And yet they continue pushing. It's purely evil at this point.

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It's been pure evil for a very long time. Now they are dying on this hill.

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Well.. that hill is actually Sodom and Gomorrah mixed with depopulation... part of the hill of the NWO.

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I realized last summer that this is indeed Satans perfect plan. It was the only explanation I could see for the widespread evil around us. The formerly sane people I knew spouting such utter nonsense. The gaslighting. My world blew to smithereens and I have no trust at all now. I only have God. Satan needs humans to work his evil. He found some. It explains everything. Never ever will I comply. How can I remain silent when other grandparents I know are anxious for their little grandkids to get these injections. Keeps their own ignorant arses safe? Child sacrifice 2022 style. They look at me like I have 3 heads. This is the end plan but it won’t work.

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the word of God makes NO SENSE to unbelievers. It sounds like utter nonesense. All believers are 100% indebted to the holy spirit for causing the scales to fall off of their eyes and for wisdom/discernent to come. No matter what it appears, God's story is in play and will continue to the return of Jesus.

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Exactly. I listen to evolutionary biologists on the Dark Horse podcast. They talk around what’s going on and are making themselves into pretzels trying to make sense of this disaster—the source of it—the overwhelming scale of it. They are flummoxed in so many ways. Of course they don’t believe in the spiritual aspect of this. The spiritual evil source against God. Satan using humans to destroy humanity. Possession. It’s plain to me and fully explains. It’s biblical and God will win. The Bible says the earth will be destroyed by the humans in it—but for Gods intervention and his love for us and his creation we and the earth will be saved and all will know Him—but not for the unrepentant—who will be given the truth and refuse it. I’m getting ready.

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now more than ever, you'll hear ppl talking in blithering loops of nonsense. Listen to bill gates...utter moronic jabber, he still thinks he is brilliant and only so to other narcissists who worship nonsense.

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I have a slightly different take on it, but along the same lines. God is allowing the evil free reign so it can be easily seen and identified by all who have eyes to see it. Once it is out in the open for all to see, easy to point at, each person will make the decision whether to accept it or turn away from it. The wheat is being separated from the chaff. In the larger scheme, there is nothing here within this realm of physicality you get to take with you except your experiences, what you learned. As an eternal being, your every action and thought remains for eternity, so it is important to act and choose wisely.

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I agree. This current situation is what I saw in the biblical study I received in the fundamentalist church I was in for 25 years. Then left. This past helped me understand more what God is doing. Most Mainline churches do not get deep into prophecy or the deep condition of sin at all. The new pastor at my recently former church was advised that the congregation doesn’t want to hear about satan or prophecy. Consequently sermons are pablum.

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Here is Biblical proof it is satan that is doing this. In Rev 18:23 the word "Sorceries"is used meaning drugs or medications, it's a way satan deceives people obviously the majority have been deceived about this vaccine. Here is the proof put the word "Sorceries into a "Gematria Calculator" https://www.gematrix.org/ I don't think God wants people to rely on big Pharma!

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Thanks. I have heard something like this before but no links.

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Here is another truth found in The Bible though it will anger those on the left side of politics This makes me laugh! https://biblehub.com/ecclesiastes/10-2.htm

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I agree but at least the people rolling their babies and little kids down into Moloch's furnace mostly knew what they were doing. The Serpents in the doctors' coats in this case are the first order ones that have to answer for such recklessness...

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Janet you have eyes to see and ears to hear. Consider yourself blessed by God. But brace yourself for the very difficult times coming.

I've been offering this breakdown for people who are becoming aware of spiritual forces at play, but can't put the pieces together. Your comment presents an opportunity for me to share it here.

Addressing the spiritual

Many people have been jarred into some level of spiritual wakefulness in the past two years including intellectuals and thought leaders. Many express a new found awareness of serious ill in the world and hint at the possibility of a spiritual aspect. It helps me to see others acknowledge and confess truth instead of doing what most in our society have done - double, triple and quadruple down on dishonesty.

But many of the leaders who are resisting the agenda thrust upon us in earnest beginning in early 2020 express an inability to make sense of it. They express bewilderment at what has happened and the failure of humanity at large to recognize and correct the obvious fraud and grotesque malfeasance occurring openly everywhere. It shouldn’t be surprising or perplexing. It is predictable. I feel that anyone familiar with God's word should be able to see and understand what is happening.

