"Moderna says it hopes to offer new vaccines for cancer, heart disease, and other conditions by 2030" Moderna ---the firefighter that sets the fires!!

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Not to mention they got a massive, free trial of the mRNA tech.

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Be careful what you wish for, I guess. This is going to play out like mandatory Jarts for six year olds.

Of course Fauci/NIH didn't own the patent for Jarts...

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Apr 22, 2023
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“Disgrace” is putting it extremely mildly.

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You are 100% right on. People died from this useless shot and I believe that if we gathered all of the vaccine injured and the family members of those that died- we would see a group much larger than those dead due to Covid. And this is an overall healthier group with productive years of life simply wiped out. This is the most horrific thing I have ever witnessed in my life of 57 years. There should be a special place in hell for those that participated. And as a Family Nurse Practitioner who saw the signs early on and warned people -I have true loathing for most of the medical community who also DID see the signs but just went along. ON a good note: my Friend from Oregon just came for a visit and said of South Carolina (where I escaped to) " this is like a different country. People are so friendly and happy here." He lives in Portland.

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I escaped from Portland, Oregon to small town Arizona in 2021, and your friend is right about it being a different country. Oregon is a dystopian model of the future that is coming for us all if we don't fight it with everything we have. By the time I left Oregon, the Democrat hate machine had everyone angry about fake things like racism and trans rights while the city rapidly devolved from a utopian oasis into a hellhole of crime, drugs, homelessness, mental illness, and endemic unhappiness. Oregon is a cautionary tale to anyone who supports Democrat policies especially in a time of crisis. We can still be friendly and happy in some American states, but the goal of the Regime is to make every place so bad there is nowhere to escape.

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So true! People here are truly shocked at my stories of the West Coast. Glad you made it out alive!

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Was the plan well before 2020. They knew they could create all sorts of NEW sickly to treat with the planned release of all the looming mRNA medications. Create the problem...provide the solution and suppress-censor all safe-cheap alternatives. Rinse and repeat. A sick society is just a better biz model. Pharma and its alliance with media and the Government KNOW this and have for decades. This is nothing new. Just on steroids now since wuh flu lab release because they KNOW no one is remotely holding them to account. They are already planning the next plandemic...why wouldn't they?

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My husband, a local politician who took Moderna “to be an example to the community”, collapsed 15 months after his second shot. He had 7 blood clots in one lung, and 3 in the other. The doctors in Texas, after we challenged the script about how a single blood clot travels through the body and might lodge in the lung, admitted that these were so big (the size of fat slugs!) that they likely developed in the lungs, and sat there growing. And that they had seen a 40% increase in blood clots since 2021. Also, he has diabetes; we would have liked to know that no diabetics were in the trial.

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My incredibly healthy husband collapsed out cold ( we thought he was dead) in July and had received his second shot in May--we now are certain it was micro clots, they did NOT do a d-dimer...wish we had! Hes had health issues ever since his shots...

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Please research the flccc protocol to treat vaxx injuries.


Also, research the supplement nattokinase to dissolve blood clots (effective in a Japanese study of canines); nattokinase is part of the flccc protocol. Best wishes.

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My Radiologist husband started to see a massive uptick in abnormally large clots on scans after the vaccine became available. Antidotal I realize but medical practitioners and morticians are reporting this far and wide.

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My 52 year old cousin, non smoker, outdoorsman, no health issues, “threw a clot” and died on the way to the hospital.

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WHY CANT YOU SUE? This makes my heart break and my head explode. I’m so very sorry.

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Michele, sorry for your loss, I was just thinking today, people die all the time and we all just move on, but it is different for the people that are in our daily lives. It becomes daily loss.

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My husband survived after a procedure to remove them and 5 days in the ICU. But it certainly was a wake up call - in 25% of pulmonary embolisms, the first sign is sudden death - and that's for ONE blood clot.

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Sorry, I assumed, very happy to hear.

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Apr 21, 2023
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As I wrote in a previous post, these jabs were created for a reason and it wasn’t to treat COVID. My deepest condolences for your loss 🙏

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I agree. There are people out there with a hatred for humans and a lust for power. At times is is very hard to see but I cling to the idea that Good will overcome. With my move to the South I have been invited to 4 churches so far. Never been to church or synagogue in my life. I have been many times now and it is better than any Ted talk. Great people with faith. I am hopeful.

