Purchased the series. They'll go right next to 1984 and the banned Dr. Seuss on my contraband shelf.

Love your work. Never stop.

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When I saw them banning Dr. Seuss I got on some teacher supply thing that morning and ordered two 20-book hardbacks of Suess books for my kids. They included the banned books. I figured they were gong to go up in price anyway, might as well have sets to see how stupid it was, and how just like all the other Suess books they are.

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That's so funny :-) I did the same thing! Although I'm no longer teaching in the classroom, I ordered a whole bunch of the Seuss books for my two grandsons. A couple of the "banned" ones (ridiculous!) were unavailable, but the boys' bookshelves are well-stocked now with Dr. Seuss! I did it as an act of rebellion.

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I’ll pay top dollar for McElligot's Pool!

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Unfortunately they aren't for sale. I've turned this insanity into a whole thing for my kids (headlines v actual data, etc), weird stuff that gets banned. Check out Thrift Books as soon as you read this. :-)

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I will. Thanks!

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Sorry - 2 of the 20-book sets. Everywhere else had pulled them or cancelled my order

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I wonder if they will ban seussical the musical.....

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Brena M. -- Same. Except that I'm sorry that I don't have the banned version of Dr. Seuss!

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I tried to find the banned Dr Suess books online after they banned them and couldn’t get my hands on any 😭

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I make it a priority to purchase any book that has been banned or is in danger of being banned. My bookshelves are getting full.

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Me too!!!

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Same. Including Alex’s.

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Did you find 5? I found 1-4. 5 is not there.

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I only found four as well. My guess is #5 is "on the way soon." Perhaps someone else is better informed than I and will enlighten us.

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there is only four. I read it wrong the first time.

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The fifth is books 1-3 in one volume.

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What the hell has happened to the Democrats? They used to be the party of free speech. Well, here's one more reason why I left. (Not that I like the Republican Party either.)

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As CS Lewis warned us, they’ve become the omnipotent moral busybodies…”those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

I’ll take the robber barons any day over this.

As of recently the Progressives are accepting more Big Pharma money. Warren is one of them. https://bluetent.us/articles/campaigns-elections/a-surprising-number-of-progressives-took-big-pharma-money-in/

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agreed...at the moment GOP seems the lesser evil

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C Bell - true but only by a tiny mousy squeak.

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The GOP sold out just like the Dems. They're the other side of the same coin.

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Yes they are, Janna, yes they are! Trouble is, so are the Washington DC aides and "secretaries" and most of the restaurateurs and cabbies and ... .

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I trust them less than the Dems. At least you know where the out and out fascists stand. The Republicans hide behind the veil.

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Christian S - interesting article and it significantly increases my desire to overturn the entire Congressional body --- except, that doing so would leave the "old" one with VERY lucrative retirement, medical and speaking platforms and then gives the same to all the "new" replacement folks. How do we freeze their salaries, limit their expense accounts and kill their under-the-table "contributions" and campaign funding? Besides, the new replacements would likely be just as bad, but less practiced at hiding the stuff.

Sure wish we still had a functioning judicial branch and courts!

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All very good points but yes the judicial system may be too compromised to affect the kind of painful changes that are necessary. Maybe instead getting mired in the details, what we need is a vision (so as not to perish!) My next read will be Rothbard’s “Anatomy of the State” on anarcho-capitalism.

I know I’m done pinning my hopes on any one candidate, that ended somewhat bitterly w Andrew Yang. No idea where this is all headed, but wouldn’t be surprised if the empire does fall. If it does come to that I hope we can be prepared mentally & financially, I’m currently looking into options like crypto & learning new skills that I actually enjoy ☺️

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I quit pinning my hopes on any one candidate (and certainly not on any specific party) long ago. I am quite conservative, but more than that, I am Christian and from that perspective: there are only two persons that can extricate us from this horrific mire.

The Anti-Christ will succeed for a very short while (three and a half years) and then begin to fail miserably for another three and a half.

My faith and trust is in our Heavenly Father for both the short term (if He grants us that) and for the long term (eternity). Until then, I try to don the "Full Armor of God" as outlined in Ephesians 6.

