From the Department of Are You Fucking Kidding Me*
CNN just ran a piece explaining that “scientists are urgently trying to solve” the question of whether the endless waves of Covid we now have “may be a result of the mRNA technology used to build some Covid-19 vaccines.”
Oh? You don’t say? Now “scientists” are “urgently trying” to figure out if the “mRNA technology” is the problem and not the solution?
Maybe they can urgently try to build a time machine too, or an unvaccine machine.
The article also includes this gem, from Dr. Anthony Fauci:
Oh, Tony! T-Dog! Allow me to translate:
I’m not saying it doesn’t work it at all, okay? Not out loud. I’d be absolutely insane to say that out loud after telling A BILLION PEOPLE TO TAKE IT. I’m just saying it could be better. And by better I mean actually work. But I didn’t say that.
(A subscribe now button, please excuse)
And finally this:
Yes, apparently we’ll “need to administer booster shots… [or] rollout an entirely new vaccine altogether”?
What you’re seeing here is the first steps toward an official acknowledgement that the mRNA vaccines have failed and new vaccines are coming sooner or later.
Booster shots? Remember, booster shots are available everywhere now. SECOND booster shots are available everywhere. And despite endless badgering from media and public health authorities, uptake has been close to zero for months.
The side effects are at least as bad with the third and fourth doses as the original two - that is, worse than Covid for many if not most people - and everyone knows the shots will not stop anyone from getting Covid in any case.
Thus the booster campaigns will be allowed to molder, probably within months. The White House will excuse the failure of the vaccines as a failure of public opinion, claiming that “mRNA vaccine hesitancy has risen to unsustainable levels,” or some such, and that we need new vaccine technology. (By new I mean old, most likely.) They may even be cynical enough to blame those of us who were right all along for said hesitancy.
The great mRNA experiment will come to an end, not with a bang but with 200 million expired doses in freezers. The most likely but by no means certain outcome is: zero long-term benefit, zero to some long-term harm, and $100 billion-plus for Pfizer and the gang.
Heads science wins, tails you lose:
This has been The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man, an occasional series!
Mona, thank you. I was going to say something like Tommy did, except I would have substituted "usually" for "sometimes.
Used as often as many folks do, it actually undermines the emphasis they tell themselves they've added. "The little boy who cried wolf" way too many times. Those folks just get ignored and tuned out.
I think Alex deployed it well and I hope it's a rare event regardless of how ludicrous everything is these days.
I agree. Using that word has become too trendy and gratuitous. So many people have inserted it into their daily vernacular that any shock value is gone. Lately when I read it, I just roll my eyes. It means nothing now.
I wrote this above, but I don't know if you read all the comments. You may not have this video of Hotez in March 2020.
Remember when the unvaccinated were to blame for all the variants and the vaccine failure?
The mRNA technology is dangerous and responsible for many injuries and deaths, but is it responsible for the jab failure? I suspect the single antigen target is the real problem, which will be a problem with any single viral protein vaccine for this virus. Remember, they assured us that the coronavirus, unlike influenza viruses, was stable. Remember that? They're either incompetent or they lied.
The SARS-CoV2 spike protein is dangerous and can damage endothelial cells, so it was a bad target. A single protein vaccine (non-mRNA) would just give the virus a different target to work around and escape.
But they picked the single protein target for a reason. In March 2020 testimony before the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, Peter Hotez, MD (Baylor College of Medicine) explained exactly why they picked the target. (Hint: if they use the whole virus or more targets, they increase the risk of enhanced disease).
Hotez seems reasonable there. I only stumbled across him in 2021 when he was (and probably still is) a ranting vaccine lunatic with that strange backdrop with stuffed animals. I think the time you mean is starting at 2:30.
Oh, I know. He is the worst of the worst or maybe it is an act for CNN? But he seemed reasonable in the clip, even urging caution about rolling out the vaccine and having to be cautious about ADE.
hotez is waiting in line to sell his own vaccines & cash out
"Hotez, whose lab has developed a Covid-19 vaccine called Corbevax, said that the White House should convene vaccine experts in a special meeting to "pin down" whether the technology has that weakness and what it means for future strategies."
No doubt that is Hotez's plan, but Corbevax is a protein sub-unit vaccine that targets the RBD, which I recall has mutated and will continue to mutate at an alarming rate. The problem is that there is a single protein target for the virus to get around, not the manner in which the protein is delivered to the body (mRNA, protein subunit). Of course, mass vaccination in the middle of a global outbreak only increases selective pressure on the virus and is incredibly reckless and stupid.
