The minute @Substack doesn’t defend free speech, is the minute we all need to go.

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Go where?

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I look at very few videos regardless of the site. My reading is way faster than listening or watching. Keep writing wherever you end up.

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Same. I MUCH prefer to read than watch or listen.

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Me too. Reading is so much faster. I usually won’t watch a video over 20 minutes.

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Agreed. I tend to understand/absorb more when I read (maybe with the exception of JP Sears videos).

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Very true. But I have to say I love the audio version of Substack, too. Sometimes I want to do something with my hands while I “read” an article in Substack.

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it's much more difficult to pretend that you're working when watching videos

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Lol, so it’s not just me?

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While I don't always agree with you Alex (I like El Trumpo) supporting and reading well thought out views and opinions is even more important these days in Polarized Media. I will be staying as a Member!

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I'm glad you're staying. And I love your commitment to writing. I am not a podcast or video person. But most of all, I am grateful for your commitment to real journalism.

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Alex, very glad to hear you're sticking it out here at Substack. I don't agree with you on everything, and I'm not even sure we'd get along in "real life", but I will be forever grateful to you for the service you provided during the height of COVID mania. You gave voice and community to those of us unwilling to swallow to the nonsense we were being force fed by seemingly everyone else. It's easy to forget how much bravery that took back a couple years ago.

Subscriber for life here, unless Substack stops defending free speech, as BD noted in the Pinned comment. Thank you so much; I hope you get rich as a result of your efforts!

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Maybe I’m a sucker, but when you say it was the right decision financially to switch, but you went with the decision that made your subscribers happiest, that’s almost impossible to comprehend in this day and age! Thank you!

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My thought exactly. That is quite the show of integrity on Alex's part. A beautiful thing, integrity.

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And rare.

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Ahh...your character and integrity are showing, Alex. Makes me feel good about my gut instinct to trust you and subscribe here when Twitter tried to silence you. 😃

Nothing against Rumble, but as my dad used to remind me to always “Dance with the one who brung ya’”

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This is America at work...a person with ideas, communicating with people who find value in critically assessing those ideas and arriving at their own conclusions after doing so. And the creator has the freedom to decide the best vehicle for disseminating those ideas.

This system is in everybody's interest. Trying to forcibly shut down ideas and their discussion is not in anyone's best interest.

Reading this train of thought is nearly as sobering as the jury duty selection process.

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Thanks, Alex, for consulting your readers. -- and giving consideration to our opinions.

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I'm in with Alex for the long haul--regardless of where "Unreported Truths" ends up.

I say that for the same reason Alex has cited: Loyalty and mutual respect.

Besides, sooner or later, I'm confident Alex will turn up where I first found him: on Tucker Carlson's show. And I'm fine with that.

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I found him on Joe Rogan!

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I don't know about you, but I was relieved. when I found Alex. In the early days of covid, I had been thinking, "We can't keep living like this!" Alex provided that educated, sensible voice that backed up my sense that the masks are bullshit, and staying inside in the summer is absolute nonsense.

As a bonus, he exposed Fauci as a liar and a fraud.

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Yes, hearing Alex speak was a validating moment for me. When COVID first hit, I actually gave out N95s we had on hand to everyone in my family. But then the inconsistencies became glaringly obvious... I'll never forget watching that government official showing how to make a face mask out of a T-shirt...

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Subscribed....good thing you put the second button in your post Alex!🤪

I have been suspended without pay for 17 months (and counting) for refusing the jab...will share more later when time permits. Glad to be a part of a community of courageous warriors for truth!

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That's terrible! 17 months is a very unusual time frame. How can your employer keep you on the hook for that long? Probably most of us have learned the hard way that being a warrior involves calamity and sacrifice. It's best you stood your ground!

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Thanks Alex. Looking forward to your book too. I believe we became a team over the last few years fighting with you against deliberate lies and testing the waters on how far down we could be pushed. Unfortunately, I think the worst is yet to come with the World "Health" Organization bypassing Americans' rights and, of course, the pharmaceutical companies still putting out their lies and products about chemical imbalances in the brain. My hope is that enough of us supporting your voice, and others, will undermine enough the most nefarious efforts. I will help you keep your voice alive!

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Alex love you man. I’m an anti vaxxer, I think Ivermectin works and I like a bit of pot. Even though you are against all that. I still support you, because I don’t want a friend that agrees with me, I need a journalist that tells me the truth and backs it up with evidence. If a virus gonna virus, please keep on being you, Alex.

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The minute the Government hits Substack, and they will, is when they hit all alternate voices.

What Tucker Carlson told us is they don’t care.

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Truth. Unacceptable voices must not be tolerated.

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Been a free member and just subbed for the annual and thank you for all you have shared over the past three years. Don’t necessarily align with you politically on everything but there is nothing you have written that I have taken issue with. You are the most “intellectually honest” person in all of investigative journalism while throwing in s little humor to boot!!

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I would have followed if you switched, but I'm very happy with staying here.

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