This article is actually fear porn and continuing the psyop against us. None of us would have ever known Covid existed had the media not encouraged the fear porn. If it was that easy to release a deadly virus into the general population, the overpopulation crowd would have done it by now. I totally agree this type of research should be banned, but this reminds me of Alex getting mad at the "sudden death" crowd. We are missing the point now. Who cares where the virus came? It was how "they" handled everything after the virus made it into the general population where we need to hold them truly accountable.

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What’s been going on for decades in the Ukraine biolabs makes Wuhan look like child’s play.

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This should be the headline in the NYT and WSJ.

Maybe Substack is replacing them.

I still can not believe that Fauci can say he never “ strongly “ spread the idea that these were natural mutations when we see video after video of him saying precisely that!

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16

And, if the media and politicians are this selfish and inflexible and dishonest and unaccountable over this, multiply it by the millions of other things our Federal government has its filthy fingers in.

We need to return to the smaller, decentralized, government our founders bequeathed us. Unfortunately, though, we didn't deserve it and pissed it away.

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Maybe we’ll have another “leak” just in time for the 2024 election.

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Nothing leaked. The US deep state released it. China played along because they needed Trump out of office, just as did the deep state.

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Good article. However, there are so many problems with the MRNA and all the adverse events that we should not be trusting even remotely in putting out vaccines to solve our lab-leak fiascos. Unless, of course, the goal of such vaccines is to make more lucre for Pharma and to cull the weak from society.

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We the people don’t have any control whatsoever over government policy and whether scientists experiment with biology or nuclear devices. Our elected and appointed officials do, and the last few years have shown that elected and appointed officials act on behalf of corporate special interests, NOT on behalf of us. Just for clarity. Otherwise good article Alex.

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True evil. They are intentionally designing a virus to target everyone who doesn't vote for demoRats, socialists and communists. This will only affect people with functioning brains so the leftists around the world won't be affected.

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The "Vaccines" drove the mutations. Biology/Virology/epidemiology 101: Never "vaccinate" into a pandemic. PERIOD. Once a virus is circulating, it is too late. (Not saying this is exactly what happened with this Sars Cov 2 "pandemic." Not even saying it was a virus. Maybe manufactured exosomes? Clones? Regardless, the same rule applies.)

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You are absolutely spot on Alex. It needs to be outlawed if for no other reason than we don't have the ability to control the output of gain-of-function research. We have a vivid example of this reality just behind us.

Both political parties and substantial portions of the USG bureaucracy are part and parcel with or beholden to the military-industrial complex. This includes public health. Yes, scientists are being paid, but it is oh so much bigger than that... bio-weapon development is at the center of all these activities. Your correct that the nonsense about helping be prepared to fight the next unknown virus is nothing but cover. Most vaccines are eventually out-maneuvered by the virus they are intended to address. The mRNA platform which was thought to be the end-all for solving this problem is anything but and is and remains a dangerous and ineffectual technology. Those who pushed it on billions of people just can't quit it for fear of being seen for the tyrants they are.

I'm not sure what it is going to take to get powerful people to do the right thing.

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Kennedy for President!

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16

The REAL question is just when will people (Alex in this case) stop asking WHY. Its been so overtly obvious for so long now. A rapist will rape until IT is not allowed too. It's never remotely been close to being rocket science. It's all just "allowed" to continue. Just sayin. ZERO accountability is hands down the greatest existential crisis we face. There IS none!

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The NYT should create a "Walter Duranty Award" for its leading Agitprop reporter. I nominate Mandavilli as the first recipient.

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Rand Paul lays out much of this in his book Deception. RFK too. It's coming.

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Most likely will be in time to insure universal mail in voting!

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