The vaccine shuts off your immune system and there can be no doubt that that is its purpose given how well it does it.

www.tritorch.com/aid [image]

The health agencies have all of the Pfizer adverse event and fatality data and know that the vaccine does this, so when they get on TV and push it on you as a cure for COVID-19, they are lying directly into your face with a twinkle in their eye:

"Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick."-Walensky April 2021

www.tritorch.com/Walensky [video 1min]

Guess you just forgot about the many thousands of severe adverse events and deaths from vaccine the trial data leading up to Feb 2021, eh Walensky?

www.tritorch.com/ae1 [image]

www.tritorch.com/ae2 [image]

Here is a ton more evidence on this fraud:


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More horrible info about the vaccine batches that the CDC and FDA have, and yet have been deliberately ignoring for a year at least:


Everyone should read that. tri has verified the numbers with the VAERS database and SQL server himself. The fact that the health agencies all have this data and yet are still pushing the vaccine should chill you to the bone...

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An excellent breakdown of the VAERS info, I hope Alex reads it. Question, did you try leaving a comment on that post and if so was the page really slow, where you'd type a few characters and have to wait for it to catch up? I don't have that problem anywhere else so it's not my device

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

You are not alone.... I have never had that problem before (very SLOW, and also had reply just "disappear" without touching any keys ! ? Once I am finally able to SLOWLY type a reply one letter at a time, press "post" and.....it will buffer forever, have even left desk to get fresh coffee, while it continues to try to "post" ! Only time I've had any problem with this new laptop or with speed of internet here ! ?

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Yes, I have had all the above also.

Like they are reading it and deciding if they should censor the comment?😂Hope not.🙏

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Exactly ! How else could these kinds of "co-incidents" occur. For instance, discussing an unusual topic with adult son a week ago on cell phone. When I next read my email (the next morning), there was an "unusual" email containing an ad/invitation to get information on the very "off the beaten tourist path" vacation we'd discussed .... too much "co-incidence" for me !

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Agree, Alex should check it out, I hope he does.

Regarding TBP: I don't think they paginate their comments, in addition they can contain html elements like videos which can really suck up resources - so some pages can take awhile to load which may be the problem.

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Alex ticked off Karl D. because he reprinted some of his information without permission. Alex needs to send an email to Karl, profusely apologize, and request permission, as reputable writers always do. Alex knows better.

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Can you elaborate on that? What was it that Alex re-printed w/o permission that he should have gotten permission to re-print?

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I recalled it was the vaccine batch data indicating some political slant, which Karl never said nor suggested nor wants to be associated with.

Nevertheless, Alex should have sought permission before before he reprinted.

It’s never too late to apologize and ask for forgiveness.

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But Alex posted attributions, right?

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The page loading wasn't an issue just typing in a post. It was like as if something was suckinh up close to %100 processing capability buy only within that post window. Never experienced anything like that except when using Remote Desktop Protocol over a really bad connection

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ive experienced that too. who is karl D and what did alex post

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Gotcha, it seems to be working fine on my laptop. Maybe an errant script got caught in a loop?

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Could be. Thanks for checking and letting me know. i was hesitant to revisit the site again after that but knowing its not happening o all I'll revisit, try on another device or workstation instead of a mobile device.

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Yup---the 'Lizard' people are in full control. Evil needs to be confronted and destroyed---or slavery awaits all.

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Time to bring back The Road to Serfdom, that "old" standard from the high school and undergrad mandatory reading lists ! You know, those lists that have been purged of Orwell, Pasternak, etc. etc. ALL the prophetic classics written to WARN future generations ! (Oh, forgot, in America only 50% or less of the students graduate from high school)

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Oh, forgot, in America only 50% or less of the students graduate from high school)


Given modern school curriculum, that is likely a blessing in disguise

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Could be, I agree, but, so far, even with the twisted curriculum emphasis, it has not proved to be much of a blessing. Has bred an entire generation with no knowledge of significant events through out history, nor any clue as to what the U.S. constitution contains that would pertain to them, or, even how it came into being. We all all but abandoned completely testing on the basics of the constitution as a requirement for graduation, and have fully embraced the practice of "pass", "fail" as a grading "scale" in order to avoid the stigma of a graduated scale that may show some students to have achieved at a high level in a particular course. We have also abandoned all laws that require attendance at 12 years of free public education. This was a long, hard fought, battle in our country. Children typically worked on the family farms, or were encouraged to work in the growing industries as young as 12, and forsake formal education. Things changed greatly when ALL children were REQUIRED to attend school, and our level of literacy, our electorate, everything changed so drastically. Now that has all slowly eroded due to the lack of interest in education and especially for the "run of the mill" inner city and rural youth. Go figure ? ? It has succeeded in crating a generation which does not have any idea how to even research the background of an election candidate, let alone have any interest in voting.

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

F. A. Hayek.

Austrian economics.


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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

Hayek absolutely, strange, I was not an economics major, and that was required too as a part of the liberal arts education before one began the final years of the actual major. Isn't it strange how reading once required for a "well rounded" education has changed SO MUCH.. and no one even noticed ! Hummmm ?

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

I HAVE to add another comment, just can't hold back. I find it interesting that once the works of Hayek, Socrates and so many others were considered a top priority in a high school education. The justification was; not everyone would go on to university. In my parent's day, it was thought that the majority would go on to work in farming or trades. THEREFORE, it was the highest priority that they be exposed to these works while in high school as that was usually the end of their formal education. THEN, we went down a gradual path of believing "peasants" don't NEED to know such things. The elites began "re-working", and even eliminating, the required reading lists for elementary and high schools. Parents nodded in agreement, ONLY the professionals were really capable to making the right choices for the children of the peasants. Farmers, laborers, truckers, roofers and plumbers don't need such an education (ancient Greece thought ? Should only the elite class have such an education ? HOW STRANGE the United States would take up this way of thinking ! But, no one seemed to notice, or care, and of COURSE high school students, busy with their I Phones, celebrated the end of those BIG THICK BOOKS ! (actually, Animal Farm is quite small and "thin", aimed at allowing even the "peasants" to understand socialism/communism and warn them ! Seems odd to assume if you WORK for a living, you don't need such "intellectual" knowledge. HOW could understanding Machiavelli help a carpenter, or an auto mechanic ? Hummm ? Might make them suspicious of just how people can be manipulated without having a clue they ARE being manipulated ? We call people who have read such works, who have classical educations....."conspiracy nut cases" because, it is dangerous to have the knowledge to DISCERN !

