust, Gentile that I am. I don't think it is a good move rhetorically - too easily shamed by MSM as being antisemitic. But something needs to be done, and we need to find a resonant symbol for that purpose.

And I say this as someone who got the Fauci juice (Pfizer brand) mostly, but not exclusively, so I could travel to see my fiancee in Ireland, who I hadn't seen in person since January of 2020. And she had done the same. But we have both agreed that we aren't getting boosters (pending what happens with Novovax).

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I’ve read that it’s no better.

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Completely wrong.

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I think we need to be more strategic too.

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Here’s Biden’s remedy, short and simply suggested. Where protesters threaten to quit and can’t be quickly replaced:

Require each unvaccinated worker to wear a conspicuously yellow armband indicating his or her fearful “choice.”


Make all wear a mask or shield whenever working near a vaccinated co-worker.

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It’s scary to read things like this link. How fast we go down the rabbit hole of totalitarianism. Why do the vaxxed have to be protected? I thought that was why one gets vaxxed.

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Totalitarianism is not a rabbit hole. It's a sunami that smothers all in it's path.

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Jeez, I read the article you linked and....was it parody or was he serious? His "solutions" seem so obviously bad and full of discrimination that I couldn't tell. He seems to live in an alternate reality where Covid is lethal to all where nothing could be further from the truth.

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What an appalling article by an absolute idiot! Never heard of breakthrough cases or VAERS data or simply dismisses it all like most of the MSM. Madness.

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I have shown some covidians the Vaers deaths/year graph, it is very dramatic. Their minds literally cannot accept what I show them, then come all manner of mental gymnastics to maintain the narrative.

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Keep in mind that just the other day our esteemed Dr. Walensky stated that you get much better protection from the Covid vaccine than you get from natural immunity.

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Ditto !

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I almost had to laugh at that article. Seriously it’s almost Babylon Bee level. That guy is so self-deluded.

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Fifth recommendation: a camp.

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You do know that there are FEMA camps set up. Hopefully they will not get used as one can imagine the reason for them.

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Can you send me a link verifying your statemen

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Been thinking for some time of wearing one myself

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Jeremy - I recommend wearing a yellow wristband. It does not quite have the same shock value, but mirrors ACTUAL labeling that goes on in some places (specifically, NFL training camp this occurred)

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Winter is almost here. They will hopefully see the truth.

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As I've said elsewhere, the star is not appropriate. Choose another symbol!

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Honestly, if they haven’t seen the parallels by now, no amount of reality is going to penetrate.

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Even my dad is waking up and he was very vaxx at first. But now hospitals fill up with vaxxed people and several family members were poisoned enough by them to have to skip time at work. And he says, how many more times will we have to do this? It seems like the virus is here to stay. I told him about the suppression of meds that help, not for the first time, but this time he went silent and listened. Maybe the moron of the family is not so dumb as thought

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Two truths from @gummibear737 on Twitter a few months ago helped me to reframe Covid: Eventually, everyone will get it regardless of vaccination, and the one you stated: it's here to stay. After hearing those, instead of making me more fearful, it made me feel more free, maybe due to fatalism, but also due to reframing it as something like the flu, which we don't lockdown for and generally don't fear so much.

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Exactly that made my fear go away too. I heard from 2 octogenarians who had it and described it as a mild case of flu. Why should I be afraid of it? And even if I have a bad case, so be it. You can die from anything. So even that was settled. I could die falling down my stairs. Death is inherent to life. Why would we not go on living, with just another virus circulating? It is just that! Away with the fearmongering. Well may be we need to scare the needle worshipers with the video from the vaxx damaged people... hehe.

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I know of a 104 year old woman in a nursing home who had covid recently. Her case was so mild as to be inconsequential and she's fine now.

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Ingrid - So true. I fell down an embankment in April of this year. After doing a summersault in the air I landed on the Rock filled beach wedged in between 2 logs. Broke proximal humerus in 3 places. The outcome could have been so much worse. So yes dying is a risk of living.

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right on....it's called keeping things in percpective and taking your time to make decisions based on fact not frenzied fear based coercion and propaganda. Satan will always rush, confuse, coerce! then when you take the bait, to your peril...he will mock you and shame and blame you. So if you see others doing that, you know whos behind that spirit.

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KB - that is so wise! I'm going to remind myself of this: "he will mock you and shame and blame you. So if you see others doing that, you know who's behind that spirit."

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Indy - my whole family just got it and we are now recovered. When it finally happened, I felt like, "OK buckle up. We knew this would happen eventually." I think it made it easier because a) we all went through it together and we could see each other's symptoms were not life-threatening; and b) it is ripping through my county right now so I even had TWO friends that had it at the same time with their families! So we could text daily to see how symptoms progressed. Anyway, now we are done.

For me, it was a BAD flu. For hubby, 2 days of fever and now he is better... ? For 12 year old, barely a cold. For 15 year old, he actually had low-grade fever for a week! And now has a lingering cough.

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Please define "bad flu." What exactly does that mean?

I had covid in February 2020. My experience was that it was like a mild to moderate case of a non-typical flu. I was mostly in bed for about a week, with fever and chills, a dry cough, a sore throat, upper respiratory symptoms (runny nose, etc.), cardiac arrythmias and other cardiac symptoms, and various other systemic symptoms (fatigue, weakness, etc.) Once the acute symptoms were gone I experienced significant post-viral fatigue for weeks afterward.

But I've been much sicker, many times, during my life. (I'm 65.) The more I read or hear about other people's experiences with having had covid, the more I realize that most people are pitiful wimps when it comes to being sick. It never stops astonishing me how terrified most people seem to be about getting sick. It makes me angry, to be honest.

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Totally agree. I had it last year, before the Vax. Similar symptoms to yours. I've had the seasonal flu a couple of times and it was much worse. This mass delusion is just unbelievable.

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I really think I had covid in late February 2020. My son and girlfriend had it in late November 2019. I had bone crushing fatigue like I've never before experienced and it lasted a couple of weeks. I didn't have the energy to walk around at all. No other symptoms that I remember, though. At that time I didn't suspect covid due to the lack of any respiratory symptoms I had read about. Perhaps it wasn't covid, but it was weird as heck.

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I had it 4 days in January 2020. I got over it, too. I'm 75, overweight with the top 3 comorbidities (high bwud pwessure, a fatty, & high anxiety). I've got now 200 Ivermectin 6 mg and 12 mg tabs and the other vitamins and minerals. I tried that too to escape a cold and it worked with absolutely no side effects.

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I bet you did in fact have covid. It can manifest in all sort of different ways. The very first symptom I had was intense fatigue - muscular weakness, muscle aches, general intense fatigue. Two days later, I finally took to bed, and still, my main symptom was simply intense fatigue. Only on the following days did the more typical symptoms manifest - and some of those were not all that typical - cardiac abnormalities, neurological symptoms, smell and taste distortions - who would think any of that was due to a virus? I'd actually been sick for three full days before the "recognizable" symptoms became apparent. But my health is very compromised, for all sorts of complicate reasons I won't try to explain here, so it's not at all surprising to me that I'd experience intense fatigue for days before realizing that I'm actually sick with a pathogen. I spend most of my life suffering from fatigue, muscle aches, weakness, musculoskeletal pain, and numerous other disabilities. So when a pathogen invades my body, it doesn't feel very different than my usual compromised state.

I was thinking about this recently, and came up with this formulation, which I think is probably true: My "normal" state of health is worse than most people's "sick" state. Or, in different terms, I feel worse when I'm having good day than most people feel when they're having a bad day.

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Take some NAC now to mitigate the lingering spike protein effects

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Where can you get NAC? Sold otc for years, not now.

