The little bird’s shameful NEW effort to prevent me from asking questions of Dr. Scott Gottlieb and others who pressed it to silence me last year continues. It too will fail, but for the moment Twitter has reattached the muzzle. I hope you will speak out, since I cannot.
Yes surely Alex your settlement agreement anticipated the possibility of future bad behavior by Twitter and gives you some mechanism for redress. Understand if you can't comment.
The settlement obviously changed nothing except getting him him and his blue checkmark back on Twitter. Hence the problem with settling. Still shouting into the void.
Answering your question is like reading tea leaves. While no one truly can explain what caused the differences, I can explain what did NOT cause the differences: mask use, mass testing, vaccines, and lockdowns.
I think a lot of us know enough to explain how corruption thats rotten to the core works and how liers figure and figures lie , especially when the liers still remain at the top of this pryamid we all seem to be contained in .
Mask use and vaccinations do not explain the difference. There's no empirical evidence that mask use works. Countries with high vaccination rates, on average, have worse covid outcomes than countries with low vaccination rates. When you get all of your information from CNN and MSNBC and the New York Times, you'll come up with the conclusions you came up with.
Masks do nothing, the jabs do nothing, but herd imunity works. And if there is such a thing as low information Trump voters it's because the low IQ media and demorats censor all the truth.
Viruses are essentially small particles. N95 masks filter out small particles, i.e. viruses, dust, odours... so these things are not ingested into our respiratory systems.
It's not hard to understand.
I will not read whatever reply you care to make. Not interested.
In theory masks work for he reasons you mentioned. In practice, there is no empirical evidence to show that mask mandates have worked. Just because it makes sense to you that masks work does make masks work. You know what also makes sense? Try this: Wearing a mask on your face all day is filthy and your wet mask over your mouth is a disgusting way to hold and breed viruses and germs on your face (as opposed to breathing them out and letting them die in the atmosphere). So I could make common sense arguments that your mask is making you sicker. But I won't do that. What's important is that the data on mask use comparing places with strict mask policies vs places with little or no mask policies shows no difference in covid outcomes at all. NONE. You of course don't want to read this because you're too busy regurgitating what you've heard on CNN, MSNBC, and other fake news mainstream media outlets. Best of luck wearing your filthy mask while I live my life mask and vaccine free.
And by the way, even if the masks did work to prevent the spread in the real world (instead of the theoretical fantasy land you laid out), covid is a minor threat to the vast majority of society. If you get covid, you're likely to have minor flu-like symptoms and recover. You really should consider taking the mask off because it's limiting oxygen to your brain and you aren't thinking straight.
If what you said was true, the poorest nations on earth would be the hardest hit with covid deaths. Spoiler alert: they aren't. Also, you lost all credibility when you mentioned "low information Trump voters." You've obviously been watching the mainstream media and you've bought into the narrative hook, line, and sinker. What you should be asking is why it's so important for fake news to make Trump supporters into angry white supremacists who are violent and don't care about spreading covid and want to overthrow the country. Meanwhile, BLM Democrats terrorized the entire nation for much of 2020 and they get a free pass. Ever considered that?
You got nothing after Sylvan laid it out ... The only thing you got right is Cheney is a POS ..but so is Biden .. Stinking rotten corruption is party blind .. hope you get your fcts straight and stop watching CNN please !
Hi Gene, (ha), as you know your comment is totally backwards and devoid of merit, but I'm sure Fauci and crew say thanks for being such a loyal (some might say obdurate and insensate), foot soldier for Big Pharma pushers making billions off these awful Covid vaccines. Anyhow, mind if I use the "thoughts" you laid out in your comment as a good example of how far a nation can be lead astray when an unquestioning ecclesiastical belief in Legacy Media and medical bureaucrats is the norm, especially when both have been caught in so many lies. Anyhow, at least Gene's comment is seen by critical thinkers as totally anachronistic, now that the facts and truth have poured out!!
The Third World is done with COVID already. The only place where endless variants and endless COVID hysteria keeps spreading is in the the over-civilized, over-vaxxed First World countries. And then there is China, which hosted the lab that created the menace in the first place...they are now over-compensating by implementing zero-COVID policies that continue to disrupt their society. In places like Nigeria, the pandemic is last year's news.
Now you have crossed the line . Go to hell with the rest of the demons you worship that want everyone in chains . I can't stand people like you who are DEAF , DUMB and BLIND to all the VAERS adversse and death stats and massive amount of " Sudden death " from those including CHILDREN & YOUNG ATHLETES and we all know they were all massively coersed , lied to and brain washed that they had to take at least 2-3 shots . You really are a demon if you dare to tell a parent what must go into their healthy child 's body , yet you are not allowed to know what is in the shot and it was never tested to see if it actually stopped the spread of transmission because as the Pzifer rep said they had to go to market faster then the speed of the market demanding it ? Do people like you actually swallow that garbage answer ? Desantis is demanding actual PROOF and answers beyond lies and false data and claims , because the little greedy big pharma piqggies went to market because they got a " No liability " pass and all the donkeys and cattle gobbled up the piggies mytocarditis inducing goodies .. NO THANK YOU ... No pigs going to tell me what i do with my body and no spirit cooking , pedophile demons either ... Go get your facts straight and your head out of anderson cooper and don lemons fake ass's
LOL .. some of YOU are still invoking Trump into this ? Mr. Warp speed ? That makes about as much sense as the rest of your factless rant ..Keep getting your shots buddy .. can you see the forest for the trees ... Im sure Biden will get you there ... All things are not equal , but thanks for your participation and consent , apparently you still dont know , but you are the only real experiment now that is real and really matters ..
I hear you ... but I wont enjoy it as much as thank Jesus he blessed me with the ability to see through the beyond Biblical satanic deception that I never imagined i would ever live to see
I’m wondering where all these stats are. For sure the Cares Act influences how deaths are recorded since hospitals continue to get paid that way. This surely influences accuracy in reporting. No matter where. Many questions need to be asked regarding all cause death rates as well.
