You can never ever ever

get unvaccinated

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Yep. I was just about to write an add on to my earlier post stating this same point. It is my opinion, many will start to worry themselves sick (literally) over the mounting impact the shots are having on very large numbers of people. Like you said, you cannot undo this. I also worry for loved ones forced into this to keep a job when they did not want to participate. What a fucking crime against our people by our own government. Only an enemy would do this. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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to KILL, STEAL AND DESTROY... That is the M.O. of Satan and it looks to be the Biden/Faucxi/pharma agenda. I heard recently that many of the shots were duds b/c the mRNA is so unstable and handled improperly it saved many who received from those lots. But the unlucky vax injured got the full-on hot dose. Just think, we went from a PRO-GOD Pro-Law Pro-USA president to a Satanic Anti-God Lawless president and you can see the immediate carnage that has ensued. All hell breaking loose and narcissists let loose, it is more contagious than BA.5 as it has spread throughout every country and leadership.

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Trump is not blameless in this mess. He was the instigator of the rushed safety and efficacy trials, declared he saved millions through Operation Warp Speed, and continues to promote the vaccines.

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He also promoted, or tried to, therapeutics. Of course with a novel virus one wanted to find a vaccine, and he trusted, as I did at the time, the FDA. I think Trump was amazing in dealing with Covid, from the beginning, and he got nothing but grief. Watching his daily briefings and then the nightly news reporting on them is when I recognized the "fake" news. It was absurd.

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I agree. The “scientists” around him preyed on his lack of medical knowledge. His CEO tendency to push the envelope played right into their diabolical scheme.

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Trouble is, He still advocates to this day, for the safety, benefit and efficacy of getting the clot shot for those that want it. Completely deceptive and duplicitous.

I'm a literal functioning retard and even i knew this was absolutely a 'not gonna happen ' two years ago. He even claims publicly that he took it himself ....

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Don't forget Pence.

Trump trusted Pence.

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It's true Trump greased the wheels, but he did not choose unproven, novel, gene therapies as the foundation of the vaccines that were developed. Back then, when anyone said "vaccine," understanding the term (certainly by law people, like Trump) was based on proven vaccines based on traditional technologies.

Certainly, had he not removed impediments to rapid vaccine development, he would have been excoriated for foot-dragging. Dems and the media would have demanded exactly what actually transpired, and likely would have pressured Trump into giving it to them. The outcome wouldn't have been any different.

The real villains are those who hid the dangers and deficiencies of these vaccines, and who should have never introduced them into service with what they knew about them, never mind what they didn't know about them due to the lowered regulatory bar.

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what does "law people like trump" mean?

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Not true at all. When the m-RNA was first brought to the public it was as an 'Experimental m-RNA Vaccine' in all the MSM and Literature. Experimental !!. The warning were there for anyone willing to see.

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The vaccines were developed long before Operation Warp Speed. Trump was just the useful stooge.

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There is a reason Presidents have "advisers" Because they can not possibly be an expert in everything. Fauci co. exists to give advise to President in the matter of medicine and related. Besides when was the Event 201 again? And when was the Patent issued to Sars-Cov2? who have that Patent? And what was the rule? Natural stuff can not be patented? Yeah... Oh, Trump was against lock down and mandate. Fauci and Birx lied to him.. yeah, she said that.

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I would add lie/deceive to that list.

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steal kill and destroy, to be picky...

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The so-called PRO-GOD, Pro-Law, and Pro-USA president is the one who started the vaccine program. The carnage started under him.

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Trump is not superman; he cannot be everything for everyone. He's just the best President we have ever had.

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He's not a baby either, he's a killer, he should have been a little suspicious.

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Trump never made the Vaxx “mandatory” which F’d our country & supply chains ☑️

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It is called the Ashkanazi agenda.

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Question is....does it matter since just being near the injected "may" cause passive transfer. NIH is in "live vaccine" research now that once perfected it won't matter all are injected...just a few will do and the rest is passively transferred to humanity

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I have wondered about the blood supply. I posted the question early on in the jab program hysteria and the response was it was likely that the formula components would pass through in a blood donation.

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Additional information and links added 10-10-2022:

I just had an operation in the US and, therefore, researched this. The Red Cross and hospitals do NOT differentiate between COVID vaccinated and unvaccinated blood donations.

Also, I was not allowed to do an analogous blood donation either. Why not? This used to be allowed!

I chose NOT to get a blood transfusion rather than take the chance of directly getting blood from an unknown source. One of the women on the medical team could not believe that I would choose potential death over potential “vaccination through blood transfusion”.


