The Centers for Disease Control’s vaccine advisory committee is holding a meeting tomorrow at which it appears the committee will discuss adding Covid-19 shots to the standard childhood immunization schedule.
I write “appears” because I have not confirmed this plan with the agency. But the Federal Register - the official government notice for the meetings - reports that “recommendation votes on pneumococcal, adult immunization schedule, child/adolescent immunization schedule and COVID-19 vaccines are scheduled.” [emphasis added]
Many of you have emailed suggesting the CDC’s move is part of a plan to make mRNA Covid shots a requirement for public school attendance.
Perhaps, but parents of young children have rejected the shots almost completely. Barely 2 percent of children under 5 and fewer than 1 in 3 from 5 to 11 are fully immunized; states that required them for school would lead to massive parental pushback and quite likely destroy their public education systems.
Then why make this move, which is both irrelevant and embarrassing since it throws a spotlight on the way parents have rejected the shots for kids? The real answer may be the potential liability over the shots the mRNA companies may soon face.
The federal “public health emergency” declaration now in place protects Pfizer and the other vaccine companies from being sued over any side effects from their shots. This is likely the primary reason the declaration was extended again days ago, despite the lack of ANY evidence that Covid is causing even minor stress on the medical system.
I suspect - and I want to be clear I am simply guessing - that the vaccine companies have told the Biden Administration they will not sell the shots without liability protection. Everyone involved at the companies and the White House is fully aware that a withdrawal must be avoided at all costs; they know how pulling the shots from the market would look.
But extending the emergency declaration past its new expiration in early 2023 would be absurd. Even the Biden Administration’s media water-carriers raised (a few) eyebrows at this extension.
The solution is adding the mRNA vaccines to the childhood schedule. Any vaccine on the schedule is also immunized as the broader federal vaccine injury compensation program.
Glad I live in Alabama where they passed a law in 2021 that mRNA covid shots wouldn't be added to mandatory school vaccine requirements. And that we also allow religious exemptions.
The only exemption that is valid - "I am an American and I don't want it" exemption. Also known as human rights, liberty, freedom, etc. Any fool who wants an mRNA shot should be able to get one so long as he or his idiotic insurance company pays for it (not my tax dollars) but the only valid role government has in this massive medical experiment is to ensure that Americans who do not want it are not forced to be needle raped under any circumstances by any entity whatsoever. Period. NO SEPARATE RELIGIOUS OR MEDICAL EXEMPTIONS REQUIRED. If you acknowledge an exemption then you are acknowledging the legitimacy of the underlying mandate. NO EXEMPTIONS OTHER THAN THE "F... OFF" EXEMPTION.
Yes but that doesn't change teh fact that is teh Federal Government via its agencies is able to provide the vaccine manufacture with liable free protection from its product. The sate may not require you to take it but what if for some other reason you are forced to move and the new state does require it? Regardless of the states take the Federal government should not be allowed to provide this kind of liable free protection to any industry for any reason.
Please keep in mind that if this becomes the CDC recommendation the federal Department of Education (thanks Jimmy Carter) will use the withholding of funds to the states if they do not comply to force the issue. This is a major problem with the soft federalism that the US has become.
I keep trying to like your comment but the page won't let me! I think most parents don't realize that it's literally better for your kids to do NO formal education than it is for them to be in public schools. Really takes the pressure off.
It’s happening in Wa. state. The numbers are so big, they quit reporting on the news. In 2020, 32,000 parents pulled their kids out. The numbers are growing and so are the co-op educating groups. Mandatory vaccines are already unacceptable for most northwest “ nature or nothing” parents.
Most parents probably wouldn't even have to do it very long if it's a hardship. If enough parents pulled their kids out for the same school year you'd see the Dept. Of Ed. shit a brick. Schools get money based on how many students show up.
Edited to add: Teachers go on strike for better wages or contracts, this should be a parent/student strike. It's illegal to pull your kid out and not give them an education, that's why you have to go the homeschooling route.
Good point. Especially if they form a cooperative to help share the expense and the responsibilities. As a retired adult I do not always see the issues faced by parents of school aged children.
Federal funding of public schools is less than 10% of the state budget. Any state that wants to preserve autonomy from federal pressure to mandate the illegal jabs can easily do so.
When the CDC adds a vaccine to the childhood schedule, the manufacturers are shielded from liability for any harm or death caused by the vaccine. Liability is shifted to the government and tax payers.
It’s really incredible. Your child is “forced” to take a product by a habitually criminal company to attend school…and should they experience any problems, it’s your fault.
Formaldehyde and aluminum injected in the body certainly do not promote health.
Seriously. When are parents going to have enough. I have lost all trust in our healthcare system and it’s providers. I don’t trust the government or it’s agencies either. We are on our own. The worst part is that we pay for it.
That doesn't change the fact that the US Federal government has made it such that no one sue the manufacturer for harm caused by their product. There is no constitutional authority for the Federal Government to provide any entity or industry with this kind of protection. I'm surprised other industries haven't sought to get their own liability free protection mechanism in place. Imagine how bad a safety record the automobile industry would have if it had this kind of liability free protection by the Federal government.
VRBPAC's Eric Rubin said in the Fall of 2021 "But we’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes. That’s how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines like coronavirus vaccine. And I do think we should vote to approve it."
Now we all know the risk benefit ratio of the EUA injections is completely upside down and especially dangerous for infants, children, pregnant women and males under 50.
Is it true that in December 2021, Pfizer announced the two-dose series wasn’t successful and did not provide immunity in 2–5-year-olds?
Is it true that in the trial the confidence intervals went below zero for kids under two? And that the vaccine could possibly increase the risk of infection?
Is it true there have been 4448 hospitalizations and 1959 reports of myocarditis in children age 6 months through 17 years who have received mRNA vaccines reported to VAERS?
Is it true there have been 160 deaths, 674 cases of life-threatening side effects, 526 permanent disabilities and 56,818 total reports in children age 6 months through 17 years who have received mRNA vaccines reported to VAERS?
Children’s innate immune systems are not developed until the age of four – making even safer vaccines relatively useless and worse for this age group.
The FDA has made three indiscriminate broad authorizations without convening its vaccine experts in the last year.
I personally know 7 men in their 40s, 60s and 70s who have had emergency surgery for large clots around their hearts, in their arms and legs and two who have lost mobility soon after their inoculations. I know of at least that many women who quickly developed extremely aggressive cancers, many developed neuropathies and several have died.
The mRNA injections must be halted immediately for every age.
While I have no idea if submitting a comment to the CDC voicing opposition to the addition of the Covid-19 shots/"vaccine" will have a bearing on the vote, I thought about the comments others made that it will still let them know what people think and it can give them a clue as to how many people think that way. I did it. I hope more will do so.
I have two kids under two. I have told my wife, only over my cold dead body will my kids every be injected with these shots. Hope a lot of other parents feel the same.
I feel for parents like you in this situation. Would be awful! Would be so hard to trust that the other parent would inject your child with the vaccine.
thank you so much. I've already fought so hard to protect the kids. It's really hard when people say "JUST HOME SCHOOL." I f***ng CAN'T without a major legal battle I'd lose anyway.
And yes, there are lots of cases where parents don't agree and it tears marriages apart.
tears families apart. Haven't had any meaningful contact with my grand-children since this covidiocy began.....only live next door but the daughter and son-in-law are pharmacists and locked us up for the great flattening of the curve experiment in incarcerating a population en mass. Once a close and loving family.... our grand children were the love of our lives and now in place of a heart full of pride for our children is one the weeps in sorrow and agony watching this crime destroy us. I know over 20 people suddenly dead including an 18 day old baby in her mother's arms after a normal breast feed..... no one wants to know and I get screamed at that I can't prove these deaths are from the clot shot and I'm declared certifiable by these programmed zombies of so called 'medical professionals'....nothing medical or professional from what I'm witnessing. God have mercy on us all. Rx are correct. These are educated fools you are dealing with...I am 25 years a physician in industry....I assure you these shots are killing people. The data is unquestionable. I pray for you and your family. Keep your faith.
Rose I'm so sorry. I can't imagine not seeing my granddaughters. I pray that you will become a close family again soon. Everyone needs to read the letter written by a French General to all of us who have remained unvaccinated. You can find it on Lifesite's website. It is so beautiful that it made me cry. I'm sure you will feel the same.
I think a lot of grandparents are in similar situations. I cut my eldest out of my trust fund, over him letting his libtard wife not even letting me have photos of my granddaughter. She thinks she is smarter than I because she has a few semesters of nursing school. At least I'm well-read, not indoctrinated. NO JABS, NOT HAD COVID.
I'm so sorry Rose - I am also in a similar situation. Haven't seen our two grandchildren in years and called the ex daughter in law a year ago to politely say the risk benefit ratio of these injections is upside down for children. The only time that I've ever given my unsolicited advice on anything to any one of my adult children or their spouses.
All I can do is pray to God to protect the innocent everywhere and keep repeating the above to anyone who will listen.
Sad to read your plight.... we are not alone I know. The destruction of the family has been central to atheistic communism. They want the children from birth in daycare State funded centres for pure indoctrination. Our children were being programmed at schools and we mistakenly thought they were being educated. Goodness knows how this new era of an ill equipped generation is going to work out. Trouble is they locked into the narrative of 'wilful ignorance' early on under the guidance of the lockstep manual and what they were told by the institutions they trust. . They 'own' the science! They have total confidence in what is obviously a criminal corrupted system. If they acknowledge the level of corruption that they inadvertently must support they would have to shut up shop...the same for the can ethics ..... can't go there. As grand parents we are the new disposables. Facts, integrity, order, decency, truth and tradition..... don't matter anymore.
So very sorry. If they will speak to you, ask them to read the package insert or fact sheet for any vaccine or drug, and then they will be able to see for themselves why people are hesitant. I.E, you can end up in a wheelchair for 6 months from the Shingles vaccine, a baby can die after getting a Rotavirus vaccine -- while rare, those risks need to be factored in.
Read the package insert (if 2 versions read the 1 for Healthcare workers), The medication guide if there is one for every vaccine and medication you plan to put into your body or your child’s body.
Search “xxx package insert”
We are all smart! Don't let others decide for you.
was it tested properly? did they prove it works? is it needed? are there other treatments? is it safe? is it worth the risks? Crtl F “death” did anyone die in the trials? What are the ingredients? Are they good to have in my body?
Do you need more than one dose?
If it is a live vaccine, what precautions do I need to take?
Very important: The Placebo is NOT always saline.
Placebo = saline OR another vaccine OR some other substance
Best to look at just the vaccine/drug and ignore the placebo unless you know what the placebo is. See for more information
I hope and will pray that your husband changes his mind. In case it would help, a new documentary based on RFK Jr's Fauci book is coming out tomorrow I also recently saw a new documentary on the side effects of the vx in the UK. I found it on, unfortunately having trouble finding it now.
We added it to our will that even over our dead bodies our kids won’t get these Covid shots. 🤷♀️.
It’ll be great for the school choice movement. It always amuses me that people claim parents like us, who chose a private conservative school for our kids, want school choice for our own benefit. That sort of ignored that we already have school choice. The benefit to us of supporting choice is a less harmed society for our kids to one day participate in when they become adults.