All of what we perceive happening and have cataloged so well, related to human entrapment, enslavement, debasement and destruction, is the work of one entity. Satan. The entire enterprise is best described as the antiChrist agenda. I use the phrase "antiChrist agenda" because it is the most accurate and concise. I don't know that it is necessary or helpful to debate the fine detail of what the term "antiChrist" means. Instead, it's enough to acknowledge that the antiChrist is a spiritual reality. Scripture explains that it is Satan that is the sum and substance of the spirit of the antiChrist. He seeks to usurp the authority and position of God.

There is a truism that states that power doesn't tolerate a vacuum. Scripture explains that the world we live in is comprised of spiritual forces. If those statements are accurate, then it follows that there will be no spiritual vacuums in the world of men. As one spiritual force recedes, another advances. To the extent that God is loved by men, the world is a place of truth, faith, hope and love. To the extent that God is denied, lies, suffering, hate and destruction prevail. If God is diminished, Satan is gratified. His aims are advanced. He succeeds in separating man from God. Although we do not and cannot see spiritual realities exhaustively, we can perceive enough to understand the basics, if we are willing.

The banishment of God creates a spiritual vacuum in the world. In modern times this banishment began with the rise of Darwinian ideology. This ideology bloomed into the cult of naturalism. While purporting to eliminate spirituality, in truth this ideology merely offered an alternate faith based metaphysical construct. It sold as rigorous, honest, objective study of the space time continuum in which humans exist and claimed to provide verifiable answers to the most important questions. Instead it delivered it's own sets of myths and just so stories, dressed up in technical language. As with all cults, philosophical naturalism amounted to nothing more than a series of unverifiable superstitions. Naturalism was a lie that came from the source of lies, Satan. It gave corrupt mankind the cover he sought to push God out of the picture. As man rejected God, evil grew. Philosophical naturalism devolved into scientism.

In the world today, there is one global unifying religion. Scientism. Scientism is the religion of modern man. God was out. Scientism was in. Since man is finite and cannot exhaustively understand anything, yet (because of God's wiring) is possessed by a need to explain his existence, he will necessarily always live by a faith of some sort. Since humans are spiritual creatures first, and physical beings second, they will always behave spiritually. Man will always gravitate to the metaphysical. His nature and limitations predetermine that he will exist in some philosophical framework that cannot and will not be defined exhaustively by evidence and observation. He will always seek meaning. He will always engage in causes. He will always worship someone and or something. The fact that a man may fail to acknowledge these realities (he lies about them) is irrelevant. These realities persist. Even a man believing himself a god and worshiping himself does not escape his spiritual nature. Such is the modern man. Such is Davos man. Regardless of whether Davos man believes himself to be aspiritual and atheistic, he still serves his spiritual master. Regardless of his delusions, he remains a spiritual slave to some spiritual entity as all human beings are and always have been. A few Davos men may acknowledge and embrace their master, openly worship him. Most would deny his existence. Regardless of their understanding or awareness of their master, he also persists. He is Satan. It is Satan that controls them. It is Satan that guides them. Scientism is the religion. This the advancement of the agenda we see. Since deception is his modus operandi, Satan's agenda is not dependent on his followers understanding of it. It is enough that they deny God. The vacuum is created. From there Satan influences and instructs. His followers, irrespective of their cognizance of him, do his bidding. Even as they imagine themselves aspiritual, they do spiritual work. Evil work.

Regarding what I refer to as contrivavirus (due to the contrived nature of every aspect of the crisis) and related phenomena, the agenda we perceive, the one that causes bewilderment and despair, is the antiChrist agenda. The essential element of the antiChrist agenda is pride. It is hubris. It is the denial of God's greatness and the promotion of the greatness of man. Davos man believes himself God. In a world from which true God has been banished, Satan prevails. Davos man, the servant of Satan, comes to prominence. Davos man, inspired by Satan, seeks to usurp the position and authority of true God. By scientism he seeks to rule men. His master leads him to pervert God's creation. In his pride he despises God. He also despises God's order. He seeks to destroy it, and remake it. He grants himself authority. This is the hubris of Satan, manifested in his followers, the deniers of God. This is the spiritual state of modern man. This is the world you and I find ourselves in. We live in the midst of a rapidly advancing antiChrist agenda. The acceptance of scientism and the prominence of its gods, Davos men, is the predictable outcome for a generation that denies God. The result of man's banishment of God is the empowerment of Satan. This is the basic spiritual calculus we confront.

