Proudly unvaccinated. As an actual doctor, I read the writing on the wall very early.

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PharmD over here! That’s why I wrote this article:


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Myself and spouse as well. Much to the shame and bewilderment of some of the family. Although, this technically means unemployable, for me at least, I wouldn’t have made any other decision.

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so sorry to hear t his makes you unemployable~ yikes! certainly hope you can pick up some self-employment income from sane customers.... thankfully, i'm full time self-employed...my employer never required vax ;) Stand firm!

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I'm not a doctor. But I used to play one as a child. Yet I didn't need that skill to know I was being lied to. And knowing you are being lied to is knowing a great deal.

I knew that they did not know if these shots where safe and effective. At that time, I thought they could be, but I knew for a fact that the people telling me they were could not possibly have known it. Therefore they were lying. Not in error, but lying. Therefore there was no way anyone should have taken the shots. Simple really. It was a new technology that isn't even a vaccine but closer to a self imposed autoimmune disease. How could they possibly know it was safe and effective when it hadn't even got the same degree of testing as a normal proper vaccine?

And now they are giving an EUA for the newest variant of the vaxx without even bothering to lie about an emergency.

Now we should know enough to figure the whole thing out.

It isn't about Covid.

It isn't about vaccines.

It's about the lies.

We must accept the lies. Whatever they may be.

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It’s all about getting shots in arms regardless and at all costs.

For the why, see Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt.

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The covid vaccine producers pretend that they have full control over the products they deliver. But they are just franchisers to the real project owner, the Department of Defence. Then there is the CDC keeping up the impression they have any kind of influence over the products by addressing the franchisers.

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Yeah I have hosted a few shows with them, especially Sasha. Its a bitter pill to swallow but she has evidence for it.

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Ditto’s. Not even a doctor, but read the writing on the wall.

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Ditto for me and my husband. And when Congress exempted themselves from the government mandate for taking the 'vaccine', our no vote on it was most definitely confirmed.

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wow. A unicorn. Hallelujah.

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God bless you.

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Unfortunately, most of your colleagues followed the herd.

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"As long as there is Pfizer & Moderna sloshing around inside people there will be Covid.

When you pour milk into Coffee, you can't take it out if you made a mistake. You have to throw it out and start again. Pfizer & Moderna have created a gift that keeps on giving, giving you new viruses that is. You will be getting the Covids at best every 2 years, at worst every 6 months. This isn't the Virus, doing this, this is purely the Vaccine. The mask won't stop you from getting Covid because your body is a Virus Factory." --Dr Phuckit

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We’re experiencing Menticide, but no one seems to know


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It's a religion-level fervor amongst the true believers. See it in my own circle.

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Yes. It is definitely a religion-level fervor for the true believers. I know many that think that way and there is no changing their thinking. They are absolutely committed and you are heathen if you even imply or insinuate anything different. And for that I say ... let them have as many shots and boosters as they want! It's their life.

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Except these are the folks making the rules requiring boosters of college students. We can live and let live. THEY'LL NEVER LEAVE US ALONE.

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yes, there must be accountability for the savaging of our young people, especially, it seems, young men, needlessly suffering strokes, heart attacks, death, and other vaccine injuries. the fact that there are STILL universities requiring students to be vaxxed is truly criminal, IMHO.

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Yes, the FDA, the CDC and the entire federal government stepped over a criminal line when they pushed the untested vaccine on the people. They lied to, cajoled and even threatened people to "reduce vaccine hesitancy". What a line of BS! I agree that someone should be held accountable but I truly doubt anyone ever will. But I will forever resist their nonsense. I also find it fucking nuts that universities are requiring the vaccines. But then again, universities get a lot of money from the federal government and if they don't toe the line, they won't get that money.

