Trust “the science”, or else...

Alex you’re going against “the science” and now you’ve been labeled a terrorist. Here is why:

The First Amendment is prime directive order 1 because it is the most important freedom we have for the same reason it is the first thing an adversary subverts, disrupts, and destroys during a crime, a war, or a takeover

Which is what is occurring right now all across the world.

The Second Amendment is second because it is the remedy for anyone trying to subvert the First.

The fog of this war is purposefully thick - a massive labyrinth filled with wrong turns, dead ends, and paths to nowhere. Here is how they are doing this:


"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

-Ronald Reagan

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022

Forgive the length of this. There was no pandemic- there was mass murder.

Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering scheme in the history of this country.

They mandated the use of remdesivir in combination with dexamethasone which killed off hundreds of thousands of "Covid" (rebranded flu and bacterial pneumonia) patients. In May 2020 they added vancomycin to the toxic cocktail. A total assault to the kidneys.

Number one issue right now that needs to be highlighted is that THERE WAS NO PANDEMIC - THERE WAS MASS MURDER.

All of this was (and much much more) done to create the mass hysteria event in order to hide the massive economic collapse of 2019 and hide the $13 trillion (so far) worth of bailouts AND to jump start the Pharma bio-security system as THE new economic driver in a bankrupt system.

Here is an addition to your excellent article:

The average age of a death by or with "Covid-19" is higher than life expectancy in all Western countries. No other figure even need be known to understand the "pandemic" (business model) is a fraud and a giant Ponzi scheme.

The fact that there is no such thing as a "Covid death" is another minor problem here as SARSCoV2 itself is a computer generated fiction.

In the US the "Covid death" number is cooked/manipulated due to how the CDC does their accounting as well as many other factors- an audit of the CDC mortality numbers themselves is required.

1) The first thing that must be addressed is "who were these people?" The average age of a "Covid death" is 80 in the US and 82 globally w/4 comorbidities on average. The vast majority of these people were from nursing homes, assisted living, hospice etc. Where did the vast majority of initial "Covid deaths" occur? Here in the US (and everywhere in the West- Milan, Madrid, London, Brussels, Montreal, Toronto, etc.) most, if not all, who died from "Covid" already had one foot in the grave and their death was put on fast forward through medical protocols not an anomalous viral event.

What we had here in the US was a radical and mandatory shift in policies relating to hospitals, care homes and the overall social order. These new "policies" were mandated through various new and aberrant state "guidelines" which resulted in a concentrated death rate for a six week period in March/April. Take that out of the equation and there is no death rate to talk about. Put (or keep) these policies in place and we will have this happen every year.

There was also gross negligence (beyond the usual) in numerous nursing homes that led to abandonment and medication alterations that turned these slow motion abattoirs into death houses. One of the remarkable things of note is that here in the US the "pandemic" was not widespread (which is supposed to be one of the defining features of a pandemic) but was in fact limited to very specific locations;

2) The faulty diagnosis of what is a "Covid death" did they die "with" or "from" Covid which is problematic for several reasons. In many cases an actual test was never done only a "presumed to be Covid" assessment was put forth. Add to this that when the tests were done PCR tests done with faulty specs (gene sequencing, cycle thresholds, annealing problems, faulty primers and so forth) were used. PCR can't diagnose anything in the first place and compounded with these problems they are useless and misleading;

3) No autopsies. Why were no autopsies done in the US? Why did they pass new mandates that halted all autopsies for "Covid deaths?" This went against decades long protocol. They also changed decades old protocol on how death certificates should be filed;

4) Another way they inflated death counts was through hospital admissions and faulty PCR testing. So for example if one came in with a coronary condition you would be given a "Covid test" no matter what- all admissions required this- and then if you died while in the hospital you could have been listed as a "Covid death." This happened frequently throughout the year;

5) Home deaths is yet another way that figures were cooked. This was admitted point blank by Stephanie Buehle (NY Dept. of Health spokesperson) among others who stated that home deaths with no testing at all would be presumed "Covid deaths." This "guideline" was mandated through the NY Health Dept;

6) "Covid death counts were forged- CDC instructed officials to certify any death as "caused by" COVID if the decedent tested positive prior to passing or was suspected of having "C19", even if it wasn't the actual cause of death. Thus we have major misattribution. E.g., we have over 14,000 injury deaths listed in the "C19 death" total.

We also unexplained declines in other common death categories because so many have been attributed to "C19." The unprecedented broad definition of "C19" death has created huge fraud in "Covid death" counts;

7) Another way they inflated death counts was through hospital admissions and faulty PCR testing. This caused a huge spike in iatrogenic deaths caused by misattribution of "Covid" to incoming patients and the ensuing improper treatments applied e.g. ventilators, remdesivir and associated fentanyl dosages which killed thousands.