I HAVE to add another comment, just can't hold back. I find it interesting that once many of these works we've mentioned on here (such as Hayek, Orwell and many others in other disciplines) were once considered an important part of a high school education. The justification for this was: not everyone would go on to university. In my parent's day, it was thought that the majority would go on to work in agriculture (they lived in the heart of family farms), or go into trades, or work in local manufacturing. THEREFORE, the parents and local school boards logically concluded high school was the only opportunity to expose students to these vital works, it was the highest priority. that they be exposed to such works. THEN, we went on a gradual path of thinking "peasants don't NEED to know such things", and the school boards became the "elites " who knew best what future truckers, farmers, plumbers and assembly line workers "needed to know", so the parents completely abandoned running for school board positions, and the boards, now the "elite" of the community, began "re-working" and even completely eliminating the required reading lists for public elementary and high schools... and... parents nodded in agreement. They stopped attending PTA, Mother's Club (no mothers could attend, all working) at schools, and were too tired to attend school board meetings in the evenings ! After all, ONLY professionals are really qualified to decide what other people's children need to know. Labors, truckers, roofers, plumbers, etc do not need to study Hayek, Socrates, or Machiavelli. HOW STRANGE we suddenly found they are much more in need to understanding "gender identity" than history, in order to be better labors, mechanics, farmers and roofers ! But no one seems to notice or even ASK the question: HOW did you come to the decision that a future farmer is more in need of understanding gender identity than understanding Machiavelli ? Maybe because an understanding of Machiavelli could prohibit them from swallowing every ridiculous plot proposed by the government bureaucrats and career politicians ?? Odd to think if you WORK for a living, you don't need such "intellectual" knowledge... HUmmmmmm ?

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Imagine, in Germany they are planning a mandatory RNA vaccination for all adults

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Well, they (Germany) have an established history of Mass Psychosis, allowing a evil person to rise to power and become a tyrant as they (Germans) willing go along.

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Germans have something in their DNA that allows them to be easily manipulated. Can't explain it.

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It's a very creepy attribute in a people who are also very incredibly efficient.

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I live in Germany and can endorse your comment. They are and it seems always have been subject to the state. The media - most of which belong to the sate and deal out all the necessary progaganda.

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My stomach is turning.

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bad, believe me we have around 19 million unvaccinated people who still refuse to get the vaccine and we faced another lockdown since november, where we could do nothing more but work and go to essential shops ,eveything else was only available for the compliant, still we fight.

germany is less of a hive mind as you think.

don't think you know us

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Good, Marie. Wish I could like, but you know. It doesn’t always work here.

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They know. The ones that are aware. It is not about “ feelings “ for them, it is about facts. Just so happens they are rule followers also. Unabashed.

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I very much agree that what's been done is hard to forgive, but that was all by design. They want us at each other's throats.

One thing you need to realize, is that the forces we are up against cannot be overcome if they keep succeeding at dividing and conquering us.

United we will stand. Divided we will fall.

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

So obviously designed to get EVERYONE suspicious and "at each other's throats", by now an 8th grader should be able to pick up on that. Who ALL is involved, how far does it go around the world, etc. is.... "unknowable" ? Psychologically, even when truths emerge eventually (vaccination does not work, simple food handler masks do little to protect, children risk irreversible harm to psyche, speech, education, ability to recognize and read facial "cues" as an indicator of emotions of others, etc., and the many other unintended CONSEQUENCES (are not even considered when the "plan" is developed). Things such as irreparable splits in the family structure.... are never going to be 100% reversed, our culture, built around "family" units, has been successfully damaged. Many will never forgive, some will never again speak to members of the nucleus family, or even to friends. "They" certainly succeeded, most American's bought right into it "hook, line, and sinker" (as the old fishing phrase goes), and never even realized there was a deeper objective (planting suspicion, hate, and division". It was quite a success for "them"; whoever "them" turns out to be. Also, some will never return to the places of worship they once attended, rather church, mosque, synagogue, or other, it WORKED, attendance was further eroded, another one of the 8 major steps to total control.

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Except what they couldn’t foresee is that there will always be a certain small percentage who will see through the lie and NOT be discouraged, but who will decide to do the serious work of talking to everyone and telling them as much as they are willing to hear and who will not give up reaching out, taking action, and trying to foil this cabal. This may seem like ineffective activity but I bet it will be more potent than a much greater quantity of evil. Evil is sterile.

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You can say that again, and again, and AGAIN. How many will never actually realize what have been put over on them ? How many will harbor ill will to friends and family members who failed to "swallow" it all without checking out the actual studies, checking out the drug "tests" for proper protocols and LENGTH of study, check out the actual "control groups used, etc, of course NO ONE does that, most don't even know how or where to begin other than reading something on Twitter or FB, so they will forever "help" the "cause" by refusing to repair divisions. WHY is it so very difficult to say, "I was mistaken", "I was wrong on that point", etc. ? ? It's like their own personal self-worth rests solely on NEVER making a mis-judgment or mistake !

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“We “ will not fall with the willfully ignorant and the complicit!

Including us in the fall is also part of the plan. We will NOT be included.

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I think it is more sinister than we ever thought. My husband and I talked about the forgiveness aspect of it all and those that have chastised or vaguely shamed us for the last couple of years. The even implied feeling that a "we told you so" cue was on the tip of their tongues. I am not sure I can't forgive because I have been for forgiven so many times for my human failures. Christ gave the ultimate forgiveness. I trust him. Yes, I will fight these bastards with what I have to fight with, and I would forgive those closest to me for all their squandering of good sense. No, I will not forgive those who are following the likes of Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and others into the abyss. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and link.

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No forgiveness on this. They all have been complicit

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I understand your rage and believe me I am angered as well. I’m a sinner amongst sinners but I must say that we should remember Christ forgave even those who nailed him on the cross. Please don’t take my comments as judgement, I just know Christ found a way to love even those that we unloved. Peace.

