
The Baffling will continue.

Don't ever forget:

"For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm"

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How a sitting President was ALLOWED to get away saying that is so telling. Never have they mentioned the slightest "oh sorry...totally wrong about that"

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The president ⁉️, what about all the folks in the national health chain that closed their ears, their minds to any other ideas?

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Agree totally! Was just responding to Ryan's mention of the puppet on national TV telling US non injected we are a THREAT during the PLANdemic. Sounds familiar doesn't it the way they use that word around at a certain man currently who took a bullet for we the people

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🤨 me thinks I’d rather say "he DODGED a bullet for America;" there are those out there who wish’d he HAD taken a bullet (right between his eyes), eh?

As for being a member of the unvax’d, I’d already had the chai-nah plague at least once before we heard about the miracle from {???}.

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They hate you. Never forget that.

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how can i forget? i died that winter. oh right, i didn't. i never went near a hospital so whatever overwhelming i did i had to do it remotely. i did get covid the following summer from a double vaxxed and boosted friend who was feeling bad and asked to use my sauna on a friday.

monday i woke up with a bad headache, body aches and a low grade fever. i took some IVM and went to bed. on tuesday, my boyfriend brought home a rapid antigen covid test which showed that i had it. by wednesday, i was perfectly fine but my boyfriend was sick. his lasted 3 days.

hardly worth shredding the constitution over. or losing my job of 40 years.

i still see people wearing masks!

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Yes, I still see people wearing masks too! There’s a physician couple at church who virtue signal by wearing these flimsy cloth surgical masks - it’s absurd.

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No Covid questions allowed, either side. But since Harris is critical of the ‘mess’ Trump left them, she should be answering these questions of mandates and marginalization

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And still, people are getting booster shots. Last week a bunch of my writer friends all patted each other on the back because they either just got their combo COVID/FLU shot or had an appointment to get it. My mom is 79 and I convinced her not to get the vaccine at all. She has smoked every day of her life since she was 19. And she's healthier than most of her relatives over 65 -- all of whom had multiple jabs AND all came down with COVID after the vaccine. It makes me truly sad because they really believe that the vaccine gave them a "mild" case of COVID and they would be dead without the vaccine. Complete and total brainwashing. (FWIW, they are all in California and think Gavin Newsome did a great job with the lockdowns and saved lives.)

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My company is pushing the combo shot with a "free vaccination at lunchtime" event next week. My 60ish boss (endlessly boosted, suffers from Bell's Palsy and Lyme disease) will no doubt ask me if I'm going, and if not, why not. Propaganda works.

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I know of no one who is getting the boosters including my once gung-ho in-laws

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Leading the sheep to slaughter!

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Call me cynical, but I'd say it's a feature, not a bug. They have to find a way to kill off older people in order for the Medicare and Social Security systems to collapse more slowly. They specifically targeted the oldest populations for the jabs. Did they know for sure it would kill people? Or did they just hope it would? Or was it a pleasant surprise?

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Its killing off a swath of very healthy young people as well or has

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Yeah, Lebron James' son had a cardiac event, and I can't imagine anybody on the planet with a better combination of good genes + health conscious parents.


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2 hrs ago·edited 1 hr ago

YES DT! So many similar stories across the world of young healthy people. All the obits for the most part say the same and NEVER mention injection status

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I have thought about that quite a bit over the past couple of years.

Carrousel - from Logan's Run

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I thought the same thing at the start of this plandemic.

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Still so happy I never succumbed to the pressure. Still so upset my college aged kids had to get them to stay at their school. I hope the human body can eventually clear this crap completely from their systems.

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Wonder how long until this article gets 'retracted' for some reason or another.

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It's worth repeating that my spouse and I are unvaccinated, senior citizen, fitness fanatics. Within our limited social circle, it's impossible to detail all the people we know first hand who have been touched tragically by the Covid Scamdemic. If you're jabbed, you've been had in the cruelest fashion. Thoughts and prayers.🙏

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Same here David, and we worked hard and diligently to help persuade at least 4 other couples not to succumb. We were successful! None of these friends have had heart attacks, cancer or other nefarious things happen to them. We feel so thankful that they thought well enough of us to think hard about the jab.

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Unfortunately we could not convince our only daughter who is dying of breast cancer. My two sons, mother, sister, brother - all jab free, all still here. No heart attacks, no sudden cancers.

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You need to inquire with fellow Substack author Steve Kirsch about the Covid vaccine dangers. He has been researching and reporting worldwide (awful) results. stk@skirsch.com

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Sooner or later these vile poisons will be pulled from the market and there will be hell to pay. The pharma rodents and politicians and "public health experts" pushing them relentlessly will scurry for cover and don their most cunning disguises in the attempt to prove that "we didn't know enough", that they were not culpable for murder, life-long injuries, and ruining lives materially and physically.

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I believe that you already knew this a few years ago here in Israel and America. 6 months after these mRNA shots were going into arms.

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That was my thought, too; if not specifically, there was a general heightened risk of all-cause mortality

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Yet, no discussion. The UN and WEF and most governments have tried to increase death rates and lower birthrates for years. Success!!! All of these criminals should be prosecuted.

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So glad you are still following this. I can only hope that with a change in administrations this Fall that there will perhaps be a renewed emphasis on researching any adverse effects associated with the mRna vaccines before we wholeheartedly embrace them as cures for future diseases.

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Love how the florida AG said no more. And did u see ohio state medical university isnt offering to their employees?? A huge hospital that mandated during the plandemic

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Spot on Alex! Keep it coming!

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I wonder how long this effect lasts if it tails off. Alas without any long term study that will be difficult to discover.

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That's my question. Are we at heightened risk forever if we had 2-3 doses in 2021? Or were these victims recently vaccinated. I wish the article and/or researchers would include this information. I was one of the sheep.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

So this was scary fascinating, and a long TIME concern I've held which so few discuss. A few days ago over on the CHD site was an article about a newly developed Mpox FDA approved injection which MENTIONS it will cause death in the injected, and those they come in CONTACT with as in SHEDDING. I've not seen much if any mention in any past approved injection that openly "put's it out there like that" and still wonder how many people who chose NOT to take the mRNA injections were in fact injected thru shedding in some way. How many people across the world who THINK they are purebloods are not in reality? Just a concern I've held for a lonnng time. Feedback would be appreciated! How many people (non injected) are having intimate relationships or have with those who took the mRNA injections is another long time concern

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"Press X to doubt"


The MRNA "vaccine" can't even live in a hospital fridge for a month.

I'm not worried about being around the vaxxed - at least any more than I worry about being around fools in general. IDK about monkeypox, but I also doubt they are trying to kill Africans, and gays, and gay Africans - unless they are making a bunch of $$, then all bets are off.

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Meanwhile, in other safe and effective vaccine news... https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1836436411613909078.html

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