Epoch Times covered it: https://www.theepochtimes.com/osha-suspends-enforcement-of-vaccine-mandate-after-court-block_4108842.html

Also, if you are using Google (the most evil company on earth) they probably have results blocked. Try using duckduckgo.com

Do not use Google. If you have an Android phone, dump it and get a iPhone (yeah also bad, but not nearly as bad as Google)

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MSM cares only that Kyle Rittenhouse is found guilty...never mind the "vaxxes"are killing thousands, and OSHA is "temporarily" suspended.

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Media and politicians lionizing a pedophile rapist released from a mental hospital that morning. Full video coverage of all of the attacks and showing it was clear self defense, and they want him nailed to the all. These are the people telling you to take the shots every 6 months because they are safe and effective. Or for JNJ, every 2 months.

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Are you really not going to honor Rosenbaum the multiple boy rapist who favored raping boys between 9 and 11? The Left says we must adore him and demand reparations.

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pray for Kyle!

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... was censored & locked out of Twitter for the crime of expressing my support for Kyle...

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...mr. twitter tells me that my a/c can only be reinstated if my tweet is deleted... i REFUSE to comply!

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He touched one boy too many. Justice served

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I wonder if we'll ever get the details on his mental hospital release order that morning. Was that release date as normally scheduled, or was it done suddenly to add another lefty terrorist to destroy the city?

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They are now called MINOR ATTRACTED.

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😱 that's fine double speak right there. May I be damned if I ever use that expression for a pedo.

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I'm sure Big Pharma will have a Drug for that......WTF?!

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yes it's the C-19 shot

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Finally, the idiot poster has been banned! (Sorry twistertim, did not want to respond to the banned idiots post. Please forgive me.)

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Despicable. Agent of satan.

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I saw that last night. WTF?

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oh please!!! ridiculous!

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"Anthony and *Jo-Jo*," BLM/Antifa is chanting outside the jury room. *Jo-Jo* the pedo, FFS.

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Useful idiots is way too kind.

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Journalists welcome Biden bill's $1.6B tax credit to local news outlets, despite ethics questions

President Biden's $1.85 trillion social spending bill includes a provision that, if it becomes law, would mark the first time the federal government has offered targeted support in response to the decline of local news.


Then this Covid And Pregnancy: Don't Get Worried, Get Vaccinated


Herd Immunity Against COVID-19 ‘May Not Be Possible’: CDC

Dr. Anthony Fauci, for instance, said last year that an impact would be seen when as little as 50 percent immunity was reached. Blanket herd immunity, or a wider range of protection, would take up to 85 percent immunity, he said during an NPR interview.


Biden DOJ Uses FBI To Target Parents - Judicial Watch


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Govt pays for media = PRAVDA

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who even listens to that crap anymore? it's nonsense

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oh, i forgot, the sheep do listen to that crap

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They really are!

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The "news" is full of garbage stories today!

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You might like The Epoch Times. Strongly suggest checking out that rapidly growing media company. Coverage is fair, balanced, like it's supposed to be

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I love Epoch! The variety is amazing and they report on both sides with info that isn’t fake and report fairly in my opinion. During the election, they put all the important details side by side for each party so you could see clearly see for decision-making. They are like a real newspaper. It’s too bad some automatically dismiss it if they identify with a particular political party. While I consider myself conservative, I vote on policies. Not personality or party. I love that Epoch gives full truth even if it’s right leaning plus they have so many articles on just regular life stuff that’s not political. I wish it weren’t so pricey, but I’m willing to pay for the truth.

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If you tell the truth these days you are going to look like you are right leaning. The Left breaths lies. In order to counter the lies you must oppose their messaging. The right( RINOs) also regularly lie. When you counter someone like Liz Cheney, you will be called a right wing extremist. This is the conundrum for a news organization that seeks truth.

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Quite true!

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Succumbing to their name-calling is admitting defeat. Remember sticks & stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me?

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Epoch Times ... maybe the last great paper... Love 💕💕💕

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Not nearly as pricey as being in the dark and losing our freedoms. Hard to fight what one does not know about.

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Totally agree. Their opinion page obviously leans right as do the choice of stories at times; however, the articles themselves do portray both sides. I honestly am usually stunned after reading one of their articles to find fair coverage. It is so rare that it really stands out. The choice of stories is often original as well. We are used to the same stories that dominate the news cycles. Epoch actually does original reporting. I just read a super interesting story last week about all the black market marijuana fields in states with legalized pot. Not a story that you ever see spoon fed from the main stream media.

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The Opinion page is where opinions belong. MSM is total opinion pretending to be news reporting.

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FB will block you if you use Kyle's pic holding the AR 15 right, while the dumb AG was waving what looked like a fully loaded one, with his finger on the trigger. FIRST thing you are taught is NOT to put your finger on the trigger, don't wave or point it till you are actually going to shoot. Yet the AG won't be charged. Surprised NRA wasn't screaming about it. But it took PETA nearly 2 weeks on Fauci Animal cruelty testing, much less the Mice/Aborted Baby cells. Makes you wonder if he had something to do with this HIV horror? HIV The Hideous Truths Of Testing Vaccines On Humans https://www.forbes.com/sites/leahrosenbaum/2020/06/12/willowbrook-scandal-hepatitis-experiments-hideous-truths-of-testing-vaccines-on-humans/?sh=1c659b98279c Geraldo has been quite about it. As has Forbes. RFK JR exposed it.

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The bookie 4xcellent. Buy it. All proceeds go to Children's’ Defense

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The fourth turning is upon us.

