Welt, a major German newspaper, just ran an interview with Andreas Schofbeck, a board member for a Bavarian insurer called BKK Provita.
By itself, BKK Provita has 120,000 members. But it is a much larger consortium of so-called BKK insurers that are affiliated with German companies and collectively have 10.9 million members.
Here’s how Schofbeck described the claims in the BKK database, according to one of the reporters who interviewed him:
The “PEI numbers” are the official German data; the Paul Ehrlich Institute is the German agency that regulates vaccines and medicines.
The WSJ just had an article on life insurers seeing an increase in deaths. They're going with the narrative it's all related to people not getting the medical care they would otherwise get due to the pandemic.
The signal will be buried no matter how bad it looks.
They won't be able to keep it buried forever. If delayed medical care was the sole reason for the increase in deaths, it should fade away as people are now seeing their doctors and receiving treatment. When that increase in deaths over baseline continues this year, and the next, and the next...we'll know the jab was responsible.
Alex, Off-topic I know, but you've made just such a big deal out of it....
Steve Kirsch ran a Substack article about the very study you wrote about, "proving" that Ivermectin was useless for covid. Many medical professionals, including Dr. Pierre Kory, read the study results, and came to the opposite conclusion.
As did many of your Substack subscribers, as shown in their comments.
IVM was given too late, by itself not embedded in a multiphasic multitreatment protocol as we have known is the standard for over a year as per Peter McCullough published study among many others, and in a study that was underpowered and whose title and conclusions didn't match the data in the tables. You don't confirm a null hypothesis, only disconfirm. That is an important point that keeps getting lost in journalism covering science.
When you think about it, when almost ANY disease gets really bad; think cancer, heart disease, whatever, that disease is often untreatable with drugs that if taken earlier would have helped. It isn't just with Covid that this phenomenon exists.
For example, if caught and treated early, prostate cancer has quite a high survival rate. However, if it has spread to other organs when first detected, there isn't much that can be done.
Same with heart disease. If you catch hardening of the arteries, restricted heart flow because of heavy plaque buildup, etc BEFORE they get extreme there are very simple treatments short of open heart surgery. Treatments like stents, meds, diet, exercise, stopping smoking, etc.
BUT if those symptoms are NOT detected early, the result can be the "widow maker" MI.
Right but the non-IVM control group hit the primary endpoint quicker (O2 sat) before they keeled over dead. So they at least had that going for them. /sarc
Yes. The poor studies generally gave doses to late, and or way to strong a dose, and or did not include ZINC. There are over 50 positive studies, AND millions of real world studies. India, Uttar Pradesh ( pop 240 million) using contact tracing to administer Ivermectin, Zinc, and Vitamin C went from over 20 percent positive to .01 percent positive, followed by ZERO PERCENT POSITIVE. They killed the virus. The RO dropped so low it dissapeared, done, gone, a non issue. Indonesia, Japan, numerous African nations, etc, all benefitted tremendously from these prophylactic treatments that would have easily stopped all the vaccines.
I agree. All the numerous, on the ground reports, from the around the globe showed Ivermectin along with zinc and antibiotics, worked, to significantly reduce the severity of symptoms and deaths, in all age groups, primarily if given early enough in the evolution of the infection. However, there were also enough examples of cases of advanced infection where this treatment saved lives. There is no doubt this therapeutic works and whenever they get around to doing large double blind studies, if there is a serious virus variant remaining, this will be proven to the skeptics. In the meantime, since there is no downside or harm in doing this treatment and vaccines are proven failures, it is criminal to prohibit it!
If you enroll moderately ill patients in your study, that have been ill a week already, they can literally go from moderate to severe before the first IVM dose has been digested.
It's an incredibly stupid study design to measure something as subjective as 'severe disease'
Agreed. I think the primary argument here is if there are existing safe therapeutic treatments that have been used and shown to be successful to whatever degree and they do no harm including not inhibiting the use of existing approved protocols which have a very poor success rate then for God’s sake use them. This should include all the existing therapeutics such as Hydroxychloroquine and Monoclonal Antibodies. To not do so seems medically bizarre if not outright sinister.
Who asked for Alex's blessing? Not me. Not anybody that I've seen in these comments.
I can take criticism. But I'm pointing out, you're making a straw man argument. You're doing what Alex did on this topic. In his recent post on Ivermectin, he was mocking commenters who claimed the study was invalid b/c they used tablets instead of capsules, and b/c the drug wasn't taken precisely at 9am. Except, of course, nobody actually made those comments. He was being sarcastic. Sarcasm has no place in a discussion that should be based on reason. You might think I'm being nitpicky. You can think what you want, Barcode, but I'm not going to apologize for it.
His attack on Dr. Malone was just plain bad behavior. And what was his upside? How did he benefit himself or his ideas by sliming Malone? He didn't, that I can see.
If he had let it go, I would have too. But he had to double down, not just writing about how the Malaysian study showed Ivermectin ineffective, but also how people who think it is are all idiots. He may not have called us idiots with his words, but he sure did with his tone.
These comment forums are dialogues. He writes. We comment. Whether he reads our comments, I have no idea. But I and a lot of people here frame our comments as if he does. Yes, I am criticizing Alex. It's progressive criticism. He has continued to ratchet up his ivermectin invective, and I increase my criticism.
It's meant to be constructive, not hateful. I think highly of Alex. As I write elsewhere in these comments, he has done awesome work. On ivermectin (and the election), he and I do not agree. We don't have to agree. But if he's going to make it nasty, then yeah, I'm going to criticize.
A final point- in my comment, I suggested he and Dr. Kory debate their disagreement. What's negative or unreasonable about that?
All fair points. However - how does a post about German insurance deaths lead to comments about the IVM study? Comment about IVM on the relevant posts ALL day long - and I believe that those posts seem to have the most comments - I didn’t even read the comments there.
But when he posts about something else entirely, and suddenly half the comments are ‘IVM IS GREAT’ ‘SAY SORRY TO MALONE’ etc etc- it makes it hard to get to meaningful discussions about the topic posted. It’s like how paparazzi love bombarding celebrities with questions about their personal life, or some comment or controversy they made, when they’re in a completely different setting (like a charity event at a hospital, or an art exhibition). Seems very childish and indicates a complete inability to think beyond one issue.
I have found the comment section here VERY informative with some excellent links and thoughts. To see every one of those trolled with ‘but IVM’ is not about a debate on IVM but a little kid who can’t stop asking his parent to buy him a new toy - irrespective of what the parent is doing.
You also make fair points Barcode. Berenson's post was about insurance co. data, and I guess, at least in part, I hijacked it.
The ivermectin thing has been a lingering source of heated discussion. Not trying to fix blame, but Alex continues to bring it up. A couple of days ago he wrote a triumphant-sounding Substack, crowing about the Malaysian study that proved him right, and, see, all you ivermectin believers, just look at how wrong you are.
It was - what, hypocritical? - for him to do the things he's mocked others for- a lone study... act like no other studies exist... make sarcastic remarks about those (including his paid subscribers) who have challenged his views on ivermectin (yes, I plead guilty to enjoying it when he does it to the likes of Fauci)...
Then the frosting on the cake - a day or so later, not a single person, but multiple people whose expertise cannot be challenged point out that the report-writers didn't properly evaluate their own data. Their - and Alex's - conclusions were ass-backwards.
After that build-up, I don't think it's realistic to expect commenters to confine themselves to the titled topic.
To your last point about Dr. Kory and Alex debate IVM - Why? Alex is doing important work - as is Dr. Kory. Why should they spend time convincing each other about things they disagree? Isn’t it better they spend that time convincing people that decide about those things?
A thought: Alex led off with: "to the ivermectin fanatics." And then proceeded to be his usual snarky self. (Which we always enjoy when he uses it on Fauci. Can't complain about snark from Alex. Its kinda why we're here)
At that moment, I realized: "hey! I'm not an ivermectin fanatic - so he's not talking to me!" So since the shoe didn't fit, I didn't wear it - so it didn't offend me. I realized that Alex - smart as he is - didn't know about sequenced multidrug therapy. He just hasn't studied enough. He didn't even realize the significance of the 3:1 mortality benefit in the trial. Perhaps: there really is only so much time in the day, and we shouldn't expect one guy to do it all.
I realized at that moment I knew more about this stuff than he did.
Still, the attack on Dr Malone perplexes me. What was the upside? It seemed both planned, and gratuitous. He could have just stayed in his "vaccine/lockdown/mask" lane. He didn't. Do you have any ideas why?
I mean, he hasn't been on Laura Ingraham since then, has he?
Last point: I agree. A live debate with Dr Kory would be fascinating to watch.
And let’s say he falls in love with ivermectin. What then? Will the FDA say - oh now that Berenson approved it let’s approve it for COVID? you’re no different from the idiots trying to convince everyone to mask up.
Do what works for you. And let others decide for themselves. If there are people like Alex who don’t think IVM works, there are plenty who think it does. But of course we have to make sure that Alex agrees on everything we say or else he’s a moron. Totally disregarding the stellar work he has done over the past two years.
No. He needs to agree on IVM. and bow to Malone. Because we are the ones for free speech you see? So you have yo agree with everything we say. Or else you’re a moron and don’t care for the truth.
Years ago, I ran with a group of anarchists (who, during COVID are now pro-statists, but that's a whole 'nother story) who insisted they were right and basically, refused to partner/work with anyone who didn't view the world through their pretty narrow prism. This who ivermectin hissy-fit by some on this site reminds me of that. Thanks, Barcode, for addressing it. You captured my feelings since the whole post-Malone dust-up occurred. Let's figure out who the real enemy is here--the people who locked us down, who are freezing bank accounts of anyone affiliated with Canadian truckers. Stop making AB your new demon.
This whole brawl about ivermectin reminds me of the French Revolution. It became ever more extreme - that is, the extremists continually replaced the initial, more moderate leaders, which eventually culminated in the Reign of Terror, during which horror untold numbers of innocent people were guillotined. The streets of Paris ran red with blood, so much so that the water supply for the city was so polluted it was unusable.
The initial leaders of the revolution were the first to be murdered. In case I'm not being explicit enough, the ivermectin fanatics here would have Alex be first in line for the guillotine. I swear to God, I wish more people would study history - carefully!
Insanity…no one on the pro-Ivermectin side is calling for ANYONES death in stark opposition to anti-Ivermectin zealots who actually regale in dying anti-vaxxed?
Maybe their are death threat posts against Alex, but I didn’t see them…
Maybe, if enough of us comment to the developers about the trolls ruining the Comment Sections…..they'll give us a block/mute button…I've already sent my suggestion.
The problem is that with Alex so adamant about IVM he comes off as “non-choice” and someone who thinks and propagandize the supposed “dangerous” drug…and if they don’t deny others the right to try, they give ammunition to the therapeutic rejection crowd…
Your problem is that you give Alex way too much importance. What he thinks does jack squat to IVM chances. So instead of wasting your breath fighting about it - agree to disagree like adults and work with him on the things you agree on.
An interesting question. It makes me ponder: "just what is a truth-teller?" Someone who gets lucky and is very stubborn? Or someone who is perceptive enough to see the truth, regardless of what the herd says?
I like truth tellers who are able to change their minds when the facts change. If they aren't able to do so, it just makes me wonder - were they just lucky before?
You really do ask a good question: why is this IVM thing important?
Answer: is Alex a truth-teller, or was he just stubborn and lucky? I'm slowly moving towards the latter. Not where I want to be, but that's where the evidence is pointing.
And really- no one is ever right 100% of the time. Even Isaac Newton believed in Alchemy. Malone is right in some ways and wrong in others. Alex is right in some ways, wrong in others. Why do we need perfection?
Is Alex's genius - the reason we all come here - more aligned with good fortune and stubbornness? Or does it result from true insight? That's really the question I have.
And if he can see vaccines clearly, but not treatments, I really am curious as to why this is. Its not about "accept" or "don't accept."If I didn't accept, I wouldn't be here.
I'm just curious as to why. Perhaps: "some sort of bias" is a good enough explanation.
Thank you. The endless badgering to get Berenson to sound like Malone, Kory, etc, seems motivated by the desire to silence "misinformation", just as bad an idea as when FB or Twitter do it. We had our comments on his article on the Malaysian study. Why can't we stick to the topic at hand? I don't really care if Berenson thinks ivm is worthless. I know it helps and I keep it on hand for friends and family.
My opinion, he does care about the truth. Deeply cares.
He's done awesome work. But he's also human. And he's fallen victim to that all-too-human failing- he took a position and now cannot see - much less admit - he was mistaken.
Or maybe he is just hyper focused on the error of vaccines rather than ANY treatments, at least to the point that he is not going to investigate it. Time is an issue for all of us. He is doing VAX and Twitter lawsuit and that takes up his time.
He clearly cares about what his journalist buddies think about him and is influenced by their commentary and ridicule of certain things, including the election fraud issue and ivermectin.
It's hard to see you have been a victim of propaganda until you really dig and see all of the information for yourself to see that you were lied to.
I think there might be an element of embarrassment afoot. Much like those who don't report they fell for the prince in Haiti has 10,000 dollars he wants to give you and just needs your banking info to do it.
I think he does care. He is a journalist and he posted results of a study. There are many more peer reviewed studies that clearly show Ivermectin works on Covid. Please don't shoot the messenger
Unfortunately, we all suffer from it. Everyone on this board, including myself. We hope we can recognize it and mitigate against it. But we're not always successful.
I don't know why everyone psychoanalyzes this guy when he doesn't think the way they deem proper. You don't know anything at all about what's going on in his head and you'd probably hate someone claiming to know what's really going on in yours so please stop it already.
Whether or not ivermectin works, placebos work (that’s the whole reason studies are double-blind). Therefore it was always immoral, and contrary to Hippocratic oath, to deny a safe treatment that the patient believed would help cure them.
What I don't get is how invested the folks are who seem to "hate" (it is extremely emotional for them) anyone who advocates for IVM as a treatment for Covid. The drug is among the safest in the world having been prescribed billions of times to people all over the world including pregnant women.
It has virtually no side effects (just like the vaccines😂). Since millions of folks around the world are dying of or with Covid and some docs think it works to stop Covid's spread within the body what is the problem with letting them prescribe it?
I was sick with Covid in Dec 2020 and was quite ill for a month. Finally went out and bought the horse paste (the chemical composition is the same as the human pills) did the math for my weight and was completely free of symptoms in 24 hours.
There are studies and real world examples where the early use of IVM has nearly stopped Covid cold in its tracks.
I just can't figure out why there is such a visceral hatred of a drug that is harmless in 99.99% of those who take it.
Also, would LOVE to see Alex debate Cory or anyone else capable of advocating for IVM.
My bet...he won't. But I would love to be wrong about that.
Hello Mark! Can you share with me what you did step by step? I have a tube in my fridge for my wife and I just in case. I can´t get the human variety here in Spain. Thanks
My husband and I got covid in September. At the first sign of fever, even before a positive test, we started on a single squirt of horse paste each day, for him, about 1" long, for me about 3/4". (The dose is the same per pound for horse and human. He weighs 185, I weigh 130 lbs. The plunger on the tube is calibrated in pounds so it's easy.)
We took that for seven to nine days. In addition we took 5000 IU D3, C, zinc, quercetin per the Zelenko protocol.
