You might mention that the authors state the opposite conclusion: " In this study, the overall frequency of adverse events after vaccination with BNT162b2 was comparable with the frequency of adverse events after vaccination with approved non–SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in children younger than 5 years." But your reading of the data looks correct to me, and maybe they have to say that to get published.

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Yes, I've seen this over and over again in the last 18 months when researchers have bad vaccine data; they throw in a paragraph like that to protect themselves while putting out the real numbers so anyone who cares enough can parse them.

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Vaccine science has always been this way you’re just now paying attention

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100%. Vaccine science is one of the most intellectually dishonest fields there are. And there's a lot of them, if you haven't been paying attention, because academic scientific output (as opposed to science as a general term) and politics are rarely far apart, in spite of the decades of propaganda attempting to prop it up as 'objective'.

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That is the "bigger picture reveal of the great 2020 scamdemic. Nothing new here as you say and many of us have been aware of for decades not simply with injections, but many well known medications. HOPEfully more minds have awakened to this reality with the blatant hijacking of science and deep seeded corruption since the wuh flu was created to push to injections. Anyone at this point who chooses to be injected cannot be reached. One cannot FIX stupid. Just sayin...

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Just a coincidence I'm sure.

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'vaccine science' 🎪

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In my opinion this is done so the wire services only pick up the contradictory conclusion, and then that becomes the headline that most people read, and believe. Quite sinister.

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Abstracts and conclusions on such matters of late appear to be more related to surviving peer and editorial review than summarizing the detailed findings of the published work.

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They probably counted apples here to compare with oranges, thus gaming the outcome.

They likely counted rates ALL reports of adverse reactions for other vaccines, however minor, and compared those to reports SERIOUS reactions to covid vaccines.

So in theory their numbers are correct, but they 'forget' to mention that numbers refer to different types of counts.

What's that study again where they looked at rates of heart problems in teenagers who sought medical care for covid symptoms, then they 'extrapolated' those rates to the WHOLE age group. Ops.

The Ethical Sceptic (do follow him on twitter, has some mindblowing analysis of the way CDC is trying to hide exploding cancer deaths) - has a name for this: torfuscation. Not sure if he uses this for only specific ways of gaming the outcome, or the more generic "we are analysing irrelevant sets of data and hoping no one would notice"

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Great success for cabbage crop as farms reach 35% of quota! Ministers celebrate stunning agricultural victory! Commissar of cabbages promoted to prestigious post in Siberia!

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Why ignore that paragraph, though? Seems like a good reason to re-think the *rest* of the vaccine schedule while we're at it.

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Put another way, when a researcher has bad data, he needs to vaccinate himself so that he can get future funding. Or as Biden would put it, no funding, no finding.

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How much longer are you locked out on the Twitter platform?

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The conclusion frequently contradicts the data otherwise publication may not occur.

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Stating a conclusion opposite of what the data suggest has become a common disinfo trick. The corporate news wire services only pick up the phony conclusion and it's repeated over and over in headlines and one-line summaries. Relatively few people actually read the articles, and not all of the ones who do are savvy enough to figure it out. What I would like to know is how the censors coerce the author to add a contradictory conclusion.

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"This, I believe, is why the Lancet recently published a misleading presentation of V-safe’s data which was then used to claim this database indicated the vaccines were safe when it in fact showed the opposite , and another large study which erroneously claimed hydroxychloroquine was deadly that relied upon a clearly fraudulent database that eventually resulted in the retraction of the paper. Because of this bias, most papers that unearth controversial data will typically claim the opposite of what their data suggests in both their summary and conclusion in order to have a chance of passing peer review and being published."


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Thank you for the link above. I really enjoyed a midwestern doctor.

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"Frequency" is a very different word from "severity".

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Another possibility is that they just ops by accident omitted one word at the end of that sentence. Or that it got ops just by accident deleted by the editor. Here it is:

"In this study, the overall frequency of adverse events after vaccination with BNT162b2 was comparable with the frequency of adverse events after vaccination with approved non–SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in children younger than 5 years COMBINED."

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We're essentially giving experimental vaccines to children knowing full well that the risks are infinitely greater than any possible benefits. The CDC once again showing it's the paragon of regulatory capture and enslaved to the most unethical companies on the planet.


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Dr. Mengele escaped on a rat line from Germany to Argentina, Dr. Fauci and these CDC criminals will escape on a rat line from the public to private sector.

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They would be well advised to keep a low profile.

