1)it's not a mild cold, 2)I can agree with not mandating IF agree that can't be around others. No different from smoking. You can kill yourself if you wish by smoking. However you don't get to smoke around others and kill/risk their live.
1)it's not a mild cold, 2)I can agree with not mandating IF agree that can't be around others. No different from smoking. You can kill yourself if you wish by smoking. However you don't get to smoke around others and kill/risk their live.
The maker of one of the main vaccines passed out information packets to their employees and their family members getting the vaccine at the company’s headquarters in Japan. On the first page, they say that for most people, Covid -19 presents as a mild cold that they recover from on their own. That’s from the drug maker. I listen to internet radio and through this often listen to THE ROCK from New Zealand. The government of this country states in a PSA broad cast on the station that “Covid-19 is often mistaken for a common cold.” For most people, it is no more than a common cold. For a few, it is worse, and for fewer still, much worse. Which, is not unlike the common cold itself. I have known people to have suffered severe long term effects from the common cold, including long term hospitalization when it “settled in his chest” in the vernacular of that time and place and another who long ago lost his sense of smell from a common cold.
Covid-19 may not BE the common cold, but for most it is no different than the common cold. As far as spreading it, getting vaccinated against against Covid is not preventing one from spreading it. There are studies indicating that the vaccinated are in fact spreading it more than the unvaccinated. Shall we, in an abundance of caution, force the vaccinated to just stay home as well?
If you believe in the efficacy of the vaccines, then you have no need to be concerned about the unvaccinated harming you nor any other vaccinated person.
Perfect. Make restaurants have seating for the Vaxed and seperate seating for the Unvaxed. That works, especially since the vaxed can transmit the disease to the unvaxed.
No. Unvaccinated aren't allowed. Just like smoking isn't allowed. The days of smoking "sections" have mostly come to end. Most restaurants aren't allowed to allow any smoking.
The difference is they haven't outlawed cigarettes or liquor or marijuana, for that matter, which can kill you and the innocent. However, they want to MANDATE something that is NOT proven to be effective. That's called TYRANNY!
1)it's not a mild cold, 2)I can agree with not mandating IF agree that can't be around others. No different from smoking. You can kill yourself if you wish by smoking. However you don't get to smoke around others and kill/risk their live.
The maker of one of the main vaccines passed out information packets to their employees and their family members getting the vaccine at the company’s headquarters in Japan. On the first page, they say that for most people, Covid -19 presents as a mild cold that they recover from on their own. That’s from the drug maker. I listen to internet radio and through this often listen to THE ROCK from New Zealand. The government of this country states in a PSA broad cast on the station that “Covid-19 is often mistaken for a common cold.” For most people, it is no more than a common cold. For a few, it is worse, and for fewer still, much worse. Which, is not unlike the common cold itself. I have known people to have suffered severe long term effects from the common cold, including long term hospitalization when it “settled in his chest” in the vernacular of that time and place and another who long ago lost his sense of smell from a common cold.
Covid-19 may not BE the common cold, but for most it is no different than the common cold. As far as spreading it, getting vaccinated against against Covid is not preventing one from spreading it. There are studies indicating that the vaccinated are in fact spreading it more than the unvaccinated. Shall we, in an abundance of caution, force the vaccinated to just stay home as well?
If you believe in the efficacy of the vaccines, then you have no need to be concerned about the unvaccinated harming you nor any other vaccinated person.
Perfect. Make restaurants have seating for the Vaxed and seperate seating for the Unvaxed. That works, especially since the vaxed can transmit the disease to the unvaxed.
No. Unvaccinated aren't allowed. Just like smoking isn't allowed. The days of smoking "sections" have mostly come to end. Most restaurants aren't allowed to allow any smoking.
The difference is they haven't outlawed cigarettes or liquor or marijuana, for that matter, which can kill you and the innocent. However, they want to MANDATE something that is NOT proven to be effective. That's called TYRANNY!