I was fever free in 4 days, he never had very high fever. We're older - 60s.
Go to www.flccc.net for treatment protocols. Also, you can get IVM in pill form at www.dropshipmedicine.com. It is an Indian pharmacy that has lots of meds that are good to have around.
If all you want is the horse paste, a tube is for a 1250 lb horse. Do the math for your weight and take that amount.
Curious, is Generalissimo Franco still dead? Asking for a friend.
If you read Steve's entry, he says that the study makes it crystal clear that the study DOES prove Iver is effective--but the ABSTRACT tries to state the opposite. He hinted that JAMA doesn't want anyone to bother reading the entire study, which reveals the data and therefore the truth, but is simply hoping most individuals will scan the abstract and bail out after they see its stupid "key point": "The study findings do not support the use of ivermectin for patients with COVID-19."
Per Steve: "Of course, JAMA never would have published this if they thought that people would actually look at the data. You are supposed to read the abstract and believe that ivermectin has no effect."
Having led the development of a drug formulary used widely in workers’ compensation, the administration of a drug may be appropriate or not appropriate depending upon what phase of care the patient is in. Ivermectin is highly effective during early stages of Covid, not when the disease has become more acute. This is what Kirsch is referring to.
Why should he apologize? He told the truth about Malone. Malone's claim to be THE inventor of mRNA vaccines/technology was a gross exaggeration. He was a co inventor, his name isn't even first on that list of patents he likes to trot out.
Could you imagine the media hysteria if we had athletes or children dying of heart attacks and strokes in 2020 post covid like they did in the second half of 2021? It wasn't happening until the shots were forced.
It went out the window with the "my body, my choice" argument--that's good enough for abortions, but not for wanting to refuse the jabs. Essentially, "one protest is too many."
This is why Pfizer & the FDA are fighting so hard to delay the clinical trial data from being released. The trial data shows that this was going to happen., and now the real-world data is confirming their data "premonition".
Yep. Covid can have long term side effects. Even if you didn’t have it. Death is one of them. 100% guaranteed. The timeframe is as yet unknown but is estimated by IMHE to be in the range of 10-100 years with 95% CI
With Omicron and the BA2 version, everyone will get exposed, vaxxed and unvaxxed. I don’t know many people that haven’t had Covid by now. That’ll make it much easier to blame Covid instead of the vaxx.
Yesterday, another (covid-vaxxed) previously healthy 35 year old woman in my town was admitted to ICU with blood clots in her heart. Docs playing it off like it's "normal." The family has stopped buying it. Hell of a way to learn.
In New York City, three firefighters have died since early December.
The first passed in early December at 31; the oldest decedent was 53. The most recent (a day or two ago) was 33.
Even the firefighters' union is growing concerned -- THAT tells you something.
Attorney Jeff Childers, who reported the above this morning in his daily substack Coffee and Covid newsletter, closed his report with this observation:
"Apart from the factual details of what happened, I wonder if the “real” news of this story is one of these:
"(1) … people suspect the safe and effective jabs might have killed these firefighters and it wasn’t described as a conspiracy theory
"(2) … the union isn’t afraid politically to officially challenge the jab’s “safety” narrative
"(3) … the New York Daily News reported the story straight, without quoting any “experts” opining about how “safe and effective” the jabs are
"(4) … the story was assigned to staffer Thomas Tracy, who is described as the paper’s “crime reporter”
"I’m sensing a slow shift in the jab narrative, not just from this article. I haven’t put my finger on it yet."
Here's an interesting addendum to my comment above:
Today a friend told me that her cousin was coping with the loss of four friends, two of them from childhood. Two died of cancer but the cause of death isn't know for the other two.
Autopsies are required.
Without reading further (yet) try to guess why the autopsies haven't been performed.
If your answer is "There's too great a backlog", BINGO!
A friend from upstate NY reports that four of his close friends are suffering from cancer right now. (Wasn't the time to ask, but it surely makes me wonder)
Why else would they be insisting on legislation to basically give a pass to the non-Hippocratic medicine practiced during the “emergency”…if your doctor sent you home to die with no recommendations except to go to hospital when sick enough…
…should still be considered dishonorable if not criminally involved in murder
A female police officer in alameda, CA died in her car after an arrest. In her 30's. There's a guy on Twitter that was warning about this over the past year and I thought hmm, maybe he's being a little extreme. Nope.
Health insurance actuaries excel at data analysis, and Schoefbeck just directly and publicly accused Paul Ehrlich of bad reporting and the vaccines as causal. His people told him this and he checked their numbers very carefully before making these claims. Insurance companies don't ever like to lose money.
A bump? The insurance companies are talking a very major 40 percent increase in mortality in some age groups. It is a once in a what 1,000 year sigma event?
Word is two main reasons,, number two, it would have been recinded with a vote of no confidence ( possible) number two, very large withdraws from Canadian Banks!!! Who would trust theft at a tyrants whim?
Good point. But they will still argue that people who skipped appointments during 2020 are the ones who died in 2021.
I think there is SOME validity to the argument. I was actually diagnosed with melanoma in July 2020. It was very early stage and removed without incident. But that's only because I was not afraid of Covid and I went to the dermatologist as soon as I noticed it. But there are some people who were afraid to go anywhere. If I waited another six months to see the dermatologist, I might have been one of those who died last year.
So some of those deaths are probably from people not getting screenings. But that's much less likely in the 18-49 age group.
Speaking of buried, a recent Desert Sun article for the Palm Springs CA area shows that # burials DOUBLED in 2021 compared to 2019. And it's even way up over 2020, when there were no vaccines and the vulnerable cohort was (sadly) culled by Covid and Remdesivir. The burial business in the Palm Springs area is slammed and they just can't figure out why. We will be seeing more of this...
Jokingly, I said to others as these injections were rolled out, buy stock in funeral services.
I didn't do it. Like I didn't buy stock in the criminal cartel making the stuff.
I took investment advice from Jesus and bought insurance against the eternal lake of fire.
It's everywhere. Look up John O'Looney on Rumble. British funeral director. He's been on this from day one.
Saw videos from Australia too. A funeral director at a protest in Melbourne (I think). Said the death rate was so high the hospitals didn't have morgue space so had to get refrigerated containers in. 20 bodies per container. One hospital had 8 containers.
Another, a British guy, worked for an undertaker. Said since the government rolled out these injections to pregnant women, the morgues were filling up with still borns.
It's bloody obvious at this point.
Anyways, the US is on DEFCON 2 right now. I called Mrs last night to say the UK may soon be radioactive cinders. This didn't go down well and I've been instructed to return home to rural SE Asia immediately. By whatever means.
Only way is to get to the Mekong Delta at Ho Chi Minh city, navigate up the Mekong through Cambodia and Laos for extraction at Mukdahan.
This bullshit's really getting in the way of life.
Yes, I’ve been following O’Looney from the start. And reading the embalmer stories, etc. It’s all so dystopian, especially thinking of all the people I care about who have likely shortened their own lives. Will they regret how they treated unvaxxed people like me?Probably not.
The same "not Covid" increase in mortality AND MORBIDITY (still not reported on well) did not happen for over a year. It started with the vaccine roll outs in EACH AGE GROUP of the demographic getting vaccines, in conjunction with all global Adverse Event reporting systems. ( Not just VAERS)
just one a million statistics that "should" exist and the government and institutions either don't release the information, or they don't track it. Why? The answer is becoming obvious, and tragic, and very very criminal.
They do not. But many insurers are now requesting to know if you have taken the shot. Depending on the amount applied for if you have not taken the shot then you will get a Lower rating (costs more for the same amount of coverage). I assume that will change over the next year if the increased mortality reports are real. I sell life ins by the way. Logically if someone has taken the shot then in the future you would think the insurers after seeing the data will increase those ratings. I am not confident of this but just a thought. That it should reverse.
Problem is the fallout in deaths from delayed or missed medical discovery and treatments has a long, drawn out lag to it. And the mass vaccination campaign is essentially over now....until the next variant and updated vaccine anyway. We don't know how long of a potential log vaccine adverse effects might have.....yet. If we ever will.
Yes, but I don't think the deaths from the jab are over. Many people died shortly after getting the jab, but I suspect many, many others have had their hearts and/or vascular systems compromised and will likely see issues in the future. Just like you don't have a heart attack from one unhealthy meal. If damage has been done to their hearts, they may not see the ultimate effects for a few more years.
My bad not reading your post closely enough. Yes, we don't know how long we'll be seeing the effects for. And the longer they are delayed, the easier it will be for them to blame something else.
Right, and currently we're talking about deaths but all sorts of other fallout that could be vaccine related longer term that they'll do all they can to disconnect from it. Fertility, for example. Might not have destroyed your life, just your ability to create life. There are already studies out there showing increased pregnancy termination in the vaxxed vs. unvaxxed pregnant women that they've so far handwaved away as statistically insignificant when it actually isn't. It's going to be a constant fight to separate the truth from the narrative down the road.
The vaccine campaign is still operating in full force in California. I heard a new tactic today on a radio ad, something like this: "Some people worry that the vaccine causes you to get Covid. This is not true, the vaccine teaches your body to produce antibodies that fight against the virus. Safe and effective for people age 5 and above. Get your booster today".
Maybe. So far the 3rd dose (booster) has mostly been a flop. A lot of people who had "done their duty" by taking the two jab regimen balked at the thirds. Even more will balk at a fourth. And a fourth in the fall will likely be a new vaccine, that is for a different variant.
If it doesn't, and you're wrong, will you come back to say you know that the jab wasn't responsible, or will your monumental ignorance move onto the next hot topic of things you dislike but have no proof over?
Check out "They say it's rare" on Telegram. Thousands and thousands of first person accounts of death and damage regarding the Experimental Gene Threapy from Twitter accounts, many long term and previously apolitical. Go to Vestibuler.org for 948 pages of Covid vax atrocities. Many more sites springing up online everyday. Read the stuff coming in from real people and get back to us.
Delayed care is a factor, but it's disingenuous to attribute all of the difference to that. Especially when you have doctors, scientists and data analysts saying something is wrong with shots.
Oh don't get me wrong, we were also screaming about lockdown deaths due to suicide & overdose, dementia deaths due to loneliness, AND the missed medical care. Lots and lots of death to go around, and the blame for way too much of it lies at the feet of the 'leaders' due to their completely incompetent response to covid.
The shots are just the shit frosting on the hummus cupcake.
Most of the people are getting issues right after the shots, and many were those never sick with Covid, including young and healthy teens and kids, so they can't blame it on "long Covid" or lack of care for many of the vax injured.
At some point you just have to not give a shit. This has been going on for as long as I can remember. You discover something, everyone says your nuts, then later the media repeats what you told everyone months later. It’s the twilight zone.
Eventually the truth will come out, like when it's only a handful of conditions in unlikely candidates (e.g., myocarditis in young males) and the numbers are high—way higher than other numbers of conditions unrelated to the vaccines.
Heart attacks and strokes in athletes and children should have been the final straw. Instead we get articles about how that sort of thing always happened.
You're right. It should have been. My friends and I thought it was going to be, but they can't and won't let go. They're just digging their grave deeper.
I agree up to a point. The narrative will be supported by MSM for a while. However, actuaries and their various employers will eventually tip towards factual data no matter the spin. At some point, there will be a shift and I predict it will not go well for government and the corporate collaborators. Just my amateur opinion. It will be a case of following the money and when insurance claims get unbearable, this will swing violently into the light of day and the finger pointing / blame will get serious. Don't know from there but it could get ugly. Actually, it should get ugly. I hope I'm around to witness. Until then, pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.
Don't doubt or not believe the actuaries cannot be intimidated by the same perps orchestrating all of this too OR the insurance industry bought off using taxpayer monies. I would like to believe in the "amateur" opinion though :) Here is to HOPE!
I hope it all comes out as well. I believe these evil people will blame these deaths on the “virus” when in fact the vaccine was the cause of most deaths.
Off -topic, but I wanted to briefly report on the launch event for the People'sConvoy, which left this morning from Adelanto, CA and is heading east. My family and were heartened by well over a thousand people and as many vehicles, all gathered in the parking lot of an old baseball stadium. Not bad for a very cold, Wed. am. out in the High Desert. Short speeches by attorney Leah Dundas (?), Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Alexander, as well as by a pastor and a lead trucker organizer. Well organized event with a lot of positive energy. Convoy headed east shortly before Noon with the first stop in Kingman, AZ this evening. Hard to estimate the number of vehicles that left in the convoy, but definitely several hundred, with approx. 50-70 big rigs. Could easily see it collect a lot of support along the route as it travel east. A few specific notes:
Drs. Kory and Alexander (who we all greatly respect) were excellent, and were very hard hitting in their criticism of the "vaccines."
The attorney who led off the event, made explicitly clear that this convoy was not going into to DC proper and would not be involved in confrontations with authorities, etc. Essentially, it is a massive P.R. campaign, rather than a confrontational direct action. Probably a good strategy given the foreseeable overreactions by federal authorities and propaganda smear effort by the media.
Local police were actively assisting the convoy by directing traffic to allow vehicles to stay together to reach interstate. Convoy organizers stated that they were actively coordinating with law enforcement authorities throughout the country to ensure a smooth operation. Also, stated that the convoy was utilizing security and logistic experts.
Overall, a positive event and one that should give all of us a bit more optimism that the American tradition of healthy defiance to overreaching governmental authority is still alive and well. Let's hope it continues to grow.
I'm glad you posted. I'll add my own update from Canada. Trudeau CANCELLED the emergencies act (martial law) he called out last week. Rumor has it he heard it would die in our Senate so he cancelled it before it could be defeated.
I and many others prayed, wrote emails, made phone calls, went to protests and did I say prayed? I am so happy for even this victory.
There are still frozen bank accounts and people are in jail who shouldn't be in jail so there is till work to be done. Canadians, please write to MP's on behalf of the convoy leaders (esp Tamara Lich, Pat King) who are still in jail and also to ensure a prompt release of bank assets. Note: the judge who denied bail to Tamara is a pro liberal Trudeau loving woman who should have recused herself because of her bias.
Perhaps the number one reason is folk withdrawing money form the Canadian banks. I definitely would. Any sane person would. A tyrant freezing all your assets on a whim because you gave a few dollars to a peaceful workers movement he does not support was insane self goal that may well bring down Canadian financial institutions. Canadian officials also threatened any Donald Trump supporters.. These people are insane. It is very likely that the bank withdrawals are MUCH greater then reported.
And don't argue with me or voice your disagreement! If you do I will freeze your accounts, and impound your means of making a living. Having done that ONCE, would any sane person keep their funds in such an institution. And this is why cash must be maintained.
Interesting that the American media isn’t covering this at all! Found out from YOU! Thank you for this good news! Trudy is truly Blackface you know who…
As much as all of us here hate Twitter, I only know all that because I'm following some very informed people on there. No reason not to believe this info is shared by people on Parler, Gettr etc, but myself I haven't made the leap to those other platforms yet :)
The main point is govt, media, and the medical establishment are all going to try to hide it or spin it as things other than the vaccine. Truthfully. there are probably multiple things at work (people that already had Covid having delayed reactions and delayed medical care for example), but one of them is also the vaccine. We know who the liars and scumbags are. Vote the lying scumbags out of office, continue discrediting the liars in the media until everyone understands how corrupt they are, and understand you cannot trust the CDC, FDA, drug companies, NIH and socio paths like Fauci, Gates etc..
