A great friend of mine calls himself “Pro-Science”. We had a lot of discussions last year since the beginning of the draconian lockdowns. He was begging me to stay at home and was proud that he was following all the “Science” guidance. I remember one of his FB posts when he was so proud of his parents for staying at home all the time. I deactivated my FB account for my mental health and then I lost contact a with him. My wife, however, is still very close to his wife.

My wife told me that his father died of Covid last weekend.

His wife posted in FB the post explaining the death of this father-in-law and how good person he was. At the beginning of the post, she explained that “despite being vaccinated and taken all precautions” his grandfather died of Covid after two “long” weeks in the ICU.

Interestingly at the end of her post in her last paragraph she recommends everyone to be vaccinated, wear masks and avoid indoor meetings.

No offense to her because I think she is a great woman, but it looks like even the death of loved one is still an OPPORTUNITY to preach the new gospel.

I think that this “Science” is a pseudo-religion.

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Fear of dying is at the heart of all this science religion. People will believe anything not to die. I have had cancer for 29 years. Two separate primary occurrences. I refused chemo, radiation and hormone therapy wanting instead to improve my immune system which is at the heart of my cancer. My doctors shun me for picking a holistic approach. I cannot tell you the intense pressure to conform and get in that chemo chair. It borders on ghoulish. This vaccine push feels the same to me. My two best friends died of same cancer. At the end, they were both super pro chemo having been put on so many drugs to prolong their life. They both suffered tremendously. They could never understand my resistance. Some of my cancer friends quit talking to me. It is often join or be shunned.

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My husband did the same thing but his Dr stayed with him,wrote in his medical notes that his lung tumor did go away and told us jokingly we would never let him live it down that he said going natural was “wishful thinking “He is an amazing healthcare professional

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Being that I have had cancer over a long period of time, I have had a unique opportunity to first hand see if the medical community is thinking more outside the box these days. I have been treated in several different states as we have moved a lot due to job. I know there are docs that are more alternative medicine. I even tried a DO. Did not believe in supplements. Got quite hostile about it as well. After my cancer surgery, my nurse navigator tried to find me a doctor that was less rigid. She could not and was surprised I think. I belong to a HUGE cancer forum. Nearly all have had chemo etc. Those patients HATE anybody “alternative”. Believe they are quacks. The forum supported by big pharma pretty much censors and bans those talking holistic treatment. The kicker is this. If people die of cancer but did follow protocols of radiation, chemo etc., they are deemed angels. If however somebody is still living, cancer has not killed them, refused protocols, they are bashed for their quackery. If they eventually die, the forum insists they were just stupid and died unnecessarily. This vaccine fiasco feels exactly the same to me. Natural today is really hated.

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I tried to save my father’s life in similar fashion and was kept out of all discussions on his illness until he died, violently anxious to the last moment. Even psilocybin mushrooms, which may have cured his anxiety, were not on the table. We all die; how sad and difficult and beautiful. May we heal this world together.

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You are a strong principled woman- I commend your spirit. Too bad more people are not like you.

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Wow. Thanks for sharing.

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Amazing story. Thanks for sharing it. Very inspiring and appropriate for todays events.

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Have you tried Rick Simpson oil?

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I wager that your friend's father-in-law was not offered any early treatment therapeutics, like Ivermectin, HCQ and monoclonal antibodies. The treatment protocol to wait until patients need hospitalization then oxygen and ventilator is malpractice.

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This cannot be overstated. The refusal to treat early, particularly given what we know now, is fundamentally evil.

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That is why what Ron DeSantis is doing is so heroic. He has set up easy access to monoclonal antibodies for anybody who tests positive.

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Dr. Paul Marik of the incredible FLCCC.net last night in their weekly free webinar said that although they added monoclonal antibodies to their protocol it was the absolute LAST in the list because they barely improve outcomes, and are expensive. DeSantis is backing expensive drugs - makes me wonder why he doesn't promote ivermectin and the other super CHEAP drugs and supplements like the all important vitamin D.

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I am just going from what my doctor told me. He said that monoclonal antibodies have been great at keeping people out of the hospital. (Not that I have Covid - I just ask a lot of questions.) I guess I trust what a doctor will tell me when he knows he won't be censored or punished professionally more than what doctors are willing to post online where both of those outcomes happen routinely.

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Is this webinar still available to watch? Thank you

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Yes! Well, it will be posted soon. You can see all their weekly webinars on Odysee.com - search for FLCCC. https://odysee.com/$/list/3871ec51c705d2477d8c74958be9fb58ada5725a

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I heard this the other day- blew my mind.. seriously listen to this...


Cliff Notes: "treatment" for Covid actually caused most of the deaths...

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Totally agree, whole family just had Covid - we got some Ivermectin. One of us was quite ill so added Doxycycline, Budesonide as well. Wasn't fun, but no hospital etc.

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BTW - I just checked and the protocol has changed, no more Doxy, Budesonide use is unclear. (Although our story Budeson. definitely seemed to help my son a lot with just a couple nebulized treatments) Now the protocol is Ivermectin, and a few others please check out FLCCC alliance for the most updated recommendations. These are real doctors in the field not part of the pharmaceutical industrial complex.

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How did you get Budesonide - seems to be prescription only. I am trying to stockpile worst-case scenario drugs. Thanks

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Good luck getting Ivermectin now. Just heard that Merck is stopping distribution and pharmacies can no longer obtain. Anyone surprised?

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Where did you get this product?

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FLCCC alliance website you need to find someone who can prescribe in your state. If you have not had covid then I highly suggest finding a source ahead of time as it might take some time to get it . https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/how-to-get-ivermectin/

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oops...please disregard previous response. Assuming you also got budesonide through this source.