Furthermore: the so-called "vaccine passport" is not (yet) the Mark of the Beast, but it is certainly inuring the world's population to not only accept it but to eagerly seek it when it comes. Read the last few verses of Revelation 13 sometime with the vax-passport and all the restrictions in mind!! Those verses are opening the minds for a lot of folk. [ https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+13%3A16-18&version=NIV ]

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Glad to see you are not caught up with mark of the beast and passport. This article reinforces your point that until the Anti-Christ comes, the mark of the beast is not present,

By John MacArthur


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I agree, however, I do think we're getting awfully close. “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father" so I refuse to speculate too closely, but Israel has become a nation-state as prophesied and the countdown clock is ticking - very quickly in my estimation. I'm not an expert and am greatly flawed in many ways, but I do try to listen to those who are experts (John MacArthur for example!!) and to discern the truth.

Thank YOU for that link!


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Thanks for sharing Randy!

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Thank you for the link and the conversation! My best to you and yours!

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Yang is forming a new party! Maybe the AnCap party? Who knows. If we're torn apart, I just want to be in the part where everyone minds their own business. 🙄

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Ha! Yes it’ll be interesting. And I’m right there with ya.

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Term limits!

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I'd say yes to that IF we could forbid lifetime retirement, medical, speaking platforms, graft (under-the-table "contributions" like high priced paintings for sale), etc. etc. etc.

Unless we stop all that first, we'll just make a new "generation" of politicians richer and then another new generation and another ... while we end up as slaves in the poorhouse.

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These people are not “progressives” or “liberals” and we should stop calling them such. They are regressive, corporate puppets that will promote any idea that lines there pockets and keeps them in power. They are party hacks. Bill Maher is the poster child for the definition of a true progressive or classical liberal.

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Absolutely agree Jim!! It takes millions to run a campaign nowadays so they’re pretty much all compromised. I shouldn’t be at this point- but I was a bit surprised to see Rev. Warnock on that Big Pharma list. They definitely deserve the quote unquote treatment, just like these new “vaccines”.

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Why wouldn't Warnock be on the list?

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Hall monitors gone bad! Agreed I will take robber barons any day

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Thanks for the link

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Roberbarrons at least donated tons of their money. Today's billionaires are just getting richer, avoiding taxes and using that largesse to buy politicians and steal elections so they can mold our country in their own rotten image. No thanks to the country that got them so wealthy.

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I think the party misconception is the biggest problem. I don't like particular Republicans like the 2nd Bush, but I like the foundational values of Republicans in promotes states rights, individual responsibility, and small government (in theory anyway). I like Manchin, although he is all WV - people who put their hopes in him on spending need to realize when the purse gets big enough for WV he's gonna vote for it. But he is a conservative Democrat - traditional values, favors centralized government.

In addition to realizing my republican friends are generally just nicer and better people. I've noticed I was brainwashed for a long time to think Republican policies are bad. That bad people support them. In reality, its a far more morally grounded party. With out that moral foundation, you get people worshiping the woke who don't have any real morals, and as we've seen, begin to worship politicians and wacky causes. They aren't into outcomes, just worship of rhetoric.

The Neocon policies are terrible, and I can't go as far as libertarians (I'm good with some safety nets and I think the government needs to actively prevent monopolies or its the corporate communism we have now), but looking back I was just wrong when I thought most Democrat policies were more moral. Consistently bad outcomes and constantly inventing (transgender???) and hyping up issues (racism) aren't to solve the problem, they are to perpetuate the issues and have never ending "victims" to use to justify really bad policies that are more about reallocating resources to government power than anything else. The entire party has long rested on outrage to exist. From being the party of slavery to the KKK and Jim Crow and then destroying Black families with the Great Society to encouraging abortion and discouraging marriage in the Black community - they perpetuate the problems for power - and that's actually pretty evil.

They are doing it now with Covid, and the intent is to divide (testing only the unvaccinated once a week - really?), its not to disappear an endemic respiratory virus. The mandates are destroying healthcare as people quit rather than vaccinate. And he's trying to extend that to the supply chain (truck drivers are already in short supply). To force these people to lose their jobs, then deny the benefits he claims are "rights" that need to be expanded with more government spending, is pretty clear evidence of meanness and nothing more.

