Moderna has not reported the death to a public trial registry or published results that show the death, effectively hiding it for years. What did the FDA know and did it respond? The agency won't say.
Here we are in 2025 and talking about all the same things with ZERO accountability anywhere to be seen. The most perfect "allowed" criminal enterprise ever devised. The definition of INSANITY!
That's because most of the people in power are vaccinated and many of those people supported or even participated in the criminal enterprise. The reality is that most of the people in powerful positions are older and they were scared into participating - not just getting the jab, but in supporting and even promoting absurd policies, censorship, mandates, etc. Even those that weren't actively participating used their silence to enable the nonsense because it's really difficult to remain objective once you've gotten the jab. I applaud the small percentage of people that got jabbed, didn't have adverse reactions and were still willing to speak out against it (but there aren't many in that category).
Yes yes yes we all know the ongoing reasoning. Just endless "allowed" redundancy. The bottom line is there is NO accountability for what was deliberate and intentional
PDG: With the power of the pen to do WHAT? . . . exactly. How will The Pen stop The Virus? Or did you mean that The Pen would stop the bad people via accountability with Lawfare? Let's get specific.
SAMO: With no consequences and no action taken by the "authorities" all we can do is bring attention to the crime, which is why many of us are on this stack. Hoping that RFK Jr. as head of HHS can begin to get to the bottom of this.
They can try, but a much greater percentage of the public is now on alert. We're not going to fall for it. We're not going allow public health agencies to impose lockdowns and masking. We're not taking any more "vaccinations" without fully testing them for both efficacy and safety.
Agree to a point on what you insinuate, but imagine IF another Marxist regime had been placed into the WH on Nov 5th. At least Trump would NEVER and never did mandate anything or does he support mandates leaving it all to the states. If you live in a BLUE state it's a TRUE pickle as we all witnessed
I said the NOMINATION. I'm pretty sure any Republican with a pulse could have beaten Kamala and Ron DeSantis would have trounced her and been a real change agent, instead of Trump, who the deep state loves because they were able to get over on him so easily the first term.
They got over on him in every way imaginable. Got him to shutter the entire economy, balloon the national debt, put us all under house arrest, diverted his attention from the true source of the coronavirus (and shockingly got him to put the man responsible for it in charge of the response). The federal workforce grew. Not to mention that they succeeded in sabotaging everything from his transition through to his final days in office. He's an ideologically unmoored imbecile. He's never been conservative and doesn't have conservative instincts. The best argument for him is "he's not Kamala". Well, neither is any other Republican.
I was saying Trump was able to get OVER the Deep state Nov 5th in a mandate fashion, but agree with you to a point on how he was taken advantage of in the 2016 term. OWS does NOT sit well with me still and never will and Trump NOT ever addressing the aftermath of EUA gene therapy medication injections, but it is an mega understatement to simply say he was NOT coup-mala. Let's SEE what this NEW term brings. Trump has been tempered now as well as any human could be and with two attempts on his life. Perhaps you are right on Trump NOT being the right person for this time in America, but I think he is just the person we NEED having come thru the past 4 years of DEEP state tyranny
Unfortunately they bought into the bullshit, its a sad situation. Alex mentioned the shots are of little or no use. Lets be honest it goes well beyond that, the clot shots are extremely dangerous should be banned and labeled as poison.
What person in their right mind would use their child to be part of a medical experiment? These parent are guilty of their own stupidity. Maybe that’s why people who have gotten injured can’t bring themselves to connect the dots and admit that they were wrong? This would force them to look in the mirror at themselves.
As dark as this sounds - there IS a third alternative. Perhaps she didn't want to be a mom any more. Is there a more stealth way to achieve that right now? I don't think so.
Criminals, yet there are still people out there who think these poisons should be mandatory. Keep the pressure on Alex, maybe at some point there’ll be a breakthrough.
This is pure evil. Meanwhile, we are watching news reports out of China about yet another scamdemic for sure. The real tragedy will be when the wolf actually comes, nobody will be listening because we have been trained to distrust all of our institutions. I'm so relieved to not have taken these vaccines or allowed by children to take them! Still waiting for the sudden turbo cancer cause/effect studies....
Regarding when the wolf actually comes......Trump's election was the triumph of independent media. It will be independent media that will dominate the narrative in the next pandemic. Regime media will be useful for SNL skits and the comedy circuit.