Between the failure to teach useful subjects/ skills and the neoracists and grooming ideology taking over most urban and suburban public schools, the school choice movement is finally gaining momentum. They add clot shots to the requirement to send your kid to school to protect a lethal and compelled big pharma subscription plan and it should push over the edge to get AZ style school choice everywhere. 🤗🤗🤗
I love the idea of adding it to our will! Thanks! I'm going to steal that. :)
A local school district by me just went on strike. So the kids are out of school. Again. I only hope this gets even more people to push for school choice. We also send ours to a private school (because we can - but not everyone can but I think everyone should have that opportunity!) and as I drive by those picketing teachers, I thank God we have the ability to send him there where he's not missing out on yet MORE school. AFter the last 2 years, I've lost respect for teachers and doctors.
Once again. Over my cold dead body will my kids ever be given this shot. My grandma developed a blood clot after her fourth dose. My Uncle had to be hospitalized with low red blood cell count, after the the booster. I had a bad reaction and I am 34 year old in shape male. So ya I don't care what the government says, I will move to Texas or Florida. I will put my kids in private or catholic schools. There is no way that I will ever allow them to take this poison
Unfortunately the Catholic schools in Florida tend to March lockstep when it comes to the pediatric vaccine schedule. Luckily I don’t think our state legislature or DeSantis will allow it to be added no matter what the feds do.
Are you insane? EVERY school in MA will have it mandated. There will be no private school exceptions. MA takes away ALL of your rights, even the right to buy what car you want to drive.... My daughter and son-in-law will blindly follow along with the pack though. Future medical problems will all be nonexistent due to the vaccine because there will be too many other probably causes. It has got to be a mold problem. Yeah, that is it. Teach your children to flee to red states where their rights will be protected. I didn't start early enough.
I am telling you our school mandated the flu shot. Reminded us every few weeks, no flu shot and you will not be able to return after Christmas break. Then all of a sudden about Dec 29th, They said it was no longer required. My guess was that they had their bluff called and there were too many without the flu shot.
My kid was in private HS in Northern Virginia. I said no to the shot for my daughter and had conversations with the school nurse - whom i told should know better than to impose ANY medical experiment on a child as a condition for something. Nurse said HS had 85% jab compliance - I called bunk - she said she had the shot cards. Anyways, she was sent home twice for 'exposure' to COVID and asked to quarantine for a couple of days and check for symptoms - the special protocol for the un-jabbbed. One weekend she had the sniffles. We made it. No jab.
Doesn't matter if the jab had an 99% compliance. There was a time in history where acceptance of slavery was 85%. True science is not arrived at by achieving a majority.
I agree, but, the enemy who you really need to focus on aren't the scum and villainy in the halls of Congress, White House, and your state legislatures.
No, the 50-70 million cretins, thugs, and minions who are registered Demoncraps. Who live, work, and cross your path every day...
Leaders aren't going to bust down your doors, they genuinely await the neighbors, coworkers, and people next to you at house of worship to stand up and shriek like the creatures in Invasion of the Body Snatchers that you are the demon!...
And it will happen as is The time for secession is long gone...
Need a traditional Catholic school that holds to Catholic doctrine and isn't headed by cowards. Our's is good. Never masked or social distanced, did perfectly fine here in Va.
"Is the pope Catholic?" used to be a snarky response to a question that was obviously answered by "Yes". Now, I cannot say yes if someone asks me if the pope is Catholic. He's not the same Catholic that I am. One of us is a Bad Catholic. I think it is him.
"Does a bear s*** in the woods?" is another snarky Yes response. Maybe now it should be "Does the pope s*** in the woods?" I am sure sewers aren't very climate friendly needing energy to run and all that. Pope Climatius must s*** in the woods to be the climate warrior and sjw he wishes all Catholics to be.
There's no need to dredge up 500-year-old controversies when the Satanists are busily attacking all of us. They're happy to set us against each other so they can defeat us in detail.
We had a breuhaha here in Florida with a bishop in the Tampa diocese who refused to allow exemptions per Florida law! And I think he prevailed! Still don’t know that happened.
If a down right battle is what it’s going to take for parents to protect their children believe me it will happen. But the kids are off limits. I don’t know any parent who won’t fight to the death for their child. On both sides. They are poking the bears. That’s all I’ve got to say.
I agree. I have not been vaxxed and neither have my children. I feel it was one of the best decisions I have ever made and with all the new data coming out, I feel vindicated for not caving to the pressure to get needle raped in my arm.
And this sort of attitude is what my comment to the CDC is intended to communicate:
If it is the intention to amplify the growing skepticism of the entire childhood vaccine schedule among parents, then by all means add mRNA covid shots. A quick look at the uptake stats on these aggressively promoted shots tells CDC regulators 'all they need to know' about parental trust in your covid recommendations for children. This warning signal that CDC actions may well implode confidence in the "childhood schedule" may produce an outcome that growing numbers of parents would welcome.
It is nearly impossible, a light of so much negative data now available, to regard this proposed action as anything other than protection for the pharmaceutical industry (your primary underwriters) undertaken with nearly total disregard for the well-being of children. Many now "look to Europe" -- where these shots are banned, yes banned -- for more rational vaccination standards.
Signed, a formerly "vaccine-compliant" mother-of-three.
Great comment. I couldn't agree more. I am not vaccine compliant because I have never trusted the CDC or any of these government bureaucrats that lie to us and have hidden agendas. But I'm glad you now see the light and yes, the vaccines are banned in several countries because the vaxx data is NOT good.
What will commenting do? Is it like when our ancestors performed a human sacrifice to make sure the sun would rise the next day? Is there any chance comments will change the outcome that these injections will be placed on the childhood schedule? I think not. I wish we live in a different reality, but this is the one we have.
This is my hill. My grandchildren will not be Guinea pigs for big Pharma profits. This grandma is mad as hell. I used to be a program administrator at the county public health dept, running an immunization program, a past believer in the innate goodness of Public Health. CDC needs to go. Yup this is my hill ….
I appreciate the sentiment. However, my epitaph isn't going to read "He submitted comments to a captured regulatory authority under an earnestly held belief that it would result in a different outcome."
Comments won’t change minds about adding mRNA experiments to the schedule but the decision makers/Pharma flunkies need to know that a substantial number of people are unhappy and will not comply.
My bad to what I wrote a moment ago, missed the perspective of your comment. You are completely correct, and, when will those who genuinely, sincerely, completely care about this society rise up and say in so many words, as a few million mass outside the Blight House,
"Fuck you Joe, get out, and take your bastard cronies with you, and we dare you to order the military to fire on us, you sick demented deplorable diseased motherfucker!!!"
That happens, I will be in front of that crowd, and have no issue dying to make the point we are ruled for now by sociopaths who need to be shown the door out and gone from this country, and if they chose to fight, then, they die with us.
This is where we must acknowledge that protest and standing up to government must be done by civil means, within the bounds of the law and civil disobedience of unjust laws without harming others.
Commenting will do exactly what all the people running around with their hair on fire yelling that we should all wear masks and get vaccinated! These people cave to political pressure. Read the CDCs website and see how much they attribute covid outcomes to systemic racism. The CDC will choose to be politically expedient over following the actual science. We've allowed the left and covidiots to run roughshod over us!
Giving up is not an option either. It takes just a few minutes to comment and to send a copy of your comments to your senators and representatives. Let them know that you are a voter and you are watching!
I posted this elsewhere, but it's important so that we keep our sanity ...
Remember, EACH state sets the requirements. The Flu shot and HPV are on the schedule but the vast majority of states DO NOT require these to attend school. To me, it's all about the liability shield.
think you meant Mass-of-two-shits, your Governor and that wretched hag of a scumbag Lizard-breath War-hen (a chicken shit wanting endless death on humans)...
(used to be for Dead Kennedy and that bloated homosexual anti-human loser who left and hopefully is dead as well?)
Sorry, have no respect for humanoids who rule us to death, and then laugh at the carnage and misery...
At least for now we have religious exemptions for school vaccine requirements. I had no idea until I had to request one so my kid could be in her dance recital last year.
I saw this response by Steve Kirsch on substack that seems very appropriate... "Dr. Paul Offit who sits on the FDA advisory committee isn't getting the booster. He is a world expert on vaccines. The vaccine offers no benefit: all the mice challenged with Omicron got Omicron. It was 100% a failure in preventing infection and previous doses already provide protection for hospitalization and death. Do any of you know something Paul Offit doesn't know? Please let us know and share the scientific evidence. Thank you."
I think there will be massive pushback. Home schooling is taking off. Private schools without these mandates are another option. I'd love to see the public school system and the idiotic teachers unions lose a big public battle like pushing for these vaccines.
ever try to sue a vaccine maker? did you know it's directed to a special vaccine court with special judges? did you know the vaccine makers are represented by federal lawyers *you* pay for?
at least now, instead of paying for big bird to shoot up elmo on PBS, we will get to enjoy professionally produced comirnaty commercials with spry, paranoid old people dancing in fields accompanied background murmuring, "...may cause myocarditis, pericarditis, cause all your cancer to come out of remission, deep vein thrombosis, and somehow up your odds of dementia & diabetes..."
if this vaccine gets on the "schedule", I would say it is a big boost to school vouchers and the end of government, union control of schools and the indoctrination of our kids. That would be a great outcome in my opinion!
It has been over 2 and a half years since Covid shots came out and still no risk/benefit analysis has been presented by the CDC to the public. Why is that? You are spending a lot of our money trying to convince us that they are "safe and effective". Please show us the proof. We are tired of your "just trust us" attitude.
This is the event about which I have been whining in these stacks since they began and of which everyone here should be most scared. Alex's analysis is completely correct. They have just been waiting to add this nonsense injection (no benefit to any child, ever, for practical purposes -- and lots of injury) so that the government and, even more, the pharmas can FOREVER have no liability for killing you and your children.
This vaccine liability exclusion is some of the worst law ever to pass in the US and would be first on my list to revoke if I ran the world. But most actual vaccines have very limited and well understood side effects and most that caused this level of harm have never even gotten close to being approved. This one is neither a vaccine nor a net benefit to children (or anyone under 70 really) but putting it on the schedule would exempt it just the same.
If you know someone influential, this would be the time to use your ticket. Otherwise, you should saturate CDC and your Congresspeople in the loudest way you can. Once this is on the pediatric schedule it will never come off and liability protection for the innumerable harms, all unstudied still, that will follow will be permanent. If there is later corrective action, it will come from YOUR POCKET, not those who committed the harm.
I am not much of an alarmist as those that see me here from time to time know, but this is solidly in the alarming category because the results are effectively permanent. Those who think they will be able to overturn them later under some fraud thesis have underestimated how hard that is.
They need to get as many injected as possible to make the shot-free control group negligible. In the “trials” they injected the control group with the mRNA concoction so there’s no way to track different outcomes.
First kids are killed psychologically, then they will be killed physically, and then, well, what do you do when the remaining offspring are in the holds of sociopathic scumbags who want obedience and servitude for generations.
Ask Russians and Chinese folks who came here in the past 40 years, they will tell you, once the kids are gone, hope and faith can't even be uttered as words or terms...
My children will never step foot in a public learning institution ever again. Masks and additional mandatory vaccines draws every sort of line in the sand for me.