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Most conservatives I know would take it as an insult if you called them Republicans. Conservatives haven’t been perfect on free speech, but feel like us Gen-X’ers steered the movement in the right direction after Tipper Gore came after our music

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I am on the same page as you. I have no party at the moment. Voted blue and now regret it

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My state is solid blue but I’m still disappointed in myself for not seeing it coming like our Trumper friends did. But, *my* patience is running thin for the ruling class in general lol

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Same shit different color buckets!

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Agree with you on the Republicans. I've always voted for 'em. But they suck. Their selling point is, "the other guys are worse." Not falling for that anymore.

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Convincing people "the other guy is worse" is how Joe Biden got elected. The only problems with the country in 2019 were a hysterical media. We still have the hysterical media, but we have lots of problems now.

I actually think limited government and individual choice works best. Out of grad school I was willing to try stuff because I was young and dumb. I loved Obama. But in the end, I don't care much about the person, I care about the policies, and government trying to order society the way Democrats want mostly just ends up holding people down - the only question is how much.

Trump impressed me. While far from perfect policies, his cutting government and taxes worked to give a lot of people economic freedom. I miss freedom, and I am ready to demand it back

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Tough trying to get freedom back. After it's lost, it's usually too late to regain it nicely. Things will probably have to get ugly.

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So true... With one exception - this country was founded by people who fought back and demanded freedom and liberty........... We fought a civil war where freedom and liberty won.

I am hanging onto hope that the US can defy historical trends once again and freedom will win this revolution (though it would be nice to avoid the dead people).

Hearing college kids and NYC residents proudly chant "F#UK JOE BIDEN" all over twitter gives me hope. hahaha

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Liberals were into free speech, they seem to have disappeared or gone into hiding in today's radical leftists democrat party. It would be nice if we could count on the republicans as a real opposition, but they stink on ice. Two wings of the same swamp bird.

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I disagree. Democrat politicians once blabbed liberal sounding rhetoric, but their policies have not really followed that for a long time. I say that because, especially out of grad school, I spouted all the Democrat's rhetoric. About a decade ago, just before I turned 30, I started to actually notice that the policies Democrats support are the opposite from the rhetoric they spew, and they know it. And they have LONG used unfounded insults to silence opposing views. Go take a look at what they called Ronald Regan or Clarence Thomas........ this is not a "new" development, the level of illiberal hatred has just increased to where its in our faces everyday.

First, Democrats have always been more authoritarian. While authoritarians of any political stripe are awful, and inherently illiberal, Democrat politicians in the US try to use their power as much as possible to limit choice and force people to comply with their preferred policies. Biden's vaccine mandate is the most shocking, but Democrats oppose individual choice at every opportunity. Democrats oppose school choice, they are forcing little kids to masks like the Taliban does women, they want the government to control healthcare, they want centralized government to control property rights and neighborhood construction, they want the state involved in central planning of everything and they want to force people to obey with sticks and silencing.

Its been decades since the Democrats silence scientific debate by talking about "consensus." The whole exercise of science is to discover the truth which often proves the "consensus" wrong. Pressuring people to follow the agreed upon consensus is a religious ideology, not a scientific one. True science demands healthy skepticism. Terms like "follow the science" and "consensus" science are illiberal ideological demands to ban actual discussion, and destroy scientific discovery.

At any point in at least the last 50 years, anyone with a different view or idea Democrats have deemed a "bad person" or someone who "doesn't care about others." These are not counter arguments articulating why in an open investigation of ideas through discussion - they are rhetoric driven insults with the goal to silence and shame. That's not liberal.

They've been calling Republicans racist my nearly 4 decades on Earth, and uncaring bad people, but the only reason every given is that Republicans oppose bigger, more centralized government. The rhetoric goes - "Republicans are racist, they don't want to help the needy, they oppose welfare, they oppose increased school funding, they oppose the needy having healthcare......."

The reality is that's not at all the actual counter argument from Republicans. Massive increases in school funding haven't helped, and 75% of private schools cost less per student than area public schools. The actual conservative argument is to point out that Democrats only solution to everything is more money, and no matter how much they get it's never enough and they never actually try to fix the problems because they need the problems to demands more money. The Republican counter argument is whatever the funding, the money should follow the child not the centralized school districts that are, and have been for decades, failing.

