It wasn't stupid at all. It's conditioning. They're conditioning people to accept this level of intrusion into their levels. Conditioning to accept they have no right to privacy. Conditioning to accept and obey, even if it makes no logical sense, other than the act of obeying itself.
Never used any contact tracing apps, and when places asked for your contact details, I used names such as Donald Duck, Santa Claus, and Mickey Mouse, among others! :-) The rest of the info was a hoot to make up...I am sure no one ever checked those pieces of paper, and if any did, at the very least, they got a laugh or two!
Contact tracing a "virus" that in most nations in 2020 had total deaths in line with previous years and an average age of con-vid death around life expectancy, even with the medical system murder of ventilators and toxic drugs like remdesevir...
Haha only 2021 is different, lower age of death and higher total deaths
Nearly 2,300,000 deaths (just in the US) from "the jab" based on the 1% vax deaths reported by CDC's VAERS number and extrapolated in an OANN expose two weeks ago! Also mentioned, at least 100M Americans have been "injured", ostensibly from side effects of the vaccines--the 'cure can't be worse than the disease?'--it's willful intent, friends--without provocation! from Biden's "Pandemic of the unvaccinated", heavy handed vaccine mandates push, our government is literally--maliciously--and purposely using the vaccines to kill, wound and weaken us to compliance in the vast, "Global Reset"
It makes you shake in your shoes, no?--It's possible to do your own extrapolation, but easier to just stand by and watch as it all falls apart all around you, withdrawing in your shell like a turtle's head--"land of the free, home of the brave?"--HAH...!
Severe disablement defined as "unable to claim payment due to being severly disabled".
In other news, german forces annexed the Sudetenland earlier this day, but prime minister Chamberlain remains convinced that warnings and sanctions will prevent escalation and end hostilities.
Or maybe it was Russia, Ukraine and Brandon?
Serious question for servicemen: are you willing to put your life on the line to protect the woke and the PC mob? Because there aren't going to be any do-not-use-this-word journalists, community leaders, college radicals and others like that standing next to you in an emplacement.
They'll be waiting at the airport ready to spit on you if you make it back.
Thanks for opening the door. As for me and my “domestic terrorist”, “nazi”, you voted for the orange man so you are a “fascist and a racist”, et al, House, We aren’t fighting your LGTBQ war. Sign up Woke Warriors. I think I’ll go out and get some gourmet sandwiches for dinner tonight. Sorry wokesters, elections have consequences.
Husband had a conspiracy theory this morning: Chances are, if someone is in the military, s/he has somewhat conservative ideology. Imagine all that conservative ideology being gotten rid of, leaving only non-conservative ideologicals to vote. It was a horribly chilling thought (no, he's not a psychopath) but the way we've been lied to lately, it doesn't seem too far fetched.
Remember Lt Col Scheller? He stood up and got kicked out at enormous personal cost, and I wondered would any walk with him. They didn’t. Now he does not have to die on Pres Brain Dead's hill, he chose his hill. They should have got up and walked with him en masse, but now they might be on a one way trip out. And I don’t need any lectures about military service as I am a Daughter of American Revolution and just about every war afterwards. These woke bastards tore our country apart, so there it is. (This is not a personal remark to you. I am just mad right now).
Balance that conspiracy with this one: It’s mostly leftists who are jabbed with the toxxine. Conservatives will outlive them and become a larger voting block in the general public?
Not true. I know MANY conservatives who are vaccinated. And much of the conservative media like Ben Shapiro, megyn Kelly, David Rubin, Eric Bolling, Laura Ingram, Sean Hannity….the list goes on, who bark all day long about mandates but then feel the need to announce that THEY are vaccinated (so this proves they aren’t “anti-vaxers”🤷🏻♀️) I understand that being vaccinated AND being anti-mandate are possible. The point is, that these people gave into pressure to get jabbed or they would have either lost their jobs, been harassed, or would be unable to enjoy their fancy fine dining lifestyles….so go figure. The world makes no sense to me anymore
I,too, know many conservatives who got the toxxines. But I don’t know any leftists who did not. All the unvaxxed I know of are conservatives. Mostly due to their healthy distrust of government and/or their Christian faith.
My Step Daughter a libtard didn't, nor her 2 college age kids, both her kids are Preeclampsia preemies, 2-3 lbs. The girl barely survived her reaction to Gates killer Gardisil. Has RA/Fibromyalgia left to deal with. Put still mask all the time. The other 3 did. My 2 have held out so far. As the youngest grandaughter is 4, they need daycare or pre-school in a BLUE county, that is still demanding masks/jabs for kids. They need to move 1 county over. Give up Starbucks, smokes, eating out to afford a private one. But they won't. Eldest know to much to Comply, well into NWO stuff. I kept her 2 days a week while her mom did clinicals as a baby. To sick to do it now. Heaven help the person who has to make her sit still, or eat what they put out, PANIC attack.
I'm unaffiliated with any party or political ideology and am not Christian and am not vaxxed for reasons of common sense and healthy skepticism. Ditto for friends.
Even the "wise man" Jordan Peterson got the clot shots.
It really is a good iq test.
Oh yeah and Dr Malone, another "genius" who took the jabs for "long covid", which goes against the knowledge among ppl in his field that vaccinating after the disease is not a good idea
Too many idiots, even among the ones who question the jabs .
Yes, I was shocked to hear Malone say that he got the shot. But I love how all of these alleged conservative talking heads (like megyn Kelly , a healthy fit 50year old who is also BOOSTED) echo things like, we’ll we know that they lied about the “shot” not preventing Covid or spreading Covid, BUT we still think everyone should get it so that “they don’t die from Covid”. Ok, sooooooo, you KNOW they lied about the efficacy on every other level, BUT NOT the whole “you won’t get too sick and die from it” part🤔🤔🤔🤔 Ok, me thinks that scaredy-cat misery loves company. Ya can’t get UNVAXXED, so let’s keep pushing it as a super sick and death prevention so that everyone is in the same miserable boat….buuuuut, we don’t really know what’s in it, but we know that they’re “mostly” safe (kinda like mostly peaceful riots) because the CDC, who lies about everything told us so, and they would never lie about THAT….I just can’t make sense of even the people I respect 🤷🏻♀️
Some of them are of the mindset that vaccines saved humanity and this was a good one especially since Trump promoted it... my in-laws got the flu shot every year and were so scared of convid that they ran out to get the shot as soon as they could!
