All the damn time these days, bro. Did you hear about Oscar Cabrera, the Spanish league basketball player that went face-down during a game in 2021 and always blamed the shots and hadn't played since then and then died the other day while undergoing a stress test to see if he could return to the game?
All the damn time these days, bro. Did you hear about Oscar Cabrera, the Spanish league basketball player that went face-down during a game in 2021 and always blamed the shots and hadn't played since then and then died the other day while undergoing a stress test to see if he could return to the game?
Also, I just found out the Buffalo Bills organization, who are famous for the momentary death of their player Damar Hamlin, really pushed the shots quite hard and last year the owner's wife, Kim Pegula, 53, also suffered a cardiac arrest.
Deion Sanders' latest blood clots saga led me to tally the NFL players' mysterious illnesses since the shots and I came up with NINE that run the gamut: pericarditis, stroke, arrhythmia, sudden death, cardiac arrest, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and blood clots. How did we miss that? I don't really want to spam my "stack," but, whatever. It's too late for all that, lol.
The Rise of the Medical Emergency, Pt. 32
Shotted: Don't play in the NFL, don't go to high school, don't be a Navy chief, or fly on an airplane, or go to Hawaii. Or to Willenhall.
Cabrera is not the only pro basketball player to suffer from the shots. One was playing for Atlanta in the NBA, got the shots and the team then told him he was done for the season - heart damage. He did recover enough to play ball again, but I don't know if he ever made it back into the NBA.
Kim Pegula has a daughter that is now in the top 5 of female tennis players in the world. I wonder if she got the shots. Do we know if Kim Pegula's cardiac arrest is related to the shots?
An Italian female tennis player, Camilla George, had her doctor tattle on her - saying he faked it for her. This doctor got caught faking the shots for many people and law enforcement busted him. Camilla likely felt she needed to have a document saying she got the shots for international travel or some other reason. We have no idea how many pro athletes, who are rich and can pay doctors to do almost anything, faked their shots. There is no way to tell if a person got the shots or not after a few months. Nobody has been checking pro athletes with blood tests to see if they actually got the shots.
I've heard that you CAN tell who has gotten the "shot". They look at your blood. The article I read said they were almost ALWAYS able to tell if you're "vaxxed". That by itself should have had the shots STOPPED, but for WHATEVER "reason" the government is OK with keeping all the damage secret. That's the scariest "sign" of all!
I read about a hospita back east that was giving (at least the doctors) FAKE VACCINE cards, because they weren't able to get enough doctors to stay otherwise
All the damn time these days, bro. Did you hear about Oscar Cabrera, the Spanish league basketball player that went face-down during a game in 2021 and always blamed the shots and hadn't played since then and then died the other day while undergoing a stress test to see if he could return to the game?
Also, I just found out the Buffalo Bills organization, who are famous for the momentary death of their player Damar Hamlin, really pushed the shots quite hard and last year the owner's wife, Kim Pegula, 53, also suffered a cardiac arrest.
Deion Sanders' latest blood clots saga led me to tally the NFL players' mysterious illnesses since the shots and I came up with NINE that run the gamut: pericarditis, stroke, arrhythmia, sudden death, cardiac arrest, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and blood clots. How did we miss that? I don't really want to spam my "stack," but, whatever. It's too late for all that, lol.
The Rise of the Medical Emergency, Pt. 32
Shotted: Don't play in the NFL, don't go to high school, don't be a Navy chief, or fly on an airplane, or go to Hawaii. Or to Willenhall.
Cabrera is not the only pro basketball player to suffer from the shots. One was playing for Atlanta in the NBA, got the shots and the team then told him he was done for the season - heart damage. He did recover enough to play ball again, but I don't know if he ever made it back into the NBA.
Kim Pegula has a daughter that is now in the top 5 of female tennis players in the world. I wonder if she got the shots. Do we know if Kim Pegula's cardiac arrest is related to the shots?
An Italian female tennis player, Camilla George, had her doctor tattle on her - saying he faked it for her. This doctor got caught faking the shots for many people and law enforcement busted him. Camilla likely felt she needed to have a document saying she got the shots for international travel or some other reason. We have no idea how many pro athletes, who are rich and can pay doctors to do almost anything, faked their shots. There is no way to tell if a person got the shots or not after a few months. Nobody has been checking pro athletes with blood tests to see if they actually got the shots.
I've heard that you CAN tell who has gotten the "shot". They look at your blood. The article I read said they were almost ALWAYS able to tell if you're "vaxxed". That by itself should have had the shots STOPPED, but for WHATEVER "reason" the government is OK with keeping all the damage secret. That's the scariest "sign" of all!
I read about a hospita back east that was giving (at least the doctors) FAKE VACCINE cards, because they weren't able to get enough doctors to stay otherwise
As a FORMER listener to sports radio (brought to you by Pfizer) it’s crickets & turtles all the way down.