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aren't they now one and the same?

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So the CDC will now make these experimental shots part of the mandatory school vax lineup ... great. What could go wrong when hundreds or thousands of kids hit the hospitals every summer? Parents should rise up and burn down school board meetings over this policy. Keep an eye out for FBI informants in your midst. Favorite tactic. Infiltrate and rat out. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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The vote was 9 to zero to add Covid vaccine. With no discussion.

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A record of any discussion would be potential evidence for product liability attorneys.

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Are you saying this as an attorney with knowledge of the chess game? Because it seems right to this lay person that the no discussion/no comments structure would certainly be a CYA move designed to generate plausible deniability for the future. BUT - these people must discuss something, somewhere, no? Are there no pre-meeting records to FOIA?

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And the Inclusion would also shield them from liability, as it does for the other shots.

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it seems like these horrific jabs will cull the heard!

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The jab or lack thereof is a great way to identify the opponents to the regime

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Given the growing awareness regarding the jab's risks, it may backfire and geometrically increase the number of those opponents.

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They don't seem to care. They operate like a cult. The more the opponents the more the cult is justified in its existence

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If I was the Public Schools Teachers union, I would second guess this path when a LOT of Parents (including my two daughters with children's) start home schooling their children, and the need for Public School teachers jobs start to wane. The UFT might want to start the lawsuit now.

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There is already a severe shortage of teachers now....wait until parents start jerking their kids out over the mandated covid jab.

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Then the public schools won't need as many teachers.

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Summer camp is now at the hospital

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CDC is a disgrace! A criminal enterprise

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"Centers for Disease and Control"

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Criminal Demonic Cunts

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Criminals of Disease and Control.

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I think we're starting from a false assumption....

What if the whole point behind the plandemic and its convienently created "vaccines" was to harm children....

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You could be right. It's just very late term abortion. Per Stacy Abrams, this will help ease inflation.

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She needs to go far, far away…somewhere she can write her books in solitude.

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Perhaps she could resume her duties as president of the galactical federation.

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I doubt it. I think the pandemic was a way to quietly exterminate the elder populations. The secondary function was to test in the wild a new medical technology. I think many of these high level administrators think technology is not moving fast enough due to ethical barriers. This pandemic allowed them to gather real data on an emerging biomedical field. I'm sure there are databases of real data where only high level officials can view.

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My mom worked at the VA during the 60’s, they had one “official book,” for inspections and another that contained the “real data.” Our government has been a ‘big fake,’ for decades.

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i really hate that we can't rule it out

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Not just our children. I fear this is rooted in something so dark and sinister we would all be terrified if we knew the truth.

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Oct 20, 2022
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The thing is, no one is being held down and injected (yet). Everyone is agreeing to the jabs.

Of course coercion using loss of livelihood or education is certainly in play but at this point, why would anyone choose income or education (such as it is) over their own, or certainly their child’s, life?

“This vaccine may kill me within 5 years but at least I’ll be gainfully employed during the interim”. 🤦🏼‍♂️

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Can the actions of CDC be described as anything other than a crime? A monstrous, monstrous crime.

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When a man can be a woman, what is a crime technically? Just change the definition and it's all good.

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well yeah, but i am very creative & know curse words in three languages, but this was a rhetorical question it seems

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You can never

ever ever

get yourself

or your children


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It's criminal that the US needs to look to Europe for this data, and who knows what we'll be hearing in 10, 20 years.

Parents who agree to this garbage "vax" should have their heads examined.

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Government and alphabet soup agencies are not going to "do the right thing" ever. Start figuring out how you will raise your kids outside the system (home schooling within the community), how you will use money outside the system (BTC), how you will get medical treatment (vet your independent doctor), and how you will secure your food supply (meet your local farmers). There is no way to operate within the current system without complete loss of bodily autonomy, improper medical care, horrific nutrition, and the threat of having your money taken at the drop of a hat. Be glad your eyes are open, stop complaining, and start opting out.

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The third rail is children. One party is about to learn, mouthpiece media is scrambling for them.

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I don't know. Most of the GOP seems captured as well.

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Agree. I don’t subscribe to 2 party system, which perpetuates “least worst.”Blue states/cities almost uniformly hold lockdown & school closures bag. I moved from WA to ID, difference is undeniable.

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Ron Johnson needs to win & bring his posse to the forefront!!!!

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For a very long time. Kabuki theater. Lots of ranting and raving in DC. No action.