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I keep telling people, you don't follow science you follow religious doctrine. Science is to be studied, analyzed and debated and many prestigious scientists will disagree on issues because of nuanced perspectives. What they are doing instead is akin to religion and a cultlike one at that

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I'm so grateful to people like you who are able to see the bigger picture of what's going on and express it so articulately because, frankly if not for you, I might consider putting myself on some kind of medication. None of my family or friends around here can see how insane this is.

My husband, who's a highly cited scientist and researcher, wears his face mask outside (the rule here in Melbourne, Australia) fully fitted when we're by ourselves on a deserted beach! We've been informed by our government that double vaccinated people will be give some freedoms but those who remain unvaccinated will remain in lockdown.

I read and write on the forum of a biotech. I wrote a post a while ago about the most frightening thing about this world being the superficial way we're being trained to think. I said key things to look out for was the word 'despite' - "Despite treatment X, condition Y remains a concern" For example, "Despite optimal treatments, rheumatoid arthritis will progress to the joints" That's because of NSAIDS being the first line therapy and methotrexate being the anchor drug which damage the gut barrier . I also disagree with what Alex said about statins. The statistics for CHF are appalling. I'd turn it on its head and say, "because of treatment X, condition Y becomes worse.

Another phrase to look out for is "No evidence of..." You don't find what you're not looking for. Where are the autopsies on people who have died after vaccination? I'm only aware of one which I found confusing.

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Dr. Ryan Cole has a good video about post shot autopsies. You can find it on bitchute. Ignore his unfortunate fashion choice (dress slacks tucked into cowboy boots) but his data is eye opening and solid. There are more about the autopsies on bitchute and there’re is one with a German doctor looking at the blood of her patients who took the shots that’ll make your head spin. One of the best lectures about the origin of the virus and the shots is from Dr. Richard Fleming. It’s very long at about 4 hours but as a scientist you’ll find it very helpful because he goes deeply into the science on both the genome sequence and the shots along with the mind boggling damage they are causing now and will cause moving forward. We are sending you love and are so sad to witness what’s happening to your beautiful country and your people. We also know that we are next. This seems to be a mental illness brought on by constant media mind control techniques. It’s a gigantic worldwide delusion and those who buy into it don’t seem to be able to wake up when confronted with the actual science. I’ve never seen anything like it in my lifetime as a researcher.

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It is 100% a religion. There is no evidence, no possible conditions that could falsifiy their beliefs. They are trapped in this delusion.

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Yuri Besmenov, Soviet defector, described this delusion really well in some of his interviews. Once someone becomes convinced of one of these mass delusions, there is nothing that anyone can do to convince him otherwise. In fact, showing evidence to the contrary only causes the deluded person to believe their delusion all the more.

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Do you remember what was the reason? Demoralization. Once you're demoralized you can no longer see the truth.

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Humans are spiritual animals. The religious impulse is strong. Since religion is effectively dead in the West it has been replaced by the Woke goodness, one manifestation of which is being on the right side of The Science.

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"religion is effectively dead in the West"

It is dead among the bien pensants. Very much alive among those not lost in a thicket of postmodern category errors.

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Where do you go when there's nowhere to go?

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... a pseudo-religion that evades the constitutional separation of church and state.

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I don't think the church and the state ever separated. What was beamed out from the pulpit is now being beamed out by the msm. This is the old boys club who have run this world for centuries who literally get to decide what is myth and what is truth.

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"I think that this “Science” is a pseudo-religion."

Or a cargo cult.

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As Dr. Atlas has recently observed - thanks to the anointed "experts" and their MSM disciples the "science" as previously observed has been sacrificed at the alter: https://thefederalist.com/2021/09/01/dr-scott-atlas-science-killed-itself-over-covid-19/

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That is the definition of insanity....

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I'm 73 years old and very healthy (no comorbities). Up until all of the lockdown fever started in my area late last winter I played hockey twice a week and tennis twice a week. Things have opened up again and now I can start to play again, I thought. It was announced today that I cannot play at my tennis club anymore or enter the skating rink unless I'm vaccinated.

I have been in very long and close contact in the past with a few people who tested positive 1 or 2 days after I had been with them and I've never noticed any symptoms. What my inept and gutless government is no doing to me is depriving me of what keeps me very fit and healthy.

I hope that they all pay a very big price for this, because it doesn't take any brains to see that this is all just political.

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Childhood obesity has skyrocketed for the same reason. One study showed a 50% increase year over year in the 8-11 year old cohort! With obesity being the single greatest COVID comorbidity, you'd think the authorities would come to their senses about these crazy policies.

Our school district was closed all last year, is requiring masks to go back this year, and is requiring vaccination to participate in any sports or extra-curricular activities. Kids are fatter. And more depressed. And self-medicating and killing themselves at higher rates. Causal links, anyone?

Stick to your guns and find new ways to stay active. We hike now more than ever before. It's not a team sport, but no one gives us any crap about jabs or masks.

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Some parents will walk or jog in the AM while the kids bike. Important to keep moving.

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Exercise doesn't affect obesity. In fact, obesity encourages lethargy, as the body prioritizes fat storage over cellular energy needs. The culprit is too many calories of the wrong type.

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I presume you are from Canada, Cartesearcher?

I grew up in Canada and immigrated to the US. Just today, I came to the sad conclusion that it is quite possible that I will never be able to return to Canada - even for a visit - ever again. I simply don't have it in me to comply with a totalitarian state.

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They will lose. It will be rough for awhile, and life will not be as it was, but they will lose. The increased pressure to get vaccinated, to take a third is not lost on many as they hear people getting sick even with it. One of Canada's provinces (if you call them that) is refusing to go along with passports. The push back is getting stronger. But welcome to the USA, as we need people like you who think for themselves!