I am concerned about learning that the CDC is going to make a vaccine (covid) as part of a regimen for school children when they do not even know what the long-term effects it has produced! Until the pandemic I thought the CDC was an A-number one agency, but as I watched you go against "REAL" science on your policies, ignore research on things like masks, natural immunity and now this policy. You did not even share the real data with people! Israel gave us better data to follow! What happened to following Risk/Benefit rationale in your decisions? You can know for sure that if you enact this and it is required for my son, I will pull him from school and home school him for his last years. We both had Covid and a good case of it and that should count as natural immunity! Amazing, my brother had four shots and caught Covid. I had natural immunity and only caught it once, but you're going to make this a mandate. I had long term effects from having Covid. I ended up with Pericarditis and had to have another ablation because my AFIB came back after having this! You cannot tell me differently this was not the cause, but yet you want to subject teenagers and small children to having a disease and you don't think twice about it. As a RHIA, a Biologist, and someone who has worked in a level 4 lab in Microbiology in my past and reviews medical records daily, your decisions are off. This should be taken to a vote for the people of the United States not mandated on them. I question your motives in making this decision if it is not based on compensation that you are receiving from the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture these vaccines. I knew from day one in January of the year Covid was announced that this was lab manufactured in fact I was at my doctors when I told her that this was lab created! I did not follow your advice. I followed the common sense I had from working in the lab and I am glad that I did not listen to the CDC because you make the world feel that you are incompetent with your decisions anymore!
I have always gotten flu shots without question. No more. I laughed at Jennie McCarthy. Now I am grateful that my youngest daughter and her husband have slowed down and/or resisted the incredible number of vaccinations being pushed on my youngest grandchild. I simply don't trust the medical community any longer.
A lot of people have had a lot of fun making fun of vaccine injured kids and their parents for the last 20 years. The chickens are coming home to roost now. Good for your daughter and her husband. It takes incredible courage to stand up the pediatric mafia now.
I'm a doctor (received 2 Pfizer doses) and can say that my child will never, ever receive these vaccines. He hears my stories about the adverse effects I've seen and is afraid of the shots himself, which is a good thing. If my blue state mandates this for kids to attend public school, we'll be leaving for a red state. I won't even think twice about this.
In your position as a doctor, can you explain why the medical profession has largely gone along with the Covid scam?
In particular the doctors' professional organisations have been a disaster, failing utterly to call out the grotesque exploitation of the population with highly questionable injections against a disease which isn't a serious problem for most people.
Honestly, I don't think as many doctors have gone along with this as you might think. I personally know lots of doctors, both as friends and also through local "Team Reality"/Health Freedom groups, who feel as I do. The problem is that medical professionals as a whole aren't exactly known for having a spine and are afraid to speak up on behalf of the public. Some of this is due to our personalities and the fact that medical training involves passive agreement with authorities and there is little room for questioning anything that we're taught. I still remember arguing with my residency attendings who disagreed with my treatment plans for patients because they weren't "following the evidence," when following evidence wouldn't have worked out for a specific patient. As for COVID, physicians are afraid to speak out because our careers will be threatened if we do. I can attest to this personally. I spoke out about vaccine side effects on social media, someone sent screenshots of my comments to my hospital, and I was given a warning that if I did that again I'd be fired. This frustrates me. I've written to our governor, DOH, my county health department, state department of education, spoken at parent groups, and given speeches to the school district--all these things were at some personal risk but I had to know, for myself and my child, that I did all I could to stop mask and vaccine mandates and call attention to the danger posed by pandemic policies.
Medical associations are a joke. Always have been. Look into the AAFP alliance with Coca-Cola around 2010. Around that time they were lobbying for passage of the ACA as well, and I realized then that these people don't care about actively practicing doctors or patients. These orgs just care about their donors and political interests. I'm certain these same orgs are in bed with big pharma--we know that Pfizer is a donor to the AAP. My only hope there is that other physicians stop paying dues to these organizations, like I've done since around 2010. Otherwise all we can do is speak out for and represent ourselves.
CD, I'm in Australia where the situation is absolutely dire...
It seems many, many doctors here have willingly gone along with the Covid jab rollout, including cooperating with implementing mandates.
Health practitioners themselves are mandated to submit to the jabs - what does this say about their critical thinking skills that they can so easily accept these fast-tracked, experimental 'vaccines', which it's now widely known don't prevent infection nor transmission, and all against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people, least of all children.
This is a massive crime in progress - what's going to happen when people realise they've been tricked and misled into these defective medical interventions?
This is an honest question, not a criticism. I have been searching for a ND in my area for some time. I think there will be a huge increase in people who would rather pay out of pocket for preventive care than rely on the current system. Is it in the realm of possibility that MD's who feel like you do could find and join with the few current ND's who are available and work on a subscription basis that would satisfy your income needs and keep it reasonable for patients. Is this anything you have pondered on?
Yep! I have a like minded friend who's doing that very thing. :) She's not joining with anyone, but is starting her own direct primary care practice. I quit my job and am doing telehealth now. Will see how long this lasts for me.
As a fellow health care professional, one has to wonder with the way the majority of colleagues have conducted themselves these past 2 & 1/2 yrs, if not longer before Chinese Terrorism Gone Viral started, how does one continue to engage with these "peers" who have no soul nor shame while truly putting people at risk?
You can't. I quit my job because I couldn't stand their attitudes. It was embarrassing, some of the stuff they said. I got in an argument with one over natural immunity. Never thought I'd see the day that would happen!
Pretty sure the SE death rate has nothing to do with Ivermectin (which I'm skeptical about as a treatment, by the way). People in that part of the country are at higher risk of COVID complications: obese, minorities, poor, in general bad health, older. I can almost guarantee that's the reason for their death rate. In highly vaxxed King County, WA, the boosted and vaxxed folks comprise the highest % of deaths and hospitalizations, and cases.
Nope! The Dem urban areas have an overall healthier and younger population. I live in one. They also have more folks in the tech crowd who could WFH and isolate. Those are the folks we're seeing get sick now. The SE has more blue collar folks who are essential workers who never had the luxury of staying home. The SE also has an overall higher obese and elderly population. Correlation with vaccines and masking doesn't equal causation. You're welcome to believe whatever you want, but you're incorrect.
Any suggestions? My 20 yr old son just got accepted into physical therapy assistant program. Last year covid vx was not required just strongly recommended. Now it is required or an exemption. He is perfectly healthy. I don't know if he can get a medical exemption?
"ALL patients — men and women, regardless of age — who are confronted by doctors insisting on jabs can now produce a single page, Florida’s new guidance, and shut the doctors up. It’s a mic drop moment for patients in Florida, but even patients in other states can wield the guidance — because there’s no opposing evidence, apart from vague hand-waving by federal officials.
Students in colleges can use this guidance. Military service members can use this guidance. Employees can use this guidance. All they have to say is, “I have some family history of cardiac problems, so I don’t think the risk is justified IN MY CASE.” Done!
Finally, lawyers now have something to work with, something to get their fingernails under, a place to start. My attorney brain is already bursting with ideas.
Get ready! Like everything, it will take time, but it’s going to be GREAT."
Also check out Peggy at the Healthy American. Please tell him to fight not to get the covid shots. Dr. McCullough has said that cases of myocarditis in kids was 4 per million kids. Since covid shot rollout, it's now 25,000 per million kids.
My federal contractor kid got a religious exemption. And it was sincerely held; his regular pastor gave him a letter to back up his request. You may want to consult a qualified attorney in your state.
Can you share what you stated on the exemption? Was it for college? We are working on a religious exemption now. The college doesn't have its own form. They told us to find a template and make our own.
Alex might not want to guess, but I will feel free: of course it's all about the liability. I'm certain that the reason for many of the vaccines on the childhood schedule is the same.
The FDA appears to be on the horns of a dilemma. On the one hand, there's incredible pressure (from Pharma and the Biden Administration) for them to put these on the childhood schedule. On the other hand, the obvious fact that most parents don't want to give it to their kids will turn the whole issue into a political hot potato.
When my offspring was young, he had to get all the vaccinations in order to attend school (with which of course I complied, without any second thoughts). So this doesn't directly affect me anymore, but if I was a parent today, I would have to seriously consider homeschooling, with attendant impact on ability to make a living, or moving to a more enlightened state.
Well said! And I concur: the time for guessing as to the motives is over. I also had a child a while back (1975), and I had her get all the ‘required’ vaccinations/immunizations without a first thought, much less a second. We didn’t realize back then that we could have gotten exemptions. Now, I wouldn’t get her any of those shots.
The CDC advisory committee that's planning to pull a fast one tomorrow and get the mRNA vax added to the recommended children's schedule is the very same committee of liars that has rubber stamped every other vaccine on the childhood schedule, with promises that they are all "safe and effective." Alex no longer believes them when it comes to the Covid shots, but, incredibly, he still believes them when it comes to every other childhood vaccine. He has bragged numerous times that he has gotten all the other shots for his children. It's just the Covid vax that he doesn't trust.
How many of you agree with him that the agency we've watched lie about all things Covid these past two years somehow miraculously tells the truth about everything else?
And this was the game plan all along. The 1986 law granting immunity needs to be repealed. The moneychangers have finally gone too far this time. Dr Paul Offit voted NO, and as he said, he voted no only because HELL NO was not an option. It’s no longer about the science, if it ever was! Leave a comment on the federal register website for the meeting. Speak your outrage !!
It just crazy to see Offit’s take. He’s literally the most quoted pro-vaccine expert I’ve read about in the past 15-20 years. He and Dorit Reiss are the go-to experts in ANY pro vax article. Yet here he is. It ought to give everyone pause.
100% agree, and this is how we know for all eternity and with 100% certainty that it is NOT about the science. I hope the parental outrage is loud and long and as a nation we all rise up and say HELL NO. CPS and the FBI cannot arrest all of us!!
A military saying goes: once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action. Paul Offit is right.
damn straight. anybody who’s been following this issue in this realm for years is shook to the core by that. OFFIT. “10,000 vaccines in a baby at once is perfectly safe” Offit. THINK about that.
The threat of not selling the vaccines is how they got the government to give them the liability protection they have already. I personally think there would be overall fewer deaths if no one was vaccinated for anything.
Commented (not for the first time either I’ve commented every time they have met to “approve” this shit. I’m sure it will have the EXACT SAME IMPACT AS MY LAST COMMENT. 9none at all). Did it anyway for the same reason I vote. Cuz at least I tried. 🤷♀️
Alex - I am betting that you are most likely correct on the liability piece. In fact, you're probably a little too late to this issue as Robert Barnes and others have been speaking about this for nearly 2 yrs now. This has been the plan all along so the pharma's can have immunity...nothing more, nothing less...
This would be absolutely terrible for the health of children. And they would be absolutely overstepping all ethical boundaries. For a jab that wouldn't even pass to Approved if they'd give it even the slightest critical look.
I have a 12 and 15 year old who I totally regret getting them any vaccines. They did not get the covid vaccine or the flu shot the last 2 years. My eyes have been opened wide these last 2 years and they will never ever get another vaccine of any kind as long as they are minors. I wish I had known back then what I do now. Before covid I fully trusted our CDC, FDA and the doctors. Not anymore! I have lost all respect for doctors. We have been lied to for years!
Am I the only one who fully supports this? Let's get everyone's cards on the table and see what's what already. All those who wore masks in the supermarket because they didn't want any trouble, those who were scared to speak to their neighbors about the tyranny of big pharma and big govt, those who went and got fake vax cards because they just wanted to get on with their life...well, now they're coming for your kids. So let's have some trouble already.
I think you are optimistic. Yes, the majority of parents have rejected the "recommended" vax for their kids. But you have underestimated how vital public schools are for working parents. There is simply no good alternative available for basic child care.