So for example if one came in with a coronary condition you would be given a "Covid test" no matter what- all admissions required this- and then if you died while in the hospital you could have been listed as a "Covid death." This happened frequently through the year.

The practice of PCR-testing hospital admissions who are asymptomatic for Covid using high Ct values undoubtedly caused deaths and unnecessary suffering.

This matters for several reasons. A pneumonia patient e.g. has a very good chance of surviving with correct support. However, if the patient tests ‘+’ for the non-existent pathogen an entirely different medical protocol goes into action and with this and there is little chance of survival.

The 'diagnosis' of "Covid" effectively permits dangerous protocols to be enacted that then increase the chance of mortality.

With regard to adoption of a new RT-PCR protocol for hospital admissions this also falsely manufactured death statistics for "Covid." Add to this how it was incentivized-$$$$$ while hospitals are under extreme financial duress. The US hospital system had it's worst financial quarter on record in the middle of a "pandemic." Administrators were under pressure to alleviate that financial pain and exploit all openings in the CARES Act.

None of this is accidental.

8) Lockdown impacts- too numerous to cite here.

In short whatever "excess deaths" which may have occurred anywhere can be attributed to people who didn't have to die but were KILLED due to the unnecessary use of ventilators, harsh toxic drugs, people dying prematurely do to lack of medical treatment, ill effects from the lockdowns and so on.

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Going forward, predicting a marked increase in the use of natural remedies, home health, and focus on wellness. Anything to stay out of a hospital and away from establishment doctors.

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Crack pipe joey looking good. Medical science died in 1986 when Congress granted big pharma immunity from vaccine damages. Since then, it has continued to go downhill and the fake pandemic is further proof. 90% of what passes for science is nothing other than adulterated and propagandized socialist agenda cow flop. I will never trust anyone saying "trust the science"...they are smoking a joey autographed crack pipe.

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The only thing I trust is the economics. I wonder if those truckers realize how much power they have?

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The Atlantic, Feb. 9, 2022: "Open Everything – The time to end pandemic restrictions is now."


Man, if these purveyors of hatchet jobs have come around, you know it's bad.

The Atlantic, April 1, 2021. The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man – In a crowded field of wrongness, one person stands out: Alex Berenson.


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Biden is no more than a figurehead for a darker agenda that cares not about polls or public impression. Just listen to Jen Psack-of-shiti talk every day and how she shamelessly twists anything and everything to support the hard left agenda in play. There is nothing real about any major DNC talking point. Everything is a trojan horse to cover up an engineered economic collapse and re-write the global playbook. Digital currency, social credit (control) scoring, voting law changes to guarantee perpetual DNC control, gun confiscation, constitutional rights abolished and global management of everything. Watch the mid-terms. The left is already teeing up election integrity claims by any means possible. I predict a constitutional crisis within the next 12 months followed by martial law then rolling implementation of the points noted above. Watch. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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Trust the LIEnce

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In the democRat war room; they are not talking about turning things around for YOU... they are talking about turning things around for THEM!!!

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I can't wait for November. I'm guessing I'm not alone. Obama lost 60 seats in his by-election. I'm guessing this mid-term election will set a new record. 29 house Dems have decided to retire. I suspect there will be more. Because - mandates and the other Pandemic terror campaigns are just that popular.

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Italy, France, Germany, Austria still not really moving. I think the global elites are focusing on these bigger European countries, trying to keep them in line. And a few smaller ones (Luxembourg, Netherlands) won't move because of that.

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January Annual Inflation at 7.5 %! Another reason to deflect from the Virus.

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Alex - agree with others - no X-axis with dates. That would be helpful before I share with my liberal family members.

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My most joyous articles are documenting The Great Backpedal.

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I am not able to like anyone's comments currently. Is that happening to anyone else?

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So expected wasn't it. Notice how much of MSM using the typical shift narrative trying to take credit and not admitting total miss in all they have reported for past 2 years. Pretty surreal the sheer lack of humility and conscience. And so it goes...all expected shift in narrative

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Long memories people! Long memories. Do not allow these people to gaslight you. Don't play into the partisan politics either. They're all complicit.

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Normally they dem's would not be worried as they could fix the votes, but they cheated so badly last time, that will never be allowed to happen again. Hence a load of Dem senators leaving. They know their cheating ways will not work.

The economy has tanked and the Dem's did it intentionally without a care for the people. They got the back handers and big Pharma bribes and they posted the disgraceful budget which will come back to their pockets by the back door. AKA Hunder Biden, Polosi kids.