Good work. Not sure the basis of your point that scrutiny is rising but one can dream
As for the SAE, I think the fact that it was 90-10 in the trial is as big a story (yes that was known but should remind people of that as it's demanding in itself )
Kids have died from the vax and it's unbelievable that more has not been done to prove fraud from Pfizer and moderna
I am retired in my mid 70s and no longer practicing but I keep up on Covid 19 (SARS 2 ). Because of all the excellent sites on the computer we can stay ahead of the game.
I was visiting an old friend in lower New York state and his kids talked about someone they know who is in his 20s and lived through a sudden cardiac arrest. This young man had received at least two Covid 19 shots.
I calmly inform anyone who cares to listen that all these strange events we see and hear about in young people that the Covid injections must be part of the differential diagnosis. As far as I know most doctors including cardiologists are not mentioning these injections in the differential diagnosis.
I get the feeling that practitioners do not bring vaccines up in order to prevent turmoil and also to not have themselves attacked for "misinformation".
This can well occur because a new administration is coming in. I do not know if Dr. Joseph Ladapo MD in Florida is having a place in this.
It was many years after the facts where it was found that the major financial depressions and wars were planned but I think that the planning that goes into creating pandemic disasters will be uncovered sooner.
Just watched the new documentary by Jenner Furst tracking the COVID 19 pandemic. Called Thank You, Dr. Fauci - hosted by - unfortunately it's in Members Only section. But if you're a member - don't miss it. I learned some new stuff. These people did a very deep dive.
An incredible video. I'm a member and with that video you can email a free link to non-members a total of five times. If anyone knows a member, they can email a link.
TBH, I'm not sure of the overall policy. This particular video had a big box under it telling how you could send a link to someone. I think it might have been implying that you can send 5 links a month overall, not necessarily one video 5 times. Also...this announcement and ability to send a workable link doesn't seem to be under all the videos, just selected ones.
An acquaintance of my sister suddenly lost the ability to speak. The doctor(s) treating her admitted it was caused by the vaccine. This was in Mississippi. Perhaps doctors in conservative states where more people are aware of vaccine injuries will begin to tell the truth.
It is all so NORMALIZED now. Never do we see any mention of link to injections in all the DEATHS of younger people or the turbo cancers etc, but we see a TON of heavy NEW marketing for heart medications and other drugs since EUA gene therapy medication roll out!
It's being researched. My own opinion is that they are immune from anything which was clearly disclosed their EUA applications. But if anything important wasn't disclosed, or was buried and difficult for the average person to find, then the floodgates will open, and a million lawsuits will be launched.
Yes one cannot sue for having an adverse event but can be sued for fraud in their application which this post from Alex gets at and I believe in have seen some suits alleging that. Seems to me that's a productive pathway to bring the damages to light
This is not the only child death from Covid vaccine trials which is not being reported. Another one is 5-year-old Wyatt Gibson from Georgia, who died July 16 2021, ostensibly from severe Covid. His story got national coverage, as "proof" that Covid can be fatal even for young children. But the part that NO ONE ever covered is that Wayne actually died from the Covid vaccine, because his parents enrolled him in a Pfizer clinical trial for 5-11 year olds that was underway in the summer of 2021. [His mother killed herself since then over what happened]
The only way we will ever find out what really happened is when RFK Jr. takes over HHS, and Marty Makary begins running the FDA. God only knows what else they will find. My guess is that this kind of stuff is just the tip of the iceberg.
Hopeful is all we can be with this once in a lifetime assembled Trump team, but we have to IS the SWAMP for a reason. Just what watered DOWN version of accountability enforcement will we see? I mean the elf fraud Fauci is already living large on a generous "we the people" funded PENSION until he dies!
Look at what's been going on in England with the rape gangs. There's a lot of evil afoot in the world, often masquerading in fine suits with well coiffed hair.
Bravo, Alex. Most of us aren't surprised that big pharma would cover up bad news to sell a product. Now take that lens and point it straight at the safety testing (lack thereof) of the entire childhood vaccine schedule. You're in for a rude awakening.
I hope this new administration exposes these cases because we won't have much legacy media in 2025. As you all know America is struggling to get hospital supplies for some manufacturing backorder up to 30 and we are losing lives.