I have done enough research to know that according to Dr. Lee Merritt, all the vaccinated animals died in all the 20 years of animal trials using the mRNA platform from Antibody Dependent Enhancement when re-exposed to the virus in the wild.


I also know that Craig Paardekooper proved that 95% of those who died after vaccination in the US died from 6% of the batches released. These batches were between 1,000 and 5,000 times the minimum dose needed to provide immunity and released by all three pharmaceutical companies in a well-planned, sequential order, clearly killer batches and released to a variety of areas of our country, unlike the regular safe doses, so it was not obvious immediately they were releasing KILLER DOSES INTENTIONALLY!!!


Additionally, Nobel Laureate Dr Luc Montagnier reported to the Luxembourg Parliament just prior to his death that these are not vaccines, they are poisons. He had 21 patients Covid vaccinated who all developed a fast-progressing Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD or Mad Cow Disease). They were all dead within five months of their second jab.


Dr Richard Fleming did the gene sequence of both the COVID virus and the mRNA vaccines developed and the ONLY overlap in both is in the area of prion diseases. This means if you caught an early variant of the virus or took the vaccines you undoubtedly have a good chance of getting a prion disease. These include CJD, Lewy Body Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease.


Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca all contain a sequence identified by Information Technology as transformation into a prion!!!

Dr Andreas Noack, a foremost leader in Graphene Oxide in the EU, was murdered in Police Custody shortly after he released a public video proving these vaccines actually contain GRAPHENE HYDROXIDE, which is the equivalent of shooting minute razor blades directly into the veins of the vaccinated. He said this type of damage at the capillary level is so minute that the damage done could not be detected during a normal autopsy.


German doctors released a video last year that showed the graphene oxide created a permanent Rouleau Effect in the blood of all the Covid vaccinated which made all the normally negatively charged blood vessels (that are supposed to repel each other) permanently charged, making them stack up like coins, causing thrombosis and blockages, ultimately leading to death.

There was a paper released in 2005 that showed that Chloquine was a potent inhibitor of SARS viruses, which stopped replication and spread of the virus, which means NONE of these pharmaceutical companies should have received an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), making humanity around the world the next animal in the animal trials using mRNA technology.


Israel has admitted that the best thing to do is be sure you take extra Vitamin D as that is the best deterrent to a bad outcome if you do catch Covid! Not the vaccines.

A 145-country study showed there was a dramatic increase in both transmission and death following the rollout of these vaccines.


Basically, the vaccinated become modern day “Typhoid Mary’s” - they become breeding grounds for the now over 4,500 mutations of the original Covid virus, and spread it everywhere, as they are the ones most apt to be asymptomatic and continue to move about in society when sick.

This is obviously a virulent virus created in a Wuhan, China lab through gain-of-function research, supported through NIH funding, intentionally released throughout the world as China put sick citizens on planes and sent them all over the world even as they were shutting down their own citizens to prevent spread in their own country.


Dr Anthony Fauci owns the patent on SARS-CoV-2 gp120 HIV insertion included in the three mRNA vaccines. This destroys the body’s cancer-killing T cells. It is ALSO included in the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2!


This is all online, knowledge that is completely ignored by all health agencies around the world, including the WHO, the CDC and NIH, as well as by mainstream media and social media sites! Posting most of this information will get you “fact checked” and booted off Facebook. I have personally experienced this.

And this is just off the top of my head, posted in the middle of the night, when I cannot sleep, worrying about the stupidity and ignorance of humanity thinking they can use gain-of-function research to control the population of the world.

Ignorant fools, all of them.

And you wonder why the US government has CONOP 8888, and tips on their website on how to survive a “Zombie Apocalypse”????

Look up ”Zombie Apocalypse”! Brought to you by the CDC”.

Ever visited an Alzheimer’s ward in a hospital? Now multiply that by all the mRNA Covid vaccinated around the world, as unless they got a placebo, this deterioration is happening in real time.

Ignorant fools, these over-educated scientific megalomaniacs, the whole lot of them…

Ignorant fools…

And now, we have knowledge that the vaccinated are shedding both the Spike Proteins AND the Graphene Oxide to the unvaccinated, causing health issues and death.



And if you watch the video in this following link, you will see that unvaccinated children have DIED following their vaccinated parents shedding the graphene oxide to them, causing their blood to coagulate and cause death!