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Many of us have faced (some) family members and friends who believed the lie that the 'un-vaxed' were the new 'unclean' with all the ugly ramifications. Sad and hard to forgive. But your post does point to our responsibility to consider forgiveness in our hearts, as it is not our burden to carry but theirs.

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If a sinner repents, then, you for give them for your sake.

They are still to suffer the punishment for their crime.

If I fool you into eating poisoned food that kills you I am guilty of murder.

If I am party to it, but did not serve it I am guilty of murder.

We are living in God's Judgment of pagan nations that forsook His Law.

We, in the US, threw God out of our general government in 1787 with the current Constitution. The several states ratified it in 1789 and soon purged Him from their constitutions.

70,000,000, and adding near 3500 a day, preborn babies murdered in the womb since '73

Murders are not executed.

Rapist are not executed.

Sodomites are not executed.

Illegal wars of aggression and conquest that in nowise fit a Biblical justification.

Psalm 94:20

"Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?"

We are accountable to God for our "leaders" and cannot say the gub'mt told us to.

Jeremiah 5:31

"The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?"

God told Jeremiah:

Jeremiah 7:16

"Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee."

Do you wonder how so many are blindly following the charade?

Isaiah 66:4

"I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not."

Please read 2 Thessalonians chapter 2

Over 300 times we are told in scripture to "fear not".

Isaiah 57:1

"The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come."

Know to Whom you belong.

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Give it a rest

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Right. We have varying religious beliefs though. Perhaps not so much politically.

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We live in a world were truth has to take a back seat to peoples feelings. Policy is now based on feelings, not hard truths. It Doesn’t take a conspiracy theorist to realize where this will lead. Hint, it’s ain’t good.

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

EXACTLY, emotionally laden language, once reserved for only occasional isolated events, has now become even the speech of choice, in print, media, "reporting", and even for instructors in the classroom. It's astonishing really, how even classroom teachers are no longer monitored for "emotional speech" when referring to controversial topics, like CRT and many others. But, at one time future teachers were monitored closely and reminded, to "cleanse" all emotionally laden language from their teaching vocabularies. In other words, a teacher could certainly present topics such as evolution, same sex marriage, climate change, etc. but were NOT allowed to pepper the lesson with emotional language. An instructor could present to a group of elementary children the idea that there is much disagree about the cause of changes in our weather and climate", and then give a list of the major opinions on the subject. But they "used" to be prohibited from giving "emotional cues" to children ! University student teachers supervisors, principals, school board members, and even parents monitored this closely. A teacher could NOT say " there are many different opinions about what causes temperate changes, why some foolish people even believe burning dirty fuels like coal, wood, and other natural fuels, are destroying our world." Such classroom speech could easily leave a 9, 10 year old child vaguely stressed and confused. At 9 he was actually enjoying the camp outs and wood fires with his cub scout troop, he would not have realized how sinful such practices actually were. Adults NEVER understand what children think about, late a night, before falling to sleep, even if they never mention it to their parents, it's a very covert way to PLANT the subtle ideas and preferences of the teacher, into children. Just using judgmental words like "dirty", and "foolish" are HEARD loud and clear by children; but most people watching a lesson being taught in person would never even notice. If a child says to the teacher, "my mom is mad at my dad for drinking too much beer", one teacher might say, "yes, adults have arguments sometimes just like kids do". Or, a teacher who wishes to impose their own standards or opinions may say, "oh, that's too bad, I'm so sorry to hear that, we ALL KNOW beer is a really bad thing don't we ?". It's so seemingly "innocent", but oh so PREVALENT in classrooms in our country. A kindergarten student, all excited that his dad went deer hunting and got a really large one, might find himself, or herself, on the receiving end of a lecture on the teacher's PERSONAL emotions about hunting, guns, killing animals, or even his or her personal dislike of venison ! The teacher "could" say, "oh, that is exciting" ( a non biased, non committal, reply), or could say, "that's really sad isn't it, that adults do such awful things like that to animals". At that point, the young excited child, so proud of dad, not to mention the extra meat the family now has, never even thought of such a "good" thing as actually a "bad" thing, until the God like figure of the teacher told him so. And all the while, the innocent child, thought his father a "hero" of sorts, and thinking now the family also has a good supply of deer sausage, venison steaks, etc. The example here of hunting and or guns is not the point of my comment, it could be any subject, the point is how parents think nothing of turning over their children more hours a day than they see those children themselves, and never checking to see if in the education process is being presented in a factual manner, or, if the emotionally laden language of the teacher's preferences and opinions are what is actually being taught ! At one time schools were designated as a LOCAL responsible in the Constitution ON PURPOSE... but, people have abandoned that purpose as well as THEIR RESPONSIBILITY for OVER SIGHT in this area ! How many are even interested in WHO is hired, as long as they have a place to drop off their most valuable possessions each day ?

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Walensky gets her Covid Vaccine Info from CNN. aka Covid News Network.

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That's just her playing dumb to try to refocus the blame elsewhere.

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She's very convincing ...LOL

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Yes, she's excellent at playing dumb. Maybe it's not an act...

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It's fake Mom. All the world is a stage, really. Or at the very least, everything you see on national television is.

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I tell my kids that tv is fake and they roll their eyes. Hard to get through to my 20ish year old kids.

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Roger Stone “ Washington is Hollywood for ugly people “.

So much uglier in the last year that is for sure.

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The Truman Show with Jim Carey

That is where the Bollywood Elites with their “ forever president “ got the idea. Or vice versa.

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My nickname for her is Dr. Deer-in-the-headlights.

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I don’t think she’s playing dum...

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She's doesn't have to play dumb.

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We can now refer to the CDC-----as the Center for Democrat Control

And...........Anyone that thinks about voting for a Democrat in November........

Consider this............ Once the Democrats do not have to worry about elections...........

.........A new "variant" might surface again...Which they may attempt to use to gain power/control and close everything down AGAIN!!

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Might? They can hardly force themselves to hold back.

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She doesn't seem to be a scientist, and Fauci's scientist credentials seem out of date as well, as they just seem to be more political animals than anything. Interesting both were involved heavily with HIV, and we know how Fauci seemingly tried to scare and then kill everyone...

