This is what science has become; conform or get canceled. This mentality is the most devastating loss of the pandemic

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Someone got to her…….

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Nice job getting her on the record Alex! Now there is zero doubt about where she stands. We need more of this. Thank you

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Translation: she’s a COWARD. No one should listen to her ever again.

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From the first place it was stupid to call her 'the most reasonable'.

She supported vaccine mandates.

She supported and tell everyone that it's OK to not allow a child to enter a restaurant without a covid vaccine.

She's just the same hypocrite as the others, and always trying to please her superiors.

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They threatened her funding of course

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Geez...no one with a head on their shoulders thinks they're safe and effective.....my God...just look around at the data and the VAERS which is so underreported ....maybe 40X....I don't know how we can go back to listening to doctors anymore.

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She must immediately step back into line. No cutting or getting ahead of the official narrative. Not if you want to maintain your credentials. Sorry, dissent is not allowed. The "Vaccines" are safe and effective. Except for the part where you can still transmit and catch Covid. Oh, and the part about getting really sick and dying. Other than that, these shots are great. RESIST.

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That's gross because she has specifically discussed myocarditis in boys. She knows this data. And still parrots safe & effective?

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Stepford Doctors- The real horror show

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97% of doctors in 1939's Germany were members of the NAZI Party, higher than any other profession. Don't ever look to doctors for the truth.

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Yikes. Spoon fed talking points.

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There is no possible way to listen to the Senator Ron Johnson hearing yesterday and come away with anything except anger at the travesty. The cheerleading squad for mRNA should be lead out to freshly built gallows with new ropes dangling.

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Man, that didn't take long for her to change her tune. AGAIN, I told you she was no centrist.

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She repeats the mantra: “Safe and effective”, I repeat the mantra: Your opinion means NOTHING. Show us the data. If you cant or wont, you are just another pharma shill

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This is utterly ridiculous. It's so clear what's going on. She is ass covering, nothing more nothing less.

But I think your decision to edit anything is wrong. You wrote an article on YOUR Substack, which is where you post your opinions, interpretations and commentary on what's going on. We subscribe to it because that's what we want, YOUR views, nobody else's, least of all some Medico who cares more about their career and income than about the people DYING RIGHT NOW from these vaccines, or the people FALSELY believing they are "protected" by them, and thus going out and taking risks they wouldn't IF they knew the TRUTH.

The truth SHE disclosed indirectly (and accidentally perhaps) is just as you describe, shown by her omissions and comments. I would tell her "I am sorry you feel that way, why don't you start your own Substack, you can use that to cover your ass and insure your future career prospects, mine isn't for hire and I have followers who expect to hear from me, NOT YOU".

I used to have sympathy for people (and still do sometimes) who make choices based on income at the expense of others. Self-interest is both a powerful and fully legitimate motivation for anyone to do anything. BUT.... this is way beyond anything like that. We are now in a situation where trained professionals are LYING or HIDING the truth, or PRETENDING they don't know the truth, all in order to earn more money and keep their status/titles etc, at the SEVERE expense of other people including suffering and DEATH.

In short: "Your concerns are noted doc, now take a hike".

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I want to praise the 16,000 doctors and scientists who signed the Great Barrington Declaration. They are the true heroes of medicine today.

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I sense much fear in this one.

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She is a coward. Leave her behind. Inexcusable.

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"Hi, this is Tony from the NIH. You do realize you're about to lose all of your grant money, right?"

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A Nobel Prize for a "vaccine" that makes people more susceptible to the virus it's purported to prevent???? Dr. Ghandi is afraid, very afraid.

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Gee, Alex, I'd be sorely tempted to start a shake down racket. I'd send a mass email to doctors: "Send me $20K and I won't EVER mention your name in Unreported Truths. Bitcoin preferred."

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OK, I've been mulling over when reality will hit home on redefining these mRNA therapies from being a 'vaccine' to a 'disease attenuating injection' (one iwth unintended consequences) because, based upon taking an objective look at the data (which means stepping back from my personal bias) these therapies only tend to have a transient effect in lessening the disease in much the same way taking Tylenol for a fever does....OK, the injection provides 4 months of disease attenuation instead of 6 hours (that is, if you make it passed the 14 day unvaccinated window where it appears one is more suceptible to an infection and ADE) but most people here will get my point. These therapies do NOT reduce transmission, severity of infection, viral load and have not stopped this virus in it's tracks....the data only seems to suggest they attenuate the severity of disease......so continuing the term 'vaccine' is a complete and utter sham. But in this virtual and woke world we currently inhabit reality seems to take a back seat to psychology......once again, I am reminded on a daily basis that we are literally, "Living in a Lunatic's Paradise"

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She lost me when she said masks worked in a NYT article. When people pointed out her inaccuracies, she said the editor would not publish the rest of the article without the masks work comments. That's not how science works.

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The original Gandhi would not have stood for this type of intimidation.

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Remember when colds and the flu were treated with chicken noodle soup, gargling with salt water, vapor rub, honey, vitamin C and not fascism?

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There's that odious mantra "safe and effective" again...

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Ooh. She's scared. Another cowardly physician. She'll need to be prosecuted, too, when we get to the bottom of this

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If she supports jabbing kids, then she is a corrupt monster.

