
For those of you wondering about the deserts/desserts mistake - yes, that was in the original

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I want to say this Alex Berenson as you know I know several professional critical care doctors and none of them celebrate death. We people doctors are trained professionals to save lives. Any doctor person in a medical setting hospital setting should not be you do that at all I hope everyone understands. I know that you mean well Alex Berenson but we have exposed evil again and that is what people need to understand.

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I thought it was double S that jumped out at me

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More gold.

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Yah know, I'm starting to think every day of our lives has been April's Fools Day, but we didn't notice it until the covid shit-show.

It ain't all bad news though, at least we know who the people are that would open the doors for your last shower. The only difference is this time they'd take you to the billowing furnaces in a zero emission train of box cars.

The cruelty is totally lost on these people. They wreak of condescending smugness. It's utterly amazing that the more obvious something is...the more illusory it becomes for these asshats!

The fact of the matter is they think WE ARE THE VIRUS.


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Is it me or does Michael Hiltzik come across as an arrogant prick?

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

They truly are evil in the fullest sense of the word, and they are too ignorant and without virtue to understand that the world that they envision will at some point in the not too distant future lead to their own demise. I have been pondering Churchill’s words almost daily given the looming election about those who sacrifice freedom for security will end up with neither. I wrote the first 9 or so points on this list within a few months of the “vaccine” rollout but stopped the list about a year ago.

“Vaccines” how do I hate thee, let me count the ways!!

1. Not true vaccines but rather gene therapy which the pharmaceutical companies admit.

2. They were or are still being administered under Emergency Use Authorization, in other words they are an experimental drug which should be reserved for diseases that are highly life threatening or for which there are no other treatments (that is why the MSM, big Pharma, and big tech have censored the effectiveness of simple medications such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

3. No animal studies prior to first being administered. Animal studies conducted months after first rollout have found spike protein (which is toxigenic) everywhere including the brain.

4. There have been thousands of deaths in the US alone (probably many more) from the shots. If this were a vaccine for any other illness they would have stopped administering it. 50 deaths is the limit. At least a million vaccine injuries by June of 2021 in Europe where there is probably less censorship.

5. Risk of long term autoimmune disease.

6. Antibody Dependent Enhancement (a worse and possibly lethal infection) when exposed to COVID or another virus.

7. No idea of its effect on fertility, but appears to have deleterious effects on both male and female fertility and hormonal cycles.

8. Genomic effects possible via reverse transcriptase.

9. Do not elicit an immune response to the virus itself which is why vaccinated people can still get infected.

10. The shot short circuits the normal immune response to the virus. You get almost an exclusive B-cell immunoglobulin response without the normal T-cell activation which harms long term immunity (RSV out of season, increase in Varicella Zoster/shingles, etc.)

11. Negative effects with Interferon Alpha which harms the immune system making people more susceptible to infection as well as cancers.

12. Spike protein is a direct toxin leading to vascular damage causing blood clots and aneurysms.

13. Toxic effects from the lipid nano particles themselves and other substances that accompany the shots including PEG.

14. The spike protein injures mitochondria which are the energy suppliers of every cell in the body.

15. Induce inflammation in many different parts of the body, with the heart/myocarditis being the one most commonly recognized.

16. The spike protein mutates so quickly that any “vaccine” that is being administered is producing a spike protein that is nearly completely or completely extinct.

17. Degradation of mRNA in the multiuse vials possibly causing direct tumorogenesis.

All for a “cold” virus 🦠 that is no big deal for 99+% of those infected which is about the same as or less dangerous than seasonal flu.

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Damn. Exactly right. You covered it all.

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Seventeen horrible reasons to say NO to this poison & they’re still advertising it everywhere I look…and people are still lining up…of course I guess they’re hopeful it might keep them from their 5th “covid” infection…YES…they’re still testing!

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Benjamin Franklin (not Churchill) said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Otherwise, I agree in full. My fully vaccinated former next door neighbor died of COVID. The so-called COVID vax was not a vaccine in the ordinary sense of the word.

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You're right! But the curtain has been yanked waaaaayyy back for a lot of us now, and we can't unsee them for what they really are. The Wizard of Oz has been unmasked. At this point I find them tiresome and childish. One thing is sure: They are intractable and we will probably never penetrate their obtusity! I choose not to hear anything they say going forward.

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Like. One million times. ❤️

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Honestly you just can't fix stupid!

And I wonder if mocking him having a vaccine injury (should he suffer one) would also be "just"......

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

"deliberately flouted sober medical advice by refusing a vaccine"? You mean the novel vaccine that was under emergency authorization with no long term testing, that they intentionally blew up the clinical safety trials? That same sober medical advice?

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Precisely. If you flouted "sober medical advice" that turned out to be wrong, as the Covid vaccine advice by any fair assessment was, you did the right thing. You should be applauded for your courage and initiative to do what was right and not to follow the herd.

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Replace sober with "drunken" and you get to the heart of the matter.

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Drunken on $$$$$$$$$$

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Alex, you made the mistake of assuming that a leftist, when confronted by evidence, would admit error and modify their opinion. You fail to understand that leftists are sure that they are correct in every case. That is how they justify imposing their views on others and censoring speech that differs from their narrative. These are not nice people.