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Agree that Google is being evil. A perfect example is to Google “Alex Berenson”. This Substack doesn’t even show up on first page! —and the top results are old/dated Alex Berenson hit pieces. Then run the search on DuckDuckGo. His Wikipedia and Substack are the top results (no BS hit pieces!!).

The Google results for Alex are not algorithm-driven. These results are 100% hard coded to discredit him and stop people from finding this Substack.

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The results from searches are now so contaminated it's a wonder Google has a purpose. Duck or Bing has now become the only reliable search.

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Yes, DuckDuckGo has many results for the OSHA mandate suspension. I’ve been using it for years! Get off Google!

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The only thing I dislike about DuckDuckGo is that they don't put a date on each listing like Google does. I want to know WHEN the article was written or discussed without having to click on the site first. I know you can set the time limiter to "within the last week" or last month, but it wouldn't take much effort to just put the date on there.

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Google has a purpose. They are big investors in pharma.

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Check their backers. Do I smell a Soros?

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Oh WOW. Google literally blacklisted his page from the results. The only thing that pops up is the link to his substack PROFILE, because its not behind Alex subdomain.


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Correction — the substack is at the bottom of the first page now (mobile search). Previously whenever I performed the search on my PC it wouldn’t appear, which was insane considering how much more traffic UT gets compared to all other results ahead of it.

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Just use Brave and Duckduckgo on android....

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Dropped google a year ago, and went to DuckDuckGo! It’s good

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Brave is also excellent as a browser.

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I installed Brave but never switched over. I currently use Opera which gives me the ability to block ads. I understand Brave does the same. I will have to bite the bullet one day and give it a try.

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EFF has an extension that blocks ads with different browsers. https://privacybadger.org/

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Yeah, Opera has a built-in VPN

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True. But, Epoch Times is not really mainstream.

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It's probably growing. I cancelled Washington Post and subscribed to Epoch Times and Washington Times. I could no longer take the not reporting anything that does not fit their agenda. The Washington Post is now propaganda, not journalism.

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Tell your friends. The legacy media veers between suckiness and outright evil.

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They don't veer toward evil so much as wallow in it. As does anyone who believes a word of what they print.

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Did the same, but miss my WSJ OpEd page. The news reporting side became so full of half truths and selective reporting I dumped them. Now like the ET subscription (2nd year) but still looking for more truth reporting.

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I dumped the WSJ after 30 years as a subscriber as they started monitoring and censoring conservative voices on the comment section.

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I was the same way- subscribed to WSJ for the OpEds.

Trouble is, I'm a loud mouth, and I was fooled into thinking that paying to go through their paywall meant I could comment w/o being interfered with. Wrong.

It was clear they were censoring not just me, but others who commented from a conservative perspective.

I'm not going to pay to be censored.

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The problem is that they give free subscriptions to students and the radical left has purposely targeted them as one of the last national newspapers with a center-right tilt. In my opinion, they are gone.

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It didn't just become like that. It's you that "became." Also, "UncoverDC.com is up and coming and really good stuff. Try them. May take maneuvering the Google trolls to find the real site though.

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We have so many alternatives for news - real news, the unbiased type - that there's no need for the old formats of yesteryear. UncoverDC, RevolverNews, TheRightScoop, GatewayPundit, TheLibertyDaily just to name a few.

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Revolver is very good

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I've been getting a real good overview of real news on censored.news. Even straight up prepper links (cause you can never have too many options for self reliance)

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The same is true of the New York Times, aka "the newspaper of record."

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Yeah, Wapo has become a propaganda rag...since about 1955.

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Los Angeles Times is the worst. Had to stop Sunday paper even though my granddaughter enjoyed the funnies. Might have to order the OC Register and read John Philips.

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Epoch Times is Taiwanese. The antithesis of China and Big Difference.

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Subscribed to the Epoch Times. They are doing actual journalism and are serious about it.

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It will be in a few years. I subscribe.

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Who wants "mainstream" corporate media when all they do is lie? New/Alternative media is the future if there is any hope for our country.

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Epoch Times is excellent in every way. It's now my main news source.

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It's got more readers all the time. I'm not sure I care what the midstream media report.

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It's Chinese owned, like RT is for Russia. Both can be Propagandizing......

Remove the "the"in the url and use only...www.epochtimes.com...it's in Chinese.

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It's not "Chinese owned" as in "Chinese government." It's run by people who fled China's oppressive and censorious state and started up their own free news agency. Doesn't mean they don't have an agenda, but their agenda is not the communist government's agenda.

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You are correct and it’s my understanding that the CCP has been actively trying to shut them down and have even jailed people that work at Epoch

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You literally did the corporate media routine against the Epoch Times which is a pro-freedom and pro-Free China publication. They are the antithesis of the ChiComs.

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It's not. It may be a mouthpiece of the Falun Gong but I trust them to trash the CCP. They're less commie than NYT, Washington Postitute, etc

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The Epoch Times is in no way, no shape, or form "commie." They actually have done a series on the horrors of communism. Why don't you go see it for yourself and not do the DNC Media routine? For cripes sakes.

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What better way to find out the truth about a publication than tease this Unreported Truths audience.....Not a smarter group on Substack to be found.

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Smart group at Kunstlerdotcom Monday and Friday

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Epoch Times is the information arm of the Falun Gong (the stage show, Shen Yun, is the group’s “outreach”), either a spiritual practice or a cult, depending on who you listen to.

I don’t care who publishes it or what its bias is as long as the information that’s being published is accurate. That’s why I’ll watch RT and even Al Jazeera: I know the outlets are biased, but so far, I haven’t found outright lies like in MSM like NYT, WA Po, MSNBC, or CNN.

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If you have ever tried to cancel your subscription you know that there is nothing mainstream about them.

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Can you explain what you mean by that?