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Thank you Mouzer. I have been in the United States for many years now and I became a citizen in 2017. I am very fortunate because I saw long ago that Canada was losing freedoms. That was a big reason why I left (though not the only reason.) The most disturbing part was that I knew so few Canadians who wanted it any other way. That is what I find so amazing and wonderful about America. There are so many people here who are not willing to give up their freedoms and as normal as that sounds to Americans, it is a really really special thing that does not exist almost anywhere else on the planet.

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The French still seem to have the spirit of freedom in them, but yes, it’s largely been bred out of most humans. Whenever I think about the few freedoms we have left in the U.S. and the people who are still willing to fight for them, I want to thank “rednecks.” Those gun toting, flag waving “racists” may we’ll be the only thing standing between Americans and gulags.

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We will win the fight for freedom here, but it will not be easy. That is why Lady Liberty statue faces outward from the USA...to broadcast freedom to the world. Few know this is why, but many like you hear the call.

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It's bad up there!! It seems the US is trying to catch up.

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Yes, fortunately the US Constitution is far stronger than the Canada Charter of Rights. The Canadian protections of freedom of speech were thrown out years ago. Now the freedom of religion is gone with the pandemic. When they imprison pastors for holding church services, you know your country has gone very very wrong.

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Guns. Guns are the only thing that make a difference. Sad, but true. And in America, we are armed to the teeth. We’ve paid the price with mass shootings and senseless street violence, but I think it’s a trade-off that might have helped us keep the only thing that can save us now.

Whenever they talk about rolling back the 2nd Amendment, I always tell anyone who will listen: “THIS is the way they treat us when 80 million people are armed. Imagine what they would do to us if we were only armed with bats and shovels?”

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Agree with everything you've said. My household is 2 people. More guns than people live here.

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My household is 3 people. We are outnumbered 3x by guns.

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Wow, I did not realize that about your rights. Aghhhhh!

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I live in Germany. I used to swim, do yoga and attend dance class. Now none of this is possible anymore, without a vaccine or a daily rapid test (both of which I refuse).

I was given a fitness band before the "pandemic" and it's helped me a lot. I saw my heart rate go up during the first lock down and decided that I needed to change something.

I am lucky enough to live in the countryside. I started walking 10 km daily, come rain or shine on weekdays. On weekends, I almost always hike with friends and we pick nick.

The winter it is tough, because of the bad weather and limited daylight, but I take a flashlight and maybe an umbrella. I listen to lots of podcasts. I also do a bit of yoga on my own.

I think I am fitter than I was before this all started and I've even lost a bit of weight. I think it is also keeping me sane, since life is much lonelier than it used to be.

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It IS lonelier! Good for you for adapting by walking. Crazy times.

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God, is life lonelier. Social circles are much smaller, too.

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I can't get Covid to save my life, dammit! Never worn a mask and socialize willy-nilly. What's wrong with meeeee???

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Same here. Antibody test is negative x3. Vitamin D level is >50 ng/ml, plus I take C, Mg, Zn, Quercetin. And I'm in 60's but no comorbidities except age.

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Lol! I did the same things and have the same "problem." I've been around family members with Covid. My wife and son had it and I gave them the zinc, quercetin etc. right away and they had easy cases with full recovery quickly. I was the only one also taking quercetin beforehand and I that was probably the reason I didn't get it. We go out all the time and basically do whatever we did before covid.

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I sometimes wonder though if it is just luck too who gets it in the same household. I still remember the time when one of my kids came home with some contagious stomach bug... just hours after he got sick (vomiting), my other child got sick and my spouse but I was the only one not impacted (lucky me got the clean up duty :) ).

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I have often wondered if there is a way to build some immunity bit by bit by low-level exposure.

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What’s your blood type? Rumor has it that Os are less likely to get infected:


But yeah, I hear you. My family has been waiting to catch it for 18 months. Our area was only locked son for 6 weeks last year. After that, gyms, bars, restaurants, bowling alleys — everything opened up with very little masking. Our son even went to jiu jiuts twice a week, unmasked. No COVID anywhere in the dojo. No COVID for us. The funny thing is we take the same precautions during the average cold and flu season, and by now we would have been sick several times.

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Same here. I am a very healthy 60-year-old who never took vitamins before Covid. I read early on about the FLCCC and their prophylactic protocol and have been totally fine so far, even though I’ve worked face-to-face with multiple students each day (I’m a math tutor) in my home.

Have never done a Covid test but did one antibody test last and it was negative.

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Covid only comes after 8 pm in some areas. In other areas it will get you if you are standing but if you are sitting at a table eating it just goes by without stopping. Sometimes It can get you if you are alone in your car so better wear a mask.. You obviously have missed all these exposure.

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Sometimes it taps you on the shoulder and says "thanks for not wearing a mask, Im pressed for time cuz my boss gave us unreasonable mandates"

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Same here, lol. Paid $150 for a t-cell test and, darn it, no dice.

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Funny! My wife and I have said the same thing (though it's a bit "dark" to joke about). We have socialized over the past 18 months AND our socialization involved a Dr who runs the covid unit at one of our hospitals. We ate at restaurants often, etc. I for sure thought it would show up at some point, but no. I'm O- and my wife is O+. Got the antibody test the other day out of curiosity. Nope!

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It seems like there will always be a group of people who just cannot get infected, for whatever reason. I'm not entirely convinced about the blood type argument, but there are several studies done regarding blood groups O, and Rh neg and their resistance (not immunity) to viruses.