I see the concept of Mass Formation Psychosis being popularly used to explain the bizarre and destructive behavior of humanity related to the contrivavirus psy op. While the psychological aspect of all of this may make for interesting academic discussion, Mass Formation Psychosis theory entirely misses the mark. It obfuscates the central issue. Spirituality. The more urgent explanation is that humanity has fallen into spiritual delusion. Satanic deception. This delusion is possible because of man's denial of God. Again the vacuum. Where truth (God) is despised, delusion flourishes. Satanic delusion primes humanity for further subversion. The final aim of Satan and his servant, Davos man, is the destruction of humanity, the crown jewel of God's creation. Pride goeth before a fall. The pride of man leads to his destruction.

Deluded modern man believes he has removed God and has thus achieved autonomy and become a god unto himself. There is nothing new under the sun. A similar deception was foisted on Eve in the garden. The false promises of scientism are not original. Knowledge and godhood were offered to Eve. Then as now, men were taken in by a trick of Satan. Just as Eve did not get what Satan promised, niether does modern man. Removing God did not remove spirituality. It merely perverted spirituality, created more space for evil. Instead of knowledge, there is merely the misuse of technology that further enslaves man, destroys his mind, body and soul.

The cult of scientism, the worship of man and his abilities and accomplishments, faith in man’s evolution, has replaced the worship of God. The antiChrist agenda proceeds.

There is one solution for us if this agenda is to be rolled back. We must turn to God. If that does not occur then evil will prevail. Davos man will continue to reign, with ever tighter control. Man's future will be incredibly dark.

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Thank you.

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Right on the money!

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Much food for thought. I copied and pasted to make sure I can get into this later. It’s so easy to lose track in all the good info we get. God bless.

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Jun 14, 2022
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I’m retired so didn’t have that horror of job loss to deal with. My brother, his son and a niece and her family plus me are the only unjabbed. A sister disowned me but has since apologized and we are getting together. I prayed for that. My brother’s wife barely survived remdisivir and the vent. Yet her state employer forced her to get a shot in order to keep her pension. Even tho she is officially retiring in July. Her union caved. She had to look hard to find the JNJ. I believe that is a deliberate attempt to get everyone on the mRNA jabs. My hubby got that one but is refusing boosters. It is truly a spiritual battle. I quit my church because of the rank complicity to this “plan”. I feel stronger. Stay strong. We are in Gods hands.

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I left my church too! they revealed themselves just as WOKE as mainstream media! Found a wonderful Adventist church, as down to earth and truthful as I've ever seen. Strongly grounded in the word and we actually talk without censoring.

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AMEN. Anyone paying attention can see the spiritual battle occurring. This entire COVID hysteria is like a cult. It is obvious that many have been conned into putting their faith into these things called "vaccines",even with all the inconsistencies. They are putting their trust in some barely tested drugs rather than in the immune system that God created in us.

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same with my sister, satan is hostile toward God (truth), ppl now more than ever intently HATE THE TRUTH--now called Mis-information! We have to let that go and realize God's story is in play regardless of what we "see".

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Losing a job sucks, sorry to hear that. losing contact with a few friends and family members is a small price to pay, to SAVE YOUR SOUL though! God has a funny way of weeding out the people that we really shouldn't be spending much time on anyways.

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I get it from my folks who are 95. Have you gotten the vaccine.

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DO NOT GET THE SHINGLES VAXX! Same playbook... all of the MRNA vaxxed are getting bizarre ailments related to shingles! So everyone (the narcissists) are telling everyone to get the shingles vaxx.... such BS. ANY VAXX=MESSING WITH YOUR HEALTHY IMMUNE SYSTEM! Surely we see that now finally? Justin Bieber--Half his face is paralyzed from Herpes Zoster attack! His 25 yr old wife had brain clot/mini stroke and had a hole in heart repaired! 2 healthy young ppl do not get all of these side effects within months of boosters from coincidence.