And, in the video Hotez himself describes the risk of multi-target vaccines and coronaviruses.
We will not and cannot vaccinate our way out of this problem. We need to treat people who become ill (with safe and effective meds) and wait until the virus reaches equilibrium with the population.
They keep screwing with nature and nature keeps flipping them the bird. Enough.
"We narrowed the problem down" - except they didn't! So now the vaccinated are experiencing exactly what Hotez predicted as a concern. Nice piece of evidence that the NIH wants to ignore.
Whether mRNA technology itself or the use of that singular protein is the cause of our troubles remains unclear. We still have no idea about the long term effect of the additions needed to hide the RNA from the immune system - the issues Malone has been warning about.
Actually, Hotez was warning about multi-target vaccines and coronaviruses not the mRNA tech. IMO, the mRNA tech is dangerous and unnecessary but not responsible for the endless variants. Mass vaccination in the middle of a global outbreak with a single-target jab (regardless of delivery modality) is the problem. We need to stop jabbing people. Now. The mRNA and AVV jabs are not safe and are unnecessary and mass vaccination is increasing selective pressure on the virus.
I didn't see his statement that way. Not sure if the mRNA platform itself has been confirmed as not ready yet for use but the inability to create a better vaccine for SARs-CoV-2 is telling. The technology may not itself prove useful. Agree that the current vaccines are not helpful and are the result of NIH corruption. Condemning effective therapeutics is a result of corruption.
Why do you write "either"? They are incompetent AND they lied. Both. Probably it is better said that BECAUSE they are incompetent they lied. Oh, and at the very least misguided by the self-congratulatory tyrannical do-gooderism. I actually think it is evil control freak do-gooderism. Think Kathy Bates in Misery.
I don’t think they’re incompetent...this gene therapy works exactly as the planned it to work. They lied that it was safe and effective. It is neither.
If you remember a particular scene from "So I Married An Axe Murderer", in the theatrical version there was a line with the F word that in that context was uproariously funny (Mike Myers' line, IINM). LLOLF (literally laugh out loud funny)
Then the movie went to, probably USA Network, and censors changed F to H, and good GOD, the line sucked.
Indeed, it does get one's attention, which is perfectly fine with me. Keep it up. Some sheeple will only pay attention when it is used. IE. " Everything woke goes to shit" PDJT. How true that turned out to be and still turning!
The harm is monstrous..all over the globe. Immune systems are now seriously compromised. Every major scientist who warned about this was banned. Geert Vanden Bossche was one, Yeadon, Montagnier, McCullough, more. Pfizer knew. Naomi Wolf found the empty brackets for a total of 6 boosters. Pfizer knew this was a “leaky injection.”
I have so many early 40s formerly healthy girlfriends complaining about headaches and gut issues. None of them connect it to 3 bouts of spike protein via vaccines and having a bad case of covid. I am there to ask them though they find my question distasteful.
Dr Alim says he refers to this as AGGRAVATED DENIAL. So true. And it is only going to get worse as the world starts “peeking “ through their closed eyes.
It was Geert Vanden Bossche that I listened to at the very beginning. The people that called him a conspiracy nut, and others that were well respected before Mrna can now odjebe.
Yes, monstrous. It nearly killed me. I am in groups with thousands of injured. Many didn't live to tell about it nor did many loved ones put 2 and 2 together. Look at all cause mortality
They are already starting — check out Russell Brand video, “now the truth is coming out“. You know they’ll point back to warp speed. They are looking for anything to salvage the midterms.
It doesn't matter. They'll use it anyway. The left has become the most unethical. Here in CA, because we have a Top 2 primary election system, the Dems are mailing out to Rep households flyers to mislead them into thinking that their main opponent is someone who actually has no chance of winning only so that the person who has been endorsed by the GOP and who has a chance of winning would not receive enough votes to even make the Top 2 for the primary election. It's sickening.
democrats are trying to steal credit from DJT ... he was the decision maker the person who made the tough decision of using a new technology mRNA ... now everyone wants to steal credit from DJT ...
You got me wrong. I mean that Brandon (or whoever controls the teleprompter) cannot say "It's Trump's fault, I have nothing to do". Becasue they have pushed (are pushing) the shit hard.
It will take a jury somewhere to make the private firms mandating jabs to see that they have been jabbed out of existence. I think we have another big tobacco moment in our lives — only this time it will be the intermediaries and shills that will be held responsible while the big pharma goes away to show up in a (poorly made) Hollywood like sequel.
