As a practicing Muslim, I find these characters using religious imagery in their sales pitch to be repugnant.

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As we all do my friend.

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Yes and I also find it repugnant as a human being.

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Congrats, you found something that can unite us - even the atheists!

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This Christian does too. Hochul compared herself to Jesus Christ. A form of extreme blasphemy for us.

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I'm afraid franklin graham damaged his own heart and health with his God complex pushing jabs on everyone he could possibly convince. Never speak for God or Jesus. If someone says "God told me you should do ______" you just experienced a manipulating narcissist. Too many ppl taken advantage of by this self seeking tactic, expecially by clergy and preachers! He truly said "jesus would get vaccinated". His neice also had 2 heart attacks in January of this year...wonder if that was the vaxx? she had NO pre-existing heart issues and 40ish . Franklin proudly showed his booster selfie last fall and was in surgery for pericarditis 3 weeks later removing his heart sac! Why has he not connected the dots yet and come clean to the public with truth? that is called self deception and it is what we struggle with daily! Be humble, it is the only way to hear God. Yes, this sounds like judgement on my part! I'm sick of the hypocricy, and I am one too, but we need to speak truth and confess our absolute need for God and not our own knowledge.

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I did not know this about Franklin Graham. I agree with everything you wrote. There are many deceivers around us and being humble and quiet is one way to perceive them.

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Frankie Graham got his message from Frances Collins. Not exactly a word from the Lord.

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Being young while on Earth, Jesus would be at little risk of COVID if living here today. My guess is that he would rather trust in the Father. I'm sadly surprised by Franklin's take. Blind faith in Fouci is far from the teachings of the Bible...

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Jesus explicitly didn't believe in contagion and thought handwashing was irrelevant to health. He knew that health was attached to the soul (mind body connection).

2000 years later Ryke Hamer proved that Jesus was right through German New Medicine.

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Jesus began his ministry by casting out Devil's. No one had ever done that before and that's mostly what he was doing in the beginning of his ministry. Then he would heal people of anything up to and including death. If you don't believe he actually lived or you believe he actually lived but he was just a really spiritual guy, the bible's mostly made up, that's one thing, but the bible says he was God in the flesh. And that he created the universe!

To think he could enter into Hell for 3 days to make changes there before "raising himself from the dead" but that he would need an experimental gene therapy that failed miserably in clinical trials to protect himself from Covid beggars belief.

I don't have any problem with people not believing the bible. But to believe just a little bit of it while believing it's mostly lies shows a profound lack of knowledge of what it says. It could not stand if it was party lies. Especially if you rely only on the KJV. The intricacy and interconnectedness is unlike anything else.

It seems there's an epidemic of people believing bits and pieces of things that support their particular narrative. What's wrong with periodically having major portions of you world model destroyed? When I discovered bailiwicknews a few weeks ago I felt physically I'll for days. Seeing all the laws and regulations they'd made to make this plandemic happen removed at least one veil of illusion and seeing what was behind it hurt like hell.

On the upside, I've stopped prepping.

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So true! I appreciate Franklin Graham and his desire to help New York with his field hospital. However, that also gave him a close view of NYC’s terrible corruption and should have made him wiser about the shot. It would be profound for these people to admit they were wrong.

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His field hospital was good, but empty.

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Not sure it's hypocrisy, but lack of discernment. Keeping company--and currying favor with--the wicked just because of their wealth or celebrity status.

The evangelicals bought into the "brain chemical imbalance" put out by psychiatry/big pharma for decades before. Hard to say how many people had their lives destroyed by becoming involuntary drug addicts. All with their churches' full approval.

They didn't know because they didn't care so they didn't learn. Now Big Pharma is coming for them, and they remain blind and dumb. They started down this path forty years ago.

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Totally agree with you

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Well said!

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I'm surprised she's still alive. Blasphemy is punishable by death.

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Funny how millions of Muslims don't actually do the terrible things other people keep telling us our religion teaches us to do. Wishing you peace.

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It's called Divide and Conquer. They've been doing it to the Black and Jewish people forever.

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Only takes a million lunatics to ruin it for everybody. What is 1/10th of one percent of a billion?

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It’s not over, yet... 😎

“The wages of sin is death” Judaeo Christian Bible

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But by the time you take out for taxes, it’s just a tired feeling.

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OMG you are so witty. This made me laugh out loud. I need to write it down so I can "borrow" it sometime.

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Feel free to use it. I "stole it" from an old comedy skit by Paula Poundstone. I think it was an HBO special called Women of the Night (from the 80's). It still makes me laugh.

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That's from the New Testament book of Romans, part of the Christian Bible and most definitely not anything "Judaeo Christian". The New Testament is repudiated if not reviled by Jewish organised religion, if you weren't aware.

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"Reviled" is a bit extreme. The New Testament is not part of our theology. We understand its huge for Christians though. We just don't believe it.

