I will need to get some new conspiracy theories, my old ones have come true.

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As Tucker Carlson says (and perhaps many others), we should stop calling them conspiracy theories and start calling them spoiler alerts.

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I only know about Alex and Substack because Alex is a frequent guest on Tucker's show. Tucker gets huge credit for being fearless in having guests like Alex.

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I like how Tucker frequently calls politicians and officials stupid, morons, low IQ, not very smart, and worse. I sometimes worry that he will get sued for slander, but then those whom he derides would have to prove they are not as he describes them, and they would lose.

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Public officials can't sue citizens for saying bad things about them.

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I forgot, he also says the same thing about other journalists, usually on CNN or MSNBC.

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I have noticed how much more angry he has become in the past year. (Also Dennis Prager). Society has become sad, people are snapping.

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How could you not get righteously angry?

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Neither Tucker or Dennis Prager have "snapped".

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It has to do with his contract if you do some digging as to why he's given more freedom.

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I didn't come up to the details about his contract, but in a slander case against him Fox lawyers had the case dismissed based on precedent, that his show and its type of rhetoric is opinion and uses hyperbole.

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I heard he took less money to have more freedom of content. Amazing!

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Have to thank Alex for all his work. I first came across him in his reporting about the effects of marijuana. Then around April maybe last year when he was on a radio talk show from I think Chicago. He and Ivor Cummins in Ireland have been the two that I have turned to this last 18 months to get the straight goods. Excellent reporting.

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He and Alex wont discuss election fraud though which is discouraging

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Alec believes we're morons and losers for recognizing strategically located election fraud, and Tucker uncynically "reported" Fulton's "water main break" on election night and has yet to recognize obvious fraud, which makes him an accomplice in my book. So there you go.

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Well reasoned.

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They are actually conspiracies when they are true. Learning the factual etymology and proper usage of words in their non-corrupted definitions is what makes a nation more intelligent, truthful, accurate and wise.

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Find a Webster's Dictionary, 11th Collegiate, and look up "conspiracy theory." I've had this discussion before. I'm not the one who needs the education.

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Holy shit. Did you clowns even read the article?

"To be clear, the scientists did NOT prove the spike protein was causing these problems in people, or even animals. Nor did they show they had found the spike protein in human nuclei following the administration of Covid vaccines. Their research was confined to cells - in vitro, not in vivo."

I swear you all live in another reality. Tucker? Really?

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Did you read the last two paragraphs? I've seen scientists run with a lot less evidence (*cough* masks *cough*). And, yes, Tucker really.

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Nov 5, 2021
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Tucker is about the bravest more mainstream pundit I've found. He was the reason I started watching Fox at all. And I love Greg Gutfeld's show, not just for the political humor. Some of the conversations among the four panelists and him have me rolling on the floor. But, yes, I think they do follow Alex Berenson and others on Substack.

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Nov 5, 2021
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Nov 5, 2021
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Alex lies a lot with truth intermingled.. it makes me quite mad as one who used to be a supporter of him since a little before the 911 event... but when you take on the work to do your own deep, daily diligent digging / research, you find he is like a minefield of lies and anywhere where you do not step on a mine, is truth. Really sickens me to my core how he mixes truth with deceit/lies.. the man blasphemes consistently the very Jesus he claims to worship, makes me so furiously righteously indignant sinning not praying that the Lord have mercy on this blasphemous cunning deceiver to truly give him a true Damascus road conversion since for example, he truly lives on the land of Proverbvs 17:15 Deuteronomy 18, Matthew 13:14-15, 15:7-9, 19:16-19 (v 18), 24:11, 24, Mark 7:6-9, 10:19, Luke 13:1-5, 22-30, 18:18-20 (v 20), 2Cor 11:13, 26, 2Tim 4:3-4, Titus 1:10-16, 1John4:1, 5-6, 2Pet2:1-3, 12-22, 3:15-16, Rev 3:15-16, 21 (verse 8), 22 (specifically 15-16), Romans 16:18, etc.

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Alex Jones' psychosis has gotten much worse over the past several years.

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I would agree, but his earlier years still are quite the competition.

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Nov 5, 2021
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Might be true.

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I ran out of tinfoil a while back.

Tinfoil out of stock.

No tinfoil.

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Right...damn. Don't want to think these clowns are TRYING to kill us but they keep giving us evidence that at least suggests that they are or they are just ridiculously incompetent. Maybe I should embrace the power of AND.