I voted for Trump twice, but I must say I have issues with his constant touting of these vaccines and even heard that he was boooed on stage for pushing his vaccine propaganda . I don’t think his ego will allow for any failure or the realization that he opened Pandora’s box to a litany of serious problems. Not just with the deaths and injuries (that he seems to be completely unaware of) but also feeding the pharmaceutical monsters with gobs of money to produce “warp speed” antidotes to a virus with a very low mortality, paying Americans to stay home and hide from a virus, and insensitivizing hospitals with money (the CARES act) to essentially let folks die rather than administer early treatments so they can get paid for the ventilator therapy and then extra bucks for Covid deaths. DJT should have known how endless flows of money can compromise the integrity of large corporate America. He opened the door to all of this, and it has been devastating. I remember when he admonished the Georgia Governor for opening his state back up after 1 month of this “shelter in place” garbage and criticized Sweden for never closing. I was shocked at his appalling attacks. He was very very wrong on so many levels, and his free money only appealed to the already lazy youth of America. Once these “temporary” programs were instituted, they would be hard if not impossible to shut down. Where we are in this country is due in large part to him and his knee jerk reaction to the virus. He refused to fire Fauchi, because as Scott Atlas said “the left would have gone nuts”. For a man who claims to not care what people think, he didn’t display that characteristic when it mattered more than ever. He set tyranny loose on a society. I hope he doesn’t run again, but if he is the candidate I will unenthusiastically vote for him because the alternative would be complete insanity (no matter what Democrat might run) But I am sorely disappointed in a man that I really believed put the American people before politics and had brass balls…..and in the end, he did not. He assumed he would win, and he’d just “fix” it all after the election (and maybe he did win🤷🏻♀️) but he’s not in the white house and he once again underestimated the evil which embodies the left. After all that they did to undermine him, he still put his trust in a corrupt “system”. And of ALL people, Donald Trump should have known FIRST HAND the absolute corruption that was going on during that election. Just sayin….
Many conservatives took the jabs, BUT a far higher percentage of leftists did. Also, conservatives who got the jabs are far less likely to take the boosters.
That's a very nice theory as far as conspiracies goes, actually.
Apologies in advance for a slight rant:
It actually matches what I've seen periferally and anecdotally with the swedish armed forces and police over the last three decades: the men and the odd woman with the actual now-how and grit, tried at the sharp end as we say, are generally good-natured but quite strict and conservative of the "Do as thou wilt, but don't get any of it on others and don't cry about it"-kind of conservatism if you see what I mean. Of course, dad being career military I'm biased as all get out :)
They do not however get promoted to the administrative side of things. That side is full to bursting with PC yes-men having been handpicked from above by the politically appointed CoC (who is accomplished and competent but harbours no illusions about who pays his wages). Hence, swedish soldiers prance about in Pride-parades wearing combat uniforms and camo, pose with the rainbow flag instead of the national one - and to add insult to injury MoD gave an official response this summer that people not onboard with the PC/woke-dogma has no place in the armed forces. Que resignations and volunteers drying up almost immediately.
And the police is even worse, having been thoroughly politicised from the mid-seventies onwards.
I've p-od many a police and soldier by simply asking: "Are you okay with it being your duty to die to make sure illegal migrants guilty of raping children gets live for free in Sweden indefinitely?" (The typical length of sentence is 4-6 years, time off for good behaviour, plus standard release is after two thirds served, no loss of citizenship and no deportation. Yes, really. Thank the liberals, the LGBTPQ, and the socialist democrats.)
Reply usually veers to: "You can't ask questions like that, it's more complex." Bwaahk-bwaahk-bwaahk is all I hear.
Alex, SPEAKING OF INDUSTRIES THAT RUIN THEMSELVES through malfeasance, you gotta look into how the Canadian banks made Blackface Hitler remove his Soviet Style with a Smile Totalitarianism because folks were making a run on the banks that were freezing good folks accounts. NO ONE IS REPORTING ON THIS. You might have a few sources, considering that TURDeau’s Leftist Hand Grande Dame (FREELAND—ironically) is married to a NYT journalist.
You have to understand that Canadian banks are monopolies so there can be no longer term "run" on the banks. Actually all of the Canadian economy is inefficient because of the relationship of the federal government with several large families who control most all of the key industries to maximize the concentration of wealth into the hands of the few. BUT the commoners are brainwashed into thinking "my rationed healthcare is free" even though they pay for it.
I've heard Cananda was created way back when so as to PREVENT Russia joining forces witn Nth America that would've created an ALMOST unstoppable superpower? (In the powerful families minds) This was reported on Day 2 of Reiner Fuellmich's Grand Jury hearing. Where 100s of hours of testimony from witnesses of ALL walks of expertise are reporting. This was also interesting that the Canadian flag is just a Maple Leaf. It's not of any value nor consequence. It was just picked cause it was there? A cpl of moral politicians TRIED to block the Bank of England from having the power over Canada however they were both assassinated! (At least 1 of them were? 🤔)
I was trying to find out what was going on and was (forgive me for this, plus I blush to admit) trying to go to websites such as the TORONTO GLOBE & MAIL.
Didn't know how or where to find the information sites you listed.
Then search on "truck convoy." There were several indie journalists, live-streaming from the convoy site. Of course the convoy is gone, but it's worth watching these after the fact--so you can see what it was like.
My favorite live-streamer is "Viva Frei." Excellent work!!!
That was exactly my theory. The banks were not so fond of losing all their deposits and maybe now they will wake up and realize that The Plan includes eliminating them (retail banks) to establish the Central Bank Digital Currency.
I read the senate would never approve. Also I would think the rich would be very worried it could now easily happen to them if they get on the wrong side of black face Hitler. Lawsuits pending scared him I suspect. And yes, run on the banks.