I probably agree w/ you. But your possible meanings are very broad.

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I recently was going through my subscriptions to get rid of ones I wasn’t using. I had turned Epoch off due to the excessive (IMHO) number of notifications per day. Not only excessive but I wasn’t interested in most of it. I am expert (apparently) at signing up for content and equally talented at canceling. Last week I saw the charge come through PayPal and I went to the app to cancel. No kidding! it took me several attempts before i gave up! They required you to watch a “2 minute video “ to cancel. Trick was it was 5 minutes long. Of course I would of chopped off an appendage before I would have listened to the guy on a stool talking, so I let it play. Then I advanced the video. The process was never completed. I spent over an hour before I went to PayPal and cancelled it from there. I expect harassing phone calls for the remainder of my natural life.

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thanks for that information

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Sorry if it more rant than information.

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it's all good. you helped me see where i wont be going.

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I use Brave browser on Android. I like Brave more than Duckduckgo.

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Good choice. Brave is the brainchild of the Mozilla/Firefox browser creator. Their focus is privacy and it's the first browser to pay you in crypto for ads only you select. Info on underlying crypto (BAT) and Brave download here or go directly to Goggle store (https://basicattentiontoken.org/).

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You can't share stuff on Brave. The fact you can in DDG makes the privacy dubious.

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encryption, VPN-- come on

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>> If you have an Android phone, dump it and get a iPhone (yeah also bad, but not nearly as bad as Google)


Man, Apple users will say ANYTHING to justify their fandom.

Sorry, I don't buy phones from the the Chinese Communist Party.

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My friends that have iPhones, no joke, will be talking about stuff and then get notifications about products related to their conversations.

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The sheer volume of consumer abuse that Apple pioneered even before they became PRC's whore is mind-blowing and impressive in the same way as, say, the Black Plague.

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I'm on the golf course and I get ad's on my Android for golf equipment (I know I can turn off my location services, but it's more insidious than most realize)

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as a former Mac user when I saw what Apple was doing with iPhone I was always strangely against buying them A lot of us old mac users have been a little chuffed since system 7 I think, lol. It was a nice open-ish platform last century but even I would not buy a modern mac with its DRM, need to be online to run software...just evil.

Though I would like an older mac to run garageband, to be honest.

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strongly not strangely...sigh

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My husband’s Samsung Note does this all the time, like constantly giving him product info etc based on recent conversations. It’s no longer coincidental. It’s creepy. Now my iPhone X...? Not so much. I suspect it is because my husband uses Bixby all the time and I have never used Siri (turned off). Just a guess

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I've been using a Note 9 for a few years, but have Bixby shut off and never use it, nor do I use Google voice. I never get ads.

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...yeah, it’s a really creepy experience... happens daily...

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yep, i vouch for that. sometimes i just mention something to myself (mumbling)...the ad is there...i just shake my head in wonder.

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I have heard plenty of stories like that about Android, too.

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I'm curious if it's mainly due to the wearables / watches so many are using w/ Androids and iPhones.

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All the time

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Use an old one and get encryption. I have a SE first gen and never get what you are talking about

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If anyone wants a couple of serious suggestions. Look into something called Graphene OS which targets one device at a time and develops an OS and installation process that make the phone secure but still allow access to Android apps.

There is also the PinePhone which I have the developer version of, it's a little underpowered but now there is the PinePhone Pro. This is a Linux-based phone OS. I have not tried the PinePhone Pro but will probably pick one up in the new year.

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I'm very big on privacy. I've been thinking a lot on it especially when it comes to mobile devices. I came across a YT video with the title of something like "Turn Off These X# Settings on Your IPhone Now." After watching it and following the instructions I actually feel like I reclaimed something. I also advise keeping location allowance off unless using for navigation and not keeping social media apps on your phone or have an extra cheap one just for them. Also, for personal data respecting tech, maybe Purism deserves a looksee.

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There is also https://e.foundation/ . Anyone using one of their phones? I like their stated philosophy (Android w/o all the data harvesting) but haven't ordered one.

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Hadn't heard of the pinephone before. Would it be preferable to a more robust full feature phone made by Samsung that can also run Linux? Is there something about the pinephone platform that gives me additional privacy above and beyond using the Linux mobile OS on a Samsung? Or is it merely that pinephone ships with the Linux mobile OS pre-installed and fully supported whereas it is essentially a hack on a Samsung?

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Other than GrapheneOS which works only on select models of Google Pixel I have actually never heard of installing Linux on a Samsung. I can tell you some advantages anyway which is that the PinePhone is as open source as they could possibly make it, I think there were a couple of parts they just couldn't pull it off but it is overwhelmingly so. It also just plugs right into a laptop running linux OS and I can browse the file system top to bottom.

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My husband uses a Pro and loves it.

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Oh nice! That greatly increases the chance I will pick it up soon.

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He's in cybersecurity and it scratches all his itches. Make of that what you will. :)

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He also has a PineBook which is his everything non-gaming, if you really want to broaden your horizons.

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By "one device at a time" I meant "one model of phone at a time"

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Actually, get one of the Samsung phone models that you can install the Linux mobile OS on. there's not much of an app Eco system for Linux mobile OS and they're probably never will be. You probably wouldn't even want there to be one, as apps are one of the primary ways that your data is abused. You can get mail, send text messages, and do anything that is browser-based. To be honest, there is nothing that I currently do in an app on my phone that I couldn't also do in a browser. One of the only reasons I might prefer some of my apps is they allow me to login more seamlessly with Face ID then a website does. Although, the difference in convenience is on the order of 30 seconds while I use face ID to retrieve a stored password. Ha ha.