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I know, right? So damn true.

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What movie is the plot of again? Aeon Flux? Resident Evil? Walking Dead?

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Nov 6, 2021
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Ah, don’t forget the Hunger Games

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I have a t-shirt with the same statement as yours 😂

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hil-effing-larious, kudos ; )

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Nov 5, 2021
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Or many that were true, but falsely called theories to hide the fact they are true.

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It is just more proof that the people who are refusing to get jabbed with these experimental drugs are the smart ones.

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I don’t see most getting the vax as unintelligent. I see them as good people who were lied to by evil politicians and criminal Pharma. Let’s not berate them and divide ourselves as the before mentioned evil ones would like. Let’s fight for them and their freedoms too, so they’ll never be forced again to take something they don’t want or need. We in the unvaxxed are in the minority now, and only through respect and understanding will we grow our numbers. Let’s get these good people on our side in this fight!

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Absolutely, We were all anxious to get back to "Normal" . I don't fault anyone who go the Jab, I just hope nothing happens to them, period ! United We Stand !

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Many of us have vax’d family members. I am worried sick that they will get cancer.

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Watch them closely. Look for anything that seems off and make sure they get medical tests as needed. Be their protector!

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OMG. Me too……

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Me too...Shingles, weird infections, sepsis in my vaxx'd family members (and my sister is actually considering getting her young children vax'd (OH. MY. GOD.). I am a primary care provider- I've had pt with spinal blood clots (paralyzed now), weird cancers..scary, scary, scary

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Indeed, I have family members who were injected early on before we knew much of what we know now. They understand they made a mistake. Two have suffered serious, though not debilitating, damage to their health. I wish I'd become suspicious sooner so I could have offered warning.

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But they wouldn't have done anything differently.

A dozen of my husband and my siblings have gotten the jab. We and a couple of my sisters have not. We did try to gently encourage a "break from the narrative and do a little research first" to the others to no avail.

Only one has gotten what I consider a fairly serious adverse effect: chronic "headache" on the left side of his face which developed less than a week after his second jab. He has had it since early June now.

I wasn't willing to cave to those pressuring me to get it either, though so, why should I expect they behave differently.

At this point, all I can do is be ready and available to help if called upon in the future.

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Likewise, I have some family members who were and are utterly credulous. I don't think they would have heeded any warning.

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Flccc has protocols for vaccine injury. I hope that relative is doing something to try to resolve that issue.

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Some good doctors are developing protocols to get the vax out of cells. FLCCC is a good place to start. Blessings to you and everyone's families❤

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I’m interested in this. Can you help me out with a web site?? Guess I’m a little slow….

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Not at all, i should have posted this with my reply, and as you can see, it is specifically given by LoveOneAnother below:)


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So there is protocols to get the vaccine out of cells after being injected, or is this mostly if you're experiencing side affects?

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Seems it would be a good idea either way. See the link below.

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I’m afraid there is no way to reverse the damn jab. ☹️

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Nov 6, 2021
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Me too

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Indeed...two of my adult children and most of my wife's family got the vaccine...if anything happens to my children.

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I aggressively warned friends and family from DayOne and my close family has stayed unvaxxed but our friends wanted to travel so they took the jab. NONE of them are taking the boosters and they regret being vaxxed. So far only 1 has become extremely fatigued shortly after.

We don’t hang out with anyone that has been recently vaxxed because of the shedding of the spike protein.

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Sure would be nice to know more about shedding. My husband caved and got the jab so he could feel normal at work (every single other person is vax’d and they were making him stay out of in-person meetings etc.). Is it unsafe for us to be in the same house? For how long? I don’t know who to trust or what to think. I wanted him to just quit, but he wouldn’t.

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Best guess is that shedding lasts for 2 weeks since that is about the length of time a body will create the spike proteins.

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Please look into obtaining Ivermectin for both of you to use. According to https://covid19criticalcare.com and https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org, Ivermectin can be used post-vaccination. https://www.pushhealth.com/ is where I was able to get a prescription for my daughter (I also got a protocol for myself at AFLDs but it was VERY expensive). You have to call around your area to find a pharmacy that is willing to order it for you when you get the Rx from Push Health. Make sure you have that info to give to the doctor at the website. Good luck.

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Right there with you. Both of my sons took it and I worry....all the time!

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A friend who has looked into this in some depth, wrote:

"There were four 'grades' of toxicity in ALL the batches, and then a fifth grade of saline.