But this time the success who voted for Biden will not do it a gain and they just will not be able to make up the cheering with dead voters and fake, and fake votes.

The writings on the wall.

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Alex, your input on the Fox story heart issues and being infected with the ro. They did not distinguish between vaccinated and not. What day you?

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From NZ politician Winston Peters:

We were told to get vaccinated once, then twice, and now three times – and we have done that. So why still is Labour persisting with these crushing, inconsistent, and thoughtless mandates that only serve to attack kiwi’s freedoms, businesses, and livelihoods?

It is clear that Omicron is much more virulent but much less dangerous – this is a fact. The so-called expert modelling has been so far off – to a factor of tens – that we have had enough. Huge swaths of ordinary kiwis have already made their minds up - they will no longer scan, they will no longer test.

The removal of freedoms and the forced compliance of a great number of kiwis, has served only to create a huge divide in our country. It’s now them and us. Whether Labour knew it would happen and took the risk anyway or whether they still just don’t accept it, the reality is that the often contradictory, inconsistent, and nonsensical nature of the mandates they have imposed are the sole cause of the protests we are now seeing.

Let’s be clear, the vast majority of those protesters are not violent anti-vaxers – they are pro-freedom. They are ordinary fed-up kiwis like me and you. New Zealand was built upon the sacrifices of our forebears who fought and died for the very freedoms these protesters are trying to hold on to. It is any wonder there is a large number, a silent majority, of kiwis who have grown frustrated.

There are many countries around the world that are starting to say that mandates are no longer justified – the reality is they are right. The Prime Minister has been forced to say that it is only a matter of time before these mandates go. It now seems that time will be when it suits the Labour party, not the people. The problem is for too many it will then be too late.

The unavoidable fact is that if Labour was properly prepared, didn’t delay, exhibited a little less hubris, and didn’t show extreme inexcusable incompetence, we wouldn’t be in this position in the first place.

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Dramatic vitamin D vs getting ill from COVID out of Israel. Summary: Those with sufficient D have 10x lower risk of death vs those with low levels.


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I appreciate Alex posting this.

My otherwise very wonderful but unfortunately very woke adult kids, late 30's, still think I'm weird or a closet alt-right person, etc., because I am not happy with Biden's performance as President. Obviously, many, many, Americans of all political persuasions feel this way. I'm an Independent, always was, originally from NYC area, many family still there. My 90ish liberal, registered Democrat aunt is even very upset with the Biden admin now. Last NY lunacy per wise aunt...Democrat governor of NY, Kathy Hochul just removed indoor mask mandates, BUT, BUT, is STILL forcing masks on school kids. Even she realizes how harmful and backwards this is.

Here in my county in NC, there is still a mask mandate. There are constant PSA's urging parents to vaccinate older school children, and "reassurance" that a vaccine will soon be available for the youngest. In addition, Mandy Cohen, our (very visible during COVID, like Rachel Walensky) NC DHHS secretary, has just announced her resignation to go to a prestigious job in private healthcare. She is saying that as COVID will soon be endemic, it is time for her to move forward. I think she is getting out before the outrage starts.

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I had no real objection to the initial 2 weeks to flatten the curve thing since nobody really knew what was happening. Sure, let's take a couple weeks and figure this out. But then, when Fauci backtracked on masks, changing the position of the "science" from masks don't work to that they work with zero new science supporting such a change, I knew this entire thing was going straight political and nothing coming from the government agencies could be trusted. The rejection of natural immunity made the politicized response as opposed to actual health and science based incontrovertible. Every single thing about this pandemic has been corrupted by the politics and it has been obvious since pretty much April of 2020 that it would only end when or if the politics of the responses became an obvious liability.

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well, this is obviously why the WH and the left has decided to change the narrative. We know it, they know it, but their followers (that 40%?) are just latched on like a parasite, so they will never ever look around.

That said...., I do not know why they are so worried about mid-terms. They have gerrymandered so many areas, and they are good at deflecting, in face, very good at side tracking and distracting, Look what the media has been pointing to, and harping every day. Certainly not the real facts, just their own "propaganda and newsspeak"

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Taking care of Patients should never be about Politics. Fauci and Collins are trying to end debate and have a one size fits all Policies and take away our individual freedoms.

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Putting how serious this is aside, Alex, I appreciate your sense of humor! I am a paid subscriber and I love these emails! Keep up the serious work while making us laugh every now and then.

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Operation Memory Hole is now in full swing. Winston Smith would be in his element, for all our government institutions are now Ministries of Truth.

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Go into a store, every item has a price tag. We don't have to go to the counter and ask, "Can I buy this?"

