Couldn't figure out why my 37 year old goddaughter has been such a Covidian and jab pusher since the beginning, until my wife pointed out that she worked as a consultant to Pfizer for several years. She also likes to claim she's a "scientist" which I didn't know came with an English degree from Villanova (hey, two time national champs the last few years though)

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My best friend has two friends in the pharmaceutical industry and they quietly told her they won't take the shots. One already quit her job over the requirement. Makes me wonder if some push it publicly while refusing it for themselves and their family?

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I've heard this from several people in the Healthcare field. Tjey have to publicly support it but privately won't recommend it.

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I was working as a home care nurse during 2020 when all this started. I was asked by numerous patients if they should get the shots. I told all of them they should make their own decision, but there was not enough money in the world to make me get those shots. That was not the company line and if any of my patients had ever told my employer what I said, I have no doubt I would have been fired. Not one patient ever told on me, though. All I ever heard from other nurses and my management was how much the patients loved me. They just wanted somebody to be honest with them!

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That was the exactly right way to behave. That is what freedom of choice means. Thank you !

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Excellent response Greg!

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Thank you, Greg!!

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My contempt for these types of cowards knows no bounds. I'm not saying they have to expose themselves to extraordinary professional risk, but could they at least not cheerlead?

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And yet it’s being MANDATED. This is gotten to be a grotesque moral sh*$ show.

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True. Sometimes it is the tone that can tell the truth even as the words are the same. Also there would be nothing wrong with also saying, "I am required to encourage all patients to take the jab." ???

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Including Pfizer researchers and employees who won't take the jab

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Did not Project Veritas expose that exact thing?

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They did!

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And at the same time Fauci says kids under five will get a THREE dose regimen of Pfizer covid vaccine.

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Can the word CRIMINAL have any stronger meaning? How is it remotely possible this is being allowed? WTF!

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What’s unforgivable is that other countries have quit giving kids and even teens in some cases young adults the so-called vaccine because of injury.

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Feels awfully intentional doesn't it!

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So ‘in your face’ as to boggle the mind

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That’s Dr Mengele-level criminal!

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Fauci makes Mengele look like Albert Schweitzer.

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He's a legend in his own mind--if he has one that is!

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If this isn’t a crime, it should be. Where are the parents on this.

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If they are like my ‘woke’ niece they are posting Instagram photos of their babies getting the shot.

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absolutely heartbreaking (in more meaning than one) :(

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I believe that there are many out there who push it publicly and do not take the shots. I recall seeing an article or tweet where someone said their doctor told him that he had given either HCQ and other therapeutics to over 100 in Congress. The first video of Kamala Harris taking a “shot” had no vaccine in it. It was for show. She was going to get a real one - funny did we ever see that anywhere. I didn’t.

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more than you know Sasha!

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Bill Nye claims he's a scientist too.

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I worked with his first cousin years ago. He comes from a huge family of idiots 😂

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Oh yes. Someday he'll discover the genetic basis for "male" and "female".

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Just did a quick check to look between my legs. Yup...I am all male

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I looked up his Wiki bio. Provisionally, I grant him credit to be a scientist. He was born/raised in Washington DC to affluent parents (I used to live in the area, and can tell from the names of the private schools he attended.) He has a BS in Mechanical Engineering, Cornell, 1977 and his first "real" job was at Boeing. Back then, defense contractors hired for competence, not for diversity. You can criticize the rest of his career, but from the summary available, he's no dummy.

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What makes you think, affluence, private schools & jobs at Boeing are indicative of intelligence?

I would argue, quite the opposite.

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I agree with you John. I have two family members, BRILLIANT! But who don’t know enough to come in out of the rain. I find it difficult to hold a conversation with them.

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My cousin has a Ph.D., was a Rhodes Scholar and had a Fulbright Fellowship. When it comes to logical, fact-based conversation, she's as dumb as a door knob.

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Jan 26, 2022Edited
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One of the wisest people I ever knew was my maternal grandmother, who was a poor immigrant farm girl from Poland with two years of schooling. Her hard (and hard-working) life gave here wisdom and common sense beyond measure. She passed away more than 40 years ago, and I still miss her.

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That is so true.

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I wouldn't say "dummy", but the words "jackass" and "sellout" are contenders.

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If the last two years have taught me anything, it’s that common sense and critical thinking > pedigree, fancy degrees, and a bunch of letters behind your name.

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Doesn’t that make him an engineer?