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I subscribe to JAMA and am always discouraged at how the study conclusions are worded to never highlight or even present any negative perspective on the Covid-19 vaccines. Even in the study that Alex cites, the Conclusion states, "The data from this cohort study provide evidence for a self-reported safety profile of the BNT162b2 vaccine that is COMPARABLE [emphasis added] to non-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in this large cohort of children younger than 5 years." How can serious researchers get away with downplaying a severely higher risk? To the layperson reading the research it sounds like everything is dandy...

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Per Stacy Abrams, getting rid of children would be good to fight inflation too.

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Getting rid of her, would be good for feeding the hungry.

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Short game: do not comply.

Long game: change policy to make regulatory capture a criminal offense with mandatory minimums of 25 years to life.

How to play: Start the game in California where the people can put propositions on the ballot.

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california, the cause of and solution to all of our problems

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Why bother with studies if the outcome is predetermined? Both my children are young adults. I actually regret doing some of their vaccines. At least so fast after they were born. I now feel like I got scammed. Maybe I got lucky they didn’t have anything worse happen to them. We need to repeal the 1986 vaccine injury act. If you make a product that harms, you are liable. Period mic drop

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Doesn't matter, Alex. Our gov is corrupt and demonic. They don't represent us anymore. An overthrow would be justified at this point.

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It's basically the only option they've left us at this point.

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I can't find it at the moment, but analysis from colleges showed that we'd have to jab roughly 20,000 kids in order to 'prevent' one covid hospitalization, but jabbing 20,000 kids would lead to nearly 1000 jab hospitalizations.............

Yet the college mandates continue.

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Simple Questions: How does a Therapeutic treatment become a Vaccination on a Childhood Schedule? Also, How does a Therapeutic treatment that is under a EUA become part of a permanent Childhood Schedule?

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Anybody notice that the CDC docs who voted for the jab to be on the kids vax schedule were almost all from Blue states?

Just a coincidence, yeah?

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I wonder how many of the voting members have children themselves?

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Good question. And, if any, what ages and are they jabbed?

I bet the results would be as we'd expect

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Problem is that a lot of people see 10 in 7,800 and 1 in 200 as good odds.

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For a vaccine that doesn’t work

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if these biotech companies were smart, they would reduce that active agent from 3-10 micrograms to 0 micrograms, but still charge the same amount

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They should sell saline solutions then. We'd all be better off

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i have often wondered how it all would have played out if there was a *wink, wink* lite option that was available upon special request

how many more people would have taken that just to keep their jobs?

i think there would be more people alive right now, but there would be more digital passports - so potentially worse and dumber tragedies ahead

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I read that Alabama and Florida have passed laws that would supercede any Federal mandate or CDC recommendation and disallow requiring students to have the covid shot to attend school. What other states have passed similar laws?

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California, New York, Maine, Connecticut, Mississippi, and West Virginia have no personal belief or religious exemption to school vaccination.

These are the kids we need to worry about.

Everyone else has exemptions.

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This is simply about getting these pharma goons zero liability for their toxic shots and creating an obedient set of parents and children in public school.

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When we hear mention of placebos, and harms in the placebo arm of a trial, we assume the placebo was saline or distilled water.

As understand it though, the 'placebos' used are often the vaxxine without the supposed active ingredient.

So, the test is not the vaxxine compared to nothing or something totally inert, as one would naturally assume, but rather the vaccine compared to itself without the 'active' ingredient.

So, if we see harm (or benefit) in the placebo arm that is an indictment of the carrier components and shows they are not completely inert.

The other arm of the trial with the full vaxxine shows harms or benefits from the complete injection.

As I understand it anyhow.

As I understand it anyhow.

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How can we stop this horrific shot!? If it ends up on the immunization schedule the way the slides looked there could be 14 shots? We have no idea what that will cause but the cumulative shots are found to be worse and worse. I know we have all written to the CDC 31,000 and counting as of yesterday but they still voted 15-0 for the VFC. Fox guarding the hen house. They don't want to be libel since they are the ones making these horrible decisions for our children. We are planning to move if this comes through just where will be safe is the next question.

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If I understood correctly what went down, is that it was not added to the schedule…yet. It was agreed upon to provide access to those who would otherwise not have any. Please correct me if I misstated.

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Yes you are correct. The first vote was to add the Covid vaccine to the federal Vaccines for Children (VFC). Today they will vote to add the Covid vaccine to the childhood vaccine schedule. If that passes then the states can choose to mandate it to attend school! https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/agenda-archive/agenda-2022-10-19-20-508.pdf

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I think you are right. It hasn’t happened. Yet.