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If you watch the Tucker Carlson interview with Scott Atlas on Fox Nation, he made some very interesting observations about the apparent low intellect and lack of knowledge with these people. Just lifelong bureaucrats with science degrees but people who have been in govt positions for decades rather than working with patients.

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I read his book. He did a great job of painting a picture of these bureaucrats with little to no real scientific knowledge, and a total lack of knowing anything about the data. They never even bothered to look at the data, and if they brought up a study, it was one of the studies that had been cherry picked and completely debunked.

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I've probably said this before but my husband knows a scientist that contracts with the government and has worked with Birx and Fauci, he had nothing good to say about fauci but when I read Atlas's book I was reminded of what he said about Birx; she was so dumb she wouldn't even be able to keep a tomato plant alive. I think he was right!

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and Mike Pence would only listen to Birx. Pence is weak I hope he never runs for president.

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He will run. I don't know who he thinks will vote for him. Trump supporters won't.

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Hopefully Trump won’t run again either. We need DeSantis.

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It's not a lack of intellect, that's a lie. I began asking liberals questions about the facts underlying their positions - you've seen it on Carlson, too. When they dodge the answers about the facts, that's not stupidity, that means their lying. They are prevaricating. Stop imagining they are stupid, that is stupid on your part. They are smart, and willing to lie without remorse or regret.

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John L,

You are absolutely right.

It is the naive or uneducated and delusional pessimists ( not pessimists ) that don’t understand sociopathic behavior.

Sociopaths have been around since the beginning of mankind. No conscious. Read about it. They know what they are doing. The Sociopath Next Door. Good book.

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Maybe not stupid, but certainly aberrated

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Yes, and AIDS was probably depop too. It killed a lot of people, but more significantly, it resulted in virtually everyone having "safe sex". Safe sex = a lot less babies. Yes, it was necessary to prevent the spread of AIDS, but it had a dual purpose.

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I’m Convinced AIDS was trial balloon for this. The cohort would not garner much sympathy at that time. I hate to repeat myself, but all sign point to these two events being perpetrated.

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RFK Jr says as much in his book. A super eye-opening, albeit very chilling, expose of the power players.

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Feminism is depopulating as well. One of the best. Make a woman think work is more fulfilling and she won’t marry until past 30 and definitely won’t want more than 2 children, which she might not be able to have if she can’t get married fast enough.

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022

No, AIDS did not kill a lot of people or lead to safe sex. That was a fake story told to the public. Back in the 1980s and 1990s, so-called experts claimed horrible epidemic outbreaks occurred in Africa killing millions of people over there. Some reporters on that continent searched around for a long time and couldn't find any evidence of this.

Dr Robert Willner was among the first doctors to treat AIDS patients in the US. Initially, he believed whatever NIH and CDC bureaucrats said up until they started pushing AZT as the treatment. In the mid-1990s, he publicly revealed what causes AIDS: 1) malnutrition and starvation, 2) certain drugs, 3) radiation, and 4) chemotherapy. It's not transmitted via sex.

He said while STDs and unwed pregnancies kept rising AIDS cases remained flat at something like 12,500 per year. Every country was reporting similar insignificant flat numbers. In at least the US, only certain groups received this diagnosis: gays, blacks, and Hispanics. Heterosexual whites and others would be diagnosed with something else not related. If I remember correctly, they used the PCR test to check antibodies. It returned like 99% false positives. When AZT was pushed as the treatment, he said that became the #1 cause of deaths attributed to AIDS. Diet and lifestyle changes usually meant a normal life.

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The PCR test does not check for antibodies, an antibody test does. A PCR test checks for the presence of a specific DNA or RNA sequence then doubles that molecule every cycle so for instance with a 40 cycle count the test will multiply one DNA/RNA molecule into 1.01 x10e12 molecules. Makes it very easy to find positives with that kind of amplification.

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So it was very close to the story line in The Dallas Buyers' Club.

It was a very, VERY similar playbook.


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She’s implicit in the big covid lie. She knows what she says is complete dog shit. She gets her info from her puppet masters that fatten her bank account.

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Dropping all the fear mongering instantaneously, is obviously not evidence that the whole scam was contrived..which it was!

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She is also "making bank" re: Alex's most recent article and has been for a while. She is from my state and umm (as she is fond of saying) per the interwebs, I learned that she paid over 3K (3 million) for her very large home...in 2011. So, 11 years ago (!) Now it is reportedly worth 4.5K. Not bad for a lady public health exec who umm, got it all wrong!

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David Frum Uncle Joey's mortician can you please have Uncle Joey act less like a genius and to act more like a reptile for the next 3 years!

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And the graph is through Feb 21. Not Feb 22. I can only image how many more deaths are now on that list. Horrifying.

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I know, and time goes by so fast, and deceived adults and children alike are still rolling up their sleeves for the poison.

The number of people that have been injected and will face the catastrophic consequences of that decision - either from getting coerced into doing so for their job, or who actually believed all of the lies from the start and took it willingly - is hard to even contemplate.

The world is going to look a lot different in the coming years...

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The tyrants are well aware that surges are coming with all the purposely immunocomprised that took these jabs. They are awaiting these surges so they can use it to justify more draconian restrictions permanently put in place. I can already hear them at podiums…”we tried to open life back up, but as you can see that is no longer a reality…these surges require stricter measures and everyone must take the 4th booster or it will be more suffering and death for all of us”…

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As more of the boosted continue to be infected, hospitalized and die, I'm not so sure most people will continue to be sold on the boosters. However, I could see them try to lock everything down again. I would just hope that enough people have seen through the lies by this point that they refuse to comply.

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More and more people I meet won’t take the booster.

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Mar 11, 2022·edited Mar 11, 2022

I clicked on this vid and looked up this guy's wiki bio which quoted him saying: that Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel “was kind of an epiphany in my academic career. I realized that I could actually write such books.” Well, that book has been heavily criticized, so not surprisingly scholars have found Harari's scholarship to be underwhelming. Harari strikes me as a 'prodigy' who turned into a sort of second-rate intellect. But apparently he is a tech-pessimist in a way so whether he was warning or bragging may be in the eye of the beholder.

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Perhaps 5 billion less humans different.

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Refusing to read all available information and blindly allowing government functionaries to guide your actions has its consequences.