Republicans don't generally oppose safety nets, they oppose incentives to not work because nobody wins - there is a poverty cliff to get off welfare with a benefit loss rate equivalent to a marginal tax rate of about 100% at certain points. This is terrible policy makes people chose between today and their future. It's the poverty cliffs republicans oppose, not the safety nets. Republicans as people statistically give more to charity, voluntarily, than either independents or Democrats. They live their values of caring for others.

The Democrats claim to fight for the underprivileged, the needy, the vulnerable. But look at their policies - they use victim groups - they don't actually fight for them. defunding the police - mostly harmed poor minority communities. Closing public schools - mostly harms poor communities in cites - which are often minority. Opposing school choice - mostly harms poor kids trapped in the urban public schools they've destroyed. None of that is the hallmark of a truly liberal or enlightened political ideology.

People think Democrats are more liberal because they wrap their authoritarian policies up into liberal sounding rhetoric. And they have perhaps done this best with the abortion debate. The reality is that debate comes down to the fact that Democrats chose the adults human while Republicans chose the brand new human in whom they give ideological preference. Abortions kills a human being with their own unique DNA and own unique existence. That's a push and pull debate has been around as long as humans beings have been. The true liberals are the ones willing to discuss it. Who flings the insults in that debate? People on both sides are passionate about the issue, but the individuals who fling insults, or make up nonsense, to justify their positions are the truly illiberal ones.

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democrats are the party of the US State Department and have been maybe forever, certainly for a very long time. And the State Department is a naziphilic, extreme fascist organization, but it gets to use US media to tell everyone what is 'hip', 'cool','liberal'. Once this big-lie dynamic is understood, many things make more sense. Eg. for me, as an Israel supporting Jew, I long ago didn't understand why the left was constantly lying about Israel, hating Israel, supporting nazi-allied Muslims. Then I learned more and it all made sense. The 'left' lies about pretty much everything...

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Complaining about a problem with out offering a solution is called whining......

I disagree with the comparison, though clearly this is just my personal opinion. We have regular elections so we aren't stuck for life with terrible policy and can change our minds. Right now Republicans are putting forth a lot of great candidates. Even if the Republican candidates were awful, I'm not voting for Democrats because the party as a whole is much more illiberal, an insane, and the consequences of which party wins could not be more divergent at the moment.

I lack a crystal ball and as things change, and policies and positions get considered, I'll access accordingly in the future. What I wont personally do at the moment is sit around pretending like the flaws in the two parties right now are "pretty much the same." The Democrats are blatantly advocating outright authoritarianism, while the Republicans are mostly trying to limit the damage. They aren't remotely alike at the moment. Every time I hear that I wonder if the person saying (or writing) it actually believes it, or if its just what they tell themselves when emotionally and mentally exhausted.........

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Yeah, thats what I say. What happened to the real democrats?

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Were called "political orphans".... I think it should be the third party in 2024

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When you are part of the hegemony you typically don't like free speech. When you aren't part of the hegemony then free speech is very important to you.

You know that libertarians are fundamentally better people than most because they support free speech even *when* they are part of the hegemony. But it was pretty ridiculous to believe that the leftists calling for free speech in the 1960s had any intention of allowing their enemies to have it when they reclaimed the power. In every other country on the planet at the time when the left were the hegemony there was no free speech, but apparently we were expected to believe that the left in the US would be different to all their brethren the moment they had power?

The left - who have no self-awareness - love to say "free speech comes with consequences". And they should be right. People should have to pay the costs of the policies that they call for. If you call for forced vaccines, then you should be forced to have vaccines - dozens of them. If you call for higher taxes, then guess what? Your tax rates double. If you can convince enough people to join your crusade (who will also see the same costs) then you can change the policies. It's perfectly fair because if you truly believed in the policies then you wouldn't shy away from paying the price for them. If you're not interested in paying the price then you clearly didn't care that much about it anyway.

Call it the anti-virtue signaling law. It should be the mainstay of every new constitution when this shitshow ends.

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Why would one of the most respected Native American in the country do this to us?

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Pocahontas Warren done lost her damn mind!

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What an obscenely fascist thing to do.