How many adults would have decided against the vax for themselves if they had not been threatened with loss of employment? The same principle applies here. No childcare for refusal to vax = no job. When faced w/a choice between putting food on the table or gambling no harm will come from compliance most parents will fold. Especially since there are zero studies related to the prevalence of risk. Any assessment of risk is based on educated guesswork by those who have been following what accurate reporting is available or simply a stab in the dark for those who have not.
Exactly Lisa. A doctor is going to say get the shot and most parents will say.. OK. All negative comments have been removed from a lot of people's internet browsing so they are completely clueless. This is about to become an epic tragedy.
hey, if you are for some reason *cough, cough* thinking about home-schooling your kids, you should check out the home school legal defense association!
before they somehow turned 25%-50% of the country anti-vax, the left was slowly passing pro-vaxx & anti-homeschool laws. most people didn't care at the time, but home school enrollments have doubled the past 2 years.
The CDC phone number is 800-232-4636. Choose 1 for English 2 for Spanish. Then choose 8 and you will get to speak with someone. If their phone lines shut down from too many incoming calls, maybe they will get the message.
Boycott any schools that try to force students to have these shots to attend. Vote only for Board Of Education candidates that refuse to force children to take these shots. If there ever was a hill to die on, this is it.
I sent this to my Senator that I think will do something about it:
Honorable Senator ----,
I've just read from a reputable reporter (Alex Berenson) that the CDC is considering adding the Covid shots to the childhood "vaccination schedule", perhaps discussing it at a meeting tomorrow.
This makes absolutely no sense. The Omicron variant poses no danger to children, and the shots are still experimental with regards to our children's long-term health. It appears this is simply a ploy by the makers of the Covid shots to maintain immunity for their products. It's also ridiculous that we are still under an emergency declaration that makes the shots currently available and protected from lawsuits.
Please let the CDC know that your constituents don't abide by risky health decisions being made just to benefit large vaccine-makers.
"Fuck you, you demented despicable demonizing deplorable douchebag frauds masquerading as humans who want to destroy life in this country! You kill our kids, there will be beyond hell to pay for this assault on our young" Hmm, a little late for that?!
Yeah, like that comment will be accepted.
Hey, vote NON Democrat in three weeks, watch your country improve overnight!!!
This is what 30 months of cowering and kneeling has brought you, who want Alex "red letter S" Berenson to swoop in and save the day!!!
But, so would "there is no honest responsible accountable documentation that supports this plan of action, this needs to be paused and presented to Congress in open hearings to possible validate such a plan of action is viable and defensible"
That would be gone 10 milliseconds after my first "F U" comment...
Make a comment, what in God's name is that going to do with sociopaths who have no interest in your well being.
You folks fucked up in 2020 and did not rise up and reject this madness, and now, you think 30 months of cowering and kneeling will make these leftist scum start to back off???
Wait till they cancel or fix elections in almost all the states, what then, comment to your failed state and federal resentative, er, representatives, to save your apathetic, indifferent, inactive lives?!
Deeds not words define us. Sociopaths are now beyond emboldened you folks are beyond simple and swift to steamroll with their maniacal laughter to empower them further!...
Be a whistleblower about a health care matter, and then watch your "peers" and community ostracize you because the bureaucracy tells the masses almost word for word, "try to contain us, and we will crush you!"
Sorry, not ever again helping the vast majority of cowards, whores, and kneelers who will stab me in the back while I am keeping my eyes on the sociopaths in front trying to shoot me in the chest!
You all want Superman or Spiderman to swoop in and do the work.
Your kids won't know those comic books, they will be banned by the scum who want to make sure hope and faith is beyond a consideration.
Comment to the CDC, do you folks really think this will have an impact with people pushing this hate and cruelty for 2 and a half years now!?!?!?
There is no way the CDC bucks big pharma's demands and not put this in the vaccination schedule. There will eventually be several new mRNA gene altering injections added. You can bet every year.
These wankers have painted themselves into a corner and the implications are staggering. This is just one of many reasons why I am concerned that no matter how the elections turn out, the democrats will not peacefully relinquish power. They simply have too much to lose. Very dangerous days, I fear.
The crimes committed by our bureaucrats, politicians and corporate execs in the last two years are staggering to say the least. It really has been the wild west and the opportunists took full advantage. I do believe the pitchforks and torches are beginning to coalesce and The Party is starting to squirm. Dangerous times indeed.
More or less my line of thinking when I heard the news. The continued 'emergency' is becoming problematic, so it needs to end, but end of 'emergency' means end of EUA shots. Time to get Comirnaty fully indemnified.
I add that this seems awfully rushed, like Pfizer and the feds see the pitchforks and torches beginning to coalesce and this is a proactive but rushed counter.
Vaccines on the childhood schedule get permanent liability protection even for shots given to adults. This is absolutely, positively why it is in the CDC agenda. They can’t end the emergency until the shots have permanent liability protection.
Anything that pushes more young people out of the public school system - and the grip of the teachers’ unions and their woke indoctrination - is a good thing. HomeschoolIng, co-ops for those who can’t, private schools for those who can, move to a free state, etc. Because it’s on the schedule doesn’t mean you’ve got to give it to your kids. Parents who have given the state that much authority over their kids should rethink their position.
Agree! I sadly chuckled a bit when I read in part "...quite likely destroy their public education systems." I'm afraid that ship is already pulled out of port. The majority of public education systems are already destroyed.
I'm going to submit a public comment and I suggest all of you do too. We all know how they will rule but I think it's important to flood them with reasonable objections. I would appreciate feedback on the following:
What justification is there for adding the COVID-19 vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule? Present data suggest there is no reasonable substantiation.
Firsly, there is strong evidence that they do not prevent infection or transmission of the COVID-19 disease. If the COVID-19 vaccines do provide some protection against severe disease, this would classify them solely as a therapeutic, which is clearly a personal medical decision.
Secondly, the health risk posed by COVID-19 is infinitesimally low as shown in the CDC's own data, though, data from around the world has shown a significant increase in risk for potentially serious health issues such as myocarditis, particularly in adolescent boys. To the point that several nations around the world have stopped recommending the COVID-19 vaccine for people under 18 save for those at grave risk from the disease.
Thirdly, this broad brush stroke does not take into account the long-lived natural immunity conferred by previously COVID-19. Dated estimates (April 2022) show that 3 in 4 children have already had COVID-19, most asymptomatically. And given the data is now six-months old and the highly contagious omicron variant has continued, that number is assuredly higher.
Based on the above, it appears that the only logical reason to consider adding the COVID-19 vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule is to provide additional liability protection to the manufacturers of these therapeutics.
Given that trust is at an all-time low in public health and government institutions, I and a significant majority of other parents encourage you to do the right thing and not add the COVID-19 vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule.
Glad I live in Alabama where they passed a law in 2021 that mRNA covid shots wouldn't be added to mandatory school vaccine requirements. And that we also allow religious exemptions.
The only exemption that is valid - "I am an American and I don't want it" exemption. Also known as human rights, liberty, freedom, etc. Any fool who wants an mRNA shot should be able to get one so long as he or his idiotic insurance company pays for it (not my tax dollars) but the only valid role government has in this massive medical experiment is to ensure that Americans who do not want it are not forced to be needle raped under any circumstances by any entity whatsoever. Period. NO SEPARATE RELIGIOUS OR MEDICAL EXEMPTIONS REQUIRED. If you acknowledge an exemption then you are acknowledging the legitimacy of the underlying mandate. NO EXEMPTIONS OTHER THAN THE "F... OFF" EXEMPTION.
Yes! The whole exemption thing is a form of coercion. Not ethical, not legal. Not that legal or illegal mean much at all any more.
Why should we have to give a reason and have them decide whether it is valid or not?
How about the PARENTS decide what vaccines their children get?
IF WE COULD CHOOSE IT WOULD BE GREAT. PERTUSSIS IN THE DPT SHOT IS A NUEROLOFICAL ISSUE. The preservatives and binders are just as bad as the vaccines. HEP B should be parent tested before a non-immune newborn gets a shot. Look up the story of Ragaddey Ann and vaccines. Snopes says it fake, which means it's fact.
Yes but that doesn't change teh fact that is teh Federal Government via its agencies is able to provide the vaccine manufacture with liable free protection from its product. The sate may not require you to take it but what if for some other reason you are forced to move and the new state does require it? Regardless of the states take the Federal government should not be allowed to provide this kind of liable free protection to any industry for any reason.
That's so much better 🤣
Damn FEDS ain't shooting my son up with that crap! The Governor, on the other hand, I'll obey.
Younger People May Not Need COVID-19 Boosters: Moderna CEO
That’s nice of him to admit that. Now, if he can only admit we didn’t need the vaccine at all...
Good to know because if they try to add in my state we are leaving.
I too live in Alabama and will defend this law. Read 2A. This is why it is the SECOND Amendment. It's also there to protect 1A. And, it will.
It's good to know that someone is in charge in the White House. Too bad it's President Pfizer.
While I share your sentiment, I doubt very much it will. In my view, it should have been used LOOOOONG before now.
Please keep in mind that if this becomes the CDC recommendation the federal Department of Education (thanks Jimmy Carter) will use the withholding of funds to the states if they do not comply to force the issue. This is a major problem with the soft federalism that the US has become.
Then homeschool.
I keep trying to like your comment but the page won't let me! I think most parents don't realize that it's literally better for your kids to do NO formal education than it is for them to be in public schools. Really takes the pressure off.
It’s happening in Wa. state. The numbers are so big, they quit reporting on the news. In 2020, 32,000 parents pulled their kids out. The numbers are growing and so are the co-op educating groups. Mandatory vaccines are already unacceptable for most northwest “ nature or nothing” parents.
Sure, if that is a viable option.
Most parents probably wouldn't even have to do it very long if it's a hardship. If enough parents pulled their kids out for the same school year you'd see the Dept. Of Ed. shit a brick. Schools get money based on how many students show up.
Edited to add: Teachers go on strike for better wages or contracts, this should be a parent/student strike. It's illegal to pull your kid out and not give them an education, that's why you have to go the homeschooling route.
Good point. Especially if they form a cooperative to help share the expense and the responsibilities. As a retired adult I do not always see the issues faced by parents of school aged children.
maybe they will close the public schools which would save the children
Biden will than destroy the Democrat for good.
one can only hope.
Federal funding of public schools is less than 10% of the state budget. Any state that wants to preserve autonomy from federal pressure to mandate the illegal jabs can easily do so.
All states need to see that legal Tide Roll.
"We own the science." Code word for "No one is allowed to disagree with us".
That would be the solution to their cynical move. States don't mandate it by law.
When the CDC adds a vaccine to the childhood schedule, the manufacturers are shielded from liability for any harm or death caused by the vaccine. Liability is shifted to the government and tax payers.
It’s really incredible. Your child is “forced” to take a product by a habitually criminal company to attend school…and should they experience any problems, it’s your fault.
Formaldehyde and aluminum injected in the body certainly do not promote health.
Seriously. When are parents going to have enough. I have lost all trust in our healthcare system and it’s providers. I don’t trust the government or it’s agencies either. We are on our own. The worst part is that we pay for it.
pure mafia like coercion really
That doesn't change the fact that the US Federal government has made it such that no one sue the manufacturer for harm caused by their product. There is no constitutional authority for the Federal Government to provide any entity or industry with this kind of protection. I'm surprised other industries haven't sought to get their own liability free protection mechanism in place. Imagine how bad a safety record the automobile industry would have if it had this kind of liability free protection by the Federal government.