But, it seems now that this might not be the case, and that the lower

grades, (if they existed), were too watered-down to have a negative effect.

So, at the moment, I think we can assume that the poisonous vaccines only represent 5% of the total being injected.

This would account for the masses of double-vaccinated people at sporting events who are exhibiting no side effects."

Video on this:


So here's hoping. My grown son, only child, has had it over my objections.

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Two things will happen to most of us. We will quickly realize just how stupid we were, or we will be living with an unlivable guilt.

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You don't fault anyone who got the jab? What if they were warned and warned not to get it and because of pride, naivete and foolishness, they still went and now are part of the problem getting adverse reactions or dying? Something WILL happen to them because it's in the inherent reality these are mRNA shots, some people won't show effects at first for some but the fact remains their DNA has been altered, and their immune systems have been compromised, and within the next several years there is such a higher chance of getting cancer, heart problems, neurological etc and even death as planned! How can one stand united with folks who are dangerous to society? Look up Dr. Judy Mikovits to see a well-experienced microbiologist view on the cancers and more that are coming.

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The division between the Jabbed and Un-Jabbed is exactly what the elitist pigs want....We have to Unite if we want to go back to a normalcy" we had 24 months ago. This bickering is doing no one any good. And I hoping no harm comes to those who jabbed is not the same as I know that harm will be done. I , for one, don't plan on saying "I told you so" to Family,Friends and Neighbors.

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The quadruple-jabbed will be the new "model minority" pitted against the merely double- and triple-jabbed and used as a way to say hey, people are happy to get quadruple-jabbed so all of you should too.

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Well stated! I have thought the same thing and I won't be surprised if continues to getting your 10th shot if you are not dead yet and all those with 9 shots are 2nd class rabble citizens.

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Your speculation is the other extreme end of ‘safe and effective’. Reality is that we don’t know. And most of the people that took the shot were simply trusting institutions that they shouldn’t have trusted anymore. Some people were radicalized into branch covidians by media, but most of them are good people that thought they could trust the experts.

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Come on. Warned by who? I wouldn't begrudge a Fox viewer who didn't see a warning CNN made. Or vice versa. You are expecting people who have done great in their lives listening to the mainstream experts to suddenly stop because some people on the internet are saying this is a bad idea? I'm here by friggin accident. I watched Rogan (I'm an occasional fan) talk to Dr. Guppta and happened to see on my Twitter thread someone says, hey if you think that was an important conversation watch him talk to Berenson. I had no friggin idea 4 weeks ago. And I was aware of some of the BS around early treatment. 'They were warned', no we aren't. The warning system was supposed to be the FDA and CDC or mainstream news. People need to be realistic in their expectations of one another and realize systems fuck us up pretty good. I'm on this side of it, your on that side of it, etc.

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It’s good you woke up. Welcome to the team

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Thanks but I'm not all the way there yet. This blog and Darkhorse have made me want to ask questions but I still think the Vaccine has helped the most vulnerable and conceptually wasn't a bad idea. But I respect those that disagree. Don't know who is right and wish the stakes weren't so high.

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Many people early on in the rollout took it in good faith. Some decided to hold off until more evidence came out. I’ve been on the fence for months then saw what was happening in Israel and then came across Dr Peter McCullough and Prof Bakhdi. That was enough for me to get to the NFW side of the fence.

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Nov 6, 2021
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I get my news from Progressive YouTubers and will listen to Joe Rogan a bit. So I've been outside of the mainstream for politics for a while. But before, when I wasn't paying attention, I was a moderate democrat and picked up a vague sense of what things were from Jon Stewart and SNL, and a little bit of reading. When I started listening to the more Progressive YouTubers and smaller independent outlets, I thought some of what was said was crazy but it was something I could have on in the background while I worked on tedious tasks. Over time, realized that New Media got some stories right that cable news didn't. And covered stories that weren't covered. That was disorienting. But all my friends and family are still in the moderate/mainstream camp. If I told them what I thought they'd think I was crazy.

Then again these days we all think of each other crazy. My parents watch Fox News. My sisters seemingly get information from CNN or CBS. We respect and love each other but there are times where we may as well be at the Tower of Babylon talking different languages. (I may want to flesh this idea out a bit more in a post)

So yeah, some of what your saying sounds outlandish but I suspect there is merit to a lot of it. I'm not convinced enough, or can't summon enough conviction, to overrule what most of my friends and family will be doing. I agree the odds for harm from the virus for children are small but I think the odds of side effects will be a bit smaller (but I'm not sure about this) and will take mitigate the worst outcomes such as long covid, MIS-C, and whatever else happens when the case gets severe enough that we don't know about yet.

