If the science community is trying to win back the 65% of us that has lost total belief of these 'experts', they're doing a bang up job

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The irony is that real science would expose this nonsense as a quasi-religious belief system. That's why they toe-in to "clouds" as if their lives depend on it.

There's no going back once you abandon the only method by which we can seek truth and make sense of the physical world.

It'll be decades for them to regain any trust, precisely because they discarded the universal normalizer; the scientific method.

It is impossible to normalize a belief system against the method. I wouldn't wait up for them to find there way back; they no longer have the "tool box" to do so.

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It is not clear whether there are other confounding factors not taken into consideration as well. For example, a person who had a Covid infection in 2020 could have gotten a Covid jab in 2021/2 and suffered some cardiac event thereafter. How would that impact the idea that it was the original 2020 infection that is associated with the 2022/3 cardiac event?

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"How would that impact the idea that it was the original 2020 infection that is associated with the 2022/3 cardiac event?"

Ahhh...but the purpose was NOT to show vaccine harm, quite the opposite. It was too imply heart attacks are caused by Covid...so stop complaining about young people dying of heart attacks...it's just Covid

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Exactly. The medical industrial complex stopped reporting anything vaccinated vs unvaccinated once they realized it was working against their narrative. They even stopped reporting this kind of info in the UK where they had much better and more reliable data where they could easily report vaccinated vs unvaccinated.

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I would say it’s more the vaccines. I’m not vaccinated and a small group of us at work are not. However we have observed in a company of 270 the vaccinated have health issues. 4 with cancer, 2 aged 24 and 53 testicular cancer, 1 aged 62 terminal lung cancer. Her son (who works here too) skin cancer. Few with eye issues, and another with heart problems. She never had Covid until only just recently but she was vaccinated and boosted. She’s now on beta blockers and statins. So far the unvaccinated group no such things and hope it stays that way.

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I agree Ken. It would be valuable (to many of us, if not the medical establishment) if they could somehow parse out the contribution to the 4x increase in the hospitalized group from the jabs vs. the infection.

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They are just shifting the blame for the vaccines. If the people believes covid-19 increases heart attacks years after infection and everyone has been infected (many times), then if there is an spike in heart attacks (maybe because of the shitty covid shots) you can just blame covid infection, not the shots. Exactly the same as long covid.

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They have done that for many many prior injection campaigns. The normalization thru massive media indoctrination funded by Pharma. These psychopathic entities KNOW they can control the sheep who continue choosing not to use their GOD given critical thought. Follow the science they will spew....

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Luckily the men behind the curtain who have manipulated data, the FDA and knowingly killed and maimed humans would *never* influence any election to obtain or remain in power, so we’re fine. Carry on America.

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This past year, a huge long term study found proof that long term ADHD stimulant use increases cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The leading pro ADHD doctors had to publish a squirrely butt covering piece in JAMA admitting to the risk but saying it was worth it to make teacher happy (lol).

Anyway, it didn’t make one single headline! Not one, not in the news anywhere. This despite the fact that millions and millions of children take adderal and co every single day.

Moral of the story? The media and the medical establishment sincerely don’t give a #*%# about your heart health. They just want you to take their dangerous pharma products!


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A couple years ago I read ADHD nation by Alan Schwartz and it was eye-opening to me. Our oldest son was very chatty and fidgety but we refused the "suggestion" to put him on ADHD meds (not the doctor, a teacher) and instead put him in sports. Ultimately, his problems at school were directly related to him being bored in class. (He took Calculus in HS and got a 4 on the AP test and a 790 on the math SAT -- he's a smart kid.) After reading the book, I was doubly glad I'd trusted my instincts. ... My mom's godson had been on meds from a young age, and when he was taken off in high school, his grade plummeted and he started doing drugs and it took him years to turn his life around. (He's good now, but I know many more who aren't.) I wish there'd be a study about how many homeless under 40 were drugged as kids.

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Bless you for protecting your son! Yes, Schwarz’s book is fantastic. The true story of how the father figure - the Fauci - of ADHD came to denounce his own life’s work is unbelievable. And it’s unbelievable that it remains completely buried by my fellow pediatricians…

More on the book here fwiw:


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Why do so many of these travesties perpetrated on us over the past 40 years lead in a trail back to Fauci? I did not realize the ADHD drug world was connected to him too. I only knew about AIDs and COVID. What other atrocities have his fingerprints on them?

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I’m sorry, I wasn’t clear. Fauci has nothing to do with ADHD. I was equating Dr Conners, the father of ADHD, with him in the sense of being the face of the illness. Conner’s denouncing stimulants - which really happened- would be like Fauci denouncing mRNA vaccines (which would never happen, because Conner’s, unlike fauci, has integrity)

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Oh ok. Thanks for clarifying.

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And make them rich in the process. Follow the money.

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If my recall of hospitalizations is anything close to correct, there was a time when anyone who was hospitalized and thereupon was found to have covid was deemed to be hospitalized for covid. This resulted in lots of people who were in hospitals for heart attacks and strokes (and cancer and car wrecks) to be inaccurately deemed to be hospitalized for covid. People who were hospitalized for heart attacks and strokes in 2020 are at much higher risk of subsequent heart attacks and strokes, and from deaths from heart attacks and strokes. This study finding is meaningless unless it is corrected for the real cause of hospitalization in 2020.

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The paper shows if you were sick and weak to begin with (ended up in hospital with covid), you're likely still sick and weak. We don't have healthcare in the USA. We have sick care.

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This analysis is MAHAlicious to the to the Vidoids.

We literally live in an anti-intellectual age.

Its just a belief system masquerading as science. There has been no critical due diligence, dogma dominates and sceptics are pilloried. We have taken a time machine back to 17th Century thinking.

Scariest of all is the all out war on common sense.

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As the old saying goes, "figures don't lie, but liars figure."

Thank you, Alex, for teasing the truth from the data. Now, let's find out why the obfuscation.

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I see two possibilities. 1 - to cover for the fact that some of the increase is due to the harms of the jabs. 2 - could be to generate renewed interest in the jabs.

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My thoughts exactly.

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Yes we should not question the left about Covid lies, “saving democracy” lies, J6 lies, the Trump attempted assassination lies, and so on. And the lies from Harris coming fast and furious certainly should not be challenged!

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Having a bad case of flu can elevate your risk of coronary events for some time afterward. Look it up. These sorts of studies are likely meant to help justify a vaccine that doesn’t prevent the illness anyway.

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My first questions is: Did they take into account each subjects "vaccination" status and how many boosters?

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So essentially it was “hospitalizations” that killed people. This is the same message discussed in this article from 2023:

It wasn’t a diseases that lulled people, it was the protocols: from masking to ventilators and more — that’s what killed millions: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-covid-19-protocols-killed-millions

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Superb reporting. Thank you. In the government’s rush to curtail “misinformation” will there be a category titled Factually Correct but False?

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Isn't that already categorized as mal-information? Really dumb and damaging.

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Of course this study is rolled out just as the “new” vaccine is being pushed onto the population, coincidence Im sure. How have our governing agencies become this? It is nearly impossible to reassure and convince patients of the truth even when you cite the reassuring stats.

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I never would have thought this before COVID, but the first question that comes to my mind is:

What were they doing to these people in the hospitals to so greatly increase the rate of major adverse cardiovascular events later?

In other words, I'm going to assume it's iatrogenic, not COVID, unless proven otherwise.

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It is just like the Spanish flu

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