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Agree, there does seem (based on the studies done) to be some resistance to the virus based on blood type. As always, your best bet is living as healthy a life as you can. Not guaranteed, but sure does go a very long way.

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Not really dark to laugh about it any more than it would be to joke about the regular flu.

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O blood types are apparently the least likely to get infected:


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Interesting ambition. How do you know you haven't had it? No antibodies? No T-cells?

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Wouldn't know. I've never been tested and I never will. That said, I haven't even had a sniffle in over 15 years. (Could there be a mack truck in my future?)

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There is a significant percentage of the population that won’t get sick from it and won’t have markers as they have prior immunity from other coronaviruses (colds).

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I think I took your original comment as "trying" to get COVID. Perhaps I misunderstood. The only reason I would try to get COVID would be to try and get evidence of immunity. Because if vaccine mandates arrive tempered by evidence of immunity, those of us who can't get antibodies might end up stuck with getting the jab! It's amusing in the abstract, but I seriously not amused.

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I haven't had the flu in 35 years. I'm 58 and healthy, and never get the flu shot. OTOH, my coworkers who get the flu shot every year get sick every year and 2 years ago one even got pneumonia. This is a 40-something otherwise healthy person. Now, she's vaxxed up for covid19 and then got the shingles vaxx because why not? And was surprised because it made her feel sick.

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Tru! So funny and I pray there's no Mack truck in your future!

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Thank you! Me too! I pray the Lord my soul to take in my sleep should I not wake.

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Not to be silly, but do you know your blood type? O- and RH-negative groups may have a natural resistance. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/this-blood-type-is-protective-against-covid-study-says/ar-BB1e7PJ1

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Have you tried going to college bars and chasing young women?

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Maybe you already had it and didn't even notice???

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Covid19: The first cold virus where you don't even know you're sick.

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Yaaaaaa .... No.

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My son's school mandated vaccine for 12 yrs. and up. Out of 450 families, I am one of 4 parents who would not agree and has a medical exempt for the covid vaccine. None of the parents would join me to fight the mandate and are turning on me. What has happened to our society? My child came home after first day of school saying that he doesn’t fit in anymore. He doesn’t feel normal at school or around his friends. He’s 15 yrs. old and I have never heard him say that. Since when did a vaccine make you cool or socially acceptable? Peer pressure for a vaccine?! He and the 3 other unvaccinated kids have to follow a bunch of rules as if they have the plague. It’s flat out discrimination. The local governments and school administrations are manipulating and targeting our kids using shame and conformity, not science or medical data. It’s disgraceful and downright diabolical. This is not the Country I grew up in nor the future I want for my son. Alex, thank you for using your voice and to everyone for sharing your stories. It makes me feel less alone in this insane world.

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I know this will seem unintelligible to many people, but much of what is happening in the world today can *only* be understood by stepping back and viewing things from a spiritual perspective. Nothing else explains the wholesale changes in consciousness happening universally and in apparent complete synchronization.

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Someone left a salient response earlier today to this. Now gone. 1984.......

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You are a very good writer and I have a strong feeling you are a very good mother. Reading all these (nearly 100%) thoughtful intelligent comments has given me hope, and I rarely respond because Im usually on a work time crunch (And I also type on my phone with one finger! Yay me! Im 63 and look ridiculous!), but Im responding to yours because it struck a very positive chord. My mother raised four boys by herself, and you remind me of her. She taught us many great things and didn't put up with whining, but cared for us deeply and it broke her heart when one of us was having trouble with our peers. But in my case I am (truly) better off for the wobbly acceptance I had in some of the ten schools I went to growing up, because I learned about aspects of human nature and navigating certain social troubles, and went on to have a very successful career b/c of it, but it would've been difficult without my mother's help, and you seem to be a mom who will know (by and large) when and what help is needed. Im certain your vaccine stance will be vindicated, there are too many very smart people raising too many alarms, and I hope your kids understand that you have their interests at heart, and will come to know how strong you are - for them - as it is becoming increasingly obvious to sober, judicious people that you are doing the right thing, and SOME of the baying hyenas are getting a little bit quieter as facts come out

PS, I have 2 daughters, 22 and 18, who've decided on their own - I promise - to forgo the jab, and I can't hide my pride. They are strong brilliant women and not the sheep that many adults are modeling. Good luck!!!!

(Please excuse typos, it's the one finger thing!)

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Thanks so much for your kind words and encouragement.

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Stay Strong, my family and I feel your pain, we're in the same boat here in Melbourne. Thanks for sharing

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They are mentally torturing your son. Remove him from school immediately, or the damage could be permanent. I am not joking.

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Eh, that doesn't sound right. So you're saying the school got 99% vaccine compliance among the kids? Are you sure about that number? There should be at least 100 out of the 450 families that said no just using basic probability.

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so sorry-

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What state are you in?

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In tristate area near NY

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Unfortunately children tends to reflect back what they are taught from their parents and their environment. Is pulling your child out an option?

It is precisely for this reason of woke liberal crowd that is so dominant in our area that we are considering online or homeschool for high school if not sooner (they are in small private school but the parents are shifting to be more woke as we watch) and doing activities that tends to have more normal people or people who would at the least respect different viewpoints.

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We moved from New York to Oklahoma. Kids are SO MUCH happier and surprisingly their education is far superior.

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I agree! We are looking into options as well.

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Keep them coming Alex. We are going to need lot of good info and studies to fight torrent coming from pervasive, relentless propaganda on the 24 / 7.

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Multiple individuals that I know that are in my age bracket (50-59) who got the jabs are now very very ill with neurological issues. No connection is made in their minds to the shots.