Yes. Virus gonna virus. No porous mask mandate, leaky vaccine mandate, hilarious social-distance mandate, or stay-home-stay-safe mandate will command any obedience from a virus.
Since you requested a theory...if the Cuomo policy of sending COVID patients to nursing homes resulted in very high death rates in 2020, wouldn't there have been a reduced population of vulnerable elderly left to face the Delta surge in NY? The same concept would apply now.
In 2020, the 7 out of 8 states with the highest death rates were all Democrat strongholds (MA, IL, NY, CA, and the like). Despite all the masking and vaccine requirements, these states have done no better than FL or TX with relatively lax masking and vaccine requirements (or no requirement). And no, NY does not have a higher number of nursing home patients than FL. Your data is obviously poorly sourced. Fact is, any differences between the states has nothing to do with vaxx, mask, mass testing, or lockdown differences. The differences have to do with age, obesity rates, and general health.
Are you referring to the originally reported NY nursing home data which omitted nursing home patients that died after being hospitalized, a different methodology than the other states used? Also, you referenced Boston, and Massachusetts was at or near the top nursing home death rate.
Florida has no shortage of seniors and greedy dr's ones and so many of the sheeple still all line up to take what CNN and other media keep telling them to take along with Fauci and the FDA ... the brotherhood has done a bang up master manipulation job , including as we should all know by now still constantly contributing to the massive psych op propelling the mostly older population to continue to think they need to get their multiple shots ... not to mention the fraudulent Dr's still using fraudulent PCR tests and what not to claim COVID and blame COVID on more deaths when they need to ...
That's right, the PCR test is fraudulent and produces a ton of false positives. No one speaks about this. The false positive rate can be 98% of all positives when you test large swaths of healthy society. The replication rate of 35x+ is far too high to produce a reliable result. And, when someone tests positive and dies, covid is the presumptive killer -- even if the person died of cancer, heart disease, car accident, etc.
My child is a university athlete who was greatly discriminated against for not getting the vax. It is ridiculous how universities got away with mandating this experiment on young healthy individuals. We’ve seen an increase in athletes with myocarditis. Do you think the public will ever hear about it?? All those responsible for uninformed consent coercion should be jailed.
Good for your child. Mine also got exemption but got bullied about it. The public will figure it out if this winter is bad with Covid variants and the vaxxed are the only ones in the hospital. Some day there will be crimes against humanity trials.
No, the public will not hear about it but doing the right thing is a better life lesson for your child than getting vindicated with the university. Your child now knows that you are a strong parent with conviction that's unwilling to follow the herd. Sometimes making the right choice is costly but your integrity is more important. It may not seem fair right now but God will sort it out for you and your child... eventually.
I’m happy about the way my child stood up to this and did not cave. This will be empowering in the future if someone tries to take away his freedom again. However for all of us parents who went through this with kids in college at some of these most vax crazy colleges it was horrible and we will not forget what they did to our kids and the kids they forced the poison on.
I agree and Im from Canada where Trudeau is the best example of a great country going into the tiolet because he is a Tyrant censoring lier who pulled the wool over everyones eyes and bought off the media to do so . A shout out to all the brainless CNN soccer Tic Toc moms who voted hTrudevil in because of his hair and his Inverted lefty double talk BS . Trudeau is the Prince & darling of Natzi Klaus Scwabs New World Economic Forumn Order . The elites are the 1% and we are the 99 % and they want the 1% demon wordhippers like Bill Gates of Hell to use their filthy rotten money to shape shift our reality to any way their money can manipulate it . Their goal is a patent on all our lives . Wake up because Thats the truth and if people have not figured it out yet -iI wonder if they ever will ?
A lot of the public is hearing the truth but not enough of them because the majority are happy to be cattle sitting in front of their " boob Tube " and worshipping " personalities/actors " like Anderson Cooper who masquarades as an authentic journalist , but hes really just a well connected schill like the majority of them are , and hes happy to deliver their version of the truth / a script . The trade off is he makes 20-40 million a year delivering this crap , all dressed up to look like the reality of what is really going on in the world ... When you are ready to see the reality you will .
Got it. Thank you. Trump made a terrible mistake by bringing in all of these insiders. His first rule should have been, nobody that has ever worked in the US Government or a government contractor gets a job.
Fast forward to 2022 - A Pfizer executive just admitted the company didn't even test the Covid vaccine to see if it prevented transmission of the virus. Scandalous and criminal! You were right when you wrote that tweet that got you banned initially. Keep up the fight, Alex.
Absolutely - but let's not absolve the US federal government from pressuring pharma to rush the gene therapy treatments to market for which Trump has to take some responsibility for.
I think Trump was victim of his own ego and desire to do something great in an election year. Operation warp speed ended up leading this country into a downward spiral of mandates, job losses and devastated families. The approval process for new drugs has been forever altered with very little safe guards left intact. I like him, and think he was a great president, but he has to shoulder some of the blame. Prep act is inflicting insult to injury and there is no recourse for families who lost everything because of the vaccine. Operation Warp speed was a disaster!
I agree completely!! If he doesn’t take this opportunity to humble himself (will never happen) and steer the ship away from BigPharma, he won’t be the next presidential candidate. DeSantis will be. Because he (DeSantis) was against lockdowns,masks, mandates and allowed his attorney general admit the jab is bad for the young. DeSantis stuck with truth. Now it’s Trump’s turn. I hope he will man up.
