I just updated my Credit Card Payment details for my $300/yr subscription.

While Alex and I disagree on many things, you either have to support independent Journalism or we are left with the NYT/WAPO/ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN/FNN Uni-Narrative Media. That my friends, as Alex has demonstrated, is more Dangerous to our Democracy and Health than Covid.

Carry on Alex, we have your back.

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THANKS! (And let me know if you would like a free signed first edition of PANDEMIA.)

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I would love one. How do I get you my shipping address?

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Email signedpandemiacopy at gmail.com

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So national security allows them to cancel the first amendment. Sounds like they are trying to set a new precedent where they can cancel any of our rights if they make up some real or pseudo national security crisis.

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They already have. It's called the Patriot Act.

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And most indoctrinated people went right along with the patriot act. It was going to save us from the bad Muslim boogie men! Little did they know that they allowed Tyranny in the front door.

Nothing by accident!

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Uncle Joe Robinhood Biden is a very serious national security threat. What is anyone doing about it? Uncle Joe is not mentally fit or stable to serve ice cream.

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Anyone with half a brain knows that that half-wit is not in charge.

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I agree Leland. My guess, Obama and Susan Rice.

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More of a fact than a guess. Former Obama staff personnel are everywhere in the Biden Administration. and when Obama shows up frequently at the White House (Strange isn't it) Bumbling Joe sits down. Obama's third term!

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Ha. Figures. Rumor has it O has another home just outside DC (Kalorama) , with big black SUV’s frequently parked out front. I could puke.

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But he had a kitchen fire similar to the fire on Maui and almost lost his cat and Corvette!!??

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Uncle Brandon needs to be canceled!

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The real national security threat here is Pfizer they have been fined millions for destroying lives globally with CDC NIH AND LEGACY MEDIA GUIDANCE.

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One of Biden's aliases is Robin Ware. Appropriate. He's robbing all the wares of our nation.

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I would like to hear their definition of "national security." Could they possibly have the gall to intimate that Alex can't tell the truth, or even ask questions, about the mRNAs because the answers might anger both allied and non-allied countries and cause them to distrust us? (Newsflash, they already do...) Oh, well, then sure, cancel the First Amendment, 'cause it wasn't all that important anyway, not compared to "national security."

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National Security, at one time envisioned massive flocks of yellow Vietnamese swarming Hawaii, soon they would be in California and next Chicago if General Westmorland didn’t get his 1/2 million men and a blank check. Then it was Grenada with it’s planned extended runway, Iraq’s WMD, ISIS with its armed Toyota Tundra pick ups would be at our doorsteps if Hillary didn’t get her way. Never did national security ever mean a good job with pay and benefits, social security that kept pace with inflation or affordable education. Then as now it’s just meant a lie promoting fear so the MIC could steal from us.

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This crap from lawyers is why most people hate the law and lawyers. It shouldn't take hundreds of pages of legal mumbo jumbo to state your case for dismissal. The lawyers will make a fortune, you will spend a fortune, and normal Americans will be ground into salt in the normal day of the legal system.

I do hope you win. I hope your case makes a difference. But I feel the legal system is just theater for the elites, and a punishment for the common man.

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Why wouldn't this case be on a contingency basis? Winning damages (which the lawyers would have to WORK FOR) is part of the plan, right...?

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I will admit that few things in life would please me more than seeing Pfizer, Slavitt and the entirety of “Team Fed” exposed, humiliated and permanently banned from public discourse based on the mendacity, greed, and totalitarian lust for power they have heretofore exemplified.

Eff ‘em all.

Eff ‘em long, eff ‘em hard, and most importantly - eff ‘em publicly.

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Well and justly said.

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Alex, thanks for the update. We want you to focus big time on this lawsuit as it's very, very, very important. The corporate fascists like Pfizer and Totalitarian Joe with his czars and the Department of Injustice are clearly using their unlimited resources to discredit and dismiss you. Please let us know if the legal coffers need refilling as it's vitally important that this moves to the Discover Phase. Thanks for standing up for all of us.

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No. They are using their unlimited resources to discredit and dismiss us.

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They are using Trump's indictments as a way to intimidate us and make sure no one ever stands up to their corruption again. All of the lawfare is about controlling we the people.

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I can't think of the phrase -- I know someone here will know -- but the concept of the "accusation is the punishment" or something to that effect. That when the government -- with all the money and time they want -- goes after someone with far less resources, the government will always win. Most of us can't fight back -- we WANT to, but we don't have the money to do so. I am thrilled that Unreported Truths has done well enough that you can fight against Goliath. Because that's what this feels like -- David v. Goliath. It will go on and on and on for years because the government has every reason to bury any dissent, hoping to bankrupt anyone who tries to stop them. Good luck.

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The process is the punishment, is the phrase as I recall.

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That's it, thank you! I'm a writer, but I had a brain freeze. :/

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David versus Goliath is an aot analogy. I only hope it takes just one well placed stone from a simple weapon to knock Goliath dead on this battlefield. Prayers for you, Alex.

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NO. They want to shut him down as fast as possible. Definitely before any chance of change in this administration. They are steam rolling the silencing of any and all opposition to their actions and agenda while at the same time encoding absolutely every item on their bucket list.

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Blessings for continued strength - we stand with you.

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Can I support the legal fund? Where to send donations?

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“We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” – John F. Kennedy

Thank you Alex! We stand with you!

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They’re throwing the kitchen sink at the missile that can sink them. Here’s to hoping it will.

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Their timing is what’s curious to me because it looks as though they’re going to try and mask everyone again and implement Covid restrictions again. Who better to shut up than you?

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Yeah, just in time for the election.


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I've already seen people in masks at church and in supermarkets. There are still people who think that government officials have our best interests at heart and trust them implicitly.

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Give ‘em hell!!

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Alex: Forget Substack for a while and do your paralegal work. National security? What a joke! The judge should laugh these scoundrels out of court.

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Wow, wow and more wow! They are frightened. This is HUGE! Don’t stop and keep the faith. I’m praying you take these monsters down.

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National f....ing security!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Almost everything Alex has been accused of spreading misinformation about has turned out to be TRUE too. Not that most of us didn't already know it was all one massive CON early on and developed into the greatest crime ever perpetrated on humanity, and it's STILL going on! It's all allowed to go on. GOP does NOTHING to stop it either. They talk a lot though, and spend "we the people" money investigating, probing and urging for what exactly. ZERO accountability ANYwhere to be seen in approaching 4 years now. Not ONE person remotely held to account and the ELF fraud Fauci is being paid a generous "we the people" pension. Its astonishing really to see what was done and intentionally to humanity. Not ONE!

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Full of shit on Long Covid though, unfortunately; maybe he can open up to learning....

We're all "following the Science," right...?

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What was his stance again?

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ridicule. Look back a couple of days. "Psychosomatic," etc.

UNSCIENTIFIC to say the least.

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Can you provide reputable science that shows long covid exists?

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Infection of the Brain by Covid-19 Explains Long Covid (Conte, 2020)


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There is reputable science that shows that the physical problems people are complaining about are not "all in their heads."

The label "Long Covid" may not be accurate or the best in all cases (different things may be going on in different people--including vaccine injuries), but the science showing problems is enough to make derision or psychologizing dismissal the less than intelligent positions.

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I'm already a paid subscriber but what else can I do to help support you?

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Take all of the time you need!! We’re rooting for you!!!

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