URGENT: Cancer deaths rose in Japan in 2022 and 2023, post-mRNA Covid shots
The jump was small but statistically significant, with leukemia deaths almost 10 percent above normal. This is the clearest signal to date of a link between Covid vaccines and cancer.
Japan had about 12,000 more cancer deaths than expected in 2022 and 2023, Japanese researchers reported in a preprint today.
The increase was small in relative terms, about 2 percent more deaths than expected. But it reached statistical significance, meaning it is probably not a chance finding. It offers the strongest evidence yet that mRNA jabs may cause cancers in some people.
Further, the cancer that caused the most extra deaths was leukemia, an immune system cancer that might most directly be impacted by the mRNAs. Leukemia deaths rose 8 percent annually, over 1300 extra deaths total. On a monthly basis, the sequence is striking, with leukemia deaths clearly jumping after vaccinations began in 2021.
The researchers acknowledged they could not prove the mRNA shots had caused the increase in deaths. But they called for an “urgent” inquiry.
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The numbers from Japan are particularly important because Japan used the mRNA-based Covid vaccines almost exclusively and had high jab coverage. It also has an excellent medical system and records and a relatively healthy population, so it has fewer confounders — known or unknown variables that might bias these results.
People are more likely to die from cancer as they age, and Japan’s population is aging rapidly. So demographic researchers have to adjust for the average age of a population to fairly compare changes year by year. These researchers did so, using techniques very similar to those that Japan’s official government agencies use. They reported 7,160 extra deaths in 2022 — about 2.1 percent above the expected total — and 4,730 in 2023, 1.4 percent above expectations.
(mRNA shots, then leukemia. The chart on the right shows annual rates of leukemia deaths in Japan, adjusted for age. The chart on the left shows monthly deviations from normal - in the red bars - plotted against Japan’s vaccination cycles, the lower blue graph.)
Besides leukemia, several other types of cancers showed statistically significant increases, including prostate and oral cancers. Skin cancers rose notably in 2023 but the increase did not quite reach statistical significance.
Deaths from ovarian cancers rose even more relative to baseline than leukemia, but ovarian cancer is less common than leukemia, so the absolute rise was lower, about 900 extra deaths.
The researchers acknowledged that they did not know the vaccination status of the people who had died and so could not directly link the rise in deaths to the mRNAs.
But given how predictable cancer deaths are, and how common Covid vaccinations were in Japan in 2021 and 2022, it is very unlikely statistically that even a small increase could have occurred if vaccinated people were not the vast majority of those affected.
In their discussion, the researchers noted several potential biological routes through which the mRNAs might drive cancer. Though none has been proven, the increase in cancer fatalities — now lasting two years in one of the world’s largest developed countries — can no longer be ignored, they wrote.
“The coincidence of the timing requires an urgent and rigorous investigation, including analyses by vaccination status and clinical validation,” they wrote.
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I've commented before in regards to this particular topic. My dad passed away from AML, Acute Myeloid Leukemia on December 14th, after an 18 month battle. At least, 18 month term since day of diagnosis, no telling how long he actually had it, but unfortunately my dad was vaxxed and heavily boosted. I've always wondered since the diagnosis if the vaccines had an effect, and of course being a faithful subscriber to you and your posts and information has only strengthened what I believe contributed to his diagnosis and death. I miss him terribly. I feel for others that know this pain. There's a long line of comments I could spit out about blame and anger and justice and pardons and get political and turn bitter, but that doesn't bring him back, and ultimately he chose to get them. I just hope the market errors of the injustice and the overstepping of elites is on a path to correction. If that's messy, that's okay. So is 18 months in the trenches of cancer. Anyone who has gone through it, knows it truly takes a village and so many things are put on hold and priorities shift and sacrifices are made. I love you dad and miss you so much.
Thank you,
At some point I'd like to see Alex do a contrast and compare to the AIDS "epidemic". Didn't Fauci have his fingerprints on the "response" including some financial ties? The ground zero (as the story went) similarity was it jumped from monkeys in Africa just like the bat wet market scenario for C19. Then it spread into the gay community which inferred gay males were having sex with monkeys. Pharma introduced failed therapeutics, made a lot of money off of the government, etc... Just all too familiar.