Desantis has more common sense, genuineness , humility , down to earth humanity, reason , Family man sensibility , sanity, balls of steel , way less womanizing skirt chasing ways , No elite Epstein , Ghislaine , Lucky larry Silverstein sketchy demonic amigos then Trump could ever hope to expian away .. and most of all Desantis has 2 little innocent kids who can't make him look bad , a cancer fighting wife ( just 1 hes still with ) & she seems to have some real substance .. Any intuitive decent person can see if they cared to look long enough , that Desantis is fighting tooth and nail for the future of his kids and his family .. I also dont see all the bad baggage and fake showman Hollywood theatrics and skeletons of the TRUMP family ... Lets hope it stays that way -time will tell .. But I dont think DESANTIS could ever compare to TRUMP"S Elite Linage ... The left HATES DESANTIS because he's the real deal ... at least he is now .. Hope he manages to stay alive and not be bought off -almost impossible to do these days if you make it to the top .. God Bless him and protect him and his family . Those who are sane , good intentioned and with common sense Know his value right now .
Trump sure did ! A lot of his early support came from people who simply saw the much lesser of the 2 evils . Killery and Pedo Joe ? Gees we were really digging hard for gold at the bottom of the swamp ... Sorry but Desantis makes Trump look like the Warped Speed joke he has ultimately was bound to become
Trump wont because hes too loyal and his loyally isnt to you and me .. its to the people who stoof by him and helped him acheive the wealth and power he likely sold his sould for .. I know Trumpsters dont want to hear this .. sorry
Trump put too much faith in the "experts" of Fauci, Wallensky, Birx, and the CDC. The real problem with Trump that caused his loss (besides election fraud) is that most Americans don't like a fighter who's willing to be mean and throw punches. Americans like nice people, even if they are a supreme loser and compulsive liar like Biden. I want my president to be tough and sometimes that means being mean. Also, who knew that Pfizer and Moderna with the help of the NIH and the FDA were approving medicines that in fact were not safe and not effective? After seeing what happened over the last 2 years, I've lost faith in the CDC, NIH, FDA, and the entire medical bureaucracy.
Agree with 95 % of what you have said and then some .. but dont be fooled by Trump .. hes no saviour and hes out for himself big time first and foremost ,. He knows the swamp well but isnt at the bottom of it like Biden and Killery .. Lets hope we have some better options soon ...
Trump was a victim of the people at the top who were his biggest supportrs and they also happen to be funding and making money off this great deception .. Im not a big fan of Trump but I'd take him any day over Biden .. it probably doesnt matter though in the long run .. The people behind the curtain who are really controlling this world and the puppets who make it to be president , have really mastered the fine art of deception and how to control the public .. So sad most people still havent figured out the Real TRUTH behind The Kennedy Assasinations or 9/11 and the majority probably never will .. now COVID .. Deception is unfortunately what seems to rule our earth .. there is a reason the Bible says Satan is the prince of earth and he has lots of soldiers making the world go round to the beat of his drum .. PharmaKeia is indeed the dark arts sorcery of our time and the world is under its spell . We have been warned a long time ago . Hope Jesus comes soon or people smarten up ... Both -this is getting intolerable
Exactly .. Pfizer's CEO Bourla didnt even have the guts to appear before the commitee who had every right to ask him in person , "did it actually stop tramsmission and was it tested to stop transmission ? " ... Bourla is one crafty MF alright , he knew better then to capture himself on Video admitting the macabe and disgusting reality of this massive COVID LIE ... so he sent a minion instead and she answered & admitted it on tape for the world to see that "NO there was no data or proof to show that it actually stopped transmission, because they had no time to do any testing , they had to go at the " Speed of Science " to get it to MARKET WTF ?? So the media doesnt play this admission in its entirety , just like it doesnt for any Really telling moments on the sick twisted reality of death and despair this Covid Vax has caused .. Bourla escaped that admission on tape and most people apparently can't put 2 and 2 together about Pzifers World Record making 2.3 Billion in fines Criminal history .. same with all the rap sheets of the Big Pharma Criminals ...its so demoniec .. people are too busy living in disney land believing Biden & Gates disgusting lies ... The decption and mind control is beyond biblical
Your post back then was revealing what fauci, biden and others now say as fact. Censorship does not belong in the USA. This country was founded on freedom of speech and other inalienable rights
I suspect he knows he was directly involved in getting you booted, that's why he immediately deflected to the "physical threats" excuse ... and CNBC jumped to the "wild conspiracy" accusation ... if what you said was inciting a physical threat, then we've lost our 1A right to free expression.
It’s interesting how new variants spontaneously pop up after a massive roll out failure
First roll out failed blamed ( or invented )delta
Second roll out( mandates) failed -blamed omnicrom
New booster is failing and Gottlieb was. Just talking about the the néw variant popping up the other day
Can anyone logically please explain when and how these vaccines ever worked that’s proven ??? They started to make weird graphs in the hospitals last year showing the deaths ratios - but then Abruptly stopped when hospital staff started calling bs on those graphs
The vaccines seem ilks utter failures -but when they’re dangerous on top of it it’s a crime to humanity
So much garbage that hides as Science. No one is going to believe any Science. Wish you could write about the Tedros interview.....He didn't even take the First Jab!!!!! Wonder if Scott took the First Jab??? Probably NOT!!!!
True. We can’t discount that healthcare workers aren’t all coerced. Some believe the lie and go along. Sadly. Hospitals have turned into killing fields. I don’t trust the current health system.
Tons are speaking out and Gottlieb is shutting off replies and blocking people left and right. Same with those who are sharing his nonsense. We got your back, Alex.
Alex Berenson tells RFK, Jr.: ‘I Can Now Bring a Claim Directly Against the White House’
In a recent episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson discussed his big legal win in his lawsuit against Twitter and why he’s now in a good position to sue the White House for censoring him for asking questions about COVID-19 vaccines."
Gottlieb is a pussy. Blocked me on twatter because I asked him what the forensic accounting investigations are going to show on how much he and others profited from the pandemic. Oh, also asked what the current IFR is for Covid vs. Influenza. Absolute bush league pussy stuff. Doesn't surprise me that he "reported" you.
Actually, I did yesterday, and I'm not even a subscriber since I cannot afford to be as they destroyed my livelyhood. But I never saw or identified "physical violence" in your posts. Gosh, how ridiculous this gets by the day.