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I noticed early on that people seemed to have forgotten there'd ever been any other illness before, even in my city where several strains of serious flu ripped through almost everyone I knew in 2018. I and several people I knew had what we called the "3-week flu" -- high fever the first week, moderate fever the second week, and the last week finally getting temps down into the normal range. I lost ten pounds before mine was through. Other people I knew had a 1-week flu with a lasting hacking cough for another month afterward. We helped each other out and nothing got locked down, and everyone I knew finally recovered -- although 60-80,000 died in the USA, depending on which figures you use. Why can't I get anyone to remember?

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Because now every one is in a panic attack, most people were and some still are in a haze and don't even grasp what you say. They are mass hypnotized. They need to deprogram now.

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It doesn’t matter as it’s endemic now but they aren’t letting the narrative go. We have to fight this as is being done in the courts. All we can do is peacefully protest and get involved in your local gov’t.

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Referring to him as a moron, or dumb, is not helpful. There is hope.

Keep talking with your Dad

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The moron was ME, refusing the shots

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After re-reading your comment, I see where I misunderstood…pardon me

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Very welcome I thought you had LOL. These sites make me laugh, and make me feel so good ! Finally able to empty my heart xxx

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Exactly ! "You can lead a horse the trough , but you can't make a horse drink." The horse, though, knows Ivermectin works great!!

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Horses are wise…and are prescribed IVM…coincidence? I think NOT!

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Did your horse really eat human ivermectin? Wtf. Wait till CNN hears about this!

That’s animal abuse - feeding a horse human ivm.

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Most dogs in US will take Ivm too. Heartworm meds

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What happens after they lockdown all the unvaccinated and covid cases and deaths keep going up? Who will they lockdown next?

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Those who point that out.

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Ding Ding Ding Ding! You win the grand prize.

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Exactly. That is when boosters will be mandatory.

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IN some countries the vaxx passes will only valid for 9 months. Then you are unvaccinated again. Belgium is giving third shots and pressing parents to vaxx the children. But the pressure is starting to escape. People put under so much pressure wake up. Specially if it are their own children. And they don't even know about the dangers of the shots. They have been kept in the dark. They don't know about the deaths and the damaged.

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In Israel your Green Pass is not valid after 6 months and some Austrian bureaucrat recently said people should get a booster every 4 months

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Of all the people who should have learned about their past !

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Sad, but true

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I'm in CA and saw on a highway billboard this new slogan "Stay Vaccinated" with a website listing where you can get the boosters

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I was at a party recently and the first thing buy the appetizers someone asked me was “had your booster yet”? Thought I would die laughing.

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Typo sorry!

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Are the unvaccinated still breathing?

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Well, I’m still breathing. I’m one of those high-risk seniors who was supposed to die unless everybody locked down. But by the time my U.S. state locked down, I was through COVID and symptom free. I never believed the “no treatment” nonsense and by the time I got my first symptom, I had a whole file folder of treatment info from alternative docs who published their protocols on the web. I started suppressing viral replication on Day One and totally wiped the virus out by Day 8 with a magical anti-viral that shall remain unnamed and therefore unbanned. I was never sick enough to even sit down. But I know I had the real thing because a relative I lived with got the same initial symptoms starting the same day, didn’t use my magical anti-viral…developed a classic case complete with shortness of breath and loss of sense of smell…took three weeks to recover…

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I know not everyone's been so lucky, but even my *97-year-old grandmother* got through COVID with nothing more than a mild cough!

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Well done 👍

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Kayla….you must give us a hint….unnamed won’t help us here…

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For several reasons, I'm not giving any hints about the specific anti-viral I used.

I have no idea about your background, but if you're reading Berenson, you must have a reasonable degree of intelligence. I suggest you get on a censorship-free search engine and start researching substances, procedures, and habits that are antiviral. Keep going until you, too, have a file folder of useful information about how to fight off or wipe out a virus with no lasting bad effects. I just jotted down a list of 25 things and I'm sure I'm forgetting some. If you just can't tackle this project for some good reason, consider Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's "Z-Stack" supplement which is easy to find on the web. But in the long run, you will be better off having many options in your repertoire.

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Gonna have to start asking that about the vaccinated.

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Not Dead Yet ! 🤪

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They have a plan. It’s called the Marburg Virus. They won’t release it, but they have a fake PCR all ready to go and they’ll use Marburg to explain away all the blood clotting and abnormal bleeding the COVID boosters (which are extreme doses) will cause. They have a vaccine ready to go, too, with an ingredient called ricin that is a serious poison. The Marburg plandemic will be launched after the December holidays. Bill Gates “predicted” months ago that Marburg will cause the next pandemic. The U.S. military has been briefed that it’s expected.

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where is information on this?

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Also look for Stew Peters tv segments on Rumble. Nov 8 segment “Military Purge.”

I got the outline of the plan from a post on a MeWe group named VAERS Analysts.

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thank you

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The un-boostered.

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Oh geez…not ANOTHER label

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The non-triple jabbed, and so on.

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They will say the unvaccinated are not following the rules. They must be confined in camps where we can monitor them.

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Crap!! I didn't think of that.

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People forget. Jews, Poles, the handicapped, and other "undesirables" along with the Germans who aided them, dying in concentration and work camps wasn't the *beginning* of the Holocaust. It was the *end.* And it didn't happen overnight.

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That is right. The nazis started mass-murdering the Jews and other groups in 1941. But in the 8 years before they had step by step disenfranchised them. Regarding the nazi analogy we are in 1936/1937.

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Exactly, and that’s what these sanctimonious pro-vaxxers don’t understand. If we don’t point out the parallels of the beginning stages of historical atrocities, we will never learn from them.

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For many - or at least a vocal segment - of the pro-mandate people, there are no historical comparisons that they'll find acceptable, because they believe what's going on right now to be desirable and just, unlike all those historical atrocities. On some level, though I'm not sure how much they've actually thought about this, it seems their problem with the Holocaust, apartheid, Japanese internment, etc. is not with the horrific rights violations but that they had the wrong targets. Jews, blacks, Japanese-Americans, etc. are not currently the hated and feared Other, so what was done to them was wrong. The unvaxxed, though... why, they're ruining our lives with their ignorance and selfishness!

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They think it's different because "this time" it's about safety and health and "that's different." However, one way governments made blacks and Jews "other" was by talking about how they were more likely to be diseased. In the court decision to justify segregation in th U.S., part of the reasoning was that blacks were supposedly weaker and therefore more prone to disease. That made them "dangerous." In a Nazi propaganda video, the Jews' houses were described as dirty, and as a result, they too were said to be dangerous sources of infection. That these were lies didn't matter. The othering was based on "science" and, by extension, safety. Notice the government and media don't say people with the coronavirus are dangerous (which would be a stretch even in itself.) They say unvaccinated people (many of whom aren't sick) are dangerous, while vaccinated sick people aren't, even though the illness is the same. In the end, the same playbook is being used.

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One of the reasons I love this Substack is that the comments are often so thoughtful and insightful. I've been reading Alex for some time but just subscribed so that I could comment on posts like yours. Thank you!

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Smart assessment !

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Timothy Snyder’s book “On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century” is great for pointing out the beginning stages and how they are happening now. It’s a tiny, pocket-size book that people will actually read. Highly recommended. If you give holiday presents, make this book your present to every person age 12 and up.

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Timothy Snyder has written several important books about fascism. I wonder, though, if he's bought into the official propaganda about covid and the poison injections.

As far as I'm concerned, everyone is pro-vax, and therefore profascist, until proven otherwise.

Madeleine Albright wrote a book titled: Fascism: A Warning, published in April 2018.