Leave the "Subscribe now" button in place. For the unforeseeable future, too.

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Wait, but your logic isn’t accurate. Trump had record high approval yet somehow lost?

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Red wave incoming

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Supoena power runs both ways? Do the Republicans know this? They don't act like it, don't press for enforcement, and did squat to investigate RUSSIA!

It's "Democrat," NOT "Democratic."

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Follow Rasmussenreports.com. Rasmussen has been the most accurate pollster in recent elections. Today Biden has a 40% approval and 58% disapproval among likely voters. Even more telling he has a 22% strong approval and a 47% strong disapproval for a -25% strongly disapprove margin. Even these polls are most likely skewed toward his favor because people give answers they think the pollsters want when talking to someone they don't know because they they don't want to be abused by someone showing up on their front lawn. But inside the voting booth things are different. Now wonder the Dems are in disarray and scrambling.

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This reminds me of the riots in 2020. Democrats had no problem with the violence until it affected their poll numbers.

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The RCP poll is vastly overstating the approval for Traitor Joe as it contains ridiculously bad pro-Democrat polls which are heavily tilted. (Go with People's Pundit and Trafalgar to get accurate polling.)

With today's understated inflation news, the economic impact is now being sharply felt and Americans will finally learn sadly, the hard way. "make sure you save all those memos about how you decided to equate free speech with terrorism, mmmkay?" I laughed hard at this, maybe it's the "mmmkay."

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Isn't funny how - suddenly - the science has changed and those governors running for re-election are doing away with mask mandates ... of course, all blue states because red states did away with them long ago.

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The hypocrisy is hilarious and tragic; how many innocent people had to die because of the media’s, the political elites’ and the washington swamp dwellers’ political game!! And how many will die in the future due to their malfeasance!

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I already have my copy of Pandemia, so I missed out on getting a signed one. :(

I suppose I could buy a spare copy & give the non-signed one away. Ya think the local library would put it on the shelves? Hahaa! Maybe in a decade....

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Hi Alex, just got suspended from NextDoor neighborhood app for citing a study from your book on masking. Ok,.. I might have posted a few but the lady asked me for science! Thanks for writing that book btw. I fought pot shops in our small-ish town outside Seattle, Federal Way, and WON!! With the help of your other book. “Tell your children”. I told the whole town. 😂😂💕 Thank you! Keep writing! ( I just looked for you on Twitter, I should’ve known?!!). I’m a warrior! ✌🏼🇺🇸🌈

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Trust the political science.

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Alex, you get the most engagement on comments that I've ever seen on my subscribed Substacks (and I subscribe to several big names.) You are really making a tremendous impact. Thank you for the excellent data and analysis and for risking so much to bring us the truth.

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I agree that the above data would mean a power shift at next election. That being said, I know how you feel about the "stolen election", but in addition to voter fraud, there were so many changes to the voter rules in the courts in early 2020 we should all be very concerned that the same will happen again in 2022. If no one is willing to address the election fraud from 2020 we're in for the same thing in this year's elections.

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022

Hate to say it but I thought the people saying my governor of PA meeting with soros before covid hit were crazy, that they were tinfoil hat wearers. Sounds about right now

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Thank you for allowing me to comment.

That said, gaslighting and projection should be rejected so voraciously, the accusers either flee or attack, and if the latter, drive the assailant’s nasal bone into their cerebellum…

Time to reclaim our lives or just lie down and wait for large tires or tank treads to ride over cowering bodies and crush into unrecognizable body parts…

It is where we are, if a coherent society.

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But.. Science is always changing... Bahahahaha - BTW also had lunch with my friend the pediatrician yesterday. I asked him about the speech developmental delays that are starting to show up for 3-4 year olds. He went on a tirade about masking children under 12 being not supported by the science. Told me the AAP (Amer Academy of Pediatrics) removed the developmental milestone information on speech said they were "redesigning their website" Also told me it is hard as physician now to recommend anything the CDC supports.

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So has anyone read up on what happens to you if the government brands you a Domestic Terrorist? They do this so they can use "other law" already on the books and side step constitutional protections. But I don't know details

My concern is they are quietly tagging people as Domestic Terrorist and the only thing that will happen is their votes will be nulled in federal elections. They won't even know until it's too late to do anything about it.

This current advisory expires in June, but that's plenty of time to work in permanent changes.

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Who are the 40% with tertiary syphilis?

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Yup, there's going to be a lot of lost cell phones and tablets.

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You mean made up science... This is like the HIV scam part 2... Diagnostics determine you have "it" the treatments kill you and then they blame the "virus"


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Commiefornia has most of the dishonest and corrupt politicians in the US. Nothing is going to change here.

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