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Excellent post Deborah! I would add this was a pre-mediated intentional ignoring by all the agencies you mentioned, and happened well before the 2020 whu-flu lab release of bio-weapon. The crimes against humanity are immense yet not ONE person or entity has remotely been held to account in the 2.8 years post lab release. It's not like we do not know who orchestrated it all either. Just astonishing...not ONE!

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And they only printed about 1/3 of my response! LOL! Guess we only get so many words here!

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Wow! I've not read a post that was actually cutoff before here. Maybe you need your own substack following :)

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I absolutely will not take blood transfusion

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I agree. Perhaps if you have elected surgery, you can donate your own blood before so they can have it on hand if they need it. Just an idea.

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For sure...way to many assumptions going on!

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I think that is part of the plan...

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This is a frightening prospect. Has anyone mentioned such a transfer happening with any other injection?

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THIS IS a topic to be explored as time passes into the next phase of the 2030 agenda. I see many people thinking just because they have not been injected they assume they are safe. This has to be explored and talked about in terms of data and science. Lot's of peeps claiming pureblood, but are they really?

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It happens with vaccines designed for chickens. You only reach about seventy percent of your flock

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Brings new meaning to “you’re flocked!!!”…

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Please elaborate do you mean Marek’s or something else

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Interesting. I had never considered that the vexxine effects could be transferred (via aerosol?) from vexxed to purebloods. Seems sci-fi like to me. Terrifying if true.

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passively as in bodily fluids too. Its a real TOPIC which has to be dealt with and clarified for sure...

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Ahh, no sex nor sharing toilet seats with vexxinated. Nor may they sneeze near us. Masks with scarlet Vs (with particulate impenetrable membranes) on them to indicate those poisonous to the rest of us would be appropriate.

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So true and yet still have mandates all around this country. I am hoping Alex will shine a light on the contagious vaccines that are already developed. We need truth and critical thinking brought back to our medical community!! Unfortunately, doctors have become part of the elites and are not reversing course on the vaccine narrative!! There will be no pure bloods the next pandemic.

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Slightly off-topic, but not really:

For those of us who are, and remain, "purebloods", do you know about the Vax Control Group (https://www.vaxcontrolgroup.com/) ?

The goal: having a worldwide control group against which to judge the "safety" (ha!) and "effectiveness" (ha! ha!) of the injections.

There are two requirements to be a participant:

(1) Be unjabbed; and

(2) File a health update every month.

I've been a study participant since the end of 2021; I file my report the beginning of every month including after my (very mild case of) Covid in February.

Join us!

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Never say never. They could come up with a vaccine to remove the side effects of the clot shot. People will line up even though they are convinced that there are no side effects.

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Or un-dead. :(

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But you can get hyper-vacccinated!

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Absolutely right, I correct people and say I'm not vaccinated, you can't be unvaccinated.

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Jul 28, 2022Edited
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"it will be another year"

You have an optimistic bent!

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Maybe we should lay our bets on this; I'll take the opposite side.

In other words, I think Alex Berenson will "wake up" on Ivermectin within one year.

Want to put down your chip?

Let us know if you stand with me or with MarSol and Abhijit.

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I'll take that bet.

I feel like he's going to go with the "mainstream" (i.e. the New York Times) here, so when the Times changes its tune, so will he, but not before.

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Jul 29, 2022Edited
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It’s kinda mean trash talking folks on their own own stacks 😬. At least he’s saying it- which is still a lot better than most folks.

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I didn't watch that debate. Thank you for posting it; I'll take a look tomorrow (God willing).

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I'll take that bet too. No one in this equation seems able to admit when they're wrong.

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No kidding. Totally agree.

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jessica reported on israeli deaths

this is dutch

but both corroborate each other's claims

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Yup. It's called "science." It's been more than 100 years since Einstein proposed relativity, yet scientists continue to test it. Nobody says to them "You're wasting your time, it's already been tested." Confirmation of results by independent research is a linchpin of the scientific method.

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I thought the "urgent news" was refering to the particular study he cited; not the general truth.

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Jul 29, 2022Edited
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He mentioned the excess deaths in highly jabbed countries last year.

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Dang~ i recall him mentioning it in many previous posts!

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Jul 28, 2022
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Dr. Kory and his FLCCC have a cv19 jab detox protocol. There’s a guy named Jimmy Dore (you can catch him on YouTube. He’s a comic in the tradition of George Carlin, i.e. political commentary humor (when you can find humor in it)). He’s cv jab injured and he’s talked about doing a protocol for his injury. (I don’t think he has named the doctor who oversees his treatment.)

