Re "my Google Pixel phone spying on me" ... now, I use Firefox instead of Google Chrome, and DuckDuckGo instead of Google Search for these reasons.
But as for my Google Pixel phone .... once a month, I get an email from Google telling me all the places I've been over the past month. Two thoughts come to mind upon receiving that mail: (1) …
Re "my Google Pixel phone spying on me" ... now, I use Firefox instead of Google Chrome, and DuckDuckGo instead of Google Search for these reasons.
But as for my Google Pixel phone .... once a month, I get an email from Google telling me all the places I've been over the past month. Two thoughts come to mind upon receiving that mail: (1) "I HATE those bastards spying on me!" (2) "Thanks Google! Being one winter away from 60, my short term memory isn't what it used to be, and since I have no clue what I did or where I was last month, your regular spying email is actually useful for 'refreshing my memory'". :)
Give Brave a try. Great privacy, and you can allow ads on specific pages if you like, then generate crypto for viewing the ads, which you can then donate back to the website you read if you want!! Pretty neat stuff going on.
I tried the Brave browser as part of my search to replace FireFox. I did not like the interface. Pale Moon has a fox-ish interface. I loved Firefox's interface but would not put up with their ugly woke.
Re "my Google Pixel phone spying on me" ... now, I use Firefox instead of Google Chrome, and DuckDuckGo instead of Google Search for these reasons.
But as for my Google Pixel phone .... once a month, I get an email from Google telling me all the places I've been over the past month. Two thoughts come to mind upon receiving that mail: (1) "I HATE those bastards spying on me!" (2) "Thanks Google! Being one winter away from 60, my short term memory isn't what it used to be, and since I have no clue what I did or where I was last month, your regular spying email is actually useful for 'refreshing my memory'". :)
Firefox went thoroughly woke. I loved it, but had to leave. Using Pale Moon now. It is based on Fire Fox but recently separated itself from it.
Give Brave a try. Great privacy, and you can allow ads on specific pages if you like, then generate crypto for viewing the ads, which you can then donate back to the website you read if you want!! Pretty neat stuff going on.
I tried the Brave browser as part of my search to replace FireFox. I did not like the interface. Pale Moon has a fox-ish interface. I loved Firefox's interface but would not put up with their ugly woke.