But she evidently endorsed the covid totalitarianism playbook, Event 201, which was held at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (confer George Orwell, 1984: doublespeak), in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum on October 18, 2019.

Most "independent" journalists and theoretically antifascist thinkers and authors are in lock-step agreement with the official propaganda narrative about covid and the poison injections.

Alex Berenson is an exceedingly rare exception.

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Yes, it's shocking how many "theoretically antifascist thinkers and authors" have completely bought the COVID narrative and are working hard to promote and implement parts of the worldwide technocratic coup and population slaughter, all in the name of cooperating for the common good, protecting the vulnerable, and all that.

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Yes, Kayla, it's shocking, sickening, and horrifying!

The question is WHY? Why are they unable or unwilling to question the propaganda? Is it that they're unconsciously terrified of the fact that evil, on a massive scale, is afoot, which their their minds and hearts can not, or refuse, to comprehend, or to even begin to contemplate?

Or is it that they fear - unconsciously, of course - that if they did begin to question the narrative they might themselves become direct targets of the evil forces which have created the "pandemic", the "vaccines," and are in the process of taking over the entire world?

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I think you've identified the two big reasons why people are unable or unwilling to question the propaganda, and expressed them clearly and well. Just tweak the grammar to turn your questions into statements.

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Great advice!

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Glad you like the idea. Just don't buy it from Amazon. It's a small book and costs only $9 or 10.

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Thanks for the tip!

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You're welcome! Just don't buy the book from Amazon, please. It costs only $9 from Barnes and Noble and I found it at an independent bookstore for $10.

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Just purchased it. Thank you, Kayla.

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Correct! And what we see happening now has been in progress for a long time...the Marxists call it "nudging".

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This has nothing to do with virus and EVERYTHING TO DO WITH CONTROLLING PEOPLE! INSANITY!!

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My grandparents disappeared in the Holocaust and my father, who miraculously made it to the US as a refugee from Spain in 1939, never knew if his parents died in the Lodz ghetto, the cattle cars, or the death camps. Erstwhile "Liberals" and Progressives, the smug cheerleading squad or lockdowns, masks, vaccine mandates, "health passports" - the whole authoritarian apparatus -they have a bloody nerve to lecture us that it trivializes the Holocaust to make the comparison. No: This is just how unimaginable horrors begin - have already begun - and those who reject the comparison are the ones greasing the skids. We must resist, resist, resist.

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Seems we’ve been conditioned to NOT state similarities of today’s troubles with the atrocities of the past. Hmmm…why?

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Very good point.

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Very true. One of the ways we honor people like your family is to learn from what happened to them and ask ourselves whether we are letting such things happen again.

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Absolutely in their own way they suffered and died for the future the truth always comes out. What happened to them is telling us pay attention don’t let this happen again history does repeat.

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Smile and tears!

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No better teacher than true experience. As we age, more and more of these truths slip away, allowing history to repeat itself, because we simply Forget. How pathetic a species are we?

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Yes! But in times like this we also see examples of tremendous courage, greatness of soul and human solidarity - the species has nobility in it too

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Yes. All of my mother's father's relatives - those who didn't emigrate from eastern Europe during the late 1800s or early 1900s to the United States - were murdered in the Holocaust. But my entire birth family - except for me - are enthusiastic supporters of the "new, improved" fascism in the form of the Covid Cult, and the nearly unimaginable totalitarianism it entails.

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Yes. All of my mother's father's relatives - those who didn't emigrate from eastern Europe during the late 1800s or early 1900s to the United States - were murdered in the Holocaust. But my entire birth family - except for me - are enthusiastic supporters of the "new, improved" fascism in the form of the Covid Cult, and the nearly unimaginable totalitarianism it entails.

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Yes. All of my mother's father's relatives - those who didn't emigrate from eastern Europe during the late 1800s or early 1900s to the United States - were murdered in the Holocaust. But my entire birth family - except for me - are enthusiastic supporters of the "new, improved" fascism in the form of the Covid Cult, and the nearly unimaginable totalitarianism it entails.

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Yes. All of my mother's father's relatives - those who didn't emigrate from eastern Europe during the late 1800s or early 1900s to the United States - were murdered in the Holocaust. But my entire birth family - except for me - are enthusiastic supporters of the "new, improved" fascism in the form of the Covid Cult, and the nearly unimaginable totalitarianism it entails.

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Yes. All of my mother's father's relatives - those who didn't emigrate from eastern Europe during the late 1800s or early 1900s to the United States - were murdered in the Holocaust. But my entire birth family - except for me - are enthusiastic supporters of the "new, improved" fascism in the form of the Covid Cult, and the nearly unimaginable totalitarianism it entails.

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Yes. All of my mother's father's relatives - those who didn't emigrate from eastern Europe during the late 1800s or early 1900s to the United States - were murdered in the Holocaust. But my entire birth family - except for me - are enthusiastic supporters of the "new, improved" fascism in the form of the Covid Cult, and the nearly unimaginable totalitarianism it entails.

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Yes. All of my mother's father's relatives - those who didn't emigrate from eastern Europe during the late 1800s or early 1900s to the United States - were murdered in the Holocaust. But my entire birth family - except for me - are enthusiastic supporters of the "new, improved" fascism in the form of the Covid Cult, and the nearly unimaginable totalitarianism it entails.

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Yes. All of my mother's father's relatives - those who didn't emigrate from eastern Europe during the late 1800s or early 1900s to the United States - were murdered in the Holocaust. But my entire birth family - except for me - are enthusiastic supporters of the "new, improved" fascism in the form of the Covid Cult, and the nearly unimaginable totalitarianism it entails.

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Yes!!! It’s why we do not want the passports.

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thank you! I'm getting some nasty hatred on Twitter for these words!

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Well you shouldn't and thank you for posting here. I remember seeing an interview with 2 women in Europe last year, actual Holocaust survivors who were saying the same thing and drawing comparisons to what was going on.

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Good your exposing the ignorance tweeter is sewerage name calling is all they know. They Don’t matter

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It’s fun when you walk into the evil realm of tweet world and expose them. They give it up on the spot. Flop around like a dead chicken 🐔 lol. But sad.

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The problem with the Holocaust is that everything seems to pale in comparison and that's why people can't accept the analogies. Instead of sensitizing us to a slow and subtle erosion of human rights that led to the "final solution", people compare everything to mass murder and gas chambers, which isn't how it started.

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Two books: “They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-1945” (Author = Milton Mayer? Sorry, got the flu and my brain may be making things up.)

“On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the 20th Century” by Timothy (?) Snyder

Most people won’t put out the energy to read the first book. But the second book is pocket-size and quick, and opens your eyes to “how it started” then and now. Every day when I see what’s happening, I remember one or more of Snyder’s lessons.

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Excerpt from They Thought They Were Free. Reading it is bone chilling. Change a few names and times. You can't tell the difference. It seems maybe the Nazis won afterall. Didn't Goring say something like that before he killed himself? They lost the war but their ideology was accepted and adopted by the Western powers.

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A very powerful excerpt! Thank you for posting it. I have always thought that this chapter of the book was one of the most powerful...along with a quote elsewhere in the book, from someone who was angry about the Nazi policies and actions but did not overtly oppose them: "You made a fist in your pocket."

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Something bothers me. I was curious about “They Thought They were Free” so I went to Amazon to see some commentary from the hoi polloi, and the very first review is raving about the book and how useful it is to understand the “era of Trump”. Ugh.

It bothers me that both sides use Nazism and Holocaust to rightfully or wrongfully draw analogies, but... can only one side be right? I feel very strongly that this covid farce has finally led me to understand how propaganda works, how easily weak principles are toppled, how gradually things can change, etc. Did the other side (the Left) see something that I am unable to see?? I’m not the type of person to be arrogant and automatically believe that I am correct in my assumptions all the time.