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Never use biometrics as a password, they are at best a username because they are publicly available and difficult or impossible to change.

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I learned to despise Apple products back in grad school.

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Okay, what do you buy that ISN'T made in China?

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My Samsung Android phone is made in South Korea, a US ally.

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They're not all made in Korea, but I was surprised to discover that they recently shut down their last factory in China. Good for them!

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Mine is. It says so on the case. I am literally looking at it right now.

Others are made in Thailand, which I'm fine with.

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Or use DuckDuckGo on your Android phone?

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I use DuckDuckgo on my Android phone too. I NEVER use Google if I can avoid it.

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Only the duck for me - desktop, phone, ipad. I have been trying to convert others over but it's soooo hard.

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YES and AMEN!!!

Do not use Google or you get censored results. I am surprised you would trust them Alex.

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I think that he uses Google to show how information is censored. Since most people use Google (I think), then his search result example is what they will find.

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You are spot on. That is exactly Alex's point. I am surprised that so many people on this thread missed his point. His one and only point in this post is that Google suppresses search results. I agree with the comment above that it is hilarious to compare search results between Google and DuckDuckGo. You can almost find nothing on Google these days that is controversial. However, I will admit that I do occasionally use Google when what they call the most "relevant" results actually align with my needs. For example, finding a good tutorial on how to replace the hard drive in my computer.

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My friend told me about duckduckgo.com. - anything to get out of the Google Thought Police Machine. I am not stupid. I have a mind. I can think for myself. There is no place for Google in my world. It's a duckduckgo for me...

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It's actually much better results now. Google has fiddled around with their engine too much and is always putting the same "reliable sources" up top

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I have an Android, I just deleted Chrome and use DDG and Brave as my primary. Easy pesy.

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Off topic-can you recommend an alternative to gmail, google spreadsheets, google docs etc? 🙏🙏

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Reclaimthenet.org offers great suggestions on replacement apps which are secure, private, and/or anti-censorship (e.g., email, cloud storage, browsers, etc.).

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For docs and spreadsheets use LibreOffice

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Office 365? (I am not saying MSFT is un-evil, but MSFT is not GOOG

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I much prefer LibreOffice, less bells and whistles

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Google sheets/docs are though to replace. But email is easy, use your iCloud account to get an icould email address if you have an iPhone. It’s doesn’t require a subscription to anything and it’s ad free. The only issue is you’re limited to 5 GB of room, then you would need pay $10/yr for iCloud storage.

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Start mail.com and ProtonMail

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It’s startmail.com stupid phone changed it on me 😡

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DuckDuckGo is good for not tracking searches but the results have always been luke warm. Try Presearch who don't track, allow crypto earnings for folks into that & best of all their results are on target like Google circa 2005 https://www.presearch.io/

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Good to know! Thx. I use DuckDuckGo but never heard of Presearch before so I will check it out.

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I also hear the brave browser is good

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Color me shocked. This was always intended to be Rule by Press Release, it was never legal. The crime was perpetrated by the White House and MSM to coerce people into thinking this was a law. Unbelievable.

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pure mafia like coercion and fear propagation. How the puppet administration is not held to account is astonishing...

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And why thousands (or more) lawyers don't ban together to sue is beyond comprehension

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There's no money in it. :-p

They should ban together though and do something like go fund me. "Go sue them."

They could post the suits they are considering and based on donations prioritize the cases.

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Nah, they would be disbarred for solicitation.

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Couldn't they just have "their non attorney spokesperson" list the cases? I see 10 "were you or your loved ones..." commercials a day. If that's not solicitation I'm sure there is a way around a web site doing the same thing.

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Advertising a class action once it has been filed isn't the same as fishing for plaintiffs to assemble a class action. The idea about a "go sue them" site would amount to solicitation. It's like ambulance chasing taken to a higher level. Bar associations in any state I can think of would prohibit such a plan.

Sorry, but the idea is great as a joke among observers, but that's as far as it should go. Ask your own attorney, or a friend who practices law and see what they say.

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You'll get kicked off and fined heavily

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Unless you are eating or drinking

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The BEST explanation why they are forcing the mandates, Fauci, Bill Gates, NHI, CDC, and more are in Robert Kennedy 's new book, The Real Anthony Fauci, a must read. Keep it going Alex!

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Several reasons. 1) They were hoping the 9th. Circuit would get the case in the lottery, but instead it has gone to the infinitely more conservative 6th. Circuit. Continuing with what is basically contempt of court by telling companies to ignore the prior injunction was not going to go over well with that crew. 2) Republicans have the votes in Congress to force a vote under the Congressional Review Act. This is going to put moderate Democrats on the spot, and just like the Governor of Kansas a few are likely to decide they are not mandate fans and vote it out of existence. 3) Mandates appear to be polling very badly, and with Biden's numbers taking another hit in the most recent polls they've opted to not pour more gasoline on the dumpster fire. 4) Corporations can see that this thing is now unlikely to survive a court challenge and they don't want to be left hanging on the liability for having forced their employees to get jabbed. In essence their cover has been blown.

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The republicans in Congress can't count on their fellow party members for votes. There are always just enough defectors to hand the democrats what they want. I despise both parties.

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Nice summary. But it is too late for companies that implemented the mandates early right? They are now legally exposed for requiring an experimental medical treatment?

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I sure hope they are!

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GOP will do no such thing

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All 50 GOP Senators have signed onto the petition. I'm certainly no fan of McConnell but it appears he smells blood in the water here.

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The damage will be done long before the Biden Vaxdate is fully adjudicated.