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Brian, No. Never. I had a mild Covid before shots. I’m 74. No flu shots either. Flu last in 1998.

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Jun 14, 2022
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These are the KILL SHOTS to end the USA as we know it. This will NOT end well.....and these evil bastards want this KILL SHOT in the childhood vaccine schedule. Grab your kids and RUN!!!!

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If I were a new parent, I'd think long and hard about all those vaccines. I certainly survived without them. It's all about Big Pharma making money. You should watch Candace Owens series on Parler where she talks about every one of the vaccines kids get and why they don't really need them.

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saw sunday a man on corner of CVS with sign stating the same thing...clot shots are killing kids.

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That's great!

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Incredibly, the UK have already added it quietly to our childhood vaccination schedule for 5-15yos, according to the NHS website! Not a whisper reporting it that I know of. And this despite the fact that for 5-11 year olds they were only "offering" them previously (with sheep petting etc to tempt them at vaccination sites). Any last shred of respect for the NHS has evaporated. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/nhs-vaccinations-and-when-to-have-them/

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If it went on your schedule then US will also put it on. Probably why the FDA doesn't care about whether or not it follows recommendations.

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Can you decline them? At least here in the states you can decline all vaccines (and more and more people are doing that).

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Yes, but by putting it on the routine schedule (which was clearly the objective all along), it serves to normalise them as if they are just like all the previous vaccines on the schedule, completely disregarding the fact that they are still in clinical trials, authorised under temporary use only. I can't fathom how they can actually put it on the schedule legally so it makes me worried, especially in the light of the FDA meeting next week regards approval for "reformulated" covid jabs not having undergone any clinical trial whatsoever. If authorised, will these be the jabs offered to our children in schools in the autumn? (And this in light of an outrageous draft School Bill - our Dept. for Education, now run by the minister who was in charge of Dept of Health for the jab rollout) seeking to take totalitarian control over our schools and home educators). Not a good combo.

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And by run, that literally means what it says. I'd say you have till August/ September before the shit hits the proverbial fan. Get yourselves out of the cities, to a place where you can source food and water. Life will never go back to the way it was. The worst thing that ever happened to the world, was Biden being fraudulently installed as President. Through him, Satan has facilitated global collapse of our way of life.

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They're in a death roll with the vax.

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Let’s hope they can’t reanimate…

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God/Jesus makes it clear they can't, never made it possible truly. But they will try no doubt.

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yes, they are dying on 'their hill' justin bieber and wife riddled with ailments in their healthy 25-29 yr old bodies. They looked to man for advice, yes they profess God and I believe they believe, but they did not believe God over man and the vaxx agenda

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Dying on this hill? All the same players are in all the same positions and more brazen than ever indicated by this latest criminality and fraud

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Utterly abominable/satanic. Georgia Guidestones "commandment" number one.

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Was just reading those yesterday again! Hadn’t thought about them in years. 1 & 10 go hand in hand with nature being put over humans.

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You are right on point Lacy. Exactly, number 10 is the elevation of nature above mankind, just like those lunatic Agenda 2100 A.D. commercials that came out around 2012 or so to propagandise us. You seen them?

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No, I don’t remember those!😳

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Here you go;




This should send chills down your spine of how deadly serious they are. When you hear the part about removing your footprint, it means depopulation, and the killshot/deathsot is the methodology.

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Where those legitimately by the UN? Not something created by the opposition to highlight what they really want?

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Read the comments on the videos (esp old people one) from 9 yrs ago. These were fake ads promoting Glenn Beck’s book, it appears. Altho he was warning us and giving us a wakeup call that this is what could happen w Agenda 21

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Are you on Twitter?

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Yes Lacy... you can find me @IesousDisciple ..

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E.Ron Hubbard

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Hi there, I have heard this term Georgia Guidestones but am totally unaware of what this is about. I am in Melbourne Australia. Could you pleases provide a brief summary so I can get my head around it?? I have read your posts here and spot your critical thinking!! I could look it up but best to go to someone in the know, so to speak. I hope you can oblige. All the best to you and yours.