After this weekend I see no reason FOR ANYBODY to keep large amounts of money in the system. My rule with banks is the same as crypto: Only put in what you can afford to lose.
Any suggestions on alternatives? I'm seriously thinking of buying a small safe and removing all but my bill-paying funds from my bank. I have a small nest egg that I'll be using to live on once I fully retire, and can't afford to lose it.
Let’s see what the state of the union is gonnna be about🙃🙃 I somehow doubt they’ll allow damming Pfizer papers public. They rather crash all servers and burn computers and say it was Putin or Xi or so.
Make no bones about it the injured are many. My sister has been suffering for 10 months both physically and now mentally as she sees no improvement in site. She was perfectly healthy. We have a useless and corrupt government. Something must be done for these people. they did they right thing now everyone has turned their backs on them including most doctors. It is up to us to help them. there are 2 sites VeDa - C-19 forum and React 19. Your heart will break when you hear their stories. My breaks everyday when I look at my sister.
It is projected Moderna stock will hit 0. Pfizer will hit 10. The little bit of trials they did do shows more deaths in vaccine group than placebo. Of course to hide that they generously gave vaccines to placebo group to kill control group. Yes, these companies are shield from lawsuits, but only if they operated in good faith. They did not.
Yes, read that and also watched interview. What a mess. What is so upsetting is that people willingly took a vaccine that had so little data, experimental, and believed pharma and government would never lie to them. Yet, big pharma has had so many corruption charges and fines if anybody would just look.
"Hello this is NHS damage payment team, how may I help you today?"
"I'm calling on behalf of my son. He was hospitalized for myocarditis after his second dose and is unable to work. When can I receive payments for damage?"
"Silly boy, myocarditis is mild and rare. Haven't you heard? Good day sir, and would you like to schedule a booster?"
"Silly boy, I see his records actually say he was diagnosed with anxiety. We don't compensate for that. No mention of myocarditis in the records, that's really rare. Stop calling us with misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation. I see he has missed 6 boosters now, we'll be happy to schedule an appointment where he can receive them all at once as vaccines are our single most efficient tool out of this pandemic and are safe and effective...he just had anxiety, right? I have Monday at 10 available."
Made by and supplied by Chyna, courtesy of Brandon who owes the folks who helped his boy Fauci kill and cripple millions of Americans. No worries, though; most of the newly dead had overstayed their terrestrial allotment and were gobbling up Social Security and Medicare funds that could be put to better use by our overlords. I hope none of them died intestate, either, because the powers-that-be will soon seize those assets, too, all part of The Build US Back Better With YOUR STUFF EVIL PLAN. You will have NOTHING and you will be happy.
Unless they are going to force corrupt big pharma to make these payments, it will end up being the same garbage as the US system for vaccine injuries. A 10 year process where less than 5% ever see a dime.
Always funny to get into an argument with a liberal who demands everyone be vaccinated. Once you bring up "what's the rate of myocarditis in young men jabbed" and what does vaccinated even mean now? That you need to be boosted on top of the jabs and have it be at least six weeks later. You don't get a reply after that because they don't know either answer.
In a just world: Let the vaxx-coerced, especially healthcare workers, be at the front of the que for compensation. Followed closely by minors who could not give consent.
The UK has had massive, well-coordinated protests regarding the containment measures and vaccine mandates for many, many months. They've been going after politicians, the BBC and other main stream media, law enforcement, etc. This is, in my opinion, the reason that the UK currently does not resemble Australia, New Zealand and Canada. And British people are becoming more and more furious about the vaccine side-effects and deaths. Therefore, these job postings don't surprise me.
Sooooo, we weren’t even ALLOWED to publicly state that these vaccines cause harm, and now this very FACT is creating new job opportunities? Wow, Alfred Hitchcock couldn’t even imagine this scenario for one of his thrillers….
Not sure I’d want Moderna stock. At least not short term. But in fairness I can say that about all my stocks except the nasty, humanity killing oil rocks I own.
Only recently I realized I have suffered two lasting side-effects from my booster in November. The reason I didn't realize the second side-effect was because I've been paying so much attention to the first side-effect, also paying thousands to deal with it. Hopefully within 11 months of getting the booster, the first side-effect will be fully taken care of.
I check the web site The Times of Israel every other day or so. Normally a reader is blasted with an overwhelming number of covid headlines and articles. Now you have to scroll and scroll way down to find anything related to covid. US news seems to be the same.
Nevertheless, I am sad to say that my latest foray into a Northern Virginia grocery store yesterday revealed not a single, yes, not a single maskless shopper.
I'm near Scranton PA, I'd say half of shoppers are masked. It's surprising. Was in Clearwater Florida last fall, I was shocked because more people wore masks down there than my hometown.
It'll be subject to income tax and national insurance too, no doubt. So, after that, VAT on most things you buy or anything you have mended, green taxes, road tax, TV license, council tax...
70% of that money is going back to the government.
It's governemental work (emphasis as always on the 'mental'), meaning you get paid monthly and not based on actual work hours. (Any brit - or is that hate speech nowadays? - might be able to clarify?)
So you have no quota to meet, no real competition as such, and nor real metric for minimum acceptable level of effort. And you boss' wants to file progress reports, not reports of problems unless the problems are external or due to too small a budgetary allowance, so she's not likely to do anything that might splash her.
Best job there is if you just want to cash a paycheck and have no pride or shame.
Edward Dowd says that another growth industry will be super high-end security for CEO's of large corporations who helped bring this mayhem to the common people.
"Shocking new data on covid vaccine and booster safety out of Israel and Germany – will covid vaccines overtake Vioxx and thalidomide as the largest ever drug scandal?"
Oh, so THIS is what they meant by the new normal. Vax injuries are standard. So now we have obesity, allergies, autism, and on and on and on. Perfectly normal.
I thought there was no liability or compensation if you took the jab. What does this department do? Treat something that doesn't exist? They say it's all in their head.
Amazing how we are seeing some of the media (when they are not focused on the Russian invasion) are suddenly talking about how the CDC has kept information from us. Alex, your work has born fruit, it must be a satisfying feeling at last!