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Just started reading book. Incestuous relationship between pharma and government regulators. He does blame republicans. I guess his opinion is that when budgets were cut by republicans for governmental agencies they hooked up with big pharma. So governmental agencies own many patents that they sell, while also being regulators. This is going to be a rough book. I do disagree with him about death counts by all countries. Recently Italy changed their death count by 95 percent. Did people die with virus, or because of virus? Most died of other causes while also having virus. Big difference. Why did agencies, hospitals lie? Payment. It is always about the money. It was always about pushing a vaccine. BTW, a google trend is “sudden death”. People are wondering why perfectly healthy people are up and dying.

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He also repeats the lie that Trump recommended bleach. But I can overlook stuff like that if his book wakes people up. I'm buying the book as Christmas gifts for my brainwashed family members.

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That whole bleach drinking b.s. is one of the primary tells I typically use in judging a person's gullibility for believing fake news and whether that person is interested in learning truth or not. I do struggle with Alex's belief in the whole "orange man bad" ruse.

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There's always things that a DieHard Conservative like myself will disagree with however the relationship between Gov. Agencies and Big Pharma is pitiful. All these agencies need to be revisited and/or terminated. Why they have a financial interest in any drug/vaccine/medicines is beyond me. When I saw the author I almost did not read it, glad I did.

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If he can get more dems to see what is going on then I can deal with him putting more blame on the right even when left and right are at fault. I think RFKjr is a hero!

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For the exact same reasons, the "injection" mandates need to be suspended for ALL business, federal of not! They ARE un-Constitutional period and that means for ALL citizens no matter who you work for!

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Executive Branch feds will be "disciplined" starting 23 November if EO 14043 doesn't get nuked. Many agencies will lose experienced, senior employees. But our director told us he is following "the law" and there is no discussion. He also told us the shots are "safe and effective" and "the best way out of the pandemic." Sure.

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Sorry to say this but your employer is a ignorant fool and a compliant tyrant and it's a good thing I don't work for that person, there would be major action against him/her!

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We have been exhorted by HR and ER and the Religious Affairs Office to be civil toward each other - the True Believers have been that vicious! Some demanded that those who aren't shot up should be housed together in the same offices or wear something that signifies their infidel status.

Yes, really.

If those who are eligible don't retire before "disciplinary actions are effected," we can't get the retirement flag and certificate, even those of us with over 40 years of honorable service. This is pure vindictiveness.

We assumed there would be mass religious exemption denials but maybe not. We heard yesterday that Big DoD "might give permission" for them to start accepting religious exemption requests today or tomorrow, they're still not sure.

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And as long as nobody fights against their evil and tyrant authorization, then it will never end. It just gives them more confidence to continue to destroy all who are standing their ground. That table needs to turn and fast!

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The Chamber told businesses to proceed. Might be shocking in normal times but not any longer.

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They think if they don’t report it, the masses don’t think it happened. Unfortunately, they’re mostly right 🤦‍♀️

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The grassroots dissemination of information is still very very strong in this country.I mean we all have our own networks so spread far and wide!

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My sister is a nurse. She is being to forced to get vaxed by Monday or will be fired. She will refuse.

They also sent her a letter saying if she talks about posts misinformation about the vaccine she can lose her nursing license.

America, the beautiful.

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She can let them know that she will pursue legal action if fired, and not just against the hospital but against the HR person, her boss... whoever is involved.

I think that at least one major hospital chain has had to back off the mandate(but I'm not sure of the legal details - it might just be that they're now allowing exemptions).

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I am still baffled. These jabs are not FDA approved, thus, still under EUA only. No one can be forced to take an experimental medication. BioNTech was the only part of Pfizer/BioNTech that got approval for Comirnaty, which is not available in this country. Can't people speak up and say they are not going to be a guinea pig for big pharma and the government?

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For that matter, no one can be forced to take even an FDA approved treatment of any kind. These are not vaccines, even when the definition is changed to make them seem to be.

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While I have been retired for several years, I am unpoisoned by this abortion-tainted concoction. I would have quit my job as an RN to be able to keep things right with God, but the more you learn about the mRna's, the more you realize how unsafe and ineffective they are. Pretty soon a weekly booster will be in the works. I have just purchased RFK's book on Fauci and am anxious to start it.

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Yes! we have to speak up by hitting corporations and govt officials where it hurts - lawsuits are expensive for them, and even if they win their insurance premiums go up.

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America, the land you should flee, the home of the depraved…

Been advising you folks for years now, you need to define evil, here’s mine:

relentless lying and soulless hypocrisy; causing harm destruction and death; showing no remorse for consequences caused; and finally, mocking and disdaining healthy accepted boundaries set by society for generations.

The left knows what they are, and they know that they aren’t going to be effectively and relentlessly reviewed, so, my analogy has been they are domestic violence perpetrators, they never give up once they tasted blood and seen pain, this is the left, and you are the victims…

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Establishment republicans are even worse because they pretend to offer an alternative, but they go along with the destruction as long as they benefit financially.

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Exactly, the Right/ conservatives are whores and cowards, you go to these conservative blog sites of late, and these people just want you to contribute so they can just bitch and moan on and on how life sucks, and keep giving them money and vote next year to make no change.

The left /Democrats, they are criminals cretins and scum, but, at the end of the day, the scum will shoot you in the face, the coward stabs you in the back.

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There are genuine good conservatives and people on the right, but it has a tiny representation in government that's completely demonized. Establishment republicans - RINOs are whores and cowards. Romney. Mitch. Cheney.

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I beg to differ: Cruz, Cotton, McCarthy in the House, live the Shakespeare theme of “full of sound and fury yet signify nothing!”

I am sick and tired of pompous ass charlatans telling us how the other side sucks, and then , crickets in action.