I want to know if Fauci or any US government employee has received any emolument from Pfizer, Moderna or J & J. Fauci won't answer and the companies will only divulge this under threat of government audit. Senator Rand Paul asked him and Fauci dodged the question.
You are about the only resource I could rely on to keep me from falling on the path of so many others.
I have always thought for myself; but your truthful data bolstered my position and I was able to withstand the tsunami of ill deserved shame.
I did get COVID last month and when I was tested I questioned having to go up so far in the nasal cavity and the clinician responded that I was correct.. the virus could have been found in all nasal secretions and gently swabbing alone provided enough to test.
Another shameful and uncomfortable sham.
Go with your gut and do not burn up time and energy pursuing folly to “show them.”
If I could say this privately I would but I am on no platforms….you are handsome inside and out and you need not do anything to any part of yourself hair or otherwise to “look better.”
I wonder if former FDA Commissioner David Kessler had anything to do with it. His actions on unproven claims about silicone breast implants, which turned out to be false, led to the bankruptcy of Dow Corning. He sought to gain control over dietary, supplements, take some off the market, limit the amounts, and limit freedom of speech regarding their benefits. He was tapped by the Biden administration up to scale up the Covid vaccine manufacturing process. He did a few good things like is anti-tobacco actions, and taking J&J to task for, he claimed, illegally recommending a drug for children's when it wasn't tested for them--where is he now with the vaccines and boosters in that regard? He recently became a board member of a pharmaceutical company.
Amazing that these 'twits' won't dialogue with a man of exceptional common sense and studied research, but rather chose only to seek more money and greater power from sheep in their flock!
Anybody can look around them and see that the Covid shots are not vaccines in the sense that we’re taught in our culture. Vaccines PREVENT the illness for which they were designed: The polio vaccine kept people from getting polio, the pertussis/whooping cough …, tetanus …. Diphtheria… This is why we got our kids vaccinated, so THEY WOULD NOT GET THE DISEASE AT ALL.
I got covid shortly after my covid shot and so did most of my friends. The shot never kept us from getting covid as a vaccine would.
Alex Berenson didn’t write anything I and my friends didn’t already know. And we certainly don’t appreciate that the arrogant people at Twitter think we’re dumb. I closed my account at Twitter long ago because arrogance like theirs is the food and drink of greed—the real disease.
By the way - it’s @jlawrencenc - sorry for the mistake.
Has Twitter violated the terms of your settlement?
My thoughts exactly
Yes surely Alex your settlement agreement anticipated the possibility of future bad behavior by Twitter and gives you some mechanism for redress. Understand if you can't comment.
The settlement obviously changed nothing except getting him him and his blue checkmark back on Twitter. Hence the problem with settling. Still shouting into the void.
Answering your question is like reading tea leaves. While no one truly can explain what caused the differences, I can explain what did NOT cause the differences: mask use, mass testing, vaccines, and lockdowns.
I think a lot of us know enough to explain how corruption thats rotten to the core works and how liers figure and figures lie , especially when the liers still remain at the top of this pryamid we all seem to be contained in .
Mask use and vaccinations do not explain the difference. There's no empirical evidence that mask use works. Countries with high vaccination rates, on average, have worse covid outcomes than countries with low vaccination rates. When you get all of your information from CNN and MSNBC and the New York Times, you'll come up with the conclusions you came up with.
Masks do nothing, the jabs do nothing, but herd imunity works. And if there is such a thing as low information Trump voters it's because the low IQ media and demorats censor all the truth.
Viruses are essentially small particles. N95 masks filter out small particles, i.e. viruses, dust, odours... so these things are not ingested into our respiratory systems.
It's not hard to understand.
I will not read whatever reply you care to make. Not interested.
In theory masks work for he reasons you mentioned. In practice, there is no empirical evidence to show that mask mandates have worked. Just because it makes sense to you that masks work does make masks work. You know what also makes sense? Try this: Wearing a mask on your face all day is filthy and your wet mask over your mouth is a disgusting way to hold and breed viruses and germs on your face (as opposed to breathing them out and letting them die in the atmosphere). So I could make common sense arguments that your mask is making you sicker. But I won't do that. What's important is that the data on mask use comparing places with strict mask policies vs places with little or no mask policies shows no difference in covid outcomes at all. NONE. You of course don't want to read this because you're too busy regurgitating what you've heard on CNN, MSNBC, and other fake news mainstream media outlets. Best of luck wearing your filthy mask while I live my life mask and vaccine free.
And by the way, even if the masks did work to prevent the spread in the real world (instead of the theoretical fantasy land you laid out), covid is a minor threat to the vast majority of society. If you get covid, you're likely to have minor flu-like symptoms and recover. You really should consider taking the mask off because it's limiting oxygen to your brain and you aren't thinking straight.
Ok when you deal with low information TTDS idiots then one needs to respond in kind. You have no brain retard!!!!
If what you said was true, the poorest nations on earth would be the hardest hit with covid deaths. Spoiler alert: they aren't. Also, you lost all credibility when you mentioned "low information Trump voters." You've obviously been watching the mainstream media and you've bought into the narrative hook, line, and sinker. What you should be asking is why it's so important for fake news to make Trump supporters into angry white supremacists who are violent and don't care about spreading covid and want to overthrow the country. Meanwhile, BLM Democrats terrorized the entire nation for much of 2020 and they get a free pass. Ever considered that?
You got nothing after Sylvan laid it out ... The only thing you got right is Cheney is a POS ..but so is Biden .. Stinking rotten corruption is party blind .. hope you get your fcts straight and stop watching CNN please !
Hi Gene, (ha), as you know your comment is totally backwards and devoid of merit, but I'm sure Fauci and crew say thanks for being such a loyal (some might say obdurate and insensate), foot soldier for Big Pharma pushers making billions off these awful Covid vaccines. Anyhow, mind if I use the "thoughts" you laid out in your comment as a good example of how far a nation can be lead astray when an unquestioning ecclesiastical belief in Legacy Media and medical bureaucrats is the norm, especially when both have been caught in so many lies. Anyhow, at least Gene's comment is seen by critical thinkers as totally anachronistic, now that the facts and truth have poured out!!