No, it’s not covid or delayed treatment or anything. Do you have access to the wsj? They have a graph in the article that clearly shows a huge increase in non-covid deaths specifically in 3q21 (4q21 is not available yet). We had all the non-vaxx factors in play before, but not such big increases in deaths. The mass vaccination drive happened over that spring and summer, so my guess is they saw it in the claims in the third quarter.
They will try their best to bury it and will be successful in the short term but they have so exposed how much of a fraud they are that they will not be able to keep this up without instituting a full on Authoritarian Police State and in the US the sates would pushback should the Feds try something like that. The Feds can take on 1 maybe 2 states but that's it and the harder the Feds try the more they are to anger other states who might otherwise not take sides. Trust is just to low in the media, institutions and government for those groups to continue to pull this off like they have in the past.
And the Feds are dependent on States funneling taxes to them so they can re-distribute so it's a give and take. Granted the Feds can print new money where as the states can't but if the states stopped funnel to the Feds all they do now they would get by without the Feds funding at least states with a free economy.
How do you figure? We have to file separate, individual taxes to the federal government. They have legal jurisdiction to collect those and the states aren’t going to stop them.
The problem is that all of our interventions have played a roll in increased excess deaths but what's going to be really hard is to tease out how many belong to which intervention. I've long suspected that one of the reasons the lockdowns and masks and isolations, etc. persisted so long in the face of the actual science that said they don't work, was to help obfuscate vaccine injury data. If the only thing that changed was the mass vaccinations, it would be obvious. Now, it's all mixed up with other variables.
That’s my whole point. All the other interventions couldn’t just start making a big impact in the fall of 2021. Why would they? There was only one mass intervention that happened over spring and summer 2021 that wasn’t there before.
Of course it will be. The govt will set up a trust fund for vaccine injuries. You will have to join a class action lawsuit, prove you were injured, get $7, and the lawyers will get all the rest. Big Pharma will be immune. It starts 2025. Watch your daytime TV commercials - "Were you injured by a covid vaccine?"
If the offer to play along is high enough and the stick is effective enough, even the insurance companies will join in on the game. I know a lot of those guys, they are like used car salesman with MBA's and nicer suits. Always looking for an offer they can't refuse.
A neighbor, an elderly woman, had very large, ugly blood clots in both her forearms last June. I saw them and asked what they were. She said her doctor had told her it's nothing, and that they were associated with Reynaud's Syndrome, which she said she has.
I know what Reynaud's is: I have it too. It's restricted circulation in the extremities. Blood clots are not part of the syndrome.
My neighbor categorically refused to consider the possibility that the covid vax shots had caused the blood clots.
Actuaries are like honey badgers - they don't give a damn - they are math folks - they are paid to really truly understand risk to the firm. It will be some of these insurance companies that will absolutely blow it all wide open (and as they should).
Yep, said as much in a response before reading this one. If this is true, these insurance companies are going to need a government bailout because they operate on thin margins and high volumes. It will be harder to hide the bailouts than the VAERS reporting.
No doubt. Its interesting, I have a loved one who well he works in Pharma and does VERY specific types of data analysis and predictive modeling. He has been keeping a close look at certain conditions (I can't say but so much due to there are few folks in the industry that does what he does) and for his diseases he is very well aware of what typical "market size" should be - it will be interesting if he sees certain changes because it will indeed tell me a lot of the hypothesis about immune impacts from these shots
(My point being in my last post) at some point you can't bury all of the data.. there are tons of organizations and roles out there that will expose all of this in time.
First, one must realize that insurance companies are "blood sucking" because they are among the highest government regulated industries in the country and world. It is all the government interference that both prevents them from keeping costs down and offering actual cost effective plan. The government are the blood suckers. Insurance companies are trying to operate on the backs of that.
Secondly, in part because the government ties their hands so much on what they can and can't offer, making it essentially impossible to differentiate from competitors outside of cost, they are perhaps the most objective data driven and dependent industry on Earth. They cannot survive by hiding or ignoring data and correlated outcomes. If their customers are injecting dangerous drugs into their bodies en masse, their business is going to be dead along with their customers. It is critical they know the truth and I've always figured if the mass vaccination campaign was truly injuring far more people than we were being told, they would be the first industry to know...... and ultimately complain.
Or they may just quietly adjust their pricing while hoping it ruins competitors not smart enough to react. Their job is not to figure out what is causing the deaths. Their function is to understand risk and price it profitably, that's it.
"Due to the unheard of and unimaginable vast damages awarded the hundreds of millions globally, who has suffered injury and death from the faulty mRNA-procedures produced and distributed by and due to fraudulent information and with the collusion of compromised governement employees from the former administration, the Federal Reserve has under instruction from the White House, the Senate and leading financal elements of Wall Street, Nasdaq and the business world in large decided that the dollar cannot be salvaged should these damages be paid out in dollars - the result would be such rampant inflation the entire world market would collapse causing even more suffering for those most vulnerable among us and quickly making the damages effectively worthless.
This administration can never let that happen! We have therefore jointly decided to turn this unmitigated disaster into an opportunity for a new better tomorrow with renewed optimism and faith in the ability for all of us to build back our society better and to take this great leap forward together. As such, any and all extant values in dollars will be converted to the new electronic currency..."
Prophecy. And possibly governments the world over will decide that they need to work together in supra-national harmony to create more idiotic laws to "protect" the little people from pharma. (In other words, to make our lives miserable somehow.)
Check out all of Ed Dowd’s long form interviews and follow him where you can. Very illuminating. Possibly our best chance at breaking thru the mass censorship.
I've been watching interviews with Edward and he confirms what I told directors in early 2020. The debt based monetary system reached its arithmetic terminus in September 2019, as indicated by Federal Reserve reverse Repo market operations, there being no further growth possible to service the debt upon which previous growth was based.
I knew they'd pull some stunt back in late 2019, but even I didn't imagine this.
But it goes deeper.
Nett Zero 2050 has nothing to do with the weather.
The Energy Returned On Energy Invested for oil reaches parity around 2050, one barrel of oil energy equivalent required to recover one barrel of oil. For reference, back in the 1950's, one barrel of oil energy equivalent was required to recover one hundred barrels of oil. This fell rapidly through the 70's and 80's, then took a more gradual decline to today, where it's at 1:3.
Just after 2050 it reaches 1:1, parity, nett zero. Nett Zero 2050.
Now, look up a chart of World oil consumption correlated with human population growth over time and you'll immediately see how dependent the human race is dependent on oil and not just for energy, for all manner of products not least plastics. Apart from a blip, it's a near perfect correlation.
Now consider these injections and the increasing all cause mortality rate reported by One America Life Insurance recently. Up 40% in 2021, four times what would be considered a 1-in-200 year catastrophic event. Similar reported by an life insurer in India. Then consider the Department of Defense DMED epidemioligy database leaked to Thomas Renz showing horrific increases in all manner of ghastly illnesses beginning in 2021.
The Peak Oil scam is brought to you by the same class of psycho assholes, that have brought you the scamdemic. Not saying their goal isn't the elimination of us "useless eaters" (the satanists term not mine). But the world has plenty of resources. Unfortunately it's all been collectivized by these same creeps. The fucking commie fascist bastards.
Saw one, a big casket and funeral services firm reporting a bumper trade for 2021. I was tempted with funeral services as a stock pick but would sooner not end up in the eternal lake of fire.
The wheels are coming off of the phony narrative. While government, public health, big media & social media can lie, the finance guys only care about the bottom line. As the bodies continue to pile up, with every major insurer reporting statistically impossible increases in deaths in Q3 & Q4 of 2021, there is nowhere for the pied pipers of vaccine induced death to hide. This massive fraud must end with the complete annihilation of the current structure of US public health, which had been hijacked by murderous sociopaths who only care about money.
They aren’t though. The media and big tech control the narrative. They will never let this out. The only way people learn is through seeing issues within their own circles of friends and family
Life insurance companies are the key. They'll ask: "are you vaccinated", they won't tell you why they ask, and your rates will change according to your answer. Right now, life insurers are keeping mum, because they want to sell off their current policy risk to the re-insurers. Once that is done, the cat will escape the bag.
I spoke for 1st time with a local person about deaths and illnesses from vaccines. Her older daughter, who I do not know, apparently has been researching these extra deaths and has told her mom it is the vaccines. None of these people, meaning this family, are vaccinated, but mom was on the fence. When I finished my soapbox she realized her daughter was not nuts. But as the black rock guy says, those that got jab will find admitting the vaccines are harmful extremely difficult as that would mean they not only were duped, but now in serious trouble and then what to do. The damage for many is done. More jabs and many will most certainly continue to die “unexpectedly”. Those that I know that got vaccinated are not sorry at all. They are holding tight to they survived when they all got sick. I do not speak of vaccines to anybody. Some have gotten sick more than once. One thing is now understood. We know how Hitler rose to power. People fold easily. They are easily duped. Awful to realize.
Very scary stuff that most people on this substack have known for quite a while now…
People didn’t want to listen to me so I focused on my immediate family. Every single vaxxed friend got Covid and the some got it really bad. Now These stories are coming out and I’m getting legitimately scared for people I love.
Ditto. We already have a 15 year old (extended) male family member that suffered a heart attack after getting his 2nd shot. Now, the parents of all the other teenage boys (vaxxed) in that branch of the family are nervous wrecks.
I'm pretty sure that most folks that took the shot will hold fast onto the propaganda that they were fed about the shots. It's the psyche's way of protecting itself. Because what would be the other option? To go about your life watching and waiting to see if you develop some sickness or disease after getting the shot?
I have not taken the shot, but I have a lot of family members and friends that have. I am not up nights worrying about them, but you can bet their health post-shot is always in the back of my mind. All I can do at this point is pray that they stay healthy.
In my experience, the only people who are even looking at the data on vax side effects are the people who haven't gotten the shots. The people who have gotten the shots just shut their minds down to any information that could fit with a different narrative.
Exactly. I don't even say anything to anybody anymore about it. I just listen to the stories I hear everywhere I go about this friend, or that family member, etc., etc. that got really sick (not from Covid) after getting one of the shots.
I think the truth will come out when insurance companies start charging higher premiums to their vaccinated customers because they’re at higher risk. That will set off an explosion. The companies are not going to lie about this. They’re just going to tell people the truth that they’re at higher risk and so cost more in claims.
I agree. They know what is driving these deaths. They may not be saying it now because they are trying to offload risk to reinsurers. But once they get rid of as many of those policies as they can, they be issuing new guidelines.
Say what you want to about them being bloodsuckers (they are), but they are VERY good at understanding RISK. If they weren't, they wouldn't be in business.
It would be interesting to know if American insurance companies are seeing similar information. I have noticed it's been a while since my health insurer has pestered me to take the shot.
I believe there's an insurance company in Indiana that first noticed a sharp--as in dramatic--rise in claims among "working-age" persons, the 20-40 age demographic. (I think Steve Kirsch wrote about it.)
Not that I like -or place much credence in - anecdotal stories, because every person is different and the degree of Covid illness can vary for every person, as well as how they react to the illness.
I am un-vaxed, and I had Covid a few months ago, a pretty bad case where my oxygen saturation went down to 89% from mid-90s. I had been taking the twice a week prophylactic dose of Ivermectin for about 2 months prior hoping to avoid contraction of the virus, or if contracted, to be able to recover quickly. I also was taking daily doses of 50 mg Zinc, Quercetin, 5000 IU daily of Vitamin D, and 1000 IU daily of Vitamin C.
Once I contracted the illness, I contacted my wonderful doctor who I found through FLCCC and who had the courage to prescribe Ivermectin for me prophylactically. I told her I had the illness and asked her for the daily Out-Patient dose, and she sent the prescription to a compounding pharmacy that she knew would fill it and send it to me by overnight delivery.
Because of a mix up at the compounding pharmacy, I didn't receive my increased dose of Ivermectin tablets until about the 5th day after I started feeling ill. Every day after I started feeling ill and until the Out-Patient dose arrived, I took increased amounts of the prophylactic dose from the tablets I had along with the same daily dose of the other pills, but that Ivermectin dose still was a lot lower dose than the Out-Patient dose I was prescribed once ill.
When I received the stepped-up daily Out-Patient dose for Ivermectin, I started taking it immediately. Within 2 days of beginning that increased dose, I began feeling better and my oxygen levels began rising to back where they were prior to becoming ill. Within a week I was back to my old self again. I continued to take the Out-Patient dose for the next six weeks in case I contracted a different Covid variant, as I did not want to be a victim of Antigenic Sin.
So all I can say is I believe the Ivermectin really worked for me. It could have been that my natural antibodies started working earlier than they were supposed to and that's why I started feeling better. But that's hard for me to believe since I was only about 7 days into the illness when I started feeling better and it usually takes over 10 days for natural antibodies to develop and work. It could have been my innate antibodies that started overcoming the virus at the same time as my Out-Patient Ivermectin arrived, but that doesn't seem to make much sense as I was getting progressively more ill for the first week after contracting the virus. The Occam's Razor rule tells me that it was the increased dose of Ivermectin that turned my illness around and stopped it in me, its the most obvious answer that makes the most sense. The lower doses I had taken helped me start to fight off the illness, but the Out-Patient dose, even though it began past the early stage of the illness, seems to have done the job. I have not contracted the virus again and I have felt fine since recovering.
Which all says to me that if Ivermectin could help me even after starting the proper dose past the point of early stage illness, it probably kicks ass on the virus when taken in the early stage.
Regrettably, there are too many angles involved in knowing what research to trust in this Covid nightmare. Are the researchers telling their government funding source what their government wants to hear so they can acquire future funding, like with what happened regarding the scientist at Scripps who changed his tune about his belief the virus was lab-generated ? Are the researchers working for a University that gets patent fees based on the volume of vaccine shots administered ? Its so complicated now to separate the wheat from the chaff in research documents, that its hard to decide who to believe. The degree of intellectual dishonesty that this pandemic has wrought is disappointing if not astounding.
While I am only one story, I don't think my history with Covid and Ivermectin is the outlier or unusual. Regardless of what some researchers decide to publish even if they biased their work on Ivermectin to produce a deleterious outcome, regardless of whether they want to reach conclusions that are not supported by their own research outcomes, I can tell you Ivermectin works, and I am alive to bore you with this story because of it.
I'm still hearing PSA's telling me to get the booster to protect "US ALL"
Honestly, there was a time when government criminals gave a shit what journalist wrote because on some level they'd be held to account. Folks those days are gone and THEY DON'T FUCKING CARE because nobody, NOBODY is going to do anything about their crimes. It's the only way you can make sense of why this has been allowed to happen and continue!
Didn’t you know, “green“ is code for really red, it’s the Red New Deal, as in RED with blood, they want people to die so the ilk of AOC and her scumbag cunty band of bitches can have more and you have less, if not even nothing because you’re dead!
Keep underestimating sociopathy, they depend on your ignorance, inattention, and abject cowardice…
To validate your comment watch Mark Dices video from today. He had a $10 bill in one hand, the other a 1 ounce gold piece worth 1800. Guess what every single person chose? I couldn't believe my f'ing eyes!