We have a similar law here in Georgia, but surprise, they put an expiration date on it of June 30, 2023.
Ok Here's my comment;
VRBPAC's Eric Rubin said in the Fall of 2021 "But we’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes. That’s how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines like coronavirus vaccine. And I do think we should vote to approve it."
Now we all know the risk benefit ratio of the EUA injections is completely upside down and especially dangerous for infants, children, pregnant women and males under 50.
Is it true that in December 2021, Pfizer announced the two-dose series wasn’t successful and did not provide immunity in 2–5-year-olds?
Is it true that in the trial the confidence intervals went below zero for kids under two? And that the vaccine could possibly increase the risk of infection?
Is it true there have been 4448 hospitalizations and 1959 reports of myocarditis in children age 6 months through 17 years who have received mRNA vaccines reported to VAERS?
Is it true there have been 160 deaths, 674 cases of life-threatening side effects, 526 permanent disabilities and 56,818 total reports in children age 6 months through 17 years who have received mRNA vaccines reported to VAERS?
Children’s innate immune systems are not developed until the age of four – making even safer vaccines relatively useless and worse for this age group.
The FDA has made three indiscriminate broad authorizations without convening its vaccine experts in the last year.
I personally know 7 men in their 40s, 60s and 70s who have had emergency surgery for large clots around their hearts, in their arms and legs and two who have lost mobility soon after their inoculations. I know of at least that many women who quickly developed extremely aggressive cancers, many developed neuropathies and several have died.
The mRNA injections must be halted immediately for every age.
Done. Though I am not hopeful that the CDC gives a shit what I or any of us think.
Thank you--I just sent my comment!
Thank you for the link. I just submitted a comment too. I am sick over this.
Done! and it was fun telling them exactly what I think of their so called vaccine program
Thanks for this. I’ve said my piece. Hope it matters.
Thank you! Was scrolling thru comments just to find a "script"- even though I've written comments for 40 years, on this issue as well as others.
This is so appalling my brain has gone blank.....
While I have no idea if submitting a comment to the CDC voicing opposition to the addition of the Covid-19 shots/"vaccine" will have a bearing on the vote, I thought about the comments others made that it will still let them know what people think and it can give them a clue as to how many people think that way. I did it. I hope more will do so.
Thank you for sharing! We need as many people as possible to submit opposition comments today!
I have two kids under two. I have told my wife, only over my cold dead body will my kids every be injected with these shots. Hope a lot of other parents feel the same.
I sure do, but I'm divorced from a covidiot who won't let me remove them from public schools. I'm so scared.
I feel for parents like you in this situation. Would be awful! Would be so hard to trust that the other parent would inject your child with the vaccine.
thank you so much. I've already fought so hard to protect the kids. It's really hard when people say "JUST HOME SCHOOL." I f***ng CAN'T without a major legal battle I'd lose anyway.
And yes, there are lots of cases where parents don't agree and it tears marriages apart.
tears families apart. Haven't had any meaningful contact with my grand-children since this covidiocy began.....only live next door but the daughter and son-in-law are pharmacists and locked us up for the great flattening of the curve experiment in incarcerating a population en mass. Once a close and loving family.... our grand children were the love of our lives and now in place of a heart full of pride for our children is one the weeps in sorrow and agony watching this crime destroy us. I know over 20 people suddenly dead including an 18 day old baby in her mother's arms after a normal breast feed..... no one wants to know and I get screamed at that I can't prove these deaths are from the clot shot and I'm declared certifiable by these programmed zombies of so called 'medical professionals'....nothing medical or professional from what I'm witnessing. God have mercy on us all. Rx are correct. These are educated fools you are dealing with...I am 25 years a physician in industry....I assure you these shots are killing people. The data is unquestionable. I pray for you and your family. Keep your faith.
Rose I'm so sorry. I can't imagine not seeing my granddaughters. I pray that you will become a close family again soon. Everyone needs to read the letter written by a French General to all of us who have remained unvaccinated. You can find it on Lifesite's website. It is so beautiful that it made me cry. I'm sure you will feel the same.
I’m so sorry to read your story, and all the other stories of families torn apart. I hope they can see the light and come around soon
I think a lot of grandparents are in similar situations. I cut my eldest out of my trust fund, over him letting his libtard wife not even letting me have photos of my granddaughter. She thinks she is smarter than I because she has a few semesters of nursing school. At least I'm well-read, not indoctrinated. NO JABS, NOT HAD COVID.
I'm so sorry Rose - I am also in a similar situation. Haven't seen our two grandchildren in years and called the ex daughter in law a year ago to politely say the risk benefit ratio of these injections is upside down for children. The only time that I've ever given my unsolicited advice on anything to any one of my adult children or their spouses.
All I can do is pray to God to protect the innocent everywhere and keep repeating the above to anyone who will listen.
Sad to read your plight.... we are not alone I know. The destruction of the family has been central to atheistic communism. They want the children from birth in daycare State funded centres for pure indoctrination. Our children were being programmed at schools and we mistakenly thought they were being educated. Goodness knows how this new era of an ill equipped generation is going to work out. Trouble is they locked into the narrative of 'wilful ignorance' early on under the guidance of the lockstep manual and what they were told by the institutions they trust. . They 'own' the science! They have total confidence in what is obviously a criminal corrupted system. If they acknowledge the level of corruption that they inadvertently must support they would have to shut up shop...the same for the can ethics ..... can't go there. As grand parents we are the new disposables. Facts, integrity, order, decency, truth and tradition..... don't matter anymore.
So very sorry. If they will speak to you, ask them to read the package insert or fact sheet for any vaccine or drug, and then they will be able to see for themselves why people are hesitant. I.E, you can end up in a wheelchair for 6 months from the Shingles vaccine, a baby can die after getting a Rotavirus vaccine -- while rare, those risks need to be factored in.
Read the package insert (if 2 versions read the 1 for Healthcare workers), The medication guide if there is one for every vaccine and medication you plan to put into your body or your child’s body.
Search “xxx package insert”
We are all smart! Don't let others decide for you.
was it tested properly? did they prove it works? is it needed? are there other treatments? is it safe? is it worth the risks? Crtl F “death” did anyone die in the trials? What are the ingredients? Are they good to have in my body?
Do you need more than one dose?
If it is a live vaccine, what precautions do I need to take?
Very important: The Placebo is NOT always saline.
Placebo = saline OR another vaccine OR some other substance
Best to look at just the vaccine/drug and ignore the placebo unless you know what the placebo is. See for more information
animal jabs S. Wales
Not going to happen, she is to brainwashed.
Never comply, you got this, be strong.
Thank you! I definitely will not and have active lawsuits against the school district for mandates.
I hope and will pray that your husband changes his mind. In case it would help, a new documentary based on RFK Jr's Fauci book is coming out tomorrow I also recently saw a new documentary on the side effects of the vx in the UK. I found it on, unfortunately having trouble finding it now.
This is a great film.
Thank you!
Having trouble, you say?
Surprise, surprise.
Yeah, so far it is still here (thanks to poster above who provided the link)
We added it to our will that even over our dead bodies our kids won’t get these Covid shots. 🤷♀️.
It’ll be great for the school choice movement. It always amuses me that people claim parents like us, who chose a private conservative school for our kids, want school choice for our own benefit. That sort of ignored that we already have school choice. The benefit to us of supporting choice is a less harmed society for our kids to one day participate in when they become adults.
Between the failure to teach useful subjects/ skills and the neoracists and grooming ideology taking over most urban and suburban public schools, the school choice movement is finally gaining momentum. They add clot shots to the requirement to send your kid to school to protect a lethal and compelled big pharma subscription plan and it should push over the edge to get AZ style school choice everywhere. 🤗🤗🤗
I love the idea of adding it to our will! Thanks! I'm going to steal that. :)
A local school district by me just went on strike. So the kids are out of school. Again. I only hope this gets even more people to push for school choice. We also send ours to a private school (because we can - but not everyone can but I think everyone should have that opportunity!) and as I drive by those picketing teachers, I thank God we have the ability to send him there where he's not missing out on yet MORE school. AFter the last 2 years, I've lost respect for teachers and doctors.
Same here. Doctors (at least the conventional kind) have become nothing more than shills for the pharmaceutical industry.
I said the same to my husband regarding our 13 year old son. Thankfully he agrees that he does NOT need this poison.
Are you ready for Child Protective Services to break down your doors? Virginia is seeding that future for their lackies masquerading as citizens...
Once again. Over my cold dead body will my kids ever be given this shot. My grandma developed a blood clot after her fourth dose. My Uncle had to be hospitalized with low red blood cell count, after the the booster. I had a bad reaction and I am 34 year old in shape male. So ya I don't care what the government says, I will move to Texas or Florida. I will put my kids in private or catholic schools. There is no way that I will ever allow them to take this poison
Unfortunately the Catholic schools in Florida tend to March lockstep when it comes to the pediatric vaccine schedule. Luckily I don’t think our state legislature or DeSantis will allow it to be added no matter what the feds do.
Massachusetts too.
Are you insane? EVERY school in MA will have it mandated. There will be no private school exceptions. MA takes away ALL of your rights, even the right to buy what car you want to drive.... My daughter and son-in-law will blindly follow along with the pack though. Future medical problems will all be nonexistent due to the vaccine because there will be too many other probably causes. It has got to be a mold problem. Yeah, that is it. Teach your children to flee to red states where their rights will be protected. I didn't start early enough.
You need a paper bag.
I am telling you our school mandated the flu shot. Reminded us every few weeks, no flu shot and you will not be able to return after Christmas break. Then all of a sudden about Dec 29th, They said it was no longer required. My guess was that they had their bluff called and there were too many without the flu shot.
How did I go insane?
My kid was in private HS in Northern Virginia. I said no to the shot for my daughter and had conversations with the school nurse - whom i told should know better than to impose ANY medical experiment on a child as a condition for something. Nurse said HS had 85% jab compliance - I called bunk - she said she had the shot cards. Anyways, she was sent home twice for 'exposure' to COVID and asked to quarantine for a couple of days and check for symptoms - the special protocol for the un-jabbbed. One weekend she had the sniffles. We made it. No jab.
Doesn't matter if the jab had an 99% compliance. There was a time in history where acceptance of slavery was 85%. True science is not arrived at by achieving a majority.
I can’t like your post enough. You are looking out for your children.
I agree, but, the enemy who you really need to focus on aren't the scum and villainy in the halls of Congress, White House, and your state legislatures.
No, the 50-70 million cretins, thugs, and minions who are registered Demoncraps. Who live, work, and cross your path every day...
Leaders aren't going to bust down your doors, they genuinely await the neighbors, coworkers, and people next to you at house of worship to stand up and shriek like the creatures in Invasion of the Body Snatchers that you are the demon!...
And it will happen as is The time for secession is long gone...
Catholic schools in Texas are the worst about vaccines FYI and do not accept exemptions
What is it with Catholic schools and vaccines 🙄
Need a traditional Catholic school that holds to Catholic doctrine and isn't headed by cowards. Our's is good. Never masked or social distanced, did perfectly fine here in Va.
That’s awesome 👏
The Pope announced some time ago that we have a moral duty to get the vax. I guess he’s all in on depopulation.
"Is the pope Catholic?" used to be a snarky response to a question that was obviously answered by "Yes". Now, I cannot say yes if someone asks me if the pope is Catholic. He's not the same Catholic that I am. One of us is a Bad Catholic. I think it is him.