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a young father in my area died abruptly at age 40. He and his wife gloat about their leftwing politics on fb, about 2 weeks before he died she posted that she got her vax. No one will say how he died, but the vax is the only logical reason. It's a religion. Most of the family and friends of the dead view their devotion to the cdc and leftwing politics the way the jihadist sees his devotion to allah. And the family and friends of the vax deaths invariably commemorate the dead by spreading hatred toward the unmasked, unvaxxed infidels.

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This is our new terrifying reality. The powers that shouldn't be have manufactured mass mental illness with a side of hate and rage. I've taken the black pill about all of it.

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I have noticed the same phenomenon, friend.

You might be interested in this: https://youtu.be/fdzW-S8MwbI

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I know at least one person who developed violent tremors within two days of her second shot. She refuses to accept that it could have been the vaccine.

People are quite capable of ignoring evidence that suggests they may have made a mistake.

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How incredibly sad. Our family has had severe v injuries prior to cv. We are all aware that pharma is a dangerous tool and can't fathom how others simply seem incapable of accepting that they were victimized and then FIGHTING BACK!!!

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Most people want to believe that the people in charge have good intentions. When you challenge that, you may as well be criticizing the church they’ve been attending religiously for their entire lives.

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Well stated. I'm one of those annoying friends who keeps pointing out the emperor has no clothes and that power has consolidated into fewer and fewer psychopathic hands. Nobody seems to notice or care.

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That is exactly what I have experienced: almost nobody cares!!😮🤦🏻‍♀️😡😞

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The same phenomenon occurs in politics. How many people have I meant who refused to see that Obama wasn’t the Second Coming, even as he fed from the teat of Wall Street, killed civilians with drone strikes, and ripped health care from millions of middle class Americans. No one wants to admit they made mistake. No one wants to believe they’ve been fooled.

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I know this might sound nuts, but have you noticed any personality changes with those people? I have. Senility.

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Yes!!! My 87 year old mother got it against my advice and pleas not to. She has declined quickly with a marked advance in her existing dementia (was mild before v). I've also noted that many people seem to have a flat affect or are in a dazed fog. They are possibly all growing prions and / or clots in their brains. Hell is coming soon it seems. I think the honest docs and scientists that have warned of mass die off were correct. Global genocide underway. I still can't really let myself process how much trouble we are all in.

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It ain't gonna be fun. Hold the line and prepare for the worst. Fight the jab at all costs.

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I really feel for you. I got into a terrible argument w/my mom back in January about the vax. My mom is 89, and I begged her not to take it, explaining the clotting situation and that she already had a history of TIAs (mini strokes) & is on coumadin. I truly didn't think I had gotten thru to her, but I guess I did, although just today she said that there's so much info on the TV about the boosters, and maybe she should just take the shot after all. ugggh. Honestly I'd rather she contract covid and die rather than die from the vaccine. Maybe that is terrible to say, but I said it. I'm really sorry about your mom and the increasing dementia.

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Most people weren’t using their brains a lot before the pandemic began. This has been evident since Trump Derangement Syndrome took root in 2016. You don’t have to be a Trump supporter to notice that something very strange took hold of a lot of people on election night. Many of my otherwise intelligent peers simply lost their minds and fell into irrational hatred and rage. At the time, I remember saying to my partner, “It’s almost as if these people are under some sort of spell.”

Post-vaccination, it’s gotten much worse. I have noticed a complete lack of logic in vaxxers. It’s almost as if a program is running in them that keeps them from thinking certain things and rejects the most basic and simple analysis of hard-to-ignore facts. For example, it shouldn’t be so hard to make people understand that the unvaccinated clearly don’t pose an existential threat to society if the unvaccinated are freely spreading the virus now, too. And yet, it seems impossible for the vaccinated to grasp this.

Conspiracy theorists fretted about the 5G rollout, which seemed nuts to me at the time. But the craziest conspiracy theories now seem to make a bit of sense. Google “graphene oxide,” which appears to be an ingredient in the vaccine that can interface with digital signals. The unsettling conclusion is that given the nanotechnology available now, the minds of vaccinated individuals *could* theoretically be influenced remotely.

It does strike me as odd that the “zombie apocalypse” theme has been rampant for the past decade, and companies like Amazon have even joked about it in the fine print of the their Terms of Service agreements. But I am no wondering if the zombie apocalypse may soon be more of a reality than we think. If people are simply moving through life without thinking, or allowing others to think for them, then are they still “human” in the true sense of the word?

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I also cant help but make are parallel with the Handmaids Tale too. Basically elites take over the US and break the population into classes and forcefully enslave the people with unimaginable violence and retribution after most of the elites had been sterilized so they identify the fertile women and enslave them into handmaids who are repeatedly raped to produce children for them.

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It would be so interesting to see what would happen to the zombie sheep if Trump addressed the nation and said "Take the vaccine, it's the most incredible vaccine developed by very good people, tremendous people". Those 15 words might be the only thing that could wake up the fear sheep. PS, it's become easier to see how historical abominations such as slavery survived for a time. Sheep are so docile!

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Imperial colonization, slavery, the Holocaust...all of these abominations are perfectly explainable now. The horrific things we used to read about in history books and wonder, "How in the name of God did people go along with this??", well, we don't have to wonder anymore. We're seeing it play out in real time. In any population, thought history and regardless of education level, there is a large plurality of "sheep" who will bury their heads in the sand and comply because they're too lazy to think, too afraid of offending the vocal majority, or simply don't give a rat's a**. The only reason society has managed to survive as long as it has, in a remotely civilized form, is because a passionate but-not-as-vocal plurality has resisted the insanity. We are the thin line between sanity and insanity, and as scary as it may get, we MUST not yield.