All these cowardly conflict-avoiding losers are hideously hilarious: let’s wait for that election in November, let’s just keep negotiating with these sociopaths, who, either will not let us have an election, or just continue to relentlessly blame everything on Trump /Republicans/ conservatives/ and non-Democrats, until finally, they get their minions to just kill us all…
An article at says that there are 180 job openings altogether, but I'm not sure if all of them for jab damage: "They are looking to fill up to 180 positions in the Wigan and Preston areas, due to commence in May 2022 onwards, to provide administration for benefits such as Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP), and vaccine damage."
Why do you think they are erasing it? The Embalmers, Insurers are publishing facts they can't refute. What comes in dribs and drabs is the GESTO teachers tactics. No offence to good teachers. My hub taught 20 yrs at the Tech College level, retired as Dept. Chair. It's not just over masks/jabs, but the sexual crap they are calling 1st A or Critical thinking, when it is pure PORN that are against Fed/State laws to minors. Parents are being drug out of townhalls in hancuffs. Nashville Country Singer John Rich is the last spearker, Very much worth watching this video from testimony today on HB1944 by State Representative Scott Cepicky which would create a more accountable process to keep obscene materials out of our public school libraries and curriculum.
Appreciate the efforts of Kristin Benton and a mic drop testimony from John Rich.
Of course there's a shit ton of vaccine related deaths, injuries. If you posted on YouTube you got bells palsy from the vaccine they would remove the video. It didn't matter if you had legitimate proof from a doctor, Google doesn't give a fuck. Fbook doesn't give a fuck and Twitter. They will delete your shit real quick if you go against the vaccine.
Lol. This is why the media is trying to blow up a minor skirmish between Russia and Ukraine into WWII. The wheels have totally come off and Pfizer is coming up on their first deadline to release a massive amount of clinical trial data.
This is the next step. The pharma companies have been immunized from liability with an effective vaccine, but the lawyers that support these governments must still get their grift in huge settlements. That leaves it on the taxpayer head.
Perfect job for contact tracers, who are now useless
And always were
Test & Trace was ALWAYS an idea so stupid that only government would actually do it.
It wasn't stupid at all. It's conditioning. They're conditioning people to accept this level of intrusion into their levels. Conditioning to accept they have no right to privacy. Conditioning to accept and obey, even if it makes no logical sense, other than the act of obeying itself.
Evil, but stupid too. The two do go together.
Not stupid. Getting people used to being tracked wherever they go - for any reason whatsoever.
Never used any contact tracing apps, and when places asked for your contact details, I used names such as Donald Duck, Santa Claus, and Mickey Mouse, among others! :-) The rest of the info was a hoot to make up...I am sure no one ever checked those pieces of paper, and if any did, at the very least, they got a laugh or two!
I never ended up getting asked, but our family plan was to say Lesco Brandon with phone number 333-3825908. 😂. Then pay in cash
That's what my husband and I would do too LOL
Contact tracing a "virus" that in most nations in 2020 had total deaths in line with previous years and an average age of con-vid death around life expectancy, even with the medical system murder of ventilators and toxic drugs like remdesevir...
Haha only 2021 is different, lower age of death and higher total deaths
.. not from con-vid
But from thy holy clot shots.
Nearly 2,300,000 deaths (just in the US) from "the jab" based on the 1% vax deaths reported by CDC's VAERS number and extrapolated in an OANN expose two weeks ago! Also mentioned, at least 100M Americans have been "injured", ostensibly from side effects of the vaccines--the 'cure can't be worse than the disease?'--it's willful intent, friends--without provocation! from Biden's "Pandemic of the unvaccinated", heavy handed vaccine mandates push, our government is literally--maliciously--and purposely using the vaccines to kill, wound and weaken us to compliance in the vast, "Global Reset"
It makes you shake in your shoes, no?--It's possible to do your own extrapolation, but easier to just stand by and watch as it all falls apart all around you, withdrawing in your shell like a turtle's head--"land of the free, home of the brave?"--HAH...!
The Vaxxers Desperate Last Stand.
Severe disablement defined as "unable to claim payment due to being severly disabled".
In other news, german forces annexed the Sudetenland earlier this day, but prime minister Chamberlain remains convinced that warnings and sanctions will prevent escalation and end hostilities.
Or maybe it was Russia, Ukraine and Brandon?
Serious question for servicemen: are you willing to put your life on the line to protect the woke and the PC mob? Because there aren't going to be any do-not-use-this-word journalists, community leaders, college radicals and others like that standing next to you in an emplacement.
They'll be waiting at the airport ready to spit on you if you make it back.
Thanks for opening the door. As for me and my “domestic terrorist”, “nazi”, you voted for the orange man so you are a “fascist and a racist”, et al, House, We aren’t fighting your LGTBQ war. Sign up Woke Warriors. I think I’ll go out and get some gourmet sandwiches for dinner tonight. Sorry wokesters, elections have consequences.
Husband had a conspiracy theory this morning: Chances are, if someone is in the military, s/he has somewhat conservative ideology. Imagine all that conservative ideology being gotten rid of, leaving only non-conservative ideologicals to vote. It was a horribly chilling thought (no, he's not a psychopath) but the way we've been lied to lately, it doesn't seem too far fetched.
Remember- it doesn’t matter who votes, it only matter who counts the votes.
Good. Call.
Remember Lt Col Scheller? He stood up and got kicked out at enormous personal cost, and I wondered would any walk with him. They didn’t. Now he does not have to die on Pres Brain Dead's hill, he chose his hill. They should have got up and walked with him en masse, but now they might be on a one way trip out. And I don’t need any lectures about military service as I am a Daughter of American Revolution and just about every war afterwards. These woke bastards tore our country apart, so there it is. (This is not a personal remark to you. I am just mad right now).
Unfortunately, Scheller was compelled to trash Trump afterwards. Don’t think that helped his cause.
@Donna- not taken personally at all
Balance that conspiracy with this one: It’s mostly leftists who are jabbed with the toxxine. Conservatives will outlive them and become a larger voting block in the general public?