The Third World is done with COVID already. The only place where endless variants and endless COVID hysteria keeps spreading is in the the over-civilized, over-vaxxed First World countries. And then there is China, which hosted the lab that created the menace in the first place...they are now over-compensating by implementing zero-COVID policies that continue to disrupt their society. In places like Nigeria, the pandemic is last year's news.
Gene. You’re hopeless. Bless your heart.
You've drank way too much of the Kool Aid. I hope you steer clear of cults because those groups like to ensnare weak minded people.
better you spend your time praising Allah -then spreading this hotbed of lies
Now you have crossed the line . Go to hell with the rest of the demons you worship that want everyone in chains . I can't stand people like you who are DEAF , DUMB and BLIND to all the VAERS adversse and death stats and massive amount of " Sudden death " from those including CHILDREN & YOUNG ATHLETES and we all know they were all massively coersed , lied to and brain washed that they had to take at least 2-3 shots . You really are a demon if you dare to tell a parent what must go into their healthy child 's body , yet you are not allowed to know what is in the shot and it was never tested to see if it actually stopped the spread of transmission because as the Pzifer rep said they had to go to market faster then the speed of the market demanding it ? Do people like you actually swallow that garbage answer ? Desantis is demanding actual PROOF and answers beyond lies and false data and claims , because the little greedy big pharma piqggies went to market because they got a " No liability " pass and all the donkeys and cattle gobbled up the piggies mytocarditis inducing goodies .. NO THANK YOU ... No pigs going to tell me what i do with my body and no spirit cooking , pedophile demons either ... Go get your facts straight and your head out of anderson cooper and don lemons fake ass's
LOL .. some of YOU are still invoking Trump into this ? Mr. Warp speed ? That makes about as much sense as the rest of your factless rant ..Keep getting your shots buddy .. can you see the forest for the trees ... Im sure Biden will get you there ... All things are not equal , but thanks for your participation and consent , apparently you still dont know , but you are the only real experiment now that is real and really matters ..
I'm actually going to enjoy seeing these people with VAIDS.
I hear you ... but I wont enjoy it as much as thank Jesus he blessed me with the ability to see through the beyond Biblical satanic deception that I never imagined i would ever live to see
I’m wondering where all these stats are. For sure the Cares Act influences how deaths are recorded since hospitals continue to get paid that way. This surely influences accuracy in reporting. No matter where. Many questions need to be asked regarding all cause death rates as well.
Seasonality. Old news. We have different climates in different regions. Remember?
Yes. Virus gonna virus. No porous mask mandate, leaky vaccine mandate, hilarious social-distance mandate, or stay-home-stay-safe mandate will command any obedience from a virus.
Since you requested a theory...if the Cuomo policy of sending COVID patients to nursing homes resulted in very high death rates in 2020, wouldn't there have been a reduced population of vulnerable elderly left to face the Delta surge in NY? The same concept would apply now.
In 2020, the 7 out of 8 states with the highest death rates were all Democrat strongholds (MA, IL, NY, CA, and the like). Despite all the masking and vaccine requirements, these states have done no better than FL or TX with relatively lax masking and vaccine requirements (or no requirement). And no, NY does not have a higher number of nursing home patients than FL. Your data is obviously poorly sourced. Fact is, any differences between the states has nothing to do with vaxx, mask, mass testing, or lockdown differences. The differences have to do with age, obesity rates, and general health.
Are you referring to the originally reported NY nursing home data which omitted nursing home patients that died after being hospitalized, a different methodology than the other states used? Also, you referenced Boston, and Massachusetts was at or near the top nursing home death rate.
Just looked up stats and death rate in FL and NY are exactly the same. .3%
Florida has no shortage of seniors and greedy dr's ones and so many of the sheeple still all line up to take what CNN and other media keep telling them to take along with Fauci and the FDA ... the brotherhood has done a bang up master manipulation job , including as we should all know by now still constantly contributing to the massive psych op propelling the mostly older population to continue to think they need to get their multiple shots ... not to mention the fraudulent Dr's still using fraudulent PCR tests and what not to claim COVID and blame COVID on more deaths when they need to ...
That's right, the PCR test is fraudulent and produces a ton of false positives. No one speaks about this. The false positive rate can be 98% of all positives when you test large swaths of healthy society. The replication rate of 35x+ is far too high to produce a reliable result. And, when someone tests positive and dies, covid is the presumptive killer -- even if the person died of cancer, heart disease, car accident, etc.
Age and seasonality. NY is younger, but they catch up to FL every winter due to seasonality. Based on age, NY should have lower deaths.
Gottlieb is scared. He's made millions of dollars off taxpayers in the most corrupt, evil scam in modern history.
We need redistribution of his ill gotten wealth.
Firstly, for the families of the victims of the "vaccine" he shilled for knowing full well it was dangerous and deadly...
I hope someone sues him...takes all his money...and he ends up living in a cardboard box under a bridge.
...with Fauci.
But not in Los Angeles. I believe all of those overpasses are already taken.
Two rats.
Lol good one Kathleen Janoski and into the Raritan River by his hometown of East Brunswick, New Jersey.
I hope it is one of Jersey's toxic waste dumps.
Pretty darn close….
I used to live in Jersey.
What exit? 105 Garden State Parkway
From exit 9 Turnpike .. raised there .
I agree, however there’s one word in your comment I’d remove.
And we need to out his business partners who sit on university boards that mandate the shot.
My child is a university athlete who was greatly discriminated against for not getting the vax. It is ridiculous how universities got away with mandating this experiment on young healthy individuals. We’ve seen an increase in athletes with myocarditis. Do you think the public will ever hear about it?? All those responsible for uninformed consent coercion should be jailed.