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Get off your high horse. We have too many non-vaxers thinking they are superior to everyone else. They are oh so smart. Able to see the truths that nobody else can see. I didn't get the vax but that doesn't make me smarter than anyone else. Those who virtue signal about not getting the vax are as bad those who virtue signal about having gotten it. They reek of pomposity and the need to hold themselves up as examples of what the perfect man should be.

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"Get off your high horse."

You already start in a way a that is akin to getting on a horse when you have never ridden one before falsely believing you know what you are doing because you saw it on TV and within seconds the horse throws you off air launching you high and you land real hard and crack your neck and die because you didn't have the experience to know it was a rodeo horse. So, I'm not on a high horse if you actually knew me face to face, so clearly you are quite self-deceived you have perspicaciousness you do not and you are also performing eisegesis with my words coupled with the spiritually double-minded-unstable-in-all-one's-ways (Book of James) issue of believing the man you see in the mirror is instead of yourself. Are you American? If so, you're making the minority of charitable, decent, spiritually mature, intellectually acute, humble and wise Americans look like typical arrogant, proud, swollen-headed and haughty hyper-hypocrites.

"...We have too many non-vaxers thinking they are superior to everyone else. They are oh so smart."

I again, do not think i am superior to others. You are actually revealing your own character by way of your own reply which reveals how seriously illusory your self-convinced belief is that you have X-Men sixth sense. By the way, it's not a vaccine, so like Jesus made quite clear in Luke 12:26 and Luke 16:12, if you can't get something simple correct, then your attempt at much greater things, there's a far higher chance it will be a self-induced self-offing.

"... Able to see the truths that nobody else can see."

More of the same as above. BTW God/Jesus makes clear that His true born again remnant adopted children, *because of Him, not them,* He grants them His Holy Spirit through a Damascus road conversion which takes them out of spiritual darkness so they can actually see things that they did not see before when they were unsaved. So I thank God/Jesus for that w/ all that i am and worship Him with all that i am for what He has done for a wretch like me who lived a life of much sin before He saved me, so it is not something of my own doing, but the profound great transformational work that the Lord does to them who humble themselves before Him, repent truly and believe truly on Him to be born again from above. Clearly the Lord has yet to give you a Damascus conversion and i will pray for you it happens asap because as Jesus the Christ charges me to tell you, because if you die today unsaved, you will end up in the Lake of Fire by your own choice by rejecting His true Gospel Mark 1:15/John3:3-16/Galatians 1:7-9 etc.

"... I didn't get the vax but that doesn't make me smarter than anyone else. "

It's not a vaccine. Actually it does make you more intelligent in this area/you do have better intelligence this matter than those who did get the killshot, and you can still be such w/o it meaning that somehow you're better than them in some carnal way, you made a wise choice, they did not.

"...Those who virtue signal about not getting the vax are as bad those who virtue signal about having gotten it."

I'm not morally grandstanding, just doing what Jesus the Christ commands w/o hypocrisy, you keep shooting yourself figuratively in the head. Sigh.

".. They reek of pomposity and the need to hold themselves up as examples of what the perfect man should be."

If you knew me face to face you'd know i'm not pompous or have a need to hold myself up as examples of what the perfect mann should be when i know i'm a lowly servant of the Lord and imperfect, but obey the Lord to judge righteous judgment which means w/o hypocrisy which in the eyes of the Lord, is not vanity/pride/ego/hubris etc but doing what is truth and righteous in the eyes of the Lord.

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I'm sorry but you seem to have the words but not the heart when it comes to sharing the good news. There was no need for that long rant but you couldn't resist. Your prideful claims and stance will turn people off not only to the anti-vax viewpoints we share but also to the faith you claim to have.

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Like my own parents that has a pcp told them to get and flu shots this year. My 93 and 96 year old grandparents refused, likening it to the flu shot. They got the flu shot and got the flu so never did again. So 30 years later they are alive and well and living on their own. My mother did refuse the flu shot this year due to them not giving her one saying they were out of the 65 yr plus shot. She found that suspicious. Why do older people have a different shot? Now she started researching and came upon Bill Gates. Believes they are culling off the elderly. This is a lady that has never seen the ocean nor been on a plane. Everytime we talk we discuss the vax and both my parents regret the shot and say they will never take another vax again. My Dad almost died of Mumps as a child and is a real believer of a vax, now he is not so sure anymore. Says he will not go to the hospital if it he gets covid. Does not trust them anymore. They have never thought to research this info before.