Similarly, while more children died in the treatment arm of the new baby RSV vaccine, the investigators conveniently find the deaths were unrelated to the vaccine. But they don’t bother to extend the trial, or repeat a trial until the deaths don’t eclipse placebo, only give us “nothing to see here, move along” time after time…
I believe he can be charged with manslaughter, treason, and genocide. He knew the risks of his actions in funding the Wuhan lab, in misinforming the public regarding treatments, and in advocating a vaccine which he knew full well was both ineffective and dangerous. Yet he persisted in lying and censorship while millions suffered and thousands upon thousands needlessly died.
As you probably know gain of function is ongoing and at a rapid pace in labs around the world. It is clear that bird flu is a big player in gain of function. This bird flu virus is H5 N1. They tinkered with this virus and many others so that vaccines could be developed.
For Californians they are again told to wear masks and some other stuff.
A few friends asked me about getting the "flu vaccine" and I told them what I was going to do.
He got away with using orphans in NYC as Guinea pigs in the 90s and early 00’s. Pumped them full of drugs including AZT and thalidomide (!) and nothing happened. See Celia Farber’s substack posts today for more. Absolute sociopath.
His NIH funding of gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab is the avenue he must be most worried about. He knowingly lied to deflect from the lab origin. I’m sorry he’s as old as he is because he should spend decades in jail. Hell will probably do just fine though.
He looks much younger than a man in his 80s should. Some secret blood transfusions or stem cells? Even if he lives to 110, he should live out his days behind concertina wire fences for what he's done.
Re. Elmo. I think every celebrity who pushed the jabs should be held liable for at least some deaths and permanent injuries. Gene Simmons, Stephen Colbert et al are NOT scientists nor physicians. They had NO business dispensing medical advice. None. And you bet there are plenty of people who got the shots due to a celebrity endorsement (or brow-beating a la Schwarzenegger). ALL these celebrities deserve swift punishment to ensure this never happens again.
If they were complicit and it can be proven that they did it KNOWINGLY, yes. But if they were just idiots who followed the herd, they can't be convicted. I'm not quite ready to toss out the Penal Code and the US Constitution over this.
Fauci and others that were involved in the creation of Covid 19 are named in a wrongful death lawsuit that is currently making its way through the courts. It's a slow process, but has so far successfully survived motions to dismiss. Plaintiffs are family members of people that died of Covid. Prayers that it will ultimately be successful in stripping these evil people of their wealth and serve as a deterrent for future like behavior.
Every muppet who was injured by the vaccine has a cause of action against Elmo. He was obviously knowing complicit in the scam. As far as I know, the Sesame Street Court has jurisdiction over this matter. I'm counting on President Trump to appoint Rocco as Special Prosecutor and begin an investigation.
Thank you for taking your time and attention to all of this. I pray the people in govt and these companies are held accountable soon and that, as I assume they do, the dots connected to the silencing of you and others is proven. One step closer to accountability. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
I’m afraid their credibility needs to be rebuilt from below whale-waste depths for the public to buy anything they claim. Huge vacuum in the trusted-source department right now.
Here we are in 2025 and talking about all the same things with ZERO accountability anywhere to be seen. The most perfect "allowed" criminal enterprise ever devised. The definition of INSANITY!
That's because most of the people in power are vaccinated and many of those people supported or even participated in the criminal enterprise. The reality is that most of the people in powerful positions are older and they were scared into participating - not just getting the jab, but in supporting and even promoting absurd policies, censorship, mandates, etc. Even those that weren't actively participating used their silence to enable the nonsense because it's really difficult to remain objective once you've gotten the jab. I applaud the small percentage of people that got jabbed, didn't have adverse reactions and were still willing to speak out against it (but there aren't many in that category).
Yes yes yes we all know the ongoing reasoning. Just endless "allowed" redundancy. The bottom line is there is NO accountability for what was deliberate and intentional
Exactly. It's an outrage what these fuckers get away with.
Bingo. They're all complicit except DeSantis.
Never again.
Actually, when there are zero consequences for criminal behavior, the criminals always repeat the crime.
Which they are doing right now with bird flu - except - bird flu much more dangerous. And I believe it is happening now. So - who is stopping them?
Alex. With the power of the pen. Sadly, that will not be enough. Bobby has a daunting task.
PDG: With the power of the pen to do WHAT? . . . exactly. How will The Pen stop The Virus? Or did you mean that The Pen would stop the bad people via accountability with Lawfare? Let's get specific.