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No. The graph is through February 2022.

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Could it be that, just as the pro-vaccine crowd is too proud to admit that they were bamboozled, the anti-vaccine crowd cannot countenance the possibility that this is planned extermination? Either way, society keeps itself from facing the truth?

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It's possible. There is clearly a depopulation agenda occurring here - you would have to be blind not to see it or...

There is just so much pressure to "not believe anything crazy" in society now that people may just be turning off their gumshoe brain cells. Which of course is by design and goes something like:


Many people I encounter are so brainwashed by media that they can't see two inches in front of their noses, and if you ever challenge them on the propaganda they find there, like Pavlov's dog they will call you a conspiracy theorist. They will then turn up their nose and walk away with a heightened sense of superiority.

The term "conspiracy theory" is remarkably adept at turning off all critical thinking like a light switch in a large portion of the people I have personally met.

Conditioning the public to react this way has to have been one of the most effective PSYOPs ever pushed onto the general population.

It is equal parts diabolic and brilliant, and it means that the elites can get away with just about anything with little to no scrutiny because everyone is too afraid to point out that the emperor has no clothes lest they be labeled a "conspiracy theorist". -JW

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It’s an old question but still relevant today for characters like Fauci: Are ye a fool or are ye a knave?

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Yes, but I think many of us don’t care about stupid labels like that at this point.

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We may care or not care, but that label stops inquiry and intelligence in its tracks. Not helpful.

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It’s diabolical.

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Hard to believe that Malone, considering his outspoken position now, could have knowingly participated in such evil. Fauci, absolutely but Malone? Change my mind.

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That like saying Otto Hahn (who discovered nuclear fission) helped create the atom bomb.

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Well he contributed to the initial mRNA research. He did not have any part in creating the vaccine. Wonder if he would have been so outspoken against the vaccine if he himself had not been injured by it.

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The mRNA technology is independent of what it is used to create in the body. Don't conflate the two.

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I’m pretty sure Malone took the jabs. He believed in them, until he didn’t.

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wouldn't he know who the conspirators are who are trying to reduce the earths population by killing people with vaccines. I'm sure he wouild be glad to share. ???

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He did, and talks about his vaccine injury here: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/how-bad-is-my-batch?s=r

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Malone developed the mRNA technology to prevent genetic cancers. It wasn’t originally intended to vaccinate against a virus.

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Gene therapy, not leaky vaccines. The invention allows the payload into the cell. He did not invent the payload.

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One wonders whether the corona virus is infecting the mrna vaccinated hosts? Or is spike protein produced by the product that is sickening and killing the people? If it is the first, an actual corona virus infection, I now wonder whether the early treatments have been tried and if those treatments are rendered ineffective due to the bio action of the mrna product?

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Thank you. I was part of a group years ago in Toronto called "Toronto Truth Seekers." around a little over 10 years ago (maybe around 2009/2010) we exposed the swine flu sick fraud. Our slogan was "The shot is the pandemic.".

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I guess Trudeau wasn't around at that time, to tell you it was "safe and effective" and "to do the right thing", and yes, why are you taking up so much space?

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Wow, this madness keeps coming around.

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Yes Jaynie, it's like George Orwell stated;

"The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous."

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OK, that's chilling. Are you saying that the vaccine researchers, inventors and promoters are intentionally trying to kill people world wide by shutting down their immune system? To what end? What are they gaining or think they are gaining by doing this? I am 69 and unvaxxed and do not trust the government about squat.

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Downright insidious that this information is not widely disseminated for the public to make informed decisions. My adult daughter has been vaxxed and boosted with Moderna and will probably keep going back every time a new scare is in the news. It makes me so sad. She can plainly see the rest of her unjabbed family is and alive and well, yet she thinks the government and cdc are looking after her, and we're wrong and they're right. Praying her next lot is not poisoned.

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Yes, it is strange and unsettling how some people - daughters, sons, spouses, siblings, friends - are susceptible to propaganda but others (like us) are not. Some people are obvious targets, easily indoctrinated into cults, others (like us) not so much. Yet this particular Covidian cult is unlike any other I've ever witnessed in my 60 years.

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Agreed. Among my friends, the ones who bought into this are mostly Democrats. They don’t think for themselves. By and large they say, “Everyone I know agrees with me” whether it’s about politics or something else. They want to be liked and seen as doing the caring thing. They see others who think for themselves as selfish. The Republicans who got the vax were on to a lot of what’s going on but they trusted the vaccine, because their doctor suggested it and they respect authority.

Then there are the people who when they smell a rat will follow through wherever it takes them, even if it means giving up on friends and comfort. The truth is important but there’s a price to pay when you really value truth.

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Not all were in on it. Especially those like Malone who have obviously taken the shot.

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just because some ideas labeled "conspiracy" theories turn out to be true doesn't suddenly mean that there are no conspiracy theories out there.

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There are plenty of conspiracy theories out there. The problem these days is they’re pretty much true. These days it’s hard to imagine anything crazier or more evil than what they already have planned, and in motion.

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Wonder if Alex or anyone else has seen this and checked it for corresponding or similar studies with similar results. In any case.. a VERY interesting read.


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100% true.

Excerpts about original source of the data, since varied by others...

Researcher Craig Paardekooper (Kingston University, London) claims US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data show vaccine batches are sequentially marked by varying toxicity.

Read here about his batch lookup site, https://howbad.info.

Paardekooper claims:

VAERS shows about 1 in 200 vaccine batches (~ 0.5%) are “highly toxic,” having a high number (1000-5000 times the baseline rate) of severe adverse reactions — including hospitalization, disability, and death — in the short term, i.e., within a few days or weeks of injection.

70% have only one short-term adverse event reported.

80% have only one or two short-term adverse events reported.

The toxic batches are distributed among all 50 US states.

You can look up VAERS data on batch toxicity at http://howbad.info, at least unless and until they change the batch numbering system to conceal toxic batches.

Ex-Pfizer VP and Chief Scientific Officer Michael Yeadon, PhD:

Dose range finding for lethal outcomes

There are 4-5 different sets of lots … in the US showing this DRF [dose range finding] effect.

Worse, there is a quiet period between each of the lethal batches, the purpose of which is clearly baseline establishment.