He didn't tell them the value of gold, but dam, how out of touch has Americans become?
These weren't homeless, druggie, etc. Regular folk. I'll get that link and edit.
The coddling of America....a great read. So much entitlement and apathy and personal victim identification. Pretty sick society mentally and physically speaking
Bag holders: reinsurers. The smart money knows as word is spreading fast. Class Actions suit discussions happening now. Remember, the EUA and clinical data (hide data for 75 years anyone) will be proven to be fraudulent ($2.5 Billion Dollar lawsuit filed against Pfizer by whistleblower just recently) which means the contracts are null and void. In this case, I approve the asset-stripping of Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, insurance and the reinsurers down to their underwear. Then all assets need be redistributed (exception in this case) to the injured & dead families that will pile up into yet TBD millions. Enterprise crime #1 in the world by a few billion light years.
The first suit filed (02/10/22) in Utah 10th District by the Craniofacial Foundation of Utah vs. CMS (Federal Government) for Felony crimes: bio-warfare, murder, anti-trust, collusion, racketeering; it's a civil suit that is a gateway to a Felony Class III law on the books. It was the only state with an exploit.
Surely the insurance companies are going to have to take on Big Pharma! Big Pharma is raking in billions while the insurance companies are picking up the tab.
Funny, not so funny thing is, I have seen on tv several times regularly a commercial for DVT.
They are warning people to seek immediate care if you suspect you have a blood clot in your leg. Ha, funny, only because hubbs and I watch very very little tv over all, but tv with commercials, rarely, but we have seen that commercial so many times now.
(The Center Square) – The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
OneAmerica is a $100 billion insurance company that has had its headquarters in Indianapolis since 1877. The company has approximately 2,400 employees and sells life insurance, including group life insurance to employers nationwide.
Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.
“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.
“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”
Davison was one of several business leaders who spoke during the virtual news conference on Dec. 30 that was organized by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce.
Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths, Davison said.
“What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers.”
He said at the same time, the company is seeing an “uptick” in disability claims, saying at first it was short-term disability claims, and now the increase is in long-term disability claims.
“For OneAmerica, we expect the costs of this are going to be well over $100 million, and this is our smallest business. So it’s having a huge impact on that,” he said.
That $100 million is what OneAmerica will have paid out to policyholders in group life insurance and disability claims, the company said.
Davison said the costs will be passed on to employers purchasing group life insurance policies, who will have to pay higher premiums.
The CDC weekly death counts, which reflect the information on death certificates and so have a lag of up to eight weeks or longer, show that for the week ending Nov. 6, there were far fewer deaths from COVID-19 in Indiana compared to a year ago – 195 verses 336 – but more deaths from other causes – 1,350 versus 1,319.
These deaths were for people of all ages, however, while the information referenced by Davison was for working-age people who are employees of businesses with group life insurance policies.
At the same news conference where Davison spoke, Brian Tabor, the president of the Indiana Hospital Association, said that hospitals across the state are being flooded with patients “with many different conditions,” saying “unfortunately, the average Hoosiers’ health has declined during the pandemic.”
In a follow-up call, he said he did not have a breakdown showing why so many people in the state are being hospitalized – for what conditions or ailments. But he said the extraordinarily high death rate quoted by Davison matched what hospitals in the state are seeing.
"What it confirmed for me is it bore out what we're seeing on the front end,..." he said.
The number of hospitalizations in the state is now higher than before the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced a year ago, and in fact is higher than it’s been in the past five years, Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer, said at a news conference with Gov. Eric Holcomb on Wednesday.
Just 8.9% of ICU beds are available at hospitals in the state, a low for the year, and lower than at any time during the pandemic. But the majority of ICU beds are not taken up by COVID-19 patients – just 37% are, while 54% of the ICU beds are being occupied by people with other illnesses or conditions.
The state's online dashboard shows that the moving average of daily deaths from COVID-19 is less than half of what it was a year ago. At the pandemic's peak a year ago, 125 people died on one day – on Dec. 29, 2020. In the last three months, the highest number of deaths in one day was 58, on December 13.
Scott Davison Oneamerica Company Commerce Economics Medicine
Any info or breakdown on those that died that were vaxxed versus those that died that weren't vaxxed? If you pointed this out up above, I apologize for not seeing it.
No. That's another stat that is missing. That's why when a level C spills these beans, we need follow up with the tough questions. The data is in their medical records so it's not rocket science. 40% is something a honest government that wants this entire matter rectified woulda jumped on this, but no. We have all dirt bags in DC
Well, anyone who knows how the personal insurance industry works, profits and margins are statistically calculated and finely balanced.
Throw in a mass poisoning event by government mandate - well, those statistics are going to change, profits/margins are going to be destroyed, and that finely balanced system is going to crash.
Unless the insurance companies also sell annuities. It is profitable for the insurance companies if annuitants beyond their life expectancies die. The biggest insurance companies hedge the risk of term insurance (the risk of someone dying before they think they will) against risk of annuitization (the risk of living too long). So this could bankrupt the little insurance companies but the big ones with annuity business should remain solvent.
Violent warning signal not seen in the PEI numbers sounds like the cover up there is beginning to leak. Before you know it Fauci will go on his media sites and say that he never recommended taking the vaccine.
You know where I get my National news these days? From the Toilet Cam that records people crapping, certainly more reliable and accurate shit than what the Lame Scream Propaganda Machine has been flinging at us these what, last 7 years now at least?
My question is, who are these despicable pathetic dumb fucks in the public who tell pollsters they still follow and support these pathological sociopathic liars who will tell us “Biden Great, Democrats Gods, everyone else evil and must be crushed!!!”?
Even more pathetic, who pays to advertise on such shit media sites?!
More fucking morons…
Hey, another ass sitting down on the can to update us on Biden’s next plan of action on Ukraine, beats what CBS, you know, Crappy Bullshit Stories, will spew…
That’s okay, the jab “significantly reduces” death from Covid, so no worries about the insurance data. But seriously, these deaths might be blamed on folks not keeping up with their treatments for other maladies during the Covid public health debacle, but that just means the public health policy made by our eminently fallible public health bureaucrats was waaaay off base. They went out of their way to scare the hell out of people and also make it hard in various ways to live a normally pattered life. (We have the receipts). These “leaders” don’t get out of it either way.
Hi Alex, See this translated letter from the German Insurance company CEO. The CEO estimates a gross underestimation of Covid-19 vaccine side-effects. According to their estimates, up to 3 million Germans are receiving treatment for vaccine injuries, so about 3.6% of the population or 4-5% of the vaccinated got injured in one way or another. By the way, Germany is a very similar market to the US as everyone has private health insurance. DiscloseTV has a German owner, so the information they tweet when it comes to Germany is solid. https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1496577835477180425?s=20&t=UaV-N4u7Mb_6PCj3otJ48w
Perhaps the authorities will turn against the insurance companies, saying that the companies are just looking for taxpayer reimbursement due to COVID-related deaths.
I never considered this......the health insurers are irate that they are spending so much on side effect care. Life insures could get equally as angry.....the vax is likely contributing to excess mortality in younger people and this will sting the life insurance companies. They may end up being the whistleblowers!
I am pretty certain health insurers are not irate about it. Know why? Because they will simply raise rates to cover any additional money they are putting out. We will be the ones who ultimately bear the cost. And expect life insurance premiums to go through the roof. (I suspect at a certain point they will be even higher for anyone who was jabbed. They KNOW what is driving the deaths. You can count on that.)
Life insures can raise rates, but unlike health, rates on existing clients are locked. If there is a new cause of increased mortality they simply have to eat it on existing insureds.
"...increase in severe side effects after Covid jabs". Now I understand why Germany suddenly decided to require aspiration in order to avoid accidental intravenous injections.
The main point is govt, media, and the medical establishment are all going to try to hide it or spin it as things other than the vaccine. Truthfully. there are probably multiple things at work (people that already had Covid having delayed reactions and delayed medical care for example), but one of them is also the vaccine. We know who the liars and scumbags are. Vote the lying scumbags out of office, continue discrediting the liars in the media until everyone understands how corrupt they are, and understand you cannot trust the CDC, FDA, drug companies, NIH and socio paths like Fauci, Gates etc..
Berenson you cannot say that you warned them and told them so long before the first mRNA shot went it an arm. Fauci CDC NIH Blue Checks and the elite media are all guilty and explaining to do the American people. How many doctor's scientist have committed suicide from these mRNA shots going into their patients?
The WSJ just had an article on life insurers seeing an increase in deaths. They're going with the narrative it's all related to people not getting the medical care they would otherwise get due to the pandemic.
The signal will be buried no matter how bad it looks.
They won't be able to keep it buried forever. If delayed medical care was the sole reason for the increase in deaths, it should fade away as people are now seeing their doctors and receiving treatment. When that increase in deaths over baseline continues this year, and the next, and the next...we'll know the jab was responsible.
Alex, Off-topic I know, but you've made just such a big deal out of it....
Steve Kirsch ran a Substack article about the very study you wrote about, "proving" that Ivermectin was useless for covid. Many medical professionals, including Dr. Pierre Kory, read the study results, and came to the opposite conclusion.
As did many of your Substack subscribers, as shown in their comments.
I have an idea! How about you debate Dr. Kory?!
I think it said useless for "severe Covid", so perhaps at the point it's too late for someone (injured by hospital protocol).
IVM was given too late, by itself not embedded in a multiphasic multitreatment protocol as we have known is the standard for over a year as per Peter McCullough published study among many others, and in a study that was underpowered and whose title and conclusions didn't match the data in the tables. You don't confirm a null hypothesis, only disconfirm. That is an important point that keeps getting lost in journalism covering science.
Plus half the people were vaxxed, thus had altered immune systems so the results are confounded.
That shouldn't matter.
When you think about it, when almost ANY disease gets really bad; think cancer, heart disease, whatever, that disease is often untreatable with drugs that if taken earlier would have helped. It isn't just with Covid that this phenomenon exists.
For example, if caught and treated early, prostate cancer has quite a high survival rate. However, if it has spread to other organs when first detected, there isn't much that can be done.
Same with heart disease. If you catch hardening of the arteries, restricted heart flow because of heavy plaque buildup, etc BEFORE they get extreme there are very simple treatments short of open heart surgery. Treatments like stents, meds, diet, exercise, stopping smoking, etc.
BUT if those symptoms are NOT detected early, the result can be the "widow maker" MI.
Spot on. And STILL three times as many people died who didn't get the IVM. No small matter, especially to the dead and their families.
Right but the non-IVM control group hit the primary endpoint quicker (O2 sat) before they keeled over dead. So they at least had that going for them. /sarc
Yes. The poor studies generally gave doses to late, and or way to strong a dose, and or did not include ZINC. There are over 50 positive studies, AND millions of real world studies. India, Uttar Pradesh ( pop 240 million) using contact tracing to administer Ivermectin, Zinc, and Vitamin C went from over 20 percent positive to .01 percent positive, followed by ZERO PERCENT POSITIVE. They killed the virus. The RO dropped so low it dissapeared, done, gone, a non issue. Indonesia, Japan, numerous African nations, etc, all benefitted tremendously from these prophylactic treatments that would have easily stopped all the vaccines.
I agree. All the numerous, on the ground reports, from the around the globe showed Ivermectin along with zinc and antibiotics, worked, to significantly reduce the severity of symptoms and deaths, in all age groups, primarily if given early enough in the evolution of the infection. However, there were also enough examples of cases of advanced infection where this treatment saved lives. There is no doubt this therapeutic works and whenever they get around to doing large double blind studies, if there is a serious virus variant remaining, this will be proven to the skeptics. In the meantime, since there is no downside or harm in doing this treatment and vaccines are proven failures, it is criminal to prohibit it!
It probably doesn’t work for late Covid which doesn’t negate it if taken early. I took it early and had congestion and fatigue for 2 days
It's not even that.
If you enroll moderately ill patients in your study, that have been ill a week already, they can literally go from moderate to severe before the first IVM dose has been digested.
It's an incredibly stupid study design to measure something as subjective as 'severe disease'
Agreed. I think the primary argument here is if there are existing safe therapeutic treatments that have been used and shown to be successful to whatever degree and they do no harm including not inhibiting the use of existing approved protocols which have a very poor success rate then for God’s sake use them. This should include all the existing therapeutics such as Hydroxychloroquine and Monoclonal Antibodies. To not do so seems medically bizarre if not outright sinister.
All end points in any study ....should be DEATH.
Sorry for yelling but ivermectin nonsense in the comment section is too much.
You don’t need Alex’s approval for everything. And he may be susceptible to the same biases like everyone else. Get over it.
Who asked for Alex's blessing? Not me. Not anybody that I've seen in these comments.
I can take criticism. But I'm pointing out, you're making a straw man argument. You're doing what Alex did on this topic. In his recent post on Ivermectin, he was mocking commenters who claimed the study was invalid b/c they used tablets instead of capsules, and b/c the drug wasn't taken precisely at 9am. Except, of course, nobody actually made those comments. He was being sarcastic. Sarcasm has no place in a discussion that should be based on reason. You might think I'm being nitpicky. You can think what you want, Barcode, but I'm not going to apologize for it.
His attack on Dr. Malone was just plain bad behavior. And what was his upside? How did he benefit himself or his ideas by sliming Malone? He didn't, that I can see.
If he had let it go, I would have too. But he had to double down, not just writing about how the Malaysian study showed Ivermectin ineffective, but also how people who think it is are all idiots. He may not have called us idiots with his words, but he sure did with his tone.
These comment forums are dialogues. He writes. We comment. Whether he reads our comments, I have no idea. But I and a lot of people here frame our comments as if he does. Yes, I am criticizing Alex. It's progressive criticism. He has continued to ratchet up his ivermectin invective, and I increase my criticism.
It's meant to be constructive, not hateful. I think highly of Alex. As I write elsewhere in these comments, he has done awesome work. On ivermectin (and the election), he and I do not agree. We don't have to agree. But if he's going to make it nasty, then yeah, I'm going to criticize.
A final point- in my comment, I suggested he and Dr. Kory debate their disagreement. What's negative or unreasonable about that?
All fair points. However - how does a post about German insurance deaths lead to comments about the IVM study? Comment about IVM on the relevant posts ALL day long - and I believe that those posts seem to have the most comments - I didn’t even read the comments there.
But when he posts about something else entirely, and suddenly half the comments are ‘IVM IS GREAT’ ‘SAY SORRY TO MALONE’ etc etc- it makes it hard to get to meaningful discussions about the topic posted. It’s like how paparazzi love bombarding celebrities with questions about their personal life, or some comment or controversy they made, when they’re in a completely different setting (like a charity event at a hospital, or an art exhibition). Seems very childish and indicates a complete inability to think beyond one issue.
I have found the comment section here VERY informative with some excellent links and thoughts. To see every one of those trolled with ‘but IVM’ is not about a debate on IVM but a little kid who can’t stop asking his parent to buy him a new toy - irrespective of what the parent is doing.
You also make fair points Barcode. Berenson's post was about insurance co. data, and I guess, at least in part, I hijacked it.