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true that, on all counts

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I agree. They will never leave us alone. It's all political theater. And I will NEVER take the Covid vaccine, at least voluntarily. However, I don't want to be confrontational with the vaccine people when they tell me they are getting the next booster. Many of these people are not healthy and they are extremely fearful. I just lament that the mice that previously tested the bivalent booster have apparently opted out of their contracts to do more testing. I thank the vaccine testers for doing the testing for future generations and wish them the best of luck.

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This video's a little out of date, but the lesson still holds. Bill Maher talks about how Democrats greatly overestimate the chance you'd have to go to the hospital if you got covid. Democrats thought it was way higher than Republicans. 41% of Dems thought its over 50%. Another 28% thought it was 20 to 49%. The answer is 1 to 5%.

He says, "liberal media has to take a little responsibility for that, for scaring the shit out of people."

On this I think he's right.


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And it turns out that the hospital might be the worst place to go.

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I know, that is why my circle is much smaller now.

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Righteous buffoons.

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Oh good! Another reason to ignore the CDC, and the boosters, and all the other nonsense spewing from Our Nation's Capital.

BTW, the most recent AARP email newsletter contained the headline, "Is it time again for masks?"

OMG! The responses were hilarious! There were more than 200 comments on this propaganda--recommending masks again--and the majority of responses were a dog-pile of unrestrained criticism and outright name-calling for this activist group.

(Yes, I, too, hate AARP, but I get a discount on my car insurance.)

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See if AMAC (association of mature americans gives you the same discount.)

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Another example of why the censorship industrial complex usually moves quickly to shut down any open public forum.

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That dumb, wrap-your-fish-in-it newsletter comes to our home as well. Glad the actual membership includes vocal dissidents!

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My daughter (in medical field- nurse) is determined to give it to her new baby at 6 mo. Will be This Christmas. Child has a slight lung issue with possible surgery in new year but generally he’s very healthy.

Please please give me your best medical data/argument to help.

I’m terrified of long term consequences.


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1) The World Health Organization’s vaccine experts have revised their global Covid-19 vaccination recommendations, and healthy kids and teenagers considered low priority may not need to get a shot.

2) "Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19

vaccination in randomized trials in adults" Elsevier, Vaccine 40 (2022) 5798–5805

3) "Doctor Claims 50% of Children Who Suffer Myocarditis Due to COVID Vaccination Will be Dead Within 5 Years", GlobalResearch, The Expose 1 October 2022

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If “statistically zero risk” doesn’t do it nothing probably will. Pray.

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Have your daughter read the Real Anthony Faucci from Robert Kennedy Jr. It open your eyes to all the vaccines. There is no going back once you get vaccinated. My boys are older now but I wish I have read that book before. I even got a side effect from the thetanus shot. You will have to weight your consequences if not taken. As far as COVID for kids is almost close to zero

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The covid shots are a new religion, mind control and medical experiment, on top of the largest (non-defense) money laundering scheme in history. We're on our own.

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They're over. Almost no one is getting them anymore.

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I live in an over 55 community with lot's of over 70 and over 80 folks. They get the vaccines brought in to our clubhouse. When they offer the bivalent booster(s) (frequently) they have to send out reminders---"available today" ...probably because others are doing what I am---laughing a bit--and deleting.

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Q: "So why on earth - aside from buffering the profits of Pfizer and Moderna or a simple unwillingness to admit defeat - would anyone recommend more shots?"

A: Doctors are not scientists, they're herd-following conformists who have been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical industry.

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My doctor's office required masks until this spring. For the way the medical profession glommed on to the mask obsession, they should be getting a share of sales. Based on Fauci's latest gibberish (masks help individuals but not populations!?!), I wouldn't be surprised to see them come back despite the Cochrane study showing they do nothing to stop respiratory virus transmission.

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They are also being coerced/extorted/blackmailed by their Medical Specialty groups. They are threatened with losing accreditation if they don't go along, and that can mean losing admitting privileges at their local hospitals or even losing their license to practice medicine. Those threats are mostly unspoken but they are all aware of what has happened to Paul Marik, Meryl Nass. Pierre Kory, and Peter McCullough. Their choices are pretty extreme.