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The federal government is out of control and needs to be reigned in.

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She is an absolute disgrace. After her fake Indian routine she should be the last person to be criticizing others for alleged misinformation.

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These books are well written and researched. No one ever tries to censor lies, only truth.

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And as a constituent of hers, I wrote her that I was disappointed that she would want to censor someone as I thought she believes in free speech. And if she took the time to read them, she might learn something.

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This is just all kinds of wrong. I already have the books, but I'm going to go write my reviews and find creative ways to contact Amazon in Alex's defense. Moreover, in the defense of ALL US citizens' fundamental rights.

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All these 60’s hippies (live and let live) have grown up to be worse than the authority they rebelled against.

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Good Lord isn't that the truth.

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Anyayell - GREAT observation.

Also: for being so all-fired against "the war" in the 60's, they're sure in love with 'em now that they have stock in defense companies and desire a new batch of democrat voters.

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I just bought them all. I broke my 10-year boycott of Amazon but it's worth it. Thank you for all you do.

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Wow. 10 years!?! I didn't know they've been around that long. I just quit Prime. You are good! I'm going to buy them too.

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Amazon responded to Warren today saying they believe their customers have the right to read differing views. I'm sure that's only because of the money they're making from books like yours Alex. Thank God they're greedy!

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Did they really? I hope they hold to that.

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Can you share a link?

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I just ordered a hard copy and emailed Senator Warren's office. If anyone else would like to email her: https://www.warren.senate.gov/contact/shareyouropinion

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Sen Warren,

You are an embarrassment to your state. Please resign immediately. And have someone show you how to operate a beer bottle. The technicalities thereof can be such a bear. But seriously, stop embarrassing yourself and the state and resign. Immediately.


Dr. Gudel

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But, if it weren't for the beer stunt, my family wouldn't be having so much fun at her expense! A beer is not consumed in our household without uttering the words "Hold on a sec, I'm gonna get me a beer"

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Very true!! Her actions are needed for provided sorely-needed humor, so maybe she should stay on the public stage as an example of what NOT to vote for?

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I live in MA. Will definitely reach out to express my dissatisfaction with her censorship. All the booklets are excellent, especially the vaccine version. Thanks Alex for all you do. Can't wait to read your book.

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She’s not allowed to do that …. The government can’t silence speech… that’s insane

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The government colluding with a private corporation to silence speech is fascism. By definition.

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But the Good Senator should know that right? And where are all those Dem supporters who thought she was the second coming now?

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The US government including Biden's White House, congress, etc. have all admitted to working with various social platforms to eliminate speech they believe we shouldn't have the right to use. The more gov folks reveal themselves, the stronger each and every A1 lawsuit will become. I don't see how the feds can squirm away with our liberties and get away.

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They don't silence it they get their apparatchiks to silence speech. Lets see if the Republican Senators really do something about this

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Ooooh. Now YOUR comment has the word "apparatchiks" in it. Who was it, Guttermouth(?), that did that a few messages ago? I forget but it was a good one!

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You're gonna make me look that up. I'm a little green 😆 to such terminology, but I think these days we might call her Karen?

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I am tempted to say he stole it from me.🤣 I have been using that term for decades-- started most recently in Glenn Greenwald's comment section with an exchange with a Russian woman that I love to exchange comments. Apparatchik is a perfect word for all these hall monitor types! I feel it conveys a smugness that hall monitor doesn't capture. Smug moral know- it- alls🙄 I hated them in high school and hate them now.

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I agree, but must admit I had to look it up! Y'all be smarder den I be ! :)

Good golly but I hope Alex wipes the floor with these goofball aparatchickiepoopoos. Well. I tried to use it correctly but it just comes out wrong when I do it!

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lol! 🤣. I like your use!!

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They won't.

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It is insane but it is happening every day. The government is actively working with big tech, mainstream media, and corporations to silence all opposition to their narratives and policies. We are totally losing our freedom of speech.

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We're losing *all* our freedoms.

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Elizabeth Warren & her ilk are the ones peddling misinformation & lies. The failure of the medical community to provide proper therapeutics, under pressure from big pharma controlled regulatory agencies and the various whores in government has led to tens of thousands of preventable deaths. These people are despicable, lying sociopaths.

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