That’s funny. I cleaned out a shed the other day that was full of dry mouse poop, which carries a risk of hantavirus. So I wore a N95 mask and plastic gloves. I’m sure passersby thought I was a covid Karen. Then I drove the bags of dusty mouse poop garbage to the dump, still wearing the mask. I’m sure people thought I was a nut driving alone wearing a mask! So now I chuckle when I see masked drivers alone, thinking maybe they are transporting mouse poop! Gotta laugh in these crazy times!
hey anyone can have a gay kid but a trans kid is like the dalai lama of the woke...they are born pure and holy and the bearer is entitled to 1000 free virtue points, which will also help on college admissions
Wank! Definitely underused term. Thank you for bringing into my consciousness. Can use as proper noun, adjective or verb. Just as good as the F bomb without the judgement!
I am at my wit's end. My wife, an RN by profession, a very wise and learned woman, who has recognized from the get go this is not a "vaccine" (and she is fully vaccinated against everything else - in fact she got her Tdap shot today), was almost browbeat by her immunologist into getting the vaccine at her appointment today (not where she got the Tdap - that was at pharmacy because God Forbid you could get it for a reasonable price at your own doctor's office). She left the office shaking. Her doctor, who is a close advisor to the bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh, claims it is "rosary groups" who are opposing the vaccine. He told my wife to "Google" the vaccine and she would see that' it's okay.
Then my 4 month pregnant daughter, who to date has resisted the jab, even at the cost of being forced to work from home by her law firm for almost a year now when she was just on the verge of partnership, was almost browbeat by her ob-gyn to get it with scare stories that the baby or her or maybe both would be born without feet if she doesn't get jabbed.
Then I had to go to a work comp hearing (I'm a lawyer) for a client who was fired after an injury for violating "Covid" policy. When I asked what the Covid policy is the employer offered 50 pages of CDC and state guidelines, all of which are essentially undecipherable.
Well, at least I can take solace in the fact that our fully vaccinated and previous Covid victim cleaning guy is healthy. Oh wait, he just tested positive today.
I would be curious if your daughter's OB would be willing to put in writing that should anything happen to her or the baby as a result of the jab, the OB will bear all costs. No? Not willing to put your money where your mouth is? Okay then STFU. Might at least stop the browbeating...
Stay strong. Your family is doing better than most, staying unjabbed. That grandbaby will be proud of you all one day. Sorry for all the stress. Insane.
Unfortunately my son and his pregnant wife (due any day now) succumbed to the pressure after resisting for a long time and got the jab; this after they already had Covid! Thankfully they only got one and so far don't seem inclined to get another. Just praying everything okay for them and the baby
I'd comment more but I gotta go check out this mark on my arm and see if it's the monkeypox.
My daughter-in-law who delivered last year was pressured by everyone, but most particularly her friends who tried to shame her. She isn't even an anti-covid vaxxer but wasn't going to risk something new during her pregnancy. It was really ugly and disgusting and of course, now I loathe her friends because I think they're idiots and evil. I know that's not charitable, but they were blithely risking the life of my grandson because they couldn't read a history book to see the horrible things done to pregnant women and their babies with new medications.
* Post-article note: I know some of you don't like curses but in this case I felt justified.
I’m so fed up with it all I didn’t even notice.
Per Dr. Naomi Wolf per CDC documents that she has read there’s a series of 6 “vaccines” that’s been planned all along.
Bend over.
That's for the monkeypox.
They spelled it wrong ...take the k out
Or make the M into a D. Donkeypox. As in Dems
That position is taken.
Are you kidding me? Unreal…
Do you have a link to Dr Wolf’s comments? Or where I can find her these days….
She's been on Bannon's War Room and you can also check out her website
She’s also on Gettr
Thank you!
I love when she’s on. I then spread the message far and wide to family.
Yes I saw her comments regarding world domination by WHO
Awesome thank you!
She has a substack as well.
Thank you!!
Somebody forwarded an interview on @realcovid19news on telegram and yes it had a watermark of daily clout
She’s on Daily Clout
Awesome thank you! So many resources to find her:)
On GETTR !!!%
Never trust one that doesn't curse
I love the curses because they are so well deserved!
Exactly Spartacus
Cursing shows a lack of vocabulary.
But, Alex has an excellent vocabulary, no doubt.
What's a better word for vulgar disgust of this level?