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No dummy & no scientist

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I worked for a medical education company whose only client was Pfizer. That's precisely why I DON'T trust anything Pfizer says or does.

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Half the country is a climate scientist these days, assuming they agree with the political narrative of the week.

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I have degrees (Doctorates) in Psychology, Physics, and Religious Studies all awarded to me by the university of which I am the Dean and sole member of the Board of Directors.

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LOL... You're a riot. I've got to remember that!

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Such a coincidence!

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She marched in the "March For Science"!

As an actual scientist, it makes me sad that in 10 years the field will be in such disrepute I should call myself a pornographer to avoid opprobrium

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So my husband is an electrical engineer and getting through the program just about killed him. He worked relentlessly and went on to get a Masters in Computer Engineering. He follows what his undergrad school is doing with their engineering programs and is appalled. He says he is legitimately concerned that the basics of engineering are being sacrificed on the altar of "diversity" and "sustainability." I fear the same thing is happening with medical education. We are screwed.

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Sadly, as a long time medical educator, this is exactly what is happening. The primary criteria for medical school admission in most schools now are your social justice warrior score and your demographic group. (I wish I were exaggerating, but I am not.)

Because many of the students being admitted are not capable of learning at the levels we have come to expect from physicians, ALL schools and the national board have now converted to pass/fail...in which virtually everyone passes (otherwise you would have to remediate half the class, and no one can afford that.)

The real villain here is the LCME (the self-anointed accrediting body for medical schools) who will pull their accreditation if you do not do it exactly this way. My medical school graduating class has agreed that the last among us will care for the rest...none of us will be treated by most of the current cohort.

In my personal case, we teach them so we have an edge on finding the better doctors in the younger group. (Of course, there are still some bright students and we can individually pick them out.) But the system has been rigged so that unless you taught them and know first hand, you will NEVER have any way to find out.

Yes, it is totally sad. We are screwed, but some of us still fight it.

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This is frightening. And not at all surprising. Thank you for sharing.

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What’s truly sad is that the brilliant students are unable to get the same level of education you received unless good people like you intervene. Thank you

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I got a doctorate in physics in 1989 just before things went nuts. Now I can't bear to read my trade journal "Physics Today" (or whatever it's now called) because it's all gender and race and climate worship. Just a complete invasion of the coolest science there is by morons who don't know what any science is.

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That is beyond depressing to hear.

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Professor at one of the polytechnic universities in California said his dumbest student in his engineering classes when he started a few decades ago was smarter than his best student now. He DID say we're screwed.

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I noticed my students turned into helpless crybabies. They can't even cheat competently.

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Our VP is what happens when you surrender a merit-based society for a “diverse” one.

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And at least one supreme court justice!

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Yes they don't learn from experience do they? We, the voters, are going to have to help them out.

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"Yes, the building fell down, but it would have been worse if our engineering team had not been so diverse."

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I too suffered through the EE program two decades ago. It was never about inclusion or social blah .. it was about change major if you can’t do it. So now it’s about make it easier so everyone can do it?

Why is that OK?

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It already is in terrible disrepute! Can it possibly get any worse?

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Things can always get worse. If you don't know that I'll wager you are a young person. :)

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My DIL is a pharmacist (got her doctorate Summa Cume Laude) and she has forbidden everyone in the family from getting any covid vaccine jabs. She says they are dangerous and there are too many life-long side effects. In fact, she has discovered that one of those side effects is deafness. Anyone else uncovered that truth?

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Jan 27, 2022
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Interesting. I developed tinnitus after having the shingles vaccine. Regret that decision now.

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Your god-daughter probably still own Pfizer stock.

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She identifies as a scientist. Clearly!

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Jan 26, 2022
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Without a reference sheet? ;)

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Jan 26, 2022
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I’m lucky. We were taught up to 12x12

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Try School House Rock!!

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If you want to know how honest pharmaceutical companies and the FDA are, watch the Hulu series "Dopesick" about the Oxycontin scandal.

Then substitute "Covid vaccine" for Oxycontin and you'll have where were are today.

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I LOVE this show. More than anything for having the guts to implicate the FDA. I'm actually quite surprised.

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It was shot before Covid…

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I've been trying to get people to do the same. Most people cant imagine how corrupt the FDA and other gov agencies, actually, provably, factually .... ARE.

Big Pharma sure, but not the gov right...right?


That show proves it.