"Does a bear s*** in the woods?" is another snarky Yes response. Maybe now it should be "Does the pope s*** in the woods?" I am sure sewers aren't very climate friendly needing energy to run and all that. Pope Climatius must s*** in the woods to be the climate warrior and sjw he wishes all Catholics to be.
I'm not Catholic, but at this point, I would have left the church. The Pope's position is untenable.
"Catholic" does not necessarily mean "Christian." Read about Martin Luther.
There's no need to dredge up 500-year-old controversies when the Satanists are busily attacking all of us. They're happy to set us against each other so they can defeat us in detail.
It’s sad
We had a breuhaha here in Florida with a bishop in the Tampa diocese who refused to allow exemptions per Florida law! And I think he prevailed! Still don’t know that happened.
I know a few girls in private catholic schools in TX. They are STILL wearing masks! TX public schools are back to normal though.
Catholic schools in TX are the most zealous about vaccines and do not accept exemption
Private schools have been captured. Avoid at all costs. Waste of money.
Catholic hospitals here fired all unvaxxed nurses and docs a year ago.
If a down right battle is what it’s going to take for parents to protect their children believe me it will happen. But the kids are off limits. I don’t know any parent who won’t fight to the death for their child. On both sides. They are poking the bears. That’s all I’ve got to say.
I agree. I have not been vaxxed and neither have my children. I feel it was one of the best decisions I have ever made and with all the new data coming out, I feel vindicated for not caving to the pressure to get needle raped in my arm.
What about other shots? TDap has formaldehyde and aluminum…are you aware?
GARDASIL is a gates pushed killer.
And this sort of attitude is what my comment to the CDC is intended to communicate:
If it is the intention to amplify the growing skepticism of the entire childhood vaccine schedule among parents, then by all means add mRNA covid shots. A quick look at the uptake stats on these aggressively promoted shots tells CDC regulators 'all they need to know' about parental trust in your covid recommendations for children. This warning signal that CDC actions may well implode confidence in the "childhood schedule" may produce an outcome that growing numbers of parents would welcome.
It is nearly impossible, a light of so much negative data now available, to regard this proposed action as anything other than protection for the pharmaceutical industry (your primary underwriters) undertaken with nearly total disregard for the well-being of children. Many now "look to Europe" -- where these shots are banned, yes banned -- for more rational vaccination standards.
Signed, a formerly "vaccine-compliant" mother-of-three.
Great comment. I couldn't agree more. I am not vaccine compliant because I have never trusted the CDC or any of these government bureaucrats that lie to us and have hidden agendas. But I'm glad you now see the light and yes, the vaccines are banned in several countries because the vaxx data is NOT good.
Believe me THEY DO!
I texted that to my husband this morning
Public Health is now all about the Benjamins. Nothing more, nothing less.
Oh, and the sweet, sweet genocide. Gotta transfer all the wealth before killing us off, though.
Comments are being taken for two more days here
What will commenting do? Is it like when our ancestors performed a human sacrifice to make sure the sun would rise the next day? Is there any chance comments will change the outcome that these injections will be placed on the childhood schedule? I think not. I wish we live in a different reality, but this is the one we have.
Yes a different reality, but, inaction will NEVER be rewarded.
Again as I have asked here over and over the past year,
The mound of dirt next to your grave site?!...
This is my hill. My grandchildren will not be Guinea pigs for big Pharma profits. This grandma is mad as hell. I used to be a program administrator at the county public health dept, running an immunization program, a past believer in the innate goodness of Public Health. CDC needs to go. Yup this is my hill ….
Good for you Judy!
Good for you. Unfortunately, you are the few.
Joe Thanos Biden and his ilk must be laughing in the Blight House how they have terrified and manipulated 300 Million people into abject submission.
And now, they look to how to fuck up the election and stay in control...
I'm going to use your "Blight House" going forward. It's perfect.
Go, Granny, go!!👏❤️
Mama bear and Grandma bear are AWAKE!
I keep trying to like your comment, Judy, but the system won't let me! I bet that is happening to a lot of other folks too!
Thank you, Judy.
I appreciate the sentiment. However, my epitaph isn't going to read "He submitted comments to a captured regulatory authority under an earnestly held belief that it would result in a different outcome."
True but it can't hurt to comment anyway. It only takes two minutes and if enough people do it, it could make a difference.
Comments won’t change minds about adding mRNA experiments to the schedule but the decision makers/Pharma flunkies need to know that a substantial number of people are unhappy and will not comply.
Making a comment on a substack thread will "not result in a different outcome" either, but here you are making it anyway.
My bad to what I wrote a moment ago, missed the perspective of your comment. You are completely correct, and, when will those who genuinely, sincerely, completely care about this society rise up and say in so many words, as a few million mass outside the Blight House,
"Fuck you Joe, get out, and take your bastard cronies with you, and we dare you to order the military to fire on us, you sick demented deplorable diseased motherfucker!!!"
That happens, I will be in front of that crowd, and have no issue dying to make the point we are ruled for now by sociopaths who need to be shown the door out and gone from this country, and if they chose to fight, then, they die with us.
Can people here say AND mean that now!?
This is where we must acknowledge that protest and standing up to government must be done by civil means, within the bounds of the law and civil disobedience of unjust laws without harming others.
Without courage no other virtues are possible.
Suck it up pussy
bravery should not be honored, but valued, and supported.
Not happenin' here in Amerrika...
Did you call me that name? Heh. I think you misinterpret me, but that's o.k.
Yep. This is the moment of truth! It's time to get to work!
If they get flooded with a bunch of angry comments, it for sure will change their mind.
You know what won't change their mind? Doing nothing.
I know. You’re right of course. I left a comment that this is unacceptable and thought...why did I even try? I’d lose my mind if it were my kid.
Commenting will do exactly what all the people running around with their hair on fire yelling that we should all wear masks and get vaccinated! These people cave to political pressure. Read the CDCs website and see how much they attribute covid outcomes to systemic racism. The CDC will choose to be politically expedient over following the actual science. We've allowed the left and covidiots to run roughshod over us!
Giving up is not an option either. It takes just a few minutes to comment and to send a copy of your comments to your senators and representatives. Let them know that you are a voter and you are watching!
Simply....thank you sincerely for this post.
I sent my comment and don't see it listed there
They censor a lot of comments. Don't worry's for your 'safety'.
I did one last night and I think it may take a little while ?
Thank you, that was my question.
Actually it is about something more - its about population destruction.
Joe Thanos Biden and his ilk marauders running the streets, looking for that 50% to wipe out.
Infinity War was a documentary, cloaked as a super zero movie...
I posted this elsewhere, but it's important so that we keep our sanity ...
Remember, EACH state sets the requirements. The Flu shot and HPV are on the schedule but the vast majority of states DO NOT require these to attend school. To me, it's all about the liability shield.
Agree. But that doesn’t help parents in ultra blue states who adopt pretty much every recommendation.
I'm in Maskachusetts. :(
think you meant Mass-of-two-shits, your Governor and that wretched hag of a scumbag Lizard-breath War-hen (a chicken shit wanting endless death on humans)...
(used to be for Dead Kennedy and that bloated homosexual anti-human loser who left and hopefully is dead as well?)
Sorry, have no respect for humanoids who rule us to death, and then laugh at the carnage and misery...
At least for now we have religious exemptions for school vaccine requirements. I had no idea until I had to request one so my kid could be in her dance recital last year.
Virginia “requires” HPV but you can sign a release form to avoid it. I do it every year and the dr says nothing.
GOOD! Side note - do you like Youngkin?
So far so good!
Thank you for this calmly stated point
My family and I however live in CA
yep, same here
Thank you for clarifying this!!
The CDC has become a big Pharma tool that kills people. How about we get rid of them rather than destroy more children.
There’s a remarkable video of a UK drug regulator (on a presentation; not covert) describing their new role as an “enabler.”
This is absolutely horrifying. If this happens, I really hope more people wake up & push back.
The cdc has zero credibility. They are as trustworthy as the ukranian government.
Defund the cdc and bar any cdc SES operative from every serving in a government role again.
You mean like Julie Gerberding? 🙄
Didn’t she play the role of CDC director in Clade X? Demon.
Wow I thought this was a joke. I was thinking of when she left the CDC to work for Merck 🙄
Yup and Gottlieb from FDA to Pfizer....
I disagree. The Ukrainian government is more trustworthy than the CDC. At least they don't purport to be on your side.
I saw this response by Steve Kirsch on substack that seems very appropriate... "Dr. Paul Offit who sits on the FDA advisory committee isn't getting the booster. He is a world expert on vaccines. The vaccine offers no benefit: all the mice challenged with Omicron got Omicron. It was 100% a failure in preventing infection and previous doses already provide protection for hospitalization and death. Do any of you know something Paul Offit doesn't know? Please let us know and share the scientific evidence. Thank you."
I think there will be massive pushback. Home schooling is taking off. Private schools without these mandates are another option. I'd love to see the public school system and the idiotic teachers unions lose a big public battle like pushing for these vaccines.
it's definitely going to happen
now comirnaty will be covered under the national childhood vaccine injury act passed in 1986
ever try to sue a vaccine maker? did you know it's directed to a special vaccine court with special judges? did you know the vaccine makers are represented by federal lawyers *you* pay for?
at least now, instead of paying for big bird to shoot up elmo on PBS, we will get to enjoy professionally produced comirnaty commercials with spry, paranoid old people dancing in fields accompanied background murmuring, "...may cause myocarditis, pericarditis, cause all your cancer to come out of remission, deep vein thrombosis, and somehow up your odds of dementia & diabetes..."
Exactly. Of course it is going to happen. It’s been the plan from day 1
Isn't it all part of the plan? Once it is on the schedule, they can never be sued...
that first, and then the money For these wolves people are just milking cows
Yep. Even if they are sued, the settlement would be funded by taxpayers per the 1986 Immunization Act.
Please, please, please click on the "comment" button here:
And leave public feedback.
Thank you for the link. I just posted a comment objecting to this, also.
Commented, thank you!
Comment tracking # l9e-rjta-5omi
On the plus side, making them mandatory would absolutely decimate government schools, which is the primary means of reproduction for crazy people.
That, and it would just hasten the existing trend:
if this vaccine gets on the "schedule", I would say it is a big boost to school vouchers and the end of government, union control of schools and the indoctrination of our kids. That would be a great outcome in my opinion!
All who harm children must be held accountable and punished:
It has been over 2 and a half years since Covid shots came out and still no risk/benefit analysis has been presented by the CDC to the public. Why is that? You are spending a lot of our money trying to convince us that they are "safe and effective". Please show us the proof. We are tired of your "just trust us" attitude.
They DID release them / the devastating results in the V-Safe database !’
This is the event about which I have been whining in these stacks since they began and of which everyone here should be most scared. Alex's analysis is completely correct. They have just been waiting to add this nonsense injection (no benefit to any child, ever, for practical purposes -- and lots of injury) so that the government and, even more, the pharmas can FOREVER have no liability for killing you and your children.
This vaccine liability exclusion is some of the worst law ever to pass in the US and would be first on my list to revoke if I ran the world. But most actual vaccines have very limited and well understood side effects and most that caused this level of harm have never even gotten close to being approved. This one is neither a vaccine nor a net benefit to children (or anyone under 70 really) but putting it on the schedule would exempt it just the same.
