This will make vaxxinazis even angrier at those who were smart enough not to get jabbed.

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If I was Biden and concerned about the daily mounting evidence that everything he has done in conjunction with the pharma criminals is going to be exposed, I might just put the US on a heightened alert status for “domestic terrorism”. You know .... just in case people start to get really upset that practically everything they were told was a complete lie. When I announce this new alert, I’d be sure to make mention of “election deniers” as well, now that actual legislatures in actual states are beginning to pull back the veil on the massive fraud that occurred. So many things to be worried about from the “domestic terrorists”. Kind of makes you wonder if anything these clowns have said for the last 7 decades is true.

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Thanks Alex. You’re killing it! Keep up the great work!

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I get the dig wasn't directed at RFK nor Mercola but I want to point out both of them have given me good advice about certain things. That doesn't mean they are correct about everything but they believe what they do based on what they have read.

I don't agree with Mercola on everything but he is intelligent - I think he just goes too far to the extreme with certain things.

But, right or wrong, at least they have the guts to say when they think something is a bad idea.

Mainstream elite scientists? Here's a thousand page paper with the potential damage being done to immune systems. Solution? We need to give more boosters.

Uh ok!

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This and similar studies should have been conducted a couple of billion shots earlier.

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Seems like a good old fashioned crap shoot to me; if in doubt don't do it! In my simple mind I have a 99.35% chance of surviving the original wild strain (long gone) and a 100% chance of having zero adverse reactions to the jab, by simply not taking it. This very inane logic has served me well so far I think you'll find!!! Go Truckers!!!

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Great minds think alike.

The spikes stick around for (at least) 60 days in the GCs. And boy do they train the immune system up - to fight the now-disappeared Wuhan strain.


I'm not sure how Leana Wen is going to walk this one back. But I'm sure she'll try.

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Thank you, Alex! This paper is also relevant to the problem of adverse effects in those close to injected persons (popularly called "shedding.") Myself, and many other vax-free women, are experiencing the phenomena of inflammatory symptoms (new onset joint pain, migraine, swollen tender lymph nodes, brain fog, fatigue, altered menses) after exposure to our injected intimate partners. In my experience, I had a clear onset of new symptoms after partner's jab. The inflammatory symptoms disappear (yay!) when he travels for weeks at a time, and returns (boo!) when he is home. This cycle has been repeating monthly for the past eight months. Symptoms severity has been correlated with amount of intimate exposure and length of proximity. We need to be talking about and researching this! Another anecdotal bit of evidence of mRNA damage: my partner had normal CBC in the annual physical just prior to vax. I persuaded him to get a 6 month post-vax complete blood workup with inflammatory markers and specific lymphocyte count including CD4/CD8. Results came back with dangerously low levels of all white blood cells including the CD4/CD8. His doctors were alarmed and tested him for HIV (negative and no risk factors.). The only thing that changed in the past eight months has been the jab. Anyone else have a similar anecdote?

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If you held out on this mRNA trash despite all the pressure from family, friends, work, social media etc. You look like a genius now and I'll hangout with any of you.

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Nothing worked Vaccines, Masks, Social Distancing, Lockdowns. Better off without a CDC. NIH or FDA

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For those who consider themselves Christians it's time to remove poor Christian leadership who promoted the filth.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 9, 2022

Look, I can understand someone suffering from a debilitating disease, with no cure in sight, being willing to volunteer for some new experimental drug on the right to try basis.

However, I still remain SHOCKED that hundreds of millions of people willingly allowed a drug to be injected into their bodies with only a few mos of sketchy clinical trials. Not to mention, the drug producers required full immunity from the freaking GOVERNMENT(s) for any legal consequences.!

The evidence is clearly mounting now that even though the masses were told these mRNA shots were "safe & effective", they're not! And unfortunately, there's not a damn thing people who are now (and will be in the future) suffering from this experimental gene therapy can do.

I'm sick to my stomach over all of this.

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Vaccinated people infected with variants of Sars-Cov-2 produce antibodies biased toward the original and now extinct variant - rather than the one that has actually infected them. <<< Doesn't this explain so damn much?

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The people in charge could always say that they were under duress to get a vaccine out to the people and there was not enough time to test it properly. Ok, fine. BUT it would seem that the scientific community KNOWS something is not right but no one wants to step up to the plate and be the one to deliver the bad news or they might be putting a target on their back.

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Sucharit Bhakdi reported this over a year ago. Of course he was written off as a nutcase alarmist. It's going to be even more terrifying then this for the jabbed, I'm afraid

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Tell a liberal they took the "Trump Jab"

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