Not cursing can show a lack of emotion. Just saying...
Yup - it seems when people just aren't paying attention to something horrible, you have to do or say something to get them to wake up.
That's kind of what I always thought.
You might want to read read your comments before you send send them.
Many people aren't worth wasting good words on.
Mona, thank you. I was going to say something like Tommy did, except I would have substituted "usually" for "sometimes.
Used as often as many folks do, it actually undermines the emphasis they tell themselves they've added. "The little boy who cried wolf" way too many times. Those folks just get ignored and tuned out.
I think Alex deployed it well and I hope it's a rare event regardless of how ludicrous everything is these days.
I agree. Using that word has become too trendy and gratuitous. So many people have inserted it into their daily vernacular that any shock value is gone. Lately when I read it, I just roll my eyes. It means nothing now.
cursing is as cursing does
Cursing should only be used occasionally when you really need it. Definitely justified and effective the way Alex used it.
Jebi se. How about that part of the vocabulary.
It can. It's a kind of shorthand.
That's some pretty fucked up shit Alex.
I wrote this above, but I don't know if you read all the comments. You may not have this video of Hotez in March 2020.
Remember when the unvaccinated were to blame for all the variants and the vaccine failure?
The mRNA technology is dangerous and responsible for many injuries and deaths, but is it responsible for the jab failure? I suspect the single antigen target is the real problem, which will be a problem with any single viral protein vaccine for this virus. Remember, they assured us that the coronavirus, unlike influenza viruses, was stable. Remember that? They're either incompetent or they lied.
The SARS-CoV2 spike protein is dangerous and can damage endothelial cells, so it was a bad target. A single protein vaccine (non-mRNA) would just give the virus a different target to work around and escape.
But they picked the single protein target for a reason. In March 2020 testimony before the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, Peter Hotez, MD (Baylor College of Medicine) explained exactly why they picked the target. (Hint: if they use the whole virus or more targets, they increase the risk of enhanced disease).
Hotez seems reasonable there. I only stumbled across him in 2021 when he was (and probably still is) a ranting vaccine lunatic with that strange backdrop with stuffed animals. I think the time you mean is starting at 2:30.
Sorry, I got the time wrong. Hotez is nuts.
Oh, I know. He is the worst of the worst or maybe it is an act for CNN? But he seemed reasonable in the clip, even urging caution about rolling out the vaccine and having to be cautious about ADE.
He is a snake ... as in venom
Probably CYA in advance.
hotez is waiting in line to sell his own vaccines & cash out
"Hotez, whose lab has developed a Covid-19 vaccine called Corbevax, said that the White House should convene vaccine experts in a special meeting to "pin down" whether the technology has that weakness and what it means for future strategies."
(per alex's source article)
No doubt that is Hotez's plan, but Corbevax is a protein sub-unit vaccine that targets the RBD, which I recall has mutated and will continue to mutate at an alarming rate. The problem is that there is a single protein target for the virus to get around, not the manner in which the protein is delivered to the body (mRNA, protein subunit). Of course, mass vaccination in the middle of a global outbreak only increases selective pressure on the virus and is incredibly reckless and stupid.
And, in the video Hotez himself describes the risk of multi-target vaccines and coronaviruses.
We will not and cannot vaccinate our way out of this problem. We need to treat people who become ill (with safe and effective meds) and wait until the virus reaches equilibrium with the population.
They keep screwing with nature and nature keeps flipping them the bird. Enough.
"We narrowed the problem down" - except they didn't! So now the vaccinated are experiencing exactly what Hotez predicted as a concern. Nice piece of evidence that the NIH wants to ignore.
Whether mRNA technology itself or the use of that singular protein is the cause of our troubles remains unclear. We still have no idea about the long term effect of the additions needed to hide the RNA from the immune system - the issues Malone has been warning about.
Actually, Hotez was warning about multi-target vaccines and coronaviruses not the mRNA tech. IMO, the mRNA tech is dangerous and unnecessary but not responsible for the endless variants. Mass vaccination in the middle of a global outbreak with a single-target jab (regardless of delivery modality) is the problem. We need to stop jabbing people. Now. The mRNA and AVV jabs are not safe and are unnecessary and mass vaccination is increasing selective pressure on the virus.
I didn't see his statement that way. Not sure if the mRNA platform itself has been confirmed as not ready yet for use but the inability to create a better vaccine for SARs-CoV-2 is telling. The technology may not itself prove useful. Agree that the current vaccines are not helpful and are the result of NIH corruption. Condemning effective therapeutics is a result of corruption.