The ivermectin thing has been a lingering source of heated discussion. Not trying to fix blame, but Alex continues to bring it up. A couple of days ago he wrote a triumphant-sounding Substack, crowing about the Malaysian study that proved him right, and, see, all you ivermectin believers, just look at how wrong you are.
It was - what, hypocritical? - for him to do the things he's mocked others for- a lone study... act like no other studies exist... make sarcastic remarks about those (including his paid subscribers) who have challenged his views on ivermectin (yes, I plead guilty to enjoying it when he does it to the likes of Fauci)...
Then the frosting on the cake - a day or so later, not a single person, but multiple people whose expertise cannot be challenged point out that the report-writers didn't properly evaluate their own data. Their - and Alex's - conclusions were ass-backwards.
After that build-up, I don't think it's realistic to expect commenters to confine themselves to the titled topic.
To your last point about Dr. Kory and Alex debate IVM - Why? Alex is doing important work - as is Dr. Kory. Why should they spend time convincing each other about things they disagree? Isn’t it better they spend that time convincing people that decide about those things?
A thought: Alex led off with: "to the ivermectin fanatics." And then proceeded to be his usual snarky self. (Which we always enjoy when he uses it on Fauci. Can't complain about snark from Alex. Its kinda why we're here)
At that moment, I realized: "hey! I'm not an ivermectin fanatic - so he's not talking to me!" So since the shoe didn't fit, I didn't wear it - so it didn't offend me. I realized that Alex - smart as he is - didn't know about sequenced multidrug therapy. He just hasn't studied enough. He didn't even realize the significance of the 3:1 mortality benefit in the trial. Perhaps: there really is only so much time in the day, and we shouldn't expect one guy to do it all.
I realized at that moment I knew more about this stuff than he did.
Still, the attack on Dr Malone perplexes me. What was the upside? It seemed both planned, and gratuitous. He could have just stayed in his "vaccine/lockdown/mask" lane. He didn't. Do you have any ideas why?
I mean, he hasn't been on Laura Ingraham since then, has he?
Last point: I agree. A live debate with Dr Kory would be fascinating to watch.
And let’s say he falls in love with ivermectin. What then? Will the FDA say - oh now that Berenson approved it let’s approve it for COVID? you’re no different from the idiots trying to convince everyone to mask up.
Do what works for you. And let others decide for themselves. If there are people like Alex who don’t think IVM works, there are plenty who think it does. But of course we have to make sure that Alex agrees on everything we say or else he’s a moron. Totally disregarding the stellar work he has done over the past two years.
No. He needs to agree on IVM. and bow to Malone. Because we are the ones for free speech you see? So you have yo agree with everything we say. Or else you’re a moron and don’t care for the truth.
Years ago, I ran with a group of anarchists (who, during COVID are now pro-statists, but that's a whole 'nother story) who insisted they were right and basically, refused to partner/work with anyone who didn't view the world through their pretty narrow prism. This who ivermectin hissy-fit by some on this site reminds me of that. Thanks, Barcode, for addressing it. You captured my feelings since the whole post-Malone dust-up occurred. Let's figure out who the real enemy is here--the people who locked us down, who are freezing bank accounts of anyone affiliated with Canadian truckers. Stop making AB your new demon.
This whole brawl about ivermectin reminds me of the French Revolution. It became ever more extreme - that is, the extremists continually replaced the initial, more moderate leaders, which eventually culminated in the Reign of Terror, during which horror untold numbers of innocent people were guillotined. The streets of Paris ran red with blood, so much so that the water supply for the city was so polluted it was unusable.
The initial leaders of the revolution were the first to be murdered. In case I'm not being explicit enough, the ivermectin fanatics here would have Alex be first in line for the guillotine. I swear to God, I wish more people would study history - carefully!
Always. The frontline leaders never do enough. Never push hard enough. they're too soft. Unless they're dead.
"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain"
Insanity…no one on the pro-Ivermectin side is calling for ANYONES death in stark opposition to anti-Ivermectin zealots who actually regale in dying anti-vaxxed?
Maybe their are death threat posts against Alex, but I didn’t see them…
Maybe, if enough of us comment to the developers about the trolls ruining the Comment Sections…..they'll give us a block/mute button…I've already sent my suggestion.
Thank you again.
The problem is that with Alex so adamant about IVM he comes off as “non-choice” and someone who thinks and propagandize the supposed “dangerous” drug…and if they don’t deny others the right to try, they give ammunition to the therapeutic rejection crowd…
Alex is neither your doctor nor your mommy, but you all sound like petulant children.
Just go do your own thing and whatever works for you.
Alex won't stop you, but the government might.
Your problem is that you give Alex way too much importance. What he thinks does jack squat to IVM chances. So instead of wasting your breath fighting about it - agree to disagree like adults and work with him on the things you agree on.
So he has to spout the Party Line for the good of the "masses"?
I’m not disrespecting Alex, quite the contrary…my only point is how adamant he is on IVM…
An interesting question. It makes me ponder: "just what is a truth-teller?" Someone who gets lucky and is very stubborn? Or someone who is perceptive enough to see the truth, regardless of what the herd says?
I like truth tellers who are able to change their minds when the facts change. If they aren't able to do so, it just makes me wonder - were they just lucky before?
You really do ask a good question: why is this IVM thing important?
Answer: is Alex a truth-teller, or was he just stubborn and lucky? I'm slowly moving towards the latter. Not where I want to be, but that's where the evidence is pointing.
And really- no one is ever right 100% of the time. Even Isaac Newton believed in Alchemy. Malone is right in some ways and wrong in others. Alex is right in some ways, wrong in others. Why do we need perfection?
Or maybe he's human? Like you know - everyone else?
Creating these faux labels like 'truth-teller' or 'expert' just is a stupid shortcut for our brains.
Alex is human. He sees through some things. May have biases towards others. And accepting that is called adulting.
Sure. No more faux labels.
Is Alex's genius - the reason we all come here - more aligned with good fortune and stubbornness? Or does it result from true insight? That's really the question I have.
And if he can see vaccines clearly, but not treatments, I really am curious as to why this is. Its not about "accept" or "don't accept."If I didn't accept, I wouldn't be here.
I'm just curious as to why. Perhaps: "some sort of bias" is a good enough explanation.
Thank you. The endless badgering to get Berenson to sound like Malone, Kory, etc, seems motivated by the desire to silence "misinformation", just as bad an idea as when FB or Twitter do it. We had our comments on his article on the Malaysian study. Why can't we stick to the topic at hand? I don't really care if Berenson thinks ivm is worthless. I know it helps and I keep it on hand for friends and family.
yep. Same way as you do not have to rush get the vaxx just because Trump said so (or Biden, whatever your political beliefs are)
Alex doesn't care about the truth when it comes to ivermectin. Not one little bit.
My opinion, he does care about the truth. Deeply cares.
He's done awesome work. But he's also human. And he's fallen victim to that all-too-human failing- he took a position and now cannot see - much less admit - he was mistaken.
Or maybe he is just hyper focused on the error of vaccines rather than ANY treatments, at least to the point that he is not going to investigate it. Time is an issue for all of us. He is doing VAX and Twitter lawsuit and that takes up his time.
He clearly cares about what his journalist buddies think about him and is influenced by their commentary and ridicule of certain things, including the election fraud issue and ivermectin.
It's hard to see you have been a victim of propaganda until you really dig and see all of the information for yourself to see that you were lied to.
I think there might be an element of embarrassment afoot. Much like those who don't report they fell for the prince in Haiti has 10,000 dollars he wants to give you and just needs your banking info to do it.
I think he does care. He is a journalist and he posted results of a study. There are many more peer reviewed studies that clearly show Ivermectin works on Covid. Please don't shoot the messenger
It’s called confirmation bias, which is not good when you’re purporting you seek truth.
Unfortunately, we all suffer from it. Everyone on this board, including myself. We hope we can recognize it and mitigate against it. But we're not always successful.
That's why its so important to always think for yourself
3 of 241 in the IVM group died, 10 of 242 in the "no IVM" group died, without serious side effects. Which would common sense choose?
The other 500 peer reviewed studies that state otherwise
I don't know why everyone psychoanalyzes this guy when he doesn't think the way they deem proper. You don't know anything at all about what's going on in his head and you'd probably hate someone claiming to know what's really going on in yours so please stop it already.
Whether or not ivermectin works, placebos work (that’s the whole reason studies are double-blind). Therefore it was always immoral, and contrary to Hippocratic oath, to deny a safe treatment that the patient believed would help cure them.
What I don't get is how invested the folks are who seem to "hate" (it is extremely emotional for them) anyone who advocates for IVM as a treatment for Covid. The drug is among the safest in the world having been prescribed billions of times to people all over the world including pregnant women.
It has virtually no side effects (just like the vaccines😂). Since millions of folks around the world are dying of or with Covid and some docs think it works to stop Covid's spread within the body what is the problem with letting them prescribe it?
I was sick with Covid in Dec 2020 and was quite ill for a month. Finally went out and bought the horse paste (the chemical composition is the same as the human pills) did the math for my weight and was completely free of symptoms in 24 hours.
There are studies and real world examples where the early use of IVM has nearly stopped Covid cold in its tracks.
I just can't figure out why there is such a visceral hatred of a drug that is harmless in 99.99% of those who take it.
Also, would LOVE to see Alex debate Cory or anyone else capable of advocating for IVM.
My bet...he won't. But I would love to be wrong about that.
Hello Mark! Can you share with me what you did step by step? I have a tube in my fridge for my wife and I just in case. I can´t get the human variety here in Spain. Thanks
My husband and I got covid in September. At the first sign of fever, even before a positive test, we started on a single squirt of horse paste each day, for him, about 1" long, for me about 3/4". (The dose is the same per pound for horse and human. He weighs 185, I weigh 130 lbs. The plunger on the tube is calibrated in pounds so it's easy.)
We took that for seven to nine days. In addition we took 5000 IU D3, C, zinc, quercetin per the Zelenko protocol.
I was fever free in 4 days, he never had very high fever. We're older - 60s.
Indeed. My experience was nearly precisely the same. Stay well!
Go to www.flccc.net for treatment protocols. Also, you can get IVM in pill form at www.dropshipmedicine.com. It is an Indian pharmacy that has lots of meds that are good to have around.
If all you want is the horse paste, a tube is for a 1250 lb horse. Do the math for your weight and take that amount.
Curious, is Generalissimo Franco still dead? Asking for a friend.
If you read Steve's entry, he says that the study makes it crystal clear that the study DOES prove Iver is effective--but the ABSTRACT tries to state the opposite. He hinted that JAMA doesn't want anyone to bother reading the entire study, which reveals the data and therefore the truth, but is simply hoping most individuals will scan the abstract and bail out after they see its stupid "key point": "The study findings do not support the use of ivermectin for patients with COVID-19."
Per Steve: "Of course, JAMA never would have published this if they thought that people would actually look at the data. You are supposed to read the abstract and believe that ivermectin has no effect."
Igor Chudov had a good Substack: https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/malaysia-study-ivermectin-helps-with/comments?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4OTQwNzY0LCJwb3N0X2lkIjo0ODk0MDgyMywiXyI6IjBURC9oIiwiaWF0IjoxNjQ1NjUzNjA4LCJleHAiOjE2NDU2NTcyMDgsImlzcyI6InB1Yi00NDExODUiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.JsOkkCdwhfcME2evjGg0GAWX907nNHuLcqxOa34lXhE&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Also, Pierre Kory's Substack: https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/the-disinformation-campaign-against/comments?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4OTQwNzY0LCJwb3N0X2lkIjo0OTAzODk4OCwiXyI6IjBURC9oIiwiaWF0IjoxNjQ1NjUzNzMwLCJleHAiOjE2NDU2NTczMzAsImlzcyI6InB1Yi02NDU1MjQiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.9yw0xiiLhQYYVQJGViTvR_azoBhnBaLCBJX9fWtHvvk&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Having led the development of a drug formulary used widely in workers’ compensation, the administration of a drug may be appropriate or not appropriate depending upon what phase of care the patient is in. Ivermectin is highly effective during early stages of Covid, not when the disease has become more acute. This is what Kirsch is referring to.
Why should he apologize? He told the truth about Malone. Malone's claim to be THE inventor of mRNA vaccines/technology was a gross exaggeration. He was a co inventor, his name isn't even first on that list of patents he likes to trot out.
Exhibit A, two hours ago, right, Zade?
Nope they covered this by suggesting unknown long-term health effects of having had Covid. Ok (eye roll)
Could you imagine the media hysteria if we had athletes or children dying of heart attacks and strokes in 2020 post covid like they did in the second half of 2021? It wasn't happening until the shots were forced.
Yep. What happened to "one death is too many"?
It all depends on who died and how.
It went out the window with the "my body, my choice" argument--that's good enough for abortions, but not for wanting to refuse the jabs. Essentially, "one protest is too many."
interesting how all "their" preferred policies always lead to fewer people on the planet
what happened to american dream ???
you got to be asleep to believe it ... yeah right.
That's just for boomers. Anyone younger is fine.
This is why Pfizer & the FDA are fighting so hard to delay the clinical trial data from being released. The trial data shows that this was going to happen., and now the real-world data is confirming their data "premonition".
Wall Street seems to be concerned about fraud. That will trump FDA/CDC.
Yep. Covid can have long term side effects. Even if you didn’t have it. Death is one of them. 100% guaranteed. The timeframe is as yet unknown but is estimated by IMHE to be in the range of 10-100 years with 95% CI
With Omicron and the BA2 version, everyone will get exposed, vaxxed and unvaxxed. I don’t know many people that haven’t had Covid by now. That’ll make it much easier to blame Covid instead of the vaxx.
Hopefully there are enough unvaxed who had covid to compare to vaxed.
It's a perfect setup, isn't it? The plan is working wondrously, it seems.
Yesterday, another (covid-vaxxed) previously healthy 35 year old woman in my town was admitted to ICU with blood clots in her heart. Docs playing it off like it's "normal." The family has stopped buying it. Hell of a way to learn.
In New York City, three firefighters have died since early December.
The first passed in early December at 31; the oldest decedent was 53. The most recent (a day or two ago) was 33.
Even the firefighters' union is growing concerned -- THAT tells you something.
Attorney Jeff Childers, who reported the above this morning in his daily substack Coffee and Covid newsletter, closed his report with this observation:
"Apart from the factual details of what happened, I wonder if the “real” news of this story is one of these:
"(1) … people suspect the safe and effective jabs might have killed these firefighters and it wasn’t described as a conspiracy theory
"(2) … the union isn’t afraid politically to officially challenge the jab’s “safety” narrative
"(3) … the New York Daily News reported the story straight, without quoting any “experts” opining about how “safe and effective” the jabs are
"(4) … the story was assigned to staffer Thomas Tracy, who is described as the paper’s “crime reporter”
"I’m sensing a slow shift in the jab narrative, not just from this article. I haven’t put my finger on it yet."
The phrase "safe and effective" is quickly earning for itself the same ironic reputation as "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
You're so right
Best laugh I've enjoyed (so far) today!
Here's an interesting addendum to my comment above:
Today a friend told me that her cousin was coping with the loss of four friends, two of them from childhood. Two died of cancer but the cause of death isn't know for the other two.
Autopsies are required.