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DG or Alan. I'm asking an honest question here. 58 years old, never a conspiracy theorist. Discovered all this stuff because of Covid and skimmed 20 books trying to find out if the 13 tribes of the Illuminati are somehow related to the 13 tribes of Israel (Joseph's sons received split inherentance), about 20 books trying to find out if Ashkenazi are ethnic Jews or Khazarian and about 20 books about Jewish religious beliefs. I actually went a lot further than that but...

My conclusions, besides most people are psycho and that explains most of these books (Israel Shahak for example), are: 1. the illuminati question is a mystery. Too many made up alternative theories. 2. Ashkenazi are ethnic Jews 3. Most religious Jews are Talmudists meaning they don't believe in the God of the bible or the old testament.

I could go further and ask if the lost tribes of Israel are true, which I think it is, in which case are todays Jews primarily descendants of the Tribe of Judah (and Benjamin and Levi) or was there a smattering of Hebrews in Judah around the time of the Assyrian captivity which preserved their lineage?

I could go on for weeks with questions. These are some of the biggest mysteries today. Can you give me any opinions or list some books that are definitive or mention a website or forum which is a more appropriate place to ask about this.

What I discovered so far was one book on Jewish genetic heritage and one on the captivities which were from academia and were so credible and full of overwhelmingly detailed evidence that they wiped away all the other claims.

But I'm not aware of a credible book on Talmudism or a trustworthy English translation of the Talmud. Then there's Kabbalah. And none of this matters without knowing the prevalence of these beliefs withing the community.

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🙏🏼 for your comment I tried to “like it” ♥️ but that feature just wouldn’t work

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When you do bad things?


Moral Relativism is A LIE


Is LITERALLY “live” spelled backwards…

I’m not talking “doctrinal religious ideology” specific to only one sect of one man made religious order

I am speaking in a common tongue of basic truths-

“for what does it profit a man to gain the whole world 🌎

and lose his soul“ - Holy Bible

That’s another quote from the same doctrine


THERE’s a true meaning inherent at its core & you can know that true meaning


Knowing that?

Will make you free🙏🏼

May God bless you &

all the good that you do🙏🏼🌹

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I’m surprised Hochul is still alive too. mRNA jab is punishable by death. That is, if she actually got the real thing and not saline!

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She's the one with the vile necklace that says Vaxxed.....no other words for her. She's not human in my opinion.

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She is one of the most dimwitted politicians I've ever heard speak.

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she actually said this?!

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She told people in a church, "I need you to be my apostles."

And held up a tiny model syringe which she wore around her neck like a cross or crucifix.


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thanks for the link! this is sick.

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I think a year ago????? She said something about “ my apostles”. Geez! Not very bright!

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Yes, she did at a church in my neighborhood. The full audio is astounding. She essentially told the congregation that they are the "good and smart blacks" while those who didn't take the shots aren't meant for greatness.

Of course, the crowd clapped. But when she said that she wanted them to be her apostles, they quieted down and she pivoted to racial injustice. She even wore a "vaxxed" necklace to that church rather than a cross.

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Oh, I’m seeing this was from September 2021. Doesn’t change how disgusted I feel. But glad it’s old news. Hoping it stays this way.

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I recall Hochul, several months ago, wearing a little hypodermic syringe on a chain around her neck like a religious talisman.

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As a Jew, same.

[Hey, this can be one of those threads with every religion under the sun can participate! And atheists too!]

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As an Aethiest, I'm with you all.

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right on

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How about agnostics? Atheists get all the press and we're the chopped liver.

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Look, no one said you were chopped liver. It's just that God loves atheists more.

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No offense meant, but isn’t the literal meaning of agnostic “no knowledge”? I mean just saying.

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Pretty sure that's true. Most atheists are also agnostic.

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What about aesthetic agnostics that dress in robes like Jesus because they like the look but struggle with the concepts and stories about the creator of the fashion?

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Perhaps. Nevertheless, having found myself in the company of T.H. Huxley, Clarence Darrow, Albert Einstein, & W.C Fields, to that we say, "Phooey!"

I suggest to you that were everyone agnostic, there would be far fewer problems in the world today. And yesterday.

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How about us antitheistic asherim (Hebrew for asuras)? I don't believe atheism is even possible; it would mean "no devil". "Theo" is just a Greek perversion of Deba, which means devil, though the Hindus are loathe to admit it. Ask the Zoroastrians.

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Bro, yes. It's why idolatry is an unforgiveable sin.

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And do you think Christians and Jews don’t find them repugnant? These various speakers are inspired directly by Satan himself.

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I was simply speaking for myself, without denying how any other believer feels. And as we can see on this thread, people of all religions and no religion share the sentiment. Salaam and peace.