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Our family doc just told us if you begin to experience symptoms Do Not Go to Hospital. He said come see him and he’ll put us on the ivermectin protocol. He said if you go to the hospital there is a very high likelihood you’ll not come home.

You all may want to find a doctor that hasn’t been bought by big pharma so you can create a plan for the possibility of contracting this flu.

There are many docs that are following the protocols the Frontline Doctors support.

Your parents have very good instincts. 90+ years of wisdom should be respected.

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That's awesome. My husband and I had covid in Jan and we didn't need meds or a dr. We were stuck due to ice and snow and couldn't even get out our road if we wanted to go to a dr. I would love to find a dr like yours ! You sound like you are in good hands if needed!

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I like hearing about stories like this, but with things like the FLCCC protocol - vitamins and drugs with decades of great safety data, there is zero downside to being careful. And if you wait to see how it goes and it goes south, hospitals are a horrible plan B. I've also heard FLCCC protocol given late stage is now a lot less effective than it used to be.

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Me too.. Ive known no one with a bad case thus far, however I have info so if my parents or grandparents get covid. They're saying O blood types are less susceptible and most of my family is O. It was a headache, tiredness , loss taste and smell for me. If not for the taste and smell, we would have never known. I have several friends tested positive for antibodies and haven't been sick. It seems after everyone started vaxxing more I hear of more difficult cases.

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Dr Kory has said that from the beginning. Early treatment is very important. It is just plain sense when you consider what is happening. In the early stages the virus just quietly spreads throughout the tissues and multiplies inside the cells. Then it comes pouring out and all hell breaks loose.

Stuff like Ivermectin and Vit D and zinc one way or another stop it getting into cells and inhibit its multiplication right there and then. so it doesn't get to come pouring out and swamping everything.


Stopping it getting into cells and/or multiplying in them isn't much good if it has already happened is it?

So get in early.

Boost your immune system right now as a matter of common sense and have stuff like ivermectin around for instant use if you suspect you may have got infected.

And keep your spirits up! Optimism and health are important.

If you're infected then your immune system is facing a threat and doing what it can about it.

Vaccines at that stage are not going to help are they?

Which is why a sensible, scientific, rational vaccine policy would always go hand in hand with directions regarding your immune system and how to boost it, look after it, know what's happening with it.

After all a vaccine itself does nothing. It merely kicks the immune system into action and the immune system does it all.

Hopefully with help from the usual: vit D, zinc, IVM, etc... When murderous govts allow you to do that.

And the total absence of any such doctrine surrounding the vaccine push is of itself a total giveaway of their total real unconcern for anyone's health: they're merely machine like pushing a propaganda line. Is all.

They know nothing and they care less than nothing.

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Remdesevir and a ventillator - the liability-free profitable toe-tag protocol

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Yes, this is very much to a point I woke up just last week: we never, any of us, question our hospitals or our doctors about what treatment we may get if we are sick, do we?

But we should. We can see that now.

We could be in hospital where they'd happily kill us with Midazolam for instance. Where they'd let us die for lack of Ivermectin.

And so on.

We should develop new habits, all of use, and become accustomed to checking ahead of time on what treatments we'll be exposed to.

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That has always been the case too, most just didn't realize it. You have to be a proactive consumer when it comes to your own health. Be a better expert on what affects you than your doctor is. And it's not difficult, because they have to know a little bit about a wide range of things, you only need to learn about your current issue.

I have found it to be terrifying how often the accepted treatment for a given issue is not only not helpful, but made things worse -- while the one they recommend against was exactly what I needed.

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Yep. I've spent my life, I now realise, as an instinctive docile ignorant peasant touching the forelock to my betters.

Now it turns out many of them are no better at all.

Not pollies, nor pundits, nor scientists, nor doctors... no single discipline that doesn't have its charlatans, lazy, avaricious, ill informed, inept....

So I better watch out for myself.

My doctor hadn't even heard of Ivermectin when I asked him (fruitlessly) for it. What's that say about 'being on the ball'?

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Yeesss! Research Everything.