If you know someone influential, this would be the time to use your ticket. Otherwise, you should saturate CDC and your Congresspeople in the loudest way you can. Once this is on the pediatric schedule it will never come off and liability protection for the innumerable harms, all unstudied still, that will follow will be permanent. If there is later corrective action, it will come from YOUR POCKET, not those who committed the harm.
I am not much of an alarmist as those that see me here from time to time know, but this is solidly in the alarming category because the results are effectively permanent. Those who think they will be able to overturn them later under some fraud thesis have underestimated how hard that is.
They need to get as many injected as possible to make the shot-free control group negligible. In the “trials” they injected the control group with the mRNA concoction so there’s no way to track different outcomes.
First kids are killed psychologically, then they will be killed physically, and then, well, what do you do when the remaining offspring are in the holds of sociopathic scumbags who want obedience and servitude for generations.
Ask Russians and Chinese folks who came here in the past 40 years, they will tell you, once the kids are gone, hope and faith can't even be uttered as words or terms...
Great points Dr. K.
My children will never step foot in a public learning institution ever again. Masks and additional mandatory vaccines draws every sort of line in the sand for me.
I will never trust CDC, NIH,WHO or any Government agency again ! Not to mention Doctors or so-called medical professionals
This is what I wrote them:
I am concerned about learning that the CDC is going to make a vaccine (covid) as part of a regimen for school children when they do not even know what the long-term effects it has produced! Until the pandemic I thought the CDC was an A-number one agency, but as I watched you go against "REAL" science on your policies, ignore research on things like masks, natural immunity and now this policy. You did not even share the real data with people! Israel gave us better data to follow! What happened to following Risk/Benefit rationale in your decisions? You can know for sure that if you enact this and it is required for my son, I will pull him from school and home school him for his last years. We both had Covid and a good case of it and that should count as natural immunity! Amazing, my brother had four shots and caught Covid. I had natural immunity and only caught it once, but you're going to make this a mandate. I had long term effects from having Covid. I ended up with Pericarditis and had to have another ablation because my AFIB came back after having this! You cannot tell me differently this was not the cause, but yet you want to subject teenagers and small children to having a disease and you don't think twice about it. As a RHIA, a Biologist, and someone who has worked in a level 4 lab in Microbiology in my past and reviews medical records daily, your decisions are off. This should be taken to a vote for the people of the United States not mandated on them. I question your motives in making this decision if it is not based on compensation that you are receiving from the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture these vaccines. I knew from day one in January of the year Covid was announced that this was lab manufactured in fact I was at my doctors when I told her that this was lab created! I did not follow your advice. I followed the common sense I had from working in the lab and I am glad that I did not listen to the CDC because you make the world feel that you are incompetent with your decisions anymore!
Nice. And, let's be honest, meaningless to "people" who don't care about citizens.
Barrage them with "you do this and the consequences will be felt by all who support and push this intrusion into our lives"
Few million of those will not be easily deleted without pause and reflection of what could come their way in the future.
If they came into your homes, bound you and then held your kids down and gave them these shots, and then left, what would you do then?!
Scenarios are easy to write, horrific to live thru if they play out, eh???
yep, that was my succinct warning on the cdc page
I have always gotten flu shots without question. No more. I laughed at Jennie McCarthy. Now I am grateful that my youngest daughter and her husband have slowed down and/or resisted the incredible number of vaccinations being pushed on my youngest grandchild. I simply don't trust the medical community any longer.
A lot of people have had a lot of fun making fun of vaccine injured kids and their parents for the last 20 years. The chickens are coming home to roost now. Good for your daughter and her husband. It takes incredible courage to stand up the pediatric mafia now.
I'm a doctor (received 2 Pfizer doses) and can say that my child will never, ever receive these vaccines. He hears my stories about the adverse effects I've seen and is afraid of the shots himself, which is a good thing. If my blue state mandates this for kids to attend public school, we'll be leaving for a red state. I won't even think twice about this.
In your position as a doctor, can you explain why the medical profession has largely gone along with the Covid scam?
In particular the doctors' professional organisations have been a disaster, failing utterly to call out the grotesque exploitation of the population with highly questionable injections against a disease which isn't a serious problem for most people.
Are there conflicts of interest to expose?
Honestly, I don't think as many doctors have gone along with this as you might think. I personally know lots of doctors, both as friends and also through local "Team Reality"/Health Freedom groups, who feel as I do. The problem is that medical professionals as a whole aren't exactly known for having a spine and are afraid to speak up on behalf of the public. Some of this is due to our personalities and the fact that medical training involves passive agreement with authorities and there is little room for questioning anything that we're taught. I still remember arguing with my residency attendings who disagreed with my treatment plans for patients because they weren't "following the evidence," when following evidence wouldn't have worked out for a specific patient. As for COVID, physicians are afraid to speak out because our careers will be threatened if we do. I can attest to this personally. I spoke out about vaccine side effects on social media, someone sent screenshots of my comments to my hospital, and I was given a warning that if I did that again I'd be fired. This frustrates me. I've written to our governor, DOH, my county health department, state department of education, spoken at parent groups, and given speeches to the school district--all these things were at some personal risk but I had to know, for myself and my child, that I did all I could to stop mask and vaccine mandates and call attention to the danger posed by pandemic policies.
Medical associations are a joke. Always have been. Look into the AAFP alliance with Coca-Cola around 2010. Around that time they were lobbying for passage of the ACA as well, and I realized then that these people don't care about actively practicing doctors or patients. These orgs just care about their donors and political interests. I'm certain these same orgs are in bed with big pharma--we know that Pfizer is a donor to the AAP. My only hope there is that other physicians stop paying dues to these organizations, like I've done since around 2010. Otherwise all we can do is speak out for and represent ourselves.
CD, I'm in Australia where the situation is absolutely dire...
It seems many, many doctors here have willingly gone along with the Covid jab rollout, including cooperating with implementing mandates.
Health practitioners themselves are mandated to submit to the jabs - what does this say about their critical thinking skills that they can so easily accept these fast-tracked, experimental 'vaccines', which it's now widely known don't prevent infection nor transmission, and all against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people, least of all children.
See this page of my website for links to the many emails I have sent challenging the jabs:
I suspect Australia is one of the worst countries in the world for Covid jab mandates, the government boasts most of the population has been jabbed, including children:
This is a massive crime in progress - what's going to happen when people realise they've been tricked and misled into these defective medical interventions?
Godwilling, the people will guillotine the authorities.
This is an honest question, not a criticism. I have been searching for a ND in my area for some time. I think there will be a huge increase in people who would rather pay out of pocket for preventive care than rely on the current system. Is it in the realm of possibility that MD's who feel like you do could find and join with the few current ND's who are available and work on a subscription basis that would satisfy your income needs and keep it reasonable for patients. Is this anything you have pondered on?
Yep! I have a like minded friend who's doing that very thing. :) She's not joining with anyone, but is starting her own direct primary care practice. I quit my job and am doing telehealth now. Will see how long this lasts for me.
As a fellow health care professional, one has to wonder with the way the majority of colleagues have conducted themselves these past 2 & 1/2 yrs, if not longer before Chinese Terrorism Gone Viral started, how does one continue to engage with these "peers" who have no soul nor shame while truly putting people at risk?
Hypocritical Oath, that is what it is now.
You can't. I quit my job because I couldn't stand their attitudes. It was embarrassing, some of the stuff they said. I got in an argument with one over natural immunity. Never thought I'd see the day that would happen!
Pretty sure the SE death rate has nothing to do with Ivermectin (which I'm skeptical about as a treatment, by the way). People in that part of the country are at higher risk of COVID complications: obese, minorities, poor, in general bad health, older. I can almost guarantee that's the reason for their death rate. In highly vaxxed King County, WA, the boosted and vaxxed folks comprise the highest % of deaths and hospitalizations, and cases.
Nope! The Dem urban areas have an overall healthier and younger population. I live in one. They also have more folks in the tech crowd who could WFH and isolate. Those are the folks we're seeing get sick now. The SE has more blue collar folks who are essential workers who never had the luxury of staying home. The SE also has an overall higher obese and elderly population. Correlation with vaccines and masking doesn't equal causation. You're welcome to believe whatever you want, but you're incorrect.
This mom only has two words. TRY. ME.
Mama bears HAVE to stand up for their children as do Papa bears...
Any suggestions? My 20 yr old son just got accepted into physical therapy assistant program. Last year covid vx was not required just strongly recommended. Now it is required or an exemption. He is perfectly healthy. I don't know if he can get a medical exemption?
This may help. It's from Attorney Jeff Childers' substack Coffee & Covid. He states even people in states other than Florida can use it.
It regards Florida's new covid shot guidance:
"ALL patients — men and women, regardless of age — who are confronted by doctors insisting on jabs can now produce a single page, Florida’s new guidance, and shut the doctors up. It’s a mic drop moment for patients in Florida, but even patients in other states can wield the guidance — because there’s no opposing evidence, apart from vague hand-waving by federal officials.
Students in colleges can use this guidance. Military service members can use this guidance. Employees can use this guidance. All they have to say is, “I have some family history of cardiac problems, so I don’t think the risk is justified IN MY CASE.” Done!
Finally, lawyers now have something to work with, something to get their fingernails under, a place to start. My attorney brain is already bursting with ideas.
Get ready! Like everything, it will take time, but it’s going to be GREAT."
Links: Florida’s guidance. Florida’s analysis.
He needs to find something else to do for a couple years. What's his life worth?
He might have to if religious exemption denied
Thank you so much! He was so excited to be accepted. He's waited all year for this.
Also check out Peggy at the Healthy American. Please tell him to fight not to get the covid shots. Dr. McCullough has said that cases of myocarditis in kids was 4 per million kids. Since covid shot rollout, it's now 25,000 per million kids.
Peggy explains our rights in an easy-to-understand manner
Yes he won't waiver. Sadly he may have to walk away from his dream. I'm so angry that this is affecting my children so deeply.
My federal contractor kid got a religious exemption. And it was sincerely held; his regular pastor gave him a letter to back up his request. You may want to consult a qualified attorney in your state.
What is the point of requiring it now??? I hope your son can get by without taking the poison.
I don't know. We even asked in July of this year and they said it wasn't required but strongly recommended for the clinical portion
What about a religious exemption?
Will they take a religious exemption? My son did one for school (we’re not religious but…) and they took it no questions asked.
Can you share what you stated on the exemption? Was it for college? We are working on a religious exemption now. The college doesn't have its own form. They told us to find a template and make our own.
I believe Childrens Health Defense has info on how to word it.
It was for college. A big group of parents hired a lawyer to advise us. Is there a way to pm me your email? I can share it.
Thank you!
Alex might not want to guess, but I will feel free: of course it's all about the liability. I'm certain that the reason for many of the vaccines on the childhood schedule is the same.
The FDA appears to be on the horns of a dilemma. On the one hand, there's incredible pressure (from Pharma and the Biden Administration) for them to put these on the childhood schedule. On the other hand, the obvious fact that most parents don't want to give it to their kids will turn the whole issue into a political hot potato.
When my offspring was young, he had to get all the vaccinations in order to attend school (with which of course I complied, without any second thoughts). So this doesn't directly affect me anymore, but if I was a parent today, I would have to seriously consider homeschooling, with attendant impact on ability to make a living, or moving to a more enlightened state.
It will be interesting to see what happens.
Well said! And I concur: the time for guessing as to the motives is over. I also had a child a while back (1975), and I had her get all the ‘required’ vaccinations/immunizations without a first thought, much less a second. We didn’t realize back then that we could have gotten exemptions. Now, I wouldn’t get her any of those shots.
