I can answer the WHY. They keep doing this because there are PLENTY of people who only read the headline and when they see "evidence that Covid started in raccoon dogs", they believe it. This allows for millions of people to go along with their lies about the real origins of the virus.

And this is incredibly important because IF American taxpayers knew that their tax money had gone to funding the creation of Covid in the Wuhan lab, they MIGHT demand that Congress stop funding similar research that is being done as I write this. And the "scientists" fear getting defunded more than anything in the world. The "scientists" would rather risk destroying the human race as opposed to risking their "funding".

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Until the KNOWN perps and players who orchestrated all of this and intentionally are actually held to account we get more of the same. Why wouldn't we. A rapist will rape until IT is actually stopped and never allowed to do it again. Its not rocket science. ZERO accountability anywhere to be seen

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Who replaced Fauci at NIH?

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Fauci wasn't the head of NIH. He headed the NIAID. His number 2 guy took his spot.

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I'd be willing to bet my life that covid came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Prosecute Fauci.


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Prosecute Fauci? His efforts contributed to how many deaths? We need to focus on the REAL criminals that trespassed in Congress. 🤮

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Or those Russian trolls who made those posts on Facebook that nobody saw ... the posts that made millions of voters in swing states switch their votes from Hillary to Trump.

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I share your instinct--prosecute. It’s not realistic, yet anyway. Corrupt, unethical, for sure. These guys usually know the law. And are comfortable working at the very edge.

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Maybe. But don't bet your life on that. This is not the only virus research lab in the world ... and this virus was spreading around the world months before the Wuhan outbreak.


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I wish I'd kept the reference for this factoid, but someone I read, early on in this mess, calculated that the blood samples in that Italian (cancer?) study -- which revealed c-19 antibodies in folks before the "official pandemic" -- would indicate that the virus had been circulating in Italy for at least the prior year.

Makes sense as there were direct flights between Wuhan and Milan so that Chinese workers could "learn" (or steal) the techniques of the high-end fashion industry.

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“Beclown” - my new favorite verb.

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They simply needed something to point at to confuse the issue, like always.

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It's nice that Alex took the time to cover this and it's good to have these details..... but we didn't really need this information to know what they're doing since it's the same playbook they've used for just about everything. Find someone willing to publish, print, leak, or say something that fits the narrative

and then use the media, corrupt government,, compromised medical community, and a whole bunch of useful idiots to spread it around. Spread it around enough and it won't matter how valid or how absurd it is.

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I'm very likely to not believe their bull about SARS origins either. In fact what these clowns in lab coats have done is pretty much guarantee I don't believe anything they say anymore. Oh and the little elf belongs in prison for murder.

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Hot topic today. I gave the same comment elsewhere but it fits here too; Wherever it came from, it was the panicked response to it that did the damage. Whether it came from point A or point B, those who forced us into lockdowns, into masks, closed the schools, denied medical care, mandated the shots remain responsible for their actions.

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Don’t forget not being able to be with loved ones as they died alone.

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Yes, that too.

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Calling BS, that’s why I pay my monthly ante. Thank you for doing the work that the rest of the media isn’t willing to do.

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Sheesh, at this rate, they might point to nursing homes in NY as the next likely origin story of the virus.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the whole goal was to keep virus sleuths from looking at any other city or labs (or virus spread birth dates). The WIV is certainly a prime suspect, but not the only suspect.

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I do believe that at the beginning of the Ukraine conflict there was a biolab in the SW of Ukraine that the US was very concerned about. Someone referred to Fauci as an elf, I think weasel is more accurate.

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Actually, I believe there were/are more than one US-funded/operated biolab on Ukraine's border with Russia -- but the drive-by media has memory-holed that info as Russian disinformation. 🙄

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Keep that thought. You may very well be on to something.

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A great companion article to this charade is from Brownstone Institute.


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That’s quite an article and worth a read! Curious, indeed.