I don’t know what I’m trying to ask, just... we are very Serious people seeing the parallels but the hysteria from 2016 were from total idiots. And maybe the total idiots see us as the total idiots now and they’re Very Serious People.

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I have pondered all this and see no parallels to 2016. What rights or freedoms did anyone lose under Trump? Those people are deranged.

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Agreed, I CANNOT see any parallels for 2016 so I’m like... are these people really that stupid? And now they’re attacking me because I see the parallels clear as day here in 2021? I don’t care about petty political finger pointing, I want TRUTH.

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Yes. That is the whole point of the book. It is a somewhat sad reflection on the reality of modern life. If you really want to do some disturbing thinking reflect on the fact that the Nazis came out of a shared Western culture. This is something that isn't allowed to be discussed. The USA actually copied the Prussian style of education and brought it into the USA to replace the one room school houses. This was done to instill the "martial spirit" in US citizens. John Taylor Gatto's The Underground History of American Education. The Nazis did not invent their style of propaganda. They copied it from the USA. Joseph Goebbels admired Edwards Bernays. He had everything Bernays ever published in his library up to that point in time. Bernays even talks about it in his autobiography. He dismisses it as anybody can use anything for good or evil. Meaning of course, he only uses propaganda for good. It doesn't take much digging to find out that isn't true. https://theconversation.com/the-manipulation-of-the-american-mind-edward-bernays-and-the-birth-of-public-relations-44393

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Writes Truthbird’s Newsletter ·just now

The mask mandates, the lockdowns, the creation and the trials of the Operation Warp Speed poison injections, and the roll out of the mass vaccination of the public all began while Trump was in office. Did he try to intervene to prevent any of these measures? No, of course not. He's just a puppet, a useful idiot. I can't understand why some people see him as a savior or messiah.

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Umm. not quite sure that's right. Many have spent their lives saying " Never Forget"-- that is what people know. I am not sure a 35 year old who didnt see the pictures or documentaries doesnt comprehend death camps. Heavens we have seen it in other parts of the world since-- Hutus and Tutsis

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How can we "never forget" if every time someone tries to remember the lesson and apply it to current situations he/she is accused of trivializing?

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True. There's one of them posting on this thread.

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or being a racist

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You assume people are taught this…

2/3 of Millennials don’t know what Auschwitz is.

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Or where their state is on a map.

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I dont assume anything. I certainly dont assume peoples knowledge at any age is only what they are "taught: in schools . You know what they say about ASSuME

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Unfortunately, you’re right.

People don’t read. They’ve had two years to turn off Netflix & learn something about viruses and COVID.

Sadly, they didn’t.

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Hard to believe, but true !

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It’s sad and it’s why it WILL happen again.

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OMG really?

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Having experience with both public and Christian schools, history books are incredibly lacking in truth and facts.

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khmer rouge in Cambodia

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What they fail to comprehend is how it happened. See the excerpt from the book I posted that Kayla mentioned. That is the how. Everybody wants to believe they would be the white rose group. The Sophie Scholls in such a tragedy. Truth is most will be the good Germans. Milgram experiment rather flushed that out.

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It was slow and methodical just like our reality they trying to push on us. Not doing anything let’s them win. They have fear t use courage scars the hell out of them more of us than them.

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Thanks, been trying to figure out how to succinctly sum up what I'm seeing now and how it compares to the 1930s-1940s in my mind (based on years of amateur research) and this is it!

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I feel I can say this now and be understood.

ANYONE who took these shots other than because they genuinely felt it was in their personal medical interests to do so, anyone who took it for travel or restaurants or the illusion of freedom, they have sold the rest of us into slavery.

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I know 2 of them. One even said "I don't know why I got it (jabbed). I just thought oh well."

Complete moron she be.

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And I hate to say this, I really do, but I would really like to confront Jordan Peterson on this. Of all people, he should have known better.

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All of those talks about totalitarians and the importance of speaking truth, and he follows orders from tyrants simply hoping the tyrants will then leave him alone? He’s late, but I’m hoping he gets loud now that he admits there is a problem

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See that's the thing. You nailed it as I see it exactly. And when I watch the video linked above (thank you by the way) and which I have seen before, I am still not seeing what I believe needs to be said. And that is, he used poor reasoning when he accepted the shot.

I like Jordan Peterson a lot and if individualism survives the current attack by collectivists, we will owe Dr. Peterson a lot. And I like and admire him. But it was a shock to hear him say he took the shot to be left alone, no matter how forcefully he says it.

And he still has not stated that his was the wrong reasoning and should have not been used. Not that he is disappointed he didn't get the results he wanted.

I think it is also true that for a period of time, he was not operating at his full capacity though. But that would be a proper reason as well.

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JP's human like the rest of us.

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Yes. But like the rest of us, should have his own standards applied to him. Again I have to stress, I like and admire Dr. Peterson a great deal, and I feel we owe him a great debt. Especially Canadians as he started the counter-revolution against collectivist tyranny here, pretty much single handedly.

Which is why its disappointing that he used that reasoning. But no need for your reminder. He is much loved and much appreciated despite this one issue.

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Yea, it’s almost like he’s admitting if Canada did something like Austria and only locked up the unvaxxed - it would be ok. No! That’s not where these regimes are going wrong!!

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He said " more fool me" didn't he? That sums it up

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Better late than never.

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I hear you. And to me it's been clear for a long time the dude is not well - beyond his publicly disclosed ailment.

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I wonder if his big talent agency has him on a tight leash on this.

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Nomad - I really don't think it's that. I think perhaps he's truly tired of fighting. He loves people and talking with people and hates conflict. I think he may be a warrior that got worn out to the point nearly of death.

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Based on his studies of the 20th century, he’s more aware than most about the horrific stakes involved. I hope he finds his strength since the world could use the help.

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He regrets it now.

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Vlad - I know! I think generally he is aware of what's happening, and more recently has been posting on things. But he focuses so esoterically on things that it's like he was great for talking about things before we were really in the middle of it, but we need more enthusiasm for fighting back from our leaders. Jeff Childs for example (coffee and covid substack), Ron DeSantis, and ... help me out guys? who else is fighting and actually changing things? (of course Alex and Bad Cad, Eugypius, etc., but they are fighting the info wars more than doing policy work)

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RFK Jr. is taking a leadership role on so many levels - including his speeches this week at the mass demonstrations in Italy - undeterred by the staggeringly vicious slander they throw at him, including from his own family. My God, what a smart and brave guy, what passion and energy and steadfast integrity!

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I don't think that Peterson of all people should know anything. He's always struck me as a self-impressed idiot. A shrink is a fraud by definition, IMO, and a fraud is usually an idiot.

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I know several, and most got Covid anyway, but it's the "vax" that saved them.....UGH !

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I know people that got the jab because Ca. had propaganda msm. Then later they realized that it might not have been the greatest idea but… they would accept a vax passport so they could travel to see their kids. It took an interesting conversation about where that all leads. Now they get it.

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Many got it so they could keep working.

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And they sold us into slavery.

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And so many of us have natural immunity.

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To quote America's favorite Austrian, "Screw Your Freedoms!" -- Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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He has Steroid/Spike Protein brain rot....Hopeless case.

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Well, Austria just implemented lockdowns for the unvaxxed. So he comes by it honestly. What was it Christopher Hitchens once said? "The greatest trick the Austrians ever played was that they convinced the world that Hitler was German, and Beethoven was Viennese."