Without reading further (yet) try to guess why the autopsies haven't been performed.
If your answer is "There's too great a backlog", BINGO!
I've been hearing this, too. Did the ones who have cancer get it recently?
A friend from upstate NY reports that four of his close friends are suffering from cancer right now. (Wasn't the time to ask, but it surely makes me wonder)
Why else would they be insisting on legislation to basically give a pass to the non-Hippocratic medicine practiced during the “emergency”…if your doctor sent you home to die with no recommendations except to go to hospital when sick enough…
…should still be considered dishonorable if not criminally involved in murder
A female police officer in alameda, CA died in her car after an arrest. In her 30's. There's a guy on Twitter that was warning about this over the past year and I thought hmm, maybe he's being a little extreme. Nope.
Aubrey Phillips: 36-year-old Alameda County (CA) Sheriff's Deputy dies unexpectedly on-duty after "severe medical emergency" - The COVID Blog™
Health insurance actuaries excel at data analysis, and Schoefbeck just directly and publicly accused Paul Ehrlich of bad reporting and the vaccines as causal. His people told him this and he checked their numbers very carefully before making these claims. Insurance companies don't ever like to lose money.
Is it a bump in mortality, or a permanently high plateau? We don't know yet.
A bump? The insurance companies are talking a very major 40 percent increase in mortality in some age groups. It is a once in a what 1,000 year sigma event?
It is a 10 sigma event - impossible without some kind of exogenous catalyst.
Word has it....Trudeau is about to revoke his emergency act. Maybe he read the report? LOL.
He completely destroyed the credibility of Canadian banking and the reputation of western liberal democracy. His father would be very proud.
Word is two main reasons,, number two, it would have been recinded with a vote of no confidence ( possible) number two, very large withdraws from Canadian Banks!!! Who would trust theft at a tyrants whim?
People have been back to seeing their doctors for a year now. There are data to show that too, from insurance companies.
TBH I don't know anyone that stopped going if they had health issues.
Good point. But they will still argue that people who skipped appointments during 2020 are the ones who died in 2021.
I think there is SOME validity to the argument. I was actually diagnosed with melanoma in July 2020. It was very early stage and removed without incident. But that's only because I was not afraid of Covid and I went to the dermatologist as soon as I noticed it. But there are some people who were afraid to go anywhere. If I waited another six months to see the dermatologist, I might have been one of those who died last year.
So some of those deaths are probably from people not getting screenings. But that's much less likely in the 18-49 age group.
Lucky you my dermatologist refused to see me because I was unvaccinated recovered from Covid with a medical exemption
Speaking of buried, a recent Desert Sun article for the Palm Springs CA area shows that # burials DOUBLED in 2021 compared to 2019. And it's even way up over 2020, when there were no vaccines and the vulnerable cohort was (sadly) culled by Covid and Remdesivir. The burial business in the Palm Springs area is slammed and they just can't figure out why. We will be seeing more of this...
Jokingly, I said to others as these injections were rolled out, buy stock in funeral services.
I didn't do it. Like I didn't buy stock in the criminal cartel making the stuff.
I took investment advice from Jesus and bought insurance against the eternal lake of fire.
It's everywhere. Look up John O'Looney on Rumble. British funeral director. He's been on this from day one.
Saw videos from Australia too. A funeral director at a protest in Melbourne (I think). Said the death rate was so high the hospitals didn't have morgue space so had to get refrigerated containers in. 20 bodies per container. One hospital had 8 containers.
Another, a British guy, worked for an undertaker. Said since the government rolled out these injections to pregnant women, the morgues were filling up with still borns.
It's bloody obvious at this point.
Anyways, the US is on DEFCON 2 right now. I called Mrs last night to say the UK may soon be radioactive cinders. This didn't go down well and I've been instructed to return home to rural SE Asia immediately. By whatever means.
Only way is to get to the Mekong Delta at Ho Chi Minh city, navigate up the Mekong through Cambodia and Laos for extraction at Mukdahan.
This bullshit's really getting in the way of life.
Yes, I’ve been following O’Looney from the start. And reading the embalmer stories, etc. It’s all so dystopian, especially thinking of all the people I care about who have likely shortened their own lives. Will they regret how they treated unvaxxed people like me?Probably not.
When the same reports started rolling in from other countries, confirmation.
Did you see the embalmers talking about the clots, not just normal blood clots but that tough, white fibrous tissue?
Absolutely gross.
One said more than half of his business was vaccine deaths and he was flat out.
The same "not Covid" increase in mortality AND MORBIDITY (still not reported on well) did not happen for over a year. It started with the vaccine roll outs in EACH AGE GROUP of the demographic getting vaccines, in conjunction with all global Adverse Event reporting systems. ( Not just VAERS)
also, don't insurance companies have access to their customers' vax status? if so they can easily compare groups.
just one a million statistics that "should" exist and the government and institutions either don't release the information, or they don't track it. Why? The answer is becoming obvious, and tragic, and very very criminal.
Not necessarily. Mine doesn't know my status.
I sure as sh-t haven't told mine! You kidding me?! I don't tell ANYONE, and when they ask on the intake forms, I select the "I don't know" option.
They do not. But many insurers are now requesting to know if you have taken the shot. Depending on the amount applied for if you have not taken the shot then you will get a Lower rating (costs more for the same amount of coverage). I assume that will change over the next year if the increased mortality reports are real. I sell life ins by the way. Logically if someone has taken the shot then in the future you would think the insurers after seeing the data will increase those ratings. I am not confident of this but just a thought. That it should reverse.
I see what you did there.
Problem is the fallout in deaths from delayed or missed medical discovery and treatments has a long, drawn out lag to it. And the mass vaccination campaign is essentially over now....until the next variant and updated vaccine anyway. We don't know how long of a potential log vaccine adverse effects might have.....yet. If we ever will.
Yes, but I don't think the deaths from the jab are over. Many people died shortly after getting the jab, but I suspect many, many others have had their hearts and/or vascular systems compromised and will likely see issues in the future. Just like you don't have a heart attack from one unhealthy meal. If damage has been done to their hearts, they may not see the ultimate effects for a few more years.
I think you're right.
Count down to the Mass Hysteria of the Vaccinated
That was my point about not knowing how drawn out potential longer term adverse effects from the jab will be.
My bad not reading your post closely enough. Yes, we don't know how long we'll be seeing the effects for. And the longer they are delayed, the easier it will be for them to blame something else.
Right, and currently we're talking about deaths but all sorts of other fallout that could be vaccine related longer term that they'll do all they can to disconnect from it. Fertility, for example. Might not have destroyed your life, just your ability to create life. There are already studies out there showing increased pregnancy termination in the vaxxed vs. unvaxxed pregnant women that they've so far handwaved away as statistically insignificant when it actually isn't. It's going to be a constant fight to separate the truth from the narrative down the road.
I'm expecting the vaccine campaign is over until the fall. That's not so far away and that will be a 4th dose for many.
The vaccine campaign is still operating in full force in California. I heard a new tactic today on a radio ad, something like this: "Some people worry that the vaccine causes you to get Covid. This is not true, the vaccine teaches your body to produce antibodies that fight against the virus. Safe and effective for people age 5 and above. Get your booster today".
Suppression of the innate immune system: The main cause of the pandemic of the fully vaccinated"
Maybe. So far the 3rd dose (booster) has mostly been a flop. A lot of people who had "done their duty" by taking the two jab regimen balked at the thirds. Even more will balk at a fourth. And a fourth in the fall will likely be a new vaccine, that is for a different variant.
I know of someone here in the USA that just got their 4th dose.
If it doesn't, and you're wrong, will you come back to say you know that the jab wasn't responsible, or will your monumental ignorance move onto the next hot topic of things you dislike but have no proof over?
Yes. If the vax deaths suddenly stop, I will publicly apologize. Will that make you happy?
And if those deaths don't magically stop like you apparently are predicting, then you'll apologize to me, yes?
Check out "They say it's rare" on Telegram. Thousands and thousands of first person accounts of death and damage regarding the Experimental Gene Threapy from Twitter accounts, many long term and previously apolitical. Go to Vestibuler.org for 948 pages of Covid vax atrocities. Many more sites springing up online everyday. Read the stuff coming in from real people and get back to us.
Which is itself incredibly ironic because back in 2020 we were the ones screaming that delayed care would cost lives.
Delayed care is a factor, but it's disingenuous to attribute all of the difference to that. Especially when you have doctors, scientists and data analysts saying something is wrong with shots.
Oh don't get me wrong, we were also screaming about lockdown deaths due to suicide & overdose, dementia deaths due to loneliness, AND the missed medical care. Lots and lots of death to go around, and the blame for way too much of it lies at the feet of the 'leaders' due to their completely incompetent response to covid.
The shots are just the shit frosting on the hummus cupcake.
The excess mortality moved up in lock step with the demographics getting the shots.
Most of the people are getting issues right after the shots, and many were those never sick with Covid, including young and healthy teens and kids, so they can't blame it on "long Covid" or lack of care for many of the vax injured.
A 40% increase in deaths ages 18-64 is an ASTRONOMICAL number that can’t be buried.
It can be buried when the purveyors of information are in on the scam.
It is being buried. Go talk to any random person on the street they have no idea
They’ll raise rates on unvaxxed rather than vaxed. Look at how the Indiana insurance company tried to spin the mortality spike
Just read that, and caught the very brief clause on the bump in cardiac and neurological incidents. Mmm-hmm.
At some point you just have to not give a shit. This has been going on for as long as I can remember. You discover something, everyone says your nuts, then later the media repeats what you told everyone months later. It’s the twilight zone.
Ha! So true. It's lonely being ahead of everyone all the time. Remember a prophet is never honored in his own country. Just gotta keep on keeping on.
This story will be a nothing. Just like the story about JP Morgan’s ship having $1.3 billion dollars worth of cocaine on it.
yes, you are not alone. My brother and sister and even my 98 year old daddy are covidian jab sheep
Eventually the truth will come out, like when it's only a handful of conditions in unlikely candidates (e.g., myocarditis in young males) and the numbers are high—way higher than other numbers of conditions unrelated to the vaccines.
Heart attacks and strokes in athletes and children should have been the final straw. Instead we get articles about how that sort of thing always happened.
You're right. It should have been. My friends and I thought it was going to be, but they can't and won't let go. They're just digging their grave deeper.
One might suspect that they have an agenda.
Or ours...
The Sporting Athletes Video - Reality Not Rarity! - No More Silence - Telling Our Stories
I agree up to a point. The narrative will be supported by MSM for a while. However, actuaries and their various employers will eventually tip towards factual data no matter the spin. At some point, there will be a shift and I predict it will not go well for government and the corporate collaborators. Just my amateur opinion. It will be a case of following the money and when insurance claims get unbearable, this will swing violently into the light of day and the finger pointing / blame will get serious. Don't know from there but it could get ugly. Actually, it should get ugly. I hope I'm around to witness. Until then, pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.
Adding to my previous post for those who cannot access the article: top causes of death heart, circulatory and neurological disorders. Just like Vaers
It will get ugly.
The vaxxxed are going to go ballistic
Count down to the Mass Hysteria of the Vaccinated
Don't doubt or not believe the actuaries cannot be intimidated by the same perps orchestrating all of this too OR the insurance industry bought off using taxpayer monies. I would like to believe in the "amateur" opinion though :) Here is to HOPE!
I hope it all comes out as well. I believe these evil people will blame these deaths on the “virus” when in fact the vaccine was the cause of most deaths.
These people live in the premise of deny and project. What they blame you in doing they actually are doing. The CCP has taught them well!
I think there would more likely be a decrease as medical mistakes wouldn't be killing people
Off -topic, but I wanted to briefly report on the launch event for the People'sConvoy, which left this morning from Adelanto, CA and is heading east. My family and were heartened by well over a thousand people and as many vehicles, all gathered in the parking lot of an old baseball stadium. Not bad for a very cold, Wed. am. out in the High Desert. Short speeches by attorney Leah Dundas (?), Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Alexander, as well as by a pastor and a lead trucker organizer. Well organized event with a lot of positive energy. Convoy headed east shortly before Noon with the first stop in Kingman, AZ this evening. Hard to estimate the number of vehicles that left in the convoy, but definitely several hundred, with approx. 50-70 big rigs. Could easily see it collect a lot of support along the route as it travel east. A few specific notes:
Drs. Kory and Alexander (who we all greatly respect) were excellent, and were very hard hitting in their criticism of the "vaccines."
The attorney who led off the event, made explicitly clear that this convoy was not going into to DC proper and would not be involved in confrontations with authorities, etc. Essentially, it is a massive P.R. campaign, rather than a confrontational direct action. Probably a good strategy given the foreseeable overreactions by federal authorities and propaganda smear effort by the media.
Local police were actively assisting the convoy by directing traffic to allow vehicles to stay together to reach interstate. Convoy organizers stated that they were actively coordinating with law enforcement authorities throughout the country to ensure a smooth operation. Also, stated that the convoy was utilizing security and logistic experts.
Overall, a positive event and one that should give all of us a bit more optimism that the American tradition of healthy defiance to overreaching governmental authority is still alive and well. Let's hope it continues to grow.
I'm glad you posted. I'll add my own update from Canada. Trudeau CANCELLED the emergencies act (martial law) he called out last week. Rumor has it he heard it would die in our Senate so he cancelled it before it could be defeated.
I and many others prayed, wrote emails, made phone calls, went to protests and did I say prayed? I am so happy for even this victory.
There are still frozen bank accounts and people are in jail who shouldn't be in jail so there is till work to be done. Canadians, please write to MP's on behalf of the convoy leaders (esp Tamara Lich, Pat King) who are still in jail and also to ensure a prompt release of bank assets. Note: the judge who denied bail to Tamara is a pro liberal Trudeau loving woman who should have recused herself because of her bias.
Perhaps the number one reason is folk withdrawing money form the Canadian banks. I definitely would. Any sane person would. A tyrant freezing all your assets on a whim because you gave a few dollars to a peaceful workers movement he does not support was insane self goal that may well bring down Canadian financial institutions. Canadian officials also threatened any Donald Trump supporters.. These people are insane. It is very likely that the bank withdrawals are MUCH greater then reported.
And don't argue with me or voice your disagreement! If you do I will freeze your accounts, and impound your means of making a living. Having done that ONCE, would any sane person keep their funds in such an institution. And this is why cash must be maintained.
Interesting that the American media isn’t covering this at all! Found out from YOU! Thank you for this good news! Trudy is truly Blackface you know who…
As much as all of us here hate Twitter, I only know all that because I'm following some very informed people on there. No reason not to believe this info is shared by people on Parler, Gettr etc, but myself I haven't made the leap to those other platforms yet :)
So glad to hear that he cancelled the EA!! I do hope everyone will be released from jail and all assets unfrozen. That's what is criminal!!
TRUCK YEAH!! So proud of our truckers!
and they said they were heart and vascular related deaths.
The main point is govt, media, and the medical establishment are all going to try to hide it or spin it as things other than the vaccine. Truthfully. there are probably multiple things at work (people that already had Covid having delayed reactions and delayed medical care for example), but one of them is also the vaccine. We know who the liars and scumbags are. Vote the lying scumbags out of office, continue discrediting the liars in the media until everyone understands how corrupt they are, and understand you cannot trust the CDC, FDA, drug companies, NIH and socio paths like Fauci, Gates etc..