Between Nial Ferguson’s modeling wildly inflated covid death numbers for the UK - the false (according to Yale’s Dr. Harvey Risch) video clips coming out of China showing people collapsing in the streets - the overly sensitive CPR testing - NY nursing home deaths — panic for the great majority was indeed set loose in the land. Billions of dollars made. Fauci directing our attention to shiny objects and away from any culpability. “Nothing to see, My Precious. Just do as I say.” Hell isn’t bad enough for these people.

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Wow, that is quite the sequence of events. Another great article to keep in my files!

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Speaking of Germany, look up The Hamburg Syndrome movie from 1979

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A few things here I believe that if this lab was 100% guilty of Covid-19 everyone would be dead in that building and Probably 100 miles radius would be dead as well. Viruses are seasonal it's been this way for thousand years before today and it will continue to be Viruses some good some bad. It's all how Human body reacts to it at time of exposure. For Atlantic their audience is people who are fans of Disney World and Atlantic is known for lies they make up and convince there Audience what they say is true. Even when none of what they say is even remotely true. Atlantic has zero shame or regrets. Uncle Joe Biden says things that are untrue and the Legacy media talks to it audience as if what Uncle Joe Biden says is true. These tactics are done North Korea Iran China Russia Venezuela Cuba. Our government by Fauci orders has whole world living in fear because of Viral Pneumonia this is what Covid-19 is nothing else. And Yes it can be deadly if untreated by Medical professionals in a Hospital setting not at home on or under your coach. This issue in American hospital today with a virus. You can blame this on the high us of Chemicals to kill covid-19. I remember both Hospitals Groceries stores men and women wiping everything down. With in 5 minutes I felt like I was on Acid or Heroin trip without taking a thing. This is another reason why Medical mistakes happened this is enough for more to come in the days ahead. What very sad Alex Berenson knew all the answers from October 2019 and seeing they did not listen the entire world is suffering. Many have are today committing Mortal sin higher rate than suicide.

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Let's not forget that influenza magically "disappeared" at the same time "covid" reared its ugly head.

And until covid came along, no medical professional on the face of the planet advised anyone afflicted with an upper respiratory illness to stay at home until their lips turned blue before seeking any treatment. Influenza regularly kills about 50,000 Americans annually, but how many would it have killed if no one ever sought any treatment for it?! No oxygen. No saline IVs. No antibiotics or aspirin. Not even food or water, in many cases.

This was a planned genocide, and if any of us could get our hands on Fauci's spindly neck, I suspect we would gleefully snap it like a twig and never lose a wink of sleep.

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Absolutely no one can deny that disciples of Satan has infiltrated our government all branch both sides Federal and State.

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They keep stirring the pot with the “raccoon dogs” and other goofy theories. Got to keep us from paying attention to the Hunter and Brandon stories of grafting millions from the Chi Coms.

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Great write-up, Alex. I value and appreciate the excellent work you continue to produce on all things C-19. Keep it up.

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Alex gets it right in his last sentence. Politics has always been driving this train. What do the politics tell us is a dead-letter lock/certainty? That this virus came from China. Either naturally or from the WIV. This might be true (I hope it is true). But it also might not be true. I think most experts now agree that the Spanish Flu didn't come from Spain. It's at least possible that one day we will learn that the "Wuhan Flu" didn't come from Wuhan.

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Spanish Flu started in the US. It was taken to Europe in 1917 when the US entered the war. Spain was the first country to recognize there was a problem. And for that they were punished with the name of the disease.

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Such a misnomer of a word isn't it...politics. Its should really be re-named as corruptlitics. Legalized corruption with zero real accountability

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That is the funniest shit yet. LOL

A raccoon dog shit at a market. We would all be dead if dog shit caused airborne disease. A quick lookup shows dog shit transmits parasites and bacteria not virus and not airborne virus. Someone is getting paid to say this…. shit.

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I know 9 million reasons why they keep beclowning themselves - both Anderson and Garry received $9 million dollar grants after refuting their initial findings that Covid19 came from a lab. I wouldn't be surprised if Fauci initially sold his coverup to that group of scientists as a patriotic duty to prevent a war with China, then guaranteed their silence with the grants.

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