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Grace and peace in Jesus Jules;

Greetings you fellow truth seekers in Ozziland from the increasing take over of Canada to be turned into a vassal state of the Technocrats. My late parents had some land in Ozzieland we sold years ago. Instead of a brief summary i will give you some good sources on it. Thank you for your kind words of spotting my critical thinking [i don't really get such kind words rather i get the opposite], i do my best to critically think by remaining plugged into God's/Jesus' love letter written to mankind in His blood, and basically asking God/Jesus to critically think as HE defines it, i want nothing to do with worldly inherently fatally flawed so called "critical thinking." I have no problems here to help you, Jesus teaches to serve, and yes i can oblige you, all the best to you and yours may you make God/Jesus you true north in ALL things if you have not already since ONLY HE is THE WAY;

Here are the links;

http://vanshardware.com/ [this source i found is the best source on them, they have done quality investigation and practical research on it long before they were more well known]


The user @S D is more or less right the monument is a form of worship of satan and that yes only 500 milllion allowed on earth and mostly thralls yes to serve the minute satanic eltists.

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Many thanks .... I did find a good link but I will check yours out too. When i read about it just made me more angry...The arrogance of it all and their pure evil etched in stone. God help us all. Praying big time. I have shared the link I found on fakebook...Making sure all know. Again many thanks ...all the best to you and yours.

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thank you so much for this...I will check it out.

I am so sorry for your lost. I hope she didn't suffer while facing her end. She was so lucky to have you by her side.

Sorry to ask but did she have the jab? I am a curious soul.

God Bless you and yours.

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A set of standing stones erected in Georgia, USA, that sets out rules for caretaking of the planet. Keeping the population to a very low number (I forget the amount), was one of them. Look them up and read the guidelines from the stones themselves

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Yes I finally checked it out...the arrogance of these poor excuses for humans...they are mental, deranged and any other adjective that expresses nut job will suffice!! The amount they want is 500,000!!! and they call us a disease. Bizarre.

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Look it up! It’s very self explanatory and you can watch a documentary on it. It’s pretty crazy!

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thanks honey...I just wanted to hear about it from someone in the know rather than reading possible bs. But I will be looking it up, that is for sure as it continues to prick my curiosity no end!! Cheers

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I so know what you mean to "hear" about it from someone in the know rather than reading possible steaming hot equine ordure. I gave you the Van Smith source which is seemingly one of the best quality sources on it. Hope you find it comprehensive and elucidating.,

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No problem doll face-lol!

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It’s the Australian way to use familiar names with total strangers. Forgive us!

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LOL...Sorry, just the way I talk!! ....Anyways I looked it up....Bloody nut jobs.

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So many people like you are not taught of these things. The Georgia guide stones are about population control, put there by a crazy psychopath.


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Jun 14, 2022
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Where are the real men who would blow that thing up? Or real women for that matter.

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You know Zade, i'm in Toronto, no where close to Georgia though i have driven through Georgia more than a few times never been to the monuments but i have always wondered why some man who has nothing else to lose, hasn't lost it and hopefully have a dump truck, and smash down those monuments.

After Edit: I mean "has lost it" not "hasn't lost it."

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It's weird. With all the vandals no one has graffitied them or blown them up. Lasso them, put your SUV in low gear and gun it. I don't get it. Why the passive acceptance?

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I don't think the evil global elites are going to get their eugenic wet dream - these psychos are exposing themselves and people are starting to wake up to the BS narrative they pushed upon the world over two years ago - just wait until the believers of this narrative find out they've taken part in the greatest psyop in the history of the world - and then they realize what they've put into their bodies and into their children bodies and then they discover this is a depopulation agenda to reduce the world's population perhaps by death, perhaps by sterilization... I expect more than pitchforks!

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yes I have now looked it up and posted it on fakebook....The arrogance of this demented idiots....Makes me wild with anger.

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Glad to see you know :-]

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Why hasn't someone destroyed those satanic symbols. God is not about lowering the population. Why are they still standing.

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And yet 35-40% of Americans embrace and shriek joy for this utter disdain for life.

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It's disgusting.