Good for your child. Mine also got exemption but got bullied about it. The public will figure it out if this winter is bad with Covid variants and the vaxxed are the only ones in the hospital. Some day there will be crimes against humanity trials.
No, the public will not hear about it but doing the right thing is a better life lesson for your child than getting vindicated with the university. Your child now knows that you are a strong parent with conviction that's unwilling to follow the herd. Sometimes making the right choice is costly but your integrity is more important. It may not seem fair right now but God will sort it out for you and your child... eventually.
I’m happy about the way my child stood up to this and did not cave. This will be empowering in the future if someone tries to take away his freedom again. However for all of us parents who went through this with kids in college at some of these most vax crazy colleges it was horrible and we will not forget what they did to our kids and the kids they forced the poison on.
I agree and Im from Canada where Trudeau is the best example of a great country going into the tiolet because he is a Tyrant censoring lier who pulled the wool over everyones eyes and bought off the media to do so . A shout out to all the brainless CNN soccer Tic Toc moms who voted hTrudevil in because of his hair and his Inverted lefty double talk BS . Trudeau is the Prince & darling of Natzi Klaus Scwabs New World Economic Forumn Order . The elites are the 1% and we are the 99 % and they want the 1% demon wordhippers like Bill Gates of Hell to use their filthy rotten money to shape shift our reality to any way their money can manipulate it . Their goal is a patent on all our lives . Wake up because Thats the truth and if people have not figured it out yet -iI wonder if they ever will ?
A lot of the public is hearing the truth but not enough of them because the majority are happy to be cattle sitting in front of their " boob Tube " and worshipping " personalities/actors " like Anderson Cooper who masquarades as an authentic journalist , but hes really just a well connected schill like the majority of them are , and hes happy to deliver their version of the truth / a script . The trade off is he makes 20-40 million a year delivering this crap , all dressed up to look like the reality of what is really going on in the world ... When you are ready to see the reality you will .
I'd settle for recompense. In the ancient traditional meaning.
How did he make millions?
I am not doubting, just want the info. Thanks.
2017 article - Gottlieb was paid millions by health care industry.
Wonder if it was a hit piece because he was a Trump nomination?
Now he is a sacred cow in the Biden regime.
Got it. Thank you. Trump made a terrible mistake by bringing in all of these insiders. His first rule should have been, nobody that has ever worked in the US Government or a government contractor gets a job.
I doubt it was a mistake .. there are no coincidences .. Trump is just another pawn in this game and Trump goes where his backers tell him to go
Fast forward to 2022 - A Pfizer executive just admitted the company didn't even test the Covid vaccine to see if it prevented transmission of the virus. Scandalous and criminal! You were right when you wrote that tweet that got you banned initially. Keep up the fight, Alex.
Absolutely - but let's not absolve the US federal government from pressuring pharma to rush the gene therapy treatments to market for which Trump has to take some responsibility for.
I think Trump was victim of his own ego and desire to do something great in an election year. Operation warp speed ended up leading this country into a downward spiral of mandates, job losses and devastated families. The approval process for new drugs has been forever altered with very little safe guards left intact. I like him, and think he was a great president, but he has to shoulder some of the blame. Prep act is inflicting insult to injury and there is no recourse for families who lost everything because of the vaccine. Operation Warp speed was a disaster!
All he has to do is put out a one sentence statement: "I was lied to by Fauci, Birx, and Collins."
He is being pig headed not disavowing the covid death shots.
Someone should smack some sense into him.
I agree completely!! If he doesn’t take this opportunity to humble himself (will never happen) and steer the ship away from BigPharma, he won’t be the next presidential candidate. DeSantis will be. Because he (DeSantis) was against lockdowns,masks, mandates and allowed his attorney general admit the jab is bad for the young. DeSantis stuck with truth. Now it’s Trump’s turn. I hope he will man up.
Desantis has more common sense, genuineness , humility , down to earth humanity, reason , Family man sensibility , sanity, balls of steel , way less womanizing skirt chasing ways , No elite Epstein , Ghislaine , Lucky larry Silverstein sketchy demonic amigos then Trump could ever hope to expian away .. and most of all Desantis has 2 little innocent kids who can't make him look bad , a cancer fighting wife ( just 1 hes still with ) & she seems to have some real substance .. Any intuitive decent person can see if they cared to look long enough , that Desantis is fighting tooth and nail for the future of his kids and his family .. I also dont see all the bad baggage and fake showman Hollywood theatrics and skeletons of the TRUMP family ... Lets hope it stays that way -time will tell .. But I dont think DESANTIS could ever compare to TRUMP"S Elite Linage ... The left HATES DESANTIS because he's the real deal ... at least he is now .. Hope he manages to stay alive and not be bought off -almost impossible to do these days if you make it to the top .. God Bless him and protect him and his family . Those who are sane , good intentioned and with common sense Know his value right now .
I think he has missed his window of opportunity to diss the covid death shots.
Trump sure did ! A lot of his early support came from people who simply saw the much lesser of the 2 evils . Killery and Pedo Joe ? Gees we were really digging hard for gold at the bottom of the swamp ... Sorry but Desantis makes Trump look like the Warped Speed joke he has ultimately was bound to become
Trump wont because hes too loyal and his loyally isnt to you and me .. its to the people who stoof by him and helped him acheive the wealth and power he likely sold his sould for .. I know Trumpsters dont want to hear this .. sorry
Trump put too much faith in the "experts" of Fauci, Wallensky, Birx, and the CDC. The real problem with Trump that caused his loss (besides election fraud) is that most Americans don't like a fighter who's willing to be mean and throw punches. Americans like nice people, even if they are a supreme loser and compulsive liar like Biden. I want my president to be tough and sometimes that means being mean. Also, who knew that Pfizer and Moderna with the help of the NIH and the FDA were approving medicines that in fact were not safe and not effective? After seeing what happened over the last 2 years, I've lost faith in the CDC, NIH, FDA, and the entire medical bureaucracy.