Not true. I know MANY conservatives who are vaccinated. And much of the conservative media like Ben Shapiro, megyn Kelly, David Rubin, Eric Bolling, Laura Ingram, Sean Hannity….the list goes on, who bark all day long about mandates but then feel the need to announce that THEY are vaccinated (so this proves they aren’t “anti-vaxers”🤷🏻♀️) I understand that being vaccinated AND being anti-mandate are possible. The point is, that these people gave into pressure to get jabbed or they would have either lost their jobs, been harassed, or would be unable to enjoy their fancy fine dining lifestyles….so go figure. The world makes no sense to me anymore
I,too, know many conservatives who got the toxxines. But I don’t know any leftists who did not. All the unvaxxed I know of are conservatives. Mostly due to their healthy distrust of government and/or their Christian faith.
My Step Daughter a libtard didn't, nor her 2 college age kids, both her kids are Preeclampsia preemies, 2-3 lbs. The girl barely survived her reaction to Gates killer Gardisil. Has RA/Fibromyalgia left to deal with. Put still mask all the time. The other 3 did. My 2 have held out so far. As the youngest grandaughter is 4, they need daycare or pre-school in a BLUE county, that is still demanding masks/jabs for kids. They need to move 1 county over. Give up Starbucks, smokes, eating out to afford a private one. But they won't. Eldest know to much to Comply, well into NWO stuff. I kept her 2 days a week while her mom did clinicals as a baby. To sick to do it now. Heaven help the person who has to make her sit still, or eat what they put out, PANIC attack.
I'm unaffiliated with any party or political ideology and am not Christian and am not vaxxed for reasons of common sense and healthy skepticism. Ditto for friends.
You and your friends are affiliated with smart.
Even the "wise man" Jordan Peterson got the clot shots.
It really is a good iq test.
Oh yeah and Dr Malone, another "genius" who took the jabs for "long covid", which goes against the knowledge among ppl in his field that vaccinating after the disease is not a good idea
Too many idiots, even among the ones who question the jabs .
This is part of the “doesn’t add up thing” with Malone and one reason why I find all the “apologise to Malone” rants tedious
Yes, I was shocked to hear Malone say that he got the shot. But I love how all of these alleged conservative talking heads (like megyn Kelly , a healthy fit 50year old who is also BOOSTED) echo things like, we’ll we know that they lied about the “shot” not preventing Covid or spreading Covid, BUT we still think everyone should get it so that “they don’t die from Covid”. Ok, sooooooo, you KNOW they lied about the efficacy on every other level, BUT NOT the whole “you won’t get too sick and die from it” part🤔🤔🤔🤔 Ok, me thinks that scaredy-cat misery loves company. Ya can’t get UNVAXXED, so let’s keep pushing it as a super sick and death prevention so that everyone is in the same miserable boat….buuuuut, we don’t really know what’s in it, but we know that they’re “mostly” safe (kinda like mostly peaceful riots) because the CDC, who lies about everything told us so, and they would never lie about THAT….I just can’t make sense of even the people I respect 🤷🏻♀️
Malone took the shot to be able to fly. He actually got sick from the shot.
Some of them are of the mindset that vaccines saved humanity and this was a good one especially since Trump promoted it... my in-laws got the flu shot every year and were so scared of convid that they ran out to get the shot as soon as they could!
While I am a proud Deplorable, I DID NOT trust the 'vaccines' and still don't.
I voted for Trump twice, but I must say I have issues with his constant touting of these vaccines and even heard that he was boooed on stage for pushing his vaccine propaganda . I don’t think his ego will allow for any failure or the realization that he opened Pandora’s box to a litany of serious problems. Not just with the deaths and injuries (that he seems to be completely unaware of) but also feeding the pharmaceutical monsters with gobs of money to produce “warp speed” antidotes to a virus with a very low mortality, paying Americans to stay home and hide from a virus, and insensitivizing hospitals with money (the CARES act) to essentially let folks die rather than administer early treatments so they can get paid for the ventilator therapy and then extra bucks for Covid deaths. DJT should have known how endless flows of money can compromise the integrity of large corporate America. He opened the door to all of this, and it has been devastating. I remember when he admonished the Georgia Governor for opening his state back up after 1 month of this “shelter in place” garbage and criticized Sweden for never closing. I was shocked at his appalling attacks. He was very very wrong on so many levels, and his free money only appealed to the already lazy youth of America. Once these “temporary” programs were instituted, they would be hard if not impossible to shut down. Where we are in this country is due in large part to him and his knee jerk reaction to the virus. He refused to fire Fauchi, because as Scott Atlas said “the left would have gone nuts”. For a man who claims to not care what people think, he didn’t display that characteristic when it mattered more than ever. He set tyranny loose on a society. I hope he doesn’t run again, but if he is the candidate I will unenthusiastically vote for him because the alternative would be complete insanity (no matter what Democrat might run) But I am sorely disappointed in a man that I really believed put the American people before politics and had brass balls…..and in the end, he did not. He assumed he would win, and he’d just “fix” it all after the election (and maybe he did win🤷🏻♀️) but he’s not in the white house and he once again underestimated the evil which embodies the left. After all that they did to undermine him, he still put his trust in a corrupt “system”. And of ALL people, Donald Trump should have known FIRST HAND the absolute corruption that was going on during that election. Just sayin….
Many conservatives took the jabs, BUT a far higher percentage of leftists did. Also, conservatives who got the jabs are far less likely to take the boosters.
That's a very nice theory as far as conspiracies goes, actually.
Apologies in advance for a slight rant:
It actually matches what I've seen periferally and anecdotally with the swedish armed forces and police over the last three decades: the men and the odd woman with the actual now-how and grit, tried at the sharp end as we say, are generally good-natured but quite strict and conservative of the "Do as thou wilt, but don't get any of it on others and don't cry about it"-kind of conservatism if you see what I mean. Of course, dad being career military I'm biased as all get out :)
They do not however get promoted to the administrative side of things. That side is full to bursting with PC yes-men having been handpicked from above by the politically appointed CoC (who is accomplished and competent but harbours no illusions about who pays his wages). Hence, swedish soldiers prance about in Pride-parades wearing combat uniforms and camo, pose with the rainbow flag instead of the national one - and to add insult to injury MoD gave an official response this summer that people not onboard with the PC/woke-dogma has no place in the armed forces. Que resignations and volunteers drying up almost immediately.