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correct, and to a large extent we are all disconnected from life

the whole environmental movement, while based on real concerns, is in some strange way anti-life, the whole idea that humans are destructive and their footprint must be reduced ultimately means that humans must be eliminated, and that's what we get

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I don't see how "their footprint must be reduced" equates to "they must be eliminated."

The footprint is growing, slowly or quickly depending on what you're counting. Is that growth a problem? Might be.

The total mass of humanity (fairly easy to calculate) would have to double a certain number of times in order to equal the mass of the entire planet. The numbers are easily available on the web.

How many years does it take, in the last century or so, for the human population to double?

With those answers, you can calculate how long it will be until humans weigh as much as their planet. And of course, you can be sure that's not going to happen, because something else will happen first.

Last I plugged in the numbers, I think it was about 500 years.

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If they were so concerned about the mass of humanity maybe they would be a bit more concerned about the mass of the individual human being. Its grown to a state of obese and morbidly obese. Like what 30 to 50% more. Instead they push garbage food and dangerous vaxes and pharmaceuticals instead which just add to the "mass problem" So this whole concern is nothing more than BS

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Not clear from what you say -- *who* is "they?" Who should be more concerned about obesity and ease up on the "garbage food ... etc.?"

Of course what you describe sounds like hypocrisy if it all comes from the same person, but I don't think it does, my info says these are separate voices who don't claim to agree.

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Global population is expected to peak around 2050. Although with the clot shots, food shortages, and economic depression, probably much sooner.

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I don't know those people. I know some who are deeply deceived. But I don't know any who rejoice at the deaths of ordinary people they don't even know.

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We are so lucky to have someone like Alex Berenson taking it upon himself to deliver the truth and knowledge to us. Sadly, we can't rely on the media anymore

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Hell, we can’t rely on doctors anymore!

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Spot on ! Thank goodness for Alex Berenson and Toby Rogers. They drill down on the facts and the facrs are glaringly, blantantly obvious that to approve these vaccine es for children who do NOT have risk of dying from.Covid is a disgusting result of man's ineptitude to govern himself. My heart aches for all the children who will be seriiusly injured and die. This goes way beyond the pall of insanity, it is evil!

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Just CRAZY to believe in over 2.6 years since whu-flu lab leak not ONE person or entity has remotely been held accountable. Considering the totality of devastation to humanity how is this remotely possible? Not ONE

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Nobody will be held accountable, because this is all planned. Holding anyone accountable would shine the light on what is really going on. If you pay attention to the WEF meeting minutes, you would know precisely what they are working towards, and it's VERY bad for about 99% of the world's population.

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RIGHT! Pretty obvious what has happened, is happening and will continue too with the very same perps in place who have orchestrated it all. Perhaps it is truly inevitable at this point. Buckle UP butter cup!

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Exactly right. This is waaaaaaaaaay beyond '₵ha-¢hing'! 👀👀👀

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THIS ^^ is exactly why they wanted the FDA approval documentation buried for 75 years. NONE of this would be out there if a Texas judge wouldn't have ordered it.


I covered this a while back.

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Parents are demanding it!

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My friend pays to have her 5 yr old granddaughter brought up from Mexico for all her shots. She’ll get her 2nd booster this month. Grandma already has suspicious blood work. Mother of said child is a mental mess.

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Parents who are in the Branch Covidian cult, suffering from mass formation.

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Bad parents

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Gullible parents

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"At this point" ... !!?? ... this was the plan all along! This has always been part and parcel of the globalist psychopaths' design for depopulation, along with toxxine-induced fetal loss / spontaneous abortions, creation of infertility, and the rest of the massive number of horrendous health side effects. Then throw in destruction of economies through useless "green energy," destruction of petroleum supply, "cllimate change" rules and regulations, etc. And don't forget destruction of personal finances and liberties with forced lockdowns / quarantines, loss of businesses, loss of jobs for refusing to be poisoned. And so much more. There was NEVER a point when this wasn't evil and intended to be.

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So VERY well stated!

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Insanity. The big-pharmacy corporate greed has reached literately "murderous" levels.

That or they want to eliminate the control group of children who would, without this injection, grow up healthy compared to their older peers who took 2-3 doses of mRNA coded in lipid nanoparticles into their system. Only way to do eliminate the control is to get every newborn or as close to it as possible injected with a three-dose regime and keep dosing each new possible control group born. Eventually, any bad health outcomes will be impossible to correlate to the vaccine, without a control group. You could only compare outcomes of doses 2 versus 3 versus 4 versus 17.