No, it’s not covid or delayed treatment or anything. Do you have access to the wsj? They have a graph in the article that clearly shows a huge increase in non-covid deaths specifically in 3q21 (4q21 is not available yet). We had all the non-vaxx factors in play before, but not such big increases in deaths. The mass vaccination drive happened over that spring and summer, so my guess is they saw it in the claims in the third quarter.
They may all be trying to get ahead of the first tranche of Pfizer documents. Also, WSJ is part of Trusted News Initiative, i.e. not trustworthy.
March 1st will be momentous if Pfizer and their FDA fail at getting it delayed again.
Yep, also wondering how much information they can get away with blacking out.
We want to force these shots on everyone in the western world, but the safety data includes trade secrets. Sorry we can't share them with you!
They will try their best to bury it and will be successful in the short term but they have so exposed how much of a fraud they are that they will not be able to keep this up without instituting a full on Authoritarian Police State and in the US the sates would pushback should the Feds try something like that. The Feds can take on 1 maybe 2 states but that's it and the harder the Feds try the more they are to anger other states who might otherwise not take sides. Trust is just to low in the media, institutions and government for those groups to continue to pull this off like they have in the past.
States are totally dependent on federal funding… it will be interesting to see if any can resist. I hope!
And the Feds are dependent on States funneling taxes to them so they can re-distribute so it's a give and take. Granted the Feds can print new money where as the states can't but if the states stopped funnel to the Feds all they do now they would get by without the Feds funding at least states with a free economy.
How do you figure? We have to file separate, individual taxes to the federal government. They have legal jurisdiction to collect those and the states aren’t going to stop them.
"Buried" is the operative word.
The German insurance database announcement gives numbers for doctor visits because of vaccine adverse effects, not delayed treatment causes.
The problem is that all of our interventions have played a roll in increased excess deaths but what's going to be really hard is to tease out how many belong to which intervention. I've long suspected that one of the reasons the lockdowns and masks and isolations, etc. persisted so long in the face of the actual science that said they don't work, was to help obfuscate vaccine injury data. If the only thing that changed was the mass vaccinations, it would be obvious. Now, it's all mixed up with other variables.
That’s my whole point. All the other interventions couldn’t just start making a big impact in the fall of 2021. Why would they? There was only one mass intervention that happened over spring and summer 2021 that wasn’t there before.
It will be epitome of irony if it's the blood-sucking insurance company vipers that ultimately blow the data wide open.
I’ve thought the same thing Rosie. But my concern is that all of the vaccine injury cost will be shifted to the government. AKA you and me.
It will be. Somehow the real perps will get off.
Of course it will be. The govt will set up a trust fund for vaccine injuries. You will have to join a class action lawsuit, prove you were injured, get $7, and the lawyers will get all the rest. Big Pharma will be immune. It starts 2025. Watch your daytime TV commercials - "Were you injured by a covid vaccine?"
Correct—because CDC can be sued. But pharma can’t
We are the trials. And insurance companies are "too big to fail."
If the offer to play along is high enough and the stick is effective enough, even the insurance companies will join in on the game. I know a lot of those guys, they are like used car salesman with MBA's and nicer suits. Always looking for an offer they can't refuse.
And we all know there was fraud in the trials.
And the PRC tests, and the stat reports, and the...
I wish we saw more coroner's reports. Giant clots are hard to explain away.
Especially clots in arms and chests. When did we ever see that?
The embalmers know--and some are starting to talk.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers Alarmed By Freakishly Large Blood Clots Clogging Veins in Vaccinated Bodies › American Greatness
I talked to one last night
Full length clots in both legs, a family member.
A neighbor, an elderly woman, had very large, ugly blood clots in both her forearms last June. I saw them and asked what they were. She said her doctor had told her it's nothing, and that they were associated with Reynaud's Syndrome, which she said she has.
I know what Reynaud's is: I have it too. It's restricted circulation in the extremities. Blood clots are not part of the syndrome.
My neighbor categorically refused to consider the possibility that the covid vax shots had caused the blood clots.
Actuaries are like honey badgers - they don't give a damn - they are math folks - they are paid to really truly understand risk to the firm. It will be some of these insurance companies that will absolutely blow it all wide open (and as they should).
Honey badger don’t give a shit...
Yep, said as much in a response before reading this one. If this is true, these insurance companies are going to need a government bailout because they operate on thin margins and high volumes. It will be harder to hide the bailouts than the VAERS reporting.
Reinsurers are the bag holders. I'd imagine the boards, C-Suites are putting on their third Depends.
No doubt. Its interesting, I have a loved one who well he works in Pharma and does VERY specific types of data analysis and predictive modeling. He has been keeping a close look at certain conditions (I can't say but so much due to there are few folks in the industry that does what he does) and for his diseases he is very well aware of what typical "market size" should be - it will be interesting if he sees certain changes because it will indeed tell me a lot of the hypothesis about immune impacts from these shots
(My point being in my last post) at some point you can't bury all of the data.. there are tons of organizations and roles out there that will expose all of this in time.
When people die, other people notice. That is what is happening.
They will all be part of the controlled demolition. Delay is just adding the number of charges deployed, set and exploded to the economic carnage.
Order out of chaos.
I don't think that would be ironic at all.
First, one must realize that insurance companies are "blood sucking" because they are among the highest government regulated industries in the country and world. It is all the government interference that both prevents them from keeping costs down and offering actual cost effective plan. The government are the blood suckers. Insurance companies are trying to operate on the backs of that.
Secondly, in part because the government ties their hands so much on what they can and can't offer, making it essentially impossible to differentiate from competitors outside of cost, they are perhaps the most objective data driven and dependent industry on Earth. They cannot survive by hiding or ignoring data and correlated outcomes. If their customers are injecting dangerous drugs into their bodies en masse, their business is going to be dead along with their customers. It is critical they know the truth and I've always figured if the mass vaccination campaign was truly injuring far more people than we were being told, they would be the first industry to know...... and ultimately complain.
Or they may just quietly adjust their pricing while hoping it ruins competitors not smart enough to react. Their job is not to figure out what is causing the deaths. Their function is to understand risk and price it profitably, that's it.
We’ll pay for it somehow. AON and Larry Silverstein say hi
Insurance companies are not in the business of paying claims
And some insurance junior VP will get a hefty pay raise for invoking it.
That said, it ought to be interesting to watch our bloated bureaucracy fight it out with Big Insurance.
The China Olympics may have failed, but the "CYA Olympics" will be something to watch. Who's the favorite in the perp walk competition this year?
"Due to the unheard of and unimaginable vast damages awarded the hundreds of millions globally, who has suffered injury and death from the faulty mRNA-procedures produced and distributed by and due to fraudulent information and with the collusion of compromised governement employees from the former administration, the Federal Reserve has under instruction from the White House, the Senate and leading financal elements of Wall Street, Nasdaq and the business world in large decided that the dollar cannot be salvaged should these damages be paid out in dollars - the result would be such rampant inflation the entire world market would collapse causing even more suffering for those most vulnerable among us and quickly making the damages effectively worthless.
This administration can never let that happen! We have therefore jointly decided to turn this unmitigated disaster into an opportunity for a new better tomorrow with renewed optimism and faith in the ability for all of us to build back our society better and to take this great leap forward together. As such, any and all extant values in dollars will be converted to the new electronic currency..."
Fantasy or prophecy?
I'd say BINGO
Prophecy. And possibly governments the world over will decide that they need to work together in supra-national harmony to create more idiotic laws to "protect" the little people from pharma. (In other words, to make our lives miserable somehow.)
Guys, remember it's illegal to read such data. Let's wait until CNN deciphers it for us.
In my best Gomer Pyle voice... well golly! Surprise, surprise, surprise!
I loved Gomer Pyle!
He died of long-haul covid .... before it was a thing.
He should have worn a mask. Or two.
Never injected. Never will.
Those scammed will never admit they were scammed.
Is this database being replicated/mirrored for safe keeping so this data isn't lost to history?
When you're cynical, everything becomes clear.
Sounds familiar....
See also, about the work of Edward Dowd: https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/columnists/pfizer-moderna-investors-run-for-the-exits/article_f33832ce-9347-11ec-830c-6fe60d1a126b.html
Check out all of Ed Dowd’s long form interviews and follow him where you can. Very illuminating. Possibly our best chance at breaking thru the mass censorship.
He is on GETTR and Twitter.
Yes, I'm on that ... highly recommended for everyone. The man can think.
I've been watching interviews with Edward and he confirms what I told directors in early 2020. The debt based monetary system reached its arithmetic terminus in September 2019, as indicated by Federal Reserve reverse Repo market operations, there being no further growth possible to service the debt upon which previous growth was based.
I knew they'd pull some stunt back in late 2019, but even I didn't imagine this.
But it goes deeper.
Nett Zero 2050 has nothing to do with the weather.
The Energy Returned On Energy Invested for oil reaches parity around 2050, one barrel of oil energy equivalent required to recover one barrel of oil. For reference, back in the 1950's, one barrel of oil energy equivalent was required to recover one hundred barrels of oil. This fell rapidly through the 70's and 80's, then took a more gradual decline to today, where it's at 1:3.
Just after 2050 it reaches 1:1, parity, nett zero. Nett Zero 2050.
Now, look up a chart of World oil consumption correlated with human population growth over time and you'll immediately see how dependent the human race is dependent on oil and not just for energy, for all manner of products not least plastics. Apart from a blip, it's a near perfect correlation.
Now consider these injections and the increasing all cause mortality rate reported by One America Life Insurance recently. Up 40% in 2021, four times what would be considered a 1-in-200 year catastrophic event. Similar reported by an life insurer in India. Then consider the Department of Defense DMED epidemioligy database leaked to Thomas Renz showing horrific increases in all manner of ghastly illnesses beginning in 2021.
This is a resource war between rich and poor.
Not a long mental journey this one.
The Peak Oil scam is brought to you by the same class of psycho assholes, that have brought you the scamdemic. Not saying their goal isn't the elimination of us "useless eaters" (the satanists term not mine). But the world has plenty of resources. Unfortunately it's all been collectivized by these same creeps. The fucking commie fascist bastards.
Great article in zerohedge with Dowd twitter info from insurers, funeral homes and more:
Saw one, a big casket and funeral services firm reporting a bumper trade for 2021. I was tempted with funeral services as a stock pick but would sooner not end up in the eternal lake of fire.
We know who will end up in the lake of 🔥...
Quite. They probably won't face justice in this life, but in the next.
The wheels are coming off of the phony narrative. While government, public health, big media & social media can lie, the finance guys only care about the bottom line. As the bodies continue to pile up, with every major insurer reporting statistically impossible increases in deaths in Q3 & Q4 of 2021, there is nowhere for the pied pipers of vaccine induced death to hide. This massive fraud must end with the complete annihilation of the current structure of US public health, which had been hijacked by murderous sociopaths who only care about money.
They aren’t though. The media and big tech control the narrative. They will never let this out. The only way people learn is through seeing issues within their own circles of friends and family
difficult to connect the dots, unless you are aware.
Life insurance companies are the key. They'll ask: "are you vaccinated", they won't tell you why they ask, and your rates will change according to your answer. Right now, life insurers are keeping mum, because they want to sell off their current policy risk to the re-insurers. Once that is done, the cat will escape the bag.
Ed Dowd is my source for all this.
Ed Dowd is important. Thanks!
I spoke for 1st time with a local person about deaths and illnesses from vaccines. Her older daughter, who I do not know, apparently has been researching these extra deaths and has told her mom it is the vaccines. None of these people, meaning this family, are vaccinated, but mom was on the fence. When I finished my soapbox she realized her daughter was not nuts. But as the black rock guy says, those that got jab will find admitting the vaccines are harmful extremely difficult as that would mean they not only were duped, but now in serious trouble and then what to do. The damage for many is done. More jabs and many will most certainly continue to die “unexpectedly”. Those that I know that got vaccinated are not sorry at all. They are holding tight to they survived when they all got sick. I do not speak of vaccines to anybody. Some have gotten sick more than once. One thing is now understood. We know how Hitler rose to power. People fold easily. They are easily duped. Awful to realize.
Wait till you hear about the life insurance premium increases coming for 40-59 age group. And it isn’t COVID related.
When digging a hole, one can only turn one shovel-ful at a time~
Unless they're using a backhoe to do the digging.
Very scary stuff that most people on this substack have known for quite a while now…
People didn’t want to listen to me so I focused on my immediate family. Every single vaxxed friend got Covid and the some got it really bad. Now These stories are coming out and I’m getting legitimately scared for people I love.
Ditto. We already have a 15 year old (extended) male family member that suffered a heart attack after getting his 2nd shot. Now, the parents of all the other teenage boys (vaxxed) in that branch of the family are nervous wrecks.
I'm pretty sure that most folks that took the shot will hold fast onto the propaganda that they were fed about the shots. It's the psyche's way of protecting itself. Because what would be the other option? To go about your life watching and waiting to see if you develop some sickness or disease after getting the shot?
I have not taken the shot, but I have a lot of family members and friends that have. I am not up nights worrying about them, but you can bet their health post-shot is always in the back of my mind. All I can do at this point is pray that they stay healthy.
In my experience, the only people who are even looking at the data on vax side effects are the people who haven't gotten the shots. The people who have gotten the shots just shut their minds down to any information that could fit with a different narrative.
Exactly. I don't even say anything to anybody anymore about it. I just listen to the stories I hear everywhere I go about this friend, or that family member, etc., etc. that got really sick (not from Covid) after getting one of the shots.
Word has it....Trudeau is about to revoke his emergency act. Maybe he read the report? LOL.
Waiting for CBS News to say that all these excess deaths are related to the Ukraine situation and that they could increase should Russia escalate.
most likely a result of climate change ... can always blame it on climate change ... anything that is.
I think the truth will come out when insurance companies start charging higher premiums to their vaccinated customers because they’re at higher risk. That will set off an explosion. The companies are not going to lie about this. They’re just going to tell people the truth that they’re at higher risk and so cost more in claims.
What's to keep the jabbed from catching on and simply lying about their "vaccination" status?
I agree. They know what is driving these deaths. They may not be saying it now because they are trying to offload risk to reinsurers. But once they get rid of as many of those policies as they can, they be issuing new guidelines.
Say what you want to about them being bloodsuckers (they are), but they are VERY good at understanding RISK. If they weren't, they wouldn't be in business.
I don't fear death, but I'm scared witless of not living.
It would be interesting to know if American insurance companies are seeing similar information. I have noticed it's been a while since my health insurer has pestered me to take the shot.
I believe there's an insurance company in Indiana that first noticed a sharp--as in dramatic--rise in claims among "working-age" persons, the 20-40 age demographic. (I think Steve Kirsch wrote about it.)
According to the WSJ article today, life insurance companies are seeing an increase in claims.
Considering they're the ones who are part of the Great Reset plan, I'm sure this is all financially gamed out.
Correct. People have to stop thinking that miraculously that the system is going to step in and save us when it is the system that is doing this.
9/11 has become 9/💉💉
Yes, I know about the life insurance claims, but I'm wondering if health insurance companies are seeing an uptick of post-vaccination claims.