SAMO: With no consequences and no action taken by the "authorities" all we can do is bring attention to the crime, which is why many of us are on this stack. Hoping that RFK Jr. as head of HHS can begin to get to the bottom of this.
They can try, but a much greater percentage of the public is now on alert. We're not going to fall for it. We're not going allow public health agencies to impose lockdowns and masking. We're not taking any more "vaccinations" without fully testing them for both efficacy and safety.
Let's do that again; NEVER FORGET AND NEVER AGAIN!
LOLOL, Danno!...:]
Reason number 511 that I did not support the nomination of Donald Trump.
Agree to a point on what you insinuate, but imagine IF another Marxist regime had been placed into the WH on Nov 5th. At least Trump would NEVER and never did mandate anything or does he support mandates leaving it all to the states. If you live in a BLUE state it's a TRUE pickle as we all witnessed
I said the NOMINATION. I'm pretty sure any Republican with a pulse could have beaten Kamala and Ron DeSantis would have trounced her and been a real change agent, instead of Trump, who the deep state loves because they were able to get over on him so easily the first term.
Those loser Republicans like McCain and Romney are no better than Democrats.
Kind of like the DEEP state got over Trump on Nov 5th right? Coup-mala was indeed a flawed choice to place against Trump though for sure!
They got over on him in every way imaginable. Got him to shutter the entire economy, balloon the national debt, put us all under house arrest, diverted his attention from the true source of the coronavirus (and shockingly got him to put the man responsible for it in charge of the response). The federal workforce grew. Not to mention that they succeeded in sabotaging everything from his transition through to his final days in office. He's an ideologically unmoored imbecile. He's never been conservative and doesn't have conservative instincts. The best argument for him is "he's not Kamala". Well, neither is any other Republican.
I was saying Trump was able to get OVER the Deep state Nov 5th in a mandate fashion, but agree with you to a point on how he was taken advantage of in the 2016 term. OWS does NOT sit well with me still and never will and Trump NOT ever addressing the aftermath of EUA gene therapy medication injections, but it is an mega understatement to simply say he was NOT coup-mala. Let's SEE what this NEW term brings. Trump has been tempered now as well as any human could be and with two attempts on his life. Perhaps you are right on Trump NOT being the right person for this time in America, but I think he is just the person we NEED having come thru the past 4 years of DEEP state tyranny
What kind of person enrolls their infant in a trial?
Unfortunately they bought into the bullshit, its a sad situation. Alex mentioned the shots are of little or no use. Lets be honest it goes well beyond that, the clot shots are extremely dangerous should be banned and labeled as poison.
Completely agree. That phrase caught my eye as well "shots are of little to no use" - how about dangerous and harmful on a massive scale.
A person who completely trusts:
1. The government
2. The "science"
3. The elites
What I want to know is do they know better now to hold Moderna accountable for their child’s death or is the cognitive dissonance blinding them.
What person in their right mind would use their child to be part of a medical experiment? These parent are guilty of their own stupidity. Maybe that’s why people who have gotten injured can’t bring themselves to connect the dots and admit that they were wrong? This would force them to look in the mirror at themselves.
As dark as this sounds - there IS a third alternative. Perhaps she didn't want to be a mom any more. Is there a more stealth way to achieve that right now? I don't think so.
I have to agree. No one seems to remember there are side effects, including death, in any big pharma drug. To put a child at risk is sickening.
I know someone who enrolled her toddler
Only a total stooge true believer would even consider this.
Well, 8+2.7=10K did. But what kind of parent doesn't scream out in public when their child dies of that?!
A parent who is promised millions to be quiet.
Criminals, yet there are still people out there who think these poisons should be mandatory. Keep the pressure on Alex, maybe at some point there’ll be a breakthrough.
This is pure evil. Meanwhile, we are watching news reports out of China about yet another scamdemic for sure. The real tragedy will be when the wolf actually comes, nobody will be listening because we have been trained to distrust all of our institutions. I'm so relieved to not have taken these vaccines or allowed by children to take them! Still waiting for the sudden turbo cancer cause/effect studies....
Regarding when the wolf actually comes......Trump's election was the triumph of independent media. It will be independent media that will dominate the narrative in the next pandemic. Regime media will be useful for SNL skits and the comedy circuit.
I hope you're right. The regime media doesn't deserve an audience.