Deeds not words, folks, did you all FORGET Repugnocants had Congress from 2017-18 and NOTHING that benefitted the average American happened…

Oh yeah, most of you don’t give a shit, the Letter “R” was there…

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Weinstein is most correct with kayfabe. These are wrestling caricatures. They play up drama for the media, but the winners and losers are all known in advance. And the average American is the loser in anything they accomplish.

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I cannot understand the distain for McConnell. He is the reason Merrick Garland is not a Supreme. For that alone, I will forever thank him. He also got 200+ federal judges through. Imagine the federal courts without his efforts.

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Wow, what are you gonna say about Barrett and Kavanaugh, I’m sure the silence for hours to days after this comment will be grounds for showing, our leaders are clueless, it’s all popularity game, and, you aren’t with the “in” crowd.

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RINO leadership that went along with colossal election fraud, and doesn’t fight against covid tyranny like a significant part of the country desperately wants. RINOs including Mitch represent their portfolios, that’s it. They have as much contempt for working class Americans as the dems.

Agreed garland is awful. Doing amazing damage in the role he’s in though.

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So, not only are they violating her right to refuse a medical treatment that she doesn't want, but also her freedom of speech and thought? Yeppers, America is a grand place to live for sure!

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Seriously - it's a great place to live because she has the right to sue the hospital and the law is on her side (not all judges will be on her side, and not all juries! but at the very least she can make this very difficult for them). Some of these lawsuits have failed but the legal arguments are getting refined over time so people are actually in a better position to file suits now.

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Of course, there is no one talking about it. Just like no one will talk about how a person who is not vaccinated can improve their immune system to fight a virus that attacks it. I published a Blog about my “Unconventional Cancer Protocols”. Even though I am not vaccinated and have incurable bone marrow cancer and was supposed to die in 2018, I am still thriving. Without chemo! And my body just survived COVID. Who woulda thunk it? Here is my Blog I posted on Sunday, 11/15/21: https://drdanenberg.com/my-cancer-journey-another-bump-in-the-road/

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BTW, I was a dental assistant for 24 years. I loved my job for about the first 15, but became burned out as I went forward and became the one in our office that was in charge of keeping the office up to OSHA standards. They made my life a living hell, as no matter how well I kept all up to their standards, it was never good enough. I am positive that I helped create one of the most clean and healthy dental offices in the region and I finally threw my hands up in the air and walked away from it and never looked back, that was the best decision I ever made for my mental and emotional health regarding a job that was not worth the stress.

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You may be interested in the Blogs I have posted on my website about oral health, diet, and the gut. Here is a link to my Blog Page on my Website: https://drdanenberg.com/blog-page/

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Thank you for that, I am most interested! I also tapped on the "My Cancer Journey" as well AND subscribed to your website, I am looking forward to following you as we appear to be very like minded. Best regards!

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Wow, God bless you as he apparently appears to be doing. I too will NEVER take chemo or any manmade garbage that has become the conventional way to fight cancer if God forbid I ever get cancer. If I cannot fight it with homeopathic and nutritional means then I will just allow it to take me. I am not afraid of dying as there are far worse things than that, like living on your knees under a dictator!

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I think I saw one of your interviews. Did you talk with Shawn Baker before? Your a dentist, right? I apologize if I'm wrong but your name and story sounds familiar!

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Yes. I’m the one and only.

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Good to see you here. Btw it is 5pm in Scotland and I just finished eating a full fat Greek yogurt with a teaspoon of honey when I saw your comment pop up! Nice bit of serendipity

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I love it too. Check out my original Better Belly Blueprint Recipes on my website.

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Thank you so much for posting this, I can't wait to take a look at your blog. May you live a long life!

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Not really a surprise that MSM are lying sacks of crap controlled by CIA

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MSG please. Mainstream gatekeepers.

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Joseph, you are too kind. ;-)

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To put it mildly! :-)

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Epoch Times is another service I subscribe to with my wallet. They will tell the truth regardless of which side likes it or not. My employer (Fortune 100) has so far taken a very light approach and seems to be waiting for the dust to settle. Plus the union side of our business does not support the mandates. This could be interesting but if the courts do the right thing, maybe a non issue ... for now. FJB will try another work around I'm sure. They have millions to vax ahead of the next planned release and nothing will stop the grifter class from getting what they want. One way or another. Watch. Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist.

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They need a way to land the plane without admitting they're wrong and have been lying for 2 years.

Quietly, things will start to disappear from news cycles & they hope you won't notice.

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They will only test people with symptoms for Covid, they will lower the PCR level on the tests, they will report Covid as secondary on death certificates instead of first. And suddenly, no pandemic.

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Here in Australia they declare proudly that they run PCR at 40 cycles. The Premier of Queensland yesterday declared a state called "Extreme Emergency". The reason? There were *2* "positive" PCR tests.

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She is nuts. And 40 is too high. I don't trust PCR tests as-defined by corrupt or inept politicians.

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This is so true, they're so deep in the mud and need a way out.

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Exactly- perfectly stated

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Epoch Times reported it.

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I want to celebrate for you Americans right now but I also want to point something out.

Remember when everyone was freaked out in March 2020? One of the things that freaked people out the most was videos of Chinese people seeming fine then falling down dead - you were supposed to think "My God this virus is insane! Help!"

Those videos were obviously propaganda - maybe 100% fake but obviously nothing to do with the virus as those scenes weren't repeated in any other country.

How ironic then that since the rollout of the jabs we have had people crashing cars and dozens of sportstars falling down, sometimes even dying. There is also an explosion of "mysterious deaths"

At a town near me the body of a man has been found. He was out walking then for some reason died. Nobody knows what killed him.