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Pennsylvania has these sick commercials with pediatricians urging parents to vax their kids, and claiming the vaccines are "as safe as most over-the-counter medicines." Fucking liars.

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They knew there was a huge chance that this would happen. It's called pathogenetic priming, and has been the case with all other coronavirus vaccines ever created. People are so stupid to trust the government. I hope at least many have learned their lesson.

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The percentage of covidians instantly flipped to supporting WW3 to defend the Zelensky regime is not a good sign of people waking up. It's like a death cult.

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Politics is mind control.


The normies will either wake up to this fact or they will drag us all off the cliff with them.

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"Mass Psychosis Formation" is very Fungible.

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Bingo. The cloud of anxiety just moved the object from Rona to War in three seconds flat. People trapped in the cloud will do anything to not go back to being anxious and alone - they will be warriors for whatever the group tells them is virtuous.

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And the media machine is back in full manipulation mode as they nudge the public viewpoint into believing a specific narrative that has been crafted about events in Ukraine.

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It’s all lies. Every word that comes out of this administration is total lie. All of a sudden the democrat party that wanted to try bush and Cheney for war crimes want to start ww3, and if you disagree you’re a traitor or a Putin sympathizer.WTF?? These people are beyond morally bankrupt.

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But they are very anxious and more alone than ever. Just in fashionable ways now.

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Freud's name may be mud around here, idk, but he plotted the course from neurosis to psychosis as going through (my words/terms) specific anxiety (reaction to particular events/recollections/situations) through generalised or 'floating' anxiety (your 'fungible') to psychosis (loss of relationship with the real world). Caused, as he notoriously said, by internal *repression* ie not only suppressing a conflict between actuality and response, but suppressing *the awareness itself of conflict*. You go down the rabbit hole and there's no light.

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...speaking of Wag the Dog (which my spouse and I recently re-watched), a close friend of mine who's Syrian noticed that the media "re-used" a Syrian refugee photo of children for Ukrainians. Make of that what you will.

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Exactly, I foolishly thought we were waking more people up. But then the media shifted to Ukraine, and now we're back to square one again. It's amazing, it's like the media reset there memories to forget all of the deception we went through for two years.

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We’re not back at square one. We’ve lost some people to the Ukraine narrative because they want heroes after having had none for two yearsand they were sold one in Zelensky, but we’ve also gained people because they spotted the pattern and were ready to wake up from the corona scam but never did. The Ukraine with the threat of escalation jarred them awake.

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By using the mind control device they put in the shots.

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The hysteria and mind control is remarkable. The question for people that unironically throw insults like that is traitor to what? The Zelensky regime? The Biden regime? Bipartisan war profiteers that consider Zelensky more important than the invasion at the southern border?

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Also known as Original Antigenic Sin. Not a new concept as you said, so not a surprise that we're here

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Mar 11, 2022·edited Mar 11, 2022

Last animal trial for a mRNA "vaccine" treatment pre-covid-19 was in 2012 at UTMB-Galveston. Trial halted early due to safety concerns. Over half the animals ended up in hospital equivalent distress after getting the jabs and subsequent exposure to the virus. 10% died. That was versus 1% death of the control group.

Cause was ADE, where the immune system over responds.

Every animal or human trial for an mRNA vaccine for a flu-like virus has had the exact same outcome, all halted due to safety concerns.

It seems very likely to be planned genocide.

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If you want to know the truth, follow the SARS and mRNA and spike protein patents. Patents started in 2003, as far as I've seen.

And research Dr. Baric at University of North Carolina. He is the evil doctor. Fauci is the evil politician / administrator.

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Lesson from above. Don't mess with your immune system with extremely dangerous experimental unvetted drugs.

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Simple cold going around town. Our 2 unvaxxed kids over it in a day, unvaxxed me didn't get it, 3vaxxed spouse on day 3 of sickness (and even took a covid test - negative)

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My office is split 50/50 vax/unvaxxed. The vaxxed have had issues for months--numerous colds, GI issues, aches, pains and miss more work. I never seem to catch what's going around. Haven't yet.

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The vaxxed may have compromised immune systems, but there may be another confounder: nutrition.

There are probably some unvaxxed who are just throwing caution to the wind, but most of the unvaxxed I know follow McCollough, Malone, etc. and do supplement with Vitamin D at a minimum. Many also add Vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc. Many also use something like the FLCCC protocol at the first sign of illness. I don't know anyone vaxxed who does this (though there are surely some). Most of the vaxxed consider it snake oil, and their doctors reinforce this notion.

I do think we are seeing compromised immune systems in the vaxxed but I don't think it's the whole story. Bottom line, keep doing what we are doing in maintaining a healthy immune system and don't trust the medical establishment.

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Just look around you. The fat, smoking, sickly people scooting around or loosing there breath walking from the car to wawa to load up on carbs and sugar are the ones still wearing masks, probably all double and triple jabbed. You can’t help those who won’t help themselves…

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Something else which isn't talked about much is PUFA. American diets are very high in industrial seed oils and I believe that these are damaging to one's overall health. Ray Peat, a sometimes controversial figure, has been talking about this for years.

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I think the pharma medical schools may teach seminars on how to blow off patients who try to talk about nutrition or functional medicine or any treatment or theory outside the pharma sphere. I've observed a pattern in the way practicioners have ignored or taken issue with anything that doesn't jive with their model. They throw prescriptions at you like a deciduous tree in autumn. I refused to take bio-phosphonates having read in the news about osteo-necrosis of the jaw and thigh fractures, and having heard from a friend about terrible devastating damage in her relatives, but the doctor said all my bones would crack and I'd be disabled, appalled that I didn't just agree. I told her I'd crawl around on a beach somewhere before I'd take them! This was 7 years ago. These pharma stooge medical automatons ignore nutrition as airyfairy or insignificant, something they would never ignore you were a plant or a tree or a cow. This is deeply entrenched, and now they are trying to drive alternative medicine into oblivion in CA with that bill making it criminal to disseminate information that doesn't conform with "medical consensus" It is a huge criminal cartel, and like China under Mao or Russia under Stalin, most people just conform.

BUT more people are awake to this than have been for decades!