Good work. Not sure the basis of your point that scrutiny is rising but one can dream
As for the SAE, I think the fact that it was 90-10 in the trial is as big a story (yes that was known but should remind people of that as it's demanding in itself )
Kids have died from the vax and it's unbelievable that more has not been done to prove fraud from Pfizer and moderna
I am retired in my mid 70s and no longer practicing but I keep up on Covid 19 (SARS 2 ). Because of all the excellent sites on the computer we can stay ahead of the game.
I was visiting an old friend in lower New York state and his kids talked about someone they know who is in his 20s and lived through a sudden cardiac arrest. This young man had received at least two Covid 19 shots.
I calmly inform anyone who cares to listen that all these strange events we see and hear about in young people that the Covid injections must be part of the differential diagnosis. As far as I know most doctors including cardiologists are not mentioning these injections in the differential diagnosis.
I get the feeling that practitioners do not bring vaccines up in order to prevent turmoil and also to not have themselves attacked for "misinformation".
The authoritarian gaslighting regime will soon be out of power, and truth will emerge from the shadows.
This can well occur because a new administration is coming in. I do not know if Dr. Joseph Ladapo MD in Florida is having a place in this.
It was many years after the facts where it was found that the major financial depressions and wars were planned but I think that the planning that goes into creating pandemic disasters will be uncovered sooner.
The only docs I personally know who speak against them … are retired.
Just watched the new documentary by Jenner Furst tracking the COVID 19 pandemic. Called Thank You, Dr. Fauci - hosted by - unfortunately it's in Members Only section. But if you're a member - don't miss it. I learned some new stuff. These people did a very deep dive.
An incredible video. I'm a member and with that video you can email a free link to non-members a total of five times. If anyone knows a member, they can email a link.
Are you sure? I think you can "gift" members-only content one time per article/video, but you have 5 "gift" links per month. Did I read that wrong?
TBH, I'm not sure of the overall policy. This particular video had a big box under it telling how you could send a link to someone. I think it might have been implying that you can send 5 links a month overall, not necessarily one video 5 times. Also...this announcement and ability to send a workable link doesn't seem to be under all the videos, just selected ones.
An acquaintance of my sister suddenly lost the ability to speak. The doctor(s) treating her admitted it was caused by the vaccine. This was in Mississippi. Perhaps doctors in conservative states where more people are aware of vaccine injuries will begin to tell the truth.
It is all so NORMALIZED now. Never do we see any mention of link to injections in all the DEATHS of younger people or the turbo cancers etc, but we see a TON of heavy NEW marketing for heart medications and other drugs since EUA gene therapy medication roll out!
It's being researched. My own opinion is that they are immune from anything which was clearly disclosed their EUA applications. But if anything important wasn't disclosed, or was buried and difficult for the average person to find, then the floodgates will open, and a million lawsuits will be launched.
Yes one cannot sue for having an adverse event but can be sued for fraud in their application which this post from Alex gets at and I believe in have seen some suits alleging that. Seems to me that's a productive pathway to bring the damages to light
This is not the only child death from Covid vaccine trials which is not being reported. Another one is 5-year-old Wyatt Gibson from Georgia, who died July 16 2021, ostensibly from severe Covid. His story got national coverage, as "proof" that Covid can be fatal even for young children. But the part that NO ONE ever covered is that Wayne actually died from the Covid vaccine, because his parents enrolled him in a Pfizer clinical trial for 5-11 year olds that was underway in the summer of 2021. [His mother killed herself since then over what happened]
Oh my word…
The only way we will ever find out what really happened is when RFK Jr. takes over HHS, and Marty Makary begins running the FDA. God only knows what else they will find. My guess is that this kind of stuff is just the tip of the iceberg.
I trust RFK, Jr. I only hope he has the authority to reform FDA and recommend the criminals for investigation, arrest, trials, and punishment.
Hopeful is all we can be with this once in a lifetime assembled Trump team, but we have to IS the SWAMP for a reason. Just what watered DOWN version of accountability enforcement will we see? I mean the elf fraud Fauci is already living large on a generous "we the people" funded PENSION until he dies!
And then his descendants will still enjoy proceeds from the patent rights to various drugs that were researched and approved during his tenure.
More likely than NOT with how the swamp is "allowed" to operate
Jerrys -
And don’t forget Dr. Jay Bhattacharya at NIH!
The big thing I worry about is all the data they may totally destroy so that we'll never learn about it.
One thing that COVID taught us is that our elected officials and our unelected administrative state do not care about our children and their lives.