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I thought the exact SAME thing when I watched Dopesick!

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I would also add "Don't Look Up" which is supposed to be an allegory for climate whatever. But it is the perfect allegory when the TPTB don't want us "To Look Deeper and Harder" so it is censored. The comet is Pfizer, FDA, CDC, WHO, NIH Klaus Schwab, Gates, Fauci.

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I watched it and frankly came away feeling the liberals missed big on that show. The main message was that nobody was listening. Washington only cared about getting elected. The issue does not really matter. It is the massive stupidity regarding all issues because there is no depth in Washington. Just a bunch of dumb jerks. Our best institutions are cranking out obedient followers of any authoritarian regime. All the previous presidents were certain we would influence China. Actually China took over the west as we worried about social Justice.

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A couple of points, I have tried to get some family and friends to "look up"--got no where. Second, confirming "obedient followers", I heard that 50% of democrats would take 3 or more boosters while 22% of republicans would do the same. https://twitter.com/trafalgar_group/status/1486225037480898560?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet

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Keep going, Alex. This is why I stick with you even if you upset the apple cart like you did with your unnecessary comments about Dr. Malone.

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Alex's reporting is indispensable - there can be no doubt. I wish he hadn't set his sights on Malone, a goddamn hero in his own right, but that doesn't change the first part.

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Yeah I'm torn. My subscription finishes up in a few days but I may pay again just cause I like hanging out with this crowd

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Yep. Between here and el gato...

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Jan 26, 2022
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Would not leave for ❤️or$$

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When this is over they should sit down and hash out their differences. I feel like on the issues they align nearly fully, and should save the disagreements on the margins till after this all blows over.

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Seems like the people in this comment section are the only ones still taking it seriously.

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He did say he'd have "more to say about Ivermectin soon."

Is it "soon" yet?


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Yes! I'm still waiting for his proof that ivermectin doesn't work.

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When you see someone you like do something ugly and unprovoked, it stays with you. And when they do not address it, it changes the way you see them. You may be able to overlook it, but you don’t forget.

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Exactly!! Alex could at least admit he is wrong on ivermectin. What is that about anyway?!!!

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I agree. Both so wonderful to take these risks and share the information with us. They must be under tremendous stress.

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No, Pfizer would never distort data! Nor would the FDA! That's why they're combining efforts to fight the timely release of the FDA's licensing data for Pfizer. Nothing makes me feel MORE comfortable about the vaxxes and the FDA's careful, non-biased review than having Pfizer help them fight releasing the documents when they're supposed to.


Edited to add - how can people defend these companies and the FDA when they aren't happy to release the data?

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Siri had been really, really on point regarding data and transparency.

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It's just amazing our corrupt our system is these days.

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You were wonderful on Tucker last night Alex! However, I wish one of these shows he’d start with you right off the bat with a ten minute segment. I know his time is valuable, but you always seem to come on at the last ten minutes. The story you tell is too important and needs to be front page so to speak. Thank you for everything you’ve been doing!

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I wonder if TPTB are the ones to dictate in which time slot Alex is to appear?

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You were great. But. You need to wear makeup. I know. I know. It’s unnatural, unmanly and against everything you want. You look unhealthy. Your skin needs evening out, eye bags smoothed. You’re selling your opinion as an expert and serious researcher on a health topic. You need to look healthy. Men don’t need a lot of products. Ask Richard Nixon.

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Jan 26, 2022
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Yep. Absolutely maddening. The Five is relentless about it. Geraldo is particularly obnoxious about shots and masks - his stupidity on both topics is hard to adequately quantify.

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Total agree! Its hard not to scream a the TV when he starts spewing his holier than thou stance on vaccines and his grandkids, blah blah blah....

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Did you ever read the excerpt of Jerry Rivers’ autobiography where he writes about sleeping with Justin Treadeau’s mother? The drug fueled orgies? Yeah he’s a real winner…front of the line at the Holy Gates

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Yikes. I know he's been married 5 times but his sanctimony about Covid is particularly galling. He calls the unvaxxed and unmasked idiots and accuses us of placing others at the risk for death. He's insane.

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Why does fox continue to have him on? For the entertainment factor I guess. What a punk he is

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Totally agree! I cringe just hearing him speak.

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Jan 26, 2022Edited
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I member'.

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Al Capone's vault ... lol

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Jan 26, 2022
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And when he stupidly drew the map in the sand giving away the location?