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Jul 28, 2022
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Worked for me, too.

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NAC is effective

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How so can you explain?

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N-Acetyl-Cysteine is a special form of the amino acid Cysteine; it and Cystine are both sulfur-containing aminos. Sulfur is vital for human health.

NAC - especially with adequate Selenium (an essential trace mineral) - might enable the body to make greater amounts of Superoxide Dismutase, the "Master Antioxidant": the body's first line of defense.

Predictably, the FDA (the fascistic Federal partner of Big Pharma) is trying to eliminate NAC from the marketplace. Ever-corrupt Amazon has already eagerly accommodated that intent even without compulsion.

NOW [an acronym for Natural-Organic-Wholesome] brand makes - or made - a combination of the two ingredients.

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As the poster you asked noted, Glutathione Peroxidase production - another crucial enzymatic antioxidant ("-ase" denotes an enzyme) - is also strongly responsive to NAC + Selenium. ("-thione" denotes a Sulfur compound.)

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Peter McCullough talks about NAC and other synergistic supplements helpful to remove spike protein.

Personally, I take 600 mg daily as a staple and may increase it to 1800 mg daily IF I suspect a respiratory issue coming on and take the higher level for like 2-5 days

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Hey Brogan,

I take 1000mg 2 X Daily.

Quercetin also, 800mg 2 X Daily.

Plus zinc, d3, C etc., and 18mg Ivermectin once weekly.

Not even a hint of a problem so far, knock on wood, and people all around me who were vaxxed got the Chink Virus.

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I take it daily as well, for years now. Wish I could remember why I started taking it, actually!

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For me originally and a glutathione precursor as opposed to taking the reduced form of glutathione. Jury is all over the place on which is better, but glutathione is a powerful aspect in a body's ability to DEFEND. I like taking the precursor...NAC

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Every day I thank my lucky stars that I didn't get this fucked up vaccination.

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More than luck. You passed the ultimate in IQ tests.

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My IQ is 80 at best and even I can figure out it’s stupid to get irreversibly injected with a liability-free pharmaceutical product without long term safety studies

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Not so much an IQ test. More like "Can you think critically ?" Unfortunately, a bunch of our fellow Americans failed miserably.

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Not only have kids not been taught critical thinking for a very long time, they have been taught to accept what they are told without any questioning whatsoever. It's astonishing how so many have succumbed to this blind acceptance. I'm 72, I grew up questioning EVERYTHING and everyone. My motto was pretty much "don't trust without verifying".

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This is why we're adding critical thinking to our homeschool curriculum this year. :)

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What are your suggestions and how old are your kids?

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Those kids are the ELOI. Blind acceptance of a fate determined by someone else. All day long playing video games and eating... waiting for the siren to go off so they can be fed to the Morlocks.

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Mine was I’m not following anybodies orders.

I’m a punk

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Aborted male fetus cells in these jabs did it for me. I look to God!

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Not only Americans....the gullible appear unfortunately everywhere.

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Your writing suggests your IQ is well over 100.

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My speling is impeckable

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It won't let me “like” but I have to tell you - you made me laugh out loud. Thanks.

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My sister (a nurse), her husband (severe stroke victim 18 months ago, not jab related) and her son (a young doctor with a clotting disorder, not jab related) couldn’t wait to take the jabs. She said to me once “I don’t understand why you won’t get it.” I told her exactly what you just said, added the tidbit “a completely different kind of vaccine that’s never been used in humans before.”

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I got the same lecture

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That's a pretty impressive IQ for a bat.

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IQ or not, the COVID hysteria was the Good Judgment Olympics. You have that in spades.

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That sentence suggests an IQ higher than 80.

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Hahahaha...good one. That means I have an IQ higher than a sheep.

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I've been walking around telling people "I'd rather be wrong than sorry" I think they are now starting to understand what I mean.

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I'd rather be right...fuck the sheep who ragged on me for the better part of the last two years, of which there are far too many.

But that's just me.

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Oh I am right. ;) But the sheep aren't ready to admit it yet.

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We are right. They are wrong. Period.

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Whenever my sister and I spoke on FaceTime I would get the sickest feeling in my stomach that she would rag on me to go clot shot

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Oh, Ann, I feel your pain. It happened so many times to me. I have a big mouth, for the most part could not let it rest, and I would tell them 'they're ignorant of the facts (as we all were for much of the time), and we'll see how it plays out'.