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So here we are. As a Jew, I feel perfectly comfortable with the analogies and also recognize that the people who run the Israeli government have been despicable in this regard. But hey, they scored a sweet deal with Pfizer and (just recently) the Gates Foundation.

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I have asked many of my Jewish colleagues and friends about how this could possibly happen in Israel given the history. Very interesting comments about propaganda, fear perpetuated about the safety of Jews etc.

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When I first heard that Israel was gung-ho on the jab, it blew my mind. I thought 'how on earth can the Jewish people fall for this again?' I'd love to hear perspective.

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I treat many religious jews in Israel. They tell me they trust their govt to keep them safe-- in regards to people (ie Arabs) trying to kill them. When you relocate (as my patients did) to Israel from another country besides the religious freedoms and cultural aspects, this safety aspect is huge.

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So who in the Israeli govn’t made the decision?

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I think Netanyahu sold Israel out.

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Don't leave out Gilead Sciences---they are over the top in what they got away with on our dime. That would be their marketing *prowess* for their poisonous Remdesivir.

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Remdesivir is proving very useful for killing people. It causes flash pulmonary edema…from there it’s ventilator with high pressure settings that blow out the lungs. Or just kidney damage followed by multi-organ failure. Either one will do. Incidentally, this is part of how severe COVID vaccine injuries get turned into “the unvaccinated dying of COVID and clogging up our hospitals.”

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My husband is Jewish. He also clearly sees what is going on now. Took an injury from the first vaccine to wake him up… but here we are.

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Sorry it took an injury.

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Me too..

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“…sweet deal with pfizer…” 🎯

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The Vaxx is a state-sponsored religion.


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Exactly! It's a Sacrament. And those who don't take the First (second and third and fourth) Communion? They are heretics who will be pilloried in the Town Square! So we have: Global Warming as Original Sin (a big, bad, naughty thing for which we're all to blame, but which predates us and will never go away; so the only thing to do is feel ashamed, and pay that eco Tithe!); "UnVaxxed" as the Philistines (rednecks are the new Jews); and now, featuring for the first time: COVID, the Angel of Death! Who will come down from the Mountain with frozen snakes to save us this time?

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Even the Roman Catholic Church, for all its flaws, only requires one communion a year, and it's not a hazard to your health or life.

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Great comment, thanks!

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Except the “new jews “ have guns

Millions of guns

And they are well tuned and used

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Read my comment I just posted. Cheers

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Think I saw you at the Brownstone event last night. If it was you, those were thoughtful remarks.

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Wasn't me, but I hear such things all the time. I have many dopplegangers! '-)

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It's like any "Movement". Below is a great summary of the Climate Change Movement. movements are all the same as other here have pointed out.

The Climate Change Movement has the characteristics of all major historical movements including that of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (the NAZI Party and Hitler) and the Bolsheviks in Russia (Communism and Lenin)

1. There is an enemy, and for this cause the enemy is humankind and oil and natural gas

2. The cause is presented as the one and only truth, which is not understood, but rather for which there is certainty in the minds of the movement and includes deliberate misrepresentation of the facts

3. To strengthen the movement coercion and bullying are now both abundantly applied by those holding powerful government positions

4. The movement has a fanatical core, with millions of followers (who often have a personal benefit related to this movement) all having blind obedience to the cause with hatred and intolerance towards others and the current state; which must be destroyed and not simply reformed

5. The cause, starting out as noble, has now evolved with the goal of Socialism and Communism (e.g., Fidel Castro). In less than 25 years, the Climate Change Movement has taken control of many governments, the media, politicians, religious leaders, individual citizens, some of the scientific community, and many UN agencies.

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Bruce - I highly recommend Rupert Darwall's "Green Tyranny" which traces in detail the totalitarian roots of the eco-movement : https://www.acton.org/publications/transatlantic/2018/01/08/book-review-green-tyranny-rupert-darwall

also his first book, "The Age Of Global Warming", his history of how this nonsense was foisted on us.

This too

"Fascist Ecology: The "Green Wing" of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents Peter Staudenmaier Marquette University" can be read at


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Thanks very much for sharing.

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I live 20 miles from Austria in Germany. What I've read from "non-approved" writers of the current situation convinces me to stay the course and remain different. I remember in High School in the late eighties being in History class when Dr. Stelmach asked the class why the German population did nothing while the jews were being trained away. No one had a good answer. But, I understand it now. My two sons are v-ed against my wishes and when asked why, they simply say "it makes life easier". I think this is the answer to Dr. Stelmach. Most people just do what they're told because it's easier. The one question I have is this: At what point in my life did I agree to swallow the red pill? I'm awake while most around me are asleep and it's not always a "good" feeling

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Sometimes being awake is lonely and scary…that’s why we come here.

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My mother in law was giving my wife grief for my refusing to be vaxed. She actually used the line "is it because of his freedom?" as if freedom was some kind of nasty word (to be read in nasty whiny M-I-L voice).

She was high risk with multiple comorbidities and got covid and got through it with no special help, but because she is an occupational therapist at a nursing home, lined right up for a vaccine as soon as they were available.

These are the people that just do not compute. You had it, you got the T-shirt and the antibodies, now you are going to sign up for an experimental dose of something "for your comfort?"

Maybe you and I have just never been that comfortable?

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I have an upstairs neighbor who’s son just died with myocarditis after taking a Johnson’s shot. She’s 82 years old, son was 50. Yesterday she said she might take the shot because she needs to go to a dentist.

I said you can do a test, but she replied that all that hassle and what not, so she might take the shot.

I’m way past trying to reason with people. It’s a waste of time.

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Your whiny MIL has most likely knocked at least a decade off of her life by taking the vaccine (that ruins one's immune system), so you'll be rid of her sooner.

"How long do the vaccinated have to live? Psychopath Dr Mylo Canderian is of the opinion that 95% of the world's population are "useless eaters" who need to be euthanized as quickly as possible. His answer to the question: three to ten years.


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Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. There are way more of "us" than "them" but the fear-porn pedlars have done a great job with the brainwashing.

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So have the Re-Education Camps called The Public Schools.

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They don't always work. See me after school ;-) I'm as ornery as they come - but maybe education was different back in the 60s, when we were taught to question everything and think for ourselves.

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Jeremy - absolutely it was different. Still sliding toward Gomorrah, but trust me, the public education of today barely resembles your relatively normal schooling experience. You still learned that we had a constitution, even if you might not have memorized it very well.

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Well I'm a Brit, so we have an unwritten constitution (that said, the Declaration of Independence is one of the finest achievements of humanity), but yes, I think my generation may have been the last to have a truly rounded classical education (and indeed I studied Latin from 8 to 18!)

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Media are the worst perpetrators in all of this. They create the panic, and they also attack and defame any politicians or scientists trying to resist.

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the illogic that's at the heart of the vaccine mandates is so staggeringly mind-numbing, everyday I have to pinch myself that it's not some bizarre scary dream. How could this be happening in our reality?

Most of all, the injection does NOT prevent catching or transmitting the disease - this is an accepted scientific fact. For WEF and UN puppets like Biden, Trudeau, and Macron to force it under the phrase "to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated" shows what a far-gone dystopian world we are living in and shows how disgustingly low the acumen of the average person is. It also shows the total failure of the judicial system in these places.

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It's a nightmare, and an engineered one, just as AIDS was.

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true but this bullshit is much greater and much more far-reaching than AIDS ever was.

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Well, duh. Hey check this out - shows the relationship between the two psyops: https://www.bitchute.com/video/05OsGCekumz9/

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Don't forget Lyme Disease...another marvel of human tinkering.

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There are way too many to keep track of. Lots of the terrain theorists also claim that smallpox, measles, etc. are more pestilence and reaction to poison than a 'disease.'