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I know this sounds crazy, but I have to ask: most of the most die-hard vaxxers I know are in “blue” states, and they don’t seem to be experiencing adverse effects. Is it possible that different batches are sent to different regions, and some are more heavily-loaded with spike protein? I can’t imagine my uber-progressive friends would still be clinging to the Vaccine Train if they knew people who had experienced a fraction of the effects I’m hearing about.

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The odds are in their favor as far as short term effects go. But I wouldn’t want to be a pro vaxxer telling that vaccinated 19 year old his heart is screwed up for life for a sickness that wouldn’t have harmed him.

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Since it is under an EUA, my understanding is that they can change it as it goes along. Nobody has any idea what’s in it.

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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny stated recently that there was ample evidence to prove they had given saline in some areas of the country. I can't provide links or details as I'm going from memory here and a few months ago when I hear this seems like a lifetime ago.

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This would make a lot of sense. “Protect” the people in the pro-vaccine cohort and leave the rest to chance. Sounds like a conspiracy, but when you get right down to it, everything about this pandemic — from the blatant manipulation of data to the coordinated effort to hide the origins of the virus — has seemed conspiratorial. At what point does a reasonable person simply stop denying the obvious?

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"At what point does a reasonable person simply stop denying the obvious?"

The question of our times!

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spoke to a friend this morning and he said and I agreed that this "booster" business is waking people up... I told him its like they "jumped the shark"

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“Jumping the shark.” Ah, a comment that belies your age. I love it!

Even Bill Maher said on his show recently: “I took one for the team, but I’m not putting any more of this s**t in me.” Asking people to “boost” with a vaccine that offers increasingly less protection is madness. I have to think that the Clowns in Charge didn’t know the wheels would come off the cart so fast.

Perhaps that’s why Pfizer is now rushing their next pharmaceutical gem through clinical trials: a COVID pill! (Not to be confused with the affordable, already-tested pill that’s been used to successfully treat thousands of COVID patients a/k/a Ivermectin). That people can’t see through this BS is astounding:


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Three of my family members (including spouse) got covid around 4 months after the vax. This makes is really clear to me that the vax doesn't protect anyone from getting covid. All these people are healthy and not overweight and none were seriously ill. But I'm guessing they were just as sick as they would have been un-vaxxed. I am still in the camp that believes the vax can keep older and unhealthy people out of the hospital. But it is clearly not as it was originally advertised! And, as you (Alex) have noted in the past, it hardly falls into the category of a vaccine if it doesn't stop you from getting the thing. Perhaps it's more like taking Vitamin C so your cold symptoms won't be as severe.

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Actually Vitamin C is better because its supportive of your immune system it doesn't override it like the gene therapy (now called vaccination) they took.

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What I always find so weird are all those people who say they still got sick or have had their loved ones die despite being vaccinated and still claim that the vaccine make it less severe or that it make their loved ones’ suffering less before they died and still pushing others to get vaccinated. How on earth do they know their illness would have been more severe without vaccines when the survival rate is over 99.9% for most people? What if it was the other way around and the only reason they ended up with serious illness or died was because the vaccines worsened it? We don’t know that either. I always roll my eyes on the stupidity of those “without vaccines, it would have been so much worse” comments.

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Those are among the most idiotic, the ones that get jab-injured then call it covid and say it would have been worse without the jab. Oh BTW, now the press is calling the growing number of vaccine deaths "short illness". So, "so and so died of a short illness."

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My worry is what is happening to body long term due to vaccinations. Once stabbed, a person cannot change what is going to happen to body. Is this virus a respiratory illness, or a vascular illness?

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It GIVES them so-called covid19, seems to me.

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The DTaP vax does not transmission.

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It is well known that mRNA is for 1 specific protein target and that viruses mutate to locate hosts without resistance. If a vaccine leaves sufficient virus mutations to infect others then that is what you will get. Those who have developed antibodies for the 1 specific protein will not have the same level of protection to the mutations. It seems no one seemed to take this into account with COVID isn the rush to get paid.

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Really you don't think they knew that? Better they knew OTHERS (ie those they think are dumb) didn't know that. Cha-ching cha Ching-- money money money

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Vanden Bossche warned -- passionately -- about this back in March. Don't do a mass inoculation campaign in the middle of a global pandemic with a non-sterilizing (leaky) vaccine. Others of Vanden Bossche's caliber warned of this as well. They knew the risks and they did it anyway. I still can't get a handle on the true motive. Is fear and greed enough to explain this level of lunacy? I just don't know. I suspect something even more sinister. I just can't shake that feeling that something very bad is afoot.

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COVID is the cover to institute controls that abolish democratic processes and institutions worldwide. The elites have decided it's time for technocrat rule aka technocracy. It's been a long long time in the planning. Visit the World Economic Forum's website for a wake up call. They have no intention of ending this. Everything leads to the global digital ID (UN ID 2020 plan) for every human being. The ID leads to a social credit score system and permanent slavery. Agenda 21 and 30 via the UN are vectors they are using to bring the system in. Sustainable development is them having all of the resources and everyone else is cutoff if they don't do as their told.

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Agree 100%. Actually, a lot of the ideas pimped in the WEF shtick seem attractive and seductive (probably why politicians talk themselves into going along with it), but you can’t help wondering what magic wand they’ll wave to pull this off. Even so, this tidbit raised all sorts of red flags for me:

“You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”


I’m with you. These people are up to no good. For whatever reason, they feel the “clock” is running out and their window to do whatever it is they want to do is closing. They’re going all out, balls-deep for this final gambit to secure control, and it’s risky AF in my opinion because a critical mass of people is NOT on board and knows what’s up. I’m not talking about 5% of the global population; I think fully 25-30% are willing to push back HARD—and in the U.S., most of them are armed. This might be a reason to use the saline vaccine option in “supportive”/blue states and the “straight-up spike protein myocarditis roulette” vaccine in less supportive/red states. Eliminate the resistance without firing a bullet.