But how crazy is it that we finally got the "people dropping down dead" only it wasn't from the virus but the fecking treatment!

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It's Adult SIDS that's all, it's not that weird.

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Sudden Instant Death Syndrome! Perfect acronym!

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Same is happening with young athletics.

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nope, there were a few 'drop dead' videos from italy and some in nyc. I was on a train that was stopped due to a suspected covid-related heart attack last year

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Alex, you're the best, but I got to ask you a serious question....

When you were employed at the NY Times were you aware of how utterly biased and corrupt the news media was back then? Yes, they've taken the corruption to a new level the last 5 years, but the news media being an out-and-out mouthpiece for the Democrat party has been a thing for 30-40 years now.

It would make a fascinating story to read what you thought about media corruption back in your NY Times days, and how you think about it now. Especially now that you are 'the enemy' of the people who used to employ you.

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Someone with the time and resources needs to keep a BIC (boycott, ignore & cancel) list of media, tech and corporations involved in the woke Great Reset... or else that are just prone to adopt the dishonest freedom-hating political news narrative. And then list the alternatives that real patriots should support.

And I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that we need a counter PR game against the individuals involved in this woke political game.

We live in a time where everyone is pursuing likes instead of doing the right things. The problem as I see it... there are not enough real patriots involved in the game of likes and dislikes.... and so it distorts the direction toward those that participate in the game... and they happen to be the most radical anti-American people. We need to humiliate and cancel them as they participate in the unjust humiliation and cancellation of others.

Now, please "like" my comment.

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It's breathtaking that Biden et al simply ignore matters they don't like.

CDC "rent moratorium" rescinded? Just ignore it, and the Supreme Court, too.

Millions of illegal immigrants crossing the border? Ignore it! ("The border is closed!" Huh?)

OSHA cannot legally require vaccines? Ignore it!

This is administrative gaslighting and the senile president is its front man.

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Not unbelievable at all when you understand who the media actually work for. Hint: it's not the truth or the people. https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/corporate-state-media-lies-and-propaganda

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Why unbelievable? I can point to dozens of relevant stories which have been studiously ignored by the media. They're the self-appointed gatekeepers, the propaganda arm for this administration and the administrative state. They get to define reality, not us, not science. Joy Behar stridently all but called Jedediah Bila a liar when she cited she is medically exempt from the vax and has several dr's on the record affirming same. Bila went on to cite that vax doesn't keep you from getting or transmitting COVID. Both true. And she was shouted down by Joy & Sunny like it was the Middle Ages and she was some blasphemer. My husband's employer - a Silicon Valley tech company -- is insisting on following the executive order to get around OSHA. Welcome to upside down world.

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Yes, let's stop calling them "media." Call them the MSG - mainstream gatekeepers.

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Yesterday Fauci redefined the medical term “endemic “ to “You don’t have to worry about the virus anymore and everyone has gotten the booster “ promising it will end in spring (like all seasonal viruses do) ,virus is already medically endemic and has been,the public was sold eliminating the virus totally.It’s up to individuals among here to push back and get more individuals to see the light now ,without some greater catastrophe ,no official word will come down to end this anytime soon.

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ha! well for once he's HALF right! it's endemic. take care of yourself if you get it. no shots or boosters needed unless you are very much at risk.

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And even IF you are very much at risk DO NOT take the injections, they WILL hasten you demise, I am sure of that!

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Googling "osha suspend mandate" resulted in about 5 fresh links with the decision right at the top. But then again my IP address is outside the US, so maybe results differ from within.

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However you also included the key word suspend. That is a significantly different search. If someone didn’t already know it had happened, and are just looking it up for possibly other reasons they likely wouldn’t include it.

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"osha mandate" returns a shorter list of relevant results but the top two still are about the suspension. Not trying to defend google, just sayin'....

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No need to wonder why the bogus media is failing to report this OSHA news bit as it would completely derail Brandons vaccine train. We been lied to since the beginning of this COVID shit show by the talking heads across the board. Fuck em' !

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I noticed that. You'd think Fox at least would be all over it. Maybe something else going on??

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Fox sucks too, all MSM outlets are worthless. Fox is just Libtard-lite.

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I respectively disagree. Some hosts are (Wallace) others not so much. We have lots of outlets to choose from, thankfully.

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The owners, directors and all of the executive level people are libtards. Fox has never been a conservative news outlet. None of the MSM is.

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Fox is controlled opposition. Fox s pushing the dictates, before OSHA, on it's own people.

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Another correct observation. Fox is among the worst since they pretend to by right of center. Can’t believe I didn’t see it until Nov 3 2020 when they called Arizona. Even every lefties fav statistician Nate Silver said AZ could not be called. Then notice how Fox blocked mentioning certain topics like the Soros or mass mail in ballet fraud. Newsmax is only slightly better.

We are on our own to find alternatives. Fortunately Alex’s followers seem to have a degree of critic thinking.

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Most say they are vaccinated but oppose mandates. Stuart Varney, Tucker, Greg Gutfeld. Neil cavuto is all in for vax, but he has multiple co-morbidities.

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You can't "oppose mandates" while simultaneously mandating your own employees comply.

Fox has a long history of running anchors that speak conservative language decently while having progressive, big government, limited liberty views. They're worse than nothing, because they take the attention and energy of those who would oppose the "left wing main stream" sources while doing nothing.

I can't find any reason to put Tucker on the soft or enemies list. I don't watch, but what I see I can't argue with. But Fox is so bad it still makes me suspect him! He's probably the only reason Fox has any credibility left for most people, and would have been better used under (if he had done and wanted do to it) a Trump cable network.