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“To protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated”….

Repeat that, out loud a few times, to yourself and your friends and families and coworkers…

How is that even a thing?

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Under normal circumstances all of these vax’ would have already been pulled off of the market. What’s going on is criminal.

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And mandating them then means employers are playing Russian Roulette with their employees' lives. Double plus evil and sick and beyond criminal.

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I don't know about your comment on the judicial system. I'd like to think the recent ruling of the USA 5th Court of Appeals will cause many of these mandates in the USA to go away.

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too little and too late. though by far the biggest judicial win so far in any Western country.

just remember how so far the SC has thrown out 3 cases about vaccine mandate - refusing to hear them, one by none other than the Trump appointed useless Barrett - boy what a waste all the effort was to put that woman in the seat.

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ACB has been all but useless

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"Jews are lice; They cause typhus." -- Propaganda during the Nazi regime

Almost a century later...

"Pandemic of the unvaccinated" "Unvaccinated are selfish"

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Yes, and I plan to stay that way !

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Unvaccinated QB Aaron Rodgers is playing today while vaccinated Ben Roethlisburger is out with Covid. I don't know why but I can't stop laughing about this.

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Rodgers and everybody else in the NFL knows that fully vaxxed players are sitting out every single week due to covid protocols.

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And Rogers is out for a week even though he is not sick! It's all upside-down!

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I doubt many players at all, vaxxed or not, were actually sick enough to sit out the game. It's nearly 100% protocol forcing players out.

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Vaxxed or Unvaxxed…what’s the difference? Anyone can get IT.

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The NFL leadership is nothing but a "woke" loser organization anymore. Their Covid mitigation rules are based in fantasy and control.

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Exactly, but some people refuse to acknowledge this even when it's shoved in their faces, sports media in particular.

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Are you sure Ben is vaxxed? I find his vaxxed status perplexing, as vaccinated players aren't tested unless symptomatic. And no other Steeler on covid list.

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This stuff is all for show for the Sheoples that lap it up!

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Yes, he self reported his symptoms to the team. He wasn't for forced to be tested because he is vaccinated.

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Finally explained on Steelers telecast. Thanks.

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"Can you hear me now?" Answer: not on any platform controlled by the technocracy.

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Remember when it was a conspiracy theory, and how outrageous it was. But now we know ,to adopt a well worn phrase, a spoiler alert. Alex has been so right on all of this it must feel like crazy town to him.

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Sorry I can’t credit the person who first said this, but…

Q: What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and reality?

A: About six months.

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Well at least this will be a good test case for showing that it's not the unvaccinated that are still spreading this. They will lock the unvaccinated down and guess what what happen? "Virus gonna virus" and the vaccinated will continue to spread it!! And of course that will likely be buried by the media.

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First they will continue to play with the definitions-- what is unvaccinated?

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They're already doing it. The CDC now defines as unvaxxed those who took the second (and soon the third or fourth or fifth) jab less than two weeks ago, and those who haven't yet taken the latest booster.

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They did? do you have a link? last i heard they said they might redefine fully vaxxed.

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I have a distant family member who is a Science Professor, Forensics, who said last year when it was clear that Sweden was going a different direction "thank goodness as this will be the data we need" Now, no one wants to accept their outcomes or their methods. It's a shame.

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Really shocking to see what's happening at present, not matter what your views are about the vaccine. This whole thing is getting Bsoluty ridiculous and crazy now.

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What are they doing to do with the unvaccinated skins? Make lamp shades?

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The unvaxxed will be used to bury the dead and then forced into catering to the Globalists whims.

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Nah, they'll start harvesting the eggs and sperm so they can repopulate later but control the offspring from birth. (I'm not being serious. I hope...)

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I thought they wanted the transgenic offspring of the vaccinated?! But maybe they’ll want some old-fashioned eggs and sperm around “just in case something goes wrong.”

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I have no idea what they want. I just know that none of it makes sense unless I go down some of the odd "theories" out there.

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Let us hope. They are very well capable of it. Glad I am in the US, Europe has completely lost its footage.

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??? I have a relative who thinks we should retreat from USA by moving to Europe.

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Only Sweden comes to mind. Most other European counties (Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium) are still in full jab mode. Belgium is getting a jab ready for everyone in January and trying to press parents to have their children jabbed too

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Thank you. My relative is proposing London. Sweden would be my choice but last time I saw Anders Tegnell speak he looked ill. I suspect his family’s lives have been threatened if he doesn’t “listen and comply.”

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Boris??? oh lord !

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That's nuts. Europe is going down before the US does.

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Yeah Klaus belongs in a padded cell in Gitmo or maybe hanging from a lamppost.

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@Adretto: Indeed. I don't know where you are, but with vaccine mandates already in place and supported (or greeted with a blasé shrug) by an overwhelming majority of the population, unvaxxed Quebecers are realistically THIS CLOSE to Austrian-style house arrest. That sort of tyranny would be enthusiastically supported here if it came down from on high by decree. (We were served a 5-month curfew last winter, which was described by the turds that rule us as "shock therapy" intended to "get the point across." They came right out and said it was a PR stunt.)

Vaxx-passport discrimination was only supposed to apply to "non-essential services," but many of us were de facto stripped of our right to work on Sept. 1st – or, our right to work is now at the mercy of our collaborators' whims and preferences.

I've put myself at a safe-ish distance from the major urban centers, assuming it's only a matter of weeks/months before cases explode again and they hit us with something we hadn't even thought to imagine.

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Just waiting for Gates to release Marburg

But what goes around…

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No one, and my first ancestors came to Canada more than 200 years ago, could have made up the nonsense 2 years ago that is going in Canada at this time. None of it.

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Actually this has crossed my mind a couple times. What will they do with the control group? Will vaxed blood be usable? Will vaxed sperm and eggs be available or viable? What about stem cells?

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Something to give thanks for.....

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Whoaaaaa …

jumping right into it, aren’t you?

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At the same time Netherlands partially locks down because they have a high vax rate. Blaming the nonaxed somehow does not make sense ...

But in Austria, they are too many so lets lock them up.

Fricking clown

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I read Iceland is 96 % vaccinated and about a month ago half of the country was sick in bed.

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Nothing is different but the tattoo

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Many moons ago, long before the internet, in my early critical thinking days I began to wonder "How did it happen?" 70,000,000 people didn't one day wake up and say "ya know the Jews are obnoxious and opinionated, like Alex, let's kill em all." Relentlessly, patiently over a decade, and brilliantly they washed the minds of an entire nation of people. It was an extraordinary exercise of propaganda with a central tenet of.... wait for it...

CRT(Critical Race Theory). If you aren't sure how it worked try reading this "children's" book - 'The Poisonous Mushroom' published by the lovely Julius Streicher.

Today, it's not a nation, but a good chunk of a planet, bowing at the alters of CRT and hear me loud - a ridiculous and dangerous vaccine. This did not happen overnight. The vaccine is not nearly as dangerous as the propaganda that brought Austria to now lock down a group of obnoxious and opinionated "Jews." We're all Jews for this one. Wakey wakey.

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These days, since the left wants to avoid people knowing history, well, watch out when history walks up to you with a 2 x 4…

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When the Nazis tried to make the Jews wear the Star of David in Denmark.......everyone wore it... starting with the King and Queen !!

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Denmark is a lesson to us all.

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They really are - 76% fully vaccinated, ~2,700 deaths (for 5.8M people). We should all learn from the Danes

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Well, that’s better get used to this on their sleeves…


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Sheesh, …the Unvacc’ed better get used…

I can’t wait to get rid of this dam iPhone…

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If they put the unvaccinated in lockdown and still have Covid infected people going to hospitals, who will they blame it on then?