I think where we are now is the line in the sand. If we let them cross it, the human race as we know it ends. Something entirely different will emerge, and it won’t be pretty.

Lastly, I’m assuming Agenda 21 stands for 2021. If so, one can’t help but wonder what these clowns have planned for 2030.

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I couldn't have said it better. 💗 I would add one of my favourite Robert Burns sayings " The best laid plans of mice and men". Yup he knew technocrats. Linear is SO Newtonian, ie 1700s

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"Ah the best laid plans of mice and men" Robert Burns

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I'm counting on that old Burns to be right. He certainly knew the schemers of his day intimately.

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We're on our way to techno-feudalism. Yep.

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Best answer to 'understanding' is "Mask of Sanity". Free as a PDF. Best ever and the 1st book to outline sociopathy. Govt, corps and institutions are home to these people seeking power. They go for money and power at the expense of others. Morals are not a factor. That, unfortunately, is your answer.

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Prof Dolores Cahill warned of this April 2020 along with judy Micovich and the highwire.com has dsid same for well ovet a year. Shame they were such covid conspirasists back then (sarc)

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yeah - the vaccines were utilized in a completely logical way. The trials should have continued for at least a year so valid comparisons could have been made with the control group and the FDA should have insisted on a high risk group in each arm of the study. For the Lord's sake - we were in the middle of a pandemic there was no shortage of patients. Then when initiated they should have been given to high risk folks first and they should have been entered into a post-hoc database and followed for a year as well. We would then have all the answers we need.

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Big assumption here is that they wanted to get comparisons. Maybe they already had some idea given the disastrous animal testing?

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that was supposed to be illogical!

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They are using Covid19 (fake pandemic) to usher us into the Great Reset and transhumanism. We've been groomed for decades, now they will strike. There is also that they wish to reduce the population. So watch for many of the vaxxed to be sterile and of course many will just die from it. And they also of course have made billions off it already.

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Yes greed , bribery and blackmail (rumours of do this or your family....) are powerful incentives

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i think the liability for these companies will force them into bankruptcy once all this is done and there is a change of political leadership.

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Under the PREP Act in the USA the companies have zero liability.

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Unless they deceived by hiding safety issues. But, I note that the opioid case also had similar liability exclusion till lawyers decided not.

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The liability is for vaccines. Legal and patent experts are not so sure the COVID gene therapy meets the definition. Look at Dr. David Martin's discussion on this.

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If there is malfeasance, then there will be no protections for them. I believe, based on what we are learning about the chemistry, these are not vaccines as stated but single-protein meds to stimulate antibodies and truly not as effective as stated. 95% protection was never proven. 95% produced antibody response to the protein, but did not protect against mutations which always occurs and their claims of protection were false advertising. There is great liability here.. Sr Mgmt never thought twice about the risks in their rush for profits. Pfizer just boosted revenue $30Bil+ on COVID alone.

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Exactly. Great liability. Dr David Martin makes the case for criminal conspiracy and corruption-- please find any of his videos. Also the "2nd Nuremberg" trial class action people are also using this as one of their arguments. My understanding (not a specialist in this area) is that it isn't a single protein med but a therapy which induces the body to produce spike proteins. It is in effect one therapy which creates an "overlay" protein based immunity over your innate immune system.

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The FDA altered the regulatory language so it could be referred to as a vaccine.

Bureaucrats know their loopholes quite well. Just like Fauci redefined gain of function so he could slip the research into the budget and not violate the law.

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Yes I know. Legally a different story 😊 Very very grey area re: budgets, not so grey legally.

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That is exactly right. How do we get people to stop calling them vaccines? All of the lawsuits filed related to mandates are using that term. It's like conceding defeat from the beginning.

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There will be no liability. The FDA just pulled a clever bait-and-switch: https://www.letsgetunplugged.com/post/what-the-fda-isn-t-telling-us

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Heads up: Reddit is purging hundreds of forums today -- anything related to vaccine discussion, questioning lockdowns, critical of Biden regime etc.

I guess maybe some of you don't yet realize that this is not about covid-19 or vaccines.

There is a global coup in progress like nothing our species has seen before. This is why so many people are feeling a deep -- almost metaphysical -- shift in... what? Global consciousness? Spiritual ether?.

Many will think I'm bonkers today. Not as many in 4-5 months from now.

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I have been saying the exact same thing- originally I thought it was a USA coup only, and I was confused when it continued after the election (as opposed to the 2008 financial/housing/BLM ‘crises’). It’s frikn eerie now. The majority of people are completely oblivious.

You nailed it, I’m afraid.

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Yet how many people have been saying for years that global nefariousness was afoot — and they were called crazy “conspiracy theorists”? It should be clear now that conspiracy theorists were demonized because they were hitting too close to home. Anyone who can’t see the conspiracy now is, quite frankly, hopelessly deluded or brainwashed.

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I absolutely do not think you are bonkers today.

I absolutely do think that all this nonsense is for more nefarious reasons.

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You are spot on. This guy explains the monetary aspect of what's going on: https://youtu.be/VYOEvurCVuk

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Bonkers is the New Truth. Very distressing. I fear any free thoughts will be censored very soon. It was Christopher below who confirmed. Where can you when there is nowhere to go.. There may be a bunch of us.

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Unfortunately, I don't see any peaceful way out of this totalitarian/authoritarian dark hole we are rapidly descending into. Defending our Constitution and basic freedoms is well worth dying for IMO.