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It is repugnant to people of good faith to use anyone’s God to sell a product. However it is also ridiculous, somewhat like a television evangelist.

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"people of good faith". You meant to do that, right?

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I was doing the same, just letting all know that the lies we're constantly subjected to are objectionable to all good people, but especially objectionable to those of faith.

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All of this madness was contrived and implemented by a hierarchy that resides above the sovereignty of nations, at the very top of the global power structure. One does not simultaneously shut the entire world down over a cold virus, without first having control of every government on earth.

This ridiculous war is simply the next phase of the global enslavement directive that began in earnest with the lockdowns in 2020.

All governments are controlled by their central bank. In turn, all central banks are controlled by the BIS - the central bank of central banks. And the BIS is controlled by...

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws."-Mayer Amschel Rothschild

With their printed imaginary fiat, they control the minds of men and thus, all nations. The love of money really is the root of all evil.


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I've watched hundreds of hours of interviews with Jessie. She has some articles in text at foxyfox at substack. Less time consuming and more organized. Illuminati Players and the Battlefield from Nov. 30, 2022 is the place to start.

She claims the Rothschilds are only one of the families that is responsible for the financial concerns of the "Brotherhood" (not to be confused with Freemasonry). But there are other concerns and several levels above that. It's actually run by women, partly to mock God and partly because of their spiritual gifts.

Her claims keep getting further and further out there. These ruling "committees" get to the point were most of the members are spiritual entities.

But one thing she claims that I've found in several other credible bible based sources is that there is a Dark Side Luciferian system and a Light Side Luciferian system. What's occurring now is the transition of power from the Dark Side to the Light Side.

As far as I'm aware, this has never happened before. Baal, Moloch and Astaroth (from whom the Astor's took their name) are Satan's top Dark Side generals. We've never heard the name of a single Light Side fallen angel. They've always been in the background.

I don't know if any of this is true and would advise spending only a little bit of time on it if curious. The breadth and depth of nonsense going around today is incredible, especially from people with a spiritual bent. A sign of the times.

I personally will be spending more time with Peter S Ruckman's Commentary on Revelation and the like.

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As a practicing Christian, I too find it repugnant. It would seem to be a violation of the Third Commandment.

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not practicing any religion at the moment but totally agree with you !

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Covidianism is the nwo religion

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Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, said an Orthodox Christian. Amen Amin!

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Excellent & unique perspective 🙏🏼thanks for that

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The very same people who wish to remove GOD from the founding fathers wisdom for the country...ohhh the irony. Just as the CCP replaced GOD giving the Chinese people no inherent protections from tyranny there are those in the Washington swamp and known elites who see the CCP as the perfect model, and GOD stands in their way within the United States constitution. Only GOD gives me and US our inalienable rights.

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I agree. I worked in China and saw how miserable the CCP made people's lives. I also saw a deep hunger for faith. I went to houses of worship of different religions, including a thousand-year-old mosque in Beijing. And they were filled with young Chinese people asking questions and seeking to learn more about what the government told them was just the "opiate of the masses."

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No one should worship MAN or the Government. Never EVER ends well

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all narcissists.

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Truly stomach turning. Yuck

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What kind of god gave him two arms and NO BRAIN?!

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Good point

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As a responsible caring attentive human being who expects accountability and consistency in people of positions of power authority and influence, these Dishonest Incompetent Corrupt Kooks, as in diseased DICKs, need to be so relentlessly marginalized and ostracized into painful humiliating irrelevance and deserved disdain, they run to prey on other cultures, or, attack without cause and get put down like the rabid dogs they are!

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As a practicing Catholic, I find it repugnant. God does not want us using products tainted with aborted fetuses, no matter how remote-and no matter what the Pope says.

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This pope is no Pope, not in the true moral sense

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I agree. Scary globalist-wolf in sheep's clothing. We try to practice our Catholic faith as Jesus intended.

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Not a Catholic but pro Life. This was one of the big reasons I refused these shots. All my family dismissed what I told them as "conspiracy theories" though it's not hard to verify. But they won't look at anything I send.

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Yes, I know the feeling. I have lost even Catholic friends over this.

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I can't see the sales pitch for some reason. but I'm sure I would agree with you.

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The pitch is using the "superior morality" hook. 'A truly good and moral person would follow this dictate from on high, and if you don't..you are damned.' Nothing beats this hook in a sales pitch except for an outright appeal to fear.. which the superior morality pitch also incorporates. I don't want to be damned, do you? Sells almost every time.

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Yes, Kathy’s fervor has sort of a Salem Witch Trials vibe.

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Just what the Nazi’s used …. and we didn’t learn very well from it, did we …

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Moderna is already pushing a 6-1 Covid/Influenza/RSV shot. You have to be out of your mind to roll up your sleeve at this point.

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the one they have tested on 8 mice and they all got sick

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100% effective. Excellent!

