Proudly unvaccinated. As an actual doctor, I read the writing on the wall very early.

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"As long as there is Pfizer & Moderna sloshing around inside people there will be Covid.

When you pour milk into Coffee, you can't take it out if you made a mistake. You have to throw it out and start again. Pfizer & Moderna have created a gift that keeps on giving, giving you new viruses that is. You will be getting the Covids at best every 2 years, at worst every 6 months. This isn't the Virus, doing this, this is purely the Vaccine. The mask won't stop you from getting Covid because your body is a Virus Factory." --Dr Phuckit

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It's a religion-level fervor amongst the true believers. See it in my own circle.

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Oh good! Another reason to ignore the CDC, and the boosters, and all the other nonsense spewing from Our Nation's Capital.

BTW, the most recent AARP email newsletter contained the headline, "Is it time again for masks?"

OMG! The responses were hilarious! There were more than 200 comments on this propaganda--recommending masks again--and the majority of responses were a dog-pile of unrestrained criticism and outright name-calling for this activist group.

(Yes, I, too, hate AARP, but I get a discount on my car insurance.)

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My daughter (in medical field- nurse) is determined to give it to her new baby at 6 mo. Will be This Christmas. Child has a slight lung issue with possible surgery in new year but generally he’s very healthy.

Please please give me your best medical data/argument to help.

I’m terrified of long term consequences.


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The covid shots are a new religion, mind control and medical experiment, on top of the largest (non-defense) money laundering scheme in history. We're on our own.

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Q: "So why on earth - aside from buffering the profits of Pfizer and Moderna or a simple unwillingness to admit defeat - would anyone recommend more shots?"

A: Doctors are not scientists, they're herd-following conformists who have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical industry.

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I’ll be pleasantly surprised, I.e., SHOCKED, if any MSM reports this. It’s impossible to penetrate the thick skulls of the True Believers without this evidence. The Covidians are on the march for global masking. This time though - one half of social media is pushing back. ✌🏼

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“Non-Pregnant Adults” - the CDC is captured and unredeemable. I hope the next administration obliterates it.

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I do miss you. Can't tell if the appeals court ruling in Missouri v Biden helps or hurts your case. Hope you can update us soon.

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[healthy vaccinee bias (the fact that Covid boosters, especially the more recent ones, are taken by a self-selected group of people who are afraid of Covid and generally neurotic about their health) likely accounts for that gap.]

We need a more accurate label- these folks aren't neurotic about their health- they're just neurotic, in general.

In the extreme.

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A better question is why on earth would anyone GET more shots? Love the analogy from @TriTorch about milk and coffee!

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not to forget, that lots of jabbed and boosted people have already died. Just watch the canadian obituaries to know. They just adjusted their pages from 24 people per page to 32, and every day there are tens of pages of deaths. Most older people, but quite a few in their 50 and 60s, and if you watch MCMiller-s page, you will notice other countries have lots of sudden deaths, lots of short term cancers, lots of heart attacks... and several countries start to realize what has been going on. Only the US seem to go on jabbing - well, I think Netherlands will too, and Belgium probably. UK only jabs 65plus AND children for flu this year

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I got a report from Western Oklahoma of a family that vaccinated their very young child. The child went from normal babbling and laughter to being very autistic and non communicative. The parents blame the vaccine. How many more deaths and severe incapacitating injuries is it going to take before people come to their senses?

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Way back in February 2022 it became clear that here in Massachusetts the majority of people hospitalized for COVID-19 were "fully vaccinated."

Then in mid-July 2022 the Massachusetts Department of Public Health stopped publishing the number of COVID-19 breakthrough cases, i.e. people who were injected with the products and then caught the disease. The DPH website states “data on vaccine breakthrough cases in Massachusetts are no longer being updated.” It does not say why. The DPH is still not publishing the number of breakthrough cases, and says that it is not analyzing this data.

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Its the same people that love their masks and have started wearing them again. Its staggering the number of people that think they work and refuse to believe evidence that proves otherwise.

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