I believe they are doubling-down to cover-up.

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There would still be data on humans from before the vaccines existed. They’re going to need lots of reasons for new illness. Climate change, duvet covers, cold drinks in hot weather … (that last one was a real explanation given for a sudden death!)

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They are going to try to frame vax injuries as long covid

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Yes, I've seen that. Long covid will cover everything from a headache to death after the vax.

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yes I think they are doing that already

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Absolutely! My sister has trembling and weakness in her legs among other things. The docs told her it was long Covid!!! She never had Covid so how can she have long Covid??? She questions NONE of this!!! My sister THE SCIENTIST questions NONE of the garbage that has been served up on a silver plate and plans to keep up with her boosters. If she lived closer, I'd strangle her!!!

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I don't think long covid is enough, to be honest. If everyone who got the triple dose starts to get cancer in say 5 years and double-dose in 10 years, it'll be very hard to claim "long covid" is what's causing the cancer in 2032. I mean, nobody has covid for 10 years, as far as we know. Most long-covid, if its not just not cases, disappears on its own as the system flushes it out in around a few months like 12-24. Often viruses can remain in the system following a viral infection for 12 weeks.

Many long-covid studies putting long-covid at "1 in 5" use 4 weeks as the cut-off point, while the UK using '12 weeks' as a cut off point in NHS statistics says its like 1 in 50 people. If you used '520 weeks' or ten-years, I'm sure that would drop to 1 in 10 million. So they have to eliminate the control group. Long covid won't explain everyone getting cancer in 5-10 years (assuming 2 or 3 doses) and (widely speculating on time frame/if it will happen).

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They can pin almost anything on long covid, as long as there is no control group left. For instance, it is considered a scientific fact, that some viruses can cause cancer down the line (HPV and EBV). If in a few years the cancer rates spiked and there was no control group left, noone could disprove that it was not a longterm consequence of the virus.

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The insanity is so over the top, with all of this. (I hadn't heard that one, the cold drink in hot weather, that is a goodie!! lol) Yes here they are pushing Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, for people dropping dead after the jab. And yes of course the climate change bullshit will figure large. But we know about all the weather manipulation they continue to do. We are being sprayed like bugs here, with their f'ing chemtrails and aluminum and whatever else. They continue to try and normalize everything that is happening as a result of the jab. More insanity.

They are just beginning the ramping up of their fear campaign agenda re monkey pox. It is so obvious their game plan and yet still people by the bs because the te lie vision does not lie!! lol!!

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Oh but no, they could blame that on increased use of pesticides....soda....gaming causing inactivity. Any changes in human behavior or environment could be used to explain before/after data.

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so true....They will find something, anything else to blame it on but we will NOT mention the jabs....No cannot do that...Bloody infuriating.

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Or the virus—long covid

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I hadn't thought about this from your angle. Makes perfect sense. All a massive cover up. Thank you for pushing my old grey cells a little further, lol!! God bless you and yours.

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They’ll grow up NON-HUMAN…think about that!

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Jun 14, 2022
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praying this happens asap. God bless

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Obviously, Pfizer needs this drug on the child vaccine schedule to exempt it from liability. Also, someone made the case that they need to get rid of the control group. No better way to get rid of the control group than to create a new population baseline of illness and death for subsequent generations by vaccinating children.

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I thought I read that they effectively did get rid of the control group because they gave the placebo group the vaccine after the trial ended? You may mean the larger control group of all kids in this age group

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Yes, a large majority of the clinical trial control group did take the vaccine, so in that sense they got rid of the clinical trial control group. And if they had succeeded in vaccinating all adults, they would have gotten rid of the adult population control group. But the absolute best approach from their perspective would be vaccinating all children so that there is never a control group for all future generations.

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They gave the placebo group before the study ended for humanitarian reasons . They think we’re so stupid

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Speaking of the control group: if you are vaccine-free, there is a worldwide control group and the more people in it, the more valid the future health data. It's legit - I'm a member - but do your own research https://www.vaxcontrolgroup.com/

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