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You are wasting your time, Alex. I used to be a LA Times reader, until I couldn't stand it any more. I guarantee you that Hiltzik is a long-time leftist fascist, and nothing you can do or say will change that. I used to marvel that the Times would employ a business writer who so obviously hated business. The only thing he hates more than business is Republicans.

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I remember when LA Times was worth reading. Guess that makes me older than dirt!

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The entire concept of vaccination is senseless:

For hundreds of thousands of years, humans have developed their finely-tuned immune systems to up-regulate and down-regulate dynamically in response to highly-varying concentrations of foreign pathogens in their local environments.

Medical-Industrial Complex MO:

Bypass the crucial external portion of this finely-tuned immune system, and inject an arbitrary amount of foreign material directly into a human‘s bloodstream. If either nothing happens, or the human immediately becomes ill and recovers quickly, declare success. And if they become ill shortly after (but not immediately after) injection, declare either an insufficient dose, or insufficient time for the dose to work. All of this knowing that the hypodermic needle was only first used to systematically deliver substances to the human body about 200 years ago. So, that’s the maximum length of time for testing the safety and efficacy of *any* injection - in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of years humans have had honing their immune response to the external environment. (And this safety and efficacy testing includes not just the injected material, but the delivery mechanism (i.e. the needle) itself. And adverse events due simply to the needle are non-trivial. For example, if people were periodically injected just with inert saline, a small fraction of these people would develop infections due to just exposing the broken skin to the environment. And declaring that proper injection technique wasn’t used doesn’t eliminate this statistic.)

It’s a con game that ran for over 90 years, until Leicester, UK, protested smallpox vaccinations in 1885. Then, the medical-industrial complex started up again for other diseases - because smallpox and every other “infectious” disease over 200 years (1740-1940) was almost completely eradicated due to significant improvements in sanitation (flush toilets, indoor and outdoor plumbing, and garbage removal), clean drinking water, food quality, air quality, refrigeration (for food preservation), housing (structural quality, space, heating and cooling), working conditions, and electricity (used to power machines, which reduced the average citizen’s manual labour by 95% over 200 years). All of this is well-documented in the book “Dissolving Illusions”. It charts the clear historical record of many well-known diseases which were reduced by at least 95% over this period - with no mass injections. And the book “Turtles All The Way Down” shows the clearly inadequate safety testing of many vaccines. (Inadequate due to lack of proper random control testing, because the control used by industry is almost always just an older version of a vaccine, which itself includes bioactive material which was never random-control tested. A proper control would be a known inert material, such as saline.)

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another reader of A midwestern Doctor

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I read both those book early on in 2020. Great great perspective on all this. I thank these books for raising my total skepticism about covid right from the beginning.

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Hiltzik proves again the adage that it is easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled.

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The more he digs the better, it makes it all the more clear to those that support freedom of speech, medical freedom, etc that those going on about misinformation and the like are probably going to be unyielding on any issue and that a vote for that mentality will ultimately be a vote for totalitarianism down the road. These things don’t happen overnight but we are definitely on our way in that direction.

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Ooo Oo ask him his thoughts on free speech, Alex!!

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Marxists’ version of free speech is their speech but not yours

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Hiltzik’s thoughts and opinions are worth less than the coal in his soul. His comments to you: “Your readers are welcome to read my column . . . They might learn something, for once” indicate that he’s also a total arrogant ass. Other than sensationalism, there is no reason to keep communicating with him. Your readers have better insight than his antagonistic nonsense.

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I have enormous sympathy for those who took the shots under duress. It's terribly sad. I have some sympathy for those that took the shots because they believed the lies. I have very little sympathy for the rabid shot advocates/promoters. Now, for those that wished misery, suffering and death on those unwilling to take the shots may God have mercy on their (unworthy) souls. They deserve far, far worse.

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Those sort can make one doubt that they have souls to have mercy on.

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“…and end up in the hospital or the grave can be viewed as receiving their just deserts…” (sic) error, meant dessert. So sloppy in both thought and execution.

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I hope hope hope that HE wrote "deserts" in his actual column, and "distrct", and that they weren't typos from when you copied-and-pasted.

If they *were* in the original, I can't imagine how bad the fired "reporters" were given that he kept his job.

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Or they could have been on the wrong ‘side’ of issues.

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It actually is deserts not desserts. I heard an interview with an author who cleared that up. That being said he sounds like pompous and nasty person.

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I love it when I learn something new. Thanks! The above link was the most interesting explanation I found.

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Is his viewpoint really that surprising coming from someone who is (probably) proud to tout the uptick in babies being aborted since Roe was overturned? The miracle and sanctity of life are not valued by many of our citizens.

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Here's a link to the article behind the paywall. The link allows you to read paywalled articles (except on Substack's) and works on Chrome and Firefox: https://archive.ph/rxHO9

PS: Would love to know your thoughts about Helene and the thoughts of geoengineering. Here's an article on it: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/hurricane-helene-was-climate-warfare

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