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At times I am frustrated with Fox but I just can't agree with your overall condemnation of the network. Remember "Fair and Balanced"? News is news, and should not be filtered by opinions. So I take daytime to stay on top of the news. Watch Tucker and Gutfeld for opinion. I find it curious that you don't watch Tucker but " suspect" him. we can agree to disagree about Fox.

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Daytime Fox is pretty much garbage.

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Which is why I don't tune in until The Five ;)

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I saw it on Fox Business earlier today.

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Maybe fox will cover it tonight, since it just came out this morning. I don't watch morning news but maybe tucker or ingraham will cover it?

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We'll see. This is all very interesting.

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The suspension can be picked up on DuckDuckGo but not on Google.

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Not surprising, but still wow.

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But of course! They want all the "plague rats" to hurry up and go get their jabs before the deadline so they can feel safe.

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They want everyone to get jabbed before the jabbed all start to die off and then will be impossible to enforce it any longer, or will it?????? (I am looking at Austria, Czech Republic, Germany etc)

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Alex got a world wide scoop!

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The last thing the MSM such as CNN or MSNBC will announce.

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Epoch Times is also reporting it!

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Epoch Times reports that today. I get their feed on my phone and just saw it

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Same here. They're quick and reliable.

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There are results, you just can’t use google to search it. It’s google that’s censoring the search.

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Pray for Kyle and the jurors to make the right decision. 🙏❤☝️🇺🇲

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It took a couple hours but most conservative sites are covering it. The Right Scoop, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Revolver News, etc. But Alex was the first. I always like to double check which I did after getting Alex's email. But I couldn't find it anywhere. Took a while for the other outlets to catch up. Good going Alex!

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People like CNN, Gupta and Chris Cuomo, have been force feeding tens of millions lies for the past 2 year with Covid-19 . Why would they change now?

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I have going to a Chiropractor (lifting 1 and 3 year old grandchildren at my age) who is very informed. No one in that office is vaccinated or wear masks. They are definitely within six feet of the patients as they put hands on to give adjustments. They refuse to get vaccinated and won't let their children get vaccinated. There are brave souls in our world!

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Since these vax have proven ineffective for preventing infection & spread of covid, mandates do nothing but cause continued economic damage & personal calamity under an authoritarian cloak disguised as public health.

Plus they are Constitutionally illegal.

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Alex, your post seems a bit misleading. As I read the OSHA statement, they have not suspended the mandate, merely its enforcement pending further notice. Meaning it will continue its way through the courts. Granted, that they acknowledge the court ruling is a positive development.

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The post says....

"OSHA has suspended activities related to the implementation and enforcement of the ETS pending future developments in the litigation." What about that is misleading?

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Joe Biden was one of those fooled. He thought that he could say something to the TV cameras and that was all it took to pass a law.

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Too bad individual corporations are doing the governments dirty work and mandating it themselves. I'm sure they'll receive a nice kickback for compliance.

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... no kickbacks, they're being threatened to comply

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Not all of them. Mine was on the bleeding edge and posted the mandate the day BEFORE Brandon made his original speech. There were high ups that had resigned out of the blue a month before that some of us thought was really strange timing and when we got the letter it all made sense.

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Alex… what does this mean for the CMS mandates? My husband is a physician and they are discussing letting him go. He is going to get a medical exemption but who knows if they will except it. How are we even having this discussion since the vaccines do not stop transmission?

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National Law Review covered it and it came up on Google. https://www.natlawreview.com/article/osha-suspends-emergency-temporary-standard-covid-19-vaccinations-and-testing

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Woops, read that as National Review, National Law Review. Yep.

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What Alex is talking about is OSHA suspending enforcement of it - NOT the ongoing court challenges....

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Oh! Gotcha!

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Lots of results with this search in DuckDuckGo: "osha mandate suspended"

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Brave browser and Brave search engine. DuckDuckGo is better than Google but still pretty woke.

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Why would someone who isn’t up to speed on what is going on include the word “suspended”? A non filtering search engine wouldn’t require that word for those to pull up. If you don’t know it happened and we’re not specifically looking to see if it was “suspended” you would likely not add that word.

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The search "OSHA mandate suspended" works for anyone who's heard rumors about the suspension or who is hoping for a suspension ~ and even a simple search on "OSHA Mandate" in DuckDuckGo brings up news of this decision

My point was simply that this news *is* accessible within (and not censored by) DDG.

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DuckDuckGo is the one to use.

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Bing is a much less censored and cultivated search engine.

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Potemkin Village Media.

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incredible news, even if it’s blacked out!

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Conservative news media / Corporate America and many Republication leaders were also always in favor of the mandates. And OSHA didn't put out this decision today (during Rittenhouse jury deliberations) by accident.

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Not all media...

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Ya this isn't biased. This is pure propaganda at this point. Media is complicit with the government. Not much different than communist or fascist country.

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Suggest that these people consider looking for new employment. The pendulum is swinging back and it is going to swing hard.

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I guess I have to Tweet it then 😂

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But ,but, but the CDC are all EXPERTS? Right?

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I have used Epoch Times as my browser's home page for over a year. Love it. I have used duckduckgo as my default search engine for at least 3 years. The duck returned dozens of OSHA news stories. I detest anything Google and go out of my way to avoid it.

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I just got an email from my state attorney generals office saying announcing the suspension of the OSHA vaxx mandate. 😊

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Epoch times was the only news outlet that I received a newsflash on. No to WSJ, NYT and CNN. The blackout seems to be accurate.

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Have you ever asked yourself why pharmaceutical companies advertise directly to consumers who can't walk into a pharmacy and buy their products? Are your doctors so incompetent that they need you to suggest drugs? Or do they want to sell sickness and control the media with their advertising dollars? The answer is obvious.

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