I heard ex-friends ask me (some would yell at me) "do you want to die", and others called me "a fucking idiot" because I believed in Ivermectin, HCQ, Fluvoxamine, Zpack, etc., all of which I have a huge stash.

All of my vaxxed ex-friends have contracted Covid at least once. One of them, vaxxed and double boosted, has had it three times. No shit.

Fuck 'em all.

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The final straw for me was a day last fall when I posted something on Facebook about shots that said: if you're getting one and you're feeling good about it - good for you. If you aren't, because that is the right choice for you - good for you, too. I had posted a similar thing in early 2021 and tons of likes and agreement - trying to be the eternal peacemaker and tolerant of all. When I posted it in the fall, I got slaughtered. On Facebook, where every "friend" is a real-life person that I know. I got called every name in the book and "unfriended" by about 30 people that night - people I've known for years, decades! And I didn't even say anything about own vaccine status. I had never publicly talked about having had Covid, or my vaccine status.

At that point I realised that it didn't matter anymore - if I could be tossed aside so easily, why was I holding my tongue? Why was I trying so hard to not rock the boat or offend anyone? So I started clearing out my "friends" list and speaking my mind.

At Christmas my SIL uninvited us from dinner because "nobody else will come if you're here". (Despite the fact that my husband, children and I had covid in April 2021 and had all recently done anti-body testing). We heard that 3rd hand, she didn't even have the decency to speak to us directly. (And still doesn't.) But she and every single other person who objected to us being there got Covid in January. The schadenfreude was strong on that one. I suspect the next time I see her will be at a funeral.

During the trucker convoy the phone calls and messages questioning my sanity started along with the accusations that I "didn't understand the issues" and I was "being misled". For a bunch of people who claimed to like, love or respect me, I quickly realised they didn't think very highly of me. How dare I think differently than the pack? Apparently I'm easily-led, stupid racist and anti-Semite. And another great cull occured.

Half of them have had shingles. Or suddenly have heart problems. A couple have had their cancers come back suddenly and aggressively and some have had Bell's Palsy. And while it's sad, I'm not losing any sleep over them - I've already mourned their loss.

All this to say, I agree with you Gdog -Fuck 'em all.

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Hey Dawn,

Thanks for putting a smile on my face (your last sentence). You and I did it differently. I didn't say a thing about it unless asked. And asked I was, often.

My primary care physician finally stopped asking me. But she's part of the corrupt swamp. My naturopathic MD is now the only one I trust; she's the one who lined me up with all my anti-virals. We're of the Pierre Kory school of thinking and science.

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Wow, I wasn't as outspoken as you, but I can relate to all you say. Fewer and fewer "friends." I prefer having lunch or dinner in restaurant alone with a book (my motto is you are never alone if you have a good book). I am becoming something of a hermit. When I go out and see those people wearing masks, and sometimes the people who are with me will put them on when walking into a restaurant, then take them off when sitting down across from me, I want to question their abilities to actually have a coherent thought.

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Right there with ya.

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I'm going to borrow your phrase, Dawn.

FWIW, I have a nephew, a high-paid professional, who took jabs #1 & 2. He says he won't take more.

No, I don't know what caused the change of heart. I'm just grateful for it (but, of course, worry that it's "too" late).

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My sister had 1 and 2, even though I pleaded with her not to. , citing the side effects (did I mention she suddenly got cancer last year?). When she got omicron earlier this month, and I took her some zinc, C and quercetin, I told her she doesn’t need to get boosters. I hope it sank in.

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You invariably got fucked just by living among the flocked up…

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BTW: By "I live among the sheep" I should have added I live in the Socialist Republic of Oregon. You wanna talk moronic losers...they're all around me.

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Same in New Mexico.

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I don't know what you meant by that for sure, but it made me laugh because it's so irreverent, as am I.

I live among the sheep, and sure as fuck I didn't let them fuck me up.

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Reminds me of the line from the first lethal weapon movie, after Mel Gibson saves Danny Glover and daughter, he says “what did the Shepherd say to the other shepherd, let’s get the flock out of here!”…

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I am a literary illiterate, but I remember that one.

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you could have 100 more of studies. none of it matters. the narrative is what the CDC and MSM set and the ignoramus sheep follow that narrative.

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The damn is slowly breaking however. Tucker’s piece last week is a really good start. First a trickle then a flood.

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Which is breaking, the damned or the dam? :-)

Without any data pro or con, I still believe it's important to keep chipping away at this, in case it helps someone avoid a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or even 5th shot.

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I’m grateful for the different substacks and interaction with like minded people.