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Nutrition IS huge. But so is mindset. I have amazing stories of recovery from all manner of disease, injury and illness with meditation and harnessing the power of the subconscious and Law of Attraction. May sound “airyfairy” but the more I have studied, the more convinced I am, nutrition and mindset are the keys to health and longevity, NOT Big Pharma poison.

It should be CRIMINAL for doctors to be able own stock in the poisons they prescribe!

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That is exactly right. That is the underlying fact here that the stats can't flush out.

Vax vs Unvax isn't the difference. It is overall health. Those that got the Vax are "health care seeking" and now they experimented with the Vax. Bad Uninformed Decision. As they say in Home Alone, "Scammed by a Kindergartener".

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Hope the spouse gets better soon. I suspect the Covid tests are being manipulated by cycling them less than 30 times. That eliminates many false positives.

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VAIDS. My vaxxed up family just came from France, with a "bad cold". All hacking and snotting and sneezing. My mom got it with the same results. My pure blood family got it, and had a bit of stuffyness for a day or 2.

These people's immune systems are destroyed.

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I can't be around the vaxxed in close quarters without suffering debilitating fatigue for 36 hours or more. I have a latent autoimmune issue that seems to get triggered whenever I am in close contact for a prolonged amount of time. There is something going on with the exosomes/spike protein and whether it's "shedding" or something else, I don't know.

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I get fatigued being around them as well but only when they keep talking about how they are protected and I am not. Some of them weigh over 350 pounds but don't suggest losing weight for their overall health. I'm overweight, too, but saying this is fat shaming.

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Get off all sugar and starchy carbs and processed food.

Low carb wholefoods only.

Weight falls off. Leaves you with a wardrobe issue is all.

Been there Mari,.done it. I used to be absolutely fk'n MASSIVE.

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weight training is also a big help. Works better than cardio IMO.

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That involves exercise, Doug.

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Mike, you made me laugh. But you also hit the “nail on the head”. People want a pill, a vaccine, anything that doesn’t require effort. And Doug is right also. Strength training is where it’s at. I love CrossFit. Eat clean and crossfit and the weight falls off.

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The weight training will boost your metabolism.

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This x's a thousand. I know so many people who have lost weight, cleared up medical issues by getting of the sugar, breads, pastas.

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022

This is the absolute truth, as I learned myself many years ago.

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depends on your metabolism. low carb does not guarantee anything. 175cm, 83kg, 6 months pure low carb + running 7km 3 times a week = 4-5kg weight loss. no sixpack.

that’s a joke. but remember, doing sports also gains you muscles.

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If you're obese and need to drop fat off fast, for say, a school reunion, Go-Kart racing or gastric band surgery, ultra low carb seems to work best. Especially if you're insulin resistant. Works for fat people. Not necessarily for thin running types, although a friend in North Britain stays pure keto and runs over mountain ranges of a weekend. Like a racing snake. Like Bruce Lee.

That said, it is grim up north.

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Do sprints instead of plodding miles. Would you rather look like an Olympic sprinter or marathoner? You need intensity and a caloric deficit to get rid of those last nagging pounds.

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Food shortages will soon take care of that problem.

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My husband shed 20 pounds in just a few months simply by cutting (most) sugar from his diet. He also feels better than he has in years. Sugar is no joke.

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I wonder, if your system can tolerate it, if zeolite would help? Like may people I have autoimmune issues, albeit mildly, and I've been on zeolite, amongst many other things, as part of a heavy metal detox (which has improved my health SO much in general - it's been really eye-opening as it had never occurred to me that heavy metal toxicity might be an issue). When I remarked to my practitioner that I wasn't experiencing any of the symptoms, being around jabbed people, that some others report, she said it may be due to the zeolite. I think because it's so good at moving things out of the system.

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Where do u get zeolite? I’m wary of all the new vitamins out there and where they come from 🥺

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Liz, how do you take the zeolite? (how much, etc.?) I am willing to try anything~~and thank you.

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Lots of options on Amazon for zeolite. And yes it is effective at detoxing.

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Liz, I went to look for some zeolite and since you have been so successful with it I would love to know in what form you took it? (perhaps a brand name?) I see that it comes in drops, powder, etc., and some reviews are good and some not-so-good~~if you could share with me your protocol I would *so* appreciate it! (desperate here!!)

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I take it as a powder. My kinesiologist says the clinoptilolite one is the best one. I take 2 tsps mixed into a glass of water every evening (as muscle-tested for me by my kinesiologist). Of course, I don't know what it would have been like for me without it, around shedding. I may have been fine anyway. So I'm just going on what my kinesiologist said about it. A friend says black seed oil is said to be good (cumin? not sure?) for vaccine shedding, and she has been told that putting a couple of drops of clove oil in your mouth every day and rubbing clove oil into your skin (by adding to coconut oil) helps your body fight off any vaccine shedding in your environment. Don't know whether it's ok to put the couple of drops in your mouth neat - might be quite strong? And apparently the homeopathic remedy 'dragon's blood' is good - never heard if it myself, but might be worth a try? I say all this as a layperson, just passing on tips that might be helpful (hopefully as sounds like you're really suffering).

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Mar 11, 2022·edited Mar 11, 2022

I certainly don't want to be critical or argumentative, and I am a big proponent of natural remedies, but I investigated applied kinesiology (a.k.a., muscle testing) and found that it has been shown to be completely unscientific and unreliable. Homeopathy as well (which some people confuse with holistic, which is not the same thing) is based on pseudo-science. Most homeopathic remedies are nothing more than sugar pills or plain water. If you want to find studies done on natural remedies, greenmedinfo.com is very helpful, although they do include some studies on homeopathic remedies, so I would explore the site with care and discernment.