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As the medical licensing board begins the process of dragging her out in front of a wall.

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She’s an idiot if she thinks they are safe and effective. She’s being pressured by someone.

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Another victim of the medical mafia

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"I think" they are really safe and effective vaccines is NOT "I know" or "The data show" they are really safe and effective vaccines.

Hers is a position of faith, not of science.

The jabs are barely one year old. She can't possibly know they are safe and effective because there is no long-term data to support that claim.

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The people touting the "safe and effective" line are either completely isolated from society, sticking their heads in the sand, or just flat out lying if they don't see what's going on with adverse reactions. Just personally within my close circle, my father got a blood clot, a girl in my Girl Scout troop had a very severe reaction for months where her mom had to quit her job to take care of her 24/7, my cousin and a friend developed a very quick and aggressive breast cancer a few months after their shots, and a member of our church went from remission to Stage 4 breast cancer in a matter of months after her shots. And these are just the ones I know - there might be more that are just keeping their issues to themselves as some seem to do. How do these doctors and scientists sleep at night continuing to promote something knowing full well that it's killing and maiming people?

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WHAT A SHRILL!!!! THESE kinds of responses literally make my skin crawl!!! over 22 THOUSAND PEOPLE HAVE DIED LADY!!!!!! Effing COWARD! Sorry Im mad now.

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"I have received many emails". That explains everything. Probably a couple of phone calls too.

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Alex, all due respect, but I don't feel like your current form of reporting is beneficial to the cause. Forcing a neutral person to take sides before she is ready is short sighted and foolish. It amounts to losing a powerful ally. Attacking Doc Malone on Fox amounts to the same results. Maybe take a few weeks off and go on vacation. We need a steady hand to make it to the other side of all this.

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If this is a moderate, centrist voice....

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omg, her twitter...she RT'd a bunch of 'mRNA safe & effective' posts since yr original post, clearly trying to do damage control. this is gettin good heh

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“I think they’re fantastic vaccines.” is NOT keeping "all the science open.

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They are not going to give up that easy - trust me. Millions and millions of dollars and professional reputations will depend on it. They will continue to push these ineffective products long after their usefulness is gone. Its highly likely that these vaccines have provided little or no benefit for anyone - outside of the initial viral variant. Monica and her cronies will never admit they were wrong - it will take years of open retrospective review of patients to see the damage that the vaccines MAY have caused.

As Alex would say - I am not a big conspiracy theory guy - but I do believe in one pseudo-conspiracy. They are trying to get rid of the control group. They want to get at least one shot of mRNA in everyone.

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Imagine if there was a database that we could just enter in a Dr's name and all funding from Pharma companies, be it directly or indirectly, was readily available. The level of transparency that is non existence in this area is criminal. I don't care if Pfizer has their hands on your jewels and your wallet, I just want to be able to know that, so I can make an evaluation as to the bias that may be involved in the analysis and direction provided. I suspect that someone called Dr. Gandhi and asked that she clarify and reconsider. As for direct versus indirect, some are being funded and actually paid to promote Pharma; but others not so clear, however many of them have NEVER paid for a vacation and go to places many of us never have the chance. The academics, making 125k a year or so teaching, go to Fiji, Hawaii, Switzerland, and on and on and on, 100% paid for by Pharma. Oh wait, they are participating on a Panel and the cost to attend is paid as a function of participating. Now imagine you tell your wife or partner, sorry, I decided to speak the truth and we'll be vacationing in Mobile, Alabama this year baby. There is a reason for everything, and for most of these self indulged academic Ahole, Social Justice Warriors, it is the same thing as drives CEO's, their own damn pocketbook! Sorry....I got carried away.

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Science is dead. The long lasting impact of this will be grave.

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Well, as soon as I hear someone say "safe and effective" my blood starts to boil and I cross them off my list of "non zombie humans"

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Alex - your original article was inaccurate in one respect. Dr Gandhi is not a "Covid centrist". There's probably no such thing as a Covid centrist. Dr Gandhi has to engage in crazy doublespeak to try to justify her nonsensical position, so we can assume she is desperate to maintain the narrative despite all evidence otherwise, putting her squarely in the Fauci camp.

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And that's what you get for listening to people like her. They will turn on you in an instant so they aren't perceived as "anti vax" and unsupportive of the narrative. Stop listening to those beholden to Pharma, government grants, etc. for their livelihoods. Few of them will EVER break lockstep or dare to think an independent thought-- much less, speak it aloud or even less so, commit it to print/social media/etc. They're bought and paid for, and likely irredeemable at this point. Instead, listen and give a voice to those who have been brave enough to go against the narrative, preferably from the beginning. The black sheep. The outcasts. That's who we need to hear.

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There are the tell-tale words again - "safe and effective". She's been bought or threatened.

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If she thinks they're safe then she's straight up LYING

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Its a big club of Principal Investigators. And you (and I) ain't in it!

But the fun part? WE PAY FOR ALL OF IT! How cool is that!


Search for: Monica Gandhi, M.D., M.P.H.

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oh the back-pedaling of Dr. Gandhi is interesting.

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