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It will take a crash of the US dollar which will be hell for most Americans. But I am not even sure if that can stop the Regime. They might just lash out and unleash a nuclear holocaust.

For our own good of course.

Reading over Bobo Joes phone calls to the former PM of Afghanistan is very enlightening. These people are not so much flat out lying pieces of shit, as much as they actually believe in their own bullshit theories and programs. It is truly hubris beyond compare. They have zero grounding in reality, and are truly soviet like in their views of the world.

In any case AmmoUp

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Buy Bitcoin too!

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The Nickel is the only American coin made of real metal, 25% copper and 75% Nickel. It will survive EMP, and other than inflation. Has zero downside risk. Bulky to store I get it, but nothing is perfect.

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How the hell can this be mandated? Who is going to want their kids to play myocarditis roulette every few months?

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You'd be surprised. I know several parents who took their kids to the jab lab. I know them ... I don't like them.

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I know one who lied about their child’s age to get the jab for their kid and others who were talking about doing same for kids who look like they could be 12.

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Spawn of the Fearful - now playing FOREVER

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Come to think of it I know some too :(

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“Myocarditis roulette.” Quote of the week.

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It continues to amaze me that "experts" contribute the hugh decline from around January 1, 2021 through early February ,2021 on the massive role out of vaccinations. It is actually the seasonality seen every year for respiratory viruses, plus maybe some "natural herd" immunity. And now with the data clearly showing the Vaxxed are more susceptible to the Delta variant , it's called "waning immunity" . It can't wane if it never was there in the first place!!

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letter to my senator

Dear Senator Sinema,

As you are well aware, former President Trump launched "Operation Warp Speed" in May of last year. Much like the Manhattan Project, American firms responded to this Federal Government-Private partner relationship. Producing what is hailed as Vaccine for the SARS‑CoV‑2 (COVID-19) virus.

And while there has been a great deal of fanfare in regard to its overall success. There have been many issues with it as well. The main two being vaccine injuries, and it's overall effectiveness regarding immunity against the virus.

As you well know public and media opinion in American society can change on a dime. What is taken as a Gospel truth today, is relegated to heresy tomorrow.

Therefore, I believe it would be in your best interest as both a public and political figure to get out in front of this issue.

And begin to hold public hearings in our home state, so both the professional advocates of the injections, and those professionals (mostly frontline medical personnel) who question it's shortcomings. Can enlighten not only you and your staff, but the public at large. In order for us all to make the correct health choices going forward.

Thank you for your time in this matter.

Best Regards

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This drop in vaccine effectiveness coincides with the recent increase in Covid infections and hospitalizations. But let’s blame all the unvaccinated and unwashed deplorables.

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It's even worse when they have readily available data (and much better data) from countries that are ahead of the US in their vaccination timelines giving them a preview of what's already happening here and what is going to happen over the next couple of months. They also have anecdotal evidence daily with more and more vaccinated celebrities, athletes, politicians, etc getting covid. I suspect they don't want to study natural immunity because it would likely show that any theory about a pandemic of the unvaccinated is mathematically unlikely or maybe even approaching impossible. Unfortunately for the powers that be in the US there are other countries that are far less extreme in their politicization of covid and they increasing present the evidence that the US is trying to hide.

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I particularly enjoyed the belief that the increased cases were the result of delta plus the end of mask mandates. No understanding of seasonality at all, even though the epicurve for this summer matches last summer almost exactly for cases and hospitalizations according to Cali's state dashboard. covid19.ca.gov.

So, during the seasonal low … injections were working great! During a seasonal rise, injections workin not so great. Good lord, just how dumb are our purported health researchers.

We are in for a Dark Winter indeed. Hopefully without Governor French Laundry.

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I just read the link and I am quite shocked to find that one of their conclusions is that there should be more mask mandates. These are supposed to be doctors and scientists and yet they conclude that with the waning efficacy of the vaccines, we need more masking without even bothering to look at the data on whether mask mandates work. I live in Nevada and over one month ago, the Governor reimposed the mask mandate. That was July 27 and on that day, we had 1124 new cases. Yesterday, we had 1242 new cases. Today's number was over 1400. Yet nobody even bothers to question whether the mask mandates do anything? It is just taken as a given that covering your face with a (often dirty) piece of cloth is helpful?

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And just to be clear, I would be very happy if masks worked to stop Covid. That would mean that we had a way to mitigate the spread that was accessible to everyone. But I keep looking at the data and I just can't find even the slightest indication that mask mandates do anything at all to stop the spread. I can't find even one state or one country where mask mandates correlate in the slightest with a decrease in Covid cases. If anyone has such data, I'd love to see it.

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I'm kind of glad they don't work b/c then I can go around unmasked without any moral or ethical qualms. *Even if* they worked, it would not remotely be worthwhile to wear them for a virus with such a high survival rate and such an impotent effect on the healthy.

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I tend to agree with you but if wearing masks really and truly stopped the virus then I would wear one. Of course, even a cursory check of common sense tells you that masks cannot possibly stop the virus because this virus is aerosolized. Sometimes it travels in the droplets that are sprayed from our mouths when we sneeze or yell but most of us don't emit many moisture droplets in the normal course of talking and breathing and even fewer of those land directly on another person. The virus mostly travels in the tiny, tiny particles of the air we breathe in and out. So unless the mask prevents air from getting in and out of your nose and mouth, the mask can't stop the virus.

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if they worked or there was a mask that worked particularly well, that information would be written in bold, hunter orange block letters on the packaging and would be advertised everywhere as capable of preventing covid. the maker of said masks would be richer than all the pharmaceutical ceo's in the world combined...

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