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Do you have a link for that? That's not what I have seen, but all those sending alerts yesterday seem noticeably quieter today, so you may be right.

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I think the CHD (Children's Health Defense) website has the accurate info.

Here's Meryl Nass's Substack…


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Check out what she just posted, my relief lasted all of 10 minutes https://merylnass.substack.com/p/cdcs-advisory-committee-on-immunization

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Oct 20, 2022Edited
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Here in California, Newton and Pan have been raring to jab kids since last year — they’re probably on a commission basis being paid per kid jabbed. LAUSD, SDUSD, Culver City, and Oakland all tried to force kids to be vaxxed or just lose access to education without remote option in some cases like Oakland. LAUSD first had early January as the deadline and when the numbers indicated that about 20% (iirc) wouldn’t get vaxxed, they moved the date to end January. The date came and went and the numbers were still abysmal. A few days later, Pan tried to push this in the legislature but couldn’t get support when the parent pushback started. Gavin, ever the gracious savior, stepped in and called timeout till June 2023.

Underneath all this was the pushback, in my opinion, from teachers. If 20% students disappear, so do 20% teachers. Pfizer and Moderna will somehow eke through the tough times but where does that leave the teachers’ livelihood? When teachers lose jobs, the democrats lose votes and if the said parents leave state, the tax base goes with them. IMO, this will be primary driver.

With the economic recession afoot, California is all set to lose taxes. When jobs go, a lot of highly paid foreign workers whose kids are in elementary school go back. The teachers are going to lose jobs because of this. On top of this, any shenanigans will cause parents to homeschool, which means more job losses for the teachers.

I think Gavin was looking for some kind of deus-ex-machina and CDC provided it to him. But to use that power will be to weaken the teacher’s unions. He will likely codify this without Pan (who’s done with his tenure) through somebody else. And he might even make it mandatory before the year is out for 2023 school year. But, I am guessing he will rescind, find some reason, and postpone it indefinitely until the next vaccine comes around. He can probably negotiate better rates next time around.

There’ll probably be lawsuits because the whole vaccine requirement business discriminates and leaves out students in the cold, something that’s illegal in California. That may be why the personal exemption option exists.

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Oct 20, 2022Edited
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Time to sue DOJ

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We can't mandate this for our kids!

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My kid My choice!

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I'm sure vaccinating my children would be worth it even though the vaccine neither prevents you from getting infected nor transmitting the disease to others; nonetheless, it protects kids from an adverse event from a coronavirus that poses an infinitesimally small risk to those under 18. Heck, the cost of the vaccine is "free" and the only risk is seizure, myocarditis or sudden death. There's no reason to wait for full FDA approval and I should allow these jabs under Emergency Use Authorization; I mean we're in a global pandemic and we just need to flatten the curve. Hopefully we can have another 2 week lockdown to slow the spread so that we can go back to normal. It would be irresponsible to not have me or my family vaccinated because we're all in this together and covid is mainly "a disease of the unvaccinated." I can't make sense of why I need to vaccinate my family to slow the spread but at the same time the vaccine doesn't prevent infection or transmittal. I think that was what George Orwell termed "Doublethink" but I've been told if I ask too many questions I put elderly people's lives at risk and I'll be banned from Social Media for "misinformation." I'll be getting my children vaccinated tomorrow morning... Yup. First thing. Until then, we should all wear a mask and face shield, stand 6 ft apart and avoid confined places (except on a plane), wash our hands regularly, get tested often even if we have no symptoms, and get our booster shots every 4 months. Until Anthony Fauci says its safe to go outside, I suggest you stay indoors and do everything on Zoom.

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The oathetic thing is that people still believe this crap!

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That about covers the tone and vibe of the branch covidien "rational " thought process - which is about as organized as a teenage boy at hour 18 of a gaming/YouTube surfing/social media touring day: All! Exciting! Factoids! and derivative vocabulary talking points, no context or closure - ever. Much like how our local school district has "integrated cutting edge Google technology " to create the same vibe in all our "learner active" (read: passive content consumer) classrooms. But, hey, guys! Don't forget to smash those Like & Subscribe buttons!!

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Maybe the children don’t matter anymore.

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Mysery loves company.

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Retroactive abortion, the party of death decay and destruction.

And the only hill people are willing to die on is that mound of dirt next to an unmarked empty grave.