Agree with 95 % of what you have said and then some .. but dont be fooled by Trump .. hes no saviour and hes out for himself big time first and foremost ,. He knows the swamp well but isnt at the bottom of it like Biden and Killery .. Lets hope we have some better options soon ...
Agee - I have called it operation warped values from the beginning.
Trump was a victim of the people at the top who were his biggest supportrs and they also happen to be funding and making money off this great deception .. Im not a big fan of Trump but I'd take him any day over Biden .. it probably doesnt matter though in the long run .. The people behind the curtain who are really controlling this world and the puppets who make it to be president , have really mastered the fine art of deception and how to control the public .. So sad most people still havent figured out the Real TRUTH behind The Kennedy Assasinations or 9/11 and the majority probably never will .. now COVID .. Deception is unfortunately what seems to rule our earth .. there is a reason the Bible says Satan is the prince of earth and he has lots of soldiers making the world go round to the beat of his drum .. PharmaKeia is indeed the dark arts sorcery of our time and the world is under its spell . We have been warned a long time ago . Hope Jesus comes soon or people smarten up ... Both -this is getting intolerable
Exactly .. Pfizer's CEO Bourla didnt even have the guts to appear before the commitee who had every right to ask him in person , "did it actually stop tramsmission and was it tested to stop transmission ? " ... Bourla is one crafty MF alright , he knew better then to capture himself on Video admitting the macabe and disgusting reality of this massive COVID LIE ... so he sent a minion instead and she answered & admitted it on tape for the world to see that "NO there was no data or proof to show that it actually stopped transmission, because they had no time to do any testing , they had to go at the " Speed of Science " to get it to MARKET WTF ?? So the media doesnt play this admission in its entirety , just like it doesnt for any Really telling moments on the sick twisted reality of death and despair this Covid Vax has caused .. Bourla escaped that admission on tape and most people apparently can't put 2 and 2 together about Pzifers World Record making 2.3 Billion in fines Criminal history .. same with all the rap sheets of the Big Pharma Criminals ...its so demoniec .. people are too busy living in disney land believing Biden & Gates disgusting lies ... The decption and mind control is beyond biblical
Gottlieb is a classic, despicable swamp creature.
He is a lying pig.
I was gonna say he's a minion, but being blunt fits as well 😄
out of a mold
smells an awful lot like fascist insider trading
Semi or full blown fascist?
"mostly peaceful"
Debate him before you sue him. Please, that would be great. Show on MSNBC, Fox, heck, all who would watch it!!!
Scott Gott-lies would flee debate because he's afraid of the truth, which is why all he's Gott are lies.
Gottlieb is afraid once the wheels fall off his cash cow (Pfizer) his bank account will suffer. Hence the very false accusation of violence from Alex.
Arrogant, over-educated, entitled f’ing bureaucrat. This guy won’t last on Pfizer board once this gets more broadly exposed.
Scott Gottlieb's Twitter account only allows replies from "People @ScottGottliebMD follows or mentioned."
Sheer cowardice on display.
Because he has been bombarded with negative comments the last few days. I was blocked by him within seconds of posting my comment.
Aww, poor baby.
Your post back then was revealing what fauci, biden and others now say as fact. Censorship does not belong in the USA. This country was founded on freedom of speech and other inalienable rights
That Gottlieb looks like a guy who makes his wife alphabetize their canned goods. Time to ruffle his feathers.
I suspect he knows he was directly involved in getting you booted, that's why he immediately deflected to the "physical threats" excuse ... and CNBC jumped to the "wild conspiracy" accusation ... if what you said was inciting a physical threat, then we've lost our 1A right to free expression.
We lost that months ago.
It’s interesting how new variants spontaneously pop up after a massive roll out failure
First roll out failed blamed ( or invented )delta
Second roll out( mandates) failed -blamed omnicrom
New booster is failing and Gottlieb was. Just talking about the the néw variant popping up the other day
Can anyone logically please explain when and how these vaccines ever worked that’s proven ??? They started to make weird graphs in the hospitals last year showing the deaths ratios - but then Abruptly stopped when hospital staff started calling bs on those graphs
The vaccines seem ilks utter failures -but when they’re dangerous on top of it it’s a crime to humanity
Unfortunately, there's a good chance that leaky vaccines select precisely for variants that can evade them.
When the final push comes, Big pHarma will throw the Scott Gottliebs of the world under the bus.
He will be offered up as cannon fodder.
So much garbage that hides as Science. No one is going to believe any Science. Wish you could write about the Tedros interview.....He didn't even take the First Jab!!!!! Wonder if Scott took the First Jab??? Probably NOT!!!!
None of them took it...all received saline.
I keep waiting for some whistleblower , maybe a nurse, to come forward if people were actually getting saline.
The nurses and doctors were the ones in Nazi Germany who started the killings of the disabled, the elderly, and the mentally challenged.
The nurses are just as bad as the doctors who lied.
True. We can’t discount that healthcare workers aren’t all coerced. Some believe the lie and go along. Sadly. Hospitals have turned into killing fields. I don’t trust the current health system.
But why would any medical professional intentionally lie about the safety or efficacy of the shots???
Because the medical establishment will remove their license as they did with Dr Paul Thomas if they try to expose the truth.
I really admire Dr. Paul Thomas.
Because they are evil murderous human beings.
Exactly, all bad acting.
I think they got the real thing because I think they actually believe in it. Only God can remove the scales from their eyes.
No way did they get the real thing...they know it is a covid death shot.
Now if some of them start dropping dead from heart attack or stroke, I will change my opinion.
Sure Scott Gotti she Took the Jab right in the Gazooch !
I can’t because I’m permabanned for telling some male that he will never be a woman no matter how much eyeliner he smears on
Reality is verboten on Twitter.
Tons are speaking out and Gottlieb is shutting off replies and blocking people left and right. Same with those who are sharing his nonsense. We got your back, Alex.