And didn't he fall off the pier too reporting about a storm?

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I know. They need to stop saying they're safe and effective.

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PHARMA ad dollars ...a hard habit to break !

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It’s terrible! Agreed.

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You’re the real hero of this pandemic, Alex. Thank you!

Wake up the Zombie population

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The best point Alex made on Tucker's show was that mRNA vaccines trick our cells to produce outdated variant of spike protein, not the current, Omicron spike protein and therefore all vaccination with mRNA vaccines must stop IMMEDIATELY!

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May I just say what the hell is wrong with these people? Why on Earth are these folks sticking up for Pfizer? I just wish someone would come forward and explain it. Why is this dude sticking up for Pfizer?

I watched highlights from Senator Ron Johnson's Covid a second opinion group and the testimony was just heart breaking. Doctors are being prevented from treating patients. It is nuts. I asked my spouse why what does he think? He said Communists do not care about people. (He had to flee a communist country). So there is your answer.

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As bad as things are with the pandemic, i.e. no good vaccines and our government actively preventing its citizens from quality early treatments to survive this virus, it has definitely reached an entertaining stage. I love it when the establishment and media go nuts because they can't control the narrative. Substack is my favorite newspaper and Alex, hands down, you are my favorite reporter ever.

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I guess neither you nor anyone you love was sickened, injured, or killed by one of the covid "vaccines, " and you're happy to live in an authoritarian, dystopian world in which the economy and civil society have been purposefully demolished. What is "entertaining" about any of that?

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What is entertaining is that the narrative is falling apart and the bluechecks are losing their collective minds and there are some wins in courts and a trucker convoy up north. And it is the hope I am clinging to because everything else (insert long list here) has been f*ing chilling. I am the only person I know that isn't vaxxed. I tried to talk them all out of it with data etc. to no avail. And a loved one lost from any cause (Covid or the vaccines or anything else), is a loss. And I lost 3 loved ones in 2021. But this isn't a competition.

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Hey Washington Post and Mr Bump. Calling Biden a competent president is like calling

Nancy Pelosi sober.

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Or Sotomayor informed

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Or Elizabeth Warren diverse

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"Half-asian, half-black,


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Don't forget the Big Lifejacket lobbyists and politicians that make billions from lifejacket racketeering. Glad to see you keep going with this allegory. It's brilliant.

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Well now you did it everyone is writing about you and you have Fauci up in arms, we couldn't be more proud!!!!

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Only a PPP (Paid Pharma Propagandist) or a mindless sheep would trust anything from the mouths of serial felons in the pharmaceutical industry. Which one is Phil? Or is he both?

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I'd just like to add that the best way to make sure a company with a long track record of bad behavior acts better is to allow them to force inject the world population while ensuring they have no legal liability.

After all, really, it's legal liability they keep getting in trouble with.

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I say again...THIS HAS TO STOP:

My husband and I were invited to a party and instead of the little card with directions to the venue, there was a little card saying that we should arrive early because they were providing rapid covid testing prior to entering regardless of vaccination status.

We had Omnicron Christmas week. We were fine within a week. However, I'm told that we can test positive for up to 90 days after recovery. This party is within that time frame. So do we go to the party, get tested and possibly sent home if we test positive or do we politely decline the invitation?

Oh yes, we are told that there will be plenty of space for "social distancing".....at a party? Seriously? How do you social distance at a party?

Just STOP already and let the people arrive "at their own risk"! Afraid? Stay home.

I am so sick of hearing how everyone has to be safe...Wear a mask for yours and others's protection. The lies that the vaccines are safe. Look, nobody wants to get sick but we go about our days and depend on our immune system to keep us from getting sick. That's what it's there for. Sometimes it wins, sometimes it looses. But we should not -- cannot live in constant fear of getting a virus.

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What happened to the good ole' days of - if you feel sick...stay home. Otherwise, enjoy life.

Me? I'd pass on the event. Good grief, why would you want to even be around people like this? (If "people like this" are beloved family members or friends, I apologize...somewhat).

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I would politely decline, explaining that the date of the party unfortunately conflicts with my weekly belly button fluff removal commitment.

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Tell the inviters to go fuck themselves

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Whaaaaat? DECLINE!

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Maybe my boss watched Alex on “Tucker” last night and will now STFU about firing me for not getting jabbed.

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In the 50’s it was called “Payola “…

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I said the same thing not three hours ago!

I...guess we're dating ourselves, though.

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