And the police is even worse, having been thoroughly politicised from the mid-seventies onwards.
I've p-od many a police and soldier by simply asking: "Are you okay with it being your duty to die to make sure illegal migrants guilty of raping children gets live for free in Sweden indefinitely?" (The typical length of sentence is 4-6 years, time off for good behaviour, plus standard release is after two thirds served, no loss of citizenship and no deportation. Yes, really. Thank the liberals, the LGBTPQ, and the socialist democrats.)
Reply usually veers to: "You can't ask questions like that, it's more complex." Bwaahk-bwaahk-bwaahk is all I hear.
AGREE 100%!
or they want a sex change operation, and this is just a statement, not snark
🙌 You know it! Just like Vietnam vets.
Alex, SPEAKING OF INDUSTRIES THAT RUIN THEMSELVES through malfeasance, you gotta look into how the Canadian banks made Blackface Hitler remove his Soviet Style with a Smile Totalitarianism because folks were making a run on the banks that were freezing good folks accounts. NO ONE IS REPORTING ON THIS. You might have a few sources, considering that TURDeau’s Leftist Hand Grande Dame (FREELAND—ironically) is married to a NYT journalist.
You have to understand that Canadian banks are monopolies so there can be no longer term "run" on the banks. Actually all of the Canadian economy is inefficient because of the relationship of the federal government with several large families who control most all of the key industries to maximize the concentration of wealth into the hands of the few. BUT the commoners are brainwashed into thinking "my rationed healthcare is free" even though they pay for it.
I've heard Cananda was created way back when so as to PREVENT Russia joining forces witn Nth America that would've created an ALMOST unstoppable superpower? (In the powerful families minds) This was reported on Day 2 of Reiner Fuellmich's Grand Jury hearing. Where 100s of hours of testimony from witnesses of ALL walks of expertise are reporting. This was also interesting that the Canadian flag is just a Maple Leaf. It's not of any value nor consequence. It was just picked cause it was there? A cpl of moral politicians TRIED to block the Bank of England from having the power over Canada however they were both assassinated! (At least 1 of them were? 🤔)
Check Canadian independent journalists and Rebel News.
Rebel News , Vive Frei , Liberty Coaltion Canada , Canada Strong and Free . All kinds by of good sites . use GETTR
And please search for Jody Levergood - she is amazing.
And True North
Thank you so much for this list, T and J.
I was trying to find out what was going on and was (forgive me for this, plus I blush to admit) trying to go to websites such as the TORONTO GLOBE & MAIL.
Didn't know how or where to find the information sites you listed.
Then search on "truck convoy." There were several indie journalists, live-streaming from the convoy site. Of course the convoy is gone, but it's worth watching these after the fact--so you can see what it was like.
My favorite live-streamer is "Viva Frei." Excellent work!!!
That was exactly my theory. The banks were not so fond of losing all their deposits and maybe now they will wake up and realize that The Plan includes eliminating them (retail banks) to establish the Central Bank Digital Currency.
Makes sense. I wouldn't do business with a bank that does that shit. I'd fuckin tell em real quick
Here on the U.S. side of the border, my bank is TD Bank, as in "Toronto Dominion".
I'm closing my account and urging friends who bank with TD to do likewise. And, yes, I plan to write to the stateside CEO to tell him why I'm moving.
I'm looking for a good regional bank. Any recommendations/suggestions from Alex's savvy readers?
Got my elderly mother out of BOA and switched to local Credit Union. Let them know we don't do business with banks that spy on Americans.
Thanks, Truth 101.
Credit Unions were my other option. There's one nearby; I plan to check it out.
I read the senate would never approve. Also I would think the rich would be very worried it could now easily happen to them if they get on the wrong side of black face Hitler. Lawsuits pending scared him I suspect. And yes, run on the banks.
I heard that the rich where exiting Canadian banking and moving their money. Funny how that works.
After this weekend I see no reason FOR ANYBODY to keep large amounts of money in the system. My rule with banks is the same as crypto: Only put in what you can afford to lose.
Any suggestions on alternatives? I'm seriously thinking of buying a small safe and removing all but my bill-paying funds from my bank. I have a small nest egg that I'll be using to live on once I fully retire, and can't afford to lose it.
If there are runs on the banks, we can't have the Great Reset can we?
I was asking myself why he backed off because news-wise nothing had happened to precipitate it. Thanks!
Oh lookie there!!! A war happening….vaccines? What vaccines?
Expect an escalation of some sort around March 1st as the Pfizer clinical trial data gets released.
Let’s see what the state of the union is gonnna be about🙃🙃 I somehow doubt they’ll allow damming Pfizer papers public. They rather crash all servers and burn computers and say it was Putin or Xi or so.
HRC has a team for that!
They're right on time. All that fake waiting for the Olympics to be over...
"Don't change horses in mid-stream!"
"Bare shelves? Inflation? Vaccine damage? Blame Putin!"
"We need to make sacrifices to protect Democracy in the Ukraine!"
The truth is coming out, soon, like a tsunami.
Those of us that suspect what is coming, feel utter sadness because so many have and will be injured.
Yes. But we could be stop it - at least for me, no one wanted to listen to my concerns or caution.
Same. For two years.
Ran out of tinfoil by September 2020 having made all the hats I was instructed to.
Presumably a job for the unvaccinated only?
No, unvaccinated need not apply. Full disclosure, death and disability benefits are not included.
Good point! I wonder if you need to be jabbed for that job?🤣🤣🤣
Make no bones about it the injured are many. My sister has been suffering for 10 months both physically and now mentally as she sees no improvement in site. She was perfectly healthy. We have a useless and corrupt government. Something must be done for these people. they did they right thing now everyone has turned their backs on them including most doctors. It is up to us to help them. there are 2 sites VeDa - C-19 forum and React 19. Your heart will break when you hear their stories. My breaks everyday when I look at my sister.