Time to refile that lawsuit you never should have settled...
The only threat for the Rooster is that he is busted as Bernie Madoff and his bank account is going faster than the next mNRA shot being taken.
Sorry, Pal. I got out of the Twitter sewage years ago, and I ain’t going back.
"10/14/22 COVID
Alex Berenson tells RFK, Jr.: ‘I Can Now Bring a Claim Directly Against the White House’
In a recent episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson discussed his big legal win in his lawsuit against Twitter and why he’s now in a good position to sue the White House for censoring him for asking questions about COVID-19 vaccines."
Gottlieb is a pussy. Blocked me on twatter because I asked him what the forensic accounting investigations are going to show on how much he and others profited from the pandemic. Oh, also asked what the current IFR is for Covid vs. Influenza. Absolute bush league pussy stuff. Doesn't surprise me that he "reported" you.
Actually, I did yesterday, and I'm not even a subscriber since I cannot afford to be as they destroyed my livelyhood. But I never saw or identified "physical violence" in your posts. Gosh, how ridiculous this gets by the day.
The ironic thing is that Gottleib has become a household name due to his efforts at censorship.
But terrorists usually have that problem, their own devices blowing up in their faces…
He is the new Jussie Smollett.
Just say you have been "Gottliebed."
History has shown that when one approaches the target, one needs to expect fire.
When will you be released from Twitmo? Have the overlords informed you?
It's never-ending. Truly shameful. No threat at all.
I want to know if Fauci or any US government employee has received any emolument from Pfizer, Moderna or J & J. Fauci won't answer and the companies will only divulge this under threat of government audit. Senator Rand Paul asked him and Fauci dodged the question.
Maybe it's just me but I have seen too many young men dying of heart attacks, lately.
My son is suffering from long covid. He had the shots and covid after each shot.
There are too many unanswered questions. I doubt we will ever get answers or punishment for those who lied to this country.
We are facing a vicious totalitarian regime not seen since the Nazis and Communists.
Scott. Maybe you're reading this. You're a shill, coward and a rat.
I bet Gottlieb, the rat, is keeping an eye on everything Alex writes.
Go after Gottlieb's license to practice medicine, as well as his attempts to censor you. He is clearly not competent at either.
You are about the only resource I could rely on to keep me from falling on the path of so many others.
I have always thought for myself; but your truthful data bolstered my position and I was able to withstand the tsunami of ill deserved shame.
I did get COVID last month and when I was tested I questioned having to go up so far in the nasal cavity and the clinician responded that I was correct.. the virus could have been found in all nasal secretions and gently swabbing alone provided enough to test.
Another shameful and uncomfortable sham.
Go with your gut and do not burn up time and energy pursuing folly to “show them.”
If I could say this privately I would but I am on no platforms….you are handsome inside and out and you need not do anything to any part of yourself hair or otherwise to “look better.”
Exceedingly grateful for all you are and do.
How do you know you really had covid? The PCR tests are run at too high a cycle threshold...on purpose.
You can make a pineapple test positive.
Sorry dude, I bailed on twitter a while ago. But I will tell the friends I have left, after deciding to dodge the vax
I wonder if former FDA Commissioner David Kessler had anything to do with it. His actions on unproven claims about silicone breast implants, which turned out to be false, led to the bankruptcy of Dow Corning. He sought to gain control over dietary, supplements, take some off the market, limit the amounts, and limit freedom of speech regarding their benefits. He was tapped by the Biden administration up to scale up the Covid vaccine manufacturing process. He did a few good things like is anti-tobacco actions, and taking J&J to task for, he claimed, illegally recommending a drug for children's when it wasn't tested for them--where is he now with the vaccines and boosters in that regard? He recently became a board member of a pharmaceutical company.
Maybe make a law against ANY government employee using the revolving doors.
Can’t be CDC director then go on Pfizer’s board. Can’t be a General then work with Raytheon then become Secretary of Defense like Austin.
Pick your job. Then once you get that government check, no more musical chairs.
Another bureaucrat exposed as a dishonest shill for the pharma industry, big government and public health apparatus.
Go ahead, Gottlieb. Keep shooting off your mouth. Dig yourself into a deeper hole.
I’ve been permanently banned for my conservative opinions-I live vicariously through you all!
I would but I’m permanently suspended from Twitter for criticising the “vaccines”.
Ah, a breach of the settlement agreement perhaps? Those do not usually end well for the breaching party.
The irony being that Gottlieb translates to “ love for God”.....
Should be "love of money."
That would Geldlieb 😉
Doesn’t your ‘settlement agreement’ give you legal ability to stop this behavior?
Would, if I could. But the leftist Twitter corrupts permanently suspended me for calling Whitmer, a witch. “Witch,” she is. So, sorry.
I got kicked off twitter three times....yep I made new email addresses and kept trying. Guess they didn’t like what I had to say!
On top of your legal fight with Scott Gott-lies, some suggestions on possible legal approaches for vaccine victims:
Keep up the pressure on them Alex!
Amazing that these 'twits' won't dialogue with a man of exceptional common sense and studied research, but rather chose only to seek more money and greater power from sheep in their flock!
When will you be released from Twitmo? Have the overlords informed you?
Anybody can look around them and see that the Covid shots are not vaccines in the sense that we’re taught in our culture. Vaccines PREVENT the illness for which they were designed: The polio vaccine kept people from getting polio, the pertussis/whooping cough …, tetanus …. Diphtheria… This is why we got our kids vaccinated, so THEY WOULD NOT GET THE DISEASE AT ALL.
I got covid shortly after my covid shot and so did most of my friends. The shot never kept us from getting covid as a vaccine would.
Alex Berenson didn’t write anything I and my friends didn’t already know. And we certainly don’t appreciate that the arrogant people at Twitter think we’re dumb. I closed my account at Twitter long ago because arrogance like theirs is the food and drink of greed—the real disease.
I hope you sue all these guys into oblivion.