I'm telling ya, they really don't mind killing any of us.
Once you see this reality, it’s impossible to unsee it, even when a small nagging voice inside you says:
“How can this be what I think? It sounds so crazy!”
And then you answer yourself: “I’m just no longer a “normie” & so be it.”
Look at what's been going on in England with the rape gangs. There's a lot of evil afoot in the world, often masquerading in fine suits with well coiffed hair.
Bravo, Alex. Most of us aren't surprised that big pharma would cover up bad news to sell a product. Now take that lens and point it straight at the safety testing (lack thereof) of the entire childhood vaccine schedule. You're in for a rude awakening.
The book Turtles All The Way Down says a lot about what you are mentioning.
Criminal . FDA also, This fraud means courts can remove liability protection. Bring in the lawyers!
I hope this new administration exposes these cases because we won't have much legacy media in 2025. As you all know America is struggling to get hospital supplies for some manufacturing backorder up to 30 and we are losing lives.
Similarly, while more children died in the treatment arm of the new baby RSV vaccine, the investigators conveniently find the deaths were unrelated to the vaccine. But they don’t bother to extend the trial, or repeat a trial until the deaths don’t eclipse placebo, only give us “nothing to see here, move along” time after time…
Can Fauci be charged with negligence?
I fear this is the tip of the iceberg--and RFKJr hasn't even been officially nominated, never mind confirmed.
I can honestly say that Fauci is the only person I truly hate.
PS Can anyone sue Elmo?
I believe he can be charged with manslaughter, treason, and genocide. He knew the risks of his actions in funding the Wuhan lab, in misinforming the public regarding treatments, and in advocating a vaccine which he knew full well was both ineffective and dangerous. Yet he persisted in lying and censorship while millions suffered and thousands upon thousands needlessly died.
As you probably know gain of function is ongoing and at a rapid pace in labs around the world. It is clear that bird flu is a big player in gain of function. This bird flu virus is H5 N1. They tinkered with this virus and many others so that vaccines could be developed.
For Californians they are again told to wear masks and some other stuff.
A few friends asked me about getting the "flu vaccine" and I told them what I was going to do.
He got away with using orphans in NYC as Guinea pigs in the 90s and early 00’s. Pumped them full of drugs including AZT and thalidomide (!) and nothing happened. See Celia Farber’s substack posts today for more. Absolute sociopath.
His NIH funding of gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab is the avenue he must be most worried about. He knowingly lied to deflect from the lab origin. I’m sorry he’s as old as he is because he should spend decades in jail. Hell will probably do just fine though.
He looks much younger than a man in his 80s should. Some secret blood transfusions or stem cells? Even if he lives to 110, he should live out his days behind concertina wire fences for what he's done.
Re. Elmo. I think every celebrity who pushed the jabs should be held liable for at least some deaths and permanent injuries. Gene Simmons, Stephen Colbert et al are NOT scientists nor physicians. They had NO business dispensing medical advice. None. And you bet there are plenty of people who got the shots due to a celebrity endorsement (or brow-beating a la Schwarzenegger). ALL these celebrities deserve swift punishment to ensure this never happens again.
If they were complicit and it can be proven that they did it KNOWINGLY, yes. But if they were just idiots who followed the herd, they can't be convicted. I'm not quite ready to toss out the Penal Code and the US Constitution over this.
Fauci and others that were involved in the creation of Covid 19 are named in a wrongful death lawsuit that is currently making its way through the courts. It's a slow process, but has so far successfully survived motions to dismiss. Plaintiffs are family members of people that died of Covid. Prayers that it will ultimately be successful in stripping these evil people of their wealth and serve as a deterrent for future like behavior.
Every muppet who was injured by the vaccine has a cause of action against Elmo. He was obviously knowing complicit in the scam. As far as I know, the Sesame Street Court has jurisdiction over this matter. I'm counting on President Trump to appoint Rocco as Special Prosecutor and begin an investigation.
This is completely disgusting. I’m not surprised, but I’m getting pissed off waiting for someone to get their comeuppance.
Thank you for taking your time and attention to all of this. I pray the people in govt and these companies are held accountable soon and that, as I assume they do, the dots connected to the silencing of you and others is proven. One step closer to accountability. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
I’m afraid their credibility needs to be rebuilt from below whale-waste depths for the public to buy anything they claim. Huge vacuum in the trusted-source department right now.