Why do you write "either"? They are incompetent AND they lied. Both. Probably it is better said that BECAUSE they are incompetent they lied. Oh, and at the very least misguided by the self-congratulatory tyrannical do-gooderism. I actually think it is evil control freak do-gooderism. Think Kathy Bates in Misery.
I don’t think they’re incompetent...this gene therapy works exactly as the planned it to work. They lied that it was safe and effective. It is neither.
"Fuckin-A bro!"
Some people wouldn't say 'shit' even if their mouth was full of it.
If you remember a particular scene from "So I Married An Axe Murderer", in the theatrical version there was a line with the F word that in that context was uproariously funny (Mike Myers' line, IINM). LLOLF (literally laugh out loud funny)
Then the movie went to, probably USA Network, and censors changed F to H, and good GOD, the line sucked.
So yeah, sometimes ya gotta.
One of my favorite movies! Good call
I never cursed until I got into environmental health activism. Since I have a good vocabulary and an easy-going nature, I never felt the need.
Since reading the science regarding Covid and other issues, I swear. Sometimes there are no other words strong enough. #**!?!**!
My 18 year old regularly reminds me how therapeutic the F word truly is😉
Sometimes no other word will do!
Indeed, it does get one's attention, which is perfectly fine with me. Keep it up. Some sheeple will only pay attention when it is used. IE. " Everything woke goes to shit" PDJT. How true that turned out to be and still turning!
Totally therapeutic. It just works!
You don't fucking curse enough.
Damn Alex, this is a good post. Here's to hoping the long term harm is closer to zero than to some.
The harm is monstrous..all over the globe. Immune systems are now seriously compromised. Every major scientist who warned about this was banned. Geert Vanden Bossche was one, Yeadon, Montagnier, McCullough, more. Pfizer knew. Naomi Wolf found the empty brackets for a total of 6 boosters. Pfizer knew this was a “leaky injection.”
I have so many early 40s formerly healthy girlfriends complaining about headaches and gut issues. None of them connect it to 3 bouts of spike protein via vaccines and having a bad case of covid. I am there to ask them though they find my question distasteful.
Dr Alim says he refers to this as AGGRAVATED DENIAL. So true. And it is only going to get worse as the world starts “peeking “ through their closed eyes.
It was Geert Vanden Bossche that I listened to at the very beginning. The people that called him a conspiracy nut, and others that were well respected before Mrna can now odjebe.
The bastarrrdos actually thought they could get away with it!
Yes, monstrous. It nearly killed me. I am in groups with thousands of injured. Many didn't live to tell about it nor did many loved ones put 2 and 2 together. Look at all cause mortality
This was an appropriate use of the word.
Curse away!
Studies have shown that the most intelligent among us curse frequently, loudly, and passionately. You can't argue with science.
Then they'll blame Trump and call them Trump's vaccines.
yes, this is part of the pivot. Also, laying the groundwork for the midterm variant....the vaccines don't protect, so we have to vote by mail again.
The seasonality overlapping with November voting is an endless excuse. We should move voting to June to take this BS excuse away from them.
The day after Tax Day. It keeps what they've done to you fresh in your mind.
Monkeypox = Moneypox = Ballotpox
They are already starting — check out Russell Brand video, “now the truth is coming out“. You know they’ll point back to warp speed. They are looking for anything to salvage the midterms.
Apparently J &J was the only warp speed I read. Could be wrong
It doesn't matter. They'll use it anyway. The left has become the most unethical. Here in CA, because we have a Top 2 primary election system, the Dems are mailing out to Rep households flyers to mislead them into thinking that their main opponent is someone who actually has no chance of winning only so that the person who has been endorsed by the GOP and who has a chance of winning would not receive enough votes to even make the Top 2 for the primary election. It's sickening.
That is not possible. The vaxx now belongs to Brandon: mandates and stuff.
people have short memory ... now is dems ... yeah right on ...
democrats are trying to steal credit from DJT ... he was the decision maker the person who made the tough decision of using a new technology mRNA ... now everyone wants to steal credit from DJT ...
You got me wrong. I mean that Brandon (or whoever controls the teleprompter) cannot say "It's Trump's fault, I have nothing to do". Becasue they have pushed (are pushing) the shit hard.
yes, mr. 10% ... has his finger in every pie in ukraine.
Operation Warpspeed was a total failure.
chump thanks for nothing.