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This is beyond good advice. Two personal stories...had an ER doc exam my eye, tell me I had a scratched cornea, and wrote a ‘script for Percocet...I thought, hmmm, kinda weird. Saw the ophthalmologist a couple days later and he said: “This is allergies, not a scratched cornea...”. Also, had a PA give me a script for 100 percs for my blown out back (clearly before they locked down on narcotics)...I was in a very bad way with the back, but still looked at the 100 and said “It’s not this bad.” She replied, “Oh, it’s bad...”. No X-ray, no MRI...

I wonder how much they made off those prescriptions.

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What country are you in?

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Avoid hospitals as much as possible, but have FLCCC or some other protocol ready for early treatment. This is a pandemic of the untreated.

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"A pandemic of the untreated."

Touched with genius. It takes just one line...

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I got that one from Dr. Kory or Dr. McCullough.

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What are the things you need to have for the protocol? And what are the doses you need to take?

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There are more protocols. Zelenko and McCullough also have recommendations.

Vitamins and repurposed drugs with decades of great safety data, so zero downside for most people. The key is having a plan once you have it, and hit it hard as early as possible.

Fauci and the governing bodies telling people there is nothing we can do for infected people - go home until your lips turn blue and then come in for the remdesevir and ventillator protocol is designed to try to kill as many people as possible. Liability free and profitable.

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My parents died, both at age 92, in 2012 and 2014. Both had dementia at the same time that became apparent at ages 85 and 87. No family history. But they got their flu shots every year for decades. I'll never know if the flu shots caused it but I only had a flu shot once and coincidentally lost hearing in one ear on the same side as the shot soon after. Idiopathic, the doc said. I have never had another and never will.

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Let me tell you as a doc what idiopathic means.

Means we docs are idiots and make the patient pathetic

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Good drs always state their limitations - mine from more than a decade ago "you know your body best" - wish I had that lovely man as my GP again (he retired).

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LOL! I've always said it means "We have no f*ing idea."

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I was told that the "over 65" flu shot is stronger to compensate for an older person's weakened immune system.

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I think a flu shot for over 65's also has an innoculation against pneumonia.

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it's a double dose (or increased dose) shot for influenza they say is needed for those over 65. I've read that it is more apt to cause adverse reactions in this age group. Research it but with sites that aren't owned by the shot pusher. It is a dual edge sword, they make it sound safer, but it is really more risky. I wont take it when I get to that age.

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Or ever. The nurse at my moms doctors office asked why we didn’t want the flu shot and I told her my uncle had a bad reaction to it. She said did he have a stroke? I was like no not quite that bad but I couldn’t say a thing cause I was in shock that she let the cat out of the bag. I actually didn’t know it caused strokes.

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That's what I saw somewhere too and my mom found when she looked into it. I only took the flu shot when I was a teenager and got the flu so never took it again. Never plan to . Even my job paid us $100 since 2008 to take it . I was in my 20s working 2 jobs and wouldn't take money for it . I found that a bizarre tactic .

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In regard to the flu jab: Can anyone recall hearing about seniors in Italy being flu vaxed with a four stage protocol before the Covid decimated the country last year? I can’t recall reading this, but I want to say a coworker with family over there told me about it in the beginning of their surge….can anyone help jog my memory or confirm?

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Yes, indeed, but it wasn't just the seniors. The Italian government made a concerted national effort to get EVERYONE vaxed for flu. Gee, I wonder if this had anything to do with their horrendous experience with Covid.

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I remember hearing something like that. They changed the flu vaccine that year and those who took that specific vaccine in Italy had worse Covid outcomes

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In September 2019 was made available for the first time in Italy a “cell-based” flu shot, called VIQCC or QIVc, that is produced from cultured animal cells rather than eggs.

VIQCC is a quadrivalent flu vaccine that contains 2 type A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2) and 2 type B viruses. It is approved for people ages 9 and older.

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I heard the very same thing but I don’t recall the source.

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My folks are both 95 and we’re told by my sister in law to get the vaccine. I was pissed when I found out

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A great many are very gullible and still living under the illusion that our government is truthful and is looking out for our best interests. This is actually quite sad for them.

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Good point. Nobody who got vaxxed is a bad person.

But, hopefully, in the future, they will spend more time learning what they're injecting, than they do choosing what color socks to wear.

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Actually some of them are.

There is a recent video of some deranged liberal harpy, proclaiming that all bets are off and wanting to murder the unjabbed by sneezing on them and their children.

Some people ARE bad people and truly deserve whatever harm they come to.

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