Um, that would be my athletic, fit husband who just got out of the ICU last week. Heart surgery, so yeah. Can't imagine how big that bill's gonna be.
It is so sad that our government puts money over life they just do not care how much is enough??
Source please
Not that I like -or place much credence in - anecdotal stories, because every person is different and the degree of Covid illness can vary for every person, as well as how they react to the illness.
I am un-vaxed, and I had Covid a few months ago, a pretty bad case where my oxygen saturation went down to 89% from mid-90s. I had been taking the twice a week prophylactic dose of Ivermectin for about 2 months prior hoping to avoid contraction of the virus, or if contracted, to be able to recover quickly. I also was taking daily doses of 50 mg Zinc, Quercetin, 5000 IU daily of Vitamin D, and 1000 IU daily of Vitamin C.
Once I contracted the illness, I contacted my wonderful doctor who I found through FLCCC and who had the courage to prescribe Ivermectin for me prophylactically. I told her I had the illness and asked her for the daily Out-Patient dose, and she sent the prescription to a compounding pharmacy that she knew would fill it and send it to me by overnight delivery.
Because of a mix up at the compounding pharmacy, I didn't receive my increased dose of Ivermectin tablets until about the 5th day after I started feeling ill. Every day after I started feeling ill and until the Out-Patient dose arrived, I took increased amounts of the prophylactic dose from the tablets I had along with the same daily dose of the other pills, but that Ivermectin dose still was a lot lower dose than the Out-Patient dose I was prescribed once ill.
When I received the stepped-up daily Out-Patient dose for Ivermectin, I started taking it immediately. Within 2 days of beginning that increased dose, I began feeling better and my oxygen levels began rising to back where they were prior to becoming ill. Within a week I was back to my old self again. I continued to take the Out-Patient dose for the next six weeks in case I contracted a different Covid variant, as I did not want to be a victim of Antigenic Sin.
So all I can say is I believe the Ivermectin really worked for me. It could have been that my natural antibodies started working earlier than they were supposed to and that's why I started feeling better. But that's hard for me to believe since I was only about 7 days into the illness when I started feeling better and it usually takes over 10 days for natural antibodies to develop and work. It could have been my innate antibodies that started overcoming the virus at the same time as my Out-Patient Ivermectin arrived, but that doesn't seem to make much sense as I was getting progressively more ill for the first week after contracting the virus. The Occam's Razor rule tells me that it was the increased dose of Ivermectin that turned my illness around and stopped it in me, its the most obvious answer that makes the most sense. The lower doses I had taken helped me start to fight off the illness, but the Out-Patient dose, even though it began past the early stage of the illness, seems to have done the job. I have not contracted the virus again and I have felt fine since recovering.
Which all says to me that if Ivermectin could help me even after starting the proper dose past the point of early stage illness, it probably kicks ass on the virus when taken in the early stage.
Regrettably, there are too many angles involved in knowing what research to trust in this Covid nightmare. Are the researchers telling their government funding source what their government wants to hear so they can acquire future funding, like with what happened regarding the scientist at Scripps who changed his tune about his belief the virus was lab-generated ? Are the researchers working for a University that gets patent fees based on the volume of vaccine shots administered ? Its so complicated now to separate the wheat from the chaff in research documents, that its hard to decide who to believe. The degree of intellectual dishonesty that this pandemic has wrought is disappointing if not astounding.
While I am only one story, I don't think my history with Covid and Ivermectin is the outlier or unusual. Regardless of what some researchers decide to publish even if they biased their work on Ivermectin to produce a deleterious outcome, regardless of whether they want to reach conclusions that are not supported by their own research outcomes, I can tell you Ivermectin works, and I am alive to bore you with this story because of it.
1,119,061 Reports
Through February 11, 2022
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I'm still hearing PSA's telling me to get the booster to protect "US ALL"
Honestly, there was a time when government criminals gave a shit what journalist wrote because on some level they'd be held to account. Folks those days are gone and THEY DON'T FUCKING CARE because nobody, NOBODY is going to do anything about their crimes. It's the only way you can make sense of why this has been allowed to happen and continue!
They will find a way to spin this, bury this and memory-hole this, then try to gaslight us into believing that we're all crazy.
I'm not playing.
Oh not to worry, part of their plan is to say sorry.....
Didn’t you know, “green“ is code for really red, it’s the Red New Deal, as in RED with blood, they want people to die so the ilk of AOC and her scumbag cunty band of bitches can have more and you have less, if not even nothing because you’re dead!
Keep underestimating sociopathy, they depend on your ignorance, inattention, and abject cowardice…
To validate your comment watch Mark Dices video from today. He had a $10 bill in one hand, the other a 1 ounce gold piece worth 1800. Guess what every single person chose? I couldn't believe my f'ing eyes!
He didn't tell them the value of gold, but dam, how out of touch has Americans become?
These weren't homeless, druggie, etc. Regular folk. I'll get that link and edit.
The coddling of America....a great read. So much entitlement and apathy and personal victim identification. Pretty sick society mentally and physically speaking
Bag holders: reinsurers. The smart money knows as word is spreading fast. Class Actions suit discussions happening now. Remember, the EUA and clinical data (hide data for 75 years anyone) will be proven to be fraudulent ($2.5 Billion Dollar lawsuit filed against Pfizer by whistleblower just recently) which means the contracts are null and void. In this case, I approve the asset-stripping of Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, insurance and the reinsurers down to their underwear. Then all assets need be redistributed (exception in this case) to the injured & dead families that will pile up into yet TBD millions. Enterprise crime #1 in the world by a few billion light years.
The first suit filed (02/10/22) in Utah 10th District by the Craniofacial Foundation of Utah vs. CMS (Federal Government) for Felony crimes: bio-warfare, murder, anti-trust, collusion, racketeering; it's a civil suit that is a gateway to a Felony Class III law on the books. It was the only state with an exploit.
It's nice that all kinds of essential data is coming out at the very tail end of global vaccine uptake.
As much as I'd like to celebrate the gradual recession of totalitarian anti-science mandates and restrictions.
There is a giant pandemic looming.....of the "vaccinated"....
A "violent warning signal"? Yikes.
Now, imagine that spoken in the original German! Double yikes. ;-)
New signals popping up every day. Same group of people reporting the sensational stories.
Mainstream media continues to ignore and half the country has no idea whats going on.
‘Violent Warning Signal’ and that from the restrained and conservative Germans…
/Edit for typo
Surely the insurance companies are going to have to take on Big Pharma! Big Pharma is raking in billions while the insurance companies are picking up the tab.
Not if Pharma pays them off well enough
Funny, not so funny thing is, I have seen on tv several times regularly a commercial for DVT.
They are warning people to seek immediate care if you suspect you have a blood clot in your leg. Ha, funny, only because hubbs and I watch very very little tv over all, but tv with commercials, rarely, but we have seen that commercial so many times now.
Gee, it is almost like they know something . . .
They do.
I heard one of those DVT ads on the radio this morning.
Why aren't we talking about this?
(The Center Square) – The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
OneAmerica is a $100 billion insurance company that has had its headquarters in Indianapolis since 1877. The company has approximately 2,400 employees and sells life insurance, including group life insurance to employers nationwide.
Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.
“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said.
“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”
Davison was one of several business leaders who spoke during the virtual news conference on Dec. 30 that was organized by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce.
Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths, Davison said.
“What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers.”
He said at the same time, the company is seeing an “uptick” in disability claims, saying at first it was short-term disability claims, and now the increase is in long-term disability claims.
“For OneAmerica, we expect the costs of this are going to be well over $100 million, and this is our smallest business. So it’s having a huge impact on that,” he said.
That $100 million is what OneAmerica will have paid out to policyholders in group life insurance and disability claims, the company said.
Davison said the costs will be passed on to employers purchasing group life insurance policies, who will have to pay higher premiums.
The CDC weekly death counts, which reflect the information on death certificates and so have a lag of up to eight weeks or longer, show that for the week ending Nov. 6, there were far fewer deaths from COVID-19 in Indiana compared to a year ago – 195 verses 336 – but more deaths from other causes – 1,350 versus 1,319.
These deaths were for people of all ages, however, while the information referenced by Davison was for working-age people who are employees of businesses with group life insurance policies.
At the same news conference where Davison spoke, Brian Tabor, the president of the Indiana Hospital Association, said that hospitals across the state are being flooded with patients “with many different conditions,” saying “unfortunately, the average Hoosiers’ health has declined during the pandemic.”
In a follow-up call, he said he did not have a breakdown showing why so many people in the state are being hospitalized – for what conditions or ailments. But he said the extraordinarily high death rate quoted by Davison matched what hospitals in the state are seeing.
"What it confirmed for me is it bore out what we're seeing on the front end,..." he said.
The number of hospitalizations in the state is now higher than before the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced a year ago, and in fact is higher than it’s been in the past five years, Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer, said at a news conference with Gov. Eric Holcomb on Wednesday.
Just 8.9% of ICU beds are available at hospitals in the state, a low for the year, and lower than at any time during the pandemic. But the majority of ICU beds are not taken up by COVID-19 patients – just 37% are, while 54% of the ICU beds are being occupied by people with other illnesses or conditions.
The state's online dashboard shows that the moving average of daily deaths from COVID-19 is less than half of what it was a year ago. At the pandemic's peak a year ago, 125 people died on one day – on Dec. 29, 2020. In the last three months, the highest number of deaths in one day was 58, on December 13.
Scott Davison Oneamerica Company Commerce Economics Medicine
Any info or breakdown on those that died that were vaxxed versus those that died that weren't vaxxed? If you pointed this out up above, I apologize for not seeing it.
No. That's another stat that is missing. That's why when a level C spills these beans, we need follow up with the tough questions. The data is in their medical records so it's not rocket science. 40% is something a honest government that wants this entire matter rectified woulda jumped on this, but no. We have all dirt bags in DC
Well, anyone who knows how the personal insurance industry works, profits and margins are statistically calculated and finely balanced.
Throw in a mass poisoning event by government mandate - well, those statistics are going to change, profits/margins are going to be destroyed, and that finely balanced system is going to crash.
Unless the insurance companies also sell annuities. It is profitable for the insurance companies if annuitants beyond their life expectancies die. The biggest insurance companies hedge the risk of term insurance (the risk of someone dying before they think they will) against risk of annuitization (the risk of living too long). So this could bankrupt the little insurance companies but the big ones with annuity business should remain solvent.
Violent warning signal not seen in the PEI numbers sounds like the cover up there is beginning to leak. Before you know it Fauci will go on his media sites and say that he never recommended taking the vaccine.
You know where I get my National news these days? From the Toilet Cam that records people crapping, certainly more reliable and accurate shit than what the Lame Scream Propaganda Machine has been flinging at us these what, last 7 years now at least?
My question is, who are these despicable pathetic dumb fucks in the public who tell pollsters they still follow and support these pathological sociopathic liars who will tell us “Biden Great, Democrats Gods, everyone else evil and must be crushed!!!”?
Even more pathetic, who pays to advertise on such shit media sites?!
More fucking morons…
Hey, another ass sitting down on the can to update us on Biden’s next plan of action on Ukraine, beats what CBS, you know, Crappy Bullshit Stories, will spew…
Here a guy digs into the numbers https://tkp.at/2022/02/22/abrechnungsdaten-der-krankenkassen-belegen-sicherheitsdesaster-der-gen-impfstoffe/
The umbrella org. of a couple of insurers (11 million customers) has some numbers. A couple of bits from the article:
Doctors get 30€ for a minutes job of jabbing people
on the other hand
Doctors need 20-30 minutes to file a vax injury report, which most of the time was caused themselves, for which they get 0€.
The distortion of incentives is off the charts.
The factor of under reporting is approx. 13.9x
Injuries (heavy) 400k
Injuries (fatal) 31k
The under reporting factor might be still too low. 20x-40x is more likely
Why did they do/continue to do this to us? After all this time, I can not formulate any kind of answer.
Very simple really...because they can. Not ONE person has yet to be held to REAL account. Why would it end? The true definition of insanity
I liken this to those learning what was happening in the camps during WWII, when they knew the Nazi's were not the good guys all along.
That’s okay, the jab “significantly reduces” death from Covid, so no worries about the insurance data. But seriously, these deaths might be blamed on folks not keeping up with their treatments for other maladies during the Covid public health debacle, but that just means the public health policy made by our eminently fallible public health bureaucrats was waaaay off base. They went out of their way to scare the hell out of people and also make it hard in various ways to live a normally pattered life. (We have the receipts). These “leaders” don’t get out of it either way.
Hi Alex, See this translated letter from the German Insurance company CEO. The CEO estimates a gross underestimation of Covid-19 vaccine side-effects. According to their estimates, up to 3 million Germans are receiving treatment for vaccine injuries, so about 3.6% of the population or 4-5% of the vaccinated got injured in one way or another. By the way, Germany is a very similar market to the US as everyone has private health insurance. DiscloseTV has a German owner, so the information they tweet when it comes to Germany is solid. https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1496577835477180425?s=20&t=UaV-N4u7Mb_6PCj3otJ48w
I don't think any of us saw this coming (Sarcasm). Now to identify the culprits.
Can’t wait for the quatro vaxxed Israeli data.
I thought Israel scaled back on the 4th shot?
They made a deal with the Dev...I mean Pfizer!
oh its coming as wel las the 5th 6th etc
All The More Urgency to halt the childhood vaccines RIGHT NOW!
Perhaps the authorities will turn against the insurance companies, saying that the companies are just looking for taxpayer reimbursement due to COVID-related deaths.
I never considered this......the health insurers are irate that they are spending so much on side effect care. Life insures could get equally as angry.....the vax is likely contributing to excess mortality in younger people and this will sting the life insurance companies. They may end up being the whistleblowers!
I am pretty certain health insurers are not irate about it. Know why? Because they will simply raise rates to cover any additional money they are putting out. We will be the ones who ultimately bear the cost. And expect life insurance premiums to go through the roof. (I suspect at a certain point they will be even higher for anyone who was jabbed. They KNOW what is driving the deaths. You can count on that.)
Life insures can raise rates, but unlike health, rates on existing clients are locked. If there is a new cause of increased mortality they simply have to eat it on existing insureds.
Good point. I think they are trying to offload those policies to re-insurers. Don't know how successful they will be now. The cat is out of the bag.
"...increase in severe side effects after Covid jabs". Now I understand why Germany suddenly decided to require aspiration in order to avoid accidental intravenous injections.
The main point is govt, media, and the medical establishment are all going to try to hide it or spin it as things other than the vaccine. Truthfully. there are probably multiple things at work (people that already had Covid having delayed reactions and delayed medical care for example), but one of them is also the vaccine. We know who the liars and scumbags are. Vote the lying scumbags out of office, continue discrediting the liars in the media until everyone understands how corrupt they are, and understand you cannot trust the CDC, FDA, drug companies, NIH and socio paths like Fauci, Gates etc..
Berenson you cannot say that you warned them and told them so long before the first mRNA shot went it an arm. Fauci CDC NIH Blue Checks and the elite media are all guilty and explaining to do the American people. How many doctor's scientist have committed suicide from these mRNA shots going into their patients?
...and no doubt, it won't be news to celebrate! Talk about feeling glum.