Never saw that before.
Wait, I thought "the science" was settled? Next you're going to tell me that men can't give birth!
Remember the days when women would lose their minds when a man would say giving birth can't be that bad? Seems like yesterday
I give birth every morning about 45 minutes after coffee.
Me too and some of those babies are really fugly!
baby Joe Bidens
Only after those men have had their periods. Duh.
The biggest experiment ever in human history is over and what about all the collateral damage it has inflicted? Makes me sick…:
Not over. . .still mandating.
It will take a jury somewhere to make the private firms mandating jabs to see that they have been jabbed out of existence. I think we have another big tobacco moment in our lives — only this time it will be the intermediaries and shills that will be held responsible while the big pharma goes away to show up in a (poorly made) Hollywood like sequel.
That’s funny. I cleaned out a shed the other day that was full of dry mouse poop, which carries a risk of hantavirus. So I wore a N95 mask and plastic gloves. I’m sure passersby thought I was a covid Karen. Then I drove the bags of dusty mouse poop garbage to the dump, still wearing the mask. I’m sure people thought I was a nut driving alone wearing a mask! So now I chuckle when I see masked drivers alone, thinking maybe they are transporting mouse poop! Gotta laugh in these crazy times!
hey anyone can have a gay kid but a trans kid is like the dalai lama of the woke...they are born pure and holy and the bearer is entitled to 1000 free virtue points, which will also help on college admissions
Alex , I don't think you get nearly enough credit for the syncopated cadence of your writing style.
You make infuriating topics delightful to read.
These scientists can all drop dead. I didn’t get it. Won’t get it. They can all wank off
Wank! Definitely underused term. Thank you for bringing into my consciousness. Can use as proper noun, adjective or verb. Just as good as the F bomb without the judgement!
One of my favorite uses is something like “wank off you wanking wankers”. You can use tosser the same way. Means the same I think.
Brit tv uses both interchangeably. 😂
That’s where I heard it and it sounded so sophisticated 😂😂😂
Pseudoscience is a hell world they live in where the “scientists” obscure reality with tricks.
I am at my wit's end. My wife, an RN by profession, a very wise and learned woman, who has recognized from the get go this is not a "vaccine" (and she is fully vaccinated against everything else - in fact she got her Tdap shot today), was almost browbeat by her immunologist into getting the vaccine at her appointment today (not where she got the Tdap - that was at pharmacy because God Forbid you could get it for a reasonable price at your own doctor's office). She left the office shaking. Her doctor, who is a close advisor to the bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh, claims it is "rosary groups" who are opposing the vaccine. He told my wife to "Google" the vaccine and she would see that' it's okay.
Then my 4 month pregnant daughter, who to date has resisted the jab, even at the cost of being forced to work from home by her law firm for almost a year now when she was just on the verge of partnership, was almost browbeat by her ob-gyn to get it with scare stories that the baby or her or maybe both would be born without feet if she doesn't get jabbed.
Then I had to go to a work comp hearing (I'm a lawyer) for a client who was fired after an injury for violating "Covid" policy. When I asked what the Covid policy is the employer offered 50 pages of CDC and state guidelines, all of which are essentially undecipherable.
Well, at least I can take solace in the fact that our fully vaccinated and previous Covid victim cleaning guy is healthy. Oh wait, he just tested positive today.
Like I said at the beginning ....
I would be curious if your daughter's OB would be willing to put in writing that should anything happen to her or the baby as a result of the jab, the OB will bear all costs. No? Not willing to put your money where your mouth is? Okay then STFU. Might at least stop the browbeating...
Stay strong. Your family is doing better than most, staying unjabbed. That grandbaby will be proud of you all one day. Sorry for all the stress. Insane.
Unfortunately my son and his pregnant wife (due any day now) succumbed to the pressure after resisting for a long time and got the jab; this after they already had Covid! Thankfully they only got one and so far don't seem inclined to get another. Just praying everything okay for them and the baby
I'd comment more but I gotta go check out this mark on my arm and see if it's the monkeypox.
My daughter-in-law who delivered last year was pressured by everyone, but most particularly her friends who tried to shame her. She isn't even an anti-covid vaxxer but wasn't going to risk something new during her pregnancy. It was really ugly and disgusting and of course, now I loathe her friends because I think they're idiots and evil. I know that's not charitable, but they were blithely risking the life of my grandson because they couldn't read a history book to see the horrible things done to pregnant women and their babies with new medications.