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I never ceased to be amazed by pregnant women volunteering to taking an experimental drug...

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There are parents who signed their BABIES up to get the injections !!!! Can you imagine?

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Yes, I know some of them. They live in fear, and are only in their early 30’s--seriously, it’s a mental illness. The poor babies--Guinea pigs.

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Unbelievable right?

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My sister told me that she saw a report of a woman who had given birth and subsequently got a Moderna — I think the booster — shot . She reported being “so excited” to pass along “her immunity” to her newborn through breastfeeding.That baby died 3 days later. Just horrifying.

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And I have a friend who got covid naturally while pregnant and both her and the baby were totally fine. Plus my 3 month old grandson also got covid with me and he was fine after 2 days. Pediatrician said, " oh ya babies seem to handle it no problem " why would anyone risk the vax??

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I really like this “positive side of the equation” because it can’t be dismissed as fake or coincidental. If one “search engines” the type of anecdote I posted it is “misinformation” and pregnant women with Covid always seem to die as well as unvaccinated infants — at least if you read my hometown daily newspaper.

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No kidding, couldn't even have a cold cut!

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Right??? 🤦‍♀️

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Blockbuster news. If this isn’t fraud ( which can break the veil of EUA protection ) than I don’t know what fraud is. In later years there will be a multi billion$ settlement .

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Yes shame on Moderna for fudging the data. What’s worse is the criminal behavior of the CDC and FDA to ignore public health and safety and protect the flawed Covid policy.

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Apr 21, 2023
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I agree but my point was it is very common for manufacturers to over hype their product and sadly this has crept into the reporting of data from drug trials - yes there must be a crime here. But a higher crime is the regulatory bodies who have a responsibility to serve the interest of the public - in this case public health and safety. Instead they are only interested in feeding a political narrative set by administration policy at the expense of health and safety. A truly scientific approach, if that were to be applied in this case would be to constantly adjust the policy to account for evidence that refutes the assumptions made in the beginning. They lecture us to follow the science but their approach is anything but scientific.

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Absolutely both Moderna and Pfizer committed fraud in their clinical trials. Truth always prevails and we will witness it.

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There will never be any settlement of any kind.

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If we had a fair justice system, there would be an enormous payout to everyone who was injured or forced to inject the poison. But in case anyone hasn't been paying attention, our justice system is now entirely corrupt. So there will be no justice for the crimes against humanity.

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I cannot fathom how any settlement would be achieved. Is the government going to disperse checks for $1.98 to everyone who got jabbed? (Look at the totally botched scam-plagued "pandemic relief" distributed to businesses.)

And Big Pharma will never be held to account. It's too damned big to fail.

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Moderna and Pfizer will be sued , fraud will be proven and they will pay before a jury gets the case and bankrupts them. Their is plenty of precedent for bid pharma paying out billions in settlements.

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I wish I was optimistic. The vax is unlike any other pharmaceutical. I don't think these lawsuit "rules" apply this time.

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I hear you, but fraud , if proven , pierces all the veils of protection. Problem is this will take a long time thereby deny jab victims and their families much needed financial assistance to deal with the devastation.

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Fear fueled EUA shifted endless dollars into pharma coffers, which they paid to lawmakers who won’t hold them accountable because: endless dollars. 🔄

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Wow, it’s like 84% of the people in the 3-letter agencies tasked with “approval” for sale just might’ve had a financial interest in getting the failed-test drug to market? Nah...the gov’t goons protect us.


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Everything is corrupt. All our government institutions are corrupt. ALL from the very top

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Ok. It’s cute how they let this trickle out now that the majority have been poisoned. No one has yet answered WHY they did this to us. How were they able to be so coordinated- literally around the world? It wasn’t just the U.S. betraying it’s citizens.

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Why? POWER & $$$$ 🙄

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And the lies just keep on coming!

Let's all face it: the extent of the adverse effects will keep appearing in the years to come--and no one will ever connect the dots.

This is a masterpiece of hiding, and in some cases, literally burying, the evidence.

But I guess my "restless leg syndrome" adverse effect is no big deal in comparison. (Annoying but not life threatening.)

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Seriously Rio Rosie? Ugh RLS is what stopped me from rolling the dice and getting the vaccines. Still haven’t done so.

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Yep. RLS for about 18 months.

It's not as bad as it was in the first few months. Now it's infrequent, but occurs from time to time.

It sucks.