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The unvaxxed, of course !

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Exactly. The elite vaxxed cannot make the connection between not needing masks (chain link fences to stop mosquitoes) if vaxxed. And vaxxed? Then why are people still getting it? And why boosters (vaccines!). Complete idiots.

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And by "getting it" I mean getting covid. *need more coffee,*

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Let's not be naive and think the same think won't happen here. There are many things in the past few years I would never have believed would happen here, but they did. Such as: forcing churches to shut down and allowing liquor stores to remain open. I don't recall which amendment in the bill of rights covered liquor stores... To be coerced into taking a vaccine you don't want and then requiring you to sign a waiver, then saying you have "a choice" when you clearly do not if you want to keep your job.

To be honest, I grew up with the false narrative that the Germanic people were warlike and there was something (unspecified but unique to Germans) that allowed the Holocaust to happen. Talk about a BS lie. What is happening in real time has happened many times before. Please people let's fight back with everything we have, let us not forgo our humanity and then regret it later. This has all the makings of dark place. We are in careening toward the Dark Ages.

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Interesting: the country that launched two world wars and incubated Hitler. Makes sense as, apparently, we never learn from history.

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Just read a few of these comments. Why is everyone so convinced the "globalists" (whoever the F they are) are going to win this? First of all, I couldn't care less about Austria or any of the other F'd up countries whose citizens have allowed their governments to abuse them. But here in the US, there are more of us than there are of them - all we need to do is use the power. It works every time; just look at history.

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Tell us how to use the power you say we have. I’m serious.

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This short video by Dr. David Martin explains it better than I can. But I would add to it that we start by "cancelling" them the way they cancel us. The power of the wallet is greater than the power of the bullet. Can you imagine what Twitter's or Facebook's stock would look like if our side just stopped using them? I canceled my Amazon Prime account when AWS shut down Parler; closed my Chase account when they cancelled General Flynn. Ditch the big stores; shop local. It may be painful at first, but ask yourself this: What did we do before they came around? Here's the link; please share with others: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_ISljHf1Rc

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History tells a different story.

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Not sure what "history" you're reading. It may not happen overnight, but eventually.

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The history of the 20th Century is as far as you need to go….

Pol Pot, Mao, Ceaucescu, Stalin….

The list goes on and on…that’s a lot of dead bodies, before anybody “stands up” because there’s more of “us.”

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The fact that the "us" didn't fight back is irrelevant. The point is, in the end, all tyrants end up horizontal, or vertical in the case of Mussolini. And they didn't have the same resources as "we" have. It will come to that; not a matter of "if" just a matter of "when".

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Not sure I understand your point. We all end up dead.

When Pol Pot murdered 25% of the population and said he slept well at night…that’s a lot of dead people nobody stood up for.

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Wrong again; we did, just didn't listen to McArthur. Furthermore, those people had zero resources and on top of that they were being starved to death. Your arguments are not relevant. I can do this all day but I have better things to do with my Sunday.

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Yes asymmetrical warfare is a bitch and the graveyard of empires

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Ours doesn't have to be kinetic; a "cold" war with the left would destroy them in short order.

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To the vax-supremacists I say: today it may be a form of tyranny you agree with, but tomorrow it might not be. And you've already given permission.

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"Two weeks to flatten the curve." Well, complying sure hasn't work out so well for us, has it?

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Ding Ding Ding. You get a prize for Excellent Commentary in Two Sentences Or Less.

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Why thank you!

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WWIII Timeline:

Trump started it (shocker) with China Tariffs and tough talk

China responded by punishing the heartland, and then?

Voila! A COVID19 outbreak from Wuhan nullifies Trump's big China trade deal

Lloyd Austin stands down USA military for 60-day Progressive Inquisition

Taliban take their queue, and China inherits Bagram Airbase, et al

(NB: Biden hid at Camp David for Kabul's fall, blew off call from Boris J for 30 hrs!)

Now, Medical Apartheid and forced "vaccination" put all peasants in their places*

* especially in Australia and New Zealand, two very close neighbors to Mother China

This is not going well. WWIII is different, more like governments against their own people, than country vs country. But who knows? That kinetic side might kick in any day now (Taiwan). I feel like we're in a giant, global game of Star Power, and had better call it off asap! https://bit.ly/3qBpcB1

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I agree we are in WWIII but we are still fighting themes of WWII-- primarily who is the Aryan race and how can we create/manage it? That's the issue- for Davos, Gates, WHO, world govts. All have different perspectives and goals. Your timeline doesn't go back far enough to capture this growth.

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Don't forget that China gobbled up Hong Kong while everybody was distracted.

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WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones.

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Impfen macht frei -- durch Krematorium Nummer drei.

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The google translation sent shivers down my spine

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Every time I see your name in the comment section, I find myself hoping that the "UM" in UM Ross stands for University of Montana. It would be comforting to know that there are other thoughtful, awake people in this lovely, liberal town.

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Sorry, but it does not.

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This is the beauty of the U.S. Constitution which is being destroyed as I write this. The founders knew that we were all potentially dangerous totalitarians and that power had to be diluted and limited and put into conflict with itself, for us to be free.

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Did anyone see the total fear-mongering headline about Angela Merkel warning the unvaccinated and sending in the German military? The headline insinuated that the military would be somehow used against the unvaccinated but if you read the article the military is being brought in to give medical care at hospitals. The media is CREEPY AF !!!!

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Merkel is true to her STASI roots

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Either very rich and powerful pushing for depopulation or USA has lost the supremacy status and world elites with China have taken the lead. What we are observing is the Chinese system slowly evolving in the free Western world! Perhaps we should all ask ourselves a question, do you wish to live in this regime or you are willing to fight back!?

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This entire “virus” situation is ridiculous. How the people in charge are handling it is wrong and unthinkable. The CDC has said those who have not had those shots are not transmitting the virus, just because they haven’t taken shots. One with shots is just the same as one without shots. If either are Ill with the virus, they are contagious. So, give them therapeutics or the new Pfizer pill, that’s suppose to work like the therapeutics. Has everyone in charge of govts everywhere lost their ability to think clearly? Look at Florida and take a lesson.

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"Conspiracy Theories" are the new truth. I look at what's trending on Twitter everyday and think, "Oh. So they want me to believe the opposite with regard to these topics. Got it."

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As we read this, more than 2 million Uyghurs and practitioners of Fallon Gong are prisoners in re-education camps - they are used as slaves to make products for US companies. They are medically experimented on and murdered for their organs - a billion dollar business for China. The women are forcibly sterilized. It’s possible there are mass incinerators - I wouldn’t be surprised. Perhaps the reason people didn’t speak out against The Holocaust, was because many were complicit in it and profiting from it. I think the same is true today with China. What’s different, is there is no USA/UK/AUS/Canada to come to the rescue this time - we are complicit too.

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Papers? Do you have your papers?

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Reading that made chills go down my spine.

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1). There is no SARS-CoV-2. There is a bioweapon, that in 1999 was paid for by Anthony Fauci, was patented by the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 2002. It was the Recombinant Coronavirus that was actually the bioweapon created by NIAID for this very moment. That bioweapon was an infectious replication-defective clone of coronavirus.

, "This bioweapon was engineered to destroy humanity. And if we started talking about a bioweapon and not a vaccine or a virus, we'd get a lot of progress."

2). There is no COVID-19. There is influenza-like illness. When the World Health Organization invented the notion of COVID-19, it was the first disease in human history to have no clinical diagnostics. It was diagnosed by committee and symptom – and then they made up the term "asymptomatic carrier", which does not exist.