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I'm just wondering where they stick the Monkeypox vaccine since that is more or less an STD in the West....................

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well they can stick that you-know-where !

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In the tail

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LOL, think the answer is kinda obvious🙊😝

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Well, they have utterly destroyed the mitochondrial foundations of just about every child in the Western world already with their 72 and counting early childhood vax's. And gotten filthy rich and incredibly powerful doing it, with very little pushback. As few parents ever stood up aganist these viscous assaults on their offspring, why wouldn't those adults now be the next cash cow targets?

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Any reason why 72 shots for a child? Is this the result of their parents never being taught, as kids themselves, any science or critical thinking? Somehow, those of us older than 50 have survived without 72 shots and I do like my chicken pox scars, thankyou very much.

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It's the result of being taught to worship, no questions asked (or permitted), scientism.

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So the rest of us must endure their stupidity! What a freakin' mess.

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Agreed. these "spiteful mutants" with purple hair, lard bellies and air in lieu of a cerebrum, would not have survived 150 years ago, in any civilization on the planet. We need to raise our standards, and lose our misplaced and exploited compassion for miscreants.

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It’s the result of ALL liability being removed for vaccine manufacturers in 1986. With no more manufacturer liability for injury and death, we went from 12 shots between 2 months and 14 years old in 1986, to 72 (and climbing) today.

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My youngest had a total of 17 shots in his life. My older sons had less. I’d venture a guess that they had maybe 7-8 until the oldest joined the military. They are healthy and never had much in the way of illness.

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More money for Big pHarma.

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That’s why God gave Michelle Obama all those sleeveless outfits. No rolling up required.

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My right deltoid muscle has never, ever, not even for one moment, stopped aching, hurting, feeling inflamed, painful and weak, etc. since the day I got my second Pfizer poison injection in that muscle. In fact it has continually become more painful and inflamed, not less, ever since that day (April 19, 2021.) I imagine there's a tumor growing in that damaged tissue, and that I'll end up dying from it sooner or later. And that's far from the worst of the injuries I've suffered as a result of the poison injections.

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Try drinking star anise tea a couple times a day. Not doling out medical advice. This makes a tasty tea with benefits.😃

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I take that as well. Spent my entire vacation sick as a dog, as soon as I got home, started taking it again and feel 100%. I take it because I had a nasty case of Delta and ‘suspect,’ an allergy to double boosted. Family members have caused rashes, hives, swollen lymph nodes and severe sore throats. I’ve attended my last family reunion. 😎

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Morphine is what I need, unfortunately. I'm experiencing horrific, massive post-covid-vax inflammation which attacks many parts of my body, causing anything from general malaise and sickness to intolerable, excruciating, completely disabling pain. At the moment I'm suffering from extreme lower back pain which has almost completely disabled me. I literally can barely move. I'm drinking vodka and grapefruit juice as a tried-and-true pain remedy, in order to save my pitifully small stash of opiate pain pills for when the pain becomes truly intolerable, at which point I won't be sitting at the computer writing comments like this.

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I’m sorry. I can’t imagine what it would be like to take the shots on faith and find out the facts later.

Have you seen a doctor about it?

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No. I'm done with conventional western medicine, and I can't afford to go to holistic, alternative health practitioners. I'm entirely on my own. I expect to never see a doctor or health practitioner of any kind for the rest of my life.

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I understand…luckily we’ve found a new DO that’s no vaxxed & admits he’s seeing the harm from the vaxx!

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Look into Chlorine Dioxide. It is cheap and you can make it yourself. It helps clear up many conditions. Search for Jim Humble and Andreas Kalcker. There are also telegram channels that are very helpful.

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The doctors will deny the vaccine caused any problem whatsoever. “Coincidence” is their favorite word. I got sick after a conventional tetanus shot several years ago. Was practically laughed out of the doctor’s office when I went back on another matter and said, “by the way, the tetanus shot caused me problems”.

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So sorry. There are actually some websites that suggest remedies. Don't know if they work or not, but certainly far less toxic than the shot - or most every other medicine we're offered by western medicine. One thing I've heard that might help is Vitamin C injections. The other is large dose Vitamin D3. I would suggest you research them both as well as anything else you might discover on the internet.

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Please visit with a caring, competent functional health professional for a detox protocol

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Thinking of you & hopeful you will be healed over time & live much much much longer!!!

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I hope you are wrong.

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Somehow I doubt that she will ever take it......

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Of course not.

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Maybe ask to see the data sheet for any shots from now on. These sheets are required to accompany all approved drugs.

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I think there was someone who incognito filmed while asking for it, and the pharmacist came back with a huge, all blank, page that was the insert to one of the jabs.

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Yep, if they are so wonderful why not remove the EUA? .... then they'd need to release the list of ingredients

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Because that would open Pharma to HUGE liability suits.

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