It is projected Moderna stock will hit 0. Pfizer will hit 10. The little bit of trials they did do shows more deaths in vaccine group than placebo. Of course to hide that they generously gave vaccines to placebo group to kill control group. Yes, these companies are shield from lawsuits, but only if they operated in good faith. They did not.
Yes, my Notre Dame classmate Edward Dowd is predicting the stocks tank in this article:
Yes, read that and also watched interview. What a mess. What is so upsetting is that people willingly took a vaccine that had so little data, experimental, and believed pharma and government would never lie to them. Yet, big pharma has had so many corruption charges and fines if anybody would just look.
Most people were lied to.
"Hello this is NHS damage payment team, how may I help you today?"
"I'm calling on behalf of my son. He was hospitalized for myocarditis after his second dose and is unable to work. When can I receive payments for damage?"
"Silly boy, myocarditis is mild and rare. Haven't you heard? Good day sir, and would you like to schedule a booster?"
"Silly boy, I see his records actually say he was diagnosed with anxiety. We don't compensate for that. No mention of myocarditis in the records, that's really rare. Stop calling us with misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation. I see he has missed 6 boosters now, we'll be happy to schedule an appointment where he can receive them all at once as vaccines are our single most efficient tool out of this pandemic and are safe and effective...he just had anxiety, right? I have Monday at 10 available."
You know it'll be EXACTLY like this.
In other matters...
I just received ANOTHER order for the free government-issued covid home tests.
Yes! That's right!
I ordered a two-pack home test package. And here's a second shipment.
Perhaps whoever is shipping these is also the same as the fraudulent payments for the Payroll Protection Plan.
Just another service provided by the US government.
Made by and supplied by Chyna, courtesy of Brandon who owes the folks who helped his boy Fauci kill and cripple millions of Americans. No worries, though; most of the newly dead had overstayed their terrestrial allotment and were gobbling up Social Security and Medicare funds that could be put to better use by our overlords. I hope none of them died intestate, either, because the powers-that-be will soon seize those assets, too, all part of The Build US Back Better With YOUR STUFF EVIL PLAN. You will have NOTHING and you will be happy.
That’s just a conspiracy theory. I mean just a theory. I mean just the facts.
Don't you mean "his boy Hunter?"
Wait. I'm sure it's both.
Lol my spouse ordered them and still nothing. I was gonna test the cat….
If you don't get yours, I'll send you one of mine. I have a funny feeling there could be more shipments on the way.
Unless they are going to force corrupt big pharma to make these payments, it will end up being the same garbage as the US system for vaccine injuries. A 10 year process where less than 5% ever see a dime.
It'll be a big class-action lawsuit where a bunch of lawyers get rich and the victims get coupons for savings on future Pfizer products.
That’s discouraging but plausible
Always funny to get into an argument with a liberal who demands everyone be vaccinated. Once you bring up "what's the rate of myocarditis in young men jabbed" and what does vaccinated even mean now? That you need to be boosted on top of the jabs and have it be at least six weeks later. You don't get a reply after that because they don't know either answer.
Fauci says now 4 shots, and another on the horizon after those. I think he should get the 'shots,' and I'm not talking jabs.
I was told the risk of uterine rupture in a vbac is higher than myocarditis so what’s the big deal. Apples to oranges? 🤦♀️
In a just world: Let the vaxx-coerced, especially healthcare workers, be at the front of the que for compensation. Followed closely by minors who could not give consent.
Hey, there’s a war on, get with the program, no one gives a shit about Covid anymore…
Besides, war kills people faster than a virus, it’s all about numbers, right?…
Oh no. Camo masks are now standard issue. Right? Cuz masks work!
Russians will make people mask with Saran Wrap around the whole face, until they drop…dead…
The UK has had massive, well-coordinated protests regarding the containment measures and vaccine mandates for many, many months. They've been going after politicians, the BBC and other main stream media, law enforcement, etc. This is, in my opinion, the reason that the UK currently does not resemble Australia, New Zealand and Canada. And British people are becoming more and more furious about the vaccine side-effects and deaths. Therefore, these job postings don't surprise me.
Feullmich (sp?) filed with the ICC on behalf of England. The investigation was given a case number in December of last year.
I just think it is so sad for people that took the shot under duress because they needed to house, feed and clothe their children. Cruel coercion.
I refuse to believe its anything short of a human rights crime. Forced medical experimentation on a societal scale. Evil, all of it.
100% agree. Pure evil.
Sooooo, we weren’t even ALLOWED to publicly state that these vaccines cause harm, and now this very FACT is creating new job opportunities? Wow, Alfred Hitchcock couldn’t even imagine this scenario for one of his thrillers….
I wonder what kind of agreement - gag order? - the vaccine disabled will have to agree to in order to get the pay out.
At that pay level they appear to be wanting to hire monkies……….. and people want MORE government jobs here and socialized everything??? 😩🙄
Button Pushin’ Monkeys.
Do you have to be vaccinated to be eligible for a job with the Vaccine Damage Payment Team?
Not sure I’d want Moderna stock. At least not short term. But in fairness I can say that about all my stocks except the nasty, humanity killing oil rocks I own.
Moderna CEO on Fox Biz this morning. BIG PLANS COMING! They're working on an Omicron vaccine.
Woo. Hoo.
Excellent! Just in time for it to be ineffective against the next variant! But by all means, shoot up!!
But the cdc will say it somehow miraculously will protect you. Fairy dust!
Yeah I switched channels to mix up the lie’s I’m hearing.
Only recently I realized I have suffered two lasting side-effects from my booster in November. The reason I didn't realize the second side-effect was because I've been paying so much attention to the first side-effect, also paying thousands to deal with it. Hopefully within 11 months of getting the booster, the first side-effect will be fully taken care of.
Let's go, Brandon!
I am so sorry to hear this, An Ominous.
I check the web site The Times of Israel every other day or so. Normally a reader is blasted with an overwhelming number of covid headlines and articles. Now you have to scroll and scroll way down to find anything related to covid. US news seems to be the same.
Nevertheless, I am sad to say that my latest foray into a Northern Virginia grocery store yesterday revealed not a single, yes, not a single maskless shopper.
