
Alex, This is disgusting but oh so expected. What can we do about this? What is Congress planning to do (if you know)? Most of us are just feeling like idiots these days, while things are done to us and no one gives a damn. Very discouraging. This two tiered justice system, more than any other thing, will bring down the US. A fairly even-handed justice system is really the only thing that has distinguished the US from most other countries. No more. Looking for any answers.

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Feb 4·edited Feb 4

He’s a coward, paid by our tax dollars. You’re an (actual) journalist seeking truth on behalf of all tax payers. Go Alex.

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Thanks Alex. This 2-tiered justice system has got to be completely taken down.

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(Braising for a slew of hate...) but gradually I'm arriving to the conclusion that Trump is the last chance our Republic has. Else, the two-tear-justice-system will be perpetuated at a much graver scale. Everyone has witnessed the array of situations of various magnitud; but ALWAYS to the advantage of the 'ruling' gang. Its goal is the implementation of totalitarian tyranny: Shred the 'antiquated' Constitution. WE KNOW BETTER, SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, TRUST US will change to SHUT UP AND OBEY. 2+2=5

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See if you can get back with Rogan, Tucker and Russell - this needs to be publicized to the max.

I'm behind you to the end, Alex.

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More banana republic behavior by this administration....

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Under Democrat Fascism the Rule of Law is Dead

and the WORTHLESS republicans continue to Fund Democrats

Defund the Uniparty, remove the power

-Cut 50% of Fed gov spending

-Move 75% of DC to Heartland

-Remove entire leadership of DOJ, IRS, DHS and FBI

-5% tax Gross wall street trans & money goes offshore

-Tax all non-profits anyone gets $100k: colleges, hospitals, etc

-End fed aid/loans cities, states & college, make them fund themselves

-Remove tax credits renewables, affordable housing, etc

-Jail Russian Hoax, COVID liars & Biden protectors, etc

-Ban public union/company $ politics, only voters can fund politics

-voting 1 day, in person, with ID, I don't care if you vote, I care if you cheat

- 12 year limit on federal office....judge, president, senate, congress

- Roundup all illegals to raise wages and give Americans Jobs

- END all bonuses financial world till every dime of FED money is paid off

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This is just more confirmation of what we already knew: whether you are subject to a law or not depends on who you are.

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I take offense to your capricious insinuation that Peter Navarro wanted to "avoid telling the truth under oath". This, in my opinion is beneath your usual journalistic performance and clearly evidences your bias. This statement alone calls into question your objectiveness as a whole.

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We have a lawless Biden administration, for sure. The DOJ and FBI have been politically weaponized, with judges kowtowing to their Democrat cronies. What a sad state we are in!!!

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Can you delay your case until Trump is elected? I can't believe that so many people say they will vote for Biden! Who ARE these people? What do they have for brains?

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This may be my last straw. Because it's Jim Jordan, maybe something will be done. I am so sick of the Biden administration's lawlessness. Ignore Supreme Court decisions (student loan debt forgiveness), ignore immigration law and deny it, permit wayward son to openly defy a lawful subpoena, etc., etc., ad infinitum. And we likely will get four more years of this? Can Slavitt claim executive privilege in a civil trial?

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Welcome to the USSR - United States Soviet Republic - where the rulers decide who is guilty and who is not.

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The Communists in charge of our Federal government are doing what Dirty Commies do - protect their own.

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“Refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena is a federal crime.” …. Only if you’re associated with the Republican Party. SSDD.

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He worked for the government ... and the government is a criminal racket. In fact, the government took over all of the Mob's best rackets.


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