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The only purpose they have is to shield the pharmaceutical companies from liability. You should publish the phone numbers and e-mail address for the 15 people who voted in favor of doing this, plus the institutions that employ them. We need to do cancel culture like the left does cancel culture.

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Evil can be insidious, and comes in strange packages. Pfizer's evil is certainly strange by promoting a product they know will kill & injure millions of children. But this form is truly insidious. The insidious part is for parents to take part in it.

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as the great anti-vaxxer Paul Offit said recently "it seemed like the fix was in." these will get approved despite lack of evidence, lack of need, etc so that they can finally be fully approved, the EUA can be dropped and the permanent liability shield will go into effect.

look on the bright side- this could spell the end of tax payer funded crappy public ed when parents pull their kids out of school. in a few years, if the home schooled kids are brighter and healthier and the publicly schooled and vaccinated kids are sick and dumb, we'll have the evidence at last

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Only 1 in 780? Quick add it to the Children's vaccination schedule

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YEs but 0.000001% chance of death = very dangerous virus for kids.

I am so mad. I want to see those people hanging.

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I wasn't so long ago reading this headline would have immediately elicited a feeling of shock. It still does, but is now tempered by the anticipation that such findings will become more commonplace. The shock has evolved into anger.

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Why was there no discussion about using JnJ for children vaccines? Why this incessant push for mRNA?

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Center for Disease Creation & Proliferation

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Well the fuckers did it anyway and voted 15 - 0 to add the less than worthless vaccine to the childhood vaccination schedule. I imagine sensible parents in blue states will start looking at where to flee.

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Yeah, like “red” states won’t capitulate as well…

Republ-ocrats…they all want to keep their jobs, not do them.

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and a football player died suddenly along with a 17 year old singer this week and last week a football player died suddenly Tried telling my vaxxed boosted sister and she said I dont believe it was the vaccine , stop talking about it and she’s a republican How r they still keeping this from people! its evil, they dont care that people r dying

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R U Shur?

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There is ONE Efficacy here, and that's is the ability for Big Pharma to take this jab out of EUA without having future liability. And that is REALLY what this is about. NO Lawsuits for even adults for Vaccine adverse reactions or death, isn't that what this really was? Who pays half the CDC's salary?

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When I was in medical school the chief resident in internal medicine was harping on us to read journal articles until one day during rounds the attending disagreed completely stating that in order to really analyze journal articles one should be well versed or expert in that field. One needs to be able to critically analyze the methods section, and the results section. This becomes even more difficult when you are talking about population studies, where variables are impossible to control so one must rely on large subject numbers. Besides the attending said that anything that was true and worthwhile in the literature would appear in textbooks 2 to 3 years hence. Sadly, nearly all medical research is funded by big Pharma, and doctors are supposed to follow the science, but the science follows the money...even to the point of falsifying data.

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Alex, have your eyes been opened on the rest of the so called "safe" jabs? If anything, this should lead you to question your faithfulness to the rest of the pricks that you think are safe for your children. Pun intended.

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I know this to be very true here in America like I said a few weeks ago I have a friend who is a PT and both of his girls and wife was very sick for 2 weeks. And more than half the school students was out as well this year school season. And I have many nurse friends who have teenagers and the same goes for them. Everyone has said Anthony I Played by the rules got everyone the so called Vaccine mNRA shot and this has scared and wish that I never had done this to my children.

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Great. Now who else noticed that two of those august minds that voted 15-0 in the CDC panel to include these "things" in child vaccinations, wore face-nappies on a zoom call?

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Something I found out early in my medical career - when an intervention is made that is obviously harmful - its usually ignored. We wait until its apparent to even the non-clinical staff to finally admit its a problem.

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I think we are at that point.

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It's all about liability coverage for Moderna and call me cynical but it's a done deal. Moderna will get approved for recommended childhood vaccines.

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Probably an underestimation. How do you detect myocarditis in a non-verbal child?

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If it seems intentionally stupid and deadly then I think we all just need to assume that is their goal. What a joke of a country we live in.

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I will bet Elon Musk's 8% stake in Twitter that the Biden Czars, Elite Democrats, and Big Pharma led by Scott Gotllieb are directly involved, but in the background, in this massive corruption to get these mRNA experimental, shit shots injected into this country's most precious possession: Our Children.

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Christine stabell benn did a paper in BMJ that outlined greater AE’s from vax than covid itself in children. July 2021 i believe. She is a vax researcher from denmark .

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