The CDC advisory committee that's planning to pull a fast one tomorrow and get the mRNA vax added to the recommended children's schedule is the very same committee of liars that has rubber stamped every other vaccine on the childhood schedule, with promises that they are all "safe and effective." Alex no longer believes them when it comes to the Covid shots, but, incredibly, he still believes them when it comes to every other childhood vaccine. He has bragged numerous times that he has gotten all the other shots for his children. It's just the Covid vax that he doesn't trust.
How many of you agree with him that the agency we've watched lie about all things Covid these past two years somehow miraculously tells the truth about everything else?
I don’t believe a word that comes out of their mouths. About vaccines, about mRNA, about drugs, or any other health matter.
And this was the game plan all along. The 1986 law granting immunity needs to be repealed. The moneychangers have finally gone too far this time. Dr Paul Offit voted NO, and as he said, he voted no only because HELL NO was not an option. It’s no longer about the science, if it ever was! Leave a comment on the federal register website for the meeting. Speak your outrage !!
It just crazy to see Offit’s take. He’s literally the most quoted pro-vaccine expert I’ve read about in the past 15-20 years. He and Dorit Reiss are the go-to experts in ANY pro vax article. Yet here he is. It ought to give everyone pause.
100% agree, and this is how we know for all eternity and with 100% certainty that it is NOT about the science. I hope the parental outrage is loud and long and as a nation we all rise up and say HELL NO. CPS and the FBI cannot arrest all of us!!
A military saying goes: once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action. Paul Offit is right.
damn straight. anybody who’s been following this issue in this realm for years is shook to the core by that. OFFIT. “10,000 vaccines in a baby at once is perfectly safe” Offit. THINK about that.
Great point - I had forgotten the 10,000 vaccines comment.
The threat of not selling the vaccines is how they got the government to give them the liability protection they have already. I personally think there would be overall fewer deaths if no one was vaccinated for anything.
Commented (not for the first time either I’ve commented every time they have met to “approve” this shit. I’m sure it will have the EXACT SAME IMPACT AS MY LAST COMMENT. 9none at all). Did it anyway for the same reason I vote. Cuz at least I tried. 🤷♀️
Alex - I am betting that you are most likely correct on the liability piece. In fact, you're probably a little too late to this issue as Robert Barnes and others have been speaking about this for nearly 2 yrs now. This has been the plan all along so the pharma's can have immunity...nothing more, nothing less...
This would be absolutely terrible for the health of children. And they would be absolutely overstepping all ethical boundaries. For a jab that wouldn't even pass to Approved if they'd give it even the slightest critical look.
Ethical about ancient history.
I have a 12 and 15 year old who I totally regret getting them any vaccines. They did not get the covid vaccine or the flu shot the last 2 years. My eyes have been opened wide these last 2 years and they will never ever get another vaccine of any kind as long as they are minors. I wish I had known back then what I do now. Before covid I fully trusted our CDC, FDA and the doctors. Not anymore! I have lost all respect for doctors. We have been lied to for years!
Am I the only one who fully supports this? Let's get everyone's cards on the table and see what's what already. All those who wore masks in the supermarket because they didn't want any trouble, those who were scared to speak to their neighbors about the tyranny of big pharma and big govt, those who went and got fake vax cards because they just wanted to get on with their life...well, now they're coming for your kids. So let's have some trouble already.
Absolute insanity. This is like trying to vaccinate against the common cold.
One more reason for future generations to home school.
Wouldn't it be interesting if THIS was the thing that finally caused our pathetic educational system to collapse?
Couldn't happen to a finer institution...
I think you are optimistic. Yes, the majority of parents have rejected the "recommended" vax for their kids. But you have underestimated how vital public schools are for working parents. There is simply no good alternative available for basic child care.
How many adults would have decided against the vax for themselves if they had not been threatened with loss of employment? The same principle applies here. No childcare for refusal to vax = no job. When faced w/a choice between putting food on the table or gambling no harm will come from compliance most parents will fold. Especially since there are zero studies related to the prevalence of risk. Any assessment of risk is based on educated guesswork by those who have been following what accurate reporting is available or simply a stab in the dark for those who have not.
Exactly Lisa. A doctor is going to say get the shot and most parents will say.. OK. All negative comments have been removed from a lot of people's internet browsing so they are completely clueless. This is about to become an epic tragedy.
Not now. It's too obvious these shots don't work for shXX.
hey, if you are for some reason *cough, cough* thinking about home-schooling your kids, you should check out the home school legal defense association!
before they somehow turned 25%-50% of the country anti-vax, the left was slowly passing pro-vaxx & anti-homeschool laws. most people didn't care at the time, but home school enrollments have doubled the past 2 years.
thanks, brandon!
The CDC phone number is 800-232-4636. Choose 1 for English 2 for Spanish. Then choose 8 and you will get to speak with someone. If their phone lines shut down from too many incoming calls, maybe they will get the message.
Boycott any schools that try to force students to have these shots to attend. Vote only for Board Of Education candidates that refuse to force children to take these shots. If there ever was a hill to die on, this is it.
I sent this to my Senator that I think will do something about it:
Honorable Senator ----,
I've just read from a reputable reporter (Alex Berenson) that the CDC is considering adding the Covid shots to the childhood "vaccination schedule", perhaps discussing it at a meeting tomorrow.
This makes absolutely no sense. The Omicron variant poses no danger to children, and the shots are still experimental with regards to our children's long-term health. It appears this is simply a ploy by the makers of the Covid shots to maintain immunity for their products. It's also ridiculous that we are still under an emergency declaration that makes the shots currently available and protected from lawsuits.
Please let the CDC know that your constituents don't abide by risky health decisions being made just to benefit large vaccine-makers.
Excellent. I wonder how Mrs Warren will like mine?
Make a comment to the CDC?
"Fuck you, you demented despicable demonizing deplorable douchebag frauds masquerading as humans who want to destroy life in this country! You kill our kids, there will be beyond hell to pay for this assault on our young" Hmm, a little late for that?!
Yeah, like that comment will be accepted.
Hey, vote NON Democrat in three weeks, watch your country improve overnight!!!
This is what 30 months of cowering and kneeling has brought you, who want Alex "red letter S" Berenson to swoop in and save the day!!!
Just read above the CDC is censoring comments.
Yeah, the above deservedly would be censored.
But, so would "there is no honest responsible accountable documentation that supports this plan of action, this needs to be paused and presented to Congress in open hearings to possible validate such a plan of action is viable and defensible"
That would be gone 10 milliseconds after my first "F U" comment...
Oh ok. Do nothing then
Make a comment, what in God's name is that going to do with sociopaths who have no interest in your well being.
You folks fucked up in 2020 and did not rise up and reject this madness, and now, you think 30 months of cowering and kneeling will make these leftist scum start to back off???
Wait till they cancel or fix elections in almost all the states, what then, comment to your failed state and federal resentative, er, representatives, to save your apathetic, indifferent, inactive lives?!
Deeds not words define us. Sociopaths are now beyond emboldened you folks are beyond simple and swift to steamroll with their maniacal laughter to empower them further!...
And many here know that, just, subconsciously.
The energy you’ve spent telling folks not to comment is concerning.
You could have already done the bare minimum and commented.
So get to your deeds.. lead the way son
Be a whistleblower about a health care matter, and then watch your "peers" and community ostracize you because the bureaucracy tells the masses almost word for word, "try to contain us, and we will crush you!"
Sorry, not ever again helping the vast majority of cowards, whores, and kneelers who will stab me in the back while I am keeping my eyes on the sociopaths in front trying to shoot me in the chest!
You all want Superman or Spiderman to swoop in and do the work.
Your kids won't know those comic books, they will be banned by the scum who want to make sure hope and faith is beyond a consideration.
Comment to the CDC, do you folks really think this will have an impact with people pushing this hate and cruelty for 2 and a half years now!?!?!?
There is no way the CDC bucks big pharma's demands and not put this in the vaccination schedule. There will eventually be several new mRNA gene altering injections added. You can bet every year.
These wankers have painted themselves into a corner and the implications are staggering. This is just one of many reasons why I am concerned that no matter how the elections turn out, the democrats will not peacefully relinquish power. They simply have too much to lose. Very dangerous days, I fear.
The crimes committed by our bureaucrats, politicians and corporate execs in the last two years are staggering to say the least. It really has been the wild west and the opportunists took full advantage. I do believe the pitchforks and torches are beginning to coalesce and The Party is starting to squirm. Dangerous times indeed.
alarm bells should be going off
emergency powers should have been stopped months ago
it should be clear this is all about power by now
this needs to STOP!!!
This is why people become antivaxxers. Manufacturers protection is valued more than human protection. 😣
More or less my line of thinking when I heard the news. The continued 'emergency' is becoming problematic, so it needs to end, but end of 'emergency' means end of EUA shots. Time to get Comirnaty fully indemnified.
I add that this seems awfully rushed, like Pfizer and the feds see the pitchforks and torches beginning to coalesce and this is a proactive but rushed counter.
Vaccines on the childhood schedule get permanent liability protection even for shots given to adults. This is absolutely, positively why it is in the CDC agenda. They can’t end the emergency until the shots have permanent liability protection.
Anything that pushes more young people out of the public school system - and the grip of the teachers’ unions and their woke indoctrination - is a good thing. HomeschoolIng, co-ops for those who can’t, private schools for those who can, move to a free state, etc. Because it’s on the schedule doesn’t mean you’ve got to give it to your kids. Parents who have given the state that much authority over their kids should rethink their position.
Agree! I sadly chuckled a bit when I read in part "...quite likely destroy their public education systems." I'm afraid that ship is already pulled out of port. The majority of public education systems are already destroyed.
This makes me physically sick. So corrupt and disgusting without any consideration for actual health.
This has been the plan all along, to get the snake oil on the childhood vax schedule before the emergency runs out.
What do you think the CDC will vote for? Unanimous full recommendation. Maybe 1 dissenting vote?
I'm going to submit a public comment and I suggest all of you do too. We all know how they will rule but I think it's important to flood them with reasonable objections. I would appreciate feedback on the following:
What justification is there for adding the COVID-19 vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule? Present data suggest there is no reasonable substantiation.
Firsly, there is strong evidence that they do not prevent infection or transmission of the COVID-19 disease. If the COVID-19 vaccines do provide some protection against severe disease, this would classify them solely as a therapeutic, which is clearly a personal medical decision.
Secondly, the health risk posed by COVID-19 is infinitesimally low as shown in the CDC's own data, though, data from around the world has shown a significant increase in risk for potentially serious health issues such as myocarditis, particularly in adolescent boys. To the point that several nations around the world have stopped recommending the COVID-19 vaccine for people under 18 save for those at grave risk from the disease.
Thirdly, this broad brush stroke does not take into account the long-lived natural immunity conferred by previously COVID-19. Dated estimates (April 2022) show that 3 in 4 children have already had COVID-19, most asymptomatically. And given the data is now six-months old and the highly contagious omicron variant has continued, that number is assuredly higher.
Based on the above, it appears that the only logical reason to consider adding the COVID-19 vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule is to provide additional liability protection to the manufacturers of these therapeutics.
Given that trust is at an all-time low in public health and government institutions, I and a significant majority of other parents encourage you to do the right thing and not add the COVID-19 vaccines to the childhood immunization schedule.
Don’t co-parent with the government