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Hi Lolly, I'm not sure if your comment is addressed to both Sheree and I or one of us in particular, but here's my answer anyway. Thank you for sharing your views and findings (and sharing them courteously and kindly!), it's all grist for the mill. Ultimately of course, we all have to make up our own minds on these subjects, and for me, I have benefited so much from both kinesiology and homeopathy, as well as many other natural remedies and healing techniques, in the 30 years+ I've been using them, that I know, beyond doubt, that they work. Having said that, I find that they don't ALWAYS work. With homeopathy, whilst I'm not a practitioner myself, it seems to be very much about finding the right remedy at the right dose - when you do the results can be spectacular, including with animals. I've seen this in my own dog - after 9 days of being pretty ill with haemorrhagic gastroenteritis, within 10 mins of applying the correct remedy (where a previous one hadn't worked) she was miles better. (AND I think, much as I dislike using antibiotics, the antibiotics did also play a part in her recovery.) One of the interesting things about this example of course is that the placebo effect can't work with animals. With kinesiology, I've certainly had times when it hasn't been accurate, and I suspect it's a difficult modality to wield skillfully, and there are lots of potential pitfalls. And as with homeopathy, for some people it just doesn't suit them - I have a couple of friends for whom this is the case with one or other of these modalities. Even the current practitioner I see doesn't always get it right. But mostly she does, and since seeing her last summer, after several years of slightly below par health which I just wasn't managing to completely deal with, I haven't felt this good in many years. PS I've always found this article on homeopathy fascinating, as the author comes from a scientific background: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2010/jul/15/homeopathy-works-scientific-evidence

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Thank you, Liz!! I have been taking the black seed oil capsules and I will look into the zeolite powder~~yes, I have a really sensitive system apparently (lucky me!). I so appreciate you taking the time to write this down for me.

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Good luck!

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Difficult to isolate direct biological effects from psychological stress, giving equally real physiological symptoms, especially if there's a predisposing autoimmune situation. Either way, it does seem to be a real danger.

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VAIDS, yes. This video explains it quite well for anyone interested:


Not a good sign for the vxxd

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Sorry, but we can only have one global catastrophe at a time, and it seems to be War’s turn. Scoot along, COVID. Your 15 minutes is up.

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To return when it is time to mail out ballots for the mid terms....

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Can't waste a single drop of crisis...so leetle time...so much death to be had.

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Globalists: Blood money...is there any other kind?

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NWO Murder INC.

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It's as if, "now we return you to our regularly scheduled program," when it comes to fallen humanity.

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Covid deaths will happen. They just no longer matter. Like cancer deaths in 2020.

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What Covid still exists any more? This is my current question. The early versions seem to be gone. Perhaps Omicron is still causing problems, but it seems, more like it's just a type of yearly FLU. And lots of common colds circulating too....I know because I'm in the middle of one, the first cold I've had in many years. I'm unjabbed and I've been fine the last 2+ years through all this, but out of nowhere I got this cold. Son got it, 3 days later my husband got it, then 9 days later I got it.

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There will always be a new covid variant every few months. It will mostly hospitalize and kill the vaccinated because of antibody dependent enhancement.

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The UK chart illustrates exactly what Geert Vanden Bossche predicted at the start of this mass vaccination campaign with a non sterilizing vaccine during a pandemic. He said it would result in ever higher infection peaks with ever higher plateaus at the bottom. Maybe somebody should start listening to the people who got it right rather than the idiots who got it wrong.

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Attorney Jeff Childers from the blog Coffee & Covid has asked everyone to please do this ASAP:

(Note: The information we will share is not the misinformation they are thinking of).

The U.S. Surgeon General’s office has called for snitches to report “major sources of misinformation?” SG Murthy has now setup a helpful website where people can report or describe the misinformation and finger the misinformers. We need to help him out, pronto.

It is our patriotic duty to report misinformation by visiting www.surgeongeneral.gov/rfi and completing the form called “Request for Information.” There are a few categories of questions at the beginning that won’t apply, but not all the questions have to be completed. The good ones start at about question number 4 or so.

I filed a report this morning. In my report, I noted that Francis Collins, director of NIH, and Anthony Fauci, director of NIAID, were MAJOR sources of misinformation during the pandemic. Fauci first said masks didn’t work, then he said they did work, then we found out they didn’t work. He even misinformed people that a cut-up t-shirt would protect you from Covid, and it didn’t, not even close, what a dumb idea, but it was repeated endlessly online, confusing policymakers and literally killing grandma.

I also noted that Collins and Fauci conspired to knowingly publish false information online about the origins of the pandemic, racing against time to suppress true information and misinform people that, instead of leaking out of the coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China, the virus came from a farmer’s market a mile down the street where people were pigging out on raw bat meat or something. The two moronic docs even procured a fake letter from scientists misinforming people about the lab leak theory. It was total misinformation and sent a lot of scientists on a wild goose chase, I mean bat chase.

Finally, I pointed out that Collins and Fauci also conspired to knowingly spread false misinformation about the focused protection strategy advocated by the scientists who signed the Great Barrington Declaration. Focused protection would have ended the pandemic a year earlier, saving trillions and trillions and who knows how many lives, but because of Collins and Fauci misinforming people, only NOW have public officials realized that focused protection is the only way forward.

I’m not a hog. I’ve left LOTS of material for other people to report. For example, how about the FDA misinforming everyone about the efficacy of the vaccines? Remember 95%? How about Joe Biden misinforming people that “if you take the vaccine you won’t get the virus?” How about the CDC misinforming everyone about how if you get “fully vaccinated” then you won’t get sick, not ever, or it will be super rare, but then a lot of people DID get sick anyways? How about when the CDC misinformed everyone that the mRNA vaccines with their “Alpha” variant spike would be protected forever against any new variants and then it only took about ten minutes for that to be proven wrong?

And don’t forget to let SG Murthy know about your own local misinformers, like scientists and doctors who witlessly repeated the vast array of CDC misinformation to school boards, county commissions, and city councils, wreaking untold error and confusion. Off the top of my head, I can think of at least one local UF scientist and a major hospital CEO around here who fit that description. Murthy needs to know about these misinformers.

It will only take you a couple minutes. We need for all 100,000 C&Cers to pitch in and let the Surgeon General know about all this misinformation out there. And maybe you should forward this assignment to everyone you can think of to help Murthy find out where all this misinformation has been coming from.


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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022

People, do this!!! Turn their system back on them. Every time you see something pushing their talking points about vaccines, report it. Back it up with data.

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Excellent reply and initiative!

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I am glad you included Collins in this. He and Fauci are joined at the hip and I am afraid Collins is trying to exit stage left without being noticed.

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'scuse me-- SG Murthy? Are you kiddin' me?

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