😱 I managed to find a grocery store in the Bay Area with 60% maskless folks this week
I'm near Scranton PA, I'd say half of shoppers are masked. It's surprising. Was in Clearwater Florida last fall, I was shocked because more people wore masks down there than my hometown.
22,500 British pounds per annum is only slightly above $15/hour. Call AOC! Call Bernie! Call Liz the Fake Indian Warren! The humanity!
It'll be subject to income tax and national insurance too, no doubt. So, after that, VAT on most things you buy or anything you have mended, green taxes, road tax, TV license, council tax...
70% of that money is going back to the government.
But you get to live in a rabbit cage, LOL.
Such luxury isn't guaranteed.
It's governemental work (emphasis as always on the 'mental'), meaning you get paid monthly and not based on actual work hours. (Any brit - or is that hate speech nowadays? - might be able to clarify?)
So you have no quota to meet, no real competition as such, and nor real metric for minimum acceptable level of effort. And you boss' wants to file progress reports, not reports of problems unless the problems are external or due to too small a budgetary allowance, so she's not likely to do anything that might splash her.
Best job there is if you just want to cash a paycheck and have no pride or shame.
If it's anything like the vaccine damage compensation system in the USA, Good Luck getting relief !!
It's a lump sum of £120,000. Not a lot of use if you're now disabled for life.
It may be of some help to the seven people who will actually be awarded the claim.
Perfect Job for the Blue Checks and the Elite media.
You are up early Alex. France time zone here.
Edward Dowd says that another growth industry will be super high-end security for CEO's of large corporations who helped bring this mayhem to the common people.
And screw anyone who applies for the job.
"Shocking new data on covid vaccine and booster safety out of Israel and Germany – will covid vaccines overtake Vioxx and thalidomide as the largest ever drug scandal?"
It's not over....We may have to hold our breath indefinitely...........
Now we're going to have to wear masks to safeguard us from this vaccine.
Gates has become a real evil SOB - hasn't he...
I believe he always was, just no one paid any attention.
Oh, so THIS is what they meant by the new normal. Vax injuries are standard. So now we have obesity, allergies, autism, and on and on and on. Perfectly normal.
Check out that salary......that should land some top talent
Pretty much everyone in the UK gets about the same salary. I was told that by one of my kids who works there and is a Dr (veterinarian.)
By design, surely.
Apx $30K US.
This is proof of data-concealment. The governments take forever to do anything, so this has been the plan all along.
I thought there was no liability or compensation if you took the jab. What does this department do? Treat something that doesn't exist? They say it's all in their head.
Whatever happened to Biden’s inner city door knocker task force?
Amazing how we are seeing some of the media (when they are not focused on the Russian invasion) are suddenly talking about how the CDC has kept information from us. Alex, your work has born fruit, it must be a satisfying feeling at last!
All these cowardly conflict-avoiding losers are hideously hilarious: let’s wait for that election in November, let’s just keep negotiating with these sociopaths, who, either will not let us have an election, or just continue to relentlessly blame everything on Trump /Republicans/ conservatives/ and non-Democrats, until finally, they get their minions to just kill us all…
This is why you just have to get into these peoples faces and say in so many words, “fuck you, leave, or die if you come after us!“
But, people won’t do it, so, kiss your loved ones today, I hope the world ends, because it’s already dead anyway…
Cowardice, the complement to sociopathy
Applicant must be fully vaccinated.
Dept. of They Never Learn. (They = government, obviously.)
Job creation! Biden should do that, he can claim job growth! A brand new industry is born out of the “Poison the People Industry.”
An article at says that there are 180 job openings altogether, but I'm not sure if all of them for jab damage: "They are looking to fill up to 180 positions in the Wigan and Preston areas, due to commence in May 2022 onwards, to provide administration for benefits such as Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP), and vaccine damage."
Why do you think they are erasing it? The Embalmers, Insurers are publishing facts they can't refute. What comes in dribs and drabs is the GESTO teachers tactics. No offence to good teachers. My hub taught 20 yrs at the Tech College level, retired as Dept. Chair. It's not just over masks/jabs, but the sexual crap they are calling 1st A or Critical thinking, when it is pure PORN that are against Fed/State laws to minors. Parents are being drug out of townhalls in hancuffs. Nashville Country Singer John Rich is the last spearker, Very much worth watching this video from testimony today on HB1944 by State Representative Scott Cepicky which would create a more accountable process to keep obscene materials out of our public school libraries and curriculum.
Appreciate the efforts of Kristin Benton and a mic drop testimony from John Rich.
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Criminal Justice Subcommittee - Feb 23rd, 2022
Live and Recorded Public meetings of Criminal Justice Subcommittee for Tennessee State Legislature
Of course there's a shit ton of vaccine related deaths, injuries. If you posted on YouTube you got bells palsy from the vaccine they would remove the video. It didn't matter if you had legitimate proof from a doctor, Google doesn't give a fuck. Fbook doesn't give a fuck and Twitter. They will delete your shit real quick if you go against the vaccine.
I wonder if vaccination is a job requirement??
Goodbye contact tracers, hello vax damage claim adjusters...
CDC needs name change to CYA.
How ironic would it be for this position to require that the person be vaxxed?
You are becoming quite the comedian. I love your sarcasm! I need a good laugh and you are providing it.
this is nothing but gov't funded hush $
Do you have to be fully vaccinated to get the job? 😜
Lol. This is why the media is trying to blow up a minor skirmish between Russia and Ukraine into WWII. The wheels have totally come off and Pfizer is coming up on their first deadline to release a massive amount of clinical trial data.
This one's going the distance. For all intents and purposes, Ukraine is now Russia.
The big question is whether Putin goes after former Eastern Bloc countries which are in NATO.
Russia-Ukraine is not minor my friend; you are sorely mistaken about that.
This is the next step. The pharma companies have been immunized from liability with an effective vaccine, but the lawyers that support these governments must still get their grift in huge settlements. That leaves it on the taxpayer head.
Not necessarily. If they've commited fraud in the safety trials, that indemnity is null and void. Hence the 75 years to...