3). There is no vaccine. There's a bioweapon that's being injected, which was engineered to generate tons of money for Big Pharma.


Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance and Anthony Fauci were the architects of the pandemic and of the plan to profit on the forced-vaxxination of everybody on the planet, which goes back to at least 2016 in a document titled "Developing Medical Countermeasures (MCMs) for Coronavirus", which is part of the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences".

Daszak wrote to Fauci, "We need to increase the public understanding of the need for medical countermeasure, such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond when they see profit at the end of the process."

The above statement is "An admission of 5 felonies in the United States...and not a single governor, not a single Department of Justice member, not a single US attorney, not a single attorney general, not a single elected official in this country will actually allow this quote to go into the public record.

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This is amazing, if I was on social media I would post this everywhere!!!

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People will find a way around this, mark my words, they will. I can't speak for other countries, but in America we will. Because, what's next? Requiring vaxxes to get groceries and other necessities? You think that can't happen? Ha!

As much as I am thankful for Alex and his excellent investigative reporting, it's time to stop chattering away on the internet about this and DO something. The time for talk was over months and months ago. At a certain point, long past now, everything they are doing is because we let them.

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The USA's 5th Court of Appeal "Staying" Biden's mandate is the beginning of the end of the Vax mandate as I believe their writing will cause the USSC to not take any case of appeal from the Biden Administration. I encourage you to read their words. The last 2 paragraphs are here:

For similar reasons, a stay is firmly in the public interest. From economic uncertainty to workplace strife, the mere specter of the Mandate has contributed to untold economic upheaval in recent months. Of course, the principles at stake when it comes to the Mandate are not reducible to dollars and cents. The public interest is also served by maintaining our constitutional structure and maintaining the liberty of individuals to make intensely personal decisions according to their own convictions—even, or perhaps particularly, when those decisions frustrate government officials.

In addition, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that OSHA take no steps to implement or enforce the Mandate until further court order.

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Thank you! 😊 And I will read the whole thing.

I hope and pray you're right. I'm no kid, I'm 60+ years old, and never before have I been so afraid for my personal freedom and for our country. Not through the Vietnam protests, not during the civil rights protests. Now I am really frightened. And I don't understand. . . What happened to George Floyd was tragic and wrong, I saw the video like everyone else, and thousands of people go out into the streets to protest. Yet for this assault on our freedom, the Constitution, and our country, NOTHING. I just don't get it. For months now I have been looking for protests in my area so I could join them, but there are none! 😮

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Look for local groups on Telegram

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Thank you! 😊

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I'm not celebrating to hard as it will most likely end up in the highly suspect hands of Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.

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To not speak is to speak, to not act is to act.

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"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." The rest of the song is pretty good too.

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Mind-boggling that vast majority do not seem to know or care where this all ends...

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It is hugely easy to embrace pessimism these days but if you step back you can see bright sunlight starting to penetrate the shadows. Start with the various elections several weeks ago. They were much bigger than Virginia. The Leftists and their causes lost almost everywhere. Some idiot on a school board in Arizona got caught trying to make a list complete with personal details of parents in his district who protested. The 5th Circuit Court all but slam dunked the Biden OSHA vaccine mandate into the dust bin of history. This is huge and will likely result in many corporations dropping the mandate for the simple reason that they now have no legal cover when vaccine problems occur among employees ordered to take the vaccine to continue their employment. Millions of essential workers have indicated that they are willing to be fired if that's what it takes to stop the mandates. The mainstream media is now starting to acknowledge that vaccines can't stop the social spread of the virus. It the jabs can't do this then they are simply advance therapeutics. Both Merck and Pfizer will be offering oral medications for one to take early on if a positive test occurs. Finally, the clock is rapidly ticking down on the Democrat's chances of any success in the upcoming midterms. As Ronald Reagan said "Today is a new day".

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"The 5th Circuit Court all but slam dunked the Biden OSHA vaccine mandate into the dust bin of history" They certainly did! And their language was spot on!!! There is almost know what the Biden Administration will appeal and if they do I believe the USSC will say no to hear it.

The jabs have always been a prophylactic, this goes back to a Bloomberg new article November 17, of last year!

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Here's a Tweet from Dr. Robert Malone of a video showing Bill Gates [retty much admitting the jab is useless. https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD/status/1459919973246246918?s=20

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On a related note, I thought it was interesting that at one point there were four songs titled “Let’s Go Brandon” in the top 10 iTunes downloads simultaneously, despite the corporate media’s attempts to first ignore the meme and then attribute it to the “far right”. Their grip is slipping.

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And it's important to remember that this is part of the GLOBAL strategy. One country at a time, and not the same country with each Draconian move. The powers that be know that the U.S. will be the last to fall, but it will be so much easier when the entire rest of the world is in lockstep. I have to take a deep breath when I remember that this has been planned for years, that thousands have been paid off, that more goes into the strategy for global control on a daily basis than for anything else and that it is backed by trillions--the trillions earned by us.

We are financing our own demise. Maybe we should stop doing that. But that's one of the reasons we will be last--in 2021, the U.S. Treasury collected over $4 trillion in revenue. And that is how they are funding this.

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They are funding it because the world is still willing to accept the trillions in currency that the Federal Reserve keeps printing to finance the Treasury debt. Everything seizes up once the currency is seen for what it is, worthless wallpaper.

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Right, and they are trying to stretch that illusion as far and long as they can. I have been reading that our dollar is already utterly useless, we just don't know it yet!

I don't want to go too far off topic here, but I do think reading about the Federal Reserve is a great place to start. 99% of Americans think the FR is a governmental institution. It is not, it is privately owed (by persons that we are not allowed to know their identity--yikes) and yet they control the federal/central banking system. There is some evidence that the 9-11 explosions were tied to problems with the FR, and destruction of evidence that would have imploded the system.

Anyhoo, I do believe everything that is happening now, from release of the bioweapon to our current politics/vaccine mandates/lockdowns, has everything to do with the state of the FR/Central Banking system and (drum roll please...) MONEY.

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Those of us who have been betting against the dollar via BTC have done okay.

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Yes, but though I admittedly know little about cybercurrency, there is concern that once it's fully on its feet, it will be snapped up by central banking. What do you think of that idea?

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The greatest thing about BTC is that it's decentralized. There's no server to unplug or take over.

I fully expect those who understand money to understand the power of BTC -- that means I EXPECT banks to be one of the first ones in. They know what's coming.

It also means they will be protected. BTC isn't going anywhere because now there's big money in it.

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Yes. Freedom fighter and economist Catherine Austin Fitts explains in this important video of a few weeks ago (censored from Youtube, of course) how the Great Reset is a Going Direct Reset, and she shows how the plandemic is the means by which "Mr Global" (how she terms the psychopathic ruling class oligarchy) is going to implement the one world government using the Central Bank's (BIS) digital currency. She also mentions the mind control (entrainment) being used on people without their knowledge or consent, and tells a story of how she was exposed to that kind of entrainment at a conference -- https://www.bitchute.com/video/hjfH1jeLpEC6/

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The damage that's been done is so staggering in the 100s of trillions, all for a nursing home virus that essentially spares everyone else, barring a few media-gloated exceptions.

so many cities around the world have died as a result of Covid mania. Many downtown office space and shopping areas are deserted and are never coming back.

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When the Nazis tried to make the Jews wear the Star of David on their clothing in Denmark.... everyone wore one...starting with the King and Queen...

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I posted this on my FB page and implored all my friends, regardless of vaccine status, to rise up and stop this. Crickets. I kid you not. 💔🤦‍♀️ I’m heartbroken.

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CATS: Civil Acquiescing Tolerant Stooges…

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