BREAKING: Kansas Attorney General and 5 other states file a lawsuit vs Pfizer for making false claims of Vaccine Safety & Efficacy, Side-Effects, Censorship & Conspiracy + Pfizer Dossier by Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 ft Pfizer Sued By Nigeria For $8B For Nuremberg Code Violating Vaccine https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/breaking-kansas-attorney-general

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June 24th 2024 Here’s Why COVID Measures Like Masking And New Ones Like Safety Goggles Could Return If A Bird Flu Pandemic Is Declared https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2024/06/24/heres-why-covid-measures-like-masking-and-new-ones-like-safety-goggles-could-return-if-a-bird-flu-pandemic-is-declared/

June 24th 2024 CDC’s bird flu test is EMERGENCY USE ONLY (not an approval nor a license) https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/in-vitro-diagnostics/influenza-diagnostic-tests

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Do not comply if they / when they schedule another performance of Kabuki Theater.

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Alex - Keep up the good work. And thanks to Elon Musk for giving you access to the evidence against Pfizer and the feds. Too many comments seem to be hung up on the fact that you posted the article on X but that's fitting b/c the evidence came from and was about Twitter (now X).

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And thank you for posting this substack link to your X article

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Yes, and Alex could have said that in the brief Substack piece and saved all of us a lot of time commenting on this!

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I'm glad it's on X, because that made it far easier for me to share it with family members who need to read it than forwarding an email Substack that may or may not get read.

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This is huge and kudos to you. There are hundreds of people who were banned/silenced by Twitter (X). Dr. Peter McCullough, etc, etc. Why doesn't it make more sense to make this a Class Action suit against the USG??? Thoughts??

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Why on X and not posting on Substack??

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Do I have to pay an additional subscription fee on X to read Alex? Besides the fee I already pay??

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No, it’s free

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I'm a paying Berenson substack subscriber. I don't have any heartburn it's on X. For this kind of thing, the more who read it the better.

You don't need an X subscription to read it.

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I tried to read it without an X subscription. No luck.

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Tried to read it from a phone or laptop? I believe phone access has more built-in limitations.

I read X only from a laptop. For years I read stuff on it w/o a subscription. I don't recall being limited in what I could read,, only on what I could comment on.

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It's free on X, I just got done reading it. FJB.

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Today (June 25), Alex wrote:

> ... future stories based on the documents X provides are going to run on X.

> No, you don’t have to subscribe to anything - you can read them there for free.

I'm good with that explanation.

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The San Francisco School Board tried to get a Vax mandate lawsuit thrown out and an appeals court actually said the trial/case can go forward. The plaintiffs are arguing the mandates were illegal because the "vaccine" is not really a "vaccine." It doesn't stop infection or spread.

If this (100-percent accurate) view prevails in other courts and with other lawsuits, this might be a narrative changer.

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Oh come on man! Slavitt and Gottlieb were only trying to protect "democracy" like all devout members of the Church of the Democrats!!

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I wonder if anyone in the White House has contacted any embalmer who keeps finding these monstrous-looking clots?

Alex, I wish you would write a story or two on what the embalmers keep finding in the bodies of the vaccinated deceased. The goal should be to stop the shots ASAP. These pictures - if seen by hundreds of millions of people - have the best chance to achieve this life-saving result.


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Sounds good, but let's see something actually have TEETH. Late June now of 2024, and all we ever have seen these past 4 + years is nothing but GUMS. What has changed in the whole scheme of things other than redundancy of what is and has been KNOWN!

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We'll get some more "harshly-worded letters" from some Congressional committee.

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And what is more redundant than that dead end tax payer funded fleece

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Alex, you should have put the following in your Substack piece. This thoroughly explains why you did it exclusively on X/Twitter. From your X/Twitter "article": The documents "are part of a tranche of censorship-related material X is making available to me following searches of its internal archives."

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Yeah, some of us are having flashbacks to when our dad took off and made another family and we never learned to hunt or fish like a grown up. And now he's old and wants to take us hunting because our pothead stepbrothers aren't interested.

Except I guess hunting is the tireless search for truth against the combined collusion of greedy corporations, the globalists, and Satan in this analogy and then I guess Twitter would be my retarded stepbrothers.

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It is beyond disgusting - and incredibly revealing - to me that virtually no one on the left speaks up against the government favored private corporation complex that is taking place right now. I suppose Greenwald and Taibbi are, so now they’re no longer considered lefties. The rest of them are soulless bootlickers who lack integrity, I will never respect or even listen to them.

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Just read the post on X and came here to Substack to see what else. Soooo important that you are pursuing this!!

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I just posted an article that includes excerpts from an essay by an author who argues that Fauci censored alternative views regarding AIDS/HIV. Except for the lockdowns, the "playbook" for the irrational scare-mongering was identical with AIDS and Covid. Real science probably died in the mid-1980s.


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Why am i paying you $50 a year to read you on substack and you publish it for free on X???

Really, Alex

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I would guess it's because more people will read it on X than on Substack. I'm sure he will put it here later. As many of the clueless as possible need to read this stuff. I'd say kudos to Alex for putting it there. It doesn't matter where it goes first, broad reach is what matters.

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I would agree, the minds here don't need to be convinced of what is really happening. Hopefully it will wake a lot of people up on X. It's exactly where it should be and it's free, I can't believe how selfish people can be. A bunch of big babys, btw it's nap time boys and girls. LOL

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I'm pretty sure it's because Twitter had one restriction for access to the data: The article has to be published on X. Seems fair to me

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Well, there's a reason I don't support mainstream social media, because guys like you get cancelled by it. So I pay to read all your stuff because I think you are a good writer. But you're back in the big time, so I guess I can go back to reading what you share for free, and look for someone else who writes courageously and needs my help.


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Like someone else wrote, where are the whistleblowers. I was thinking the same thing, but I believe nobody wanted to stick their necks out considering all the law care it could backfire on them. I also believe that people now know that shit pants doesn't have a chance in hell of staying in office. The ridiculous misinformation they keep spreading about bad orange man and people are seeing that the media keeps spewing vomit from their mouths. It makes me sick reading all the headlines about the bad things Trump is doing with some BS climate change articles with nothing of true value to a viewer, the constant repetition is like a skipping record. Biden administration are evil pushing evil, the Trump administration or at least Trump was being pushed by the evil he was pissed at Dr. Floozy and dumb ass Floozy wrote it in his confession book "on call". I think this could get very exciting as truth comes out and this is a great start. I just can't wait to see them all hang, I hope we can throw stones before they drop.

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It's weird when I type something everything reads as I wrote it but once I hit send or post it will change some words. I hate how Google has their grubby fingers in EVERYTHING.

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Thank you for persisting in this fight. You're one of the only warriors out there and I truly hope and pray it makes a difference, finally.

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