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I’ll be pleasantly surprised, I.e., SHOCKED, if any MSM reports this. It’s impossible to penetrate the thick skulls of the True Believers without this evidence. The Covidians are on the march for global masking. This time though - one half of social media is pushing back. ✌🏼

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Me too, very early and as the months went by, I have grown to the point that I do not trust anything that the government tells us without researching first.

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Your final phrase will get you in trouble. Sentence should end after "tells us".

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The information is being "curated" to conform with the government's policy. There may still be ways to find true information but Big Tech, at the behest of the government and Big Pharma, are trying to suppress dissenting information.

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“Non-Pregnant Adults” - the CDC is captured and unredeemable. I hope the next administration obliterates it.

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Unless ALL RINO's are removed and Pharma's ownership of far more than people know in the swamp ENDS...nothing changes. Why would IT.

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Butt depending on real meaning and context, this might be a useful phrase that simply includes (a) men and (b) non-preg women. If so, awkward, foolish,but not idiotic.

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When did it become necessary to refer to any man "as "non-pregnant"?

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There is indeed a certain logic to saying "non-pregnant people," in that it catches all people (men, women, and children) who are not pregnant.

The real problem comes when they say "pregnant people," as I've seen happening too many times recently. As if anybody but a WOMAN could get pregnant. 🙄

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Gov't should stop using our tax dollars to fund more vaccine research/ development. That's a piece of the problem.

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I do miss you. Can't tell if the appeals court ruling in Missouri v Biden helps or hurts your case. Hope you can update us soon.

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Yes, Alex! PLEASE let us know.

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[healthy vaccinee bias (the fact that Covid boosters, especially the more recent ones, are taken by a self-selected group of people who are afraid of Covid and generally neurotic about their health) likely accounts for that gap.]

We need a more accurate label- these folks aren't neurotic about their health- they're just neurotic, in general.

In the extreme.

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A better question is why on earth would anyone GET more shots? Love the analogy from @TriTorch about milk and coffee!

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not to forget, that lots of jabbed and boosted people have already died. Just watch the canadian obituaries to know. They just adjusted their pages from 24 people per page to 32, and every day there are tens of pages of deaths. Most older people, but quite a few in their 50 and 60s, and if you watch MCMiller-s page, you will notice other countries have lots of sudden deaths, lots of short term cancers, lots of heart attacks... and several countries start to realize what has been going on. Only the US seem to go on jabbing - well, I think Netherlands will too, and Belgium probably. UK only jabs 65plus AND children for flu this year

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I got a report from Western Oklahoma of a family that vaccinated their very young child. The child went from normal babbling and laughter to being very autistic and non communicative. The parents blame the vaccine. How many more deaths and severe incapacitating injuries is it going to take before people come to their senses?

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Way back in February 2022 it became clear that here in Massachusetts the majority of people hospitalized for COVID-19 were "fully vaccinated."

Then in mid-July 2022 the Massachusetts Department of Public Health stopped publishing the number of COVID-19 breakthrough cases, i.e. people who were injected with the products and then caught the disease. The DPH website states “data on vaccine breakthrough cases in Massachusetts are no longer being updated.” It does not say why. The DPH is still not publishing the number of breakthrough cases, and says that it is not analyzing this data.

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Whether or not they say why, it seems likely it was because there were getting to be so many break through cases it made the shots look like what they were--ineffective. Harder to sell them or the "necessity" of getting them when people understand that.

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I think you hit the nail squarely on the head.

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This is the last massachusetts update 65% hospitalized with covid are fully vaccinated. It is curious why the don't specify " for covid" percentage. May be too embarrassing.

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That's about the same as in April 2022. According to the State's portal, the State classifies people as hospitalized "due to COVID-19" if they received dexamethasone treatment. So these are people who have COVID-19 symptoms.


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Its the same people that love their masks and have started wearing them again. Its staggering the number of people that think they work and refuse to believe evidence that proves otherwise.

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