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I’m so sorry. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone. One of the main reasons I didn’t take the vaccines (besides my long held skepticism about pharma immunity from liability when it comes to pediatric vaccines) is that my neurologist very kindly told me they didn’t have enough data to know if my RLS would be worsened by the vaccines.

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Sometimes I think I'm most annoyed b/c I've always been a very heavy sleeper. Almost nothing wakes me when I'm asleep: thunderstorms, fire truck sirens, jack hammers, the Tuesday a.m. trash collection truck.

In many ways it's a blessing. But when I wake up at 2 a.m. with RLS, I get so pissed off!!!

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I bet. Since yours has lessened with time hopefully it’s related to inflammation. I’ve been helped checking my iron and getting my ferritin up.

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Hey, Rosie - one of my long time closest friends has had RLS for many years and is now on meds for it. It’s made a huge positive difference. If it bothers you enough, there are solutions. Let me know if you want me to ask what her meds are.

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Thanks for the offer. Right now, since this seems to be decreasing in frequency, I"m hoping it will eventually just stop.

In the meantime, I just get up, move around and sometimes watch YouTube.

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If I learned anything during the Pandemic it’s that I can never trust our Government nor the CDC, FDA, & other health care agencies. The fact we were lied to, then mandated to get the vaccine was just wrong.

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I haven't trusted any of those entities since 1985 when I first started to study about actual health.

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Project warp speed..lol. The only thing that happened at warp speed from this project was myocarditis and bunch of pharma execs and there cronies getting rich.

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In 1991 at age 37 I was diagnosed with stage 2 Breast Cancer. I’ve been blessed by not having any recurrences. I wouldn’t be surprised if the vaccine were responsible but I know it happens otherwise.

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Another bombshell of a report Alex! I think we inherently "knew" this to be true but MSM doesn't want to report on it.

Can we talk about cancer soon too? I would like to report out just some weird happenings....I know 2 very healthy people under 40 just diagnosed w/ cancer. One has Stage 4 lung and the other Stage 0 breast cancer. I know a woman who after her 2-dose vaccine within 30 days, got two different types of breast cancer! One type for each breast? What the heck? For the record, I'm in my mid 50's and haven't known anyone under 40 in my circles to get cancer up until, 2022....and I won't even get into the vaccine side effects like stroke and loss of vision which I know people have suffered from and facial paralysis and so on and so forth....

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A huge number of people have small cancers in the body at any given time. Mostly, they don't become an issue because the immune system takes care of them. If you screw up the immune system with these mRNA shots, some number of people are going to be unable to keep those small cancers under control and they will become serious health problems. I guarantee that Fauci and Birx and all the rest of them knew all along that would happen but they pushed these jabs into people anyway. Crimes against humanity.

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I agree....

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This is true. The shots may very well be synergistic, similar to the way use of growth hormone will accelerate cancers, etc.

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Alex, maybe it's time to find out about the big pharma political contributions. How much money is whose pockets? Therein lies the unwillingness to expose this fraud.

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But hey Moderna is trading at $142.06! Wasn’t it nice of us taxpayers to help them finally bring an actual product to market. Socialize the costs and risks, privatize the profit.

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The Pfizer trial began on 7/27/2020. No one could have gotten the second shot before the end of August. Therefore, when the trial ended about the end of December. The first persons injected were only about 4 months into their shots. By the middle of 2021, Israel reported waning effectiveness as low as 39% relative effectiveness. A reasonable assumption is that the Pfizer drug would not have met the 50% relative effectiveness against symptomatic infection if the every trial subject were evaluated after a full six months from the time the received the second shot.

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Yes there was all kinds of murkiness in the dates. Aggravating as crap.

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The theory that these mRNA shots are really DoD products with the company’s names slapped on them seems more plausible every day

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Certainly proving more plausible than the spin that clinical trials showed no side effects!

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My trust level in government was pretty low before all of this.

But man, how can anyone ever trust these people ever again?

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Alex, keep on publishing these reports. Its a historical reporting system you have created in real time. Most of this will probably never see the light of day for the majority of the public unless things literally happen in their faces, such as people dying in front of them in grocery stores and near empty maternity wards in heavily jabbed countries. By then the pseudo-authoritarian state now developing in the U.S. and elsewhere will probably be full blown, and there may be "other" issues in play. I hope you have backups of backups of backups distributed around the country and perhaps the world. We may need them someday...

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